"BDO Is Ruining My Life" | Asmongold Reacts to Stoopzz

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you hear about what happened to Stoops uh what happened what happened to Stoops soups recently fractured his hip in three places let's get surgery in Mexico wait what the [ __ ] all right guys I'm just documenting that holy [ __ ] I'll watch it maybe offstream or something but like that sucks dude I hope it gets better yo I hope at least he's able to get on and play Black Desert you know my honest review on black dessert all right you guys this is my 2023 Black Desert online review to be honest with you guys I thought I'd never be making a video like this but here I am and I've been playing I feel like every time that a YouTuber begins I never thought I'd be making a video like this usually they're sitting in front of their bed crying not reviewing a new video game in this game a ton probably more than I should but there's a few reasons for that so in this video I'm going to be explaining why Black Desert online has been gaining so much popularity over the past couple of weeks but more importantly my experience playing the game now we do have a sponsor for this video so we're gonna hop into that and then I'll see you guys back here at the review what's going on you guys a lot of you know that I've recently been sponsored by star Forge PCS which is pretty exciting for me look at that I've always really been into Tech hey PCS I think I built my first PC when I was like 11 years old how about that boys and then from there I went on to build what a great ad let's watch this he might be on to something additionally I actually wasn't the biggest fan of pre-built PCS because a lot of the parts that they use at least used in the past were like off-brand Parts whether it be like the motherboard the Ram uh the power supply and typically there's a power supply it's 15 and the manufacturer doesn't even have an American name the build quality isn't the greatest regards to starforge all of the parts are listed on their website from notable companies and you can just kind of add it up to see how much training actually costs additionally the build quality in my PC is honestly better than I could do in terms of the cable management my PC also has not qualified as if like one of my friends built it or I built it myself I also went through their customer service portal just as like a regular person to see what it was like and uh they got back to me right away and then were in constant communication with me throughout the day via email to make sure everything was running smoothly so if you are someone that is looking for a new pc but you don't want to go through picking up all your parts yourself or putting it together because that's overwhelming for you I honestly can't really recommend uh star Forge enough for my experience what a great with that what a great adventure guys and girls that are incredible at about what they do so if you're interested and I will see you guys back in the video okay so what's going on with block desert online well the game is by the way tomorrow star Forge ship ceu seeing a lot of players returning to the game due to several reasons here you can see the steam charts and this isn't the best representation for how many people are actively playing the game because a lot of people use the actual block desert clients but we can use this to engage interest and you can see a lot of players have been checking out the game over the past 30 days and there's a few reasons for that the first reason is the land of the Morning Light expansion which features long-awaited PVE content through the Boss Blitz additionally though and more importantly they recently had their Festa event or their Heidel ball which they gave out a ton of rewards one of them being a T9 dream Mount which is a pretty that's the that's the Pegasus thing that flies around rare Mountain the game a bunch of other [ __ ] but more importantly I would say is they had a great showing at the Heidel ball a lot of people were very happy with the direction of the game what was shared specifically in Korea as the game isn't normally very popular in Korea despite being developed in Korea but since the Lost Ark debacle happened a lot of people like what was shared I wonder I should ask that uh let me see should I ask her and see if she played uh that one Korean girl see if she played this game too because she [ __ ] hated Lost Ark that's the one by the way and then Jay followed up this is Jay the lead guy for the game he followed up with a nice little letter and then more free [ __ ] and everybody likes free [ __ ] okay so let's start with my experience playing the game block desert online is a different type of MMO in fact it's more of an old school traditional type of MMORPG the world is absolutely huge and there's a lot to do within the world in terms of like you going around and collecting things Gathering items and going from area to area even if you started off in an area you will return to that place multiple times throughout the game and you're actively just traveling across the world which is why the mount is so nice now a lot of you guys have probably heard of this game and what you've heard about this game are a few things one of them being the con combat the combat in Block desert online is a lot different than what you would find in a traditional MMORPG the inputs are a lot different than just simply keybinding a skill the keys you'll be using are like forward right Mouse button uh I have to say that she must be she said what is it nope she never played it probably a good thing play with her I I oh my God uh yeah I don't know if that would work I don't know if that would work um anyway so I I like let's get do it I I think it'd be a bit of a situation give me give me one second okay um tell your show with the ropes yeah yeah cause I'm an expert in this game totally here's the thing the combos in Black Desert I'm just gonna have the unpopular opinion that a lot of people that play Black Desert don't like I don't like the combos I think they're [ __ ] stupid I wish I could just keep buying the abilities I would prefer it more that way I understand that you can keep buying a lot of the abilities but you are not allowed to cue actions if you keybind them I don't care that it's harder that doesn't make it more fun I think Elven ring is pretty hard I just click and he does the attack I think that's a pretty hard game too sometimes so sakiro this is right click dodge deflect deflect deflect so I don't want to hear about like oh it's harder I don't care if it's harder or not just [ __ ] annoying I don't have to learn a bunch of keybinds combos are fun though great then keep doing the combos let me keep on great I I'm so happy I'm so happy for you yes let's click right click you know back Mouse button and when I got into the game I actually didn't want to keep my fond of the combat because it was very confusing for me and then after I gave it some time I really ended up enjoying it and there's a lot of depth to be offered within your class although it takes some getting used to once you discover the things like you know mechanics like iframes blocking frontal guard uh stiffen those mechanics that you see in like fighting games or even a lost ark has something similar to that yeah super armor uh the combat becomes very enjoyable but it is a bit of a learning curve now if you do pick the wrong class in this game or you're unhappy with your class pick one of the systems that I'm a big fan of at least is the tagging system I wanted to shout this out what the [ __ ] basically what this allows you to do is it allows you to copy over your main character's gear onto another class of you why would anybody want to play something that's not a warrior though I don't understand because I picked Warrior at the beginning like I don't really see like what would the how could this happen Choice and then those characters progression are linked so if you pick one class and you decide you want to try something else and all of your progression is copied over to that character additionally as far as like end game activities go uh PVP is a big part of Black Desert online I used to be a big PVP here back in the day and in this game I've done [ __ ] none of it I've had more fun exploring other aspects of the game but the community does seem to really enjoy PVP as it is kind of baked into the game in regards of like node Wars they also have Arena I'm gonna have another unpopular take to maybe people that like MMO PVP PVP MMOs are always a meme they will always be a meme they will never be balanced they will never be fair they will never be taken seriously by anybody except for the people that play them nobody outside of that tiny little fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a player based cares and I think it's a complete waste of time to develop content for it get mad get mad get mad now I think PVP is fine it's cool just don't expect it to be Siri don't expect don't like don't don't care about it right you want to have like a hundred be a hundred Siege and there's like stupid [ __ ] happening and it's like really cool but like in terms of Arena and oh it's like getting into the minutiae which class has got a better combo gives a [ __ ] nobody's ever going to care a Solaire which is like their ranked 3v3 Arena mode World PVP that kind of stuff and oftentimes you will be battling other players in the world to fight over farming spots if someone's trying to take your spot from you the main reason why I did get into this game though is the PVE content the addition grinding content a lot of people know black guys are online circles for hours and hours and hours but recently they've added in multiple dungeons see you tomorrow there's three dungeons currently available in the game with the option of a fourth one coming soon and I went through all I think the dungeons are pretty badass I'm really excited for uh uh for being able to do them myself all these dungeons with my friends blind yeah I mean like I can see like I'm I'm going to obviously do the Dungeons and everything and try the game out and see see what it's like and the first time you go through them there's a lot of puzzles that you'll end up solving and like things that you have to do in order to progress through the dungeon for your first time for the main story Quest following that you can then reform those dungeons at chances of different um so is this like uh [ __ ] CS go Skins where you spin the wheel and like there's a chance that you get a really good one but like usually you get the ones that suck dick okay crates that open up with like Loot and recent I'm just looking to see like materials that you can sell first that's good we're a lot better than I thought they were going to be action combat games traditionally don't have the best uh group PVE content because it can feel very spammy if you look at new world or you look at Blue protocol for example in my experience the dungeon experience isn't the greatest however in this game they do it very well some of the bosses weren't my favorite but at least the end uh the Capstone bosses of the dungeon were very fun and it took us a couple of hours to solve some of the mechanics in those dungeons because they wow that intuitive but it wasn't something that like your average player couldn't complete oh that's cool blind but let's be real most of you guys are going to be using guides anyway yeah one of the main things uh that I got into the game for was the boss Shrine or the Boss Blitz system yeah which is the new edition uh with the land of the morning light as you can see this island is is the whole expansion area and this whole island is dedicated that's one of the things that like I really liked about Lost Ark whenever it came out is that I was able to do the uh the the Guardians each new Guardian it was like a new fight that I would be able to overcome and like see if I had the gear for it I thought that was so cool did to all of the bosses that they recently have added but the cool thing about this system is that there is a weekly ranking system so you can go through any of the difficulties that you want on your class you can try to improve upon your time if you want and then there's a ranking system based by class and difficulty so you can choose your class you're on see who's cleared it on which difficulty and try to improve your time to rank higher and the higher you rank the better chance you have at getting better loot the boss fights themselves feel like Dark Soul encounters it's a 1v1 encounter Dark Souls one or two because that's what I'm concerned about sure I really enjoy them some of them feel a little Jank but some of them are very enjoyable and overall I hope block desert or pearlbis continue with this approach because I think it suits the game very well now when you're getting into the game I'm trying it for myself honest with you guys the new player experience although there is a season system that kind of gives you a ton of free gear and allows you to hop right into the mid game and start doing those bosses the intro experience and trying to figure out how the game works kind of sucks okay and I mean that in the nicest way possible what I mean by that is oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this there is so many systems and so much depth to the game which is a great strength of the game I mean there's fishing whale hunting farming I mean you can even sit there in the towns and play music there's a whole music album within the game and there's a ranking system for that there's top composers there's a bunch of different instruments that you can choose from there's like bands that can perform what the [ __ ] there's a lot of depth in the game things that you oh my god fantasy to have this game also has it and so I was really surprised by I think that they need to upgrade the character models in this game I must say it I think the character models look dated I think the world and the environment looks phenomenal but the character models are not super good but with all of that comes just a lot of bloat an item bloat is no exception to that it's an eight-year-old game you will be very overwhelmed when getting into the game so much so that I almost put down the game because I didn't know what all these items were now they said they're going to be working on reducing the amount of items at the Heidel ball to make the new player experience better apparently they already did that I heard that they added this patch like one day after I after I played it the last time and they're going to be categorizing your inventory to give you additional storage but this is a game that has a bit of a learning curve it's not going to be a game you can hop into right away it's going to be a game that will take you a couple of days to get in the swing of things now with that being said I want to talk about the end game progression in Black Desert online this game has a very steep end game progression while also offering a lot of different choices in how you can progress through the end game [Music] oh he did he get a thing Gathering items and going after I guess he got accessories or upgrading getting your first you know main hand weapon is rather easy for a mid game player there's a lot of easily obtainable items that you can go after that will progress your character as well as the journal which is their horizontal system that will give you a bunch of free stats and that will allow you to enter in Dungeons and things like that or better Farmers beyond that though the game has a very steep vertical progression for players that are playing the game have been playing the game for a long time with a lot of Chase items that's where you'll see a lot of people farming for hours and hours and hours to get like an item that exists in the game that literally nobody has I can go to Fallen God and this is a very rare chat all in God's armor 1.6 trillion that's a lot yeah that that's that's a lot peace that exists in the game uh at least at the later ranks of it and some of these items are so rare that like three people in the world have X items despite having that vertical progression though the ceiling to this game increases very slow compared to your standard MMO RPG meaning that a lot of people in this game will either just stop playing at some point or they can take a break come back after almost a year and be almost as geared as when they left off so what is your end game activity is going to look like in Block desert online well life Skilling is a very big part of the game that many people uh partake in farming for those Chase items running in circles and grinding mobs in different areas of the world PVP is also a big aspect for a lot of people I've also seen a lot of people try to just engage with the boss Shrine system and try to improve their ranking every week and seeing how they can place within that system and there's also a large majority of people that just kind of hang out in towns and chill just casual play years can you get uh um can you get like your own house in this game where like people can go to your house you can oh that's [ __ ] cool with Maids holy [ __ ] partaking things here and there for them they don't have the biggest desire to continue to progress to their character they're fine having a solid set of gear they can still partake in activities but they don't have any interest in farming for Chase items and so that's why you see some of those long-term players grinding for hours and hours going for various status items that might give you some extra deep here AP but it really separates yourself from other people on the server one of the items that I really want to go for in my account is a pen black star Greatsword because it's just something that it has a very cool glow and that's like one of the you know the achievements I guess I want to get on my account so it's like in uh [ __ ] uh that one game uh won't start like it there's a it's a different type of shiny that I don't really care about getting you know Min maxing my character to the [ __ ] gills if that makes any sense now let's really talk about the cash 25 yeah online traditionally block desert online was seen or has been seen as an extremely pay to win game uh there are people out there that will tell you block that will tell you Black Desert online is not a pay to win game I don't think that's being truthful there are definitely some purchases that you can make in this cash shop in fact a lot of purchases that you can make in the cash shop that will benefit your character like storage space weight inventory space fairies maids all of those things um you can buy in the cash shop now I'm gonna play it I'm gonna make I'm gonna figure this [ __ ] out myself that way I really know what it is and what it doesn't is gripe in the past is that you weren't able to obtain these items without actually spending real life money nowadays A lot of those things you get by just playing the game the game gives you a lot of those things as far as straight up swiping for power in this game a lot of people say that it's just it's it's not really existent people don't do it you can do it you can buy 35 skins a week if you're able to and then post them on the marketplace at a capped or regulated price but it's very expensive and terrible value and so I'll give you an example of what people are trying they're they're talking about if you wanted to buy the weapon that I mentioned earlier the weapon that I want to get the uh pen blocks are a Greatsword that would take you five weeks of buying 35 skins a week in order to buy this weapon that costs 150 bill oh it's pretty if you want to take it a step further and you wanted to buy a full set of gear equivalent to that because that's only one okay my friend devios and I put them 25 weeks super Juiced out it would take you 76 weeks of straight up swiping which is kind of crazy to actually think about but to act like you can't buy things in the cash shop like a tent a fairy artist in memory things that will benefit your account so you can buy things and sell them for gold and then buy gear that makes you do more damage with the gold it was the Silver okay so it's not pay to win you can just pay money and make your character stronger uh I I see yeah yeah guys it's not pay to win at all after via the cash shop is not being truthful you definitely can it's just not as bad as it used to be in the past the last thing I wanted to talk about in this game is kind of the community and the the GMS of the game I have not played a game I mean probably since maple story in 2004 where the GMS are so involved in the game I mean they're all over twitch yeah they're all they're everywhere I had no bad experiences with anybody in the community of Black Desert it's been positive 100 percent the game they will randomly spawn next to you and challenge you to a card game um they're always interacting with players in the chat it's actually crazy I didn't even know this was a GM [ __ ] can you do this in the game I had no idea I thought it was just like a uh just a random guy overall you guys I don't think Black Desert online is going to be an MMORPG for everyone if you're someone that specifically likes just doing raids you have some of that with a dungeon content but it's not going to compare to like World of Warcraft yeah if you're someone that doesn't like long-term progression this game may also not be for you also if you're sensitive to monetization this game may also not be for you but if you're someone that likes an open world sensitive to monetization I like that that's such a good term for RPG that has that classic feel to it if you're someone that likes long-term progression a lot of depth with classes uh you might have a absolute blast playing this game because there is so much in this game that if I went through all the systems and things that you actually can do in Block desert it would be a one hour video now there are a lot of people that I have learned from in the past couple of weeks and if you are interested in checking out the game I'm gonna have a bunch of links to different creators that have a lot of useful info for new players Linked In the description of this video and if there's anyone that I did miss that I should have mentioned please let me know in the comments and I will link them in a pinged comment thank you guys so much for watching the video and I will see you all in the next one dude I can't wait for throwing the Liberty to come out those streams are going to be [ __ ] Legendary God I can't wait for that it's gonna be amazing let me link you guys the video I think this is pretty good yeah I mean I'm going to uh I'm gonna play the game I'm gonna see what it's like as I say with every game that I get into I try my best to give it an honest try to approach it fairly I even approached Diablo Immortal fairly so I think I will do the same thing with this one video Community is toxic they just can't say this stuff in game because they'll get banned but in discords they use every slur in the book when they're overall deegence so you're telling me that there's an online community for a video game and there are individuals in that online community that use racial slurs wait hold up wait and and there there and they they play this game too all my [ __ ] god do people know about this ah damn who gives a [ __ ] [ __ ] put them on ignore don't join the chat you saw what happened to Stoops I did yeah uh [ __ ] yeah give him a like like this dude got [ __ ] up apparently in Mexico like hurt his hip or something like that's awful yeah I'll link you guys the video there it is Jesus I I will play Black Desert again probably this week uh I think tomorrow probably next couple of days I'll play more diabler and uh after that finish up Final Fantasy 16 and maybe play some uh Black Desert right after or pretty much at the same time as that that's what my plan is read some of the comments one of the key yeah if stoop said any [ __ ] balls he would have put Black Desert online finally an MMO that respects your time really glad he had fun town of Black Desert hope everyone enjoys the time that's very nice things you miss out is how active the development is that are weekly updates holy [ __ ] let me see how many people are playing it now uh Tower fantasy there's dozens of people playing that one I wonder if the drama for Tower Fantasy Made the games go up no no not really pretty much the same yeah not really okay so uh let's see where we're at uh I mean I think that's pretty good I mean like [ __ ] player count I mean like this is the highest peak they've had since like what a while like 2021 or something like that steam is just one platform oh yeah I know that I know that a lot of people play it off the launcher I used to play it off the launcher whenever it came out BDO is stable now yeah it's not like Lost Ark where it's like just going down more over time
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 371,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: eD3jezMawsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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