Tuesday Night Live

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] well hello and welcome to tuesday night live thank you for joining me yet again and uh also to those of you who are watching or listening to this during the week hi to you as well so if you're tuning in live please make sure you stop by and say g'day on facebook or youtube and i'll get your comments here in the stream yard studio and we'll say g'day as well back to you and if you've got any questions or comments of course you know how this works you've been watching any length of time then feel free to drop those into the chat feed as well and i'll do my very best uh to get to those tonight to read those and of course if i need to uh do some research then i will do that and include your question sometime in the next week or so uh so this actually is the second last one that i'm going to do before the school holidays and then i'm going to have a couple of weeks off and then get back into it again for the rest of the year so but i have decided that i had the school holes off this year to spend with uh trinity and the family uh which will be fantastic so uh g'day to john martin god bless you guys out at uh warrnambool um i was seeing on the news tonight a lot of um a lot of people vaccinated and warnable like you're almost there absolutely wonderful i think queenscliff is winning uh they have over 90 single dosed in the vaccine so some really really good stuff happening there good day to tom and chris hey jazz g'day jesse saying hello to everybody as well hi kelly goodbye janine and alice and lorraine bailey saying howdy feeling a bit um a bit uh american there lorraine good on you carrie good evening to you hi to susanna oh that's wonderful susanna the oldham family from bayside church who relocated back to new zealand uh fairly early last year because of all the lockdowns and everything so uh you guys um are living over there uh at the moment i know that i think restrictions are continuing in auckland and maybe a little bit in some of the other parts of new zealand but you guys have done really really well over there so i hope things come together well for you go ahead mark hi hella go away to bryce roberts who says g'day rob attended your church many moons ago wonderful church thank you bryce i appreciate that and uh hopefully when we when we get to open up and meet in person again you'll be able to pop back bryce you'd be more than welcome hi to monica reynolds g'day and also susanna again says uh so nice to see you again pastor rob yes we are still in level four uh lockdown restrictions in auckland yeah one person from sydney escaped and got over to new zealand and boom off it went so this um delta uh virus is uh the the strain of the virus is particularly virulent um and i think you know we're having trouble controlling it here in victoria uh new south wales definitely are and now new zealand as well good day to graeme and kathy god bless you guys hello hello halima is watching from morocco don't you love this so good people from all around melbourne around australia different nations all getting together here on a tuesday night very very cool and kathy as well so graeme and kathy are watching on different computers i take it but from the same house yes fabulous we've got some good questions that we're going to get into uh questions tonight can the spirits of departed loved ones still communicate with us interesting we'll get into that in a moment a couple of things coming up how can jesus be god and also talk to god great question and what do jehovah's witnesses believe that kind of is a question that springs out of last week where i spent quite a lot of time answering questions about the seventh-day adventist church and particularly appreciated the help that i got from my sda friends who are very strongly connected with us at bayside church and so the question about the jehovah's witnesses and i hope to get to that a little bit later as well uh hi to knicker john says that we have a great health system in warnable the community trusts them and there's been a huge take up of the jab in the area let's hope other areas join uh take up the opportunity to get it too yep i i thoroughly agree uh with that john and i think that's you've actually nailed it the community trust the health system the medical workers and and that's really you know what we need to see here in melbourne and across sydney and you know the states victoria new south wales because it's lack of trust because of false information that then leads people to be fearful and then to not receive the vaccination and so someone said to me about a week ago they said you know the medical people around the world the medical experts around the world are divided over covered and actually you know what that's not true uh the medical people i have talked to many of them members of bayside church and friends of ours who are part of different churches who love jesus and are highly trained in their medical sphere many of them epidemiologists immunologists majoring in vaccines and so on and so forth and they've said they've never seen unity like this amongst the medical profession and so that should resonate strongly with us and we've got to realize that some of the misinformation is being spread by medically trained people who are not experts in the fields that that we need experts in when it comes to a global pandemic and when it comes to vaccines and so you know i was sent a a video link the other day this happens to me all the time and maybe happens to you as well someone sends you a link no message just a link to a video or an article and and so i dutifully watch it or read it and this one was of an american lady she's standing up in front of it looked like a crowd of thousands in the united states and she's she's just bagging out on covert restrictions lockdowns and vaccines and she said i'm a medical doctor i'm trained i know all about this so i did a little bit of digging behind the scenes to find out what her qualifications were and she's an osteopath now i go to an osteopath uh dr tim kinross kinross family been part of bayside almost since it began when i first met tim he was 12. he's now uh goodness he must be i imagine in his late 30s early 40s and he's now doctor which is great and he is absolutely brilliant as an osteopath but he's not trained an osteopath is not trained in immunology or epidemiology and they haven't majored in vaccines and so i'm not going to get my advice from someone who's not trained in those areas on the global pandemic of the best way to stem a virus from spreading and the best thing about vaccines we need to get our information from reliable sources and that's what i'm doing invariably then i will write a blog i'm not medically trained i don't talk medical information off the top of rob buckingham's head or an article that i might have read or a video i've watched i get my sources directly from people i trust who are trained in those areas and then and and so if you listen to anything that i'm saying or writing that's where it's coming from and you can trust that information and so i would say to you if you're hesitant about a vaccine i understand your hesitancy you know we hear stuff that's highlighted on the news about side effects etc etc so go and have a chat with your gp and if you're not fully happy with your gp's advice then get a second opinion and and then when you're calm and when you're peaceful in your heart about it then proceed but uh the people i've been talking to have been telling me that the very best way for society to start to open up as safely as possible is for as many of us as possible to be vaccinated understanding that there are a few people in our society who because of underlying health conditions cannot receive a vaccine and so especially for people like that the rest of us need to get ourselves vaccinated to keep those people as safe as we possibly can as we begin to open up so hopefully that helps i hadn't actually planned on saying any of that but i hope that that really really helps you kathy says yes we are on different computers but you are in the same house in fact the same office says graham at different desks there you go the couple that study together stay together or something like that cheng says that they are sda but they love bayside church as well thank you chang um who else we got here oh yeah jesse and jesse i've mentioned before jesse's from the south of the us of a now living in melbourne part of bayside church but don't forget your horse dewormer everyone oh my goodness because there are some people again who are not medically trained and they're spouting on about invamectum which has not been clinically proven to work as a treatment or a cure for covert 19. so there's been research and there's ongoing research which will then be peer reviewed every t crossed every i dotted before a treatment is said to be okay invermectum has not been okayed but there are people in america who are going to get invomectum from veterinary outlets uh they're buying horse dewormer in vemectum which of course is a whole lot stronger than you would take the human version of and so they're ending up in hospital i've read a number of news reports in the last few days of people ending up in hospital incredibly sick which really is pretty selfish isn't it you know because the the hospitals are already at breaking point in some of the american states because of covert and then people take this stuff and well there you go don't start me obviously uh hi sharon and g'day to leanne as well and hi to will g'day will um and then graham says and i'm sure tongue-in-cheek how clever of them to put microchips in the horse dewormer yes hey i got my second jab last week they brought the astrazeneca or they shortened the gap from 12 weeks to six weeks because they wanted as many people to be vaccinated with the second dose as possible understanding it takes about three weeks after each jab for your immune system to get its full response so in a two weeks time i will be fully uh protected uh well as protected as much protected as i can be which is really really good so that's me let's get into our first question tonight and it says so rob do you believe that people who pass pass away are still connected to us through their spirit i feel like and she refers to her husband who's passed away that her husband's spirit can still communicate with me and i have so many things that have occurred that could not be explained otherwise and so first of all i really really appreciate your question and please know that you're not on your own feeling this way in fact there's been some research conducted in america on what is referred to as adc that is after death communication and they discovered through this research that about 20 percent of the american population say they experience such communication and so i imagine you know australia is not that radically different we're a western society as well maybe there's probably 20 of australians who feel that they have had some sort of adc after death communication so the question here really is can the spirits have departed loved ones still communicate with us first of all i'll say it is completely understandable that we deeply miss a loved one who has passed away and i completely get the whole thing of where people they'll say things like i know that they're looking down on me now or you know i sense their presence with me and i still talk to them when they're when when i'm in the house all of those things i think they're very healthy ways of helping us to uh deal with the grief and the loss of a loved one no longer being physically present with us and so i think those things are very very healthy i remember talking to my gran many years ago she passed away quite a long time ago she was almost 102 when she passed away and i'll tell you a little story about her in a moment but her husband my grandfather had a series of fairly major heart attacks and he had the final one which was a doozy which took him out at the age of i think he was 73 and so they're around the same age so she lived as a widow without her husband for almost 30 years and she would tell me that she'd walk into the house on some days and she would call out his name his name was john and so she'd call out john and and then realize oh my goodness yes he's not here anymore because they've been married for ages you know 40 50 years whatever it was and and so it took her time i um when i was in bible college in the 80s she came out to australia and she was from england her name is ma was marjorie buckingham and she was awfully well spoken she was very posh british lady she would never call me rob she would always call me robert and she told me that she said i will call you robert because rob is so common don't you think and i didn't think but she was happy with that so she's the only one who's allowed to call me robert and i'm sure some of you now next time you see me will call me robert but grant is the only one that can really get away with that so anyway she came out to sydney and i drove to pick her up from the airport and i took her back to the bible college and she met many of the students and was pretty blown away actually by the love that she was shown and we were sitting down watching a bit of tv one night we had dinner together and we were watching the two ronnies on tv alice you're uh you're watching so i know you and charles always enjoyed the two ronnies together so uh we're watching the two ronnies and we ended up getting into this conversation while the tv was on and uh we started talking about eternity and uh life after death and all of those sorts of things and uh and uh she said to me she said oh i i hope i'll go to heaven. and i said to her i said well would you like to pray with me so that you can have the assurance of eternal life and she said yes i would so we switched the two ronnies off and i shared a few things with her i shared the gospel with her and then i led her in a prayer and she said to me oh i feel so peaceful now and eventually she went back to the uk she went to perth first to see my parents and my family over in western australia and then she went back to england and a little while later when well probably about 10 years later christy and i got married and we we flew over to the uk and we went and visited grand and she still couldn't work out why she was still around she was living in a an old people's home not that she was one of the old people but she was living there and she used to call it god's waiting room and she said to me i don't know why i'm still here i really really am looking forward to going home and so a few years later she went home to be with jesus but um that really resonated with me when she said to me when she walked into the house she would still call her husband's name many many years after he passed away my own mum died about four or five years ago she had had a battle with dementia for about five years and if you've ever had a loved one with dementia you'll know that you do all of your grieving or the vast majority of your grieving before they pass away because you lose them right before your very eyes and so mum eventually passed away early one morning and christy and i and the family were actually overseas at the time and so i flew back to perth and i conducted my mum's funeral because my mum was a christian and so am i and but the rest of my family aren't and so i wanted mum to have a christian funeral and so i did her um i conducted her funeral and uh afterwards um the people were outside and you know having having teas and coffees and chatting and stuff and when i kind of composed myself after the funeral i went out and joined them the fascinating thing though was for the next several months almost every night i had a dream about my mum and invariably in the dream she was better in fact i remember in one dream saying to her i said mum your memory is okay now and she goes yes i'm fine now and all of these dreams is interaction where i just felt so peaceful and i felt her her company with me in that dream now i don't know whether that those dreams were god god-given or whether those dreams were just my own mind and spirit working through the grief and the emotion and all of those kinds of things i kind of think that they were a combination of both i remember waking up every every morning when i had those dreams feeling really really comforted uh by having that connection with my mum even though she had passed away so there is a connection with our departed loved ones uh through shared memories uh through shared songs one of the songs that my mum loved uh was love's old sweet song it was a song that was a big hit in the 1920s and then again in the 1940s and i didn't know at the time but it was my mum's party piece when she was eight years old i remember telling my auntie jean which was mum's sister i said oh and i go in to see mum in the nursing home i've been playing the old songs by nat king cole and you know some of the old hymns abide with me and amazing grace that she loves and i said but there's one song that when i play it mum starts to sing and she'll tap her hand and she sings it word perfect perfect and remember she had dementia right and my auntie said to me she said well that was your mom's party piece when she was eight of course that was before tv radio was was all the buzz but what they would do for entertainment back in those days was that all the kids would have a little item that they would do so when the family came around each of the kids would put on kind of a mini performance and apparently my mum would get up and sing love's old sweet song well of course i didn't know that it just happened to be one of the songs that i had on one of my spotify playlists and one day i just played it to her and she looked at me she said oh i do love that song and started to sing it word perfect and then and then tears just ran down her face as she sang that so i believe that's the spirit of god at work there because out of all of the millions of songs that i could have chosen i had happened to land on that one which was so very well known to her so there'll be memories or there'll be experiences there'll be things songs hymns maybe a perfume that reminds you of someone maybe it's a movie uh bible verses all those sorts of things that are great connection points and we comfort ourselves with these memories in the face of grief and loss and we feel that the one that we love is still very much with us i think god orchestrates some of these things i think he orchestrates them as an act of love as if from our departed loved one that god is uh he is the comforter isn't he jesus talked about the holy spirit coming he said when i've gone i'm gonna send another one exactly like me so the holy spirit the parakletos he's one that's called alongside us to stay with us and see us through to the other side of a deep need or a crisis i think that's a beautiful picture of the holy spirit i'm sure we all know someone maybe you're that person that that you just stick it out with a friend or a family member when they're going through a crisis christy's very much like that you know she's the person you want around you when you're going through a horrific time when you're going through a terrible time and i know there are people at bayside who will testify to that christie's been there and she stayed up with them sometimes all night in hospitals and you know just gone the second and third mile that's what the holy spirit is like he's our paracletos he's our comforter the one that comes alongside us and stays with us all the way through a crisis or a difficulty so when we lose a loved one we go through grief and loss and all of those things and the holy spirit is right there comforting maybe orchestrating as an act of love different things in our lives to remind us and it's so real that we sense this amazing connection with our loved one who has departed physically so that's the good side of this i'll just finish this particular section by just kind of i guess a word of caution and that is don't seek to initiate contact with a deceased person the bible gives us a number of warnings about this in the scripture and i'll just highlight some of them in deuteronomy chapter 8 tells us not to have anything to do with a median medium or a spiritist or one who consults the dead leviticus 19 31 says do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists for you will be defiled by them i am the lord your god and uh there's uh other scriptures as well uh isaiah chapter 8 verses 19 and 20 when someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists who whisper and mutter should not a people inquire of their god so rather than going to a spirit medium to inquire from them it says inquire of your god of the lord why consult the dead on behalf of the living consult god's instruction and testimony because he is the living god and our loved ones are in his presence and so we need to go to him sometimes people use the parable of the rich man and lazarus luke 16 the rich man dies goes to a place of torment lazarus the poor man dies and goes to a place of comfort and they're having this dialogue the poor man's with abraham and and the rich man is in torment and they're having this conversation and the rich man says then i beg you father abraham to send lazarus to my family send lazarus back from the dead for i have five brothers let him warn them so that they will not also come to this place of torment abraham replied they have moses and the prophets let them listen to them no father abraham he said but if someone from the dead goes to them they will repent abraham says if they do not listen to moses and the prophets they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead what it's talking about there of course is jesus is prophetically speaking about his resurrection and he's saying even if someone comes back from the dead there are still going to be people who will not believe and so that is how hard their hearts or are so if you feel that your departed loved one is around you then be comforted and be encouraged by that but don't seek to initiate contact with a deceased person i hope that answers your question really really well great question too thank you so much thank you very much for that i want to say hi to sharon she says thanks for discussing this tonight rob diane great to be with you thanks diane you're a very faithful lady kelly says a beautiful story of my mum yes absolutely indeed and precious precious lady i haven't had any dreams about my mum now for quite a while actually i feel like i've done all of that processing uh that was necessary hi to ziggy g'day tracy um yeah tracy this is a really good example actually tracy i recall christy being alongside the former trafficker in indonesia yep she was with uh andrew chand and maya and sukumaran right to the moment that they were executed on nusa kombangan island so she is certainly the one that you want around her at times like that thanks donna and uh g'day to janine as well and i'll just take that scripture off there all right so you can pop your questions and comments in as we go and uh i do want to read um this email that i got the other day and this was um in light of christy and my message a couple of weekends ago we did a message it's still on youtube if you've missed it it's also on the church's website it's called for heaven's help for heaven's help psych for heaven's sake help us get it right and uh we've had a lot of fantastic feedback about that so thank you i got this email uh from someone who says i and they're a medically trained person i'm still struggling right now with covert and all the anti-vaxx and anti-lock down and conspiracy theories i had what i call a little mentee bee that is a little mental breakdown last week where i needed to take a step back my boyfriend and i watched you and christy speak on this on sunday from the week before and it was like the most refreshing thing i have experienced all year thank you so much for all you do your voice in this space is so needed i'm so taken back by the number of pentecostal pastors who are speaking out against vaccines and lockdowns and encouraging people in other ways it is disheartening and even sickening it is taking all my emotional energy not to slam them or just befriend them so hearing your message on the weekend was a great reminder of how to live gracefully and how to respond in love i have no i you have no idea how much i needed that so i really really appreciated that as i say that's uh from a friend who's uh very much a part of the medical profession and can i tell you say every medical person that i have spoken to have said to me that their head is just done in by the misinformation about the covert pandemic about supposed cures of uh was it hydrocoxy chloroquine or something like that and invomectum and all of this anti-vac stuff if you talk to any medical professional especially those who are trained in these areas they will tell you pretty well the same thing so let's get on to the next question shall we thanks for answering my last question says the questioner i do have another this time on the nature of god i recall you stating in one of your sermons that jesus is fully god how can this be if jesus prayed to the father in the garden of gethsemane and addressed him whilst dying on the cross wouldn't it make more sense that the father son and holy spirit are parts of god communicating with each other rather than one of them being fully god especially since psalm 8 5 and hebrews 2 7 reads for you have made him a little lower than the angels if jesus were fully god he couldn't be lower than anything therefore is it possible that jesus was part man part god until his resurrection when he joined the father that is an absolutely brilliant question can i say and i really hope i can do this justice i want to start though by saying that if i could fully explain god to you then he wouldn't be god if i could put god into finite words and phrases and sentences then he wouldn't be the infinite eternal god that he is so even the bible itself only expresses in human words that are finite and limited to give us just a snapshot of something of what god is like so for example the bible will attribute human elements to god and talk about the hand of god and god's eyes running to and fro across the earth and all of those sort of things now god is spirit and jesus said that a spirit does not have flesh and bones so a spirit is not in in a fleshly body and so god doesn't have eyes and he doesn't doesn't have hands because god is spirit he's everywhere he fills everything in every way the bible says so he is immense but he reduces himself down into human language so we can glimpse him so i'll say that as as a way of a bit of a background there how can a finite mind fully grasp an infinite and eternal god in fact the bible says that everlasting life is to know god so all of eternity we're going to be seeing a little bit more of god that we hadn't seen before and we're going oh wow that's amazing i hadn't seen that before have you seen that before i've got no how awesome is that you know so it'll be like this divine treasure hunt that goes on forever and ever which is wonderful so where i base that statement uh in my sermon on was from colossians chapter 2 and verse 9 it says for in christ all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form the deity or the godhead so the word there um in all the modern translations it's translated as deity in the king james version it uses the word godhead there and bible hub describes the godhead as the personal god revealed in the bible who is triune and infinitely relational i love that definition the personal god revealed in the bible who is triune he's a trinity and i'll get into that in a moment and he is infinitely relational and so that god father son and holy spirit took residence in a human body in christ all the fullness of deity of the good head godhead lives in bodily form in the flesh so let's have a look at this um the the trinity and and can i say here most of the pseudo-christian sects refuse to embrace this teaching this is orthodox christian teaching about the trinity something i hold to and something that our church bayside church holds to and the movement of churches that we're a part of the crosslink christian network so the word trinity is not found in the bible but the concept is it actually comes from two words tris and eunus tris means three and eunice means one and so god is the three one so god is one here's one god and we'll look at a verse of scripture about that in a moment but he is expressed in three distinct personalities father son and holy spirit all of whom are god now a kind of example of that which isn't 100 accurate and falls short of what god is really like but if we talk about the buckingham family for example okay so the my family rob christie gigi paris and trinity are five members of one family so we are one and we are five god is one and he is three as i say that falls short that example but it's the best way that i can bring some human understanding to this god of being three in one god revealed himself as a plurality in the very first chapter of the bible in genesis chapter 1 and verse 26 then god said let us make mankind in our image in our likeness so who who was god speaking to here three persons of the godhead father son holy spirit let us make man mankind in our image in our likeness genesis chapter 3 and verse 22 and the lord god said the man has now become like one of us and so we see that plurality there the unity of god is the catch cry of israel deuteronomy 6 4 hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one let us but the lord is one triune triss and eunice he is the three one isaiah chapter 6 and verse 8 then i heard the voice of the lord saying whom shall i send and who will go for us this is a dialogue happening in the boardroom of heaven father son holy spirit they're looking for someone to go to the nations to to preach to prophesy and the next verse isaiah goes here i am why don't you send me and they did but it started there with this discussion whom shall i send who will go for us the three in one there are dozens of references in the new testament to the trinity i won't um i won't go through all of them with you but at the baptism of jesus matthew chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 as soon as jesus was baptized he went up out of the water at that moment the heaven was opened and he saw the spirit of god descending like a dove and a lighting on him and a voice from heaven said this is my son whom i love with him i am well pleased there we see the triune god in action so jesus the god the son in bodily form getting baptized coming out of the water the holy spirit wasn't a dove it was like a dove a lighting on him gently and then heaven opens and a voice the voice of the father from heaven and says this is my son whom i love with him i am well pleased so father son and holy spirit working together in perfect unison we see the same in the great commission right at the end of matthew's gospel 28 and verse 19 therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit the triune god in action there as well in john 14 verses 16 and 17 we see the trinity at work in the sending of the holy spirit jesus said i will ask the father and he will give you another advocate or comforter to help you and be with you forever and then he tells us who that is the spirit of truth so the son was going to ask the father to send the spirit the three in one we see the same in the benediction given at the end of second corinthians may the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with you all wonderful way to finish a church service that's the benediction the love of god is an interesting thing here i wonder if you have ever thought of this the love of god 1 john 4 16 tells us that god is love but by the very nature of what love is it has to have an object in order to exist so i can't just sit here and be love without an object now i might feel loving but there's no object to my love so it's only when i'm with people and then i can give love to them but i am not love in and of myself and it's the same with god god had to have uh for perfect love to exist god had to have an object in all of eternity so before he created uh people and and his creation which he loves and all the animals and plants which god loves for god to be love in all of eternity he needed to have an object for his love and so what we see there is perfect love expressed between the father and the son and the holy spirit let's have a look at these um three members of the godhead the father the son and the holy spirit just very quickly first of all the father is god the father is god in john chapter 6 and verse 27 on him jesus god the father has placed his seal of approval so god the father has placed on jesus his seal of approval so god the father the father is god but what about the son well matthew 1 23 this is a verse that we look at every christmas time matthew 1 23 the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son and they will call him emmanuel which means says matthew god with us who is jesus he is god with us and then in acts chapter five verses one to four it's the story of uh ananias and sapphira they of course lie about selling a block of land and bringing all the proceeds and it doesn't turn out like a good day for these two but peter says to them first of all he says why have you lied to god and then a couple of verses later he said you have lied to the holy spirit so there he joins the holy spirit is god and so it's important for us to realize that the father is god the son is god and the spirit is god as well let me just get to the second part of that question before i wrap this part of it up hebrews 2 7 reads for you have made him a little lower than the angels if jesus were fully god he couldn't be lower than anything therefore is it possible that jesus was part man part god until his resurrection when he was joined when he joined the father so just very quickly understanding what the book of hebrews is all about and we don't know who wrote hebrews by the way it wasn't written by paul the language that is used by the writer of hebrews is not typical for the apostle paul some people think barnabas wrote the book some people think priscilla wrote it and if that's the case priscilla and akia her husband who were senior leaders in the church church pioneers a wonderful dynamic duo and if if priscilla wrote hebrews then it's the only book of the new testament that is actually penned by a woman and of course it was a very patriarchal society in israel in the first century and so if she did write it to accept it into the canon of scripture they would have had to suppress her name as the author of it but some people think priscilla was the author of hebrews and other other people probably including myself think that apollos uh wrote the book but the book was written to hebrew christians who were walking away from jesus persecution had broken out because of their faith they were being persecuted by their friends and their family and by their jewish community from the synagogue and many of these people were shrinking back from jesus and putting themselves back under the old covenant and so the writer of to the to these hebrew christians is writing here to say why are you leaving something which is far superior to the thing that you're going back to and the author spends the whole book saying jesus is greater in chapter 1 jesus is greater than angels same in chapter 2 that he says jesus is better than moses better than the law better than the sabbath better than joshua he's the great high priest of a new covenant he offered a better sacrifice than any animal he offered a sacrifice that is once and for all and so that's what he's talking about in the book of hebrews and so what does hebrews chapter 9 sorry chapter 2 and verse 7 mean let's read it in context because here he's talking about jesus being better than angels okay so it is not to angels that he has subjected the world to come about which we are speaking but there is a place where someone has testified what is mankind that you are mindful of them a son of man that you care for him you have made them a little lower than the angels and the word little lower there means for a little while lower than the angels you crown them with glory and honor and put everything under their feet in putting everything under them god left nothing that is not subject to them yet at present we do not see everything subject to them but we do see jesus who was made lower than the angels for a little while now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death so that by the grace of god he might taste death for everyone so the context here is that jesus was made low for a period of time because he came to die for all of humanity he came here to suffer death for all of us that by the great of grace of god he might taste death for every person so that then he might reconcile all people to himself that's what we see reflected in philippians chapter two and verse eight it says being in being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death even death on a cross so death on a cross was the worst way to die in the first century and the old testament scriptures tell us that everyone who's hung on a tree is cursed so being hung on this tree this cross jesus became a curse for us he he was cursed for us he tasted death for us that we might be liberated from the curse and uh liberated from death and so hebrews chapter 2 verse 7 he had to be made like them like us like human beings fully human in every way fully human in every way and so um that's really important for us to understand and so just wrapping this up jesus wasn't part man and part god he was 100 human and 100 percent divine and that's what it goes on to say as i just mentioned you know in verse 17 he had to make made like people uh fully human in every way he had to have a complete understanding of the human condition but reminding you what what it said in colossians chapter 2 and verse 9 for in christ all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form and so what we see in jesus is a person who is 100 human and 100 percent divine i hope that really helps to answer your question great question really really love that so let me go back here and uh have a look at some of the messages that i've missed out on people uh jazz great question mate what about haunted house houses are they ghosts or evil spirits um i tend to think that a a house that is haunted is most likely some sort of the bible calls them familiar spirits um and i think they're most likely demonic in origin i have gone into a few homes over the years i know alice you've done the same with charles and the other folk at bayside that have done this i've been contacted by various people over the years to say invariably they bought a new house they've moved in and there's something unsettling in the house one that springs to mind this happened over 30 years ago and it was actually someone in our church the last church that i was a part of and they had a friend who wasn't a christian who lived up in the dandenongs and they bought this beautiful old 100 year old stone cottage it was magnificent except there was stuff going on inside the house there was doors opening and closing there were drawers opening and shutting on their own accord and it was freaking them out and they had intended to go and have a chat with one of the local white witches and ask them to come in so these uh this couple who were members of my church they said to them well why wouldn't you have a christian pastor come in and they said well yeah we're happy to do that. so these friends said to me they told me the story and they said would you be happy to do that and i said sure so i drove up organized a time to go and see them and went into their home and i had a really good chat with them in a time of prayer with them and then i just basically walked through the house praying and commanding any spirit that was there that it had to leave in the name of jesus nothing manifested while i was there i don't know whether i was disappointed about that or not probably relieved really and uh and then left and i rang them a couple of weeks later i said how's everything and they said ever since you've been there everything's been completely peaceful i was over with my parents many years ago this would have been i think in the early 80s and some friends of theirs had the same experience lovely couple uh moved into a new home in perth and stuff was going on and uh had a conversation with them and found out that one of their kids had um really an addiction to watching horror movies and they were bringing all of these movies into the house of you know demonic possession and manifestations and all of this and so i said to them i said well that's where this thing's getting into your home so i'd encourage you to stop having movies in your house like that but i'm more than happy to come around and pray in the home which i did and uh once again you know everything left and and it was as good as gold so um i i tend to think that haunted houses ghosts i think they're evil spirits they're familiar spirits um they're often trying to unsettle people unnerve people they're spirits of fear and and that's what they will tend to manifest i hope that helps jazz um to live khalil gibran says to live in the hearts of others is not to die i think that's a a stunning stunning statement and a beautiful quote uh yes jazz thank you hydro hydroxychloroquine hydroxychloroquine here you go i'll finally get that chrissy says this is awesome thank you hi to jill um tim says infinitely relational love that hope you're going well tim you out of uh quarantine in the city yet mate and uh leanne says a bit like us body mind and spirit yeah a bit like us but not completely so um my body is not my mind which is not my spirit so for us they're three aspects of one person that's true but with god the son is god the father is god the spirit is god and so it is similar but also it's like my analogy of the family one family with five members it falls short of what god is really like uh kelly says us catholics bless ourselves i guess as a sign of our belief in the trinity does your church do that um no we don't tend to genuflect at bayside i don't mind if people do oh i'm so uncoordinated kelly quite honestly i i always go the wrong way when i try and do that and i just basically give up on it um but talking of blessing by the way you know when you sneeze and and someone says god bless you that actually started in the middle ages because they believed that when you sneezed you were vulnerable to becoming possessed by an evil spirit so they would say god bless you to stop the evil spirit from possessing you so that's why that's how that started and tim says out on thursday it sounds like prison mate you get out on thursday you will be so glad you will be so glad to get out good on you mate and uh kelly you are more than welcome it's five to nine so um i don't think i will get into our third question tonight it is a very good question but i want to give it to you time which i don't think i'd be able to do in five minutes the question is thanks for your inspiring tuesday night sessions the seventh day adventist session was very interesting please can you enlighten me on the jehovah's witnesses i'm asking because my old neighbours in cheltenham were jw and were very good neighbours how do their beliefs compare with sda great question and i will give that a good uh answer next tuesday night i've got a couple of other questions here that we'll get on to next tuesday night more someone wants to know more about death from a christian perspective i'm happy to get into that verses on eternal life as well if we are created in the image of god are we like god or is god like us what a good question um we'll look at some of the false information being passed around although i touched on that quite a lot tonight i think and and i've got a question here have you got any material about why the bible doesn't allow polygamy now i have a christian friend whose husband is adamant that the bible allows it so it's okay for him to have relationships with an unmarried woman oh my goodness it sounds like a guy who's just looking for an excuse doesn't it it really does but i will do my very best to answer those questions next tuesday night this uh weekends by the way i hope you enjoyed the interview that jimmy day did with me last weekend on bayside church online it was lovely just kind of being asked some questions and being able to share with you some of my own personal stories and and and aspects on things so if you missed that it's on our bayside church website um it's a father's day interview that jimmy day did with me and it was shown on the weekend but this weekend i'm going to teach on a subject that i think you'll find very very helpful it's called enjoying the bible and i want to address you know for some people they're told well you've got to read the bible you've got to read the bible and so they read the bible because they well we've got to read the bible you know but they don't really enjoy it and i want i want you to enjoy reading and studying and understanding god's amazing word and so i'm going to share some principles that i think will really really help you this weekend on how to enjoy the bible well we are pretty well wrapped up for tonight i'll finish a couple of minutes earlier because i've run out of questions and i've run out of comments from you guys so thank you so much for joining me and i do hope you have a wonderful week and i look forward to having your company on the weekend god bless you take care and much love
Channel: Bayside Church Melbourne
Views: 49
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 8KELQ5fO_80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 50sec (3530 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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