BDO | My Thoughts About Valkyrie Changes - Deep Analysis | Quick Guide |
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Channel: Quendya
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Keywords: bdo, blackdesert, black, desert, tier, list, tierlist, class, update, money, per, hour, silver, balance, all, pvp, pve, 워리어, 소서러, 레인저, 자이언트, 금수랑, 무사, 매화, 발키리, 위자드, 위치, 닌자, 쿠노이치, 다크나이트, 격투가, 미스틱, 란, 아처, 샤이, 가디언, 하사신, 노바, 세이지, 커세어, 드라카니아, 우사, 매구, Warrior, Sorceress, Ranger, Berserker, Tamer, Musa, Maehwa, Valkyrie, Wizard, Witch, Ninja, Kunoichi, Dark Knight, Striker, Mystic, Lahn, Archer, Shai, Guardian, Hashashin, Nova, Sage, Corsair, Drakania, Maegu, Woosa, caphras, witch, token, guide, rehber, aktarım, uyanış, gyfin, 가이핀, blackstar, awakening, succession, dokkebi, mmorpg
Id: sSk99t0fnOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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