BDO - Awakening Valkyrie Detailed Guide All N One

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[Music] hello guys welcome to my channel i hope everything is okay in your life in this video i will try to teach you what i know about awakening walker in the fastest and most detailed way if you haven't watched the succession video on the channel please watch all of it and then start this video because i explained the skills in general through awakening and as you know we also use pre-awakening skills while playing awakening to learn prairie akining skills mechanics you should definitely watch succession guide video you will not find a detailed explanation of the use of these skills in this video even though i tried to keep it short when i could the video was too long i understand you want short videos and you want to learn almost everything quickly and try you should definitely stop at this point this class you want to try and play is much more complicated and difficult than other classes it has advantages as well as disadvantages when you look at the classes that have come out recently you may feel like an idiot in this class when you examine the other classes you can find unconditional damage and play style but in this class everything is interconnected and you realize that you cannot do what you want without one i have to make these explanations up front so that you know how complex things you are dealing with as you try out what you will watch later awakening has more unprotected ccs than succession and also has more unprotected mobility the good side is that it has a very high burst damage power and more comfortably and freely in mobility even if unprotected of course this is not about moving forward by throwing the mobility elements we know straight into dash we provide its movements with some basic cancels in the movement section that you can find speaking of movements i see that awakening valkyrie is used a lot in one shot type spots in these days it offers a compostable grind opportunity due to damage it causes to the environments as a result of the space rmb is still cancelling each other of course in this video we will not trace such as silly and easy things and say ah what a beautiful plus we have this glass is an fps bound plus unfortunately it is not possible to play this glass with the fps value of 100 or less many of old classes have this situation and unfortunately there is no solution you can try it of course i'm not in the mood to interfere with you but when you watch the videos of the glass masters you will understand what i mean more clearly when you see that you cannot do the movements they have done or skill cancers while in pvp or pve the awakening vulture plus has a lot of potential and you will have to study for a long time to unlock it compared to the nib classes that have been released lately it's very very detailed unfortunately the simple questions you asked me and other players whom we can call the classmasters during their streams or through different channels may not have simple answers for example the frequent question i get lately is what is your pv combo or what is your pv address and etc this class has no proper pve combo or fixed pvados at least i'm not playing with this fixed race and i recommend you say almost all of the valkyrie videos i've shot recently were shot with awakening wolverine for your sake i have only one request from you please go to the arena and try everything you see while watching this video on dummies then watch the spot review videos on the channel and you will understand how different things can be done for each spot do not forget to watch the awakening walkie 1v1 combos video that i prepared for you before all combos are set according to c0s it contains combos from easy to difficult after this long explanation i'll leave you with the tutorial part of the video in the first part you will find detailed explanations about skills and then movements cancels and some other tricks preparing these and similar contents takes so much longer than you think please don't forget to like the video you watch subscribe to the channel turn on the notification bell share the video on your discord and come to my twitch live stream when you feel free do not forget video is just a game have a nice game enjoy watching alright let's start with pray awake i already talked about prayer kit all skills i explained one by one in my succession video please check that video you need to understand how these skills works because we will use some of them while we are doing pvp on pve we mostly use awakening kit this is your basic skill we do not scare this one you can maximize it forward slash not using charging slash not using sideways cuts i already talked about this in succession video you can check details please this is for only movements purpose severing light not using flaring slash mostly not using sword of judgments you only use this for rub arms sharp light we definitely use this for knock down cc if you need absolute divine power we definitely use the skill on advanced pvp combos for example you can check my pvp videos on the channel in some situation i'm using this skill to give extra dance much chance to my opponents even seko absolutely use this one 15 accuracy rates and 55 dp celestial spheres we definitely use this one we already have in awakening 80 percent crit rate after rework but we are using this skill also in dependent situation judgmental flights no synod using ultimate criterious charge definitely using this skill for movement purpose shining dash very rarely i'm using this skill not necessary rates of alien definitely we are using this skill and by the way if you shift e while in your awakening form it will heal you with lancia like this we are using flying kick to cancel shield show if he needs on pv or pvp mostly not using absolute punishment definitely we will use this one because it's our grip absolute counter sometimes we're using this skill to give a quick cc on our opponents with side dash for example this one this is a quick vote cc shield throw we definitely use this skill even in pve and pvp also just counters we can use this skill for pvp shield chase skills are also our perfect dishes we have three perfect dishes and the cooldowns of prairie dishes are kinda different from succession please check these skills and compare with primed versions volvo of trust not using arranging not using aliens pressing definitely using normal load passive 62 passive our passives all should be turned on okay let's check our awakening skills noble spirit is our awakening buff so we are using this skill noble spirit this is our awakening buff almost same stats with succession buff but we have a different mechanics on noble spirits when you use your e-buff you can just run through on the forwards not on your side or your backwards beat front cards unlimited no stamina consumption nothing as you can see you can use the skill from tillbar let's talk about vindicta vindicta is a defensive skill when you're on cue block if you type when you're on cue block if you click lmb this kind of small area hits by our shield and its applies slow on that area attack speed 20 movement speed 30 for 10 seconds deadline chase this is our awakening dash skill you have in two seconds protected and remain times unprotected let's check here is a skill as you can see if you use that line chest forward and backward it will just linger super armor front cut your cube lock form like this as you can see nothing change no any flickers nothing here but if you dash for normal time it will be unprotected as you can see and by the way if you dash through your backwards immediately two times not one times if you dash one times it will apply deadline chase but if you immediate the dash as a second time it will dash in trevix shield chase dash let me show you one and two so there is a simple solution to keep yourself in awakening while you're dashing backward if you want to stay in awakening you should use lmb cancel let's check on it [Music] lancia training skill this is your awakening basic attack skill this one as you can see this has also a different buff that you can get when you use a or d lnb this one or this one you will get 20 movement speed buff on you most of time you may see these movements for old wolves for example while we are doing pve for example i packed mobs i am just changing my position with this and i cancel with my q block as you can see and you have a little bit tiny iframe in this as you can see same like pre-awake dishes but there is no way to spam like pre-awake it's kinda a little bit slow and little bit hard to use this iframe in pvp this is our lvs skill only it works if you have lvs spirit buff on you let's talk about sacrum ferrets and loosen luxem sacrum ferrets changed after reworked quite nicely they increased total damage in it it they make it hundred percent crit for pv and etc etc you can get your eighty percent crit buff from this skill like that as you can see bit rate 80 percent and also this skill has three different cc with its low losing flux first hit has stiffness third hit i mean last hit as for load cc and if you keep use this skill with flow flow has knockdown quite nice skill we mostly use this skill on pve and pvp but on the other hand it's kinda dangerous because if you have a slow on you or something if your animation is kinda slow while you're doing pvp when you catch someone with stiff for example if you catch someone stiff floats and knock down as you can see it's just immune to your opponent because cc limit has been reached let me give a tips for this skill you have 80 percent crit rates only on first attack we will talk about cancels about this skill we can cancel this skill with many other skills if you cancel this skill you have to give up from attack number one if you give up from attack number one you cannot get your 80 percent crit buff do not forget this you can also use loosen separate from this skill for example my lucie moon there i'm using on n key as you can see it's free knock down but unprotected do not forget and sacrum also unprotected and by the way maybe you didn't listen my explanation part of video i ordered talk in that section in the first part explanation section awakening volky has one of the most balanced skill tree in the game you don't have any protective cc you can only get a protective cc by only with your cores we will talk about in the later let's talk about purification purification you may be familiar uh this skill from succession purification is your one of the best abilities in your awakening because it has very high air attack damage if you catch your opponents with flawed cc you can use this purification as a air attack burst damage shortcut is shift lmb let me use this one we have cancels for this skill also i will talk about it later and this skill has -20 dp for 10 seconds and recover your allies hp and a tiny hp recovery for yourself also when you hit opponents but you can use this skill on your allies seven seconds cooldown extremely good healing for your allies i think this is the best heal skill in the game for now let's talk about casa gatier his skill is unprotected quite nice damage on pve and pvp but it depends on your debuffs that applied on your enemy and also it depends on your crit buffs and on your add-ons or your buffs i like this skill i'm mostly using this skill to get tier 2 atoms because four-sided cooldown is quite nice it has bounce pc on it it has three different waves and every wave has bound cc in the first attack let me show you one two three as you can see acidium this is your kind of filler damage and quite nice utility skill we must use this skill to reduce opponents knock down resistance or most of time we are using acidity for movement purpose it has hundred percent grit on last attack first attack damage has no crit on it if you want to give an extra damage you should definitely use this skill with your 80 buff it's super armor no cc on it it has a chance to get down smash let me show you how seleum animation this is wf as you can see the winner in pusa shift q skill this one it has front guard you can use this front card all dp minus 10 debuff on it it has 50 grit rate it has three different waves if you want to cancel this skill like sacrum ferret you have to give up from the first attack damage it immediately apply a second attack and the last attack if you want to give an extra damage you should increase your crit rate with your sacrum ferret or celestia's spear to increase the juvenile impulses damage very dictancia according to for lavish this is our signature skill shift rmb i really not that much like this skill yes i like the skill it's good has good pve damage nice pvp damage nice aoe but i don't know is this really a signature skill i really don't know it should be or not let me show you this is skill it's super armor and down attack and air attack on last hits you can check the last damage it has quite nice pve damage sanctitus the end star i think this is our one of signature skills on awakening our f jump most of bulky players calls this as f jump because f is a shortcut and you are jumping on your enemy you maybe remember this skill from succession guides in succession it's sc when you click f you just jump on your enemy or if you don't want to jump on your enemy you can use the skill and directly jump on yourself like this it is quite nice damage from pvp it's hundred percent crits i really like this skill you don't need any preconditions to increase the damage super are more invisible on airborne moves it has stiffness and knockdown on pv only down attack damage 45 percent reduced on pvp and minus two hits on pvp only and by the way you will get 20 ml ap for 10 seconds when you use this skill although they will never they gave this skill after rework they changed that skill and make flow dividable divina volt has no cooldown but you can only activate this skill after something the answer you can use lmb or f after start with the n star let me give an example when you jump on your opponents you can just f and it applies damage to your opponents it has huge pvp nerf on it i have to say i'm sorry 70 percent is huge the damage on pvp is kind of nice not that good i can say that this damage is finished accuracy rate 12 is amazing i really like this accuracy rate we have a lack of accuracy rate on our skills critical it's 50 all evasion rate minus 9 is amazing we have another minus 9 on sacrum ferrets last attack air attack down attack and etc we have many other things on skill it has very nice pve damage and also you are using this skill on pve with f jump we can use f jump as a movement skill for example we have many mobs in front of us you can aim the last mob and use your divina walls and it applies to mobs with back attacks and it has very high damage let's talk about blitz step millet step and ultimate bullet step are kind of different skills but when you hit your opponents or mobs if this step success ultimate bullet steps triggers immediately let's talk about skill let's check skill stats attack damage is quite nice 100 percent crit you don't need 80 percent grit and bleeding on the skin knocked down on skin no protection and down attack 65 reduced pvp is quite high and ultimate blitz step you have same damage you have only knocked back on pve down attack and down smash chance on it we don't have done smash on this step normally it works like this two different skills it works with flaws if blitz it's successfully ultimate blitz immediately actually as you can see double blitz hits your opponents from skin one of the most common skill on awakening you will use this skill in many ways in many things in everywhere because frontness is your one of the best useful cancer skill from pre-awakening to awakening in awakening we will use this skill many times while we're playing awakening before give an example let me check skill stats attack damage squad nice critical hits 100 persons if not on cooldown it recovers your mana it's super armor if not on cooldown but quite short time air attack and down attack this air attack and purification's air attack is your one of the best burst potential skills and these two cancels each other we will talk in the future you can use prompt skill almost in every situation even in railway or awakening after any kind of skills after dash after anything you can imagine let me show you for example after dash promptness after back dash promptness after side dash promptness after f jump promptness after right click promptness after blitz promptness problems is a skill that you can add almost after everything in awakening valkyrie and it cancels many animations we will talk about that let's talk about paracentre srmb is shortcut attack damage almost 1700 multiplied six only 100 crit on pve maximum 10 targets super armor but quite short time in the first part and the middle part last part it's not super armor bound on pve down attack look at this pvp damage reduction it's quite low 20 percent pvp damage reduction if you ask me this is our signature skill let's check skill srmb quite nice aoe wave of lights this is your vacuum skin you can use this wave of light with sf shortcuts like this 20 seconds cooldown on it front guard but do not trust this front guard in our awakening kits let's check on it please just 0.8 seconds for whole 4 second animation as you can see very short time please do not trust his front card and also it has bounds most of time we are using this vacuum skill which cancels how you are canceling this skill you can use this skill on quick slots for example i put it on pixlot i will just push 1 and immediately cancel this with q let me show you as you can see it only applies the last wave of wave of lights let's talk about our core skills sacrum ferrets sacrum ferrets if you choose as core skills it will has front cards let me show you for now we have front cut on it as you can see until blow loose and full auxin it has lingard front card i'm only use for sacrum ferrets front guards for pve purpose on pvp i do not recommend to use let's talk about co-op verification as the following effects verification tree after learning skills it's done let's check as you can see your enemy stands for three seconds what is the purpose of choosing chord purification why should i choose or why should not choose this verification code i think this purification core for only good support purpose for example just a scenario your teammates just cease it by someone one or one or two people trying to kill him you can use your purification on your allies and it heals your allies and by the way if you choose for purification you can stun the enemy for example this is the enemy i just dash and use purification enemies stun my allies heals core castigation one of the best course skill in skill tree normally castigati has no protection on it his 4 second cooldown quite nice and bound on every first hit we have three different hits let me show you again one two three on core costigation it gives super armor almost lingard and it's amazing good poor skills hasigatio is good for example in siege for example you are defending very small room you can spam your castigation as super armor cc like this just wait and addition every three hits has bound is super armor quite nice also you can use forecasting as a super armor lingard after for example you used many sweeper runway you don't have any super armor you can use your forecast to get your for example someone drained your front guard you have very less front guard you can use to refresh your front guard two seconds poor hustle doom it gives a knockdown on last hits on hustlidium we have dash i mean charge time and last attack when you hit something or the at the end of skills let me give an example at the end of skills it gives knockdown on your opponents i think this is not good like the other skills because we have nice knockdowns in these days we don't have nachten problem after reworks it can be only useful for example in someone who even conditions chord vertica on this skill normally we have pve flaws it adds pvp flows on hits when you apply a person in the game with float float has very high air time and if you have air attack modifier on your skills it applies quite nice extra 1.7 more times damage on your opponents but i'm sorry for that for example the animation of skill when you use your opponent first it and second hit as you can see in second hit we have down smash also and the second hint we have airs and the second in we have air attack modifier but we are using float cc on the first hits they should definitely fix this if they fix the situation this will be one of the most broken core in our skill tree but in this way this is just a super armor cc skill if you choose this one they are super armor flow skill with big aoe of course sanchez does the answer this is our f jump slash it has super armor in normally and if you choose core it will has knock down with super armor and branch cc is kinda for example you can choose your opponents and just jump on it it has knocked down as you can see quite strong cc we have very nice spores on our skill tree sacrum ferret quite nice on pve castigatio almost amazing f jump amazing cc core verdict lancia if they change plots to last it it will be amazing purification i only see the purpose of supporting core hustle idiom maybe only good at 1v1 i really like my course i can change them depends on the situation please do not ask me which one is good in which situation you can decide if you know the class how you play okay let's talk about movements we talk in the first part movement is a problem on awakening valkyrie you might be heard this space right click movement skill but this is unprotected let me show you this one just space rmb this is completely unprotected but quite nice movement skill so i can say we have a problem with protected moments i'm using most of time to close the distance between enemy or while i'm doing pvp or pve i'm using this combo in general you can copy paste this we can train this you can just try on your bulky this is kinda mixed movements with pre-awake and awake same at the same time let me explain what am i gonna use first i will start with normal dash one of shield cheese which one is on then i will use absolute ultimate criterious charge wf pro egg again i will use shield chest after shield chase immediately i will use promptness to change the weapon to awakening after that i will use deadline chase after that i will use hastily if your deadline chase is not on cooldown pasiridium triggers very smoothly let me show you before try as you can see that launches cancelled very smoothly and by the way you can use side dash to make these movements because when you side dash your class immediately change the weapon to probate and throwback dash as you can see i will use with c swap c swap dash wf-space dash and wf smooth combo that i ever try in these days we have many other cancers many other combos for this class because you are playing volky you can make your own movements but this is my moments most commonly used in these days let me show another movement this is kinda old movements for example dash lnb space dash lmb space to forward use this one another movement skill i saw this skill used by some streamers and they are using this skill by macro i do not recommend use macro but i will show the main idea how you can use this skill lmb space queue lnb space q lmb space q if you do this and cycle without any stutter or fps throughout any other things you by the way you need fps to do this properly it will look like this lmb space q lmb space cube if you do it faster it looks like this if you use this with macro it will probably make it faster than this but i do not recommend using mac let's talk about deadline chase cooldown and off cooldown distance in normal time the outline chance harry has very long distance for a dash as you can see almost this distance if you have not on cooldown almost off all right i want to add something about lingering super armor skills we have some skills that you can linger your super armor effects on it where the clancias like the thin star hastily let me show you if you use your f jump it has super armor animation until your lancias touch on the ground same for hasselidium it has linger super armor quite long when your lancia touch on the ground is finish same shift rnb by declansia as you can see linger stripper armor until you're lanciata okay let's talk about cancers which could cancel each other let's start with sacrum ferrets how can i cancel the sacrum first you can cancel sacrum ferret in many ways after problems you can cancel it after dominating pusha you can cancel sacrifice but do not forget if you cancel sacrum ferret you will not apply your first attack damage if you not apply your first attack damage you will not get crit buff on you let me give an example i will just dash space and r b cancel normally i should get 80 percent crits but i will not get as you can see nor crit buff i only used i only used my sacrum ferrets seconds dirtied and loosened fluxon same situation with divine impulsa you can use sacrum ferrets after doing an impulsa without the first attack so it means you cannot get your script buff let me show you as you can see no clicked up let's talk about purification i know two cancers on the scale one of them with dash normal r deadline chase and one of them with promptness from this one is fastest one first i will show with dash when you dash immediately shift lmb it will cancel your dash and it dash animation cancels from first animation like this let's try again with promptness it's one of the fastest cancel in awakening it my shield is kinda touch your enemy as fast as it can let's check on it let's talk about casa gets here after promptness castigatio animation is kinda faster than normal let's check it normal castigate animation is this after promptness castigati animations in every hits is kinda faster let's check on it it's kinda faster you can check on your account master video this is a skill that you can use after any kind of skill cancels itself and also we talk about the movement section after deadline chase if deadline chase not on cooldown it smoothly cancels has 3d beginning animation normal castle game is like this you have as small animation at the first part if you use this skill beat that line chase please do not let the atlantic's animation ends it will cancel after the dem animation like this very smooth protected moments we talked about that acidity you can use asteroid after any kind of skill and it cancels itself for example i will use billets then you can use i will use blitz and after blitz i slow down immediately from my hands as you can see let's try on after casting out here [Music] as you can see no start animation immediately stops last year on your enemy for example after shift rmb as you can see no start animation so at the first part of while i'm trying to explain hastily doing that's why i call this skill is a good feeler skill and super almost and has 30 percent less knockdown resistance applied on your enemy it's quite nice debuff i really like asteridium but do not evade a huge damage from this skill let's talk about doing ambusa we have three different cancers for dividends impulsa we talk in the first part you have to give up from the first attack animation attack two and last attack will apply if you cancel it let me show you first it will start with promptness as you can see after wf you can cancel this after blitz you can cancel this as you can see let's talk about vertical you can use verdict lancia kinda faster after hello leaving a volt let me show you i will just f jump low and shift rmb it's kinda faster than normal for blitz step after terra sancta blitztep is kinda faster after promptness amazingly faster after hostility kinda faster let's check one first the animation of blitz this is the animation but it's after stereo saying that the first animation of the beginning part is kinda faster let's check on it as you can see little bit faster after wdf after hasty we call this husty after hasty it's quiet master pester them terrasancta as you can see the fastest cancel of blitz with romples most of time i'm using this cancer with strongness and blitz to burst my enemy or mobs that i'm trying to kill because we don't have any collision after deadline chase if you use it through your backwards i will deadline chase i will cancel that line chase animation with promptness and i will cancel problems animation with bullets three different skills in very short time please check very carefully [Music] as you can see quite fast and huge burst for your enemy or for your opponents let's talk about pterosaur cancels after casting out your hits terror sancta is kinda faster and after we have a very small and fast and kinda hard cancelled with cubelope you can cancel first animation of terracycle normally terror sanctity has this animation this one after cassidy got used any hits you can cancel parasancta in the past as you can see and we have also another cancer we most of time use this cancer while we try to burst our enemy on one even condition as you guys know tube look pencil and space cancer is our one of the most common castles in the game we already talked about in the first part of the video after any kind of animation to use teresa passage we will use our cube cancel teresa's beginning animation you have to try by yourself on battle arena on your opponents or on dummies for example i will use billets after blitz i will use space or faster animation for q cancel after q cancel i will use parasancta let's try [Music] this is huge burst for your name i already talked about wave of light we have one cancels for wave of light you can put this on qx slots for example on one one and q will cancel your wave of light's first animation and it will apply the last attack animation immediately i also want to add some animation lingers for awakening for example we talked about sacrum ferrets cancelled after divina implusion you can cancel sacrum ferrets until divine impulses animation ends let me give an example normally if you cancel after dominant impulse it looks like this right but divina impulsa has some kind of animation and this animation lingers until the end of this linger animation you can cancel your right click let me give an example as you can see i just wait a bit and use this one same for other skills another situation for us to review after wf you can just wait and you can use blitz step or shift q dividend plus let me show you with the impulsa wait and shift q it canceled you can linger the animations if you know your class same situation for example f jump i just am jump i'm just waiting i don't need to use my flow and flow let's talk about pve conditions most of time people asking me may you please show me pve combo may you please what is your pv combo like these questions i'm not using a proper pve combo while i'm doing pve i am choosing a combo depends on the slots i am trying because i know every skills i know every sequence potential in my class you should definitely learn your class to increase your pve potential for example while i'm grinding in sakurai underwater by the way you can find sacre underwater videos on my channel on spot review section of my channel i am using two different combos for example i'm using this one most of it i just pulled the mobs in front of me i'm just using parasance club billets shift qwf and if any mob remains just using cascade like this but this combo is viable with my gear if you have 281 ap for example your ap is not that high like me you should definitely choose your which one is best for your character there is no proper combo that you can use on this class like guardian like khashoggi and like other class like warriors you have to decide depends on the situation for example other combo that i am using on accra underwater i'm just using f-jump flow shift rmb back dash and blitz mobs gonna die so please stop to ask people show me your skills show me your addons show me everything according to my ap that combo works according to your ap maybe you need extra skills learn your skills and learn how this class works okay is not a class that you can re-memorize everything like other classes that's why people do not choose this kind of glass for example i pull them up a more package in me i will just spam my right click sacrifice blah blah blah space cancel and purification to reduce tp after that i will use f jump low shift rmb again space wrmb wf and shift q and castigator this is the combo that i recommend to you let me do it again i call it sperm space purification f jump verdict and finish like this i add this combo for newbie players but please focus to learn every skill capacity every skill potential in your class you
Channel: Quendya
Views: 98,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bdo, valkyrie, black, desert, blackdesert, guide, lancia, sword, class, calpheon
Id: X9Mk0La8hgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 19sec (2359 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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