#Batman #NES #BatmanNES Batman : The Video Game - NES - Ultimate Guide (All levels - Deathless)

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[Music] batman the video game maybe the best nes title ever released that was based on a live action movie there were a few others that were decent like star wars friday the 13th and gremlins 2 but let's face it none of those games are as good as batman but they are a lot better than garbage like beetlejuice or conan the barbarian the problem with movie games is simple it takes a lot of time and money to secure the license which leads to a short amount of time to develop the game and not much of a budget to pay for it publishers like the infamous ljn were typically hoping that the license itself would be enough to sell the game regardless of its quality batman was made by sunsoft an amazing but often underrated developer for the nes they had been making games since the early days of the arcades and had a hit with arabian in 1983 they would later make some of the best games on the nes like blaster master spy hunter and gimmick which was sadly never released in north america sunsoft had a different approach to licensed games they often would start working on a project before acquiring the license the focus was on making a good game the license was only needed to help promote it sometimes it didn't work out when sunsoft didn't get the terminator license they created an original story and released their terminator game as journey to silius sadly when sunsoft failed to secure the superman license they never released the nearly completed game batman is an action platformer with a strikingly dark graphical style the gameplay is often compared to ninja gaiden due to the ability for batman to wall jump just as ryu does in his games batman was first released in december of 1989 nearly a year after ninja gaiden so it's very possible that batman's development could have found inspiration there the two games may have a similar style but the feel is very different ryu moves very quickly but enemies can easily knock him around in contrast batman feels heavy and strong his jump has a slight delay as he bends his knees and when batman takes a hit he barely flinches the game loosely follows the plot of the 1989 movie that was directed by tim burton and stars michael keaton as batman and jack nicholson as the joker it contains many of the locations from the movie including the axis chemical plant and the bell tower of the gotham city cathedral surprisingly the first draft of the game didn't end with the epic fight against the joker the firebug was the original end boss joker was only defeated in a cutscene many elements were added to the final version of the game including the challenging confrontation with joker batman was a big hit for sunsoft and it's still popular today when ign released their list of the top 100 nes games of all time they put batman at number 33 sadly the game has never been re-released on modern platforms anyone that wants to play an official version will have to track down an nes cartridge modern gamers will still have to overcome the challenges the nes is notorious for batman the video game features constantly respawning enemies intense platforming sections and some very challenging bosses the final fight with the joker is one of the most difficult boss fights in the entire nes library but what if i told you the strategies you need to complete all five of the game's intense stages what if i told you secret ways to despawn enemies making your quest much easier and what if i told you how to defeat all of the game's bosses including the clown prince of crime himself well on today's episode of you can beat video games we'll learn all of that and more if you're new to the channel we're doing deep dives on retro video games and giving you the professional strategies that can be used by the casual gamer please make sure to subscribe and click the bell for notifications so you don't miss any new videos let's get started all right batman the video game there are two important things that you need to understand to be good at this game the first is mastering the wall jumps and the second is understanding batman's arsenal in addition to his fists there are three different weapons that we can use but those weapons all require ammunition and the easiest way to get ammo in this game is to jump and punch this first enemy while you're in the air it will almost always drop an ammo refill which will give you 10 pellets and the pellets are what we need to fuel our weapons so we have the batarang which requires one pellet per use we have a spear gun which requires two pellets per use and then we have the dirk which is very powerful but requires three pellets to use i'm going to start using my batarangs now so you can switch to them by pressing the start button i don't know why they had it be the start button instead of select select is actually pause in this game we shouldn't have a lot of problems with running out of ammo as long as we are consistently defeating enemies and picking up the ammo drops these enemies that are coming running at us are called shakedowns they're easy to deal with with some punches but you need to watch out for those mobile trackers on the ground wait till they react to you and then move back to the left to avoid them we're to use our wall jump to get up here and avoid the heat waves over on the right that's a good place to practice wall jumping you will want to master that these enemies here are called mobile home i don't make this stuff up every enemy in this game has a name it's good to just use the batarangs here to take them out and then you can jump freely to the next platform when we get to the top of this area we will fight some enemies that are large and intimidating looking called enforcers to defeat them equip your dirk and it only takes two dirk shots to defeat an enforcer watch out there's a second one right over here so just one two it does take three pellets per dirt shot so it seems like a lot but if you don't use the dirks on that guy they take a lot of hits now use your batarang on this enemy called the kg beast if you don't attack him from afar like that he'll attack you with a sword this boss is named the killer moth if you just stay on the left side make sure to re-equip your batarangs and just attack him whenever he swoops down move over to the right after the first swooping attack dodges fireballs and just hit him with a second barrage of batarangs as he swoops at you again you should be able to take him out easily and with that we're on to stage two the axis chemical plant you'll see that we're fighting some of those shakedown enemies again but these guys are new they're called knights layers they're slow and would you believe that this dripping acid actually has a name in the instruction manual it's called gluck you should just try to avoid it keep your batarangs equipped here so that you can attack the enemies before you move towards them these heat waves are easy to take out if you just use batarangs the platforming gets a little bit more challenging in this stage so watch out for this mobile home mine and you'll need to drop down and wall jump off the top of that ledge there you don't want a wall jump from too far down you won't make it and you'll land in the acid below which won't kill you but it will do you some damage in this area there's even more shakedowns to punch those guys are good for dropping more ammo so always take them out when you have a chance you can jump straight up here and wall jump to take a small shortcut remember that when you jump in this game if you do a short tap jump you won't jump very high which is what you need to do there to avoid the electricity or if you jump and hold the button down you'll make a much larger jump make sure you understand your two types of jumps and you want to be careful here not to wall jump onto any of the electricity it's easier said than done but this is where your wall jumping skills will first be truly put to the test i'm just going to punch out this knights layer no need to waste batarangs on him and when you get to the top you want to drop off and wall jump from the lower corner of the platform you were standing on over here there's two ways to get through you can see what i did there i jumped between the boxes from the lower corner or you can try grabbing the single box on the left and then do a very shallow jump at the top to not hit the electricity either way you want to wait for this shakedown enemy here to hit the electricity before you move forward and with that we're on to stage 2-3 here in 2-3 we will encounter our first drop claw enemy be cautious of the mobile tracker as you drop down and then we can crouch and just rapidly punch so that we destroy the claws that are being dropped and we can use them to fill up our ammunition to full don't collect anything until there are three power up icons on the screen then it won't drop any more claws on you until you pick them up it's also a good way to get away unscathed drop down here and be cautious of the conveyor belt below you it'll provide some resistance to your walk over here we want to use our batarang to take out the drop claw and then switch to the dirk to take out this heat wave enemy bounce off the edge here and get up on top and then you just want to walk off the edge you can make some fine adjustments in the air if you need to but you just want to try to avoid hitting those gears make your way across here and hurry across the conveyor belt to avoid the drop claws and then just walk off the edge here holding a bit to the left until you're safely past the gears then drop straight down continue across here wait for that mobile home mine to get out of the way and then jump on down take out these two guys and over here we'll just need to bounce up off the edge of this conveyor belt and head through the door to the boss this boss is called the machine intelligence system you want to switch to your spear gun duck under the shots and shoot at these cannons but make sure to jump over the low shots if you shoot while ducking you'll take them both out at the same time this part up here the electric current controller can be quickly dealt with with the batarangs and then there's a safe spot if you crouch down right in front of the nerve center here and right after it shoots just jump up and punch it out it's that simple stage three the underground conduit asks us to move slowly because of this new enemy type called a jader you want to keep the jader on the edge of the screen so that he won't jump on you over here we can stand right on top of this water spout and the jader won't advance if we stand right there jump up between those two mobile trackers and over here we can use a batarang on the first heat wave and then switch to the spear gun to take out the second one use a couple punches to take out these mobile home mines and then we can do a wall jump from the left wall to the small platform here do not advance the screen too much though because here's a third jader which we'll need to use the range of our dirk to take out it takes a good three dirks to take out the jader but keep them on because there's going to be another one right up here i usually just take the hit there so that i don't advance the screen too much farther and have the jader jump on me we'll need to jump to this small platform and this is the end of stage three one so you just want to hurry through here watch out for the drop claw and just make your way to the end the green water looks dangerous here but it's actually safe go all the way to the right and then jump to that small block below there are some turbines which you would like to avoid they won't instantly kill you but they'll do some damage and you want to veer to the right to avoid these ones but don't walk too far forward or that jader will pounce on you keep this second jader on the edge of the screen and take him out with the dirks just like we did in the first part of stage three over here we'll have to fight a couple mobile home mines and if you're low on ammo at this point you may just want to punch most of the enemies in this area it doesn't make a big difference if you die you do get unlimited continues in this game over here you can just jump off the side of that block to skip most of that area and then just climb up the wall and we'll be on to stage 3-3 stage 3-3 has a new enemy type called an eev which is essentially a tank now don't move too far forward here you just want to drop off the edge and shoot this mobile home mine with your spear gun then switch to the dirk here's that eev i was talking about it shoots fireballs at a consistent rate so jump over them and shoot it with your dirk that's the only one of those we're going to actually fight we're going to despawn the rest of them over here you'll see there's another eev just head backwards to this point and then when you move forward again it's gone pretty nice switch to your batarangs and take out any enemies that are in front of you before you advance to the next platform here including this mobile tracker and then you'll just move forward here watch out for the mobile home mine and quickly get underneath that drop cloth then we're gonna do some intense wall jumping here wait for the heat wave to fire and then wall jump up and punch him out and there's two ways to do this part you could let yourself fall a bit and line up a jump right below those two spinning hazards which will damage you if you touch them or you could try to jump right between these two and then do some big jumps which should barely clear you over the two spinning hazards either way whatever works for you over here there's another eev and we're just gonna walk right back to there and move forward and you'll see that once again it's been despawned and that's it we're on to the boss the electrocutioner if you have a lot of health the electrocutioner is super easy just start beating him up with your batarangs and don't even worry about getting hit you'll take him out very quickly now if you're low on health there is something you can do jump up onto the platform that's in the upper area on the left whenever the electrocutioner jumps towards you from the right you need to make a wall jump to the left to avoid getting hit so when he comes from the right wall jump then get into position on the right side of the platform he'll be facing the wall and he'll jump up and you'll be able to hit him with a few batarangs so right here he'll jump up hit him with the batarangs then go over to the left side of the platform and hit him again as he crosses back over to the right you'll be able to repeat this pattern over and over again and if you do it right you won't take a single hit from this guy now if you're out of batarangs it is possible to use this strategy and just punch him when he does that upward jump on the left side you can definitely get him with your punches from there whenever you think he's pretty close to dead you can jump down to the bottom and just unload on him with the batarangs but if you need to get through this without taking a single hit i would stay up on the platform for almost the entire time so just hang out up here wall jump hit him as he jumps up and wait for him to jump to the right and i certainly think i'm pretty close to getting him now so i'm just gonna do maybe one more cycle and then i'm just gonna drop down there and finish him off so here we go just take him out and that's how you defeat the electrocutioner without taking any hits stage four is called the laboratory ruins and in here we're going to face those jader enemies again so watch out for this first mobile tracker then move slowly forward so that we can once again keep him on the edge of the screen and attack it with the dirks if you move too far forward here you'll actually activate the drop claw as well which can be very dangerous now don't forget that the drop claws can be used to farm for more ammunition if you need to load up on pellets especially if you're low after that encounter with the electrocutioner make your way forward here take out these enemies as you go forward i'm using the batarangs here i have a lot of ammo so i'm not taking any chances just battering everything that you see and move forward slowly here because once again there's another jader so you'll know when the platform raises up there that's where the jader is going to appear so make sure to slow down when you get to that point so you can use your dirks on him keep heading to the right here's another jader same strategy as long as you don't move forward too quickly the jaders will never get you stage 4-2 features some dangerous platforming but first you're going to punch through these maxi zeus enemies hopefully you'll get some ammo from them and when you see a heat wave enemy up atop a platform you're going to wait for them to shoot and then climb up and punch them out on each of these platforms you just need to drop off the side and wall jump over that's the easiest way to get through and make sure to use your dirk on that mobile home mine before you move forward across the taller platform over here we can use our batarang and just remember we drop off the edge of each platform do it on all of them and you'll have no problem getting through here well you don't need to do it on that last one drop down we can use our spear gun here to take out another heat wave two shots we'll do it then we'll just make our way straight across punch out this mobile home line punch punch punch drop down just walk right under these gears and here i'm just going to take the hit it's kind of hard to do this move where you jump up wall jump across without getting hit so it's not really worth it stage 4-3 is the last one in stage 4. make sure to punch these rail runners as you descend if they're flickering from damage they won't actually damage you from contact which is pretty nice head over to the right and switch to your spear gun to take out this heat wave and keep the spear gun on we're going to need the range to take out some more enemies here like this mobile home mine that's coming up you definitely don't want to jump to the platform that it occupies while it's there a couple wall jumps will get you up here and then switch to the dirk to take out that mobile home mine drop down and quickly jump off of the small conveyor belt square we're going to need to do the same thing right here so drop and quickly jump and quickly jump again if you don't linger on those little platforms they won't mess you up and then use a wall jump to skip the small part of the stairs at the bottom over here there's some more eevs you can duck whenever you pop up between shots hit it with your dirks continue to make your ascent here's another eev to fight we're safe as long as we're ducked so just duck and shoot with the dirks and i'm going to switch to the batarangs to take out these enemies i'll do a little wall jump but i don't want to cling to the wall on the left side so just jump up shoot a batarang jump up shoot a batarang and i'm going to keep doing that until i take out the mobile home mine on the edge and then the other enemies will be easy to destroy then we'll be at the top we just want to make a mad dash to the left we'll want to jump over the claws that this drop claw uses jump over the knights layer jump over the claw then make our way to the door and it's time to fight the boss the dual container alarm so we're gonna get up onto this platform in the middle duck down and punch the dual container as it passes over us then we're gonna get this second one and quickly drop down to the bottom to avoid being shot by the other container come back up and punch this one out now once that one's gone the other one goes nuts drop down to the bottom switch to your spear gun and just start shooting it you should be able to take it out very quickly and with that we've made it to the final stage the gotham city cathedral now if you don't have a full set of lives you may just want to take a few deaths here and use a continue which you have unlimited of so that you have a full set of lives when you get to the final bosses you definitely don't want to die there and have to start this entire level over jump across avoiding the gears take out these mobile home mines and then i'm going to wait for the heat wave to fire and once he does i can jump up wall jump across and then i can use my batarangs from a crouched position to take out the other heat waves head across to the left jump hard across that gap and we're going to despawn a heat wave enemy up here so i'll show you where he is he's right there in an annoying position so just head all the way over here and then back to the left and you'll see that he's gone we are going to be doing a lot of despawning here in the final stage over here you want to drop off and use a wall jump to get across and if you need some more pellet ammunition this drop claw machine can quickly fill you up so just make sure to only move forward when there are three icons on the screen otherwise it will drop a claw on you and you can use some dirks here through the wall to easily take out this heat wave before you move up use a very small jump before your wall jump there this enemy is called a javelin and he'll shoot his arm out once and then twice we're waiting for him to shoot it twice and then we'll do our wall jump and take him out climb up here to the top this is a difficult jump so it's easier to just take the hit and move on through here we can despawn a javelin by going down a little bit and if you didn't despawn it just try it again just keep moving down a little bit until that javelin goes away this one we need to wait until it fires its arm two times then go and this one can be despawned so come down right to about there no didn't get it try it again all right that got him and we're going to take the hit again and just move on through and here is yet another enemy that we can despawn so you see that heat wave in kind of an awkward spot there he is he's gone jump from the left side over to the right and climb up we're almost to the end of the stage so put a few punches on that mobile home mine and over here i like to just drop off wall jump up if you need to collect some more pellet ammo this is your last chance to do so because as soon as we go up to the top and head over to the right it's going to be time for the final bosses first up is joker's personal bodyguard the fire bug quickly switch to your batarangs he'll slide towards you as the battle starts and you want to quickly batarang him or he'll start punching you if you do it right he'll bounce to the middle of the screen and throw a fireball then he'll bounce to the back of the screen throw a fireball again you need to jump over those fireballs and be ready when he's all the way at the right of the screen he's going to jump right in front of you so make sure to hit him with a batarang as he's in midair and get him with a few more right as he lands but if you don't hit him with that first batarang in the air he'll start punching you right when he lands and it'll disrupt the pattern which is not good this is it the joker wait on the left side of the screen and equip the batarangs you don't know what he's going to do first the lightning or the gunshots but you need to be ready to jump over gunshots those will deal you three damage and take you out very quickly then you just wait for him to run towards you when he gets close that's when you want to start unloading the batarangs and then stay close to joker as he backs up slowly across the screen if you're right near the end of his gun he won't be able to damage you with it and you only take a few damage from the lightning now if you need to use your fists you want to do a similar strategy but you may need to be a bit more conservative whenever he raises his hand to do the lightning if you jump through him at the last second and you won't take damage from contacting joker if he's flashing because you've been hitting him if you land behind him the lightning only hits in front of him so you'll be safe that way and that's it you've defeated the joker and beaten batman the video game and wow this ending i don't remember batman as being the kind of guy that would just violently throw criminals to their death from a very very tall building they may have taken some liberties with the movie here that's definitely not how i remember it ending well i hope that this video was able to help you finally defeat the joker and bring his vicious reign of terror to an end if it did make sure to give it a like and make sure to subscribe for more videos because there will always be more criminal masterminds to defeat and that's why we'll be back again next week with another video game you can beat thanks for watching [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: U Can Beat Video Games
Views: 136,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NES, Beginner, Nintendo, videogame, videogames, Walkthrough, 1980s, guide, playthrough, letsplay, retrogame, gamehelp, ucanbeatvideogames, strategy, gaming101, glitch, speedrun, classicgaming, retrospective, golden, dog, secrets, nintendoswitch, switchonline, switch, nesclassic, NESClassicMini, goldenretriever, YouCanBeatVideoGames, 100%, retrogaminghistory, SwitchLite, batman, BatmanNES, BatmanTheVideoGame, Batman1989, TimBurton, MichaelKeaton, JackNicholson, Batman:TheVideoGame, Joker, TheJoker
Id: rCqjV0H0FxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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