Batman: Knightfall gets DARKER! | Tales from the Dark Multiverse

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back issues themselves i'm ben let's talk about the tales from the dark multiverse we're going to talk just about this one it's called batman nightfall what's the conceit of this it's what if it's a what if people have talked about how like else but dark yes dark what if well what if was dark for a little while like marvel had like this funny thing on their hands where they were like hey what if marvel's like hey here's a neat thing what if this you know what if spider-man joined the fantastic four when he tried to join them the first time what about this didn't it start from like fans writing in letters yeah i don't know essentially it started because they saw an opportunity for money and maybe it was fan letters i don't know what the origins are of the what-if title but eventually i think they realized like halfway down the line they were like wait a minute like some of these things that are happening in this fake alternate reality comic might be viewed as preferable to the thing that actually happened so we need to like really hit the brakes on this title so that people don't prefer the what-ifs to what's actually happening right so eventually and i remember this in like the 90s they made the what-if titles super dark see you want this yeah they were like and in the 90s everyone's like yes no that book got cancelled real fast it's like the main characters die and stuff they often did anyway you know but it was also like that's cool and part of the appeal of what if it's like oh my god i can't believe this happened i mean well i've never seen this happening i've never seen that yeah but yeah in the 90s they were like what if it was just because and sometimes the conceit of what if would go dark you know it would because if you if you change this one thing and you have a halfway decent writer it will diverge into something interesting and it's a story you know and the story was written in such a way to deliver a tale for you to go what if the what if would have would have huck finn ended a little differently or like you know what would it would have like tailored two cities with different like no no like he didn't because they didn't write it like that so sometimes what if sucks because it's like what if you change the entire direction of the narrative for a story that was written by a writer wanted to tell that story it would be unfulfilling that's not where it was going that's not where i was going to design i was supposed to go all i'm saying is hear me out what if mrs havisham ended up like marrying the dude the protagonist oh my god well then yeah things will be very different pip yeah would have had a much better life the point is in the 90s they were like okay it has to be dark though like it's not that sometimes it might end up dark it's like no every single issue will be a downer and it was like oh my god like i have this one where was the hulk and it was just like what if instead of him being like a basically what if bruce banner was the monster and like when he hulked out it was all of his vulnerability manifested into like a big powerful being who was like timid and shy and didn't want to like get involved and essentially the whole story is about how like bruce banner tries to kill the monster within him because he's the monster and the monster he becomes is like the his purity and goodness and then he like gaslights betty and becomes like this horrible like abusive man and then at the end of the book it's so down it's such a misery fest that it has like a warning about domestic abuse in it jesus or it's like okay this book got really heavy does she like see the hulk and she's like telling people about it yeah yeah and so like she any news reporter would just be like eating this up yeah well that doesn't help you it doesn't save you from the funny farm just because like star ledger wants to write your story no because they'll write it like and that's totally crazy because that obviously the lunatic has this interesting yarn to spin there was a period when what if was dark for darkness sake right and i don't know why 25 years later dc is like okay now let's do it too but it's straight up let's do what if like down to its core but it's tails from the dark multiverse so they're and if you recall from dark knight's metal the dark multiverse is a universe multiverse where only bad [ __ ] happens yeah where you flip it over it's all black and it's all negative there's all stories that weren't supposed to happen and were supposed to be destroyed yes they should have been destroyed by the dragon but they weren't no and instead they just they just keep going so none of these stories can have happy endings right it wouldn't be the dark multiverse it would destroy the whole conceit if they did and they don't destroy the whole conceit it's just like i don't know part of me was like this is a cool idea and then the other part of me was like yet every story is undermined because you know at the end of the story it has to end on a down note yeah yeah like it the hero can never succeed just a misery fast yeah and some people like that yeah but story-wise that's not gratifying no even if you if you're the kind of person who likes that kind of thing it kind of like takes the teeth out of it because you know where it's going like there's there's no uncertainty when you're reading it you're like well any time the hero starts to succeed i know they're going to lose there's no risk right in a way so that was the conceit and they made a bunch of titles like five or six of them yeah but at the same time you get to see [ __ ] that you've never seen before no you get to see [ __ ] you've seen before but it ends bad oh great oh yeah cause this is called nightfall so obviously we've seen that that's nice it's just what if nightfall the story is irrelevant we're going to talk about it but i wanted to talk more about the fact that like tales from the dark multiverse is da dio the former co-publisher of dc comics sowing the seeds of what he's gonna do with the dc universe in a year or two okay because dark knight's metal was popular but not popular enough to springboard the dark matter universe which was their attempt and dc likes to do this every couple of years where they're like look at all these new characters that sprung from an event like millennium or invasion but the dark matter universe was like here's a bunch of new characters whoa look at this guy sideways he looks like spider-man but he doesn't have spider-man powers he could go between dimensions okay sideways you know and the terrifics it's the fantastic four that is the universe woo that book's still going by the way [Music] dark matter didn't work out but maybe it wasn't even supposed to well it was absolutely they wouldn't have made posters if it was one of those like roger corman fantastic four situations where they're like or the producers if we make a book so unbelievable that people don't want to buy it no we're not insurance maybe nobody has to be what it ended up being and it wasn't supposed to like go far there it was well no no they were hoping that it was going to be like we'll get new readers and people and involved because like if i can't convince people to buy wonder woman or batman or the flash maybe they'll buy this maybe they'll buy this new thing if they're buying comics at all right and then and they didn't you know that's fair you know sometimes you miss every shot you don't say yeah so out of the book sideways dadio invented this character named tempus fuginot and tempest i love how all the new characters that are coming out have dungeons and dragons names like i'm creating my character and this is their name a name that no one would ever have in real life yeah so tempest fuganat in the sideways book was kind of like the he his he's part of a race of fugunats who who are supposed to protect the barrier between the multiverses uh-huh just to just just uh how about that where were they in dark knight's medal not in it not invented but they're supposed to be guarding the yeah they're [ __ ] up they do a bad job all the time yeah well so now tempest fuganot is supposed to like monitor the barrier the thin barrier between the dark multiverse and our multiverse ma'am he's the watcher when i say that they were like make a what if but dc [Music] telegraphing ev the watcher was the bookend for the what if books for a long time where he's like i am the watcher no one makes a book about me so i'll be the protagonist of what if where i book in every story and i'm like so this is a thing you remember but what if this happened i'm talking to you anyway yeah i always just talk to you i'm basically the narrator for marvel yes so here i go yes so one of my friends said we need one of those yeah yeah so we need one of those no you don't but here he is oh and he has the same [ __ ] monologues that the watcher has where he's like my name is tempus fuginot and i protect the barriers and you know this story but what about this and you're like the watcher has a base on the moon that he has money monitors that look at the multiverse what's fuse like why is he talking to me it's just like magic or whatever well though they are setting up why fuganat is doing this at all he says that there's a crisis coming perhaps the greatest crisis of all and i can't find any useful heroes in the multiverse perhaps there are some in the dark multiverse out of adversity there might rise some heroes that i can use or collect that could help against the coming crisis my dark champions yeah so tempus fuganat is like looking through all of these tales from the dark multiverse stories and hoping out of all of these like dark stories there might be a hero that he can like pluck from there to aid in a story that will never come because dadio got fired and 5g is not happening anymore so if you read these they're going to be referring to this crisis and it's like oh crisis is coming and he keeps talking about in every book he's like that crisis though it's going to be coming i guarantee it's going to happen no one cares and i was talking to scott about this because he was talking about uh dark knight's medal two death metal death at home and we were talking about uh the dark multiverse and then uh it was benny the comic story and myself we were talking to scott snyder and benny asked about this where he's like well i love tells the dog multiverse and all those other stories and he's like yeah man that was cool and i go and what role will tempest fuganats be playing in death metal and you can see on his face god's like damn it damn it sal and he goes well aside from having a pretty awesome name not much unfortunately tempest fugitive will not be playing a role in death metal and i'm like no [ __ ] but like he should he should because he's clearly supposed to pretty important to these stories one of which you wrote this is like at the beginning of a really bad western where you have like the roll call and everyone's coming out and you've got like one dude on the range who's like and i'll see you there and you never see him again for the rest and then he quit the production like halfway through where he fell of his horse and they had to set him away but he's in this vital scene like when he gets it or he explains exactly what happened to him nope no one's gonna do a book where like tempest fugitive just [ __ ] dies yes you know what it's it's not over yet they're not done writing it one of the issues you could have the batman who laughs yeah just like you cannot before tempest shows up like they're all oh no like what are we gonna do the heroes are like they're beating they're licking their wounds and tempest we've got kicks in the door and he's like i have news and then like all the robins show but they just start stabbing so it's just there wasn't a crisis i was just getting warnings about my own impending death which to me is a crisis but not to anybody else as it turns out looking through all the dark multiverse it's a really bad idea yeah it just puts a target on your back shut up shut up he looks complicated yes he does he's needlessly complicated and look at my glove it almost looks like an infinity gauntlet look at infinity gauntlet what the hell he's got slots for gems that's super derivative these are my powered sockets uh-huh uh-huh well i need to collect the infunded gems oh my god anyway so no they'd call them ingots in this dark universe yeah yeah yeah yeah that's good write that down yeah oh that's good anyway i just i really i just it's fun to see like this this like slice of history that's like happening right now right that is already relevant can't go anywhere can't ever go anywhere and like no one's what if in the dc universe is a great idea there's so much that i'd like to see and that's probably why this book sold pretty well yeah but the entire narrative structure is completely [ __ ] oh my god look at all those freaking narrative bubbles oh yeah yeah so tempest is collecting action figures for the coming fight which was admittedly a neat idea that like when you picked up the next crisis which isn't happening anymore that eventually a little confederacy of like crazy characters from all these books were going to come together and tempest is going to like go behold but that's never going to happen now yeah and like i don't think it'll ever happen because no one no one's going to like go hey what happened with tempest fugunad and the dark crisis right nobody cares nobody cares and like it's a what-if book anyway it's not supposed to be relevant that's true yeah but he's supposed to stand outside of it and be relevant yeah be like if every what-if comic from marvel opened with the watcher being like something big is coming i thought it just never just never does for like 30 years i told you something big was coming what oh here's a universe that looks familiar and it's nightfall right so wayne's breaking batman's back and everything nightfall universe mean though was one thing that happened it's an earth in which this happens instead of what happened in nightfall oh that's it and what is this oh what happens is well let's find out yeah yeah let's find out by the way uh tales from the dark multiverse batman nightfall is written by scott snyder and kyle higgins with art by javier fernandez you see this kind of like faithful detail of like look at that like we recreated the whole like breaking of the bat sequence you see asriel getting the costume from tim drake robin you see asriel batman using his weird light of justice yeah we we covered batman and other shows where he he like shines this like light on villains and it like makes them upset uh and then i thought it was just like blinding them it's just a really bright light it like pulls all their it doesn't matter magic right i don't worry about it yeah sure so uh at the end of nightfall you know batman comes back and he challenges azrael in like the ruins of wayne manor and then he eventually tricks azrael like the idea is that he goes into the cave and you know batman is bruce wayne he grew up on wayne manor he knows all the tunnels and all the caves right so he like crawls through these like little tunnels and he knows that like because asriel batman built like a tank around his body he'll never fit he's got to take off pieces of his armor right and eventually batman and azrael meet in like the small hole where bruce fell in the first place and just man-to-man yeah except azrael won't take off the helmet so he just looks like a dude and like a t-shirt with his big red stupid bad helmet look batman bring it on and batman's like he knows there's a footboard built that keeps people from falling in this big hole right and he knows that the morning is coming and and that azrael had night vision on right so when he loosens the board the light pours in it blinds john paul valley and you know and then so he has to take off the helmet right and when he does he sees batman bathed in light and he's like you were batman you were always batman like it kind of like shocks him out of it because he has a thing about light or something whatever like you know it's metaphorical but uh so that's the ending of nightfall in this uh instead of that ezreal just like stabs batman oh like batman doesn't get to the crawl space or whatever they they pay such close attention to some detail and then they went like yeah they even recreate an actual panel from that issue wow and then it's like oh but he just wins anyway like it's just yeah and then he stabs him you know he knives somehow he stabs him in the back yeah he re-breaks through the back he re-breaks batman's back right oof and like stabs him through the entire body so my guess is he dies he doesn't really die he just hurts really bad wow there's no way anyone could survive that well he he kind of doesn't so azrael's like you know john paul valley is like i'm back i'm the batman the gotham needs and i'm gonna show you [Music] so then we cut to 30 years later oh because kyle higgins doesn't want to tell you nightfall again right like snyder and higgins worked together but i was reading an interview with higgins and he was just like i was not interested in doing what if like i'm i i like the idea of seeing the world that comes out of the diversion as opposed to being like i don't want to go through the mechanics of how we get i don't want to see tim drake being like no what like no we're skip right skipping it all back 30 years yeah and we see like a little kind of montage it's literally two panels of like this idea that essentially jean-paul's like we need a purging fire so he like burns gotham and then uses wayne's billions to kind of rebuild gotham in the image that jean-paul thinks gotham needs to go in right and so we see new gotham and he he he burns gotham he breaks all the bridges and essentially severs gotham from the rest of the world oh we see this new gotham and it's it looks like a ruined city but i guess but it's still infrastructure and stuff it's it's new you know to them because he rebuilt it right but he built it ruined yeah or crappy yeah he's not a city player he's not an architect but uh but yeah so jean-paul has taken over the mantle of batman and he's in charge and he like literally rebuilt gotham in his image so this is the world that we're living in now right uh you know jean-paul likes wayne manor so he stays there renames it to the dumas house and uh i guess within his 30 years also like meets somebody gets married oh and she becomes his alfred did not see that coming okay oh it's very weird but uh jean-paul is batman he's still batman he's still doing his thing he is no longer batman though he's the saint batman uh-huh yeah saint batman right okay and uh because he's the he's the reckoning that gotham needs sure oh oh so madeline has given jean-paul the rundown of what's going on apparently there was like the spy who was working with cobblepot that's right penguin's still alive why didn't he just kill penguin right because how can you have a saint batman if you don't have no demons to defeat well i assume there would be new ones well no he doesn't they don't need to have a rogue's gallery because it's only one story and so we could get away with killing everybody but uh cobblepot was kind of like you know mover and shaker you know he was like an underworld kind of like guy yeah you know ran he wear weapons and funds and money and you know yeah so so he's still it he's somehow he kind of like had like an in with azrael in terms of like he wasn't collaborated with azrael a little bit yeah yeah like did he get all those wonderful tech well probably in in terms of when he was rebuilding gotham he needed resources from the outside especially when he decided to sever gotham from the rest of the world anyway right so copperpot was just like a union man he's just like you can't fire me yeah i'm typing with the unions like what the what what union the arkham union maybe he uh maybe he you want to rebuild you got to use my men maybe he maybe he used him because he's like i don't know how to run a city but you run crime or integral to it so like if i can just control you yeah so madeline tells him about the dissident and cobblepot and he's like well i'll send my my acolytes to go deal with him he has two people he's got the torchbearer and the cardinal and those two characters and it's not like he brainwashed dick grayson or you know like right they're just random people you know tim drake's a cyborg like no no they're freaking dead yeah probably and so he sends the does he have like does he have like a bishop and like an altar boy almost certainly we don't we only see the two okay i am the sensor bearer yeah so he sends those two because he's got a very important date because today is a very special day and madeline's like oh that's right i forgot but please enjoy the day he broke batman's yeah yeah good day he broke back so he got he's got to go and so he dons his saint batman uniform puts on his helmet and then hooks up his venom tubes and gets the strength he needs to continue the fight that's right how ironic yup so fair though yeah yeah so jean-paul goes to wayne tower uh and he's talking like he's talking to batman bruce wayne right he's like haunted by him or something he's like it's the end of the third sunday during the last summer month which is a reminder of our last time together come on man you gotta admit i did a good job what i did like what i've done come on man i was right just tell me i did it and then the reveal is that bruce wayne is still alive but he's like a horrible cenobite-esque cyborg kept alive he's just a torso in a head yeah he's almost robocop yes jesus does he become robocop does he get out of this he doesn't become robocop it's not like there's a company like they they like all the robins come together and they defeat jean-paul and then they free bruce wayne and like they put him in a suit you put him in a suit and he's robo batman no batman bro batman no we don't get robot man ah damn so he's just like come on man oh does he run the city no no oh no it's not like he's plugged in and you know we actually don't have to be incompetent for that somehow he's tied himself in and he's controlling everything under my nose oh no no no no not that like the fact that ezreal needed batman to run the city because he's got no choice he loves the city i'm the head what are you gonna do man yeah what are you gonna do you could either you could either run it for me or i'll ruin it i guess he could yeah coerce in that way right he's like okay so i run all the traffic lights but now i filter the water no he's just he's just ahead he's just there he's like very boring for him it's very boring i'm sure he it's been 30 years yeah in a world of drones no one has ever seen this well i'm sure asriel shoots down the drones as soon as they launch remember it's only it's it's only so many pages so it's a dictatorship you can't just do whatever you want there and we're always we're only showing you because it's a short story and it is only like the snapshot we're only showing you the things you care to see yeah you know look at that yeah who cares why didn't superman come in and kick his ass oh right because he died oh [ __ ] remember 1993 right and then he never woke up or yeah was like where azrael like somehow prevented him from coming out they they referenced superman in the interview but not in this book where they're like you know what happened to superman why didn't he come in and it's like we died before the breaking of the bat so you know we just we could just say he didn't come back i don't know well like if bruce doesn't go to wake him up and discover he's not there burst never has anything to do with stupid resurrection so uh basically azrael has kept bruce wayne alive long enough just to be like you need to see what i've done so that one day you'll admit that i'm a better batman than you and i've done a good job and he's like no do you see literally that he's like look at you you got like tubes you you know you're basically got puppet like you're just you're just kept alive through venom and and and just sheer force of insanity yeah you did that yeah i did and then i broke it like you know i i i conquered it i i did i did it for like maybe a month i took myself off the venom yeah so he goes all right well i'll see you next year and then we see what the cardinal and the torchbearer do with dissidents and you know here they are and they look ridiculous and you know and cobblepot's like i don't know i don't know this guy listen listen listen we can work this out yeah we we'd always been able to work this out and they just cut his head off oh jeez the penguin yeah damn that's it for the penguin that's it it's a very major story in the dark uh universe that we're in yeah but it only takes a page yeah the killing of the penguin oh no penguin's dead 30 years after he was relevant so is anyone else alive no they're all dead too right we don't reference the joker the riddler nobody right so they they revel in their success there's a couple of like passerby or people in gotham who watch the torchbearer and the cardinal works gcpd yeah and they're like we did it not ngcpd no no it's just a dc they're not making new shirts so you know but but it's it's clearly set up to be kind of like a theocracy right right it's like the national religion of new gotham is the order of saint ma you know it's it's all run by the saint batman it's very like you know it's a dictatorship and a theocracy where they're just like you have to believe in this dopey ridiculous vision and if not we'll just kill you yeah exactly yeah so while they're celebrating a couple of bombs go off all over gotham and so that catches the attention of jean-paul who hours later that's when it happens he wakes up madeleine's like you know a bunch of [ __ ] happened like a bunch of explosives went off and like like people are dead and like you know we got to go to work and uh the torchbearer is like yeah it's a coup like things are happening oh [ __ ] they hit strategic locations all across the city [Music] and uh so he goes okay i gotta get in there and so he like opens up this drawer where he keeps his like new venom supply yeah and uh so while the attacks are going on a character a new character makes their way across the river and ends up on the shores of gotham and this new character is a brand new character fun idea so meet torn and he's fun yeah it looks like he's uh you can jump he's spry he's sleeping over a thing yeah well he he um is he super powered he's he's super powerful oh okay uh he he makes a point of saying like you know it's easier to swim the river than we then we trained and the person at the end is like don't get cocky so he springs into action and uh he infiltrates wayne tower he kicks the [ __ ] out of all of the like people there to you know the guards the guards down and so he faces bruce wayne and bruce wayne's like who the hell are you and he's like look at you man oh my god he's almost like this weird is pretty best mix of red hood and talia al ghul yeah it is kind of like those those visuals i'm torn i'm here to liberate gotham my my squad is ready to go and he's like well you're not going to win and he goes oh we'll see like i got to free you first come on i'm not going to be created by someone he's connected to tubes and crap you got to take all those tubes with you oh yes okay you can you disconnect one two i am dead yeah so torn alludes to who his father is okay and then just like put and so he dons his hood he raises up his mask and then he grows into a huge hulking bane-esque character and then just beats the crap out of all the like incoming guards okay so is dad's bane yes torn is son of bane and that he we got one line where he's like i guess he just took too much venom and it like altered his genetic code or whatever because i have that i have bane powers i don't want to see that visual i have bane powers like ah they didn't have powers he took venom that was his thing yeah but you don't have like yeah but if you i guess if you just do it in a certain way you just never need to again and you can hulk out whenever you want because you know how babies can be born with like alcohol fetal syndrome yes and [ __ ] like that like he's born with like venom syndrome yeah it's in his system venom's made up so it could do anything like we know what right affects certain real things have on babies right but this made-up drug thing could have magic properties okay it doesn't matter like i said one line so then torn whips out a knife and he's just severing cables and tubes and and bruce wayne is not concerned about this he's not like those two that's my waist too oh he probably wants to die right i don't cut that he is not like yes now throw me over the side he's just like he goes what makes you think that you're gonna win and he goes like and he's like well you're you're you're part of the plan like you're going to have to save gotham and he's like i don't have you noticed lately but like i'm a torso he goes don't worry we've got a plan for that the dissidents are attacking what used to be city hall is now called the cathedral and they're like rallying their people and then the torchbearer the cardinal and batman arrive right and they make quick work of everybody and while saint batman is like on the scene by the way fun costume yeah he looks cool good blend of like asriel and batman like you know he did that nightfall and night quest at night's end but now we got like 30 years right but he doesn't get like the crazy robotic like i'm a mech suit kind of bad no he's this is very much a knight cathedral yes i really like that uh that visual or plus that was like crusader batman yes yes so as he's like tearing into these people yeah that crazy voice in his head is like you suck you're never gonna do it you're not batman you betrayed the order of saint dumas oh boy and you're going to fail because that's what batman's do and he's like no i'm not going to fail and he's like you know he gets weaker because he's like just supported by venom uh-huh and so he collapses oh geez you know and the cardinal's like oh master come on let's go and he's like no i got work to do gets all big again yeah okay okay i'm back so uh torn is carrying bruce on his back through the sewers uh-huh which can't be good for bruce no a lot of open wounds anyway so they're going through the sewers and he's like so did you ever meet him and torn's like oh you mean saint batman he's know your father and uh then we flash back to saint batman killing bane right and bane's son torn as a little boy like watching it happen right and he's like yeah according to torn the reason why batman is a torso is because for 30 years every year john paul would visit bruce in wayne tower and would take off a limb or a piece of him every time that he like refused to acknowledge that he's batman right gross yeah so i guess he started with fingers because like there's only so much yeah 30 years is a lot yeah so then lady shiva arrives lady shiva's cool she's a like highly trained assassin she was thought to be during the death in the family story possibly jason todd's mother she's not and uh she also she also helped to retrain batman during nightfall after his back was broken she helped him kind of like come back and be able to use his limbs again okay so she married bane uh and she's torn's mother okay so she trained batman before in nightfall in the real body yes so now she's going to train him to use what right because he has no body so yeah it is kind of like a parallel and it is kind of paralleling nightfall in terms of in nightfall the real nightfall batman bruce wayne was kind of at his weakest point he had already been like put through the wringer and then bane struck that was kind of part of bane's plan especially the gauntlet yeah jean-paul batman is kind of at his weakest point and he's put through the gauntlet throughout the story so that they can strike so it's like it's kind of it kind of parallels itself okay it's a neat idea i'm like oh like i read it the first time like that was a cool story who cares i'm rereading it i'm like no i see you actually did like kind of make it structurally the same thing the reason why it's called batman nightfall is because it is about nightfall right is nightfall again for this batman right it's this batman's fall yeah yeah and he is a literal knight yeah in this case right exactly like that's clever all all right snyder and higgins good job so you know uh tauren is ready he's like come on we got the people up there we're ready to go we got batman like let's go and she was like oh like he's up yeah you have like he can't walk a third of batman yeah give me a minute like it's batman and the son of your greatest enemy working together like we can't lose and he's like yeah well how am i gonna get fixed and shiva reveals this like special technology of nanobats i knew it was gonna be nano something it has to be nano bats bats so if you look at them at a microscopic level they look like fast yeah they don't explain where it comes from it's well nanobots you see are so small they have to crawl on everything but these can fly that's right and so she's like the only question is are you ready to be the batman the gotham needs okay if you have this nano bat technology right why didn't they use it why are you using it on the city just like release the nano bats and have them infect like all of them all they do is give you artificial arms and legs i guess they need to have some kind of it's not like you just you whisper into their ears and tell them like fix the city or like kill bane or whatever you know kill kill saint batman yeah just give him an aneurysm yeah yeah like just go into his body and kill him i i think it's like they have to be there's two panels that explain what this is and they don't need to try there needs to be human interface it needs to be like maybe it's only coded to his genetic sequence like who the [ __ ] cares you know what would be better instead of this nanobat stuff you just put batman's remains in the robo dinosaur and he just controls the robot dinosaur and kicks ass in gotham you mean like what they already did in death metal what that's the b-rex that's b-rex yeah b-rex is that in another dark universe batman uploads his consciousness into the robot dinosaur i feel dirty for thinking about when he when he roars you can see batman's like bat eyes in his mouth oh he's like he's in there like he's in there but he's you know he is it well that's a real thing that's not in this imaginary continuity right that's the real continuity well but it did come from a dark universe which this is also so yes yes same thing right yeah and he's interacting with it but he yeah he goes he's in a main series comic yes yes i'm like this yeah he's part of a new league of of crazy alternate batman guitar sweet who's awesome to draw yeah and it is yeah admittedly looks cool kapula does a good job he wanted to draw a t-rex he did and it's like batman themed anyway is it worse or better than the baton not adam that after the attacks from these dissidents part of the city the support structures that were in place yeah were damaged and so the city is literally like sinking into the sea as like venice is that because the climate change they needed some kind of system to hold it up they don't ex it's just like maybe when when azrael like separated the city from the mainland like it can't it's not like a floating island yeah because islands don't float basically there's one huge support beam that keeps this area of gotham up under the water and so oh my god if it was like built on the crushed remains of all of batman's villains and their like resources and technology and all that kind of stuff that'd be kind of cool i don't understand though gotham existed without this before yes why does it need it well because it was damaged like the idea is like maybe it was always there but like it was damaged in these like terrorist attacks and so the city's got them was always held up by like a structure well no that just being land but you're saying they separated yeah exactly so you just severed the bridges and stuff yeah but maybe they also like blew up whole chunks of land and like moved the island there's only like 28 pages of an island an island is land well you can move it if you separate it from its base no you can't watch or you mean like dig underneath the land and make it into an island and then build a pylon underneath why would you do that i guess to have more we should just raise the structures and rebuild new ones right why would you so that we can have the scene where saint batman goes under the water yeah and like saint dumas shows up and he's like you're a failure you're gonna fail here's where you die you're gonna lose you're an idiot saint dumas actually show up no it never he never shows i mean like is it a vision it's a vision because and and john paul has been besieged by visions of years okay i like all the wreckage under here that's the only cool thing it's great in the story about like really cool looking is that like this is what would be in gotham's water yeah exactly gross so basically jean-paul just like pushes the beam with his venom yeah well we saw the drawer there's like 12 yeah there's like files in there yeah i do like the the narration though from st dumas while he's like pushing it up where it's like you will always be another man's placeholder you were you were a shitty asriel and you're a shitty batman yeah well yeah and i love that like it's just like yeah but it's also of course it's it's his insecurities you know coming to bear i like that throughout azrael's entire career st dumas always been like you're a hack you suck he's the audience he's the comment section you're never gonna make it asriel fake why don't you just give up now hey hey it's been our 10-year anniversary you still suck been sucking it up for 10 years you've abandoned the true order of saying to your mind you're a waste of time you named wayne manor after us cool you you beat batman and so you just what became him you couldn't make up your own thing you got to just be another other person's thing lame you amalgamed the thing we are with this thing that doesn't matter that you beat really easily who cares yeah why are you doing that you're parading around that ridiculous bat costume so anyway they uh you know the his acolytes like pick him up out of the water and save them and you know all right so he saved the coffee saves the city he stays the city and they're like you know we're we're working on it there's a war in gotham against these these like these usurpers but you go home you get rest the fighting can continue you'll get your strength back he's like no you go talk to madeline right he's like i can't stop i just need another boost yeah so they take him to dumas house and you know he's like come on yeah exactly so he's like come on manner he's like madeline where are you you got to give him my venom and she's not answering and he opens up the drawer for his venom and it's empty and torn's like you missed something uh and uh so torn just holding madeline's head no no that would be that way no instead it's actually a little more sad because he's like you know torn and torn and uh and shiva are standing there and they're like let's go and he's like how did you even get in here and madeline's like it was me i betrayed you i betrayed you yeah i loved you but you've you've you've let yourself fall apart like you're obsessed with bruce wayne and you want to be this thing and you're you're an addict for the venom and i can't live with myself and he's like okay so the acolytes kill her she should have just run away yeah wow it's not even asriel that doesn't no no no so then uh you know torn gets big and shiva's like okay let's fight that'd be another great scene for him to like rip his hand through someone's another one yeah yeah we've seen it twice now this is my move this is my move i go through your back i'm the shadowhawk of the decent universe so they're all uh ready to fight you know the the torchbearer and the and the cardinal are like you're so you're so stupid you're so dumb to have come here alone and then batman appears in the in the scout in the in the rafters and he's like they're not alone they have me oh and you're like oh batman's at full whatever new batman yeah and azure was like no and his entire suit is made of nano bats and so they're ready to fight and then shiva just like sets off a bomb within the manor which hits john paul and then tor like grabs him and uh jean-paul hits him with like an anti-venom piece of technology which like shrinks him yeah shrinks him so then they fight and uh batman faces off against you know the two idiots yeah and he just like like he just flies like a flock of bats like through them wrecking them oh my god and he he carries he carries one of them like out and the other one like follows suit and they go outside batman is almost a vampire yeah yeah yeah and uh any and he's like scaring them and tormenting them and he's but he's more or less like us like giving you his his new lease on life or he's like you know you're you're saint talked about how i needed to have stronger codes like he had stronger codes than my mine were more malleable my codes of honor my codes of not killing and he had like different kind of codes that were set by by st dumas for him and like you know what after everything i've done and everything i've been through like i think i finally do have a set of codes you know these nanobots that when they when they fly through people when they kill people they absorb a little genetic profile of everyone they touch so it's not really killing you it's more like you'll be living through me from now on so his nano bats like distract one as he slashes and beheads the other and then oh look you took out the torch bearer yeah and then a flock of bats from batman himself like distract the other guy and he falls you know like to his death right and now like that doesn't save him yeah weird jason cardinal has wolverine claws yeah and i mean jason like jason voorhees of not jason todd no yeah that's true so shiva's fighting jean paul and she's kicking the [ __ ] out of him and she's making fun of him she's talking about how he's an addict yeah like you look at you like all i need is another jolt like come on right and so she's just kicking the [ __ ] out of him and then the body of the dude like lands next and she's like ah and then jean-paul's like oh-ho so he's a distraction yeah so he knocks her and then he grabs torn's arm and he rips it out of its socket and then he drinks the blood out of its stump and there is venom in there and he's like there we go and he like gets a little bit of a juice from his like naturally occurring venom wait what happened to torn how did he get knocked out oh it was that anti i think it was the anti-venom technology that he slapped on his temple oh which should no no counteract the blood well it still is blood though by the way he then he when he takes the stump he throws torn across the room and torn smashes through some of these trophies in those trophy cases the batman keeps yeah but of course it's been 30 years so these are these are jean-paul's trophy cases so yeah i got rid of those robin suits i replaced them with old asriel costumes oh so he's drinking torn stump yeah and he's getting his venom jolt yeah and then he uses it to kick the [ __ ] out of shiva yeah you know he's kicking her and uh and then nano batman shows up but he's like it's over stop look at i i can't be stopped right i'm made of nano bats yeah so he's flying around he's getting them and uh and torn grabs a discarded glove from the original asriel suit you know the one that like looks like a lacrosse glove that has like the knife in it that shoots fire yeah yeah so that weird thing yeah and so he ignites it and he like fuses his stump you know so he doesn't bleed out yeah yeah okay and then jean-paul grabs nanobatman and for some reason he's able to hold him i guess because he is still a torso and head right that means his fight is a mess it's a complete mess just falls they were like oh [ __ ] we spent 28 pages building up this world we gotta wrap it up so so you know jean-paul's got nano batman yeah and i guess like as bruce is trying to constitute himself like nanobats are like flying into shiva so she's being attacked because she's in the way of them returning to him it's really unclear so then nano batman activates like kind of like electronic system within him like a kind of like defense system yeah which blasts jean-paul off of him okay so jean-paul picks up the giant penny oh the giant penny's still there yeah yeah it's so big you can't get it out of there so he picks it up yeah because it's the venom because he's all banged out does he drank the venom the venom blood and so he like throws it at nano batman and shiva oh and that like knocks them aside doesn't squish them right i guess the nano bats maybe yeah deflected it a little bit just enough yeah hold it up no so john paul uh you know he has to pick up another thing over his head in a dramatic fashion so that you know torn can stab him through the chest with his own asriel glove and so he stabs jean-paul through the chest with the asriel with the flaming azrael glove yeah right through his crest then picks up jean-paul and snaps him over his knee and he's like and then cuts off his head and then he's at his neck and then takes his head and puts it on a robot torso and keeps him alive so he's like there like we did it so you're saying that torn is the batman we need right no he doesn't do anything batman at all but he's like come on mom we did it he's like now we can like open the city back and we can connect it back to the world and batman shows up and he's like the world's broken gotham's the only thing that's working what i i learned in my 30 years of torture and torment and breaking that like the only thing that does work is gotham and the gotham is the light and are you telling me that it is after connecting it to the rest of the world you finally made me the batman that i need to be and then he uses his nanobots and just shreds torn and shiva into ribbons and then he walks over to john paul and he's like for 30 years you just tormented me and tortured me and ripped me apart and told me that i wasn't the batman that got the needs well you were right congratulations you taught me that i could be the batman that gotham needs i am and now thanks to these dead idiots i can never die and i can always be gotham gotham can be mine forever and so he strings up asriel's body and like puts him over an overpass attached to a batman symbol and just stands there before the system's gotham as its new ruler batman the broken the broken okay and tempest fukushima don't forget tempest fuganat is like i forgot that you told me that this can't have a happy ending right yeah the thing is about these books it really got me angry when it's really well written you're like this is really cool and you're like oh [ __ ] because like literally you get to see where like torn's this the second torn turns to his mom and he's like we did it we won now we can do all the things that oh no you're gonna get ripped apart by bats uh-huh i had a feeling as soon as bruce killed those people as like oh no but that's not going to go well he didn't kill them he tricks them into killing themselves and one of them he did directly kill by distracting him off the building yeah so yeah he killed those guys yeah so maybe maybe after he distracts one guy into beheading he was just like oh that's it i've killed somebody yeah i'm gonna kill everyone now all right yeah that's what happened that's what happens with batman so tempest figuenot is like oh there's no hero in this world oh nevermind oh like okay well let me go to the next one it's the the dark multiverse no well that's the thing is it's it's like almost a futile quest where he's like yeah can i do i dare hope that one of these shitty worlds without hope yeah i love that tempest is watching all of us being like yes and then he's going to oh oh right oh i'm in the dark what am i doing never mind that's abandoned this world yeah well on to the next okay let's go to death of superman which is literally just like hey what if death is superman there's a bunch of these there's like what if like what if he didn't come back no what if it came back wrong no it's it's i couldn't have guessed what they were going to do with it it was pretty ridiculous is this just is are they just doing like a like a greatest hits of the 90s like is there gonna be like a what if coast city right no they didn't do that they should have they should have done what if like emerald dawn or yeah yeah world knights i don't remember what the [ __ ] whatever it's called doesn't matter but like they did i mean hal jordan pretty much did that himself when he's weird that's true yeah he already did the dark version right yeah what what is it that like what's darker there is no kyle rainer i guess that would be what it is yeah but uh so there's tales of the dark multiverse nightfall death of superman blackest knight the judas contract um what does wonder woman get nothing nothing like i hope this episode does well so we can do them all yeah because like they're pretty big we did that uh secret wars ripoff civil war story and that did okay so it looks like the the algorithm is in our favor so maybe we can get away with it but like they're these are fun i can't wait to get to blackest night you know because you won't see it coming like what the thing is like what like what come on you're really building this up i like it yeah death of superman again i couldn't have seen it coming i was like what okay i didn't see this coming no no and that's the thing is like it's not just because what if back in the day was practically like a new artist and writer showcase for mar for marvel so uh we want to hire somebody want to see if they can actually put out like a book put them on that book because who gives a [ __ ] give him a what if it doesn't matter this is like let's get some of our top creators and put them on these ridiculous things yeah it looks cool it looks great yeah the art is really good it looks really good it's well written higgins and snyder did an excellent job with this i really love the art uh i also love there's some stuff i didn't really get to like there's a funny moment where tempest figure talks about like the how the dark multiverse is a place where like where things should not have happened and they just cut to the batman who laughs i'm like thank you by the way i will say snyder is very aware that they've overused the batman who laughs at the point where in the first issue of death metal the batman who laughs looks at the camera and says i know what you're thinking oh jeez it's this guy again like uh-huh and it's just it's one of those angles where it's like he's talking to someone in the book but like he's talking to you right he's like yeah i know i know i know you're sick of me but the story is pretty cool and i have a rad new design so like cool your jets yeah get over it you know what i print money so fun idea i just i love the like people talk about this and i'm sure you're going to hear it in the future where people are like oh my god you read tales and dark monsters so cool i'm like yeah read the first part with tempus fuginot and the the the greatest crisis ever that's never coming oh and the conceit of the entire series which is that tempest is trying to collect a bunch of fun action figures they're going to fight in a story that's never coming like which is definitely not what this is anymore i mean this is while this is happening before did you got fired yes they could continue they could do it it's in the link in the description below this video grab it i think it's worth it these are fun stories and forget about tempest just read the stories for what they are they're really cool oh infinite crisis was the other one is it a crisis yeah and i'm like nightfall and death of superman infinite crisis that one's fun too how does infinite crisis work you know there's already yeah yeah because you never touched on the dark multiples so there's a dark crisis yeah as well yeah because the dark universe has its own crisis but it's like one of the dark universes there's like crisis yeah right but the crisis crosses multiple universes but we didn't invent the dark multiverse until after that all right so yeah they could have their own thing well here's the thing in death metal wonder woman's plan for saving the multiverse this is being destroyed by perpetua is to go to different earths where crises are happening collect the crisis energy from those earths right right and create an anti-crisis yeah so i guess earth's are capable of having their own multiversal crisis but the conceit of a crisis is that it involves the multiverse and crisis energy oh yeah anyway we'll see you guys next week on the website thanks a lot for watching i'm sal i'm ethan i'm ben hey scott listen you're not you're not quite done with death metal you could theoretically still have a scene where tempest bugatti shows up with like a bunch of characters from these series that are like we're here too and then have like the rob and king show up and kill them like the like the batman if i dark side and he just opened mega beams the hell out of everybody or perpetua eats them or something you you could do it and tell me i'll do it i'll go back i'll go back to guarding the multiverse never mind no yeah it's two panels man here it is tempest and the guys three panels because it's one full page of tempest fuganat and he's like behold you got his big dumb rod and all the characters from those stories and they're like ready to go it's a really cool opening page you could turn into a poster next page omega beam the whole bottom row of all the characters and tempest going tim just steps back into his portal he steps back into perpetua he's standing there like oh damn that's i was thinking tempest would survive this yeah i guess not
Channel: ComicPop
Views: 75,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DqJr-Sgtw78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 6sec (3486 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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