Batman Arkham Knight Full Movie Cinematic (2023) 4K ULTRA HD Action

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America but I will Unleash Your greatest fears the last will and testament of the deceased Thomas Swain in the event of my death I hereby declare that all my worldly possessions pass to my son Bruce Wayne Bruce I ask that you honor the Wayne family Legacy and commit yourself to the Improvement of Gotham City its institutions and its citizens please be strong you are young but destined for great things make the most of your opportunities use them to give back to a city that has given us so much to change the lives of millions of people do not be frivolous with this wealth please do not waste it all on Fast Cars and outrageous clothes and the pursuit of a destructive lifestyle invest in Gotham treat its people like family watch over them and use this money to safeguard them from forces beyond their control my deepest regret is I will not see you grow into the good man I know you will become and finally my son I ask that you never abandoned this city to fate we have lived through dark days and no doubt there are more to come but it is the good and great men who stand up for Gotham when others turn and run in death I will love you forever your father Thomas beautiful foreign [Music] Irish and Savage survivors this demonstration used just five ounces of my latest toxin tomorrow this will seem like Child's Play got them this is your only warning turn it down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] scarecrow's threat work yesterday there were 6.3 million people in Gotham City today not so many the only people left on the streets are the sort that enjoy the chaos Autumn's finest scum criminals and worse not enough good people left to stop [Music] it took just 24 hours for us to lose control of the city tonight Gotham's relying on one man to save us all [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm just glad you made it out okay sorry I've got to go stay safe Barbara you still know how to make an entrance how's the evacuation going last bus crossed the city limits an hour ago I'm just glad my little girl got out when she did now the real work begins any lead on scarecrow we were tracking an unknown military vehicle speeding through Chinatown it's the only lead we've had all night but they gave us the slip with the evacuation I just don't have the Manpower left in the city if you find it tell your men not to engage I'll deal with it do you really think scarecrow's crazy enough to detonate a chemical weapon in Gotham I won't let that happen Jim in case you need to reach me it's going to be a long night we've got a 1033 inspector too missing patrol car unit 2.7 suspected Officer Down hey Batman every damn time you're safe thanks Batman I thought they were gonna kill me foreign we don't stand a chance stay here I'll send someone to pick you up what are you doing evening the odds [Music] [Music] Oracle I need to track that military vehicle a squad car has picked up the pursuit I'm relaying its location now where's scarecrow go to hell where is he I got nothing to say to you Batman talk or I'll Crush every bone in your body okay okay she's working out of a penthouse in Chinatown I swear that's all I know if you're lying I'll break the other one the other what Oracle check the chemical analysis I've just uploaded sure foreign is this what I think it is scarecrow's new toxin an uncontaminated sample you're not kidding I'll prepare a full chemical breakdown on the back computer what are you going to do scarecrow's got a safe house nearby I'm going to pay him a visit let's hope this is the break we've been waiting for that's made things a little more interesting sir it's Batman he's here were you expecting to find me that man I'm afraid I must disappoint you take a look at the chamber I want you to know the fear that is coming listen up that freak we're walking out of here nice and slow you try anything stupid I'll blow your brains out Charming but only one of us is getting out of this cell no no no nothing like a little natural immunity [Music] [Music] what are you doing here why did Scarecrow lock you up no hello tell me and what if I don't want to then I burn every plant in Gotham it started with the meeting what meeting everyone was there penguin two-faced Riddler even poor Harley scarecrow said he had a plan that together we could take you out and Gotham would be ours Over My Dead Body I believe that was the idea I told him that I wasn't interested in his pathetic human games and when I came too I was locked up in that room it's such a shame that his vile toxin has no effect on me nature always wins will he ever learn foreign [Music] you're coming with me you only had to ask what's wrong [Music] go go go 16 millimeter cannon operational Tire suppressor engage [Music] we need to leave the master of understatement as ever I need to know where those tanks are coming from I'm away activate the Batmobile weapon Diagnostics it's time to go to war any progress with the fear toxin analysis it's going to take a little while longer drop by the clock to her when you're ready and I'll show you what I've got so far who taught you to drive [Music] scarecrow's gonna break you Batman honestly why do you even bother with these meat sacks civil unrest there's a war on the streets we don't have the Manpower or the equipment well look who it is ivy well that's one less thing to worry about is the isolation chamber ready glad you're putting it to good use oh good another cell foreign do I come in the bat cave start messing with all your stuff down to its core four elements but there's nothing in there that we can trace what have we been looking at this the wrong way instead of searching for the toxin but if we focus on the manufacturing process why didn't I see this the reaction emits a unique radiation Spike run a scan of the city for this energy signature it'll show where scarecrow is creating a sphere toxin it'll take a few hours to bring the satellites into position we don't have enough time I'll repurpose the antenna at the movie studios Bruce I spoke to Dad I hate lying to him he'd kill me if he knew I was still in the city still blames himself for this we'll stop scarecrow any word from inside nothing we think there's a skeleton crew left in there but they're not responding and the facilities locked down if they're still alive I'll find them they should be able to tell us what scarecrow's up to [Music] come on let's go come on take cover time [Music] in death he has nothing left to fear keep him away from his chemicals your Vengeance will come tonight [Music] friend of yours stay here and I'll go find out do you really think you've won fear makes you predictable I am in complete control how do I shut it down let me go or she dies what are you talking about Barbara Gordon have you found him get out of there now relax no one knows I'm here nothing hurts like losing one of the family knowing that there is no one to blame but yourself foreign Batman I'm Glad You Came Jim you need to see this what is this place who are these people before it killed him Joker sent his infected blood out to all the hospitals in the state I know we tracked it all down we missed some how Hospital errors transfusions that went unrecorded five people were affected untreated the Bloods gestated too long it's altering them they're becoming Joker it's a form of kreuzfeld Jacob disease but mutated beyond anything on medical record what about that one he doesn't look like the others Henry Adams he's been infected the longest but he's symptomless immune to Joker's blood I've got Robin running tests to find out why one thing's for certain Henry's the key to all this I cooperated I've done everything you asked you said it would only take a few days you can't hold him here against his will we're close Jim we can't let him go until we save the others wait you said five I only count four there's one missing [Music] he'll be here soon through can you hear me Bruce oh don't act old surprise bats you knew this was going to happen sooner or later he's stuck deep inside you we're going together see what it deserves a new Batman a better Batman a darker more well we can come back to this later [Music] Alfred no thank God when the explosion I thought you might be it's okay Alfred I managed to reduce the blast radius and prevented the toxin from spreading into the city but what about scarecrow or the or the Arkham Knight character they've got tanks missiles their forces are all over Gotham crane got away I was exposed to his toxin good Lord are you all right remember what happened at the Asylum it's okay I had a bad reaction [Music] intoxicating it really brings out the me in you sir did you hear what I said Commissioner Gordon has been trying to contact you thanks Alfred Jim you got all said you wouldn't let me down I need to speak to you sure what is it meet me outside gcpd prisoner detention I'm heading there now I've gotta go Batman's here what's wrong Jim come on you're scaring me it's Barbara she's been taken no no no I spoke to her she said she got out she left hours ago stay calm we'll get her back which one who's got my little girl sticker from the Clock Tower all right we need to go there could be a clue something that will lead us to her I'll follow stay in contact you've got to tell him it's your fault at some point that's and the great thing is I'll be standing right there when you do Colleen is that you again candygram foreign just wait till your father gets home he's going to be furious about all this mess oh God no this isn't your fault Jim course it is Crane's done this to get to me I should have been here there's something I need to show you we haven't got time she's not like us [Music] [Music] she's strong Jim stronger than you realize it works for you this is all your fault I will find her [Music] she's my family my daughter she's all I've got [Music] I never should have trusted you never [Music] I'll do this on my own foreign stay away from my family nice of you to drop in Mr Wayne I suppose you weren't really dressed for the front entrance have you finished the decryption fully decoded I've downloaded all recent militia radio transmissions and their corresponding coordinates to your machine thanks Lucius I can scan the network for the Arkham Knight voice print and determine the location of His Last Broadcast identity confirmed good evening Mr Wayne upload waveform for analysis tonight match [Music] location verified got it the night's transmitting from the miyagani tunnel Network foreign [Music] to make it even more satisfying when I kill you oh and don't worry about Barbara I'll take better care of her than you ever did Batman's in the control room show what happens when he messes with lines how does it feel to be chasing the wrong man oh where is the Arkham Knight who won't find him podcast location it's a Legend Batman I know how you think which means I know how to beat where is he Barbara Gordon it's Powers now can you imagine what the night's going to do to her mom what are you doing no you can't do this where is he he's gone to see the little man the penguin he's supplied to safe houses for the attack the knight's gun to pay him for his Services that's it that's all I know foreign remember something else he uses a refrigeration company as a front the trucks distribute weapons throughout the city what's it called North Refrigeration thank you Alfred I need you to find out everything you can about North Refrigeration of course why penguin supplying arms to the Arkham Knight and right now he's the best lead we have to finding Barbara I'll look into it right away sir I can see Mr Wayne your new Batmobile upgrade is ready to deploy the Batwing is enrolled to Grand Avenue still lurking around on rooftops you shouldn't have come here not tonight like are you kidding me when I heard about Barb North Refrigeration tell me what you know Penguins using freezer trucks to smuggle weapons out of bloodhaven now I think he's stockpiling arms right here in Gotham the question is where cobblepot's the best lead we have on Barbara I need to find that weapons cash if I can intercept one of his trucks it'll lead me right to him huh if only you knew someone who's been tracking their movements what you didn't really think I'd come here without a plan did you I'll handle this you're needed back in bloodhaven come on Bruce look let me help you can't do it all on your own it's too dangerous I won't risk losing anyone else bloodhaven needs you all right I can take a hint but if you want to keep tabs on that truck you're going to need this it's a prototype straight out of r d the old foxes have done itself this time see you around Bruce what did you forget the Arkham Knight Barbara Gordon tell me where they are so that's who we had commissioner's little girl I'll break every bone in your body cobblepot they were going to see some keys are called Simon stag we'll figure pharmaceutical company or something do not lie to me I'm not I swear they said he's about to leave Golf and those airships over the West River Valley it belong to him put him down we'll shoot bird will do you any good scarecrow's gonna break you you are going down Batman I've been working on my swing watch and learn Gonna Knock his head right out of them this is you handling it right now don't worry you can thank me later get him Bruce you need to let me help I had it under control I told you I need you back in bloodhaven now scarecrow these weapons this all affects bloodhaven 2. the best place for me is here look with the amount of weapons penguin has been running into Gotham this cannot be everything he must have other caches in the city search this place for evidence it should help us locate more of Penguin's Refrigeration trucks those soldiers have got stag and from the look of him he won't last much longer I need to save him thank you they were going to kill me why what did you do nothing these animals came in and just started shooting they were collecting those cylinders the Nimbus generators are totally clean Power Cell technology we've been developing where's scarecrow he's on the second Airship did he have anyone with him Oh you mean Barbara Gordon I think we both know she's probably dead don't we bats [Music] [Laughter] Target is secured we're bringing him to Arc too yeah quiet wave goodbye that's the last time you'll see him please let me go I've got so much money even Batman won't be able to stop us but you can stab yourself in the train scarecrow for a little more uh I'm sorry I'm so sorry no you're not sorry Yet but when scarecrow s stomping into this scene oh God no I've seen what that stuff does someone to help me you've got to get me out of here they're insane you lied to me you've got one more chance stag one I I okay okay look uh scarecrow came to me he needed my help with the cloudburst what does it do no no no no don't let them touch me the cloudburst Stag tell me what it's for I don't know it's all over my skin it's crawling all over my face I should leave you to your nightmare okay this is it a moment we've both been waiting for scarecrow's just down there so we're gonna stop him and save Oracle or am I going to get another hit of that delicious gas while you watch helpless as she dies how do we decide roll up roll up it's the pictorial scarecrow bad luck bats [Laughter] you're not dying it just feels like you are my toxin is filling your love groaning you in your greatest fears what can you see a city engulfed in field betrayed by those you trust the most your darkest Secrets Revealed as I tear your mind apart I will cut that mask from your face and the whole world will see the fear in your eyes then they too will understand there is no savior no more hope no more Batman maybe it's already happened [Music] look at me I'm amazing and this body I can't believe how strong it is [Music] foreign you're different I prefer to call it a work in progress but it does show potential you're trapped there's nowhere to run who said anything about running [Music] up scared across Gotham you need to see this out of that field to see your city on the brink of ruin your friends in the clutches of death you stressed yourself too far this time Batman and now your failure is all but complete as that final dying breath Escape her body [Applause] you are the one who failed her what we hurry all the way here in cranes killed her already he's got no sense of occasion we both know fear is Batman so permit me the Indulgence of putting on this show maybe I got bad face wrong [Music] oh here comes the toxin I can practically taste it what's happening Barbara [Music] pick up that gun and deny him don't listen please no Barbara it's me your friend look at me [Music] foreign death to all who follow you sir what's happened she's gone Alfred what do you mean Barbara scarecrow was punishing me he killed her no oh my well sir we need to focus the people of Gotham need you I should have protected her Alfred she's dead because of me [Music] [Music] please scarecrow has the means to engulf the entire city in fear toxin you stopped him from making it operational but it's only a matter of time sir did you hear me he heard you he is wondering how he can live with himself master Bruce don't let Miss Gordon's death don't let it be for nothing oh you can't bring her back let Uncle Jay take charge no more bad memories no more pain no more fear Scout on Ivy oh no Alfred run a satellite scan of the city let me know the instant you locate the cloudburst of course where are you going gcpd Ivy was immune to scarecrow's toxin you think she will help she doesn't have a choice what the hell happened on that Airship scarecrow took the cloudburst I'm guessing that's bad where's Gordon he's still looking for Barb I can't reach him tell me you found her Batman cash I'm sorry no don't say it not her if Gordon comes back here lock him up he goes after scarecrow it only ends one way I need your help from where I'm standing you need a miracle why didn't the gas affect you [Music] you are the two if you knew what scarecrow's planning and I should trust you why because without your help every plant in this city will die about that miracle I created a sport to counter the effects of cranes toxin it's easy when you know how and can manipulate plants on a molecular level could it protect the entire city theoretically but there's no way I can produce enough on my own then let's get you some backup where to the botanical gardens they're the oldest plants in Gotham they'll tell me what we need to do foreign we're here Ivy what now look at her she's been here since before man walk the earth she still holds great power but she's weak poisoned by Decades of pollution she won't be able to fight scarecrow's toxin on her own then we need another there aren't any left like her not anymore what happened what do you think man you cut them back built over them stop them from reaching the Sun if I can locate The Roots could you revive them they're lost buried beneath this concrete monstrosity how are you the bigger the plant the deeper the root you wait here I'll find a way to break them free [Music] foreign [Music] Ivy they're attacking my plant protector it's done she's fully mature she should be strong enough to neutralize scarecrow's toxin let's hope we don't need to find out stay in the gardens Ivy I'll let you know if the situation changes Alfred tell me you found the cloudburst I wish I could have been answering rather wonderful analysis of the Arkham Knight's forces of course sir but I'll need some time upload the data to the bat computer in the movie studios when you're ready yes yes in the in the promise sir the long-range scanners have not been able to locate the cloudburst deploy the Batwing and run a low-level thermal scan Towers connected to a long-range missile launcher you won't be able to get the Batwing or indeed the Batmobile anywhere near there I can destroy the radar Towers on foot if we can just find a way to disable the drones protecting them well there is you find a special drone that in all Communications if I can get my hands on that drone there's a chance we can reverse engineer the security protocols and give me a window to take out those radar Towers that's just dangerous too dangerous it's the only way I'll keep you updated I still haven't heard from Barbara trust me Robin she's fine I need you to focus on the Cure you don't have to do this on your own Bruce I can help you it's under control we need that antidote we're getting there it won't be long now look if you need help you know where to find me Bob's clear Target's in the control room moving in secure hold up Lieutenant he's mine okay okay I give up keep all access points covered oh seriously he heard you boys coming from a mile away those pointy ears aren't just for show you know who are you oh yeah Dark Knight [Music] the Arkham Knight tell me you have a name I don't I don't capture and sent to Arkham City none of you are capable of organizing and leading leading such an assault he's not a ghost Alfred he's got training and a grudge widen the search to include anyone ever committed to Arkham because of me sir you heard me that's a great many individuals I know Alfred I'm trusting you to narrow it down Alfred pull up the footage from the batwing's onboard scanner certainly I will of course let you know when the situation changes but I you know one moment sir I'm receiving an emergency broadcast from the movie studios man I hope you can hear this the movie studios are under attack Robin is in trouble listen to me very carefully you need to lock down that room we can't let the infected get out Henry back well look who's too late to wait to sing the day how's it going Harley Quinn I know awkward don't do it they're not stable they're not stable maybe you want to take a look in the mirror some sometimes Alfred I need to get to the movie studios please please let Robin maybe in serious Danger something must have happened maybe the radio's busted if I find out that's black enough I'm gonna have checkouts you're saying good what the hell someone took them all out uh it was that thinking bad faced loser get that chopper down here now I want more men on the roof and sentry guns covering the entrance don't even think about coming back down here until he's dead you hear me the infected where are they they're not infected they're Joker Harley's got him and they ain't leaving this place until you're a corpse how did she find us how did she get in I'd let him know if I were you he's not always in such a good mood how should I know I guess she's smarter than you think not likely let's check the back computer good idea unlocking the whole building down no one leaves until we account for the infected she just walked in no alarm no warning something's wrong with the voice recognition maybe there's no trace of a hack if they're still here then the facial recognition software will find them got them Albert King's in the wild west set looks like he's gearing up for a comeback mount they took Christina Bell to the haunted house set Harley's left armed guards to protect her charisma's on the Sound Stage I can't tell what he's got planned come on lady we need to get you someplace safe are you kidding me I'm getting front row seats anything happens to her Holly will kill you yeah he's right and if Batman sees how you've treated me he's Gonna Knock Out you and you well maybe not you definitely you and you oops well that evens things up a little anyway when he's done with you chumps me and bats will have this place all to ourselves so get out there and make him show you how much he wants me you heard the lady let's go jeez she didn't need to kill him it's all mine Jason I I thought you were dead is that you Batman's not coming to save you Jason who come it's been six months now Jason I think it's time to face that screws you that's the spirit you're a real Chip of the old bat block not that it'll do you any good why won't you just kill me what oh no no no no no I'm not gonna kill you not yet anyway kill my sidekick now imagine it you and me out on the street starting fights picking on the weak a regular time manic Duo just like bats and that new kid appears no he wouldn't you think so this isn't Batman then oh weird the pointy is they're usually a dead giveaway I didn't want to show you that photo really I didn't but well it was the only way for you to get closure now I know it hurts but sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind Barbara is dead and I'm laughing [Music] foreign [Music] and he's a professional singer even Alfred sings better than this guy good work Robin no problem call it my contribution to music let's get golden tonsils here back to the cells what do we have here then mm-hmm wakey wakey what's wrong you think I'm going to hurt you why why I'm not the bad one here oh no no no no no Batman he's abandoned you thrown you away like an unwanted puppy can I have him daddy oh please please please please I'll take real good care of him anything to make you happy princess just make sure people know he's yours we don't want him to end up back here do we do daddy keep him forever I'm fine Jason Tim you haven't done that for a while there's one left come on the fight of the century [Music] kicked 101. nothing to say strong science hype huh well let's see if I can change that I'm gonna make you both beg for mercy and cry out in pain Batman please you have to help me that Quinn woman and her goons are trying to break in here there's no telling what she'll do to me stay calm Henry I'm on my way oh look who it is Batman's Little Helper looks like he left you all alone nah he figured I could handle you by myself he doesn't take you very seriously neither do I oh he's asking for it for real this time if you think you're taking him back to the South big again he's got the Joker in him they all have that means they're mine I'm taking them now that would be highly irresponsible of me to allow that to happen Batman took Jay away from me yeah no one puts their hands on the boss lady put me down bad freak Robin prep the cell huh no no no don't move Robin you killed them didn't you Henry oh you're so easy desperate to see the good people especially when they're bad honey I'm home activating jailbreak protocol oh I guess we now know who reprogrammed your security now if you would be so kind go join your friend over there go to hell now [Music] nice move Henry your turnpaths [Music] Evolution's a funny thing no matter how many obstacles get in its way the strongest always survived still you know what they say about evolution even amoebas can do it purifying the gene pool even I don't know which side to root for now goodbye it's been educational I changed my mind kill kill kill him now that unexpected they're gonna be expect action [Music] all right you're the last Joker that other sells for you I need to stop scarecrow when I'm done unlocking Myself Away [Music] what if you fail it'd be too dangerous I won't be able to stop you oh no no no no you are not going to do this foreign bats and you know it I'm sorry Bruce but it's the only way I know Tim I'll stop scarecrow master Bruce I'm reading multiple militia forces converging at your location it's the Arkham Knight he's found you I'll take care of it Alfred are you sure there are rather a lot of them I said I'll handle it you'll be fine of course I will you train me don't worry about Robin Betsy I'm sure he won't die well fairly certain anyway hey I never finished my story about Jason Todd did I have you got something to tell the nice man Jason my name is Jason Todd who do you hate Batman excellent of course you do me did you get that bets kid's not yours anymore he's mine mine mine mine to do with as I wish hey I never asked what's the big secret who is the big bad bat his name tell me of course sir never could stand a tattletail that's why I like to work alone no one to spoil the punchline you should try it sometime after all you've seen what happens when you drag your friends into this crazy little game of ours foreign the right thing trust me listen to me we can help you don't need to do this Alfred Alfred son of a you cut my communications sir are you okay I've lost communication with Robin is he all right he's fine faulty comms unit I'm looking at him now thank God with all that's happening I feared the worst speaking of which the Arkham Knight has ordered a squadron of tanks into the city to lock it down and reassert control thankfully the weapons generator upgrade you requested is ready for collection thanks Alfred you're not safe here the Knight knows where you are you're coming with me I won't leave them they can't do it alone they need me sir I think you may wish to take a look at Perdition Bridge the Batwing has located the cloudburst scans reveal it is manned and emitting a huge amount of energy the Arkham Knight get down thank you [Music] it's worse than I thought oh my plants are dying the cloudburst is amplifying the effect of the toxin you need to destroy that device or my plants won't be able to protect Gotham you'll die if you stay here we'll both die unless you stop him [Music] God [Applause] though come here please don't hurt me tell me how to stop the cloudburst or so help me I will hold you responsible for each and every person scarecrow has killed it's surrounded by a nimbus field it helps spread the toxin amplify the effects any vehicle not using a Nimble cell will be fried then you won't mind if I borrow one no of course not by all means [Music] [Music] [Music] master Bruce I hope you're not planning what I think you're planning it will be Reckless and irresponsible even by your standards it's the only option Alfred sir even if even if gas doesn't immediately I have no choice [Music] I need to remove the power core slowly or the Fail-Safe lock will kick in every brain sound your gray matters turning green [Music] sir are you there give me a moment Alfred I'll be fine oh boy it won't be long now till I'm behind the wheel oh just think of the fun we'll have then brains prawn brutality the full package we'll have Gotham that are Mercy and you know what the best part is you will be there with me every step of the way watching it all from the passenger seats I don't know about you pal but I can hardly wait exactly foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] he's gone you don't sound entirely sure sir Ivy I've destroyed the cloudburst purify the remaining toxin as fast as you can I feel you may be too late sir scans reveal the toxin is overwhelming Ibis plants I'm heading to her now ivy [Music] oh nature always wins foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is dissipating you did it are you in poison ivy I mean we underestimated the humanity that remains within her she's gone Alfred clearing the toxin took everything she had oh her final Act was a noble one I need to find scarecrow before anyone else dies do you have any leads but the gcpd comes from might they're currently puzzled by an encrypted transmission sent on a SWOT channel from within the city most odd given there are no SWOT officers currently in the field and then of course there are the numerous unsolved cases that still require your attention with the toxin clear now would be the perfect time to reassert your control of the city tell me about this broadcast wish I could sir but it's not a SWAT Channel encrypted those boys really don't like anyone listening in I'm in Richmond it's Jim I need you to send through some blueprints I found praying and that bastard's going to Dash when he did to my little girl was that the commissioner what's he doing getting himself killed but I've got the ID number of the radio he's using and that means I can track him came in Black but then I thought ah you just get all jealous get knocked down and you pick yourself up again see I learned that from an old friend you must have Bruce there's no way out I believe the exit from those tunnels is being remotely controlled by the Arkham Knight and I have to fight him sir the batmobile's armor and weaponry are no match for that vehicle but I am I'll find a way out I did it recorded you all your enemies like I found one call on his own I don't want to talk about Barbara hey I told you I knew everything about you didn't I don't worry Bruce I have some secrets to myself turn around who are you you really have no idea for us Jason but you're dead let's not fall out here bats I might have told you a teeny tiny little lie but come on you look at the boy you did good we did good you should be should be bold what's the matter lost for words unexpected more I'm hurt Joker sent me the film I saw him kill you don't you dare lie to me how long did you wait before replacing me huh a month a week I trusted you and you just left me to die it's not what happened you always told me Bruce focus on what I want to achieve and it'll happen you want to know what I want now huh I want you dead can't hide from me I will hunt you down [Music] foreign [Music] Jason I can help you there's no helping me you're not the only one with Sidekicks God Joker got you I know what it's like don't pretend to understand Stand Down Robin don't call me that it's not who I am you're Robin Jason you're not what he made you stop stop talking to me you did this to me I'm sorry you left me to rot in that abandoned wing of Arkham for over a year it's not too late fix this together [Music] Alfred it's I found Jason excuse me sir I must have misheard you for a moment I thought you said that you'd found Master Todd you heard right my God is your right no no he's not [Music] he chose the name himself you know bless him we need to get up to the roof scarecrow's there what happened I went out to Crane got caught oh Jim I'm sorry about Barbara who knows let's just get this over with I should have stopped him Jim look out Jim I just want to say working with Barbara was an honor don't even if you'd known what she was doing you couldn't have stopped her [Music] stubborn like her old man Brave you know you see a lot in this job a lot of pain a lot of suffering but I'll never forget taking a witness statement from an eight-year-old boy who'd just seen his parents come down you were kind Jim I was thinking I never get a chance to tell you this to say sorry you don't need to we're just saying Bruce we do anything for our family come on your knees crane now so you did it I must admit I had my doubts that you could make this happen I'm not asking again and I'm not talking to you it is time time for what Jim I'm sorry it was the only way give me my daughter dad Barbara are you all right did he hurt you what are you doing call in the transport we're leaving sir it is time for the people of Gotham to see their Savior for who he truly is a man just a man devoid of Hope trained by his friends crippled by fear Let Her Go you both still have a part to play we had a deal once I understood your greatest fear controlling you was simple you blame yourself for her condition you need to protect her that buried deep down is the inevitability that you will one day fail and that fear makes you mine think very carefully about your next move commissioner her life depends on it oh Dad no oh did you think I wanted him dead did you think that would save your daughter do you know what happens when a man refuses to be controlled by his fears he must face them no take me please it's not her you want take me [Music] scare me [Music] it's okay to be afraid [Music] are you hurt I thought dad killed you he knew what he was doing her where are they taking him foreign I'll get you set up at the precinct we'll find your father where's Tim is he okay I left him at the movie studios he's fine Barbara it's great to see you hello Aaron it's been a while Barbara's going to be helping out here whatever you say she worked for you now hell what am I saying we all do right see first established comms with the clock tower computer they really should upgrade these machines [Music] okay we're in damn it scarecrows men are already there they're trying to take out the server room copy the data off the Mainframe I can't the militia are locking down our access [Music] we've lost the connection we need that data it's the only way to find my dad I'll handle it you can't go there they'll be expecting you [Music] I'm counting on it great you're here scarecrow's Trapper flew out towards the bay before heading north I tried narrowing it down further but the data is corrupted they did more damage than I thought what the hell was that trouble Cannon police force of Gotham I for you I'd say that man will not save you this is the beginning of the end for you Dark Knight like hell it is the bat computers back online Batman I'll do what I can Batman there's a lot of people in here looking to thank you the both of you and I'm one of them they look bad for a minute there thanks Aaron but you don't need to oh God what is it I think scarecrow's up the movie pull up a surveillance feed I've trolls of Robin he was in there right don't worry Oracle I'm on my way looking for someone you should know by now that nowhere is safe the commissioner was so eager to betray Ed and now I have your Robin the Caged Bird fascinating that your fears would drive you to lock your closest Ally in a prison now those same fears will make you cute as I say storage Depot in Kingston go there alone prepare to take off that mask or your friends will die you left him in a Cell he wasn't safe and he is now he took a bullet for you Bruce we all would but you left him defenseless you didn't even give him a choice I'm sorry Bruce but you have to get him back whatever it takes foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Batman is that you I'm sorry Robin are you ready this isn't going to end how you think crane enough bravado it's too late for that [Music] I don't care who you are but they will I'm going to rob them of Hope as they stare into your eyes they will blame you failure will have a face and a name it's time Mr Gordon I would like you to do the honors never I'm done taking orders from you you bastard take off that mask or my next shot will kill him it's okay it's not okay you know what this means It's The End when they find out who you are they'll be no hiding you need to trust me Jim now [Music] [Music] oh yeah Wayne Bruce Wayne now the world can see you for what you truly are a legend laid bear powerless human afraid [Music] what are we waiting for let's get this done no no we need to do this right he needs to face Justice then son of a killed 50 of all men I say we finish him before he wakes up he's too dangerous we've got a hundred guns trained on him he's going nowhere [Music] guys guys guys guys it's great to see you I had a devil at the time tracking you down tracking us down we caught you oh cardboard always cruel but never cunning crock old boy you might want to dab foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] ah this may be my finest work yet [Music] he saw you like this please please stop this Rampage oh Alfred sweet loyal Alfred master Bruce is gone but don't you worry your new Masters coming home do you know what happens now Mr Wayne I'm not going to kill you I'm going to set you free to see the city youth score to defend to tear itself apart free to see everyone you love hunted down and killed every scream every death Vengeance for all that Batman has done good what do you not understand it is over get ready for the encore [Laughter] why aren't you scared guess I'm toxin proof hey bats you're still here bats is that you oh bats [Music] foreign foreign and you will be forgotten Joker because of me [Music] I am vengeance I am the Knight I am Batman foreign [Music] goodbye Joker I need you foreign [Music] do you understand Gotham you have no savior no more hope no more Batman I have one I'm Not Afraid crane possible [Music] without fear life is meaningless [Music] oh no oh what's wrong scared up no I can't he's strong he's going to be okay look after him Jim look after them all you've been a good friend best I could ask for you were there at the beginning and now you get to see how [Applause] foreign huh if it's all the same to you I'll stick to Batman no no you sound scary get used to it [Music] sir it's it's over the whole world knows what now Gotham still needs Batman for one last night and then prepare the Nightfall protocol I there's no other way Alfred Martha very good master Bruce you can be sure your instructions will be followed [Music] you know [Music] it's done Gotham is safe thank you Bruce for everything goodbye Jim [Music] [Music] all units be advised the major threats have been eliminated it's time to roll out and take our city back [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] for gcn reporting live outside Wayne Manor following the dramatic unmasking of billionaire playboy foreign [Music] I've got to it's the only way to protect them very well we just saw Bruce Wayne now known to be the masked vigilante Batman enter his home refusing to come foreign [Music] [Music] this is how it happened this is how the Batman died a friend once told me that criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot that the only way to beat them was to give them something to be scared of I understand now as his world grew darker so did ours when his war ended our lives could begin again he set us free to live to love there was an inquest of course hundreds of suspects who killed Bruce Wayne I guess we'll never know for sure so what's next criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot what happens when they have nothing to be scared of [Music] who will protect Gotham now that the Batman is dead [Music] help me no one's coming lady [Music] take his wallet hey freak maybe you missed the news Batman's dead that look don't scare us no more [Music] if you're watching this I'm dead foreign you're done your disappointment the failure you spent years trying to fight this war and for what corruption still flourishes in Gotham lurking in every shadow you don't need that mask I know it's you you love this blasphemy this sacrilege did you think you could keep it from me [Music] ah Ita oh pilot freaks will now Safeguard to Hermes recording not now the city is still under my protection [Music] [Music] come on [Applause] no one's coming to help you I'll deal with you myself [Music] foreign [Music] oh you talk too much [Music] you shouldn't find out that you should not defeat me I am eternal foreign [Music] I'd rather keep my Humanity [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] foreign your precious family I will slaughter them one by one and when they have drawn their last breaths I will burn the setting to the ground [Music] you won't get a chance [Music] Gotham is their city now [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] I'm dead this is a Code Black this message was automatically triggered when I destroyed the cave and everything it contained [Music] I know what's coming won't be easy but then nothing we do is easy [Music] I prepared for it as best as I can foreign [Music] I'm sorry it's come to this [Music] [Music] we both know it won't take long for Gotham's criminals to realize that Batman is gone foreign some of the technology is outdated but it has the gear you need and all my files all right many of you knew Bruce from Gotham's celebrity pages a handsome charming billionaire and he was that but he was more than a headline he was my nephew he was a friend a mentor and a benefactor to those of us gathered here today and to those of you who didn't know him as we did I want to tell you this Bruce was Gotham he loved this city more than he loved anything he was a protector to this city he worked tirelessly behind the scenes to bring Justice and equality there's nothing he wouldn't do no project he wouldn't champion if he thought God would benefit and I think in remembering that we remember Bruce as he truly was [Music] you've always had my back when I needed you I know you'll keep Gotham safe good luck and goodbye [Music] wonderful it is a Lazarus Pit [Music] I saw what you left at Arco sick even for you for you did you know child a Lazarus Pit can be used for more than just saving people from the brink of death it has many purposes in fact a Lazarus Pit can make a mind more manly more pliable to suggestion oh do tell me more about the wonders of the Lazarus pits sometimes it's about more than your army sometimes it's about having the right General leading heart what I wasn't good enough for you that hurts [Laughter] you like your precious Batman were never able to save Gotham I finally solved that problem [Music] thank you my father's mind was broken by repeated exposures to the Lazarus Pit unlike my father I used that exposure free Bruce's mind from his ridiculous oath and you you're right where we need you Bruce's last test then we lead our new league into Glory remaking the world defeat this Pretender take back the city that is your Birthright [Music] [Music] don't listen to her thank you so you had to try out dying for yourself you could trust my Intel just once [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] good good you're recognizing people try to stay calm the Lazarus Pit forces you again survival mode promises hey look at me you never gave up on me I'm not going to give up on you Bruce Natalia tried to break you with a Lazarus Pit I remember how you brought me back you have to fight for it this time foreign [Music] [Music] case all of us working together for the court of owls you found them you're bringing in The Voice come on we'll both lose our street cred if anyone sees me helping you you don't have to prove yourself to anybody least of all me let's go I can do the top of you later Bruce all you had to do was stand still beloved let me dispose of this burden for both our sakes please Bruce it's your turn Teresa I know you won't give up I should have left you in your grave for his sake Talia I'm not gonna kill you this is gonna hurt you a lot more than it will me [Music] laughs [Music] what's the joke ew my dear Jason so focused on Hunting me down you missed your own determined pursuer [Music] your Abomination led us here and now you and it will die laughs you will never bring death to an angle [Music] [Music] now to end this [Applause] [Music] seems my beloved [Music] this is over now to us [Applause] already hit this guy as much as the last one take heart your death has purpose you die so the court lives forever you want this Rogers Prince you go for me [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] all of you grew without me become your own Heroes the nights that Gotham really needed together you're stronger than the Batman ever could be I'm so proud [Music] and I'm sorry what are you doing you might want to run [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] please who hurt the people 's stomach out you're not gonna get this Lazarus because I won't let you up foreign blasted to bits [Music] where the pit destroyed the court of owls has gone to ground mostly it's only a matter of time till they show up again Talia got the hell out of Dodge laying low somewhere to plan our next move [Music] of course you left a few of her League puppets behind to keep an eye on us or keep us busy both probably [Music] we checked the Batwing or what's left of it [Music] he's dead Gotham needs me the court will try to cover this up like they do everything else but they're not the only ones watching exposing Jacob Kane was just the beginning [Music] the court of houses terrorized the city for centuries and they're not about to stop foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I swear to you I will not stop fighting until you can [Music] thank you
Channel: GameClips
Views: 269,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Batman, Batman Arkham Knight, Batman Full Movie, Batman Arkham Knight Full Movie, Batman Movie, Batman 2023 Full Movie, Batman Cinematic, Batman Cinematic Movie, Batman Arkham Knight All Cinematics, All Cinematics, Cinematic, Cinematics, Batman Arkham Knight Full Movie Cinematic, Full Cinematic Movie, Full Movie, Full, Movie, 2023, HD, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, Action Movie, Action, Fantasy, Fantasy Movie, 2022 Movie
Id: 9SUnQtYbVtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 11sec (8231 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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