Batman vs THE PLAGUE! | Batman: Contagion

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[Music] everybody welcome to package some Sal me then I'm Ben so we covered Marvel's contagion event which came out last year I'm doing this thing where I'm like eh let's do some newer stuff but also let's do some stuff that like you'll want to watch and no one's read you know like Marvel contains that that was fun but I remember a lot of people being like you did contagion you didn't do the comic book event that everyone knows about a deadly virus that features the most prominent superhero of all time like you didn't do Batman contagion I'm doing Batman contagion not because every told me to it was on the list and I thought it'd be funny to do Marvel first right this this is Batman contagion it was a event so to speak but it wasn't like the way that we do events now works like oh you have a new of a big story that uses everybody well take that story and remove it from that title now we're gonna give it its own title right never give everyone know long everything yeah well which alarmingly enough they didn't do with Marvel contagion wasn't like iron fist contagion daredevil contagious fight like they could oh and they probably shoulda but they didn't it's like they had integrity but others like flimsy as Marvel story this none but it was pre that so instead it just it's a story arc that takes place across all the back titles and four of them at the time there looks like the Iranian yeah okay it's like way to the Superman yeah yeah I just can't remember how many like Batman shout of the bat Batman Detective Comics there was also a Robin book there's a Catwoman book showcase sometimes use Batman legend the Dark Knight so there's a lot of titles okay but they use them all Nightwing another one so there's at least eight titles that are used in Batman contagion but tell a story that probably could have done and wrapped up in about three issues that being said some amount of restraint happened in this because it didn't go out of control and as we were remarking before we watch this this particular volume must have been one of the first printings and collections of Batman contagion because it's the worst-looking one yeah and it just looks like a mess of design yeah like we got from fonts I got three different fonts we've got two three four different logos on here slapped on top of each other just right one on top of the other nothing tells you what this is except for the biohazard logo which of course when this took place in like the 2000s was big at the time oh yeah cuz you know like scary-looking logo counter culturally speaking the scary logo of the time you had like a decal of was the nuclear loop but then we got to go into the biohazard yeah you know yeah elbow break came out yeah absolutely yeah yeah yeah before that certainly but I remember at least four different nerds that I grew up with had a biohazard sticker on their PC tower somewhere yep so on a shirt yes oh yeah definitely yeah yeah all right patch on your backpack not to nitpick oh right not on the show but there are only two fonts yeah because this is a smaller version of the so it is well it's a typeface font one has more artifacting on it than the other no no you're right I think they are identical because if I look real close I can see all the little bumps and ground that are on the top one I didn't see the bumps from a distance no that's the thing is that like laying fun you never would because this thing ain't flying off the shelf but also why do you a tagline for the cover I know if there is no cure then the book is oh well there is no cute well there was no cure when this started yeah of course that's very contagion natural but later on Batman symbol this is the Batman shadow of the bat logo this is what they had underneath the title of the book on every shadow of the bat oh that came out of that time that's not bad I like that too I do like that design I don't think it works anywhere else outside of on the cover of that particular title but it is a neat idea like hey whoa cool what if they put like a little gas mask on the bat see I would've been like that's at least clever or fun yeah you're poking fun a thing yeah later on we'll do another collection of this and subsequent other printings of it which has the customized art of Kelly Jones and that I think also sucks like there's no good way to sell this event and I should know because I've been doing a lot of research on it trying to find some cool cover to put back here and it's like there's not a lot but there's one where it's Batman he's like oh I'm behind him is the Angel of Death whoa okay that's him all the time Batman throwing up it's there you go he never gets the disease well I never get that in this book but you can just put that up and yeah it's symbolic the closest thing I can find is there's a picture of him of Batman looking like Batman and behind him are a bunch of hazmat people that's it yeah how about what a Matt just uh just the gas masks you just about just yeah just Batman's face with a gas mask on it that's all you need and they didn't do whatever well is it back themed gas mask does they have the branding on it no no I would go like no that's the thing is that it disrupts the norm so it should be regular bad me but like it's you know all bad theme but like the gas mask is like you got in a hurry you know well the subtext is there for your interpretable the other Batman has to be worried about exactly I need you to make a mask we have a few of those I guess in the event of the contagion well here it is so Batman contagion is written by a number of Batman writers at the time because of course Chuck Dixon was working on one of the titles or multiple titles Alan Grant was there denny o'neil as well just a bunch of different writers and artists everyone else grant no no the comic book writer Alan Grant unfortunately so there's no dinosaurs in this but so it's great because it opens up and Batman is watching a video Catwoman is a white yeah that's her snow suit Catwoman gets a really cool rad redesign which is literally the same exact design but with white in it instead did they call her the snow cat no II don't call her anything except Catwoman nobody could the cat woman's role in this story is bizarre and she only needs to be incognito in the snow in one sequence but she never changes it so that someone actually figure though that's true okay Arctic arctic cat will battle catwoman yeah yeah that's true so the story opens and we're watching a dude who looks whom I thought when I first read it back in the day was Harold because Batman had a bunch backed dwarfish dude living and working in the cave named Harold what yeah we knew you or not but like it's so we work on the suits or something yeah he helped wig work on the Batmobile in the suits and he did like upgrades and he didn't like computer stuff but this is not him but it's not him another hunchback this is a different hunchback this guy has the disease that it will be the pandemic did it give us one show did he already have on gave him a hunch yeah the thing is that this disease it's not unlike Ebola and it causes your whole body to kind of like contort and and you get cysts or whatever yes gross looking thing do you also have a compelling compulsion I guess desire to pull Bell ELLs and live in towers unfortunately not they call it the clench they don't call it like Quasimodo's and Abednego that would be awesome yeah it's too much to say they called oh he's been sick with Quasimodo's lament yeah you well yeah ql they call it a qml Quasimodo is one word I was like he's not good with me right now what he's not he's not sorta moto I always it was quite easy cuz kwazii's were no he's an someone where is one name but they call a photo you can call the quasi why that's cause like he's only a little bit mobile ah that might be what it's from but I'm certain but it is just the whole name no no no they don't - a tit or anything nevermind I never read the books no of course I never did I never saw the Disney film either nah it's I was too old money when I was like pass yeah I also never saw it's got one of the 80s villain one Disney know my Mick mist yes during that Renaissance yeah BAM in contagion is written by Chuck Dixon mr. Freeze's in Alan Grant no you know he's a guy in a hazmat suit that's it that's a that's a order of st. Dumas themed hazmat suit yep story opens and you see this Quasimodo esque dude who is like oh you'll never take me like right it's like okay it is a reveal of what this Ebola s Kairos can do yeah this guy did not look like Harold before he got rice disease so it causes your whole body to kind of contort and you grow boil it's it's Ebola plus this horrible like the phone bone-itis disease which they called the clench because it's like your whole body is clenching it developed like the clench it got them it's very foreboding and it's really gross yeah yeah but like the clench sounds like something you get when you eat bad seafood yeah like oh I had the clench last night let me tell you I was in that I was on that toilet for way too long my stomach clenched but my butt cheeks would not all right I made this balcony I took it oh geez this panel yeah epic great I love it big guys just basically like he somehow gets a sledge access to a sledge hammer and the saint's do muck okay the clench originated from the Order of Saint amant yeah they're trying to kill it in the world or whatever yeah who are the Oder st. amant it's the fake [ __ ] phony baloney religion code thing that Azrael comes from yeah yeah they also dabbled in religious themed assassins that were firebase and plague and plagues that they manufactured these fellows themed it's perfect yeah yeah that's true and they and it was a part of that like the idea was that like the clench was in the wings for the say the order of st. Dumas to use in the event they were like we're ready to take over let's unleash the plague nor it-- but see we gotta get this paint and paint all the doors yeah oh it's very good we have local reference but the disease was not meant to be released it was released prematurely by bite with no assets thing do you think it's an accident but actually it was enacted by a overzealous member of the order interesting just go in the world already right yeah I don't get it you know yeah we have all these suits we got the fire guy what are we waiting for do we don't wanna kill everyone okay are we a crazy death cult that's gonna take over the world we just talking general this is a tape that was made well really more like shot from the security footage and collected by the order of the order this is reduction tape we're like you know welcome to the order of st. - blah let's go how where sometimes they'll be working on many interesting projects let's go in on the know seem to have lost the feed there let's move on to our agricultural department so it turns out the whole thing is a tape that Azrael is showing to Batman via communication systems in the cave here's what happened because this is after nightfall night quest nights end there's a come to an understanding yes well but the editors have come to an understanding and that's that people want to read about Azrael despite the fact that we spent like three years trying to show you how much he sucks so Azrael is operating Batman is reluctantly letting him do it but he's not technically part of the bat family but he does have a direct line of communication sure well he was in the Batcave we let him live here he lived in my house yeah now he's Batman's like mole in the order of st. Dumas that's also true although although I think he was excommunicated oh I guarantee you Alfred gave him specific access to the bat-computer channels because he's the everything's he an [ __ ] like Alfred's not a fan of jean-paul Valley but yeah neither am i so you know heat we have that in common but anyway Ezreal shows him this and he goes that's when the feed cut off and that means like it's very interesting Ezreal put like what does that do with me like I have no patience for you why are you showing me gross [ __ ] which which Robin is this it's Tim Drake - okay it's during that time yeah so literally Azrael is like it's out and I wanted you to see its effects and understand that it came from the order and I'm working on it but you but I have reason to believe it's coming to Gotham you do have a couple of super villains who like work with toxins and things that's saying they're probably gonna get their hands on no that's not what happens although that does come into play a little bit the concept of toxin based super villains from Batman's rogues gallery being thought to help solve this mystery but Azrael is like I have reason to believe though I need to jump to the clinch so like don't question how I think that specifically going to God it's coming to Gotham not metropolis nope not City but yeah but yeah okay if it came to Metropolis Superboy would just blow it away virus people with it but Superman would just lift metropolis and put it on the moon for a little while or something I don't know the point is it's coming to Gotham and you got to get prepared okay cuz it's gross look at it yeah and Batman's like fun yeah so then we find out that yes it is in fact coming to Gotham there is this douche nozzle who's violating quarantine and not wearing a mask when I'd be oh oh he's got a kerchief get him off and into the car show yeah you'll see how it spreads and thank you kind of interesting and applicable this is unrelated to anything but like this dude with a friggin hood on underneath the helmet look it amazing how will you know that they're you know priests in the order I'm karna hood yeah but that's cuz he's not as high up in the oh yeah he doesn't get a hood no it's true that's why he has a gun well I think he pulled well the gun to know of ganas no it's just that the Quasimodo guy infected someone else and then they're like come on we'll study you because the idea was the the order wanted to collect the afflicted man and study him and he's like no you're not gonna study me not gonna cut me open and he just like attacks him with a sledgehammer yeah and then he inadvertently infects another member and then they're like all right well let's go what you think I'm not turning into that he just blows own brains out oh please no like nice good to know that this has that effect yeah like not only is it horrifically debilitating and quickly infectious but it also will make people prefer to kill themselves and seek treatment yeah so Peter Maris he's on a commercial aircraft he's coming to Gotham and he's heading to his home which is this ridiculous invention that existed for this story call Babylon towers why are there just beams sticking out of the building in it so Batman can perch on it no it's so it looks old and [ __ ] cuz like that's it some assassin creed level yeah I agree that's cool Batman is some Assassin's Creed level [ __ ] yeah so Babylon towers is everything you'd imagine it could be it is a place where the uber-rich of Gotham live and it's like a self-controlling system like they got their own little system of government they got their own malls and restaurants and stuff they got their own servants and crap right you could live in Babylon two hours and never leave yeah you have a whole family and got in balance ours never set foot in Gotham City okay it suggests perfect cuz the taxes in Gotham must be super low yeah it's true that's that's how they got the contract to build the damn thing in the first place but Peter lives in Babylon towers and he is like I know he basically thought he could outrun the clenches arrival in Gotham so he goes home so he knew it was released so he goes to Gotham and then he calls a meeting of basically all the family owners of Babylon towers to convince them to seal off the towers and ride out the pandemic right what he doesn't realize is he's infecting literally like everybody he's sneezing on the pilot his personal pilot and they're like the plan by the way is his he eats all the families and he's like furlough your employees and send them home right so Peters patient zero yeah but not really because he got it from another patient right but in Gotham he's patients here yes yeah he's like 0.2 right he infects his personal pilot and then all the employees get furloughed including the pilot who sneezed on other people and they all gets and so Gotham is infected by the guy who tries to head over the pass and avoid infection right so when he meets with all the families he infects like everyone in battle in Tower so now that's like a hotbed of the clench as well Batman is like alright I gotta get some real intel on this stupid virus not just a weirdo YouTube video from my former protege right so key he flies to essentially the CDC okay and he infiltrates it and he finds a scientist who was working on the clench who was investigating it okay he also was infected oh not by Peter nor anyone from like Greenland where it actually did originally from or at least it came from here but because they were working on it in the US government and this scientist his grandson pinned a button for hat that said happy birthday on on his suit uh-huh so it got in that way Oh Batman meets at the scientist and he's like this is what's waiting for Gotham I'm totally effed and that means like yikes I know it has a specific like point in the back for his ear no fit no he steals a hazmat suit from the CDC and puts it on and it just doesn't fit right oh it's got a big thing in the back I thought that was his specific has no that's just what it looks like when he wears a hazmat suit over his ridiculous back it's just they're just pushing it up a little bit fat man with some tall ears yeah yeah this is 90s 2000s tall you're Batman yeah so reading caution no glass no sharp edges Batman should not wear one of those suits ever no no you're nothing but sharp edges even your ears are pointy your ears your arm things yeah well everything he rolls the dice and so Batman gets another insight into the clench and it's like yeah it can affect you yeah you just saw another example as to why it's really bad right I get it it's real bad it grows right I love that Peter is sneezing throughout this meeting he sneezed into a handkerchief one time then he's like well that's dirty throw away he throws that way he looks sneezes into open air in front of people it's just it's just horrifying and completely believable yeah all right so you know Batman is like scrambles the bat family or more specifically just Robin and he's like baby be careful don't take any unnecessary risks right you you don't even have like sleeves come on yeah you won't let me have sleeves that's true but I think it'd be pants so count your blessings you're welcome so I want to go back to the underwear I'll do it it's right there in case of you see like SAS break glass that's that's a tribute to a dead child yeah I'm gonna make you prance around in it you're not careful yeah you want one just like it the the context for the status quo at this point in Batman's history Batman as a partner Tim Drake is Robin Robin is 16 but has a special license that allows him to drive without a licensed driver because his father's in a wheelchair so he gets one of those like special disability permits okay this is great because Batman also gave Robin a Robin mobile Oh which is essentially like a Lambo with an R on it so if he's ever pulled over in the Robin appeal he'll have a valid place naturally yeah cuz I'm sure he'll stop I think it's more like the the city has licensed you so you can continue to break the law but I know that you are you are at least trained enough to drive this car right but he's not because he hasn't had extra time driving the car give it a traditional license yeah that's true that's right he would get four bad maybe way better than any training to get four with civilian drivers this is true I've never ever ever seen an image of bad rating letting the team Drake drive the Batmobile and him sit in the passenger seat like this seat is uncomfortable is this the place I've been giving all the Robins damn so Batman leaves the dude and the government hears about it and so they're all like looking for Batman oh hey you broke in yeah do that man you violated this this self-imposed quarantine like right you could be a carrier you jail it was a pseudo I'm not I'm fine yeah he is fine by the way he's not a secret carrier I'm scary enough I threatened it with justice yeah and it just was seated back into oblivion but they chase after him there's like there's a couple of hallmarks of boy I know what time this was written in one of the agents says assume the position Batman I'm like I have heard that I her in high school hearing that a thousand times I've never heard that in my life that's what's going on with Batman he eventually of course narrowly escapes and he gets back to God but you're telling me he doesn't assume the position naturally how's that well the position of justice is just it's nice to tell them we're on the same side course that doesn't work no authorities can't just be like oh we're on the same side oh well then you're free to go naturally so he has to escape well because like your urban nightmare of a city of permits you we should just make it a law ya know you're under arrest you psycho broke into a highly dangerous infectious disease research facility you're going to Supermax so that's what's happening in that one but the other status quo elements Jim Gordon was ousted oh so he's not in charge no and he likes replaced okay by some like lame-duck commissioner right he's just in it for the fame I assumed he was crooked he was he's not crooked so much he is income but it just sucks he just sucks he's Batman's guys work cut out for yes doesn't have Jim Gordon helping out no he does not also mayor Kroll is using him is that the mayor of Gotham yeah they've always been the mayor it's during this period yes okay this is actually I think the I think they ousted at this at the end of the story but yeah but Mayor Kroll is like appointed this [ __ ] to replace Gordon and so the GCPD is ineffectual at best yeah and of course you have other like tentpole characters like Bullock and Renee Montoya who are trying their best and they're like what they're talking according their commiserating and also planning to reveal the current commissioners corruption and incompetence so that they can oust him and replace them with Gordon again that's happening in this story Gordon's like oh good I can't get involved they'll arrest me they'll kill they'll bar me from being a commissioner again they're like okay we won't tell you about we were planning right we won't tell you that we're planning so like a Drake and it was office yeah get out of here exact it's that like it's that shameless the only thing that happens with the GCPD as far as like plot wise is concerned Renee Montoya has like a really cool boyfriend who gets the clinch and dies oh no I'm not gonna get into it it's just too bad it's we need to kill somebody with a name in the story that we didn't also invent in this story right and not someone who deserves it like the Commissioner or the mayor you know you need some guys they want to die yeah so we ruin Renai Montoya's love life to service the stakes of the story well yeah that's how Montoya and bull occur and I guess again right no as it turns out Montoya is gay hooking up with bat woman in the future oh but yeah the other stakes in this story are Tim Drake gets it - oh no damn so but babe had told him to be careful about to take chances yeah and he of course the city is the city is already a powder keg of insanity and like yeah you throw an infectious disease on top of that it's alright it's a nightmare and so people are freaking out riots and looting like every two weeks and you're awesome yep you have riots in this story because of this you have new people assaulting Babylon towers because they heard it came from there okay and of course like they're already like the disaffected 99% so they're like these people deserve it anyway I'm looking for a reason of screwing people over please tell me Babylon towers has like an automatic security defense system in place that like an active me no it's it's more like it's tearing itself out from within it's like what they don't realize that if they do open the doors it's gonna be like 28 days later there's a bunch of wealthy [ __ ] your blood coming out of their will on sledgehammers do with part of the disease yeah you grow a sledgehammer anyway so Robin bumps into Catwoman pre infection right oh thank god that way Batman won't get he's going out to help some people or something yeah the idea here is that Batman finds out from the other scientist that like it actually originated in Greenland in this like research facility and that there was one survivor one person didn't die oh they got it but they didn't die yes okay so we need to get his blood or whatever his name thankfully team up with yeah I mean he is actually helping them out already like John Paul is a team player in this story despite him being a massive douche nozzle all right but yeah so Batman is like all right Tim I'm gonna get you the hell out of Gotham I need you to track down this dude and go get him okay and when Tim goes to investigate he meets up with Catwoman who has been hired by the wealthy of Babylon to get that person to so they can get themselves the cure right okay so Timmy yeah so they're gonna fight and then they ultimately team up because Catwoman is a little more on the side of good bad Oh bad nevermind Lobby she's more like a merc she's a mercenary yeah like I'm getting paid yeah I need to get paid and so she's like listen you're effective so I'll team up with you but I can't guarantee I won't betray you to get it he goes whatever we just need to get like Robin and I like that because it's actually pretty consistent with Tim Drake's character like Robin knows that if Batman were here he would probably have sex with her but more more more likely he would defeat her and like be resentful of her cavalier attitude towards the safety and security of Gotham right like he would just be like what the whole you're doing just be to the hallander Tim Drake is like I know that she is a little more skilled than I am and then she might be expecting that well that too but it's more like Tim Drake is Able's her yes to get what I want and then we'll see what happens when it comes one of us is gonna end up with it yes but I need to get there first so I'm trained by Batman I have the edge there yeah when we get there but right now we need to play ball like that I have no hand right now yeah you know she may have some information I need information I'll beat her ass later if I need to right maybe while we team up I'll get through to her and she'll get no help with the green Oh point having a big year old boy yeah and she's in a slinky cat suit and homina homina that's true when we do know that he feels that way because of his team up with Huntress in Robin three cry of the Huntress where he does the exact same thing that means like Judah dawn acknowledged Huntress and he's like I'll team up with her she's doing the same thing I'm doing it's better than me dying alone and it being revealed that it couldn't have had that I might not have died if I just teamed up with this obvious parallels a Batman who's only not in the bat family because Batman has some weirdo obsession with you need to go through me first well she's also a criminal no this is cool yeah Huntress I think that what Kelly oh no I'm just saying like yes if there's a continuity of Tim Drake's ability to compromise while also maintaining his morale right yeah I like that just yeah Oh a little more flex throwing a little bone at immtrac good for you buddy yeah so the two of them go on a globe-hopping adventure where they have to go and track down the potentially the the cure yes that's what she gets and that's when snowsuit she gets jealous no tsukete one which by the way is not all white as you can see like she's got like it's got stripes stripes or whatever I've got links and stuff like it it's a whole thing it's a whole it's a great action figures I would love it if the suit was reversible if it was just me inside yeah so she's like no I'm always prepared right and that'd be cool I like that idea she's she is prepared in as much as we don't go back to her apartment so she can get her arctic blast Catwoman costume right we haul the Snow Leopard that's a great name I'll take it got spots it changes the name - I'm not cattleman anymore I'm the Snow Leopard on this mission when I'm in Greenland they call me the snow leopard right better Kobe's catwalk in whatever Lee okay Celina whoo so Catwoman and Robin go to the lone snowy cabin where patient zero is being kept his name is Kendall Stewart Kendall is there no and he's like oh what's going on hey hey I'd love to like you seen Halloween sorry I didn't have any more coffee on the pot there for you there is he Canadian he looks Canadian Yeah right well only because we're in flannel and he has a beater got a beard yeah that's true it's not old Canadians have beards you know it is snowy I love it if you live in a cabin in the woods you better be wearing you know flannel and have a beard yeah that's true even if you're a lady just put one on so anyway they're gonna go collect Kendall Stewart and then tracker appears behind them and gives them the old el Kabong and Blanc's their heads together and it's not the old el Kabong by the way doesn't hit them in the head with a guitar right you just come on them with you no that's the OL Kabam yeah so tracker shows I was like I'm in the book too and I'm also go over Kendall Stewart and then right as you're about to get a fight between Robin cat when a tracker the wall explodes and Ezreal shows up and he's like Batman called me because he didn't trust Robin but as he thought Robin would have [ __ ] it up was he right and Robin why I'm just gonna set Azrael right also watch out Robin what the only reason that Wayne Manor is even standing is because of Tim's intervention against the guy you called for backup yeah what is wrong with you it's just like this'll really rattle his cage no this is this is you know putting him through the paces travel by our gonna deal with this I want to why's he gonna you know we're a training exercise everything is a training exercise it's very hands upon plans pump ya know Batman is blindsided conceited story although where people get the idea that we had Catwoman go to eat new cat was going yeah he arranged for situations to be yeah she think she's working for them yeah no Bruce Wayne has this way the guy yes like he has an apartment that he never goes to yeah like we should get Catwoman to get the guy no good idea dumps it in the meeting I'm like a monitor I say we hire Catwoman oh good idea that Bruce is such a good idea if this book we're done like ten years later it would have been what happened well nobody had good ideas back then it's just it's just it's more intricate this is just like everything that they say that they're gonna do they do there's there's no subtext or depth to the story right Robin is working for Batman to get it Cattleman's working for the wealthy bootlick douchebags who are doing that tracker is his own agent who's also like gonna be like I'm just gonna sell it I don't know I got money but you know and then Azrael is also working for Batman's it's like you're muddling the waters yeah that was Batman's plan to just hire another again another guy and we didn't tell you about that one just so it could be a surprise when he burst through the wall yes I knew that Tim Drake wouldn't be able to handle Catwoman right yeah he would have just been so distracted by her feminine wiles and swore that snowy suit was over so because as rails fire-based all god damn cabin goes up in flames and so it got Azrael you know tracker fight the Catwoman and then there's also like you know that all of a sudden more bad guys show up on you know on on skis with who ZZZ and they're attacking them so Batman meets with Gordon EADS like hey Jim we need we need to figure this out Jim's like I don't work here anymore yeah so it sounds like not my problem yeah exactly it's so you know Batman's like I need help from City Hall I can't just operate I had a professional courtesy for you when I commissioner right I can't do anything for you you're my home dude people listen to you man your Commissioner Gordon no your I don't Jim Gordon now yeah you always be Commissioner Gordon to me that's great that does get my pension back I have a feeling that you'll be pretty taken care of what all things are said and done Jim see you Bruce Wayne what punch him in the jaw that's earth one Batman you need help from City Hall sounds like someone should make a donation right exactly wink so the whole merry band of side characters in plot B meet up with the dying Kendall Stewart's and he's like I wasn't the only one there is another vaccine he doesn't say vaccine he says another survivor oh yeah always so there are you know actually two others survived yeah I'm not the only one there are a couple more oh okay so they're like okay where are they and so he mentions that they left the camp ooh yeah tracker says two more shots of the big money clearly he is like you know gonna sell this this cure is cure yeah for the highest bidder okay well Kent wasn't gonna know the bitters are my people I'm dealing with that and it's great because tracker came in like a big SUV yeah a truck essentially an all-terrain truck tractor ride drives a truck yeah and talking cat woman goes tracker do you still have the keys in the truck he's like oh yeah I do and it's just knocks him the hell out and then Robin collects blood from from from Kendall yep well is he so cool yeah well no he's like maybe it's got yeah body like maybe it'll work out I don't know is he yeah he's dead I'm just gonna okay well I kind of run out of times yeah no shoot so here's the fun part is that you might be alive but you're still dead you'd think that this will be the end of the story but it's not because the clench you can't make a anti-virus out of dead cells you need a living donor to physically donate blood that is alive I mean it's no dead parts of the virus and you get anybody to like put it in like a thing to keep it cold what they essentially say is that the virus itself like mutates after death and so if you collect it then you're not curing the virus you're curing like a mutated form of the virus that is not the virus that you're trying to it so so stupid but like it's just a reason to keep going we got to find more guys we got to get this go to travel to another place wait and we can't just like came up with a reason yeah yes I mean like they're writing a story there might have you have a thousand reasons in this [ __ ] science but like alright at least they big addressed it I guess so that means like hey and not to you know put salt and wound or anything but like the hundreds of people are dying like we really need to hurry up you really make me regret not having gone myself yes you made me call Nightwing here no cuz night one was like hey cuz I'm operating on a blüdhaven which is like somehow worse than Gotham but it doesn't have a friggin virus right now so I guess I'll come by so night wings in the book now so then like we get like a whole backstory about like the virus what the plan and how like essentially they find out because they take Kendall Stewart's journal from his house and they read it and Kendall Stewart left like a survivors journal from the camp he was at ok and how he saw everything that happened like the whole place like fell apart oh you like the you like the skulls are [ __ ] ridiculous or skulls now yeah also like their mummy yeah well it's just like we're just were just treating you to so much death but but that's that's the journal that Azrael were covered from Stuart's house and so he's like ok well now we know is this Oracle yeah she she was in the book before she looked totally different if a toy different artists wait now that was or calm that was for a minute Renee Montoya no now we're name on tell you is as you can imagine Hispanic yeah now or just wearing glasses and her hair was tied bad that's that's all that's all right oh yeah Oracle sits in front of a computer doesn't have glasses on now no here's not tie back yep what is it sexy sex or just like I want to make my sizes up there dad give her huge hair yeah I'm gonna throw my hair around and I'm gonna type in some information yeah yeah well it goes just cuz she's a nerd she can't look hot right draw hot I am everything you're gonna draw every woman you draw hot like I dare you to draw one woman that's like 20 pounds overweight or homely no I'm not I can do it here I'll draw her with the clench yeah sexy sexy clench person that's true then the clench would be the way to draw an unattractive woman in this book but anyway so there Catwoman Ezreal and tracker all calls call a truce and we reveal one of the other patient zeros it's this dude who's like a wealthy socialite kind of in San Francisco who survived the nightmare right and then the other one that yeah he's one of the other ones that was one of the two that survived his experience surviving that nightmare and hearing about what's happening in Gotham has led him to believe that he is immortal like I survived to clinch I must be a god fighting with a katana and like there can be only one kind of thing obviously not that because they don't have the license for the Highlander series but they gets I can't die Ryan since everyone called him Superman because he just can't die and he's like he's telling people that he knows like shoot me the belt the boat will bounce off because I survived the clench oh my god he doesn't get shot by this guy damn it despite how much like I would amazing blam oh god I'm not Superman that'll happen later but he's like oh I can't he's gonna heal any second now my second healing I'm sorry he's cutting himself he says I can feel nothing yeah is that a side effect of the clench no no he's just crazy nice he's a crazy [ __ ] okay he just believed so hard in his neighborhood immortality yes I think I'm I think I'm going into a healing coma we just know so he like so Catwoman tracker and Azrael I track him down and we don't know if like dead blood is a goal I can't watch he takes up his knife and he plunges it into his own heart oh my god what thank God he kills himself he doesn't have one of his henchmen do right you know why that happens why does this hat what is this in the blog you know why does it happen you'd only one other person to be alive well because as I said a whole issue this issue is a tie-in book from another title and in this this is the book where Catwoman and Azrael and tracker go on a merry adventure yes so this is as reals book but it doesn't affect the outcome in any way I believe this is catwoman's book but I don't run out that's it doesn't matter it's one of the books that was part of this event needed to do a chapter so we're just gonna fill that chapter with with a wheel spinning experience what a shame for Catwoman yeah so Kelly Jo my god Kelly Jones draws this one so it looks it's a guy who drew Batman red rain so it's gonna be [ __ ] oh my god what is happening yeah well this is Maccabi 'then yeah mm-hmm like his head frankenstein Ian's dungeon don't put this in an event just leave it out I want to Kelly Jones everyone likes Kelly Jones's arts so like how about this crazy [ __ ] so we'll make Kelly Jones who would draw like a crazy Elseworlds Batman story and in fact has and have him just do one cog in a merchandising machine of a Batman event this Kelly Jones know that like 75% of people are not always in shadow or that this silo estate was designed to be that way that's true does he also know that like this is taking place in modern day right and not in the 20s or in the blank yeah like the nebulous period when Frankenstein takes place what yeah when science was forbidden yeah yeah so I love it like Azrael meets up with Batman he gives him some blood sample from the dead guy and bam it's like nope yeah no I already had that Robin got that from the other guy look at that weird-looking Robin that's yeah that's Kelly Jones's version of Robin he's like a he's like a young Danny DeVito haha see you like that's you know that's not a suit like it's just something else yeah no it looks cold oh so Batman concocts a kind of protocol it's not a cure nor is it a vaccine but he's like maybe it could create immunity to the virus but we need to test it on somebody like a vaccine would ya that's why it's a proto vaccine yeah well it's but I don't know if it's gonna work it's not gonna reverse the effects it might actually just prevent you from getting okay like we don't know we need to test it on somebody and we need somebody who has no symptoms is Batman gonna [ __ ] punch someone or what he's literally spent the whole book in the Batcave talking to people yeah he will eventually punch someone no Ethan he went to the CDC oh and then I'm sorry since he got back for the CDC he's just pulled levers and going on the monitor isn't talking people and he's also pouring chemical or yeah he serves in two Bunsen burners and whatnot the scientists call Superman and get star labs or whatever on this why you dealings by yourself this world threatening yeah virus just Gotham I know other people will help you yeah I like the idea for poison ivy that her suit is just made of leaves if this looks like [ __ ] it's not made of leaves it's a leotard with leaves over it it just has leaves on it yeah Kota fooled in this version of her outfit so Batman of course goes to Arkham and he's like poison ivy is toxic like her blood is toxic and she has in her an immunity to all diseases so she can't get the virus will use hurt we'll give her my like thing why am i you know antivirus uh-huh yes then she'll create a flower that can give people the clinch she doesn't what's gonna happen so they they show so we're gonna sneak her into Babylon towers where she will ask someone to test it for her and she can convince them to because she can control Batman doesn't like count on that it's more like cuz because the thing is if she kisses them she'll control their minds and then they'll die so it's more like she'll appeal to their community spirit why does he want her to do it because she can't die from walking around with it and not get okay all right so they're like okay we gotta sneak into battle on towers because of course it's surrounded by an angry mob and angry mob right so they go through the sewers they sneak poison ivy in what is the state of Gotham right now so like how many people are sick is it still just in Babylon town no it's out of every way basically started outside Babylon Tower yeah so both Babylon towers and Gotham City are infected as that is heard that Babylon towers has it yeah they thought it first case came they heard it came from back because the guy the rich guy infected his pilot and crap and then they spread it yes so in a sense it did kind of yeah it did they came from Peter yeah well they're yeah but yeah the state of Gotham is it is a deadly infectious virus and the only reason why our guys don't have it as big as they live at a stately Wayne Manor outside the city limits right like everyone is getting this virus anyone who is outside definitely people are doing like self-imposed quarantine staying in their homes right okay but the hospitals are being inundated and over capacity and people are dying you know thank God whatever towers balance ours Babylon towers has some sort of bacchanalian festival going on died yeah well we're showing you you know what's going on in town that's what the rich do they just get naked and hang out in front of trees I think they think they're gonna die anyway so they'll just bang it yeah okay it becomes as hedonistic Denison its Bank it's called Babylon called the Tower of Babel ah yes yes they might as well call it Sodom and Gomorrah yeah so all right hunter springs into action she is trying to like just keep the mob at bay okay Nightwing and Tim they help her out and they like kind of like distract the mob so the Batman and I end pad so the Batman and poison I didn't get in they sneak poison ivy in and immediately she completely goes off book course it goes hey boys I've got the cure who wants it and they're all like oh my god like well you're gonna let's start the bidding at five million dollars so she just completely screws up the plan if that means like I'm trusting you she's like of course you are sure of course I will I will he's like okay good luck she's like I don't need it cuz they're just like [ __ ] Batman he's a douche it feels funny I can't be affected what is the perfect way right you wanted me to give it to some of them yeah one person that would be wrong letsa let them pick with no money she's not telling them the whole thing like we don't know if it's gonna work it's just me I have the Cure who wants it let's start the bidding right yeah and it's great I love it because like the crowds getting more and more like raucous and horrible and you know they've torches they have torches they live in the city and they get these torch what are they this was passed out torches okay there's one card left awesome there was just like breaking chairs yeah he's like George torch 50 bucks Tory first and torches sellout every yep he's like got a torch hey wait a minute kerosene is another hundred [ __ ] if you want a pitchfork I got some of those too there's my last one last pitchfork last pitch for 50 bucks okay let's get the next last pitch so you know they're they basically corner our trio of well-meaning heroes yeah and they all get distracted because Batman appears and in this big I love this panel some of the best stuff from Kelly Jones in this book he's just big imposing image and he just says disperse now scatter and they're like wow those awesome and he goes well they'll be back and in greater numbers alright but for a second we got time for poison ivy - [ __ ] everything up yes and for Tim to get infected so they don't know that so that's what happening in Gotham towers is that poison ivy just constantly she's like turned the the proto cure potentially it's not working but it doesn't never works right okay but she's turning this this this placebo into like an aerosol she's like okay I've gotten paint like what do you have look I've always Jules thanks you're cured go off oh my god yeah and then like the guys you know these dudes are like going and they're like sneezing and they're dying like I don't think it's working yeah so while this happened I my wife get the cure no no so of course Gordon goes outside like Batman has taught him like Gotham needs leadership right and the commissioner and the mayor are not gonna provide it so yeah and they know you yeah so Gordon just like puts on his patented Jim Gordon uniform which is to say a trench coat over a suit and he's like drop your weapons to return home or we will open fire Oh like this Gordon is just ready to go and of course he's got like a little like militia oh yeah loyal GCPD cops yeah who are definitely gonna get fired if anyone sees them doing this yeah but they're just maybe their ex cops well I don't have the Hat they will be but soon-to-be-ex they're clearing the streets there guy yeah detectives mixed in there yeah you have like actual patrolmen mm-hmm so that so the riots are kind of getting like quelled by Gordon's actions and Batman's intimidation and then Batman's like okay she's been in there way too long this is not working I got to go back in there so then he sneaks in and he's like why are you what the [ __ ] hello I said you were here to test this wrinkle I got you pull out of the other colors she's like on a hedonistic pile of wealth like a dragon she's like can you really tell me you're that surprised what did you think was gonna happen what I saw something okay by the way it's not working there I thought you it doesn't work thank you you're welcome now back to I'm gonna go back to Arkham taking all this stuff with me yet so Tim collapses so Huntress and Nightwing take him back and by the way it's transferred through saliva and blood so like you how'd he get it someone spit on a sneeze in his face damn it yeah [ __ ] yeah just an one of the members of the angry mob yeah so you know they take Tim away and then like that's the sakes of the rest of story right oh no now it's for reals and the end the cure didn't work so now we're in real trouble yeah so Batman is dealing with poison ivy and you know he he browbeat sir how long after uh Jason Todd died is this Oh several years okay we might kill off another Robin more than a decade No about a decade or more in real time in in continuity like a year or two it has to be right about that was time compan yeah famines not 50 No so so Batman's browbeaten no ivy and then she grabs like a passerby she's like I'll kill him sooner then Islands than ever because I remember I'm like toxic if I kiss him he'll just die right and then Gordon just hits her in the back of the head with the butt of a gun he's like hey Batman let's do this he goes listen like she's like you you can't be here like like you gotta get out of you're gonna risk yourself yanks affected and he goes like yeah you might risk yourself getting infected as well like come on and I'm old I don't care they had this little back-and-forth breeze just like this might be the last time I'll ever get to say it but like I hate this city but there's a part of me that loves it and there have been a lot of regrets that I've had in my life like the regret of cheating on my wife or my new wife dying or like all the horrible decisions that led to that point but one of the things that I never regretted was that you and I fought in the same war and then they like and then the two of them just kind of like go through this the tower and get out don't you Jim don't you dare give up my baby yeah so are they just giving up on finding the other person who's still alive well Robin can't is we kind of sleeping out of his eyes but he still doesn't have like boils and things yeah well your eyes first yeah well didn't you ever see outbreak is it because that's what this is based off of it's outbreak so it's a tiered structure like you know you could bleed out of your eyes but like if we've got the Cure at the zero hour you will still have a complete and full reversal right like this make sure bones contorts but if you get it like back to normal yeah we call it the unclench yeah yeah that's what they call the cure so what is the plan now I don't understand uh the plan is containment and death okay so they don't think you're good one more guy though right they think there are no more guys and Tim's Tim's off the case but don't worry cuz Catwoman and track around didn't he tell Batman that's like the guy said there was a some people who yeah there anymore yeah and Batman's like I well I don't know where the other ones the city's on fire I have to work on this right now so it's always gonna be on fire though until you cure it so like why don't you focus on that no the city is literally on fire so they they strapped Tim to the Batcave hospital bed that they have yeah just pretty in keeping and they put them on like IVs and they're just like they're just inducing him and keeping asleep and just trying to like keep him stable yeah so if we slow his metabolism the the virus won't take effect asleep but it's kind of like that tim has this whole like in the Robin book tim has this ongoing melodrama of he hates the fact you may remember this from like other Robin books are done he hates the fact that he's lying to his father about being Robin but he knows that if he tells his father he's robbed and his father will forbid him from becoming Robin and take him away from Bruce okay so he's constantly upset about that that's an interesting okay I make up like oh that's that's the ongoing drama like he loves family and he doesn't want to leave his parents but the same time others like dad she was murdered so like obviously Josh Drake is gonna be like really obsessed with protecting Tim well protecting Tim and also like Tim doesn't want to leave his dad because like that's crazy exactly some because of all that happened so like otherwise it's just well [ __ ] you I'm gonna leave into him to do that man I'm gonna loose wagging oh he can't because like then Jack Drake will tell the police that persuades Batman like yeah to protect his son yes yeah so Tim has a fever dream in which everyone he loves finds out that he's Robin and they're all totally cool with it oh like it's like he's basically his father comes to visit him in the cave and he's like what dad what are you doing here and he's like it's Colo I know and they found a cure and you're better come on and they go stares at Batman's in his forget Batman costume no mask is just drink coffee in the kitchen yeah Jack and I are buddies we're just hanging out and he's like oh that's great and I'm like it when it rains gumdrops fall from the sky basically yet like his girlfriend finds out that he's robbed it's just I know I'm here too they called me and told me I'm a hard person ok with it we're gonna go all the way and then he goes home and they because they live across the street and they go there and his mom's like oh I'm alive oh man that's the best cure ever blinkin comes out I didn't die but there's no I'm dream I'm dying my brain is shutting down yeah I'm just trying to give you some nice memories before you die yes brain so great so Calvin finds out that there's only one final surviving member right who was from that camp she leaves tracker behind this time like drugs him and leaves him in the trunk of their rental car and they won't get hurt she tracks down this girl who is rolling with a bunch of like drug-dealing morons in Florida and like they're gonna steal her because her boyfriend owes money to a mobster and is the Catwoman issue obviously so Catwoman just like Catwoman has a whole adventure where she beats up drug dealers and mobsters kidnaps this girl becomes friends with her and transports her to Gotham so that she can donate blood and cure this frickin disease and end this goddamn book right oh so she's the one okay okay no mister like I was gonna find the person who had the cure but then I found this girl who was kidnapped by these drug Jaylin oh I had to help her shoes that we merged both by the side the side mission was also the main yes what's great is so you're like why isn't Batman like going outside well he was doing a lot of research on this this this you know this virus and the blood he's received and he goes and so Catwoman gives the girl the Batman he goes it's a waste of time blood doesn't cure the disease we're all doomed there is no cure there is no cure I read the front of the book there is no cure you wasted your entire time and those of you who bought the Catwoman look when you normally wouldn't have you wasted your money too it was a complete waste of time it didn't matter it didn't matter Wow great so then as real is like well I guess I'll pack it in so jean-paul Valley's hanging out with two other former or current members of the order of st. Dumas huh huh and they're just chillin and they're kind of just like talking about this problem Danny you know they're talking about like the virus and stuff yep are we gonna ever go back to the guy who started this - released it who went rogue oh he died oh yeah okay so what's the order st. amant doing well what's like oh well I guess know what's greatest as reals friend okay who is not his girlfriend but totally wants to be okay whose name is like a dumb misspelling of a real name like Megan but with a Gy that's like Lily but with an H in it G H Y as reals not girlfriend is like yeah I kind of remember a story about a virus and about a guy who released it from these older saenctum ah what happened was they were saying Tomasz like you released this virus and we didn't want you to so let's feed him to our crazy dogs so then he just gets eaten by dogs oh okay those are not dogs no these are like demon hounds yes you mean Cerberus Brian Brian no no it's it's Brian Brian vry Wow Jesus Christ so as ROS buddy Brian pulls out some old sacred Jedi texts from the order of say to mom these are all the lab results no it's been sitting on these no no it's not even that it's it's like ancient texts from the order saying tomorrow that talked about the virus and the cure and the cure so that's an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer over there the library going through old go to the reliquary and get our and get these danger texts that speak of a virus you could manufacture all right and the courier could write you from books turns out it's science but we're gonna make pretty interest coffee they grind up these books the cure is alchemy yeah you mixed [ __ ] together and then with your gold god damn gold is the cure that literally like not gold but like alchemy yeah and oh my god it his Lilly ancient science blue I thought you were joking now these people that was a goddamn joke that's not he also it's really hard to read cuz the friggin font the L was like it's like the guh oh no it's what's-his-face no like if you're reading the Azrael book you're like oh yeah I know that biz didn't die and then he's in this book but if you're reading contagion and you dropped as we're like a hot potato when you stop being relevant you were like is why all right sub is in the book you plays note plays virtually Batman boy this is a friggin Azrael but Roble is it as real book it's an asthma book you know what it is it's worse than Azrael book it's a cuz the whole thing is but it's a Batman book there's a deadly virus it's destroying Gotham and then you find out there's nothing Batman can do to cure it so Azrael shows up at the zero hour and saves the day this is a essentially an apology tour to justify everyone getting on board for Azrael again yeah I know I demonized Azrael doing all of the nightfall saga but he's still a character that we're selling let's let's we got enough people who were like all in a nightfall but what about the people who want to persuade to come back we want them to buy as real - so will justify Azrael like fandom by making him a hero everybody come clutch at least yeah he's these clutch for clench and what's funny is he's also a joke in this story yeah because they discover through reading books what the antidote to the virus is and so what is it they don't even tell you don't even [ __ ] tell you it's in the books and so as I can't actually tell you because then Batman might have found the actual cure yeah if I tell you it's anything you can be like well Batman if any words that the writers would have used yes so Batman or a scientist would have figured out yes so it's got to be mysterious yep so as real it's on hey it's not it's not you pray hard enough as real puts on his Azrael costume and he goes outside and the place is about to be besieged by seint - well not sing - mama biz acolytes and biz no we want the world to end and I guess it's also the reveal - Azrael that biz is still alive because as what comes out he goes what the crap is best doing here he's like us I think biz runs away because he sucks yeah Oh Azrael - your own yeah so as real calls Lily to get this great panel of Azrael on the bar phone ride right gauntlet so as reels like okay I beat the crap out of some guys on your lawn so you may want to like tie them up or whatever anyway call the local police I'm gonna go hand-deliver the cure to Gotham and you love them - Gotham and they're like you can't get in Gotham it's cordoned off like it's a it's there's a pandemic spreading from Gotham they've sealed it off and he's like I'll figure it out and he hangs up and Brian's like is that as her on the phone I've got to talk to him and she's like no he hung up because we'll call him back she goes I don't have caller ID and he's like [ __ ] so that Ezreal is this big crazy adventure where he like he drives his car on the hood and he steers it at like the you know the the roadblocks yeah he's friggin tame that's so dumb by the way and then he leaps off the top of it badass yes so he sneaks into Gotham he breaks into Gotham and he goes the first major hospital and he's like hey I've got the cure and so they take the cure and they taking that [ __ ] you look like a madman yeah so they so this is the cure thanks security right this is lunatic who's literally on fire wearing lacrosse mittens is hitting me this crumpled piece of like gibberish on me it's written in a language I can't even understand what is this so then you know the next morning Dick Grayson shows up in his Nightwing costumes Alfred Tim doesn't have to die we got the cure and I was like I'm afraid you're too late master dick what the the bed is empty because already cured yeah of course no Brian called Gotham from the phone and told them what the cure was they got the cure like six hours before Azrael got there oh my god Azrael we don't need you you don't need to physically hand it over why didn't you get a pigeon and have it sent over there it would've been faster than you and delivering it like you're an ill pastino you [ __ ] knob all right though you know the communication device you used in the car yeah I don't have anyone's number though I don't know who to call are you out of your mind Mr Man that would Qasim think as real right yeah so Batman intercept the call from like date from Brian and you know he makes the cure and you know in the Batcave and gave it to immediately yeah and he's all better great I'd also love it it's like I have the cure sir this is a hospital we have that cure four hours ago someone called it in yeah oh I think his name was Brian Brian dumbest thing I've ever heard must be a pseudonym he's the real hero Gotham thanks Brian Brian says the headline you're under arrest for breaking a police quarantine yeah I heard smashing your car guy matching your exact description also a pretty sure flaming arm blades are illegal yeah also like I think you're the guy who killed that guy abattoir here not too long ago and you're in a lot of trouble so like literally there's a little link stop why is there an afterword with Robin and Catwoman oh we got a tie thing gonna tie it up they have a what are they bang no but no just they come to an understanding yeah yeah and you know basically tim is cured we still woozy and he runs out there because like they're still gonna get a lid on Gotham oh also as a consequence of the gross mishandling of the pandemic the mayor is ousted and the Commissioner is fired and so they insta mmediately the first act is just a just a rehire James go ahead James Gordon what about everyone who died in Babylon tower that's not the whole [ __ ] thing over like they don't in this book but let me tell you guys hear about it again we don't hear about it anymore yeah I mean maybe they keep using it and later in stories but like my assumption is no man's land kills ya who kills that one town well so it's just stupid like dammit that sucks so much it could be this interesting thing about like how they handle a pandemic and what Batman could do because again it's another thing like the Marvel contagion thing where it's like you can't punch a virus right what's Batman gonna do but Batman does what's a Batman probably as contingencies in place to protect himself to quarantine Wayne Manor right feel like you're gonna do huh doctor Gotham protect Gotham from a quarantine what about a quarantine from within Gotham right no way to get out there any be like I'm not trapped in here with you you're on Mary yeah it sucks so we don't exactly what Batman is gonna do if there was ever a pandemic and got them oh [ __ ] all lose no nothing helpful no he's got to run around he's gonna send people to the ends of the earth and they're gonna fail and then he's gonna be like okay that's because the cure for this is a book yeah yeah he's like oh come on the cure was in ancient texts I don't have here yeah an ancient Tony religion that I would never associate with yeah well you know what you know it came from the order of st. Dumas you know it was like a prophecy or [ __ ] whatever so like maybe you should have like asked them yeah I'm actually kind of amazed that Azrael didn't put that together when he showed them in like a sacred st. to my VHS tape of this virus they getting out yeah you knew it was originated from the storm the order yeah if you knew they had a plan and you know they have like old books and crafts not even as you're O'Brien just like wait we're talking about the contagion you talk about that virus that we made on a second that's in Chapter four right yeah the world ending virus parenthesis the clinch yeah I think this is the one we want yeah the one that I've had on my show yeah the entire time yes subtitled there is a cure and it's in this book yeah but that agent doesn't sell yeah and I love it because they say you know like oh I remember people talking about this book and they were like you know it's a cool book because Azrael saves the day at the end I'm like no he doesn't at the very least they don't get me as real like yeah it gets a big like tada max like he saves it and there's a channel where if you there weren't any text you could be forgiven for thinking that he saves everyone but actually no but actually now the book yeah like no he's a [ __ ] he thinks he knows funny I do like that though because it's the writers like no Naz real saw screw him he continues to suck and be useless I do not like him no people stealing stuff oh yeah once again look I could see there's a panel where he says a cure for the plague is he hands people piece of paper see well yesterday hey welcome to CB r we got ourselves a sweet-ass article and there's the panel that I used hate this is so this is this is amazing this is as real to a tee he's walking up to a hospital he walks up this I guess this is as good a place as any he walks in I have something you should be interested in a cure for the plague and it's all for nothing because he didn't think for even like a second no he didn't think during the entire journey from where he was to where he ends up yeah he's driving his little car I was thinking about how awesome it's gonna be when he's on the hood of the car while steering it he's nothing at at any point wait a minute I should just tell them what the plague is I literally could call it in from my car phone that I'm using right now nope no better fuel up six times pumping gas ah do I have time for a hot dogs immediately after you're about to save Oh Ezra honestly we during this time we used MapQuest and determined should have taken you an hour less than it took you to get there even though it didn't matter I am curious as to what he'll do uh sorry I decided to have like four hot dogs I can go to the bathroom have a clinch sucks god damn it I liked your restraint at the beginning of this book or the beginning of the episode you're like Batman contagion this I'm not gonna say it sucks yet no no let's all go on the journey now that you have gone you know it sucks Wow oh but if you do want it it's in the description below this video they made a better collected volume of it but hey we we joked around and made you think that Tim Drake I almost died yeah late night we imagine they killed him off like what how lame that would have gone my god if they killed him in the side easily preventable virus story yep if anyone had there was late if only the cured got here it's a little bit sooner yeah and it hadn't been driven here in person and him to some random orderly on a piece of paper that's written in another language made up by idiots good it looks like hieroglyphics it's just like birds and triangles stuff get your local hospital translator in here and whip up that cure that's not my problem I did my job I saved the day I did oh my god the cure is just chicken soup I'm plenty of bed rest it's just time to burn the toilet I think it's a chicken taco or nachos or something Dorito logo Batman contagion pick it up if you want it I mean you know it's part of the ongoing saga of Batman and they're not all gonna be quarter vowels this wasn't blood rain red rain I like Batman vampire there's a real you get Batman vampire here this book they get you yeah and for no reason in one chapter it suddenly transports you back to like Gotham by Gaslight well sex not you'll know if that was Catwoman wearing a mask no like its electrics wearing a mask because she's like a whole adventure yeah she has a whole adventure in this story where she kicks ass and then Batman says it's all a waste of time right that was that and she working on a cure at all or she's just like she's a teacher so one of her kids get sick or something like that and Batman's like sorry I love how dismissive that is yeah cuz there's like she's a teacher whatever kids are sick that's what she cares yeah [ __ ] loves me I don't know man but let me tell you something if I haven't I don't have the other collected volume of this I don't have a the newer version if I were collecting this today I'd leave out stuff like it wouldn't be like younger it'd be much shorter shorter yeah they have there's multiple books that can just be completely completely left out you don't need it well so dumb I like these multiple pages where Batman's carrying an unconscious poison ivy on his shoulder that way we can draw her but her but overly story over it's great yep anyway we'll see you guys next week nice love watching I'm Sal I'm Ethan I'm Ben take care of yourselves achoo you've killed us we did that joke already if only we had a scrap of paper with words scribbled on it I have something you might be interested in what a [ __ ] drama queen yep awesome hey hey I've got something you might be interested in later who's here and has a curvy girl job said hey in it you Inc it's mine now off is this well written on here I can't even decipher this is the Riddler penicillin yeah I'm sure they tried everything sucks no this is that sliders episode were never here invented discovered penicillin is that an episode that's the first day I I have not seen much of sliders I have not seen any of sliders oh you would take it the most I don't think that's true it's the subtitle to this there is no cure no that's so what is the taglines well okay this isn't working and this isn't working we'll put that on there well that doesn't work we'll put that on there well darkness and put that on there like oh [ __ ] well we're doing poster yeah do we have enough crap on there yeah they're like for our design this is this thing will fly off the shelf it'll fly off the shelf so fast because you don't know who wrote it or who drew it or even if Batman's in it like it doesn't have any character though they just use the cover from one of the books that that's what they did later like with with better printing yeah the problem is those weren't very interesting or good either and then like they doesn't look very long it's not okay maybe it's too long what it is but but this episode won't still not very long yeah I promise
Channel: ComicPop
Views: 80,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rEP7lDVA41k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 16sec (4516 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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