Tuesday Night Live

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and hello welcome to tuesday night live lovely to have you company thank you for joining me this is the last one for a couple of weeks because i'm just doing this during school terms and so the next couple of weeks are school holidays and so i'm going to be having the next three tuesday nights off actually because the next tuesday nights the school holidays and then the third one we have a leaders meeting on zoom and if you are a leader at bayside church you will be getting an email from me in the next couple of days letting you know all about that but i am looking forward to getting into tonight we're going to get into some really really good discussions got some great questions for you so uh well you i should say really you've got some great questions for me and i will do my very best to answer those so if you are uh live with me right now please do uh gere into one of the chat feeds either on facebook or youtube and that'll come through to me in the stream yard studio so good evening to ruth hi to zzz hello youtang much love to you and wayne and the family been praying for you guys goodbye jazz jesse kelly mark natasha tom and chris and janice g'day tony lots of people tuning in this evening which is just absolutely wonderful so welcome and a big welcome as well to those of you who are watching this during the week or maybe listening to it during the week and don't forget of course the podcast comes from this running a few weeks behind but a new episode of digging deeper with rob buckingham is uploaded every wednesday onto apple podcast spotify and pretty well wherever you enjoy your podcast so you can revisit some of the teaching and if there's a particular episode that you think wow that'd be perfect for so and so a friend family member then feel free to copy the link and send it through to them and if you can take a couple of minutes and rate the podcast on apple that would be wonderful give us a rating and a review if you've got a bit of extra time and that will certainly go a long way to help other people find us so i'd really really appreciate that uh hi to susan uh to brad uh g'day brad bev heller hi uh mark mark it says here um and jenny the freebles g'day uh mark mark there you go i'm just i thought i was reading that wrongly but i am reading it right g'day all right so we got some questions to get into tonight and uh there's some interesting ones one of them i was going to try to get to last week but we ran out of time and so i'm going to start with that one in just a moment let's do what do jehovah's witnesses believe and then the second question is how exactly did the hypocrites pray in public that was so wrong and that's based of course on matthew 6 where jesus part of his sermon on the mount the middle chapter of that where he kind of lets rip into the pharisees the hypocrites and tell them that they're praying wrongly and then we'll wrap up with a couple of questions maybe one on the environment if i get to that and uh also why the bible doesn't allow polygamy now uh and interesting question we'll get to that um i'm i'm i'm glad what can i say i think i think one is enough um you know one wife one husband uh one partner i think i think is plenty but i'll say a few more things about that when we get to that question let's launch into the first one the question is dear rob thanks for your inspiring tuesday night sessions the seventh day adventist session was very interesting please can you enlighten me on the jehovah's witnesses i'm asking because my old neighbors in cheltenham were jw and were very good neighbours how did their beliefs compare with the seventh day adventists i would say they're radically different is the best way to describe it seventh-day adventists are a christian denomination they're underlying faith is orthodox um as are pentecostal charismatic um catholic and evangelical churches like baptist churches of christ and so on and so forth are very orthodox in that we believe in god as a trinity father son and holy spirit that jesus was god born as a person who became flesh who lived amongst people who died on a cross and rose again for the forgiveness and salvation of all people and then who ascended into heaven there for one day to return from to establish his eternal kingdom so the jehovah's witnesses differ on many of the things that i have just said and so i i don't view the jehovah's witnesses as an orthodox christian denomination or movement of churches so the main difference is they don't believe in the trinity they believe that jehovah is god alone and that the holy spirit and jesus are not god and they're very big as you can probably tell jehovah's witnesses or the watchtower society as their official name is they believe that god is solo and that god's name is jehovah which is an interesting thing because jehovah as the name of god was really popularized in the 16th century and it comes from it's kind of a transliteration from the words that god said to moses remember when god was calling moses out of the wilderness to go back to egypt and moses comes up with five reasons why god had got the wrong person and one of the questions he said well who shall i say has sent me he really wants to know whose authority he's going in and god says to him tell them i am has sent you and he said the words i am that i am or i am who i am literally i am he who has promised to be this for you and so that statement in the hebrew is the english equivalent of yhwh obviously hebrew language doesn't have english letters but if we were transliterating the hebrew word into english it would simply be yhwh now that is the unpronounceable name of god my rabbi friend will always type in g dash d out of respect he will never write or type the name god god and this is an unpronounceable name yhwh and so of course we english speakers we have to pronounce everything we have to articulate even the unarticulatable and so we put a couple of vowels into y h w h we put an a and an e in there and uh we make the name yahweh or uh jave and uh of course j becomes uh the y becomes a j in english and uh that's how william tyndale in the 16th century with his interpretation or his translation of the bible in the 16th century that's the first time he put the english name jehovah into yhwh in exodus chapter 6 and verse 3. and so until that time god's name was not jehovah it was god has many names adonai elohim all of the i am names of god yahweh of course the unpronounceable name of god other beliefs the jehovah's witnesses have they believed that jesus christ is jehovah's firstborn son literally jehovah's first creation and that once jehovah had made jesus then jesus created everything else they believe that jesus is completely separate from god that he is inferior to god and that he is not divine in any way they also believe that jesus is an angel and they identify him as one and the same to the archangel michael the holy spirit according to the jehovah's witnesses is also not a person they view the holy spirit as the active force of god witnesses believe that jesus did not die on the cross but on a single pole or a stake witnesses believe that jesus had a spirit resurrection not a body one which is a interesting doctrine because in the bible resurrection always has to do with the body not the spirit and so at the final resurrection for example our bodies will be resurrected and reunited with our spirit and of course as paul talks about in one corinthians 15 our bodies will be transformed and become like jesus body they will become immortal bodies at that point jehovah's witnesses believe that when a person dies their existence completely stops they don't observe holidays they believe that holidays like christmas easter and birthdays have pagan origins and so they refuse to celebrate any of those things they do not salute the national flag or sing the national anthem and they refuse military service as well they also refuse blood transfusions and you may have seen this in various documentaries it's been highlighted in a number of movies over the years even blood transfusions that could be life-saving the jehovah's witnesses will refuse those and i believe there have been cases particularly with children where the courts have overruled the jehovah's witness doctrine and a life-saving blood transfusion has been provided to that child and saved their life as a result jehovah's witnesses also have their own bible translation it's the new world translation of the bible that would be another topic if you wanted to ask me a question about that sometime i'd be happy to answer that one i don't believe it's a good translation of the bible but their greek lexicon that goes with the new world translation is excellent and in fact if you are ever talking to a jehovah's witness person and you want to prove that jesus is god for example and many other things you can do so using their lexicon which is very very good witnesses believe the end times started at the beginning of world war one so 1914 but they realized that most human beings were completely unaware of this they believe that when the end finally comes only 144 000 human beings will go to heaven and rule the earth from there with christ these are known as the anointed and people who feel like they're part of the anointed are the only ones that can ever have communion and the jehovah's witnesses only celebrate communion once a year and that's at their main international conference and as i said only the 144 000 can partake of communion they've been uh responsible for a number of false predictions over the years the first of them these are all concerning jesus second coming and the first of them came in 1878 of course they were wrong so they went back to their calculations and came up with 1881 as the next time that jesus would return wrong again 1914 was the next date wrong and then 1918 well the war finished first world war finished then and the spanish flu pandemic started but jesus did not return and so they had another shot at it and they said that jesus would come back in 1925 and he didn't further expectations were held for the arrival of armageddon in 1975 but resulted in a later apology to members from the watchtower society's leadership sorry we got it wrong again the watchtower society has acknowledged errors over the decades but it's also said that the errors of the false predictions had helped to sift out unfaithful members from its ranks um which is a bizarre kind of gaslighting isn't it you know i leave a religious organization because they keep making these false predictions and that said organization says well it just sifted you out of our ranks it also says adherents remained confident that god's word hadn't failed and i would agree i mean god's word does not fail but the false predictions of people do and will and we're seeing lots of false predictions at the moment circulating as conspiracies or whatever uh through dodgy websites and video clips and articles and all of that kind of stuff and time will tell we will look back at this period of time in a few years and we'll go oh my goodness we made a big fuss and um and and carry on about things that we didn't really need to get stressed about but it might take us a few years to get to that point the jehovah's witnesses have been wrong in their predictions about jesus return eight times and apparently they've now given up predicting altogether because there's absolutely no future in it that makes the jehovah's witnesses leadership false prophets and i'm sure that many of them just like the questioner said their neighbors were lovely people i'm sure that many of them uh believe in god love god and are lovely people but their beliefs are not orthodox christian and so personally i would put the jehovah's witness organization not all the people but the organization i would say is a cult or a sect so that gives a little bit of background there's a lot of other things of course i could say about that but but i won't but i think that that answers the question fairly well there i'll say g'day to a few more of uh you beautiful people g'day to tal suzanne who says that's interesting xavier i think is that um yep xavier thought that i would check this out and see what happens cheers greg okay hello greg ziggy g'day mates uh mark mark says well said carrie says evening pastor rob evening to you carrie hi to lorraine from adelaide to paul that is the way i was taught to write god growing up jewish says paul and so yeah g d is the way that our very respectful jewish friends will write the name of god um yeah i love this james says that instead of armageddon we received disco in 1975 instead and what a shame uh yeah not overly keen on disco music these days i'm a boy of the 70s but my favorite music is america eagles neil young you know kind of the chilled out california la sound i still love that music fleetwood mac all of those i worked as a dj when i first started in radio in the late 70s i did disco dj'ing and some night clubs in perth and in geraldton in western australia but not overly keen on the music but thank you james for pointing that out jazz says i i heard to be a full member in a jehovah's witnesses church you have to participate in door-knocking witnessing i believe that is true to be a full member um in my last church we had a young guy who came to faith in jesus and i was discipling him and he really had a sticking point on the trinity and so i did my best to teach him on that and to lead him into the scriptures but he was really really struggling on it and right in the middle of that time the jehovah's witnesses knocked on his door and he said to them well i'm really struggling with the doctrine of the trinity and of course they were able to say well there's no such thing and he ended up becoming a jehovah's witness and i continued to stay in touch with him and he would come along to my church occasionally and he said to me he said would you come to a jehovah's witness meeting with me and i said yeah absolutely so i turned up i think it was the one in parkdale from memory this is uh late 80s early 90s and they actually had a door with a door frame on this on the platform on the stage in the uh kingdom hall and they would do door knocking practice and so someone would knock on the door one of the elders would open the door all on the stage and they would have a kind of like an acted drama in front of everyone and they would deal with how to answer difficult questions that people might throw at them when they knock on doors and so they would rehearse and practice all of this in line for their door knocking of course with covert they can't do that you may have had the experience as i have of someone leaving a jehovah's witness person leaving a note in our mailbox and saying you know we can't knock on doors during this time but here's my mobile number and if you want to have a conversation about god please feel free to give me a call they leave a watchtower magazine and uh i think it was awake one of their little tracks is called and so they've been reaching out in that way as well but yep i'm pretty sure you're right to be a jehovah's witness full member you do need to participate in door knocking they're very works oriented they use the scripture in acts where it talks about paul going from house to house to share the gospel but of course that was with believers that was like little house churches and the apostles would hold house churches in the believers homes and the church would gather they'd do it in that way and of course they would gather in the temple courts in large groups as well a few other people to say hi to here hi to nikka hayley hello john uh yuteng says totally agree rob zizi love learning from you rob bless you zz you're a beautiful person mark has a question here is there anything in the bible against praying with technology i noticed jewish followers are making a point of this praying with technology um mark i'm just would you just type in us maybe a few more words for me to let me know what you mean by praying with technology do you mean that we're reading a prayer of technology or are we reading scripture off say like an iphone or something or other just let me know a little bit more around the words praying with technology so i know exactly where you're going with that susan says i had jehovah's witness people visiting regularly for a year or so but they brought a child with them all the time and some of the topics we discussed were for adult ears only so i complained and they basically deserted me okay well um that's kind of unfortunate but not unfortunate susan because uh really i wouldn't want to learn the bible and god and jesus from a jehovah's witness person i want to learn from people whose faith is orthodox christian and that they believe who god is father son and holy spirit jesus god in in human form it's only as god and man that he could unite and reconcile god with humanity and it's very important when we start denying the deity and the humanity of christ really salvation through jesus completely unravels at that point marjorie says do you think covert is the sickness mentioned in revelation no it is not marjorie in fact i don't think there is a sickness mentioned in revelation that has anything to do with covert the only connection i've heard with covert in revelation is a misunderstanding of the word crown which i believe is the greek word corona and so when it talks about crowns in revelation it's that greek word but it's got nothing to do with the coronavirus or with covert um i'm happy to do some more teaching on revelation but there are two nights that we did last year so if you want to send me a private message marjorie on messenger and i'd be happy to send you the links to the two programs we did with shane willard on the book of revelation last year i hope that helps kelly says the jewish community can't do yom kippur on zoom this week due to their laws they want an exemption to meet in person this week okay i didn't know a whole lot about that all i saw was the ultra orthodox jews meeting last week in the city of glen ira and and that did not go well as you probably saw people stayed in that synagogue or that room overnight there were little children there the police stayed outside and some of those people were arrested i imagine as i saw spokespeople from the jewish community who were incredibly apologetic and very embarrassed about the bad behavior of a very small uh fringe uh author uh sorry right-wing kind of conservative group of ultra-orthodox jews in a similar way to the way we are as christians you know when we see a christian person i saw a pastor of a church in sydney on the weekends and this picture was online he was asked to leave bunnings because he wouldn't wear his mask properly so he's out in the car park and he's having a big argument with one of the security people and you've got to wonder i mean what does that do for our testimony as people who love god and follow the person of jesus and i find as i talk to people who are jewish or maybe they're muslim um they get incredibly embarrassed by those who give their particular faith our faith as well a bad name and of course we seek to distance ourselves from people like that so i can't speak for the jewish community kelly but i do know what i saw last week um and i know people like tal my my rabbi friend will be doing the right thing in celebrating yom kippur this week just the same as we as christians had to do last year particularly around good friday and easter sunday we had to do all of that through online celebrations and so and we would continue to do that as we have throughout the pandemic to follow the health guidelines and the restrictions that have been laid down by the public health officers of uh of victoria uh haley says isn't the best way to learn to get closer to god and uh to read from the bible yourself um it's one way i don't know it's the best way hayley because god has placed teachers in the body of christ and so the reason that he's put teachers along with apostles prophets evangelists and pastors those five gifts that have been given by god to the body of christ to the church um have been given for the maturing of god's people and and for the releasing of god's people into works of service and so it's wonderful to read the bible and to study the bible for yourself but i don't believe we should stop there i believe that i mean nights like tonight where we can interact together and chat about the scriptures this is a wonderful learning time church online blogs all of these different things that we have at our disposal these days are wonderful ways to teach and as well you know and talking about the jewish community many of my jewish friends would never or very rarely read and study scripture on their own they're more likely to read and study scripture in small groups and then everyone brings together what they sense god is saying to them and so i'm a big believer in small groups we call them connect groups at bayside church if you want to become a part of one of those by the way they're all online at the moment and you just need to email connect at baysidechurch.com and we'd love to get get you into one of those groups and so all of those ways we can learn and get closer to god hayley i hope that helps marx says the jewish community wanted to pray in social gatherings this thursday and refuse to meet online as it's against their beliefs but is this consistent with the old testament i'm i'm not sure because there was no such thing as online gatherings in the old testament and so all gatherings would have been social gatherings i would have imagined maybe not during pandemics i'm really not sure what people did in previous pandemics especially back in bible days of course there were plenty of pandemics all through human history i know that during the black death or the bubonic plague in the 13 1400s that went on by the way on and off in waves for 400 years and so they had to learn things like physical distancing wearing of masks fumigating buildings quarantining all those things in fact our modern quarantine system came out of europe during the bubonic plague that's where they developed that and of course we're still using that today and so i don't know i mean i i don't think that people are going to be allowed to gather in social gatherings this thursday now maybe the state government and the uh health officer will give an exemption to members of the jewish community i'm not sure um i would think it would be highly unlikely um that that that would happen because we're in a health crisis right now even even now in victoria with the number of cases we're having each day our hospitals are beginning to feel the stretch and so and everything we've got a lid on this kind of at the moment can you imagine if everyone just opened up and and we just went back to life as normal it suddenly wouldn't be life as normal because we would have tens of thousands of covert cases our hospital system our health system would collapse under the strain and people would be devastated and the economy would be much more devastated than it has been through the restrictions and so they're the things that we need to get a handle on there with with the current pandemic uh marjorie you're very welcome uh i thank you that you appreciate the the explanation that i've given emma says i read the bible a lot more now and that's wonderful and i hope you really enjoy reading the bible emma i did a teaching on the weekend on bayside church online and it was called enjoying the bible and i dealt with the four wrong ways to read the bible and then i explain some really good ways to read and to really get a lot out of your bible reading and to enjoy the bible so feel free to visit that online you go to baysidechurch.com and scroll down you'll find the message of the week and you can watch it or listen to the audio podcast enjoy that um james is uh yeah uh yeah you give love a bad name hugh bon jovi absolutely um where are we emma says i wrote on the spine of my bike the greatest book ever lived i love that absolutely vincent says thanks for all you've done during this time uh you've been a voice of reason blending faith and faith in science amongst a backdrop of far too many religious figures of all walks pitting science against faith i really appreciate your words vincent very much that's been uh front and center of my thinking and of my spirit during this time to speak common sense and wisdom and to really help people be calm you know i'm a shepherd a pastor by my my dominant gifting and i have a huge love for people and i'm fully aware that you know sheep will you can only make sure you can't make sheep lie down in fact sheep will only lie down when they feel safe and free from fear and so in psalm 23 the bible says god makes me lie down the good shepherd makes me lie down in green grass and so the only way that god's people will rest and be at calm and ease is when they're free from fear and the way we are free from fear is by speaking truth uh truth of the word and recognizing that the bible doesn't speak about everything and so yes science addresses things that the bible doesn't address and the bible addresses things that science doesn't address so i don't see them at war with each other i see faith and science as uh as wonderful companions that we join together and one complements the other and so vincent i really appreciate your um your comments there haley says that my comments have helped which is really good and emma i thought you might mean bible not your bike but on my bible i wrote on the spine the greatest book ever lived absolutely mary says that makes sense thank you you're very welcome john says we don't want to get a stage get to a stage where victoria is like italy where doctors had to choose who got into hospital and got treatment basically deciding who lives and who dies john you are spot on and i take it from your last name that you might be speaking about friends or family members from italy who had that experience other nations have certainly gone through that and i would hate that and i know you would too hate to see that happen in victoria or in fact in any state of australia or this nation i for one i know that our governments haven't always done everything perfectly and i'm sure all of them just like us we look back through the past and we all wiser in hindsight and if we'd been you know know then what we know now we would have done this but i think all up our state and our federal governments have done and are doing a stellar job a very difficult job and i think that they need the support and the prayers of christian people at the moment and i'm very concerned that there is an underlying uh rumbling amongst particularly conservative evangelical and pentecostal some pastors some leaders and some church members who are really really they're anti-vaxx they're anti-health restrictions and they're speaking i heard one guy today speaking horribly about our prime minister and the bible is so so clear of the respect that we should pay uh those who are leading us and uh paul wrote to timothy that that he wants all people to pray for leaders and all those who are in authority and that should be our main thrust at this time and to stand strong i'm in communication with my state and federal local representatives and we are uh either good friends or we we know each other and have communicated at various times and i have open communication with them i don't abuse that but i always whenever i write to them i always thank them for the work that they and their government are doing assure them of our prayers for them and then in that backdrop i may ask a question or suggest something and i suggest something to our local federal member the other day and he wrote back to me personal email and assured me that he would address that with the federal treasurer which i really appreciate but you know if we're always banging out on our politicians and criticizing and complaining and the only time they ever hear from us is when when we got a gripe then we're not we're not acting christianly toward our leaders they are men and women who are god's servants for the nation or for the state and i believe that we need to be respectful and kind and encouraging and prayerful and all of those things and it's out of that that we then have good relationship and good rapport so that we when we do have something that we're concerned about when we do have a question uh when we when we do want to challenge something then we're not that whinging voice again with a person that they know and trust and appreciate and our local members all know what we do at bayside in helping the poor and disadvantaged in our local area and they champion what we do and so it's out of that relationship that that we communicate um so i hope that really helps you in in the way that um that we communicate with our local politicians marx says i work in the hospital system and i find a lot of my colleagues overwhelmed by it all how do we in these tough times stay strong and positive and mark what you've just verbalized there is what i'm hearing from all of the medical people that i know uh many of whom are much loved and highly respected members of bayside church and uh to a person you know they they are they cannot work out why there is opposition to the vaccines they cannot work out why christian people are speaking out against government health restrictions and all of these things you know they're working on the front lines we have a very dear friend christie and i who works in emergency at one of the hospitals on the peninsula and she wears full ppe all day every day and saw a photo of her face recently and it was literally all bruised across here from wearing the the mask all day and sweating under that full ppe we need to we need to guard our health workers and and our medical staff and pray for them and support them by doing the right thing and the right thing is having a chat with your gp and about vaccination if you've got any questions any concerns about it your gp should be able to put your heart at rest i've written a blog on it thanks to help by an immunologist that's on the bayside church website there's another blog on that coming up in the next few weeks and you know talk to people who know don't talk and really resist all these links to videos and articles that are being circulated at the moment most of them if you check out the the facts behind these articles behind these videos you'll find that it's normally someone who doesn't know what they're talking about i was sent a video gee about a week or two ago and was a lady in america and she was speaking as a medical professional to a crowd of thousands and she was anti-vaccine anti-health restrictions anti-anti-anti i mean you know the type she voted republican she talked about her faith in jesus and yet she was so anti and someone sent me that and so i checked out her credentials and i found out that she's actually an osteopath now praise god for osteopaths and chiropractors and physiotherapists and the like when i've got a problem with my back as i do from time to time i have a very dear friend who is an osteo and he works his magic and he repairs my back after two or three visits but if i want to know about vaccines and immunology and epidemiology i'm not going to go to an osteo i want to talk to someone who is trained in those fields and they're the people i speak to and get my information from before i write anything or speak anything on those topics so we've really got to get our information right and do your fact checking so many of these uh things are dodgy dodgy dodgy all political leaders need prayer to make wise decisions in their sphere of influence absolutely yep we should know the names of all of the premiers uh and and i i completely agree greg and of course we do know them all now because we see them and the health ministers and so on and so forth thanks you tang uh thanks fiona carey he says one of the reasons the bible tells us to pray for our leaders is so we can live in a peaceful world absolutely that's what paul says in fact in that passage of scripture in one timothy he gives three reasons why we should pray and one of them is that we might live in a peaceful world another reason is he wants all people to come to a knowledge of the truth tony says i'm so glad we have a christian pm at this time let's pray for him and show him appreciation absolutely tony i i can't i can't even imagine how our prime minister must feel at the moment with a christian ministers speaking so disrespectfully and of him as a person questioning his faith um you know just lambasting the man i i think it's absolutely awful now i did write to our prime minister about a week or two ago i sent a a letter to him respectfully appealing to him as a fellow man of faith to take something new to cop 26 the gathering of the nations in a few weeks time to revisit the issue of climate change i don't know about you but i have been increasingly concerned as i look at what is happening around the world with unprecedented natural disasters fires floods you know the floods in new york city the floods in germany and belgium things that either haven't happened before or haven't happened on this scale temperatures well up into the 40s in in canada you know places like vancouver where a warm summer's day may hit occasionally may hit the high 20s or 30 but but most of the time the temperatures in in the low 20s uh in in the summertime and they get temperatures up in the 40s you cannot tell me that there isn't something happening in the world that has been caused by human beings now you know i'd climate change um and i'm actually the spokesperson for arc this week which is uh an interfaith group that are lobbying the government for uh increased action on climate change and they've asked me this year to be their spokesperson so i've done done a number of media interviews today and i'll be doing several more media interviews tomorrow on this but i've been looking at this over the last few months and so for example a new study which has just come out this was on the bbc news app this morning the number of days on the planet that are over 50 degrees have doubled in number between 1980 and 2020 and so we're starting to see stuff that has been we've been warned about this since the late 1800s that's the first time climate change was flagged by some scientists and then 80 years ago the first climate change model was put together by a guy called guy calendar and over the last few decades scientists have been increasingly saying the human activity is creating warming of the planet warming of the atmosphere warming of the oceans now scientists are saying that this decade that we're living in the the 2020s is the decade that really is make or break um and and so australia right now is the only country out of 192 countries in in cop cop 26 um that is not taking anything new to that to that gathering in a few weeks time and so i respectfully wrote to our prime minister appealing to him as a fellow man of faith appealing to him as someone who believes that god created the heavens and the earth appealing to him as a man who believes in love your neighbor as yourself and treat others in the way you would like them to be to treat you and to say we need to act out of our faith now and bring in some really solid work and to work together with all nations what can australia do on its own well not a lot but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do anything we need to pull our weight with all of the other countries in the world and make a difference um to the environment at this time it's not too late but it's almost too late and we need to keep those temperatures under the temperature increase hopefully around 1.5 degrees if it starts to go over two degrees then we are in serious trouble as a planet okay so as a little side rant for you let me just have a look here um yeah scott morrison is a christian he's a pentecostal christian and so you know we need to pray for all our police whether they're christian or not why do you think many churches many pastors are believing in supporting conspiracy theories jazz that is a very interesting question and i will get to that in a few weeks time i think when we re-gather so the next three thursday tuesday nights rather i'm not going to be joining you the two nights of the two tuesday nights of school holidays and then the first tuesday after school holidays we're not going to have tuesday night live but i certainly would um i'll speak into that and jazz if you go to our bayside church website and you find the blogs you scroll down on the home page and you go down to the bottom you'll find pasta rob's blog and you can click on those and it'll bring up all the blogs and if you put some words into the search engines there like conspiracy theories you'll find a number of blogs that i wrote on that topic over over the last 12 to 18 months john says if we got to that stage described before about italy australian society would complain that the political parties have not done enough to protect us i hear you john and i feel for our politicians because it's like you're damned if you do and damned if you don't but i appreciate their strength our premier said on the news tonight um that that to open up would be populist but would not be strong or good leadership and and i thoroughly agree with them with him on that kelly says a lot of us are in awe of all you do in the hospital system and are truly grateful to all you do we are uh maybe too silent but we are cheering you on and that's for all of you who are working in uh our hospital system absolutely uh kelly we we really are we're cheering you on and thank you so much uh there is a sad video of the doctor in alabama who had to tell patients that they were dying and not given them a vaccine at this point because it was too late yeah and there's a lot of that going on actually and there are people in hospital recording videos that are now going out online saying i was anti-vaxx i didn't believe this is a thing i've now got covered it's not looking good for me i'm probably going to die please please please this is not a conspiracy this is this is not a pretend thing for the one world government and all this kind of stuff this is real and of course it is too late then um and so let none of us find ourselves in that position mark says thank you janice says i am so grateful to father god for putting you across my path you're a wonderful uh well-balanced and grounded voice for the lord i pray you receive fresh revelation of god's word in this season i appreciate your wisdom and knowledge god bless you abundantly in everything you do for the lord janice thank you so much for your very kind words there excuse me bev says agreed on climate change australia should be at the forefront considering how hot our continent is on average uh not at the coast although yeah absolutely i mean it would be easy to think because of melbourne's very temperate climate that things are not warming up but i think we've seen too much over the last few years and you know the bushfires that we experienced in victoria and new south wales at the end of 2019 beginning of 2020 remember that it feels like a another lifetime ago now but then uh the floods and the mud rain and then the pandemic it was like all this stuff going on all at once and we really we really need to realize that there is um uh a genuine change in our climate taking place great quest question ross what's our church policy for jab for the jab and services we are still yet to have conversation on that so i won't say a whole lot more on that right now so we're going to we have a board meeting coming up in october and i'm putting that on the discussion agenda uh for our board meeting and uh we're also having be having a discussion uh amongst our senior staff at bayside church as well um i i'm gonna say my i guess my gut on it is um that i would be reluctant to um say that you had to have a vaccine to be in attendance and that was the only thing but there might be i think you know for the covert passports or whatever certificate is eventually introduced probably just uh a tick or a cross um on on the app you know the app that we all use for the qr code i think they're trying to work out at the moment how to sync that with the federal health system so that our vaccine passport tick comes across on that none of your data by the way would be stored on that you would simply get a green tick if you've been vaccinated or a red cross if you haven't been vaccinated and then so if you haven't been vaccinated you would have to have a negative covered test say within three days for example of turning up to a church service and i imagine we'll continue the sensible and wise precautions that we should be taking during the pandemic and so we would be taking people's temperature on the way into the auditorium we would be saying to people if you have any symptoms or if you have a temperature or a cough for example we would ask you out of kindness not just for yourself but of course for all of the other people particularly vulnerable and older people in our church community that you would stay at home and enjoy bayside church online that weekend and so i hope that as a church community we can work walk together and work together in wisdom on this i hope we don't get to the point where we have to say or even where the government has to say well you can't gather in a church unless you've been vaccinated i think i would like to see us all work together with wisdom and preferring others as better than ourselves as philippians chapter 2 has to say and so that would be some of my thoughts um ross just off the top of my head there we've we've covered a lot of ground tonight um the question on matthew chapter 6 and how exactly did the hypocrites pray in public that was so wrong as we pray in public all the time i will get to that on our first night back in october because the answer to that is way too long i'll say another couple of things in a moment and i've got some other um questions that is popping up on the feed here i just want to let you know that in two nights time thursday evening we have an immerse prayer and worship gathering on zoom so if you'd love to just hang out with god's people at bayside and to worship god together and to pray together and to soak in the presence of god i invite you to join us on doom on thursday evening at 7 30 and you can register for that via the church website you click on events and you'll find the immerse prayer and worship night and also this sunday night you can join jimmy day and myself bayside men so guys you can join us on facebook live and or youtube and jimmy's sending out an invite to you all i think tomorrow on email so all the guys at bayside should be getting that let's have a look here um so is it also encourage the jab in your teachings yeah i do what i say though because i i want to be careful i'm not medically trained so i'm not going to tell anyone to get the vaccine what i do is encourage you to go and talk to your gp and that if you're not happy with the advice that you're getting from your gp that you then seek a second opinion so that's really really important i think i may have shared with you last week i can't remember but i have a very dear friend over in western australia i led him to the lord in uh oh goodness about 40 years ago and he and i were chatting on the phone he still lives in perth we were chatting just a few weeks ago and uh we were talking talking about the vaccine and i said to him have you have you had the astrazeneca jab and he said no he said i went to my doctor to talk to him about it but he said i developed a few years ago i had developed a blood clot in my leg and the doctor didn't know why that blood clot developed so his gp said to him even though you're 60 he said i don't want you having astrazeneca i want you to wait until you can get the pfizer uh vaccine so it's really important that we put ourselves under the covering of a medical professional when it comes to um a medical procedure which is what a vaccination is and particularly if you have a gp that you've known for a long time they know your medical history and then they can advise you with great wisdom so i encourage people by saying i've been vaccinated and i think that this is the best protection for us as we move into the future that over the next few weeks and months we're going to be moving into a brand new phase of this pandemic no longer are we going to be under these massive lockdown restrictions we're going to be living with the virus and so for my protection and for the protection of my family and my community and for the medical community and for our church community i have been double jabbed with astrazeneca and so that was just over it was last friday week so i'm about a week and a half away from being fully protected by uh the astrozenica vaccine and so i just encourage people go and chat with your gp get a second opinion if you're not happy with that and that's how i encourage people so i hope that helps john just give a bit of uh perspective there marjorie says so so pleased i tune in to you for the first time tonight your common sense and compassionate answers to all are wonderful did not expect expect so many topics to be covered thank you so much and that's what i love about tuesday night's marjorie because pretty well everything's up to for grabs you know i've i've prepared some answers to questions that people have sent in to me but often we go off on different side tracks as different people sending questions and comments and so it becomes a really enjoyable kind of chat for an hour god bless you alice carrie says a friend of mine can't have any vaccinations due to her medical conditions and see that is a really really good point there is a small incredibly vulnerable part of our community who cannot receive a vaccination and so the rest of us who are able to be vaccinated should be vaccinated we need to go and chat with our our doctors and then follow through with their advice not just to protect ourselves but to minimize the spread of this virus to protect precious people like carrie's friend who cannot cannot be vaccinated alice says i've only just finished my zoom with the [Music] encouragement group bless you alice i love that i'm glad you uh had a wonderful evening with your encouragement group and i think alice is amazing alice is 91 and she's on zoom and she's encouraging and discipling people and doing pastoral care and and you're an absolute delight alison we love you tibets janna says thank you for a very interesting evening love these evenings thanks so much janice i appreciate that jazz says the most important question who do you think will win the afl grand final so um i guess and kilda wouldn't be the right answer at all um gee i don't know you know actually apart from synkilda i don't really follow um afl i think i think are the ds in it i think melbourne is playing who else is playing uh i'm not sure um yeah tuesday nights have got a momentum to it um what are your thoughts on kerry chance the chief health officer mentioning the new world order in a press conference the other day i think that was a very unfortunate turn of phrase haley i don't think kerry chance will be meaning what a lot of people think when they think of a new world order a lot of conservative evangelical christians will be thinking antichrist one world government et cetera et cetera and that is from there what i believe to be a very wrong understanding of bible prophecy and the book of revelation so i think kerry needs to have someone close to her to say maybe don't mention new world order because there are people who are waiting for one and some people are unnerved by the by the pandemic and they think that this is a conspiracy um of political elites to bring about the new world order but i think it was just an unfortunate turn of phrase um okay um thanks hayley hayley says happy to tune in next time for a response and yes greg what don't follow the afl i know and he says and you call yourself a christian i know absolutely i know yeah forgive me father for i have sinned um that pretty well brings us to a close um as i say we i'm taking a break for the next few weeks to three weeks actually i will mention a couple of things just in closing a lot of people have been asking me what we can do for the people of afghanistan and so if you're anything like me you've been feeling incredibly distressed watching footage of afghanistan seeing those poor people coming back under the very brutal taliban rule and so we have joined forces with christians christian leaders christian churches christian aid groups and other christian ministries all around australia with a petition which is called christians united for afghanistan so you can go onto our website if you click on connecting with church and then the events tab you will see christians united for afghanistan as as i think the first event there and you can read through that the call is as follows we the australian church are calling on the federal government to welcome a special intake of an additional 20 000 afghan refugees and support the ongoing well-being of all afghan refugees and their families so if you agree with that statement i invite you to click on the link that you will find there on our church website and sign that and then share that with other people and that would be absolutely wonderful and let's see our government you know we i think they've welcomed in about three and a half thousand afghan refugees at the moment but as a country we can take in more than that and open our arms wide to some very very precious people who are suffering um quite a lot at this point in time so tuesday night live will be back i will be back on the 12th of october so please get that in your diaries if you have a question that pops into your mind in the meantime you can send that to me on facebook messenger or you can email connect at baysidechurch.com dot a u thank you for joining me tonight have a wonderful week and i hope to see you on bayside church online this weekend or our immersed prayer and worship night on thursday good night god bless you
Channel: Bayside Church Melbourne
Views: 34
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 2aSC0AzXv5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 54sec (3834 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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