Battle of Cannae, 216 BC (Chapter 2) ⚔️ Opening Moves ⚔️ Hannibal (Part 12) - Second Punic War

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Hey guys, the Battle of Cannae has three chapters. If you missed the  previous one, you can find it here.   Some distance north of Cannae, the massive  Roman host lumbered forward through the plains   of Apulia, when the forward elements spotted  Hannibal, hastily abandoning his camp just ahead.   The enthusiastic Roman vanguard rushed forward!   The pursuit lacked organisation, but for once they  caught the Carthaginian general off-guard and they   were not about to allow him time to consolidate . But… while Hannibal’s standard did leave the camp,   the Carthaginian general was in fact  lurking in the forest nearby...   He lured the Romans into an ambush yet again,  despite their extensive scouting efforts.   Panic gripped the Romans and it seemed  like another disaster was afoot.   But Consul Varro quickly rallied  the troops and reformed the lines,   managing to beat back the Carthaginians.   Hannibal committed significant forces in  an effort to destroy the Roman vanguard   and shatter the morale of the Republic’s army  in yet another ambush, but the legionaries he   met on that rainy morning showed the kind  of determination he hadn’t faced before…   It’s late July, 216 BC. As the Roman column  approached, word reached Paullus and Varro   that the supply depo at Cannae  fell into Carthaginian hands.   The two consuls were alarmed by the news, knowing  that Hannibal now had the resources to camp   throughout the winter with little need to forage  or pillage the surrounding area for supplies. This would keep the Carthaginians sheltered and rested,  and would undoubtedly help Hannibal maintain high   morale among the troops over the coming months. Meanwhile, Paullus and Varro were aware that, with their logistics disrupted, maintaining  and supplying their vast army in the field   would present numerous problems. From their  perspective, a well-supplied Hannibal could now,   in theory, try to play for time and  prolong the war well into next year,   which would give him plenty of opportunities to  gain political points and successfully persuade   Rome’s allies in Southern Italy to join him. For the Roman leadership, the thought of a   possible cascade of defections on their peninsula  was unacceptable. Hannibal had to be dealt with.   However, while surveying the battlefield, disputes  began over where to fight the planned battle.   To the south lay Cannae on a line of hills,  with undulated land beneath the hillsides   and a very flat plain north  of the river Aufidius.   In ancient times the river itself is  suspected to have had a different course,   which ran further away from the hills, and  the area surrounding it was mostly treeless   cultivated open country, much like today. Paullus wasn’t pleased with the ground,   arguing that the flat terrain favoured Hannibal’s  more numerous and better cavalry, expressing his   preference to move the camp into the hills to  the west, where the more broken ground would be   more suited to infantry and would restrict cavalry  maneuvers.  Varro disagreed, correctly pointing out that the  legions performed best on fairly open ground,   expressing his willingness to give battle even  in the open country north of the river despite   Hannibal’s superiority in cavalry, but  arguing that deploying the army in the   undulated terrain south of Aufidius would  also suit the Roman infantry, whilst the   river and the hills would restrict any extensive  Carthaginian cavalry maneuvers on the flanks.   Both consuls were clearly concerned about  the mobility of Hannibal’s cavalry.   Varro was certainly more eager to fight,  and contemporary sources put this down to   inexperience, whilst describing Paullus  as the more level headed of the two.   But Paullus’ plan was problematic in many ways: The Roman host was very large and was composed   of a mix between newly trained troops and more  experienced legionaries, which made movements,   maneuvers and deployments of the army a slow  process, which would’ve been even slower in the   broken ground that Paullus suggested, despite  other advantages such terrain would offer.   In addition, it is doubtful that Hannibal would  accept a battle against a numerically superior   army in a well defended position, unsuited for his  cavalry. He would’ve likely arrayed his troops in   the plain below to taunt and challenge the Romans,  and if they didn’t come down from the hillsides to   fight, he would use this as propaganda to show off  the Republic’s weakness to its’ Italian allies.   Worse, Paullus’ plan to move  into the hills to the west   meant that the Romans would perhaps be forced  to wait until an opportunity for a battle arose,   and that could’ve potentially kept the  army in the field for a long time.   Feeding and supplying so many troops for a  prolonged period would’ve been a major problem,   whilst Hannibal now held the most  important supply depo in the area,   at Cannae, and could afford to wait. In addition, it is unlikely that Paullus   completely refused the idea of giving battle  on the flat terrain, because just like Varro   he understood that the Roman camp  was already too close to Hannibal,   therefore repositioning to the western hills  would essentially require them to disengage.   But any withdrawal from the field in the face  of the enemy was very difficult and dangerous,   especially for an army dominated by infantry  that faced superior cavalry, who could pick them   off piecemeal and potentially cause a rout. Furthermore, despite being in open country,   retreating from an outnumbered enemy would be  deeply dispiriting for the troops, especially   given that the Senate, the army, and the people  of Rome wanted to fight and destroy Hannibal.   In every sense the Roman army was now  committed and could not easily pull away   from the field without a battle. Therefore,  whatever misgivings Paullus had, Varro’s   preference to fight as soon as possible was not  at all unreasonable, under the circumstances.   The two Consuls came from  very different backgrounds.   Paullus was the grandfather of Scipio  Aemilianus, who was the principal financier   of the famous Greek historian Polybius, the main  contemporary source for the 2nd Punic War.   Being paid by Paullus’ immensely  influential and wealthy family,   it is easy to see why Polybius portrayed the  Consul in such a positive light, claiming that   it was he who solely raised the morale of  the army and made major efforts to organize   the newly formed legions, whilst mentioning  Varro only in passing as his “colleague”,   not including him in his writings at all  during the campaign until Hannibal was sighted,   and even then Varro is portrayed as somewhat  of an inexperienced hothead, in contrast to the   supposedly more sensible Paullus. This can make it  difficult to separate propaganda from the truth.   However, it is true that Paullus had more  military experience, having previously   served as consul in 219 BC and was campaigning in  Illyria. But, after being involved in a scandal   with the distribution of war plunder, he was  keen to avoid further stains on his reputation   during his second consulship in 216 BC,  which may have been part of the reason   for his cautiousness prior to the battle. In military terms, the Illyrian war was a   combined operation between the navy and the army,  but there were no pitched battles. So despite the   demands this campaign must’ve had on Paullus as a  general, the conflict in Illyria did not require   the skills needed for controlling a massive field  army. And since his reputation was embellished   in contemporary sources, we have no reliable  way of knowing how good of a commander he was.   In contrast, Varro was a novus homo, a “New Man", one of the very few in any generation   of Roman political circles, to be the first in  their family to reach high office. Contemporary   sources further smear him by describing  his ancestry as humble and poor, claiming   that his father was a butcher and that Varro  himself worked in the shop during his youth.   Despite being described as a brutish simpleton,  in reality a “new man” needed substantial   political ability to win elections against  opponents from old prominent Roman families   and their many clients who voted for them. Varro  could not parade the achievements and high status   of his ancestors, and had to find other  ways of making his name known to the public,   in a voting system that heavily favoured the  rich, which in a way made him an underdog.   This shows that Varro must’ve been a shrewd  politician, who managed to gain the support   of influential aristocrats and Senators, all of  whom looked to invest in a candidate that would   aggressively confront Hannibal – a desire that  was widespread in all political circles in Rome.   In addition, changes to Roman laws  in 217 BC made it nearly impossible   for a consular candidate without military  experience to be elected, regardless of the   influence and prestige of his financiers. So while Varro never held senior command,   considering the serious crisis that Rome was  in at this stage of the war, it is reasonable   to assume that he could not have been made  consul without certain military qualifications.   On the second day came Varro’s turn to command.   He led the army towards a position closer to the  enemy, despite objections from his colleague.   Hannibal responded by sending out groups of  cavalry and light infantry to harass and slow   down the advancing enemy column. Seeing the incoming Carthaginians,   Varro closed ranks and the column only  barely continued to move forward.   A series of skirmishes caused significant  confusion in the Roman ranks, but Varro’s formed   close-order infantry drove back each attack. The sporadic fighting went on until dark,   without either side gaining an edge  or inflicting losses on the enemy,   but the Roman progress to a new camp site  slowed down to a crawl, because they were   forced to maintain a constant fighting  line, eventually encamping when night fell.   Paullus, still supposedly reluctant to give battle  in this terrain, took charge of the army next   morning and continued the advance towards the site  chosen for the main camp, marshalling the troops   to close the distance with the Carthaginians. Meanwhile, Hannibal was still positioned on high ground near Cannae, south of the river, observing  enemy movements without taking any action.   The Romans proceeded to aggressively  take control over the battlefield. Two   thirds of the army remained in the main  camp, while the remaining one third of   the troops was sent across the river Aufidius. Setting up a second camp showed the determination   of the Roman leadership to put pressure on the  movement of enemy troops, whilst taking up a   position from where they could protect their own  foraging parties that ventured closer to Cannae.   More importantly, this aggressive stance served  to build up the confidence of the troops.   Hannibal countered by advancing down from  the high ground towards a new camp location,   most likely the flat plateau atop a  ridge west of the main Roman camp,   leaving a garrison to guard  the fortified depo at Cannae.   The size of the Roman host was clearly on his  mind, as he continuously spoke to the men,   encouraging them that "this" is why they came to  Italy! Challenging the Romans for control over   the battlefield showed Hannibal’s belief in  victory, which raised the spirits of the men.   The new camp was in a fairly  good defensive position,   overlooking the plain below, with the river  nearby offering the crucial water supply.   On the last day of July, The Carthaginian  general ordered the troops to prepare for battle.   The camp was abuzz for much of the late  afternoon, as the men sharpened their blades,   cleaned their weapons, armor, and clothing,  wanting to look their best and most intimidating   once the battle commenced. Early on August 1st,   the Carthaginian army marched out of their camp. On the Roman side, Paullus was once again in command. He posted covering forces in  front of the palisades of each camp, but the legions stayed close to the ramparts  and little was done to provoke a battle.   Hannibal, meanwhile, took the initiative and  dispatched his Numidians across the river   to attack the secondary Roman camp. He kept the rest of the troops arrayed for battle,   facing the enemy camp for several hours. He  exploited Paullus’ reluctance to give battle   to raise the confidence of his troops  by impressing upon them that the Romans   lacked the will to fight. Across the river, the   Numidians were ordered not to press the camp  directly but to harass the foraging parties,   mostly consisting of servants gathering water  supplies, and chase them from the field.   For Hannibal, this was another way to  humiliate the Romans and show to his   troops the inability of the enemy to counter  the Numidian raid and protect their foragers.   Some of the Roman officers felt  ashamed with how the day went,   resolutely wanting to turn things around, and the  troops were especially displeased with the delay.   Undoubtedly the two consuls  read the mood of the camp.   And… on August 2nd, Varro decided to fight…
Channel: HistoryMarche
Views: 314,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rome, roman republic, roman empire, scipio, hannibal, scipio africanus, second punic war, carthage, carthaginian empire, history documentary, historymarche, romans, carthaginians, Punic Wars, Cannae, Zama, roman legions, ancient rome, history of rome, rome vs carthage, roman army, world history, animated documentary, ancient battle, military history, battle of the trebia, battle of trebia, documentary, hannibal barca, battle of geronium, battle of cannae, cannae 216 bc, varro, paullus
Id: n7vqMFtT_Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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