Batman: The Telltale Series (The Movie)

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(Subtitles automatically generated, may not be entirely accurate) foreign [Music] get it open on it hey you think he's gonna show and bring the whole goddamn place we'll be out of here before anyone can stop us Christ move in [Music] Gordon they're on the 52nd floor I'm going in hey wait wait for backup take the stairs I heard stories you know set three home in an ambulance the rest in body bags no wonder the cops want him dead hey you ever seen him yeah Gotham Zoo for all the other flying animals [Music] huh [Music] [Music] Bruce you can't keep doing this I have to no one else will every drop of blood everything you've sacrificed the city is safer now but it's made you a Target and people will keep you in the crosshairs until you're shot out of the sky I can handle it [ __ ] the healthy God whatever got in don't let it get out [Music] what's that foreign [Music] [Music] I know you're trying to create a myth but be careful you don't turn into a monster sometimes you need a monster come on come on come on foreign behind you big boy [Music] [Music] foreign stay where you are you're under arrest if you want to be intimidating you're succeeding criminals are becoming afraid of you so are the police it's a scare Tire to go just a performance [Music] without a scratch so far that doesn't belong to you I was wondering if we'd cross paths you broke the law here I am cut the [ __ ] the law don't tell me that's why you do all this Gotham needs a hero someone to hunt down people like you so that makes me what a villain sounds fun gotta admit it though you give a good Chase one day you might actually catch me night don't you know not to corner a wild animal it's dangerous and let's put you in a cage bring it back [Music] good foreign true well now Jesus wait wait wait do not shoot ah a why go to all that trouble for this [ __ ] a myth can't be killed you however are flesh and blood [Music] ah damn it I said don't shoot no wait [Music] guess I was wrong about you catching me don't struggle or you'll fall but that's what you crave the struggle [Music] step out of the Shadows and be Bruce Wayne tonight oh that's a much harder fight don't let tombstones be your family Legacy well then time to save the city thank you thank you everyone a humble district attorney like myself is not used to such a ringing endorsement even one who cut Gotham's crime rate in half for too long this city has burned with corruption and greed under mayor Hill's Authority but I promise you a vote for Harvey Dent is a vote to finally put your foot down together we can stamp out the fire and save our great City if only Mr Wayne my campaign's largest backer could have heard that Applause he would well there he is fashionable and fashionably late as always say hi Bruce hi Bruce well I T him up and he knocks him down that's how Mr Wayne and I do business thank you thank you again everyone for your unwavering support together we will change Gotham Mr Wayne thank you for opening your house to us now I know this is the biggest mansion in Gotham but I don't think you got lost on your way here where were you just wanted to make an entrance congratulations you almost missed it you are a pillar of this city and my campaign I need you here tuxedoed and shaking hands no one came here tonight to see me they want to see the Bruce Wayne am I right and I can see him just fine from here this shouldn't be painful it's not a kidney stone it's only a little face time with potential donors your face specifically with a mouth that's saying support Harvey Dent where the grease they're the wheels and they're rolling in enough cash and votes to help make Gotham a place for families again I just don't like being someone I'm not what are you talking about you are Gotham's Golden Sun let them bask in your radiant glow this will help you too Bruce once I've turned this city around as mayor you'll be a hero for funding my campaign now all I need is a decent slogan all right all right all right how about uh a new face for Gotham look at you it's not half bad I'm gonna use that Bruce I meant what I said together you and me we change Gotham the city free from crime where children can play in the streets again that's what I want too Harvey but you know how rough it is out there we have to shake things up to make that happen well we can start with a few hands hmm come on Mr Wayne I'd like to introduce you to Bob and Regina Zellerbach of course I know these two hello Bruce Regina here is the chairwoman of Wayne Enterprises and her husband voted for mayor Hill last time I'll admit it Mr Wayne I don't know Mr Dent from a pothole on Main Street but I trust your family if you believe in debt we believe in you well thank you but we're all here tonight because we want to make a difference and that's what it's going to take every single one of us not just me not just Mr dent everyone right right of course old families like ours should flock together you know like birds you're preaching dear no it's true the Waynes and Zeller box are reminders of the golden age of Gotham this City's luster faded years ago Mr Dent look at Gotham now murder in the streets corruption in City Hall that Cape bat freak dealing out vigilante just as like it's the wild goddamn West oh Bobby regarding golden age seems you're getting cranky in yours there's always hope forgive me for being blunt but one man can't save this city well I have to say I side with your wife on this Mr Zellerbach even a spark of hope can light the darkness oh idealist with a bank account he'll be broke before election day and I know Bruce would gladly spend every penny he has to fix this city I don't doubt that for a moment Bruce's help we're replacing the dangerously unsecure Arkham Asylum with a state-of-the-art mental health facility to help Gotham's most at-risk individuals and will be dedicated to Thomas and Martha Wayne in the hopes that their fate will never be repeated after all your parents did for this city oh to be killed in a botched robbery in some Alleyway it was terrible truly terrible a tragedy like that at such a young age must have been crippling if only that deranged man had gotten the right treatment Maybe well I don't like to think about maybes and I'm sure you don't either well thank you I wish my parents could be here speaking with you too and thank you Bruce for investing in the health of this City's future you have our support Mr Dent go get him we're on our way not saying I doubted you but that went better than expected it is a night of bringing endorsements oh well hello Harvey Dent Gotham's next mayor and eager to know you Vicki Vale not interested and reporter for the Gotham Gazette this is a private fundraiser Miss Vale no reporters allowed well you don't mind if I stay and ask a few questions do you Mr Wayne well you can ask me whatever you want at the press conference tomorrow actually I'm here for Mr Wayne well he certainly doesn't have any time either tonight is strictly off the Record we can talk but nothing gets written down I'm okay with that I was just hoping to see what makes Bruce Wayne tick the social event Mr Wayne come on now so formal call me Bruce well Bruce you've been going around pleasing everyone tonight but how are you doing well I'm doing better now that you're here well I'll tell you if all these stuffed shirts weren't around I'd give you the private tour so this now and it's nothing it just uh cut myself shaving what your butler didn't help you this time hey kidding kidding and do excuse me master Bruce about the time another guest has arrived I'm sure they'll find the bar you may want to greet this one personally sir Carmine falcon is the dent campaign soliciting votes from Gotham's biggest crime falcony's never been convicted of anything except being a businessman who loves this city excuse us miss Vale and what kind of business do you think he's in the one that controls enough votes to get me into City Hall this is the necessary evil of politics Bruce it's in the service of a better Gotham for all of us at least hear them out before you kick him out Falcone requested to speak with you directly maybe it can change your mind I don't like this harv but I'm trusting you thank you Bruce seriously you know I have to pull every string I can to get elected yeah well just make sure this one doesn't hang you the word of warning Bruce play nice you know I've been in the market for a new house decent walk up Sky High ceilings plenty of room for my cars I think I'll take it though the decor offends my eyes oh man all Flash no class let's talk privately shall we hey I like this guy ready to do business before we even introduce ourselves but we'll get to that Karma and Falcone thank you for welcoming me into your home [Music] Bruce Wayne I Know Who You Are the guy is going to sell me his house gentlemen perhaps we'll all be more comfortable in The Parlor follow me if you will you should know Mr Falcone my analysts say we're raising triple with mayor Hill hey what's private audience come on guys Bruce you'll be fine out there Harvey I saw plenty of skirts to keep you busy for a few minutes Harvey stays with us a man's home is his castle I respect that scene and not heard whatever you what did I say Mr district attorney here wants to make sure the rules are followed thank you but in my experience there's the law and there's doing what's right you understand unlike most people I've met Harvey actually has Integrity he's trying to make Gotham a better place so am I so sorry this city broken back might lighten the load if we do so together I ain't hit a chinwag about politics Mr Wayne gives me a digestion I got enough of that as is so let's talk relationship [Music] okay imagine this is me and these are all my friends in Gotham the businesses restaurants clubs docs unions politicians I make them all move and I want to keep everything moving if Harvey gets elected that's why I came here tonight to your lovely home hoping to make a new friend oh I'm everyone's friend which means you really know once pick a lane before you have a head-on collision you listen to me kid I know somewhere inside that tuxedo you understand this situation money gets money the risks the alliances the hidden costs your father knew which hands to shake break I think I'll have someone see you out okay okay so that's how it's gonna be people don't say no to me not for long [Music] master Bruce your guests are leaving I recommend seeing them out you wouldn't want to be rude heed your Butler's advice kid oh and I'm no longer interested in buying the house the owner's a prick and he's gonna get what's coming to him [Music] [Music] foreign it's me another brutal week in Gotham folks a string of home invasions rippled through the city's already crime infested apparently the bandits are using some gcpd battery Ram s last year remember to keep logged tonight and we have breaking news tonight five criminals are in custody this evening after a break-in at City Hall but thanks to the efforts of the Batman the store returned not all of us see what she was really after allegations that debt may have actually been involved in the Breakout started the fire what else burning appearance resisted everything the fire department it was so important encrypted Wayne Manor has seven bedrooms two kitchens a library a gymnasium a basketball court and a movie theater and yet I always find you here in a dark damp cave I'm more at home here than the rest of the house you know that then we should build an eighth bedroom down here sure I can see the headlines now Bruce Wayne billionaire entrepreneur cave dweller quite an Eclectic resume did you find out what that Catwoman tried to steal in the process what are we looking at let me try a different angle this is a map of the East Side Shoreline it could mean any number of things money weapons drugs everything flows through that port maybe it's where mayor Hill picks up his dry cleaning can make sense of it yet there's still plenty of files to decrypt and in the meantime I saved you what I could thanks Al right yeah the same couldn't be said for the bar I had to literally pry Mrs Zella back away but you'll be pleased to hear everyone has left including Mr Falcone before the game switched from Billiards to cutthroat I'd recommend leaving the fist fights to your Alter Ego blood stains are much harder to remove from a tuxedo yeah thanks for the interruption and it wasn't for you Bruce I was worried I might drink all my good scotch for the record your father despised men like Falcone thought they ruined Gotham's Stellar reputation back when it still had one it can again Bruce though people like this Catwoman aren't helping is she new to town seen her before hopefully she's just a tourist not much to find apparently a few burglaries break-ins he seems to lay pretty low you could learn a thing or two from her you can't step outside without it ending up in the news lately as Bruce or Batman that's not the point I want criminals to know I'm out there Batman isn't hiding from anybody I was talking about Bruce yeah I don't mean to beat it at argument but no one's gonna figure it out now trust me Miss Vale noticed your injuries so did Mr dent if they put it together with the incident at the mayor's office it would undo all the long nights and close calls we've endured to get here you're in the spotlight more than ever you have to be careful you're right you're right I should have canceled the event but I know how much pressure you're under I don't mean to add to it it's okay I I know you're only looking out for me if we make a suit that fits me we can trade places some night though I'm not partial to Heights ah old men worry that's all it's our gift and our curse one more worry for the list I thought I saw eyes it's been what 20 years I stopped my son we were in grade school indeed you two were thick as thieves Oswald however took that role more literally than you dishonorable discharge illegal boxing matches arms dealing prison stance that's a criminal Grand Slam if I'm using the expression correctly unfortunately you are Oswald claimed he only wanted to catch up but his behavior following his family's collapses troubling even though you and young Master cobblepot used to be close I'd advise you to be cautious but I know you can't abandon a good mystery until it's solved I'll be careful Alfred when you see what's become of his park I think you will you ah great how's the statue but no eyes watch wallet cash this goes through you you're making a mistake you already made one coming here next one kills you and him gentlemen Oz keep walking all right this don't concern you twerp you see that's where you're mistaken my old mate and I have some catching up to do come here this used to be a nice place yeah no lives like you don't belong this is my Park mine you hear that oh hey Bruce you've got a little uh good as new whoa that was the right little scrap eh nothing kickstarts the system like a dash of adrenaline eh you didn't need to take it so far some folks have fun here in Bruce others don't get the message unless it's beaten into them yeah it's been one two decades and you know what I haven't been mugged once that entire time uh that wasn't why I brought you in mate right now I am trying to recognize a little Bruce I used to run around this place with back when it wasn't you know like this it's Park used to mean something a place was safe for kids for for families people came from all over to visit oh Mom and Dad they put so much work in here shame what happened it was beautiful once and now it's oh hell hole last thing my parents ever built ah this city shoes right through people mum committed to Arkham dad injure it yourself he did my family's Fortune there's nothing left Bruce I know Alfred told me it's funny huh same place the ground my family to dust gave you the good life used to run in the same Circle as we did hobnob and parties around the world vacations unlimited potential now all I got is this park I'm I'm sorry guys no one should have to go through that thanks Bruce but we are not the only ones suffering good to know you haven't changed Bruce Bruce still care about something more than just yourself although I was surprised to see Carmine Falcone at your party last night May himself right at home that oily wish I could have punched that grin to the back of his throat Phil Collins was an Uninvited Guest that's it never want to see his face again on that we can agree in earnest that Cody made a stack of cashing corpses a mile high ruining families like mine all he needs is a little and it'll be a treat to watch him at pavement sorry mate this reunion got a lot more Grim than our planned these are going to be on the upswing soon no A revolution is knocking on Gotham's door and I'm here to let it in which brings me to you Bruce is he you throw a rock in any direction you break a window and it Wayne Enterprises owns as the rich and powerful girl oh you top Gotham's list our Revolution starts we're gonna smash windows and cross off names all the way down like I said it's not gonna be pretty it's gonna be beautiful and I can't wait to get started I'm not your enemy Thomas that remains to be seen don't it [Music] I've got great affection for you Bruce I really do which is why I'm warning you when this whole thing starts make sure you're on the right side [Music] good seeing you Bruce [ __ ] I got some rocks to collect cheers [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes Mr Wayne over here right here this way gross gross good morning everyone good morning Mr dent hey Bruce you mind if we swap cars I mean mine isn't fast and the paint's rusting off but boy does she have charm oh we didn't bring you all out here to discuss cars honestly now we're here about Arkham Asylum ever since it opened its doors Arkham has been a breeding ground for the criminally insane its methods for rehabilitation crude its security lacking and we're still those who do get out or God forbid Escape are even more dangerous than before they win in Arkham Asylum is a cancer on Gotham but today with a sizable contribution from this man here we break ground on a state-of-the-art mental health care facility one that will improve the well-being of Gotham and its citizens for years to come Mr Wayne has a few words he'd like to say Bruce you know when I was uh nine years old my parents took me to see a movie about a hero and a mask it was a hero who stood up to oppression and defended the people from Injustice no matter the cost that night my parents paid the ultimate cost defending me from a man who needed the kind of help this new facility will provide let us honor their memory with this new facility in the hope that a night like that never happens again [Music] today on the anniversary of that fateful night we dedicate this facility to Thomas and Martha Wayne and Usher in a new era of healing for Gotham [Applause] foreign [Applause] sure you all have plenty of questions about the new hospital so let's open it up you first Miss Vale thank you with the opening of this new hospital what does this mean for Arkham Asylum I think Arkham has only done harm to Gotham it's made criminals more unstable put our citizens in jeopardy we can do better all right who's up next uh you there Mr Wayne Julia remark of the Tribune my sources say you welcome to Legend mob boss Carmine Falcone into your home you even shook his hand well I think Mr Falcone is a voter just like anyone else in this city he came to learn about Harvey Dent your next mayor next question please keep your questions on topic people her about the hospital remember but Mr Wayne this morning the globe received evidence of an offshore bank account managed by Carmine Falcone and your father Thomas Wayne what exactly are you implying transactions connected to organized crime going back years and continuing to this day the paper trail ties your family directly to the Mob care to comment and did anyone else receive this evidence the globe The Gazette we all did Mr Wayne Mr Wayne is all your money dirty is the Wayne family Legacy built on lies did you know about this Bruce how long has your family been dealing with Falcone it's to me like an intern is finally putting their creative writing minor to good use Mr Wayne Mr Wayne how long has her family been dealing with Falcone could the allegations be true know about this Bruce what aren't you telling us I'm sorry about this Bruce where the hell coming from which controls my territory we'll talk later everyone everyone please settle down I'll be Fielding your questions from here on out please let's try to keep this civilized Bruce I've been trying to reach you the police are inside the manor hey hey careful put it back I'm afraid we can Mr Wayne says who this warrant it's not personal I heard the boys turn the lights off keep a low profile there's got to be a mistake that's what we're here to find out maybe we made a mistake maybe you did Alfred keep an eye on them make sure they only take what they have to of course I meant what I said about not personal we only want files related to Wayne Enterprises who authorized this mayor Hill signed off on this himself it's a valid warrant I Gotta Serve it well Hill has a history of making his opposition disappear rumors and allegations Mr Wayne that's all but if they become fact I'll handcuffing myself same as any other crook I don't know how your neck ended up on mayor Hills shopping block but here we are Hill knows if I go down Harvey's campaign goes down too that'd be a real shame Mr density only D.A I ever trusted to make a conviction stick as mayor I think he can finally turn things around for us for all our sakes I pray you've got nothing to hide [Music] Bruce stay back take whatever you want you you don't have to do this [Music] [Music] Bruce I I didn't mean to interrupt but uh it's not a problem really ah versus the mayor's office now Wayne Manor Gotham continues its streak of break-ins really going for the record huh listen Bruce a scandal surrounding a beloved family like yours captures the Public's attention I can help you get the right kind of attention through my connections at The Gazette I have all kinds of access I can dig up whatever you need to fight this what's your angle not all reporters just want a headline some of us are old-fashioned we still want the truth The Gazette received this supposed evidence like every other media outlet and it's all hearsay flimsy sources there isn't a shred of hard proof still allegations like this they don't magically appear someone is going after my family after me obviously the sender didn't identify themselves we have no idea who it could be Hill wants me out of the picture because with my backing Harvey wins in a landslide all signs point to Hill you're a king maker Mr Wayne and Harvey Dent is Gotham's knight in shining armor just waiting for the crown you're the first Target on Hills list by tonight this Scandal will be broadcast to every screen in Gotham everyone will be talking about it this isn't my first pass through the rumor mill I know the damage it can do then go on the record right here right now and stop it you need to get out ahead of this your side is what matters not wild speculation whoever fabricated these lies about my family they will get what they deserve understood that's exactly what the people of Gotham need to hear they're gonna beat this Bruce the wines always come out on top goodbye miss rail I hate to admit it but everyone smells smoke a fire is heading this way Batman has made plenty of enemies but my family we've done nothing but support Gotham even in its darkest days all this on the anniversary of your parents not a coincidence Harvey's the district attorney he should have told me this was coming then find out why he didn't a warrant what the hell's going on wait does this have to do with what the reporters were talking about this morning you tell me shh come on keep it down avoid making another scene shall we the Press is already up my ass as it is mayor Hill authorized this yeah then the cops raid my house taking everything related to Wayne Enterprises computers hard drives files son of a [ __ ] you're the Goddamn D.A RV I didn't know about this I swear Hill totally blindsided me on this one God damn it he has no right to issue search warrants without my okay okay I I believe you Harvey Mary Hill's trying to screw us both over with this move and then he's made two enemies I just don't get it why would Hill stick his neck out over this just to tangle you up in some frivolous investigation it's got to be politically motivated Hill can't match your fundraising so he's trying to take out your biggest donor I don't know this is a new low even for Hill oh God what a mess Bruce I wish I could just make this go away but I'm not sure if I can if I get in the way of this investigation Hill would be able to spin it as a conflict of interest and that wouldn't be good for either of us you should probably distance yourself from me what no no I can't do that well you may have to don't say that you there you are hey you sorry I got a habit of being late no no just glad you made it [Music] you didn't tell me you were bringing a friend to dinner this is Selena Selena Kyle it's a strong grip you've got there don't worry I'm not gonna fall oh sorry Selena's new to town I've been showing her around Gotham introducing her to people so miss Kyle what brings you to Gotham business let's just hope she stays after what happened last night I was mugged I'm just angry I let that masked freak get away with all my stuff it's probably long gone by now whatever that idiot took my hope not these were important materials oh sensitive very I don't know how I'm going to explain this to my client and things like this happen in my line of work people tend to overreact so what do you do for a living it's complicated high risk I reward ah stock market huh huh something like that at least I'm not the only one who's taken a beating that press conference woof we've got it under control do you I'll handle it someone at my office has to know what's going on uh excuse me a moment hey it's Harvey nice to meet the real you this explains a lot actually how you can afford the fancy armor the toys wouldn't Harvey be surprised not to mention everyone in this Cafe you going to play nice this time well it depends on you don't worry I'm not gonna expose you yet I'm curious about something though I do what I do for money but you're Bruce Wayne what's your excuse someone has to be the good guy I suppose you think that makes me a bad girl well aren't you you have something that belongs to me I want it back it must be important what's on the drive I don't know you don't know what you've stolen it's not my business to know my clients don't know who I am and I don't know who they are or what they're moving but you know who I am these people I'm working for they don't screw around if I fail to deliver that drive it's going to cost a lot more than money looks like you've made your bed no we've made this bed and I'm not gonna lie in it alone you owe me if they don't get what they want there will be consequences I don't like consequences oh you don't need my help you seem pretty capable of handling this yourself oh I intend to just give me back the drive and I'll be on my Merry Little way yeah I'd rather not I don't have a lot of time my employ ER is expect Ed where just just the address now no give me the drive you're just gonna have to trust me I don't do trust I'm screw it either way my contact he'll be expecting a cat not a bat when are you supposed to meet him minutes ago better hurry foreign okay here you tell me I have my people working on it we're going to straighten everything out I feel better already sorry but I've gotta run for a drink yeah Bruce stay for a drink I'd love to but I've got another appointment and I really don't want to be late for it oh all right then don't forget to change into your suit [Music] all right [Music] Alfred I'm at the warehouse no sign of Catwoman's contact it's quiet the sound of an ambush stay on God [Music] this wasn't a handoff it was a massacre how many I'd have to count the bases oh good lord you could have done such a thing that's what I'm gonna find out Gordon Eastside dogs Warehouse 133 [Music] yeah analyzing it's a volatile chemical potential psychoactive nerve agent vile stuff be very very careful with that what effect it may have have the computer catalog the compound for further analysis as you wish nothing left to bury whatever exploded did so with enough Force to obliterate the person standing next to it when the chemicals themselves were in art not explosive well it appears to have made a pretty big boom we'll see what I can piece back together [Music] I've seen these outfits before works that broke into City Hall not bad face lashed throat torn open so not natural causes then [Music] Skyline Club [Music] this man's been badly burned the damage seems to originate from inside his skull what did this thank you sensors say it's an incendiary round phosphorus residue this could have superheated the contents of the canister causing the aforementioned boom blood broken nails bits of human flesh the cop shredded this murk to Pieces bare-handed God [Music] to do that the nerve agent could make them psychotic white rose [Music] falcony's calling card he's been busy as of late send the drones hunting I want to know his every move good thinking sir [Music] someone drove off after the explosion have you put it together yes without Tony leaving his Rose here this is a message Dead Cops stolen chemicals he's making a big move one of his snipers hit a canister with an incendiary bullet causing it to superheat and explode this may have been a distraction or a way of destroying evidence cops moved in to stop the theft falcony's man got him down then things turn grim possibly due to the psychoactive nerve agent a cop ripped up a merc's face with his bare hands put down same sniper same type of bullet looks like Falcone's men got what they wanted and escaped Caden the shooter no but based on two impact trajectories the canister and the dead cop shooter could only have a clear shot from there there or there and would have contaminated himself with a phosphorus residue program the skimmers to pick up that signature right away sir both targets could have been shot from here but no phosphorus Trace foreign Spike Premier vantage point we have a winner this is the right spot so where did he go Trey stops here that he should be nearby found him time to go to work [Music] my turn don't make me add your corpse to this graveyard go Cody why did he do this I I ain't telling you nothing you didn't do this alone where are the others long gone you won't find them you're trying to scare a confession out of me I won't break you bones will Drew what they said about you you're a freaking animal you know you can bleed without ever spilling a drug on this side tell me the plan [Music] I ain't scared of you man tell me that Catwoman is supposed to hand over a drive at the container number we needed but she flaked so we had to find it ourselves stay there by container someone must have heard us called the cops we would don't know Witnesses open war with the gcpd some kind of chemicals Falconi wanted him what are the chemicals for we were paid to steal them not ask questions I start here and keep breaking until you answer the chemicals there's some kind of explosive a weapon I don't know Falconi said he'd use him soon I know I swear I swear oh God Christ these are cops get an ambulance in here I think I need to call the coroner instead he tried to kill me who tried to kill you Batman you're taking this too far Bruce [Music] you assume the Persona of a bat but you're not an animal beat that man half to death he's still alive isn't he and in the hospital next time it might be the morgue especially now during this Preposterous attack on your family you must show the world the true nature of a Wade giving everything to the city and then being murdered for it my thoughts exactly every time you leave this cave I don't mean to be a dodgering old Fool on the subject but as a friend the burden of advice falls on me sometimes this job requires hard decisions you're the right man to make them in fact I think you're the only one who can you bury the person Bruce but you never bury the memory sometimes I wish I could that night that alleyway it made me who I am I can't get it out of my head that is your gift and your curse being that man can allow you to turn back the tide of treachery that's reached this City's Shores or drown you in its sorrow when you doubt your fate remember why you started all this remember that boy in the alley I won't forget neither will I well back into The Fray again looks like that egg finally and inside mayor Hill was hiding more than I could have imagined this is a complete manifest of Carmine Falcone's criminal organization what in the world was Hill doing with all this illegal arm stealing drug running mob hits money laundering falconi's been involved in everything you see dad's name on any of these documents I'll run a search but so far I don't wow this is it Alfred with this proof we can finally knock out Falcone's organization where would we possibly begin to dismantle it this is a police matter there's only one cop we can trust to handle this evidence correctly Lieutenant Gordon he could mobilize the entire police force against Falconi what about that reporter from The Gazette Vicky yes Ms Vale she could release this evidence through proper channels I suppose it comes down to who you want to help most who you think could do the most good the cops are on the front lines of this war Gordon needs this more than anyone a wise decision sir will attack Falconi on two fronts tonight Gordon through the police and Batman by any means necessary whatever Falcone is planning It Ends Tonight is spider Bruce eyes everywhere a dense web of goons poised to trap you no one has ever managed to bring him down I haven't tried yet [Music] this this is a silver bullet and it's gonna put Falconi down once and for all I don't even want to know where you got this no you don't still I gotta know one thing why give this to me this isn't about politics Gotham is safer with Falcone off the streets it's a first step in the marathon to fix this city you know as much as I appreciate you calling me here I gotta make one thing Crystal I can't be bought so you should know this is it going to change a thing about the investigation of your family there are no strings attached I just want Falcone gone you and me both I'm tired of staring at his mugshot [Music] I gotta go came straight from a crime scene haven't been home yet sometimes I think this whole city is a crime scene or just walking through it what you're holding will make walking it much safer thanks Bruce well lieutenant hey stick to Jim [Music] it's done the drones located Falcone downtown a place called The Skyline Club although you're not dressed for that kind of party well I can always change in the car [Music] [Music] thank you the drone's cameras and scanning Tech are fully popular all right let's find Falcone gotta be Falcone's hideout well it won't be as easy as ringing the doorbell four armed guards stealth not an option I'm going in very good sir your turn to crash his party thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you how about this one I can't sneak up on me [Music] [Music] you think that's gonna work stay down Falcone we can end this now explosives armed fire when ready answers now all right where are they what I found your calling card in the docks the white rose you think I wanted to lead you here yeah something weeks about this whole thing and it is still want to play games we're all being played including you plus calicos you're so riled up about that they're mine all right someone is trying to cut me out of the deal as I did not make that mess after that then who did no we're done Gotham's watching now well you still can it's the wings they're behind us what do you mean you wanna save this city well the weights are the biggest gangsters in Gotham [Applause] [Music] thanks for the assist now we only have to take one of you down open fire [Music] and smoke could reportedly be seen from street level tonight the Skyline Club a high-rise Mafia hangout in downtown Gotham was the arena for a clash between the notorious Batman an alleged mob boss Carmine Falcone who was found dangling over a 50-story drop bet Falcone loved that view though I'd say the Crime Boss getting his is well overdue falconeius slipped through the laws grasp for years but after this dramatic arrest and evidence released by The gcpd's Lieutenant Gordon falcones going away for a long long time and speaking of newly uncovered criminal dealings this brings me to the story everyone is talking about the Wayne family for Generations the Big W on the Wayne Enterprises Tower was a reassuring site you knew that there was something pure at the heart of Gotham and this for all its faults was built by good people but with Thomas and Martha's shining reputation called into question we no longer have such assurances and even worse it seems the Apple hasn't fallen far from the tree Gotham's greatest son Bruce Wayne seen here shaking hands with Carmine Falcone may be just as crooked as his parents in his defense Wayne fired back saying whoever fabricated these lies about my family they will get what they deserve understood in a world where the wings our golden family are corrupt who are we left with who can gothamites look up to the supposed hero Batman only time will tell meanwhile we'll keep digging for the truth prominent feeling throughout Gotham is that the Wayne's time in the sun is ending [Music] [Music] don't have to do this only you only you Pastor Bruce [Music] I thought I might find you here the news was upsetting the both of us don't see this I know you come here for Solitude Bruce more allegations about his ties to the underworld tell me all of this is a lie I wish I could there are no angels in Gotham Bruce maybe there never were I've been dreading this day for nearly two decades I hoped it would never come forget the papers I want to hear it from you the truth is they were billionaires Bruce you can't amass that kind of wealth without making certain moral compromises it's just not possible that kind of money tanks you my money has never corrupted me and I'm proud of you but you're hardly the norm he'll Grease the wheels of politics Falcone was the muscle Thomas legitimized the whole Enterprise with his name your father Hamilton Hill and Falcone they were partners the papers they were telling the truth everyone knew about this but me I know it's a lot to take in I want you to know I had my suitcases ready I couldn't stand to be around your father anymore [Music] but then they were killed but you were all alone and I just couldn't walk out the door everything I did everything I've ever done was out of love for you I hope you can forgive me just give me some time to think it through okay this is the first time I've been back here since that night when the police called me to collect you I thought they'd finally arrested your father I couldn't believe a low-life Thug Like Joe Chill would have the audacity to Rob and kill Thomas Wayne he was simply too well known to big yet there it was wouldn't chill just run when he recognized him well it's a fair assumption but he didn't your voice said it was a simple mugging in 20 years you've never wavered from that story I can recall every moment of that night in Vivid detail maybe that's wrong sometimes we block out things we don't want to face I want him standing here right now and what would the Batman do with his own parents killer the possibilities are frightening I'd only want to ask why my parents could have given him anything why would he just shoot them he was stabbed to death in prison No One Mourns for Joe Chill Bruce he just wanted to protect us he thought he was invincible sadly he was mistaken I always wanted to be brave just like him and you are he would be so proud to see that you took a different path I love that movie I saw countless times at that theater how long did it play there only when you wanted to see him Bruce your mother arranged the special screenings personally I never knew that she was always so good to me where exactly does the memory end with my father pleading you don't have to do this and the gun fires and after that there are considerable gaps in that recollection [Music] do I really want it stay back he told me you had it coming you don't have to do this [Music] [Music] oh yes Bruce are you all right it wasn't a mugging they were assassinated and Columbine fell Cody knows why but getting you in to see Falcone like this tell you how many rolls were breaking no don't get me wrong I'm always here for you but this could land us both in hot water I pulled all the strings I had with the lieutenant better not come back to bite us look I get that harv okay and it means a lot to me I know it does Bruce and doesn't make it any easier the last time we brushed shoulders with Falcone the Press made his pay at least tell me what this is about I'm not sure but think Falcone put a hit on my parents wait what Bruce that's that's terrible that's why I have to speak with him I have to know for sure Bruce I appreciate you opening up to me but but just try and keep it cool in there I don't want any headlines taking away from my debate with Hill gentlemen we finally put Falcone in his cage now thanks to the information you gave me Bruce you won't ever get out oh I'm sorry uh information what information I gave him some evidence against Falcone more like a catalog of his entire criminal Empire away for life is that a fact it's the reason I said yes to this unorthodox request nice job bringing in Falcone yeah that's son of a [ __ ] better not get off again he's not getting off the hook Renee not this time Mr Wayne Sergeant Rene Montoya I just wanted to say you know some of us police support you despite what the media is saying thanks sergeant we're keeping Falconi in the Infirmary he's lucky he didn't get roughed up more I could tell Batman wanted to kill him but he held back I know he does a lot for the department but honestly Batman freaks me out he's definitely freaky but I'm glad he's out there watching over the city all right Falcone's inside say what you got to say we'll be out here the hell Bruce Wayne you must have some clout my own wife can't get him to see me you look like you Tangled with the wrong guy this is nothing you should have seen me before I became boss I'd show up all beat the hell father had sew me back together yeah that's right Tommy and I were close more than friends more like cousins until you sent Joe Chill to kill him ah so that's what this is really about it the pup digging up a 20 year old girl two killings and they were never forgotten you and me were practically family I thought you'd have figured that out by now watch it Falcone I still see some unbroken bones tough guy I bet you can't kick some answers out of me your father Hill and me we were in this city still do God damn this pain can't think through it morphine's on the side there be a good boy help Uncle come on out huh [Music] of course you never know the truth I am no murderer Falcone unlike you yeah yeah that's why you were kept in the dark he loved you you know I did it all for you it protected his own you got on his bad side your father was more ruthless than any of us he had a switch you know still made it so rich including you I never asked for any of it and yet the money spends doesn't it he made you rich but you still had him killed what you really think I ordered the hit sure I worked with Joe Chill from time to time put a button on someone he'd take him out but I never ordered that hit on your parents so who did you can't trust anyone in Gotham least of all those you call friend your parents they're waiting for you in hell bastard had to die get there Stand Down get a doctor secure this floor no one gets in or out go go [Applause] [Music] we are in deep [ __ ] ah I bought us some time but not much or it's going to get out sooner or later why would she do something like this I don't I don't know I hardly recognized her when she burst in she was so different from the woman we met in the hall the grace another officer gone Rogue just doesn't make any sense she'd never do anything to hurt the department ah Falcone's case meant Justice for a thousand unnamed victims and now it is a PR disaster how can I run against corruption when our own cops are redecorating the precinct with their prisoners brains listen we gotta get out in front of this we gotta spin it as best we can issue a statement saying that we have the shooter in custody that details are still coming in and that we're investigating the usual slow down Harvey we need the facts first simple fact in and shot him Lieutenant uh Mr district attorney the falcony's lawyers are here oh God I couldn't delay them for a little while but we still need answers tell me if she says anything I have to know why she did this [Music] Alfred falcony's been murdered I'm looking into it but I'll need access to the bad computer for anything I find connection secured Alfred I'm gonna try and confirm some suspicions of mine [Music] look like blood her veins still visible beneath her skin Alfred I think I found the substance analyze and forward me the result [Music] where am I Mr Wayne what's going on oh but I got this awful feeling something terrible happened Sergeant you have to think what do you remember oh God Falcone hoping it was it wasn't real I believe you were drug sergeant I think about hurting thugs like Falcone but I would never never betray the lieutenant so foggy I remember a sharp pain there's an injection sight on your neck then I just felt light like I could do whatever I wanted oh guilt no consequence there was a voice in my ear insisting Falcone was gonna get off I knew it was that I had to stop that I had to no matter what the reasons why I shouldn't they were A Million Miles Away did you see a face could you ID a suspect I I don't think so you must remember some detail try I remember a hand on my arm guiding me like a parent with a child the voice it was saying something about Revolution [Music] thank you [Music] I'm so sorry Lieutenant I'm letting you down stalled Falcone's lawyers for now but they'll be back how is she did she tell you anything I found evidence that she was drugged a fresh injection site on her neck I was out of my mind lieutenant please believe me I do I've of course I do hey get forensics in here now she remembers a voice saying something about Revolution that's not much to go on now if you're bringing forensics in let's get Bruce out Alfred I gotta get back to the manor I've gotta leave on whoever's behind this Bruce what are you doing here my friends in the in the gcpd have been telling stories about some kind of lockdown I'm sorry Vicky I don't have time brush me off word is there were shots fired ureafone [Music] and back there when it happened [Music] oh don't be like that Bruce talk to me word is you turned over enough dirt on Falconi to put him in Black gate prison for life a day after he showed up at your house and now you're here you can't afford to be associated with another scandal I can keep your name out of whatever we print but you need to give me something I can use who fired the shots a cop I can tell by the way you're brushing me off that something happened just give me something to write get out of my way Vicky I'm in a hurry huh pointing maybe you have more to do with this than I thought [Music] either cobblepot drug Montoya himself or someone else is using his revolutionary rhetoric either way I need to find him let's put our drones in the air and start a search I'll run a trace on his cell in the meantime we have to find out what we can do about this drug the computer has been analyzing the chemicals from montoya's bloodstream throw that up on the monitor the residuey scan on Montoya is similar to the nerve agent I found the docks let's see what we got it's ironic that Falcone died at the hands of someone drugged with his chemicals who'd have guessed that how he'd meet his maker prone in his sick bed surrounded by police who were ordered to protect him the murder at the hands of Montoya that's not Justice whoever did this was judge jury and executioner no one should act as all three I hope he told you something before he was killed practically family he's family funny I don't recall any Sunday dinners with the mob it wasn't Falconi who called the hit [Music] as well I suppose that makes sense your father Hill and Falcone would have balanced each other out computers pinpointed reference points on the two compounds the minute the dogs were doused with the base chemicals the reaction was messy and we're out of control this refined drug is like a weapon it only took a small injection to strip Montoya of her moral filters and make her act on her base impulses both compounds seem stable but they're quick to fall apart whoever processed it knew what they were doing what could the creators of such a drug possibly have in mind fighting your Wars is one thing but dragging others to fight them for you with this drug they can exploit anyone's baser impulses the things they would otherwise control your dreams are in position to triangulate cobblepot's location [Music] bring me ahead [Music] the Skyline Club Jesus didn't even wait for a Falcone's body to get cold did you ask going to speak with him Bruce Bruce Wayne already tried talking with copper pot it's time he met the Batman [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Lord come check out this office [Music] you can help me [Music] let him go Batman it's about time you killed a Crime Boss you'd expect the word of thanks from Gotham's number one vigilante the only thing you'll get from me is a trip downtown is this about Falconi we all saw how you felt about Falcone on live TV if you were truly the defender of this city you'd have finished the job yourself Falconi deserved to die filming like Falconi dumped out you don't decide who he lives and who dies that's not Justice by his bloody Well's satisfying isn't it as a show of good faith I'm gonna let this one go how's about we told this through we helped you without coming now if we could just cut out the rest of the rot like Wayne and Hill ordinary folks might be able to breathe you're going to attack the mayor that's not going to happen attack absolutely not Maya Hills row here's the thing I actually admire you Batman we both want the same kinds of things me and my people we've got big plans for Gotham they found Catwoman what do you want with her we had a deal she didn't make good on it so sorry this didn't work out mate odd statewatch I would but I still got a Catwoman problem to deal with oh what's her name again Selena yes oh beautiful name [Music] gonna have to try harder than this Alfred track down Selena Kyle I'll find her right away foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh yeah I'm looking for a woman you wouldn't be the first Selena Kyle I'm told she practically lives here Selena you don't strike me as her type you'd be surprised hey don't I know you is you knew it cops take all your fancy clothes leave him alone Frank man's just trying to have a quiet drink whatever [Applause] Selena I need to tell you something important better be an apology you were supposed to take care of our mutual problem instead you just pissed him off well I've met a couple of his goons myself your client isn't one for subtlety the man who hired you his name is Oswald cobblepot never heard of him he goes by penguin penguin be kidding me [Music] you should have just killed me on that rooftop I'm dead anyway when you screw someone over you really screw him penguin can't take on both of us and I'm not going anywhere clearly you know something about him I only know him by reputation I'm surprised you never heard of him he he's more dangerous than you think I grew up with ours he's the first real friend I ever had I'm not surprised questionable morals and a penchant for theatrics you two have a lot in common the question is why Gotham why now it's not like he's hurting for Crime syndicates abroad why leave that he thinks he's changing the world for the better no matter the cost well I'm not sticking around here to find out penguin is about to unleash God knows what in the city you can't just leave a good reason not to be here when he does [Music] if penguin is everything you say there's no tree high enough for you to climb he will find you so what are you suggesting the bat helps the cat and the cat helps the bat Bruce sweetie the Gallant night thing it really is adorable but what would Harvey think the two of us working together after all I'm not really an all work and no play kind of girl Harvey out of this the less he knows the Savory will be I'm sure his safety is your Paramount concern you and I get out of the way don't wreck my bar thank you well Bruce you were right Selena Kyle penguin says hello [Music] beat it where for her she's with me I think you need to leave [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] not done yet foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign pretty good for such a pretty boy [Music] come on this way foreign check the alleyway do you see anything [Music] negative let's check the other side [Music] we should go I'll take the rooftops you take the alley wait [Music] yes or no will you help me stop penguin I'm gonna say maybe but only because he's trying to kill me pretty good reason to say yes you shouldn't trust me you know Alfred I'm uploading the contents of a smartphone to the back computer check to see if there's anything on the phone we can use it's fine as the bad computer found anything yet oops there are a number of messages [Music] mayor Hill listen to this I gave you everything I have on weight I've held up my end of the bargain and I expect you to do the same [Music] what else is on there like they're in contact many times if Hill's talking to penguin he must know something it's time I paid him a visit offer a word of advice people look up to Batman terrorizing the mayor could damage that Goodwill Goonies Bruce is the Smart Choice [Music] sorry the mayor's busy do you have an appointment no so you better tell him I'm coming sir Bruce Wayne to see you you're right out I'm not waiting Bruce Wayne finally you've come to see me of course only after your name's been dragged through the mud don't get me wrong I'm glad to see you this isn't a social call Hill I'm here for answers well well straight to business and I was going to have Deborah make you a martini your father and I we took this city and made it ours Falcone 2 rest his soul we've built everything we have you were born with it a soft boy like you wouldn't understand what it takes to rise to the top oh I understand very well I gave you everything I have on Wayne I've held up my end of the bargain and I expect you to do the same sounds like me it is you so what's your point I take it you have one or are you just fond of my dulcer tones why attack me because of dent in the campaign I'm in kalapot's crosshairs same as you but you fed them dirt on me only the files I seized from Wayne Manor your father felt Kone and I we had ways of getting anything we wanted you think your family got the land for Wayne Tower cobblepot wants retribution because we took his family's land if that's true then Oswald has a right to be angry is there any proof your father and I hid our tracks quite well there's so much more I could share if only we were friends I could help you deal with penguin let you in on some family history but I'm caught in a dog fight for my political career and my rival has bottomless pockets now if that rival were to say drop out or is advertising spend were to dry up I might have a lot more resources for helping a new friend not a chance Hill I'm not cutting Harvey loose or you dropped on your head when the mayor of Gotham extends a hand you take it I don't need your hand not with your voice on tape you forget who you're talking to I'm the man that says I never left such and such a message and all the judges bow their heads and say yes sir I'm the man who sends the police to your house to take your things and I give them to whoever I please you're nothing like your father you'd never have the backbone to do what we did Hey bow voters will burn you at the stake when I turn you in if that voicemail makes it to the papers or anywhere else I don't like I'll turn my commissioner loose on your Lieutenant for that Fiasco down at the precinct Gordon and then I'll turn him on you and Dent for being there now if you'll excuse me I have a debate to prep for you know Harvey is going to embarrass you out there Dan's campaign is on its last legs tonight it hits the canvas it's you who's going downhill and you're not getting back up [Music] Alfred get a warning to Gordon tell him to increase security the debate Hill seems to think he's safe but penguin's still out there I wonder what else is on here as per your request Lieutenant Gordon has tripled security at the debate thanks Alfred it's a plan of the old Monarch Theater the auditorium where the debates being held I hacked into the image feeds from the security cameras at the auditorium just to be safe just to be safe Hells details about your father quite upsetting none of that matters now the only thing that does is stabbing us the city needs you now more than ever foreign wait a minute the images on these cameras haven't changed something's wrong Penguins men may have come and dared the cameras on their end we could just be looking at what they want us to see warned Gord that he may have visitors I have to get down there now [Music] [Music] Harvey needs to get out of there oh hey Bruce man I'm glad you called I needed to talk to you actually Harvey listen to me your life is in danger because a penguin and his thugs thanks but there is an army of security here they have me in some back room until the debate Begins for my own protection they said if you ask me it's not Overkill Harvey it's a real I need to get this off my chest uh look Bruce I didn't want to do this over the phone but my advisors are telling me that I need to that I need to distance myself from you until all this mess with your family blows over I I get it it's the smart move but let's talk about that later I'm glad you see it that way what with the allegations in the press and now this mess with Falcone you're a liability but here's the thing Bruce without your money I am dead in the water I know this is a delicate topic but I need you to keep me afloat I may have to trash you in public but you and me we'll know the truth about our friendship forget your campaign for a minute the money won't matter if you're dead yeah well until I am it is still my primary concern listen I hate to push you but I I need to know can I count on your money Bruce I'll always support you Harvey oh thank you Bruce thank you you don't know how much this means to me to Gotham I'm sorry Bruce the makeup person is here I guess she needs to put on my face hope you can still watch the debate somewhere no matter what I have to say tonight remember you are always my friend Harvey back yeah all quiet so far I've got a feeling that's about to change I'm glad I took a chance on this this collaboration of ours keep on doing what you're doing and the rest of Gotham will start to see you like I do a hero we have bigger things to worry about right now your security has been compromised I've got patrols on every door you better check on them I'd keep that holstered if I were you what's she doing here she was part of that robbery at the mayor's office really you're gonna drag out that dead horse we're all on the same side Jim it's better not come back to bite me Alpha Patrol come in that um incident in the bar dead is its own kind of cage I stand being in it not that I needed your help or anything but you had my back I thought I'd repay the favor you know like you scratch my back I cut some people up doing the right thing maybe there's hope for you yet don't read too much into it I'm just allergic to owing you anything none of my men on the ground are responding enough waiting we're going in Alpha do you read now aren't you glad I'm here I'm here I give a bit of shot in my SWAT team of getting in there quietly seriously underfunded it to gcpd sounds like a vote for death [Music] good evening everyone and Welcome to our live debate for the next mayor of 2006. this is an important debate for these two candidates incumbent mayor Hamilton Hills and the Challenger Goblin district attorney Harvey Dent and it's also important for you the citizens of God who will soon head to the polls to decide the future of your home hardships in recent years [Music] so we know why they weren't responding Gordon we found one of your Patrols they've been terminated as you might have guessed there's been a change to tonight's program first order of business I hate to be a downer but these hostages I don't like their chances if we're quick and decisive no one else has to die if you don't but Fanatics always do oh you'll do get out here keep it quiet back there these guys are armed to the teeth hey we need a new moderator do that yes yes thank you for volunteering and then introduce the candidates stage fright huh all right I'll get you started but this is your show three hostiles gotta take them out quietly one two oh keep your rights down make for the police line Brothers we are here to end the masquerade from the pain of Innocence this is spiraling out of control they have no idea about The Man Behind the Mask whoever it is they're smart let someone else get their hands dirty [Music] you know what to do ah Travelers [Music] everybody ain't got them so that moderator gets shot on live TV what's going on in there first off we should insert the pool foreign [Music] [Music] the man's fortunes are built on courses men like your friend Bruce Wayne your responses roll that tape dad I thought your father was dead subject nine Esther cobblepot you've been declared criminally insane and committed to Arkham indefinitely as a ward of mistake please don't do this you had your chance you should have made the deal we offered you give her the drugs [Music] you know I always get what I want come into the procedure now you know now you will see [Music] [Applause] [Applause] know how to make an entrance no no please I took out Thomas Wayne that that that was all him he didn't know when to stop I had him killed because of it that won't flew back my poor old mum so this [Music] is anyone else where's your mate Bruce Wayne your biggest supporter the revolutions already started it's too late to join your Revolution is over Penguin on the country we're just getting started yes [Music] [Music] wow [Music] you're fired damn it [Music] Harvard where's the maniac in The Mask paramedics over here now [Music] [Music] mayor dent you know I always assumed Harvey would win but not like this one by default he's probably pissed he didn't get his Landslide fair and square hey Harvey's going to be okay you don't know that they needed you save me Harvey's your best friend I'm nothing to you I just don't get it fine forget it I don't think I can do this what are you talking about I don't want to see what I'm sorry just go in without me it's okay I get it you you do I don't blame you for not wanting to be here thanks please Bruce don't tell him I was here I don't think he'd understand Gotham is still reeling after last week's mayoral debate with the drugging and subsequent murder of Mayor Hamilton Hill Harvey Dent was left running unopposed after a rather lackluster election mayor death was sworn in from his hospital bed where it is he's still recovering from major injuries sustained at the event the Harvey IM so sorry this happened hey come on it's not your fault well I'm sorry anyway I haven't actually seen it yet they've had me wrapped up this whole time nothing to beyond belief maybe it's not that bad hey I'm sure it'll heal up nicely you'll have some scarring but it won't be that bad optimism right scars are cool rugged manly exactly oh what have you got there I uh I brought you some flowers though I see I'm not the first yeah well my mother and my secretary every sick boy's dream one woman I thought would visit or at least call hasn't Celine has been a no-show yeah she's probably just busy hasn't had a chance to come by yet you'll hear from her easy for you to be optimistic about women pretty sure no one ever loses Bruce Wayne's number I am glad you're here though God it's been infuriating sitting here and having nothing but time to think about what happened I wish I could make myself turn it off completely watching footage of the debate over and over look at me preaching it what a great guy you are while I go and get my face bashed in I tried to warn you Harvey I know Bruce can I say I was stubborn everybody paid for it hopeless Bruce helpless couldn't do anything penguin would have just beaten me to death right there in front of everyone he wanted to thanks what they did to Hill for the moderator I have to live with that but you heard them up there the Penguin and that Maniac on screen ah this isn't overt I need to stay ahead of them they're trying to cause Discord it's done at the debate was just the first step Batman stopped them from killing you the other night but they will try again I won't hide from them Bruce the tonight's speech they'll know where I stand wait tonight I I thought you were supposed to be recovering my assistant is on her way to pick me up at the election I was able to talk the hospital into releasing me early not that they're too happy about it oh the doctors keep telling me to take it easy but how can I you should probably listen to the doctors they know what they're talking about yeah well I've been a very good invalid Bruce don't worry I can't afford to take it easy right now come on you do the same in my position which is why I won't even try to tell you to not look into those tapes I know how much you loved your father Bruce you know that debate was hard on you too finding out your dad drugged Esther cobblepot Hill admitting to having both of them killed it's a lot to process this just proves that I never really knew him he was just hiding who he really was I'm sorry I know you'll pull through this ah look I uh I realize what a terrible friend I've been to you I was so focused on the campaign I I thought distancing myself from you was the only option you don't have to explain yourself to me Harvey it was the right call for the campaign I get that ah still I abandoned you and you needed me that's not the kind of friend I want to be what is that Batman symbol coming from near the gcpd that's one way to get the guy's attention and look I should get going harv what already what else do you have to do my assistant won't be here for another hour you can you can stay if you want I have a call to make I'm sorry Harvey I can't wait and I think rich people are always on the phone it's a curse oh go on then wouldn't want you to keep them waiting you rest up arth thanks Bruce unisex episode of suspects westbound on 15th street is it the children of Arkham can you confirm negative they're taking shots at us whenever we get close I stood stay on them we'll think of something a little help would be nice hang in there all right we know we'd be that Jim we don't have enough offices to deal with this everyone stretched thin I'm doing what I can I have to go that light has a bad on it Jim you give me a number to call I'll rethink my methods well it worked I'm here I appreciate it things are a mess I'd rather have you arrested than come to you for help but the truth is we're desperate I'm calling a truce just for the night bring me up to speed right Renee Montoya one of my officers the one who tried to shoot me I know but hear me out trying to clear her name after those animals manipulated her into killing Falconi she's supposed to be on leave but she got a tip on the children of Arkham's chemical stash went rogue he's out there alone and I can't spare anyone to back her up I told her to wait but this is personal of Arkham pumped her full of that junk she's a good cop one of my best I'll find her we'll take down the children of Arkham together that's what I like to hear these children of Arkham are everywhere all of a sudden where the hell they all come from you want answers ask Oswald cobblepot cobblepond I'll bring him in for questioning Gordon this is Schultz over Gordon here we got a problem with the mayor sir what happened is he okay I don't often left us behind Christ one more crisis I can't deal with right now we've got to keep both Montoya and Dent safe somehow I'm on it you there always launch the drones I need eyes on the city hallucius has made some upgrades I'll let him explain who are you talking to you got a whole team or something you can help us that friend got a name all right patching you through to r d in Wayne Enterprises Batman so listen the first model was only equipped for visual surveillance but seeing how you use them at the skyline I thought you'd need an audio feed as well the microphones are incredibly sensitive they can pick up sounds from up to 500 yards some cases you'll even be able to hear through walls like x-ray peering nice work thanks I'll talk to you soon any idea where they might be montoya's car was spotted crossing the bridge to Arkham Island could be where the handoff is happening what about dent probably headed to his acceptance speech they just left the hospital and we lost sight of him oh please just leave it it's not going to get any better but but you're bleeding then let Gotham see it is that no I told you it's fine that car has been behind us since the hospital oh God is this guy trying to drive us off the road what the damn it barrels of this stuff to transfer not a big window to unload all of that they said they wanted it done tonight so it's got to be done you want to argue with them be my guest you keep an eye out for that cop nobody move this is a police dinner [Music] I'll round up what offices I can gonna have to head out there myself too I know this is risky Batman just be careful requesting back up corner of 15th in Maine we got a major disturbance here several armed Suspects on the loose [Music] foreign [Music] it's over drop the gun look I promise I'm not gonna shoot you okay I used to think you were a threat but I was wrong we both have much bigger problems right now sorry can you forgive me you want forgiveness look somewhere else I just want you to know I've got your back all right I don't know what I was thinking coming out here alone nearly blew it good instincts but you need to think things through be patient don't rush I may not be there to save you next time yeah I big this one still don't understand how they knew I was coming cops just sent three Black and Whites to stop our guys going after dent for the chatter sounds like Gordon's with them someone's gotta help Gordon they know he's coming go I'll see what I can find here I'm not giving up on this Alfred are you all right yeah but they knew I was coming they seem to be getting info on the gcpd's whereabouts not sure how I need an update on Harvey bringing it up now Deborah get down Mr Dent what did you do to him I said get back in the car there's more of them coming what there's so many of them you'd better get down there on my way oh [Music] [Music] self-defense he says new mayor's pretty tough turns out killed one of those guys attacking him with his bare hands Dent did that guess the fellow's lucky Dent got to him before you did huh we have something to say that's then say it we all know how you up you've been trying this nice guy routine lately but I don't buy it for a second this one died quick we got our asses handed to us they knew you were coming how we've been using a secure Channel you're saying we got a leak Gordon chicken turn that off what it's been compromised the children of Arkham are listening again on the gcpd's communications [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna look into this I'll let you know what I find foreign Bruce the gcpd's been compromised the children of Arkham were listening the whole time how that's what I'm going to find out Alfred I'm sending over evidence of some kind of encrypted communication signal it's coming up on my screen now but I'm afraid it looks like a bunch of gibberish to me I need to go to Wayne Tower and look into this get me lucious on the line yes right away if the public finds out the police aren't able to communicate it'll cause a panic just with the children of Arkham want mass chaos chaos that seems to be how the penguin does business I have Lucius on the line now Bruce are you there I'm looking at this data Alfred sent me it's messy I have to know what the children of Arkham are doing how fast can you decrypt it's a tough one but I should have it crack soon if you can meet me at Wayne Tower already on my way [Music] almost there lucious I'll meet you down in the lab some aspects of the children of Arkham surveillance are worrying great Bruce chairwoman I didn't think you'd be here I was uh I used to look to Thomas for guidance in hard times must seem silly after everything that's happened I'm sorry I just needed to clear my head sort things out in my office I know it's irregular but it's nice to have a reminder of the wanes every once in a while in all their Glory I've been called in for an emergency board meeting I wasn't told about it you weren't invited Bruce you are the topic of discussion for the board they want to decide what your future at this company will be whether to dismiss you or not you have to understand Bruce this company is bigger than any one individual we have to keep face and after this Scandal what my father I'm not him Regina I would never compromise the lives of innocence for my own benefit I know that Bruce but you have to understand that what the public wants to hear isn't always what we want to hear the whole city is watching to see what our next move is going to be Bruce I've got something you need to get down here now I worked with your parents for years and neither of them gave any indication of Foul Play how could you have ever known Bruce you're nothing like him Bruce then go tell that to the board what do you think I'm trying to do Bruce I'm not your enemy who should remember that don't forget who your allies are Mr Wayne I'll come find you after I'll be right down lucious foreign it's good to hear she's still in your corner spying on my conversations again hey I'm looking out for you there have been Whispers at the board that's going to take action against you if you lose the company Batman will take a massive hit too the board's in a panic but this will die down before it comes to that I'm glad you're being optimistic about this but I'm not so sure right now finding out how the children of Arkham are spying on the police is more important what have you got it's Wayne Tech Bruce as you know Wayne Enterprises is a telecommunications Giant if someone were to say build a back door into that Tech you're telling me the children of Arkham hacked into this system so that's the thing do you want the good news or the bad news just get on with it Lucius we don't have time for games forgive me for trying to lighten the mood the back door they're using I was the one who built it you what are you talking about when your mission is Batman started you needed a way to monitor the city well this is how I piggyback Batman surveillance onto Wayne Enterprises signal if the children of Arkham have access to the same system does that mean they know my identity it looks like they've only accessed the gcpd so far not a lot of activity otherwise I'll have Alfred Warren Gordon the gcpd needs to get rid of their wangtech devices smart move I've encrypted our access I can fortify it but it's going to take longer to force them out of the system question remains how did the children of Arkham find out about the back door in the first place when the cops raided The Manor They seized every computer belonging to Wayne Enterprises mayor Hill must have given them to the children of Arkham trying to save himself I'm sure I'm gonna keep working on this children of Arkham business see if there's a way to shut down their access entirely we better lock this stuff down just in case [Music] looks like Regina's headed to my office I should go before you do here get that back to the bad computer it'll install the added security measures you'll also have all the info I found on the children of Arkham's activity within the system thanks Lucius I've always got your backpack man now get out of here Regina doesn't like to be kept waiting thank you foreign Bruce open up I thought maybe you left yeah right well the board has voted and have they sent the chairwoman to wield the ax you're being asked to step down from your position as CEO effective immediately at least until this whole mess gets cleaned up I won't do it Bruce this is my company my name and that name is exactly why we're in this situation this isn't a request Bruce I ask to slow all this down but the press release is going out as we speak there will be a public event in the morning where you will formally announce your resignation I'm sorry Bruce I tried to fight for you the board believes this is the only logical course of action I really appreciate you trying Regina thanks don't mention it our stock is tanking the board is losing confidence Wayne Enterprises needs a new face they already had a candidate in mind I thought it was I was outvoted remember he'd only be interim CEO just until this mess gets cleared up and who would that be Oswald cobblepot bro cell boy good to see you again what a chili greeting as you know Oswald's parents were well victims of your father's actions this company was built on the land he stole from the cobblepot family well the ball dot having me step in would be a good PR move what better way to show Gotham that Wayne Enterprises is committed to writing the wrongs of the past happy to help any way I can people aren't much behind the Wayne name now and considering that your parents stole from mine cobblepot so it's easier on the tongue this is a joke right you're not qualified to run a company now Bruce I'm just trying to help the board has complete confidence in Mr cobblepot as his resume goes into great detail his Endeavors in England have been quite successful you might want to check your facts Regina that resume sounds a little too good to be true you might want to have more confidence in your own board his resume checks out and his references were all glowing you're quite welcome to call them yourself that won't be necessary I'm afraid we need you to leave the building immediately we'll have your personal effects sent to you congratulations Bruce I couldn't be prouder of your Alfred no oh how sweet sweet graduation present surely we could let him take this along oh Bruce clumsy clumsy no wonder you're not being trusted with nice things anymore pick it up now better it's all right Bruce has been through enough today doesn't he it's broken I'm afraid not a good sign is it time to go Bruce Bruce yes Bruce time to go I have a little redecorating to do you're not getting away with this I'll make sure of it oh oh is that a threat I'm terrified I don't need to threaten you this way Bruce it happened didn't it they're out of their minds they can't do this to you this isn't over yet lucious the entrance I took care of it can't let anyone find out what's down there Bruce just stay out of it Don't Go Near it and they won't be able to connect it to you it's not that easy lucious I need to know there's someone I can trust on the inside I'm here for you Bruce I've always been here for you not them If I Stay I'll have to stop working on our thigh project that means no new tech no repairs if you need them you're the only Ally I have in this building it's important I need you to be in my eyes and ears all right I can do that keep Oswald out of r d let me know if anything comes up keep that drive safe Swain will speak on the issue at a press event tomorrow morning where we'll learn more about his decision to step down more on that in a moment I still can't believe it which part I wish life went easier for you Bruce it's one thing after another that's why I'm glad I have you Al always Lieutenant Gordon he said there's nothing to be done about Oswald cobblepot all his records are spotless he needs proof to dig further Penguins slippery all right with the children of Arkham accessing Wayne Tech I have to figure out what their next move is bring up a searchable network of all possible electronic traffic related to Wayne Enterprises children of Arkham are in our system all of this is potentially accessible Lucius was very thorough it means that they could have eyes and ears into almost everything in Gotham just like Batman we had access to the gcbd we know that the real question is what else they'd be interested in filter for possible targets based on known children of Arkham activity I wonder if they've cleared out all the Wang Tech this is ridiculous Gordon do you know how much all this equipment costs we don't have a budget to replace it all it's a risk we've got to take commissioner if the children of Arkham can hack into our systems we're completely ineffective anything going into situations completely blind is any better considering the alternative yes sounds like they've got the situation under control good one less problem to deal with Gotham Courthouse all public records pass through this place now look at this Oswald's public record his whole criminal history doesn't exist as far as the rest of the world is concerned this must be what the board saw not a blemish in sight patients committed to Arkham going back 20 years a rather extensive list with my father's signatures the transferring doctor security footage these date back decades I've read the video at the debate it's real this is how they found their evidence something Hill did gave them access at least now I know the truth no I yes yes I know it takes time for the statement of the century considering I've got at least one of my guys in the ER yes just please let me know when it happens the children of Arkham aren't going to wait on us I suppose I can understand the truth of that Harvey has no idea it's impossible to tell the children of Arkham have access to this but if they do any action he takes against them they'll see coming soon enough I have to go Warren Harvey keep an eye on this Alfred and have Lucius look into it as well need to find a way to lock them out very good sir [Music] welcome back Mr Wayne you can go on in I'm back yes that's right that's right the back I'll need a rental uh Harvey back here Bruce take a seat I'll be right out come on not today stop you uh you need some help back there no no I'm I'm fine I guess you know Bruce I've been looking forward to this my entire career the day Harvey Dent takes his official portrait as mayor of Gotham and he looks like this I'm glad you survived the trip up here Bruce you want to tell me what's going on I just found out Wayne Tech is compromised the children of Arkham are using it to track the gcbd you could be next wingtek is everywhere if they can hack into it that's why they have to be stopped leave it to me thank you Bruce how's children apart can jump me God it's only getting worse well Harvey you drew attention to yourself with that speech you need to be more careful how careful is what got us into this mess Harvey Dent does everything by the book to the letter of the law but that isn't working sir it is he's turning things around barely slowly I'd like to see you do better watch me now are you gonna fix this mess easy curfews after dark checkpoints at every bridge mandatory identification cards 24 7 but you're acting stranger [ __ ] cities acting strange sorry I'm sorry about that Bruce yes I got a little lost there I think you should go see a Dr Harvey way you're behaving it's not healthy yeah I have a guy's number I'll I'll see him as soon as I have time uh Mr Dent the photographer's ready for you thank you Deborah I'll be right out please Bruce don't tell anyone about this your secret's safe with me Harvey thanks Bruce I owe you again again and again see you around Bruce an interview with the children of Arkham's leader I wonder how Vicky managed to score that have you seen today's copy of The Gazette it just a rock do you think she would be willing to help you she may be the only lead we have on the children of Arkham's leader yeah if she's been able to talk to their leader then by extension so can we you think she'd hand that information over to Bruce Wayne unlikely I stonewalled her at the gcpd after Falcone was shot I can't afford to waste time with Vicky let's offer her a chat with bad man good idea sir can you scramble the line right away well I saw your story in The Gazette this morning I want to talk who is this I think you know exactly who this is Batman investigative journalism Suits You I I like to think so I've been meaning to thank you what you did at the debate not sure I would have made it out of there otherwise I'd say I owe you one meet me at sundown cobblepot Park deal [Music] strange place to meet wasn't sure you were gonna show gotta admit part of me thought it was a prank call I need some information from you it's important figured as much so Batman the obvious question the children of Arkham seem to be your latest Target we all know their methods are extreme but what about their message their leader claims that Gotham's Elite have been abusing their power often at the expense of ordinary citizens for the record do you think there's any validity to what they're saying in your opinion you saw what they did at the debate they're terrorizing Gotham that's all there is to it yeah some say they're liberating it and you believe that oh it doesn't matter what I believe I just report the facts their message is picking up traction especially since the interview I need to know everything they told you does no one read anymore it was a lot of posturing and grandiose monologuing really we're going to purge the city of corruption sort of thing not great from an investigative standpoint but the public will eat it up part of the job you know you gave them a platform to promote themselves you're helping them get what they want what they want is an end to corruption something I've heard you claim to support as well unless that's all just a rumor where did you meet how did they contact you yeah okay I'm gonna stop you right there I'm not selling out a source not even for Batman the circumstances of that meeting are confidential you're putting the safety of everyone in Gotham at risk well if you really care about the safety of Gotham why aren't you looking at Bruce Wayne I still want to believe he's a good guy too but with the information that surfaced everyone's angry everyone wants him to answer for what his family did everyone except for you why haven't you gone after him yet I'm not protecting Bruce Wayne but you can't ignore the facts whether he intended to or not his family has been stealing from innocent people for years there are bigger threats to Gotham out there but children of Arco I have to deal with them first you're doing what you think is right I get it good luck with the children of Arkham [Music] I'll be sure your message gets out please miss Vale think what you want about Bruce Wayne but I need to find the children of Arkham before they hurt anyone else you're right you upheld your end got to go with my job for this but here this is where we met for the interview please don't tell anyone I gave this to you [Music] [Music] foreign no security no emergency staff if Vicky's right it shouldn't be this quiet be on your guard I'll continue monitoring the Drone feet thanks go and have a look around there's a body here likely the work of the children of Arkham I'm gonna look around see what they've been up to he's been dead for a while from the looks of it one of the children of Arkham loyalty doesn't get you much what these people does it seems strange there's something else this man's veins they look like montoya's veins after she was drugged only they're so much worse the same drug from the debate there's no puncture Mark here no entry point for an injection how they've been referencing the map whatever they're building must hinge on it somehow a detonation device but it's disabled the timer is set for 27 minutes and 13 seconds from now the numbers aren't moving doesn't seem to be counting down yet this is how they were timing their route Alfred what stations are within a 27-minute train ride from this Depot looking into the transportation database now so there's just one Mercy streets to one of the busiest places in the city thousands of people go in and out every hour these barrels match the shrapnel that I found at the Docks someone's been practicing chemistry [Music] this solvent increases dermal permeability looks like they ran out of the absorbing agent they're manufacturing the drugs so that it can be absorbed through the skin a drug the children of Arkham must have found a way to weaponize it with a drug that can absorb into skin affect hundreds of people at once they're loading the modified drug into the tanks on the train cars dispersing into the sprinklers the timers are set to go off just as it rolls in over the crowds we are prepared to contain something of that scale releasing a drug like that in so populated an area would be devastating they could infect the entire city if they had enough good thing you reduce their supply at the construction site thankfully there wasn't enough of the chemical to mix with the rest of the stockpile of drugs [Music] if I'd known you were going to make me lug this thing myself I would have worn more comfortable shoes just add it to the list of your mistakes must be why you didn't come through on your last assignment we're down to our last few barrels since Batman screwed up the transfer oh I have to make do I guess okay YouTube get these mixed loaded onto the train absorbing agent she must have a good reason for being there we're done here right not yet no no no no there's no part two of this I got what you wanted I'm done you might as well come out Batman I know you're here no no way I did not bring him here I honored our deal now you're a lucid surrender unless you'd like to see firsthand what a critical dose looks like death death might be preferable I know what you had planned with the Skyrim it's not going to happen you're killing you both will have to be a consolation of us thanks bats [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] you're ahead of yourself I decide when this ends have to face the truth sometime Batman you can't protect Gotham for itself they lit the fire flames you do a lot of talking not sure you can back it up try go on show me how you save your precious Ness [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] don't pass out on me come on bats [Music] shut up I'm gonna get you somewhere safe just stay with me [Music] I know come on [Music] [Music] stay here okay just don't move fine I just need to get back out that might work on your butler but I'm not buying that crap stay there [ __ ] you're lucky you were wearing that suit you know that was stupid right ah what showing up at that train depot taking on their leader alone no pain after me Bruce not invincible and painkillers do not solve the problem laughs you're one to talk I never pick a fight I can't win [Music] I don't think you're getting very far with a shoulder like this stay here until morning I feel like I owe you anyway adding things to my list don't you Selena I told you I don't like owing people probably best to lie low for now anyway I don't want the children of Arkham finding this place I had it handled you know I was there tracking the children of Arkham Knight I had no idea you'd be there must have been quite the surprise yeah yeah it was that was gonna be my ticket out of here one last job to get the goons off my back there is another way out we take them down together wouldn't that be cute the dynamic duo fighting crime being serious I know things have a habit of not working out for me on the duo front oh look who's back I don't think she likes you yeah well you've got most of Gotham behind you on that not most maybe half just trying to be optimistic cut it out this really hasn't been your week has it you think I lost my company my reputation and I find out my father was just like everyone else they've all got something to hide Bruce every last one of them even the so-called good guys there's always something just beneath the surface you're wrong there are good people out there honest people care to introduce me to one come on Bruce even you have your secrets well the difference is my secret doesn't hurt anybody then you're better than most you're a good man Bruce the good men don't lie with thieves I know what I am no Noble intentions just the thrill of breaking what they say can't be broken knowing there's no safe I can't crack no Fortress I can't infiltrate that's not all you are I think that's just what you want people to believe you put a lot of faith in someone who doesn't deserve it I've stolen from corrupt jerks like Hill but I've taken plenty from good people too for what some shiny new toys and a crappy apartment on the edge of town a high is nice but it wears off then you look around and see nothing so you get back out there try and Chase that feeling down but I never amounts to anything really it's not the same but I know what you mean after everything we do everything we're capable of coming home just feels like a disappointment right [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll make it up to you do I have to do all the work myself let me help you that's why you do best isn't it are you trying to tease me bats [Music] laughs [Music] hey there [Music] I'm starving well I guess that means I'm making breakfast wow you even know how to work a toaster rich kid I am offended too bad I think there might be Bagels in the fridge would definitely check expiration dates on anything before you think about putting it in your mouth Bruce morning Alfred oh thank goodness I was worried I always fear the day you don't come home Bruce I know well [Music] where are you anyway I uh I stayed at Salinas last night well that certainly explains it you got something to say Alfred I'm not judging you sounded like you were I wouldn't dream of it while you're there this might be a good opportunity to learn more about Miss Kyle after all we really don't know anything about her see what you can find lying around if she's trustworthy you may not have another chance she let me into her home I'm not gonna go snooping around in her personal belongings I understand merely a suggestion the very least you can find that grapple gun of yours right it might be harder than you'd think she doesn't share your love of organization yes well I'll see you back at home Bruce [Music] it looks so right to me nothing growing at least please she's got the essentials [Music] Harvey hey I I brought breakfast can I come in I don't know if that's such a good idea just for a minute I really need to talk to you if you want me to go I'll go but I have to get this out Bruce what uh seriously what are you doing here have a seat in Harvey no I don't need to sit down Bruce tell me what is going on I just came by to check on Selena what with your pants off back off Harvey don't don't touch me I thought I would come here and so stupid God I should have known I should have known that you would do this to me not if it was real anyway God how could you ever think it was I shouldn't have come Harvey I'm sorry for what we have nothing to be sorry for I don't answer to him and neither do you will not be able to protect you and I don't need him to just hear Harvey what happens when the children of Arkham come for him we think you won't get caught in the crossfire I may go down for what my father did but I won't take her down with me she'll be fine funny thinking you have a choice thinking you can save the people around you you could do what Harvey couldn't [Music] I'm sorry what the hell is going on with you up until now Harvey has been weak he's been afraid oh my God this is the monster they all know that you are brace it no no [Music] she wanted to see it huh what the freak Harvey this isn't you just calm down shut up of course gotta be fair about this can't play favorites they both deserve it one way or another [Music] how about we flip for it this isn't funny no no [Music] it looks like you're first yeah always getting in the middle of things stay the hell away from me the car's already been made Harvey Bruce no I don't want to hurt you this isn't they turned their backs on you Harvey Put The Knife Down Selena huh he's gonna hurt someone you know we can take him out calm down what no going back now [Music] come on Harvey that's enough [Music] oh God please that would be oh Bruce please start with him you need to get help you can't deal with this on your own I know I know my fault Harvey don't Bruce I I don't think we can help him he's my friend Selena I'm not going to abandon him he needs professional help help you can't give it it's okay Bruce I'll go I don't deserve your help go off with your tail between your legs [Music] I'm sorry I'm so sorry Harvey it's for this place I'm not gonna stick her I thought it would be a while before I had to move again that's what I get for wishful thinking you're just gonna take off where will you go I don't know not a lot of apartments in Gotham with this kind of private access ugh maybe I'll live on a boat kidding yeah that means you too we won't go far don't worry you should come stay with me uh I don't know there's plenty of space Alfred could set up a guest room for you I'll think about [Music] foreign [Music] I'm supposed to announce my resignation at a press event today somehow try to appear happy that Oswald cobblepot is taking my job sounds like an opportunity how do you mean they screwed you out of your own company could bring them down and they're handing you a live mic lower I need to keep my composure by my time if I start spilling secrets I'll just look desperate I guess you're the businessman you better get going I've got some packing to do the offer still stands sounding better and better by the minute [Music] I'm sorry about all this Bruce we've we've prepared a brief damage control statement to make this easier after I introduce you all you'll have to do is read what's on the teleprompter and then I can take it from there got my little coronations be each just waiting thank you for being so Cooperative about all this Bruce it really is for the best for everyone really I know it's unfair to ask this of you but please right now your reputation your entire Legacy depends on your cooperation get through today and I can help you I can convince the board to bring you back it might not be CEO but it will be something step to regaining what you're being forced to give up this is what is best for Gotham of course Regina whatever I can do to help that could Bruce trust us to sort this all out already then we are going to make quite a splash today aren't we I don't think I'm ever going to forget this day I wouldn't be so confident if I were you Oz the show hasn't started yet maybe for you but I've read your script so I already know how this story is going to end that's enough both of you it's time Bruce I'm going to introduce you and then you're on please stick to the teleprompter good morning everyone and thank you for being here Wayne Enterprises has always taken its role in the community very seriously funny and we've always said to you in the park has come true you're just upon Oswald and everyone knows that ponds aren't meant to be sacrificed Wayne Enterprises at least I get the joy of watching your shocking and surprising descent first this is just the first step towards making things right soon enough it'll be cobblepot Industries on tops of buildings and you wait will be what you should have been all along a forgotten footnote what happens to my company is up to the board you think you're a little deluded about the type of power you're gonna have over the years oh I forgot to mention I did some digging and you know how old Hill admitted he had your mom and dad killed I found out why he did it oh yeah and I'll tell you the story but only if you say pretty please I don't need to know why Hill had them killed that's all that matters well I certainly didn't expect that Bart suit yourself now you'll never know what part your mum played in it and now Bruce Wayne would like to say a few words remember enjoy yourself Bruce after all you never know how much time you really have left ladies and gentlemen in light of recent allegations against my family I have decided to voluntarily step down as CEO of Wayne Enterprises I was horrified to learn of my father's corruption I'm ashamed of his actions and would like to apologize to Gotham for the pain he has caused so many of you I'm sorry that's it mate I have complete faith in the board as they work towards riding the wrongs of the past my so-called replacement Oswald cobblepot is a criminal not a businessman his entire history has been faced a very funny bro God no joke between friends one moment folks try that again [Music] Wayne Enterprises is in very serious trouble under cobblepot's control he intends to destroy the company as a part of his step back Mr Wayne that was quite a show you put on Bruce my apologies folks please forgive me Mr Wayne everyone I for one completely understand his behavior today nice statement he is worth the Press seem to eat it up I rather enjoyed it myself that sounds like your days of giving orders are through it's not an easy thing seeing something you've come to have Japan [Music] I'm sure some of you remember that's the drug taking hold of you [Music] you're with the children of Arkham I am the children of Arkham I think it's time look at him up there taking everything that should belong to you mocking you smuggling significant bastard he thinks you can get away with it because none of them know who they wouldn't believe and if we can just get one more round of applause for our friend the man of the hour Bruce Wayne ouch someone's a little touchy it seems who else will deliver Justice [Music] retribution Bruce [Music] foreign okay I'm up I'm up Christ's sake put some clothes making the round soon what doctor Arkham Asylum this can't be happening [Music] you settled good anything you need water piss rat poison I want to talk to my lawyers you're not in any position to be making demands rich boy I have rights and yours were revoked after you beat Oswald cobblepot within an inch of his life and landed yourself in here you're not buying your way out this time might as well get comfortable this is your home now time to meet your neighbors as you were you look just like them your father ever tell you about me I sent me here left me to rot in this goddamn hell hole Somebody's gotta pay for that I am so sick of everyone blaming me for what my father did I'm not him hurting me does nothing make maybe not but you're the next best thing [Music] welcoming committee has really gone downhill around here hasn't it what the rude journalist not nice how do you like it you are pathetic buddy oh buddy are you okay I'm fine just some bruises all right tough guy nice what is going on in here it's like I told you Doctor these creeps were attacking the new guy well who did that was it you of course not it was mostly over by the time I got in the new guy's tougher than he looks right buddy Bruce is that really what happened I don't really know what happened this is all a blur seems like you could have experienced another psychotic episode we'll need to keep an eye on that the order leader was here before took money from these men and let them into my room he gave them a taser I knew that you coming to Arkham could cause some excitement but I didn't expect it to happen so fast I'll do my best to keep you safe and how do you plan to do that you're hardly the first patient in Arkham Asylum to be attacked I'm sure we can figure something out I'm Dr Joan Leland by the way head of Psychiatry I'll be overseeing your case personally we'll get you transferred to a new room Bruce one that doesn't have your blood all over it for now follow me sorry I don't think I ever got your name me he's never given his name his name John is one of our most improved patients he's been with us for quite some time I'm sure he'd be willing to show you around right John oh yeah I'll show him the whole nine yards I think it would be best if he stayed by his side but there's not enough black tile if you hear me there's too many white tiles foreign that's because phones offer staff use only no exceptions stop that guy from trying such persistence I'll come by to check on you two later don't worry about us Dr Leland welcome to Arkham Asylum some of these people are crazy [Laughter] let's see on the couch that's St Louis favorite shows on never misses it all right friendo commercial break get up there is the remote the Orioles are taking it ever fear though I'll go ask Leland I almost forgot ear what is this [Music] you got a bad case of the mine knives I get to tell just just shove off all right no my knives for me I already got my shots Bruce Wayne you've got quite a reputation around here taking your enemies out to stay on top I like your style kid guy I walked in here with what can you tell me about it John Doe a lot of folks are scared of him yeah why is that same reason folks are scared of tornadoes chaotic unpredictable not speaking as a as a professional I find his work a bit sloppy but he's certainly enthusiastic I'll give him that much hey there buddy boy you miss me I missed you [Music] however the threat Remains the children of Arkham are still out there and I will not rest until these streets are safe and firmly under my control never anything good on is there hmm well this key doesn't fit what the hell is it for your key didn't work of course not that's not how you get out of here you tried it though didn't you that's that's hilarious my enforcement squad has already seen great success they stopped a massive attack being organized out of a local Sky train depot politicians usually bore me tattoos but this one this one has become a lot more interesting lately my Gotham is above the law after his vicious attack on Oswald cobblepot I had Mr Wayne committed to Arkham Asylum where I hope he'll receive the treatment he so desperately means I thought you and the mayor were friends Harvey was my friend I can't believe he's the one who put me here sounds like you need better friends Slim Pickens around here though I've looked in which mayor Dent announced the creation of a special enforcement Squad under his direct command to combat an imminent threat from the children of Arkham rest assured we will find these terrorists their stockpile of drugs and their leader lady Arkham before they can strike again now this is good television mayor on our rampage versus freaky drug terrorist this isn't a joke their war is going to destroy Gotham that's what makes it so funny all those people got in the middle [Music] tragically there's still no sign of Gotham Gazette reporter Vicki Vale after her mysterious disappearance earlier this week very tricky Vicky I think we both know she's quite the lady right Bruce you know that Vicky is tell me what you know you want to find Vicky in her drugs huh can your revenge just like you got your revenge on cobblepot I've been watching you for a while now Bruce and I can tell there's something darker in you when you attacked Oswald I could tell you've enjoyed it if those cups had dragged you off of him that cobblepot punk would be dead that wasn't me it was just pumped full of her drugs those just amplify what you're already feeling what's already inside don't be ashamed it's in your blood I see a lot of your father and you she probably does too it's obvious that's why Vicky hates you your dad help bump off her parents why would my father have the veils killed I never said he killed the fails she was born in Arkham Victoria Arkham what you didn't know that the arkhams did not approve of what your dad and his Partners were doing they were gonna blow the whistle on the whole thing so your dad well Papa parents murdered leaving her with an unquenchable thirst for vengeance surely you can relate I'm not like her I don't need Vengeance really sounds to me like you've got more in common then you're willing to admit Bruce you and Vicky are both Dark Souls and now you're heading on a coalition course towards each other that's gonna be fantastic you see I know what you really are [Music] and that's why I really want to tell you where Mickey's moved your drugs but you're not gonna do anything while you're stuck in here so I vote we get you out how hard can it be you're Bruce Wayne Dwayne's always get what they want all it would take is a phone call well sure but there's no phone I assume I can take care of that but it's gonna come at a price when I get out of here you're gonna owe me a favor okay just one we will meet again I promise you that I tell you what I'm gonna make a distraction to get the guards away from that gate the rest is up to you you make that phone call and I promise I'll tell you how to find those missing drugs hey zaz hello sad what the hell do you want settle a bit what happens if you make a tally mark before you kill someone what are you talking about ah no no no no I don't mention him oh God I don't match you can fix that right now it feels like it's itching burning needs it I just need to get rid of it yeah stop someone give me a sedative run Brucie all right Chase [ __ ] he was gonna kill me badge [Applause] [Music] getting grizzly scene in there multiple stabbings one of the orderlies had a finger bitten off and according to John it sounds like you were right in the middle of it I tried to stop it the whole thing was the sick game you would understand if you were there we're going to look into it further before I feel comfortable making a decision one way or the other one moment Dr Leland Wayne's being discharged superintendent says he's a liability having him here creates an unsafe environment is Butler's here to collect him seems you have a visitor Alfred Bruce thank heavens you're all right you'll see everything is in order he is to be released into my care what happened with those men in your room the riot with zaz you you clearly need help Bruce Dr Leland you know it isn't safe for me here look at what happened today that won't be the last time that may be true but I would never let that hinder someone from getting the help they need I'm afraid it's out of your hands now doctor you have the paperwork let's go Alfred ask the fails ask her parents what's that about well I just can't believe that lady Arkham was actually Vicki Vale this entire time and all the while she was working with cobblepot to try and bring me down it's a good thing the family lawyers were able to get you out so quickly no kidding Batman's got some work to do even during Batman's brief Hiatus Gotham has become that much more dangerous and the public opinion on Bruce Wayne well it certainly hasn't gotten any better so many people angry at me entire family I just hope I can turn it around I'm sure you'll figure something out you always do hello Harvey you should have stayed in the Asylum where I put you what do you want Harvey the streets of Gotham are a dangerous place for someone like you right now I'll be fine Harvey I can handle myself I don't think you understand the danger you're in maybe you haven't heard but the children of Arkham have gone underground obviously plotting some sort of attack and people are scared panicking I need to show them that my resolve hasn't weakened that Gotham is still strong so I gave them an enemy then your family's filthy corruption listen to yourself you sound insane no I'm just a man who's done letting [ __ ] like you run the world and take whatever they want can't let you keep running around scot-free Bruce it's the will of the people you can spare me your will of the people crap Harvey I know this is personal [Music] Selena what you did was a low blow Bruce she doesn't belong to you Harvey she can see whoever she wants do not lecture me about Selena [Music] we're done talking [Music] what's going on here foreign Bruce Wayne you really must have done something to piss the mayor off so much maybe I'll get a bonus for this open the trunk we're searching the car I know my goddamn rights and you better have a warrant to back that up don't need one mayor Dent gave his enforcers full search and seizure rights damn hold up back to your car of course should have known go back to Arkham you damn Maniac what the hell careful or you'll be the next cobblepot I'm tired I am hungry I haven't shouted in three days I want to go home and if you don't get the hell out of my way I swear to God I will have this car run you over and then back up again just to make sure it did the job Bruce shut up Alfred I can handle this someone else heard that right this psycho just threatened me yeah I filmed the whole thing they should lock you up oh God Alfred I'm sorry I don't it'll be fine we just need to get out of this mess one won't be a warning shot all right now the way I see it there are two ways we can do this Bruce Wayne either I let these people at you and see how you handle mob Justice or you could make a little donation to me and my boys to help us stay well funded and well armed what do you say [Music] they've got us blocked in I can't back up here it's everything I have okay sure that'll work this isn't over yeah sure take it up a city hall foreign Harvey's clearly lost it all over the news yelling about how you need to be brought to Justice throwing whoever he wants in jail not really interested in seeing what he has planned for me funny I thought you could handle yourself oh I can also know when it's Harvey catching you in my apartment drove him completely around the bend so you're saying you think his breakdown is our fault I yeah don't get me wrong Bruce the night was a lot of fun but not worth dying for I uh I understand I don't like it but I understand thank you I appreciate that but boy are those puppy dog eyes breaking my heart right now where are you gonna go we got some other business I need to take care of what other business look at yourself Bruce you're in no shape to take on Harvey we're the children of Arkham for that matter of course that's my car see you around good luck with all of this [Music] I'm fine okay I just need to get to the computer you're exhausted and the influence of Lady Arkham's drug may still be affecting you Harvey is turning Gotham into a police state Oswald has stolen my company and we need to find Vicki and the children of Arkham before they strike again I can't just ignore it you're in no condition to work absolutely must get some [Music] more damn cave is coming down around me of course I'll help start by addressing the problem at hand here I am you're right let's just focus on getting my head clear first bring up everything we know about vickiville's drug yes of course if I can isolate the presence of the drug I should be able to synthesize an antidote start a DNA scan compared to my DNA on file in the back computer I'll make the preparations it seems that the drug attaches itself to specific proteins in the genome structure if we can modify the Drug's molecular structure we should be able to create a counter agent that should do it this needs to be injected directly into the vein to work I don't imagine it'll be much fun [Music] ha hopefully that does the trick it'll work Alfred feel better already so what are we going to do now first things first I need to know what Vicky lady Arkham has been up to while I've been away search for all children of Arkham recent activity press is reporting that Vicki Vale is missing yes and obviously the police have yet to find a body woman trying to get the scoop on you pretending to care I wish things had been different maybe I could have gotten through to her you always try your best Bruce she had her own agenda from the start playing me the entire time Breaking Me Down she wanted me in Arkham she wanted me to feel what my father had done to all those people Bruce there were bigger plans than me Alfred Batman stopped her at the skyrail station and I can't believe that she isn't finding another way to use the drugs what if that's true she may be more dangerous than ever I know I know I met someone in Arkham who gave me a tip on how to find her tip you really think you can trust someone in Arkham Asylum he knew that Vicki Vale was Lady Arkham no one else has that information I suppose that's not something we can ignore trustworthy or not he told me that if I want to know what she's planning then I should visit her parents house if the male still live in Gotham they should be easy enough to locate got it Bruce yeah if you do find Miss Vale please be careful [Music] foreign [Music] I'm inside the vale house [Music] Alfred the veils are dead one body confirmed that there was a lot of blood alert Gordon will do I don't know how this is connected to the drugs yet whatever they knew about it Vicki made sure they kept quiet her eyes are gone stabbed out that's dubbing there's an injection wood on her neck same kind montoy and I both received but this one's much worse found a log of hair anything unique about it it was cut at a downward angle probably with some Force based on how clean the slice is [Music] it's clean this wasn't used as a murder weapon then why was it lying on the floor here's Mrs Vale attempted to fight back with this knife but only managed to slice through the attacker's hair syringe seems she hasn't given up her old tricks is this the same drug yes but this is several times stronger than the dosage I had received escalating this seems personal same device same drug this confirms that lady Arkham is the murderer recent family photo Vicky's not in it it shows the veils with another child in front of an industrial office there's a logo on the building [Music] Alfred found Mr Vale alive no he's gone 10 hours at least judging by the state of his soft tissues the belt buckle is covered in blood before he was hung with a belt Mr Vale was beaten with it looks like a company logo the logos match Mr Vale owned an oil and heating company looking it up now yes he's got a sizable Warehouse in the industrial district and a fleet of delivery trucks and now Vicki's got it large amounts of blood spatter across the walls it's not steady like arterial spray someone was swinging wildly wait there's a slight indentation where something bloody struck the wall with horse the indentation matches the shape of the belt buckle it must have impacted with the wall during the attack what exactly happened in that house I think I know after we stopped at the rail station Vicki needed a place to hide her supply of drugs her father's trucks and Warehouse offered the perfect cover to do that she needed them out of the way with vickiville fully assuming her new identity on lady Arkham seems like she didn't need the veils around to support her old one Vicki showed up to attack her adopted parents but only the mother was there at first Miss Vale fought back and was able to slice off part of Vicky's hair Vicki then subdued her with the same drug she used on me but a much much larger dose nearly lethal she then removed the mother's eyes indicating a deeply personal motivation this was obviously some sort of Vendetta sometime during this Mr Bale entered Vicky attacked him with his own belt striking with the Buckle until he was unconscious and bleeding out finally she dragged him to the closet and hung him with the belt the blood loss got him way before the hanging dead what that's horrific she never acted out in such a violent way before why would she thinks someone's still in the house going to look for a heat signature if anyone else is here I'll find them clear nothing here there's someone here under the stairs alive [Music] it's okay I'm not going to hurt you is everything all right it's a kid Alfred boy from the photo is she all right aside from the shock in a few bruises he seems okay he might be able to tell me more about what happened possibly but if that's the road you go down please do it with caution I'm sorry I scared you it's going to be okay yeah yeah I need you to tell me if you saw or heard anything this is important I I heard someone say something something about drugs fighting the police I don't know who I don't know who because they didn't see anything I didn't see anything because I hidden here please don't send me to punishment calm down see that does help me thank you get down well hello Batman pleasure to it yes you you're trying to figure out our next move figure out where the drugs are did I get it Apple goes pathetic of all these little back traps all over the city but I should have known a good double murder would be what brought you out in the opens all right the hell are you safe were you wounded I'm okay they're dead I'm so sorry that I couldn't save your parents you don't know how sorry I promise I won't stop until I catch the person that did this you're the kid who saved Batman and no matter what happens no matter where you go that will always be true and I will always owe you one Batman oh my God he was the only Survivor come on let's get you out of here he saved me [Music] oh Jesus was this the children of Arkham again why would they attack a family like the veils because their daughter Vicky is Lady Arkham she killed her own parents so she could use their company Warehouse to stockpile the rest of her drugs Vicky Vicki veiled the reporter and so who's the boy then my guess is he's another foster child living with the veils he says he heard something about drugs and attacking the police can't confirm anything but it sounds like the children of Arkham might be plotting something with those drugs against your people thanks for the heads up the warehouse is Veil oil and heating you should secure it as soon as possible I'll get on it right away what about you I've got something I need to look into foreign what's going on here securing the crime scene commissioner not me more you're not I'm taking over this investigation I can't risk you allowing Batman to contaminate our crime scene again and so your bad stunner just didn't work that's right I have a bad feeling it was no accident oh forget Lucius on the line for me please of course let's get a closer look at you no damage on the microfiber adhesion regulation reads are normal EMP functionality is all in the green it should have worked electricity conductor everything looks functional this doesn't make any sense this is strange this microchip is emitting a low bandwidth receiving signal but it shouldn't be like the ones you shut down in the gcpd something like that Lucius had his eyes on the Wayne tag that the children of Arkham breached this is something different Bruce I have Lucius on screen now good evening Bruce how can I help I need you to see something sending you schematics God someone's found a way to get past my security upgrades not just someone Oswald cobblepot Bruce I am so sorry I should have caught this but he snuck right under my nose taught yourself some slack lucious there's no way you could have known I certainly don't blame you for it wow I still feel a little guilty looks to me like he's introduced some sort of bug into your network that's how he's making my equipment malfunction for now but if he keeps it up he 'll completely take control of your tank my Lord that would be catastrophic is there anything you can do I can try to work on your firewalls I think too drastic you'll know we're on to him cobblepot doesn't know we're on to him and risk losing the element of surprise I say you do what you need to do as stealthily as possible good plan I'll get on it right away thanks Lucius Bruce you're going to want to see this uh excuse this Lucius of course reports of children of Arkham activity are down but these efforts do not come cheap that's why I am formally seizing the Wayne estate so the corrupt wealth of Gotham's Elite and go to the better purpose of protecting Gotham's Common Man Mr Wayne has 24 hours to evacuate his property and turn it over to the city or he will be removed you can't let that ego maniacros out on the street I have to talk to him after what happened at the debate Harvey probably isn't the biggest fan of Batman on the other hand perhaps Bruce Wayne can appeal to him on a more personal level this is Bruce's problem not bad man's I'll take care of it I believe in you Bruce I know you can get through to him um I don't know if that was the right thing to do why did I do that don't screw this up Harvey Harvey we need to talk if you've come to save your home you're wasting your time My Mind Is Made Up what happened to the guy who cared about doing the right thing this is the right thing Bruce look I know you're still pissed off at me about sleeping with Selena I get it but this has to stop now Gotham deserves a mayor that can focus on cleaning up this city that's why I'm taking your money your home everything it's time that you started paying your debt to Gotham it's not my debt to pay what my parents did was not my fault nobody cares the deal is done a strong leader doesn't back down when they see an enemy they crush them without hesitation I'm not the enemy the children of Arkham are oh don't you worry taking care of them tonight too what do you mean ready to go [Music] do it what the hell did you do our lady Arkham's drugs destroyed it's way bigger than you said after taking out a whole city block with it hey man we lost a bunch of our own guys the apartment next door it's Christ we stop the children of Arkham that's all that matters what a leader does does a leader kill innocent people You're a murderer now their deaths are unfortunate but think about everyone the children of Arkham could have hurt with those drugs feels like an acceptable price to pay I couldn't just destroy the drugs I had to make a statement I needed the children of Arkham in any other potential enemies waiting in the shadows to know what I'm capable of that I'll do anything to protect my city that I am the guardian of Gotham after what you've done tonight everyone in Gotham is going to see who they really elected mayor they will turn against you on the contrary Bruce this is what Gotham wanted oh I can see tomorrow's headlines already hero mayor saves citizens from Children of Arkham Terror plot meanwhile somewhere in the back they'll stick the article about Bruce Wayne's tragic suicide what the hell are you talking about all the shame you've suffered was just too much for you to Bear your family's history getting forced out of your company losing all your money no one will question finding you dead in Crime Alley so soon after you got out of Arkham tragic but unsurprising I hope that was satisfying that's the last one you get come on keep walking shut up sweetie let's keep moving please why are you doing this hey he said shut up any way you cut this this is murder is that what you want this city is at War sometimes casualties are the cost of winning the war the children of Arkham are trying to tear the city apart we're saving it yeah we finally got a leader who wants results you gotta see it and penguin did to him he's he's just had to get more firm in the face of the children of Arctic still got the city's best interest at heart your mayor just blew up a city block sometimes to help the greater good there's a price to pay people died your fellow officers died I I but if you think that's where he's gonna stop you're just as crazy as he is maybe uh maybe he has a point shut up you just don't get it you don't understand that's why we need to take maybe maybe what uh nothing stick for yourselves you're not Harvey's puppets you are more than this isn't about the mayor this is about protecting the city and that's why we're not afraid to do what it takes officer drop your weapon you okay yeah you really showed up in the nick of time how'd you even find me Den just blew up a whole city block I know I know the reports I'm hearing are just awful that's gone way way too far he's supposedly trying to stop the children of Arkham but now he's become a goddamn terrorist himself a terrorist would have to City support behind him the amount of blood on his hands he and Lady ARCA might be neck and neck on body count by this point I just don't understand how this could happen he's not Emperor he's just mayor he's declared martial law basically whatever he says goes if he believes it's for the good of the city I can't help but feel guilty Batman gave me the information on where to find Lady Arkham's drug stockpile I handed into my superiors and God this happens I'm trying to figure out what I can do to help but I feel like my hands are tied every direction I turn grogan's out for Batman's head as soon as he can figure out a way to do it I've never felt this frustrated with a system in my entire career dense power comes from bending the law to work around you maybe you need to do the same hey I swore an oath to uphold the law Above All Else but you're right that would then changing the rules we might need to update our Playbook too everything is set up God damn mess do you need a ride thanks but I've got it taken care of Loop he's somehow connected a black box computer to your encrypted Network God it's like a digital battering ram if he keeps this up he gets smashed through the Batcave firewalls at any minute he'd have access to the bad computer hang on Lucius it's Alfred I'm patching him in Al Lucius figured out how penguins cracking my security here's a device that I'm afraid we have another problem to deal with Mr Dent is pulling up to the manor as we speak and he's not alone already [Music] sir are you all right Penguins hacking assault are getting worse at this rate he'll have my tech compromised by the end of the night only place he could be hacking me from is Wayne Enterprises well I don't envy your position even Batman can't be in two places at once I'm going home not one step further now come on now put the rifle down I'm not gonna hurt you somehow I don't believe you back away guess I'll be doing this the old-fashioned way Batman what the hell are you doing here you've destroyed enough lives for one night I'm taking you in oh I get it you'll come to Bruce Wayne's Aid when he needs it but not mine no not when I needed it you let that Maniac penguin name me look at me this happened under your watch and you call yourself a hero I'm sorry I failed you but it's not too late let me save you now save me you can't even save Bruce Wayne he's dead if you can't see the good I've done for this city then you're no better than lady Arkham or the Wayne's now get out of here before I have you booked for obstruction of justice you stand in my way you stand in the way of the law all right you're gonna need more than this Harvey I know foreign you're just trying hide Pac-Man does that works out no the bat's mine use your head Harvey killing me won't make you a hero this old man needs to die foreign [Music] what's that sound what though thank you you don't understand Batman without me Gotham is doomed you made things worse dead your ego and your anger stoked the fires until everything was burning the fact you can't see that shows how deep your delusion goes I'm important nine I'm important God he was finally stopped nice work Batman my job's not done yet I still need to find Lady ARCA before it's too late well I can take care of all this just need to figure out what to do with him [Music] Blackgate is what a murderer like him deserves he needs to be punished for the atrocities he committed like anyone else yeah that sounds about right I'll get it taken care of stay safe out there you too Jim [Music] ow what's wrong the computer it's penguin we need to cut the hard line now Bruce all of your bad Tech is linked to this computer if you take it offline it will all be inoperable if penguin hacks in he'll have control of all of it I have to shut it down foreign breaking news the children of Arkham have taken hostages High profiled Gotham citizens including Police Commissioner Peter Grogan who was taken while attempting to intervene I repeat the children of Arkham have taken hostages carry on gents boss says it's time to get the bats attention [Music] dropper Batman's side of boss right on top commissioner get to safety I can't just leave these people that man no it's a trap [Music] oh my God ah yeah I have to stop them save our city commissioner commissioner he's gone [Music] foreign [Music] thank God that comes offline I have no idea what's happening out there I always fear the worst I need to get back to the bat cave figure out penguin's next move I can't let him keep hurting innocent Batman impressive as ever life off the great must be treating you well what's your point what point is you're in the end of your rope you can't even stop me off in a police commissioner without your toys you're nothing I don't need toys to deal with the likes of you you sure about that man it comes from the look of it you could use a little help Batman foreign [Music] I can get to penguin [Music] anything [Music] [Applause] another trap one of his men used a device that targeted my armor if penguin has more devices like that now that suit will be a liability it's already in bad shape it couldn't protect me from a knife let alone penguin's new Arsenal if Batman can't take the fight to penguin maybe Bruce Wayne can face penguin as Bruce penguin thinks he knows me but he has no idea what I'm really capable of he certainly doesn't and that may be his undoing besides I won't be going alone get Gordon on the line give him our files on Oswald cobblepot tell him that we did a little digging after he took my position as CEO he should know who really killed commissioner Grogan I know the killer will be in cobblepot park tell him that Bruce Wayne will meet him there Lieutenant these officers are at risk penguin get back uh Martinez I saw some kind of transmitter and behind us at you give us room a transmitter Wayne Tech controlling the drones God damn it some of my officers are still in there I'm not gonna let some poop Thief kill my men if you can destroy the transmitter Oswald loses control of the drones there's no way to get to it you heard Martinez Lieutenant you need a distraction I can keep him talking while you get into position how the hell are you gonna do that Oswald and I grew up together a little trip down memory lane could buy you at least a couple minutes that's all well and good but he wants you dead trust moving Talent I'm your best shot at getting those officers out alive this is insane but I'm all out of options I'll go in around the back if he sees me he won't I'll keep him focused on me you will get your chance keep the perimeter tight if he suspects anything before those drones are offline we're both dead same device that fried this suit it's a hell of a trap Oz [Music] foreign making fun because my mom because she's an Arkham those bullies aren't coming back they better not oh oh they say bad things about my family or smash the thumb faces stop us please a smash all the dumb faces get the word out eh all the channels the Penguins Got Away in cobblepot park Oswald Ruth welcome the pigs are making it hard to bring in the bait for Batman but now you're here I have the perfect law not that I'm upset but what else will you buy come to talk Oz it's a bit late in the day for that still I'm tough you popped boy well so far only Gotham's finest have bothered to show they paid for stickiness now to see where they don't belong you know I'm surprised Batman's not already here to say it's usually so on top of everything maybe he knows it's a trap you haven't exactly been subtle see that's the thing about Batman you dangle and it's show he can help himself and when he arrives lights the sounds the blood running into the gutters once he's out of picture there'll be nothing left in our way mine all lady arkhams she's got some pretty big ideas for this to see any about how stupid are you do you actually believe her ravings oh she's right enough there needs to be a Changing of the Guard my minds are all very personal my oldest bruja it was so long ago the dark they crawling out of the gutter you looking down from on high take a gander at his nail all I see is a thief a low-life Thug who stole my life I saw an opportunity and I took it which is more than you ever had to do [Music] damn it where the hell is he so bloody Trump this wouldn't be some kind of plan would it you working with the bat why eyes are you scared of Batman might be if I weren't so certain of my upper hand as it were ah not that you can't look after yourself you certainly do know how to beat down and I know that drug only reveals your true feelings that was the drug and nothing more we both know that isn't true just doesn't laugh Fortune he drove my own then the suicide Wayne's caused the ruin of my entire bloody family you try to get me all shaken up I'm not waiting any longer [ __ ] I'm releasing these drones you'll make money out of you and all the normal men around this park all right fine it's my fault Oz what now you're right everything that happened everything you've gone through that blame falls on me on my whole family how unlike you to admit you're false maybe you think it'll save you hey ah but guess what foreign how's this for an answer show some dignity and defeat Oswald Freedom Is Right I gotta admit you surprised me you were right about this one gothamos you were dead the gcpd does too I won't forget it it's settle for a beer I think we can make that happen you think this changes anything do ya lady Arkham's gonna have your heads served up on a platter he has a point we just took down lady Arkham's top man she's not going to stand for this no she isn't I never thought I'd say this but [Music] I hope that God that Batman has a better idea where she is than we do [Music] how go the repairs going offline kept penguin from finding the bat cave but it also scrambled our system back computer barely runs and worse most of my tech isn't working it's going to take time to get everything up and running again if it gets running again it's going to make tracking down lady Arkham a hell of a lot harder you have proven that you don't need armor or gadgets to help this city in the end Bruce Wayne was the one to stop penguin Bruce these last few weeks I worry about the toll they've taken on you facing off against Harvey and Oswald in a matter of days not just the physical toll those were men you once trusted and after finding out what you did about your father people must seem a great disappointment to you not everyone is like my father or Oswald and what Harvey became that wasn't by choice and me everything that happened I could have stopped it if I'd done something all those years ago this this is my fault all of it I told you I wanted to leave your father's employee but if only I had the guts to do something instead your mother she wanted that wanted to put an end to his crimes if I'd helped her if I'd stopped Thomas none of these Horrors would have occurred lady Arkham Oswald even Harvey I don't blame them for what happened Alfred you did the best you could in an impossible situation and it helped to make me the man I am today I thank you Bruce but our work isn't done the children of Arkham are still out there and Lady Arkham with both penguin and Maya Dent off the board she's the only remaining piece we need to figure out her next move the only thing we do know is that she moved on from her plan to poison the city with penguin gone and my CEO access restored and finally log into Wade Enterprises the exactly what Oswald was doing during his time in charge if I cross-reference that with all the data we have on Vicki Vale we might be able to figure out the children of Arkham's next move mashed a couple about sense of humor hasn't changed much since you were boys can we just see what he was doing penguin was tapping into surveillance systems across Gotham any building using Wayne Tech security could be spied on from the CEO's office how is that any different than the back door into the Wayne Network that he uncovered that's not unless hold on [Music] what do we have here they did more than just look at these schematics every building in Gotham with the Wayne Tech security system can be accessed from here and remotely controlled if Oswald was the brawn Vicky is the brains so let's check her file she may have left clues about what she was using Oswald's access for all mention of her birth name Victoria Arkham is completely deletes this he also erased something from Vicky's research at The Gazette can't tell what was removed from here but Wayne Tech leaves a trace when it Alters data one the bad computer can decode what is it Miss Vale wanted to hide Vicki Vale mid-30s reported for the Gotham Gazette and not in the public record her true name Victoria Arkham now that we know how Oswald manipulated Vicky's records the back computers should be able to there no more holes she was looking into Arkham patients reviewing records checking submissions prior histories she was trying to figure out who was actually sick and who was committed because of Hill Falcone and my father Vicky was digging deep Gotham City Records Freedom of Information requests post a conspiracy forums all to find it's a list Gotham buildings that use Wayne Tech security systems it's a list of targets city hall Arkham Asylum gcpd headquarters Gotham First National almost every landmark in the city Iran does something Vicky wants to bypass the security at a Gotham landmark but without a man inside Wayne Enterprises she can unlock that door remotely she'll have to get her hands dirty and when she does we'll find her Bruce you there it's earned it one of the bad prototypes has been stolen by Lady Arkham not quite I'm patching you the feed now foreign from you after we opened our doors to her after all that you two Alfred yeah I know Bruce but why would she do this she must have her reasons I'm sure she does the device she stole it's a prototype it's an electronic skeleton key with it you could bypass any security system made by Wayne Tech that key is far too dangerous in Miss Kyle's hands especially with lady arkhamster at Large get the car ready Alfred I'm going to get some answers from Selena [Music] [Music] damn it hey Bruce I wasn't expecting you if you wanted to see me you could have just called the chase is so much more fun but I know you're not here for me are you I don't blame you for wanting it back I'm surprised you had a toy like this no doubt Batman would use it for the good of Gotham but the less noble options are so much more exciting why should I give it back that device is far too dangerous to be out in the world if Lady Arkham got a hold of it that blood would be on your hands wow pretty dramatic Bruce cats you might be exaggerating but I'd rather not take the chance come on pretend you're not impressed ah as long cons go this one was a beauty getting into Wayne Tech's lab took a lot more than cracking a safe I had to get close to people your friend Harvey poor guy just wanted to fall in love so bad after that it didn't take very long to get my introduction to his BFF the great Bruce Wayne imagine my surprise when the rich playboy turned out to be Batman scourge of Gotham I was always going to steal from Bruce Wayne I just never expected he'd be so interesting so it was all just an act everything we've done together a lie that's how it started and now it's over I'm getting out of here while the getting's good Gotham's a house on fire and I'm not gonna burn with it if you are smart you'd get out of here too this town hates you hates your entire family just leave it all behind do something more meaningful with those skills of yours someday yeah maybe I will be able to leave Gotham but for now I am the only one who can save this city so humble it'll be good to put some distance between us after all look at what happened to Harvey it'd only be a matter of time before I crossed one of your lines isn't that right you and I may disagree on a lot of things but I'm not worried about you near that sure Bruce I I know what this is all about you're upset that I'm leaving what'd you think that one night of sex meant we were going steady is that what you really thought I had fun Selena didn't you I'm all for fun Bruce but how long does this stay fun before you start wanting more look Bruce I'll admit that what you and I had wasn't terrible but you were just another job a more intriguing job than I was expecting still a job and that job's done I'm done with you it's not complicated I'm not a good person I'm certainly no hero and I don't want to be I'm a thief that's all I am stop let's not true I know there's more to you than that you're just afraid to admit it you like it if that were true wouldn't you why would you even think that that my life you could have left me to die back in that warehouse but you didn't someone who's only out for herself who's just a thief wouldn't do that oh yeah who would good person that's who a hero you know after I found out you were Batman I thought nothing else could surprise me but you just keep on surprising me [Music] yeah something to remember me by I won't need any help remembering you well it's been fun [Music] you stay out of trouble because if I catch you taking what's not yours again I'll have to stop you I look forward to our next dance Lucius I've got the key uh hold on Alfred's on the line hey Alfred lady Arkham she's here I tried to keep them out but Alfred Alfred Alfred Lucius it's Bruce he's not here damn it I'm going to search for Clues tell me how I can help get over here as fast as you can I'm on my way we're gonna find him Bruce I know need to focus figure out what happened here blood pattern looks like it came off a high velocity hit this pool cue was used as a weapon swung so hard at broken half [Music] Alfred used the pool cue as a weapon broke it across his attacker's head when that didn't stop him he used the jagged end of Step spraying blood across the pool table how the hell Furniture scattered outwards from a single point something big was thrown against this wall or someone [Music] lady ARCA must have used the concussion Blast from her staff to try and stop Alfred [Music] the Lock's been completely destroyed Alfred must have barricaded himself in here but they got in any way I know what happened the children of argum broke in Alfred barricaded himself inside the Parlor he had just enough time to grab a pool cue as a weapon before lady Arkham blasted the doors open he broke it across one of their heads then stabbed him to get away another assailant tackled Alfred knocking over the vase Alfred almost escaped but then lady Arkham entered the Parlor used her staff's concussion blast scattering all the furniture in her path throwing him against the wall by the fireplace so Alfred grabs the nearest thing to use as a weapon to defend himself but lady Arkham deflected Alfred's attack causing the poker to fly across the room and Lodge into the wall more blood on the mantle he smashed his face into it oh wait that picture doesn't belong there Alfred [Music] the butler did it password Reckoning [Music] you have no idea now you Butler the man who raised you like his own son will suffer in your place but don't worry you'll get him back eventually my bloody peace Alfred oh my God Vicky will pay for this I'll make sure of that look at what she's doing to him all right well then let's get to work Alfred keeps adjusting his glasses the reflection he's making sure I see the reflection in his glasses knows the back computer can use multiple reflection angles to recreate the room that he's in and I can view the virtual image using my cowl good thinking Alfred okay Lucius freeze frame on the First Signal Alfred gives paint us a picture here we go [Music] professional great camera probably came from the gazette's office he's wounded I'll speak one of the thugs Alfred fought upstairs stairs leading up cement walls we're in a basement Alfred's trying to look at things that might give us a clue to where he's being held okay looks like we've seen all there is to see in this Frame let's move on to Alfred's next signal you got it Rogers Plumbing Service Company for the water heater I can use their records to find home addresses for their clients we're getting closer yeah but we're not there yet nothing else to see here moving on Nissan stamp Only One Masonic Lodge in the city Gotham City Fraternal Order of stone masons so the house was built in 1945 by them that's a big lead jump to Alfred's next signal you got it the basement window what's that outside give me a second they're by a bus stop here we go okay I think we have enough to pinpoint a location and let's hope no these are all the homes serviced by this water heater company on the days and months listed filtering for all homes built on that date you can get the bus line from this but no stop number this will help pinpoint the neighborhood seems unlikely damn it let's keep looking who are not going to believe this what is it lady Arkham is back at the vale house where she killed her foster parents according to its records it has a basement we know where Alfred is but I'm without a working bad suit actually one of the early prototypes it has basic cowl functionality but outside of that it doesn't protect much more than your identity I'm afraid good call thank you Lucius it doesn't have all the bells and whistles but it should still scatter crap out of criminals This Ends Tonight heading into the basement be careful Batman I'm all right there's no one here no Alfred damn it there's blood on the walls I'm going to see what I can find standing by there's a boot print in the blood lady Arkham soldiers drag down the trail stops at the wall actually it goes under it sounds like there's more to this basement than it would appear the wall is just a facade why would the veils have a false wall in their basement now let's find out where the veils were hiding there's a small room with a hole in the floor I'm going inside thank you Bruce what's down there do you see Alfred no it's some kind of torture chamber shackles belts blood what Vicky she was kept down here locked away who could do that to their child no wonder Vicky is consumed with hate it's all she's ever known I can't even imagine but it doesn't give her the right to take it out on others the veil's foster children may not have been the only ones to suffer here I followed Alfred's blood into this hole if he any opportunity at all he would have left me a clue there are drawings Vicky must have drawn them when she was a prisoner the chalk here is different one piece apart from the others blue the same color as my tack can be a coincidence some of the words have been highlighted she will liberate figures fleeing from something as that Arkham Asylum Alfred left me another clue this is what he wanted me to find to see the newest chalk he's added to an old drawing of Arkham Asylum he drew figures outside the gates like they're running away the words highlighted are she will and liberate she will liberate I don't see what that has to do with Alfred Alfred's just along for the ride she's been using Wayne Enterprises to get access to the buildings with Wayne Tech security systems including Arkham Asylum she's going to open the doors release the inmates and she took Alfred with her call Gordon in the gcpd I'm on it lady ARCA won't be expecting us everything good borderlies are rounded up that's the last of it then the children of Arkham have taken over Lieutenant Gordon says the gcpd are on their way he's leading the team himself if you can find Alfred maybe you can get him out of there before all hell breaks loose almost ready let her know copy on our way go ahead I got this [Music] Batman this ends now Vicky tell me where Alfred pennyworth is the butler Bruce Wayne has a bat on his payroll answer the question where he is doesn't matter he'll be dead soon no one's dying tonight you really think you're in control here [Laughter] your confidence is impressive but that won't save the bloodline or the rest of Gotham unless it needs to be touched they won't look the other way not again and when did Gotham look away from you thinking don't try to psychoanalyze me Batman you have no idea what I've done to come this far I know you've suffered you are tortured held captive by the people who were supposed to love you I don't know how you survived you want to know how I survived I survived because every night I dreamed of the Revenge I take on them this forsaken sitting your time's run out okay [Music] Vicky there's nothing you can do Batman you underestimate the true children of Arkham these Souls kept Behind Bars open the doors for me freedom is yours the only one standing in your way is Batman he's the crazy one [Music] [Music] [Applause] cool Batman take your time that's the plan huh you're going to die truly inspiring such a pleasure to see your working person [Music] Jesus [Music] Gordon's here we'll round off the rest of the inmates you stop lady Arkham there's no way out now it's always another way here Batman all the people that Thomas Wing condemned to this place unwillingly they speak through the walls they're ghosts walk they know the way I can't help those people now but I can help Alfred pennyworth take me to him my pleasure oh yeah [Music] Vicky you're not well Vicky you need professional help says the man dressed as a bat let him go the butler has to die payment for Thomas wins he took away my family so I'll take away his sons if you really want to save the butler bring me Bruce Wayne if anyone can find him it's you he's probably cowering behind a 12-inch thick wall and a hundred bodyguards right now I'm not gonna bring you someone just so you can murder him well then the butler's death is on you you're doing so much for one old man Vicky stop playing games this isn't a game to me you know Batman I really don't understand why are you fighting me I've done great things for Gotham Falconi and Hill deserved to die if anything I did you a favor we're fighting the same fight Batman you see that we want the same things those men deserved their day in court just like everyone else so they could have gotten off like they did so many times before no Batman they got exactly what they deserved my Justice is final and absolute you shouldn't be here you shouldn't be defending him you think Bruce Wayne is any better than this one he hides behind his status and wealth peace power believing other men to carry this burden I'm curious Batman I know why I wear the mask it's who I am who I was always meant to be what about you do you wear the mask to hide or to become who you really are are you the man or the mask the mask is a symbol some fear it but for others it brings hope when I first saw it found it inspiring and once you're dead I'm going to mount that mask on my wall but first I'll see the man beneath [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I knew you'd come the man the man I I made you just hold on Alfred did you see where she went she just this disappeared I'm getting you out of here interesting how you speak to him so familiar Alfred such concern for someone you've never met before release him then we'll talk you know just don't believe you I think Alfred maybe the only way I can make you talk it makes me wonder do you really care only one way to find out shut up old man my true self your turn prove that you care take off your mask let me see the man you really are if that's what it will take to see no all right this must be some kind of trick Bruce Wayne he'd never be the man Pepe's he only looks out for himself oh but of course now I understand it's Batman you can pray upon the weak the defenseless just like your father did a true Wayne there's nothing heroic about you I can't change what happened in the past in the past I would have fought for you Vicky no one should have to suffer the way that you're dead you don't know how I suffered but you will I'll show you what Thomas Wayne did to me to my family [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no more lies no more talk the only truth left is in your debt you're right [Music] I'll bury [Music] [Music] mirror all right [Music] stop Vicky it's over nothing will keep me from my revenge [Music] lost cotton buried and got them will not mourn the sins of the way bloodline and tear [Music] s I see your truth I'll never trust you thank you foreign [Music] as to last week's events at Arkham Asylum a spokesperson for the gcpd assured us that the breakout has been contained and all inmates have been returned to their cells Miss Vale is missing and presumed dead following a gruesome battle with the Caped vigilante known only as the Batman her death marks the end of children of Arkham's Reign of Terror if the public knew the half of it it's better that they don't this came in the mail it's unsigned Selena with everything that's been going on I haven't gotten a chance to thank you for what you did sacrificing your identity for my safety but it was a dangerous thing to do without you none of this would work you or my family you don't know how good it is to hear you say that after everything that's happened and your ear at least there's something left of it Dr Tompkins assured me it adds character [Laughter] that it does we will get through this Bruce don't lose sight of the fact that you've done some real good for Gotham I didn't take them down alone I had help you Lucius Gordon Selena and all those who gave their life fighting for Gotham to those who helped and those we lost the Damage Done by the children of Arkham has left Gotham a city in turmoil faith in those at the top as perhaps irrevocably been shaken acting Commissioner James Gordon has promised to speak out about the issue tonight during an emergency city-wide address and I hope despite the recent Terror that script our city that Gotham's leading citizens will come out to show their support Willie's token appointment be enough to regain the city's trust it remains to be seen But experts agree that Gordon requested Gotham's leaders to stand behind him leaders like you let Gotham see who Bruce Wayne truly is let them know what you plan to do for his future this could be a first start for you and for this city though in Gotham the only figure that can make as much impact as a Wayne is Batman [Music] you've helped this city tremendously both as Bruce Wayne and Batman and that person whether he dons a cape or not is someone I'm proud of and honored to call my friend it's a lot to live up to you know I won't let you down Alfred I know you won't so what do you intend to do about tonight well Lucius has yet to invent a suit that led Bruce Wayne and Batman in the same place at once that is unfortunate bad man will be in attendance you'll make quite the impression Gordon will be grateful we are currently awaiting newly appointed acting Police Commissioner James Gordon who will address the city for the first time in the wake of the terrorist attacks perpetrated by Lady Arkham I as acting police commissioner Commissioner Gordon and doesn't sound right Batman is everything all right you're in the Limelight now that means you could be a Target I always The Optimist we have a full security detail one more can hurt especially when it's you I'm honored cities on edge tonight can make all the difference you're one hell of an addition to this lineup Gotham's best and brightest have turned out for this and I know you're not a man of many words but I'd like to say something to Gotham on your behalf is there anything you'd like them to know maybe about how you'd like to be seen moving forward I had a feeling you'd say that you know I always wanted this to be commissioner someday to have the chance to shape this I should probably be used to that by now in the last few weeks as much violence and Terror as I've seen I've also seen the citizens of this community band together to fight those threats one of those citizens is Batman I asked him to speak here tonight but he's a man of action not words we need men and women like that Heroes who will fight to lift Gotham out of the darkness rather than simply talking about making a difference that got them be a city of Heroes United strong and hopeful [Applause] [Music] clear the area get that bastard to lock up and you just minutes ago acting Commissioner James Gordon delivered a rousing speech that turned into a shocking assassination attempt on his life Batman made short work of the Assassin oh boy it's gonna be tough to top that but I'll give it a shot foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Andy Gilleand
Views: 869,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Batman, Telltale Games, Game Movie, Let's Play, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Story, Video Game, The Enemy Within, Arkham, PS4, PlayStation 4, Gotham, The Walking Dead, Joker, Selina Kyle, Catwoman, The Batman, Harvey Dent, Two-Face, Penguin, Season 1, Realm of Shadows, Children of Arkham, New World Order, Guardian of Gotham, City of Light, Episodes, Episodic, Choices, Lady Arkham, Alfred
Id: hfM4im1D_SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 317min 19sec (19039 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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