Bathing with Dish Detergent w/ DC Young Fly, Karlous Miller and Chico Bean

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[ __ ] would have been so wrong [ __ ] time are you you got to go home to that one-bedroom apartment the [ __ ] in you alright do a panty me broke into my story okay well um time at a loss that would have probably had me like I had you looking for man my knee it was just to the point where I'm like okay I know I'm even doing a pandemic I can't make no money I see you gotta pay my [ __ ] meals and my mama beer right and these [ __ ] it's a pandemic and they taking every dollar out and it won't ever pen it exactly doing the painting the light view the gas for you the cable bills they will all day money don't give a [ __ ] about no [ __ ] pain baby [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah the world meat still on that 30-day cycle man that's the way the world works we're working 30 day cycles every 30 days every 30 days every 30 days you got to get it together and it don't matter how many 30 day cycles you hit before if you miss this one you won't get no credit for the last most [ __ ] they gonna be like man you been good for 10 years Wayne wants trip bro get it to us when you can what the [ __ ] was the purpose of the stimulus chick so they won't get your money on your refund you know what it was you know what I think it's been we'll get your mother on a tree for any time for a refund [ __ ] they already know that I'm the first of all you ain't file and put your information e food so when you're filing you put your information in yeah Game two so mission when the time for the refund I hate when you remember that stimulus you thought you again Oh fear team follow that you getting three it made me realize how they play with money though cuz it's like they ain't got no money to do anything else but then they're out of nowhere trillions treating to give away make a big poor to give away money which whale hunting to give away you dig and it's like wow who the mind I want to meet the [ __ ] who came up with that amount like that's a that's a [ __ ] amount really hello we're not [ __ ] back minimum wage minimum wage time so 725 time for tea I got to see this [ __ ] cuz I was a minimum wage getting a sneak know when I'm late 25 I bet I did get better way before tip sir what the foot was dead walk man it's a girl it's a cold day but [ __ ] was decided to get it though like okay start today start playing me some paper was I don't I don't know give me so much [Music] that sound likes this [ __ ] go with my hairstyle good welcome back deliver some good bad news to welcome back to the only place where you can get what you're getting right now so I don't know where you've been but welcome back to the place where you can't go nowhere else to get what you give me let me shake I'm already shaped up baby I'm in she do you think I'm Marvin Gaye looking at your hair Marvin Gaye looking at me because I look like his brother Marvin should look like this in the 80s baby it looked like I run a cricket record label right here brothers records yeah you can trust me you dig that's what we doing and for all the people that keep telling me to get a haircut [ __ ] you get a haircut [Music] that's what we doing baby we back 85 south show smooth with it when it's cold outside yeah that's what happened most definitely that was real flour real pity you didn't be back man we was just sitting here talking about the economics of the economy the economics of the economy that's no way to put it you know what I'm saying talking about how the pandemic has impacted us is interchangeable ya know this good thing that we got works in the can they're still coming out just keeping our face out there yeah still gaining new fans each and every day you know we doing we're building an economy this is an economy exactly because we infrastructure we this is this is a platform we can get I mentioned thoughts and I you know perspectives out to the world regardless of the world shutting down we still give them what we can give to the world when we can give it whoa what is this this is yes it is yeah you know a useful mechanism microcosm of what's going to be [Music] never me but I'm at like microcosm it means it's just a small version of what is to become human what we're doing is we're getting our infrastructure together okay cuz we're gonna manipulate the whole [ __ ] and run up in it like the Carter and bum-rush the whole damn thing you didn't make sure we be methodical man we have to be methodical and I miss it we got to give some shots down to all the black essential workers man I've been doing a lot of threats on Twitter black business on you doing that like I just came all the bad people on Twitter yeah I got a tiny bit oh yeah man we miss your praises say some [ __ ] cheek old on foot with yeah I don't be on there like that yeah this the King it's with her right here oh you're very sweet like Carlos Miller but it's all I mean retweet huh yeah that's all retweeted [ __ ] right now and then three oh my god let me see been a retweet why y'all retweeting I'm gonna go through some world happiness just so the world can know that we know what's happening the FBI said they will not press charges over the news found and Bubba Wallace garage they said a noose been there since Paul 2019 whoa what back now god damn the FBI said it will not press charges over the news found in bubble Wallace's garage they determined the news has been there since fall 2019 who is the lowdown [ __ ] scoundrel who saw a news hanging and left that [ __ ] NASCAR that's how my - they should arrest the [ __ ] who made it a news original but then why we shouldn't be surprised that's NASCAR man that is not right now we got to look give NASCAR credit man they stood in southern bubble they walk that [ __ ] to the car he prayed again ress miedo whoever has something to do with that news was probably the closest mother right for the car from the back panel like the [ __ ] who let JFK get shot this [ __ ] was fake reason and [ __ ] ya dirty [ __ ] I wasn't impressed with that man I think our clay house though they made somebody drivers bibbity training they told them people stop bringing them confederate flags what is that door I don't like it Lopes I'm gonna go ahead and see it I don't like the way they've been trying to fake give us [ __ ] and everything that's what we asked who the [ __ ] told them to take on Jim I'm off desert like that was a mix I don't understand how great-nieces up that like please don't take my hunt - you all know who the hell told that the real like you now but think about it let's say they did say they do take on Jemima desert now they had minute 24 then it was racist so what do you won't give us for all the other years we've been staring at that racist [ __ ] you ain't gonna give a yahoo a place over than the other black know you gotta make sure free for [ __ ] that's what they got to do [ __ ] you know why is racist but couldn't you know our mama ain't relate to my if that ain't your mama you had already already awful been too awful [ __ ] I don't like how we lose and black people though yeah I know it's races his foot but if they're gonna take them off foot put somebody else on change this [ __ ] from uncle being off the field Uncle Phil raised a generation I like [ __ ] some other field race they put my other field from fresh prisoner that'll work I'm they said they was gonna replace on Jemima would hang off the leg lady named Sheila that's the lawyer didn't like waffle sometimes they gonna need to send the family a check first of all but why a normal race they say hey your mama's racist because it was a it was a term used during slavery to describe you no mammies you know I mean it's like a word they literally I related to come and make pancakes and tell stories about the old [ __ ] Confederate self it really wasn't that [ __ ] really happened so that's why yeah and that [ __ ] came from a minstrel show he got damn no Nasr me great you know what this [ __ ] like what would they know buttersworth is out of here you know what they doing now you it's like if you had no if you got if you watched somebody else child you know what you like if you left know me and said she gonna watch a real quick and very run to the store as soon as you walk out she stopped crying first thing I'm gonna do oh baby with you what you want some you want this paper you want this candle what you need which this to try to appease it but you ain't bring wheat me who is doing that ain't help I can I always think we can buy the newest [ __ ] just get him [ __ ] honey mine hey they should have been changing name an Eskimo pack cuz that is some dirty sex [ __ ] that's what look it up maybe the Eskimos not he gotta go in and explain that one is basically women who share come with each other Oh keep it Kings Eskimo Pie nothing to do with black people they black women ain't doing that man never heard of it turn like if you have sick like you laid it like you say to friends have sex with the same do they call them Eskimo sisters okay so that's like that's in the same lane is like the Superman you have to be one person even know anything about this type of they gotta get rid of the trees Oh seriously he a pedophile oh man and you know this Quaker Oats I bet they ain't gonna take that raises theirs and they gonna get oatmeal I bet you ain't gonna change aimin to Washington Redskins you know the old man I'm gonna do that [ __ ] there really a making me go wait a minute no way Yankees me oh yes I do hmm yeah but see that's what that's a disrespectful term the people in the South used to call northern white people that's they [ __ ] right I'm talking about like the Damn Yankees right they need to give us if they gonna start giving us [ __ ] they need to give us real [ __ ] like we was all my dog add a load right not not even net they need to give us real power like for example of whom's who bitch-ass [ __ ] who killed George Floyd we need to have a set up to where when people do [ __ ] like that the black people didn't mean it over the black people get to implement our own justice for people who do us greezy in this community like that we get to be we get to implement like [ __ ] you read our flowing version you got a flight like Tyson for 6 rounds best bare fists it mom that's what you got to do you got to get in the ring with this one okay so we need like a squad that we can call all these races as parents like big tossing them just pull up right you guys square with big toss so I call the police on me you know you gotta fight Kiki now right we'll make him using [ __ ] they never did before like jump double dutch for 30 minutes straight you got real time you break that type of [ __ ] anything that just make it known to my guy power tight face I can't go swim where you can't blink you can't even smile so tight that they end up having your [ __ ] looking like this in the front that tight you go to court for calling the police that [ __ ] the judge order you to wear a lace front wig for 30 days with no glue notes but we judges they we need to be over the courts with these [ __ ] come after they do black people Breezies that'll make me believe that America really is giving us something cuz you gotta think that's a lie give it a [ __ ] can I still got a good no but that's the thing you got to understand it's only been if you look at the Constitution the [ __ ] that the country is ran on what is built upon the 27 amendments at this day going against that it's only three that's beneficial to black people the 13th the 14 to 15 13 they was running out of [ __ ] what else we could do and then they sent me to break it down the Thirteenth Amendment say slavery is abolished in time reason you go to jail and then after that they was like well [ __ ] let's make the penitentiary system and once they did that you know what they did they was like who's next go go go [ __ ] he's going straight to jail so it's like they don't know why Nick we're going to the armor can I felt like they were free 14th amendment you can't be or not everybody 14th is view when you born in America you're citizen so that means not only is slavery abolished when you have children they aren't slaves you children are born free if you have kids in America your children of free then the amendment after that means you can you can't be discriminated on voting because of your race them the only three this was an 1865 man man being [ __ ] for [ __ ] but y'all know they got a vote every 25 years they let african-americans vote so we'll be changing will be changing if we had absolute everybody that's out in the streets I didn't do it my goddamn protesting and now I'm talking all the way back to the Jena six this [ __ ] ain't new you not me that's what I'm saying I've been to every goddamn protest since that [ __ ] right you dig what I'm saying none of this new so this [ __ ] been going on for a long time they've been going on back back and I think that and it's just my opinion I think the only reason why people are so gung-ho about showing that oh I'm with you guys is because the George Floyd murder was the one that they had to watch while in seclusion they'd never been forced to sit down and watch one like that cuz you think about amadou diallo and I had my forgotten all the time all this she didn't hate this George flourish it happened some white people really were totally clueless they're like oh they can't believe [ __ ] god are they really doing you're like man Richard Price said the same thing in the seventies you say they put it in a newspaper and white people was like oh perfect they've been beefed up [ __ ] like hotcakes so a [ __ ] changed man like if we gonna get some real change implemented man you gotta you gotta start from the floor we gotta get first of all black man we got to squash all beef right stop beefing with each other cuz it's true let me like the candle for the [ __ ] who died and the B it's too it's too [ __ ] a letter how many [ __ ] you got it and add in the beef ooh you look at you almost died in the beef he [ __ ] you did make it my father uncle cousins friends died to be from any [ __ ] you the loss it'll be [ __ ] most most up so if we could squat in the magic [ __ ] you ain't that man if he was really that mad you prick way better ways for you to handle your problems you just went with a [ __ ] the Train really that mad you're really scared that's why you busting off with your eyes closed I'm across the street Paul you a do we really need know what don't split and Phoebe state so you give a 25-meter she you to say it something you just scared the [ __ ] out white people just now turn you [ __ ] off me because I'm okay watch this [ __ ] anyway these guys are too radical man guys are [ __ ] crazy that went over there that DC yeah he's wild for real honey turn this off we were trying to give it a shot yeah I don't want them to do that cuz then you're gonna find out that this [ __ ] really ain't what you think it is America really Trap House was some nice days Curtis yeah how did it work work work work work begin with it can be functional it's just the system that's so fun right he not up we're not operating and using and utilizing every skill that we know [ __ ] are we really asking for is [ __ ] equality we really saying to the ponies look if y'all go you killing [ __ ] you got the kill everybody you can't just keep killing [ __ ] but that's their tell you that [ __ ] and in chase the police that is a [ __ ] a lot of this [ __ ] right a lot of this citizen see I was gonna say one specific incident did my mindset loss all of this [ __ ] is a lie really this whole system is a lie is not a system it's like it's like three old white dudes who think all this [ __ ] is hilarious at Rick right none of this [ __ ] really [ __ ] matters needed telling you anything new we over here complaining about 1% of the there's wrong with the world but half a Wampus is what we gotta do we gotta get in office and we got a vote who we won't in but then when it comes to gotta [ __ ] they can't do men without the community we can't do community is more power than we actually we don't have immunity no more we got neighborhoods we House neighborhoods my [ __ ] I give you a perfect example how different America is you know we all live in Nice Nate nice communities now right here for my street credibility she know I see white man black man black man trying to man trying to put like you said what did the [ __ ] the white man had to do to get to that neighborhood [ __ ] what did you I know but I don't break the code hey this what I notice about my shoes my whole neighborhood black but don't nobody come outside where I want them to know it's a black neighborhood see that makes sense but anyway listen in the neighborhood I live in the white people live across the street from me had a whole domestic dispute the son out there fighting the father they out there loud drunk banging on cars [ __ ] you [ __ ] you all that hour and a half police never came no they never came bro if I'd have been outside aggressively helping them all [ __ ] never they came that's the difference the thing we got to do like you said we got to get [ __ ] in office but the way you get people in office is if you build an economy we don't have no economy as black people they don't care about our what we think because as soon as our money come in our community we send it right back out every other community they money bounced around three four five six seven eight times before it lead a community soon as the money hit the black community we giving it to the other man so we got to build our own economy up and once we build our economy like dr. Claude Anderson said [ __ ] when you get to that next level you can buy the politicians you can bind cuz well yeah and if you don't got enough money to buy them you can rent them could get what you need the community to vote for your beat right and now we're good if you need our boat was handy what you gonna do what you gonna do don't don't oh boy I don't get an auntie nuts to you I've been watching CN don't believe none of their voting [ __ ] now I need the community [ __ ] will go pig man I'm - never heard G nice - when have you ever heard all the politicians say they're gonna do something for black people like Bo black 50 you know who did marionberry that's why that [ __ ] is the greatest politician ever salute the marionberry who and [ __ ] you if you say is a crack in somebody the greatest crackhead everything easy yeah cuz he did it for black people and specifically for black people I remember being a little boy and seeing members say this is for us what I'm doing this for us the summer job program you think it was he was under a lot of pressure and I made him into crack cuz he had a lot on his shoulders me oh my people was coming out of black community but if you own it doesn't matter we know what I mean [ __ ] you never know you never know madam a [ __ ] my [ __ ] let's go ahead and say that they set him up [ __ ] set me up then let you know how real of a [ __ ] Marion Barry was set here we was walking around with t-shirts on in the city that said [ __ ] set me up cuz you know they said Marion Barry I been thinking was if he was on crack he was the greatest crackhead ever you ain't no a Mad King get his speech hey look we're doing this for my [ __ ] Hey Baby give me that give me that give it it over here and you ain't even know until they set them up so that's the only politician I ever known to do something like regional politicians that's what I got ass y'all about this what well you know I don't even say his name but you know but ahead of rattling he thought the business go before but apparently the the tick they called the tick tock generation decay pop staying shut out to them would they've been running [ __ ] generation mother that be doing who's next yeah yeah the generation behind Generation Z the people younger than you I the new young mother yeah the new 20 baby the 18,000 22 yo young [ __ ] so they they all went online and reserve tickets to this rally and never showed up and made the [ __ ] empty so shut up to them whoever came up with their geniuses plan do some motion we gotta lean on supporting these guys do you because they are Jesus I don't know what do you get me let me you like PO to go yeah yeah yeah salute salute would you say the tic-tock generation me told you for real this [ __ ] crazy oh we got to get some international shoutouts we've been getting love sent in internationally [ __ ] in France hitters is the [ __ ] they lived in friends okay rich [ __ ] we know what is amazing a video man he is a French [ __ ] so we could put in a clip my view and he said that's what he said to me good with French [ __ ] [ __ ] in purse yeah he even bought her alive [ __ ] in Paris did you say that [ __ ] was born in French I mean he's born in France but it was a bunch of French [ __ ] around when he was born he looked a little bit outside of Paris and there's a bunch of hoes and he living good over there salute to that do he know who I'm talking to because he stayed watch every episode they got about oh yeah that's they business though maybe they do they don't stink of all this [ __ ] we could have seen we gotta let it be though a bad y'all [ __ ] take like a ball [ __ ] but we [ __ ] with job snigger man he gonna hear this shitty man take over like [ __ ] you in French though here whatever they do it - boo - ah right oh man we got some other puting it hit me and say he'd be what he was in chemo before his can't finish it always watching watching the show during his treatment [ __ ] man four full years cancer-free Oh crazy they say he's not magic he's thought it came up across the show he was getting ready for a treatment ISM and they was playing while and now with us and they found the show online so he started watching it so salute to him he knows - we appreciate you man we would have been a lot of done a lot of that like people been saying you know we help them through tough times depression the president bro salute all the people who using this show is therapy you you know we talk about your load you your pass this episode my [ __ ] for them for my [ __ ] you bought them as a gift nobody will say now you'll give no credit you making man love to you right I'm here with Juneteenth [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hope my man was new to my man drank big baby well my drink had a cookout he got sweet dude our man yeah yeah big baby but you know my friend we went we went up now yeah yeah he thought he was sitting there thinking about in the back is my knowledge my Snickers gonna be mad at no friends my fruity but yeah you know we celebrated the June that was cool [ __ ] let the fireworks off had the white people mad that was cool you know I mean it was good to finally do some [ __ ] that's really what I liked about like about this whole situation just how mad white people are getting over the little issue but a little ain't no saying black people happy would be so [ __ ] just oh god it's making my blood boil how much of a hater man yo right back see some [ __ ] wit nothing doing join this everything mix it wouldn't make a bed like why that push them to ten imagine the conversation honey you never stop traffic [ __ ] black people are celebrating their own July 4th they was what [ __ ] July they got their own July 4th in June these [ __ ] spot everything telling you they mad baby swear we won't it like no we don't really y'all don't get it y'all either don't get it they did the comedian black run got one of the best gym team jokes out there oh yes you do if you haven't seen it going as an Instagram and check it out my boys just so dirty how white people waited 18 months detailed [ __ ] day was free oh yeah [ __ ] knew we was reading like you won't talk to you sure 18 months before they told the people that what was the Texas Exes yeah yeah so it's just one [ __ ] who knew how to read because you imagine a [ __ ] dead dead dead naked I seen them still been sighs he was free he was telling everybody didn't nobody believe with the [ __ ] that it was a negative came down at first that was free he probably is coming out here to [ __ ] with a [ __ ] ass up okay down there was like a bad what what the [ __ ] is y'all [ __ ] doing man hey man you better shut your mouth boy masters right there ain't no masses [ __ ] we free but look at how to wipe that wicked thing go free I'm telling you we take that [ __ ] like what you got it bro ain't nobody free no more young master as if I both y'all the [ __ ] you better later we got to go we working in watch this what did I pull my dick out in the field I don't give a [ __ ] we free you better I bet them white folks to kill you you see this here you think master wouldn't let me do this I did this on my own you whisper you see it you whispered what you do is free are you from America what is like to be a free man let you have do it like that you touch it no ya don't know we went through out here man these [ __ ] acting like it's easy to be black be under constant pressure but what about the white people who knew they watched they probably did but you know I wipe your goddamn why people justify the odd Negro even love us we did nobody get no war what people try to act like they had changed or found Jesus well you know we really just had a change of heart and we really want to be more inclusive all right you guys come over sauces and biscuit hey guys everybody everybody here focus here you see this you see this it's over you're gonna use it again I'm never gonna hit you again cuz I want you to be able to express yourself so we can communicate better and get this cotton out of here no matter if they can work from the mouth of the mountain you guys want some lemonade well [ __ ] make some knees and get back to work it's [ __ ] crazy bad did the imagination a change 1865 and they can tell - you up - Kim yeah way back beats coming from real brothers [ __ ] not many chances [ __ ] had to kill master and it is [ __ ] out there chopping wood all day everybody just watch had a good time he gonna do it today look at that [ __ ] and there's all this burn so much [ __ ] in the field [ __ ] used to be out there shaving masters faces [ __ ] they were razor that you could have hit up with the goddamn bumpy Johnson know what [ __ ] was so scared cuz we return on we didn't know that we had that power in there if you're saying so once we see another [ __ ] do it we look at him kill this off that body is it still board that still going on today look at the Coons hold on there it was a [ __ ] that actually used to tuck masa in the bed yeah ah hole but what about it it can't see you got my glass and let's forget it why is it so crunchy yeah it's a new uh yeah Oh Oh Massa wood excellent slave ever got annoyed I'm poisoning new first tears like you that's why you can't send on [ __ ] from now back there boy at the pillow [ __ ] with Dalloway digging is gonna be slick with it they get massive dirty road to town on his horse and they go on holiday going to the snow using all that make no credit going cray man yo hey patches are calling that name you had the militia junkies Schillings I don't know would you hold Bob Melvin spin out as you know some [ __ ] had some Confederate money they not be on all the statue who they've been knocking down all this rock well maybe there's not nine with the two slave Roosevelt Roosevelt they made slave statues yeah boys today he's gonna give you ten years I'm [ __ ] with them Stan you heard what he said yeah because the reality is that's what this country was built on that's the funniest part about this [ __ ] though you're talking about [ __ ] that this is really just like white lawyers and [ __ ] in these parks doing this [ __ ] they've know the law do you've seen the box [ __ ] movement this old movement about brett has been hijacked by white people who don't give a [ __ ] right dude I'll go to jail for you guys I'm so down they don't know what's going on hey and then it's [ __ ] up the way the way the system work in America cuz if this [ __ ] keeps going on - I that's why they can't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] eventually we gonna be the oppressor they already use either way lady oh stop maybe you ought to take me first of all this was a gay black man who followed this white woman because she flipped him off and called him a [ __ ] man she was like oh you're about to take me man wasn't going to take you idiot always we just we had no desire to take you anywhere ma'am he was not on his list to take he did not want to [ __ ] you hey he just wanted to address why he was disrespectful that uh that power did they feel like they got entitled you do that's what it is that every [ __ ] wonder for them deal cuz that's pls [ __ ] that's why my man on the news is like black lives matter and white women don't have any asses like a man and that's a true fact what should we make it real eggs ain't nobody right might want that chick say oh come on green well I might what that chicken salt and pepper that's it you ain't got no [ __ ] nothing around us we got no reason except for the white women to get their bob haircut we know y'all down salud ER they can really relax nobody ain't nobody really stressing over there no not on the example in there but they be black black doe libros black dude yeah I was a Negro a man they really relaxed the way ladies ain't nobody stressing about y'all we got women out here black women they feel like neg the stallion usually somebody give a [ __ ] about do a little bone there yeah Mary style you got mild side hmm that's a hell of a comparison right there the critters she deserve right now hood she is the whole game change who make the stereo hey yeah hey what's up guys over here children in the studio doing 85 selfish man Carlos Miller when I'm in the studio late night and recording and I need food right now you know what I do I go to the door - app use my own code 85 South get five dollars off of my delivery you can do the same thing right now download the door - app off the App Store use the color 85 South Show get $5 off your first order a $15 or more we all used or - over here at the 85 South Shelf you can pick from your favorite local restaurants your national restaurants they will get it to your door safely contact list delivery you don't have to worry about anything they trying to keep the neighborhood safe make sure you go download their app and get you some food brought to the crib right now with chili you don't hate the door - anybody about to hit something now door - is the app that brings you food that you're craving right now right to your door ordering is easy open the door - app and choose what you want to eat and your food will be safely outside your door with new contact list delivery drop-off settings there's something for everyone on door - there are thousands of restaurants open for delivery on door - that needs your patronage now more than ever support your favorite restaurants on door - you counted on restaurants now they're counting on you and why their dining rooms are closed they're still open for delivery with door - when you go download the door - F make sure you use our code so you can get five dollars off your first order of $15 or more the code is 85 self look the code is 85 South use it love it make sure you use door - we're out of here let's get something that's real one bread [ __ ] fan in the morning be fine I'm telling my when she will you go wake grandfather she don't want it big fine one turkey look fine - that was I'm a big fan she said something oh how the real moment yeah what big fan I couldn't [ __ ] with it oh wow cuz she could fit my shoes that hurt somebody whoever said I'll give a [ __ ] you put my shoe on the ball [ __ ] that we going to the floor 11:00 she probably about a 12 and women she way you David oh I don't know exactly is that I had on some Gucci sandals and it was in the morning - I right that's why we love black women white way because it biggest I was here she just thought talking [ __ ] about us you'll stop you know I like who you love who I love who you love me alone stop laying yeah that's a classic right there oh oh don't know who I love and then Claire oops not late she's real original yeah they're good yeah the black woman right there me mm-hmm real original but she you know oil cake from scratch you know you know good but she got like what she do like this is a look it's a little boss who sriracha uh-huh the Gare de l'Est doubt uh Angela bass yeah oh yeah basis but that was just cuz she did wasn't that got to do with it she was cut up like are you sure growing here you know who don't never get big Viola Davis file the Davis yeah by the Davis classic black woman was busted ladybug went from from from waiting exhale the one that was walking across the street Loretta Devine i'ma tell you oh look oh look why you thinking oh at the Annenberg excuse me not be it first when you say to what first of all what she did yes oh yeah that [ __ ] got am lost oh yeah he had put so fat yeah it's big enough hey boy wait it was a leg give me on on the social media Pam grip Pam brassy hit whoa Pam grill well she she was on them she I was I was giving us some love and she liked it oh god no I love I'm a you know I said don't nobody say [ __ ] look Wells bad oh they only good times today today right and they tell you chili chili yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna take I'm T i'ma tell you who look I got a sit like this like a fool who right yeah well look at me Craig I've seen the day oh it's some workout clothes come off the brick stop please look the breath did fat all that rhymes right there the breath no disrespect the bridge you bet we did it whatever video you did when little giving them got to ditch his late night when you add the bikini member you had to earn where he was like [ __ ] imma show how fat my ass is that girl with old that multiple casino Oh G Oh big one big one big booty male classic black way man salute all the black one man salute the edge of the day we can even go get a chance later all that thing I know it's just but I think we done pick Jada Pinkett classes class no doubt daughter shade oh good single finger way Allah say we should do it [ __ ] shouting in a mofo what yes sir Toni Braxton he'll appear halogen had appeared was all time I had the bandages those fellows I was heading that was the first kind of like for the pin tight loop tight that I ain't gonna go through the whole is but all the one that hook your rep all that boxy Brown just give wait just cuz they could rap what about the world really yeah what about the my skin go to rehab solid boat shot it boss you'll never forget yeah Charlie bought small never signed a crazy part shade even therefore she wasn't that fine she was it like prettiest live right now find out who the fans yeah you know we can see the firm up oh where we had every a shot to be great luther shanti shanti fine now i'm so thick on the left side i like that that's my favorite side uh-huh unity you're so bad at shots and negative split you down the middle looking at it aside man's got an Instagram page y'all [ __ ] played she was seeing me today I'll be doing the weird [ __ ] that I said I've seen have you seen that big Beyonce page like where they take all Beyonce pictures and they make a big w were [ __ ] and the fucked-up part is she still feel fine Beyonce from fine temptation come out Beyonce jay-z wife I know I'm saying but you taking her in I'm taking her with range and taking her from like a Beyonce with you I'm gonna tell you when she was the finest to me me when she was on the beach thing and drunken love and she was really drunk mmm-hmm that's it that's it that's the category right the stripper well Beyonce the finest to you to me cuz that drug is great crazy no she went quick first time I ever seen me as I own on the floor like always that videos your favorite view Oh [ __ ] if you liked it then you could have been a ring on it but she was god I'm like man she moved like she got a battery in her fiance mama friend yes yeah she look like to talk not she look like that's y'all look like to know time date a lot of Nicky lingo say look lunch Solange fine oh yes yeah to turn a [ __ ] to a vegan you know who I you know you know won't even out one of the greatest of all time Erykah Badu she cuz that's a whole episode oh my god I feel like if you [ __ ] with her you go you're gonna get your soul right and get into it right whatever yo yo thoughts of heaven is your gonna make it cuz she's gonna get you your soul right this fist that's what Erica got their [ __ ] soon as you put your dick in and feel not I'm diggin y'all can't right now she'll [ __ ] with you on the canal Shang go [ __ ] with no dick [ __ ] boy when erica kravid did Wilin out like she was smoking the innocent yeah I didn't know you get smoked incense make burn is hitting that money never get some Erykah Badu coochie you could hear your Erykah Badu coming behind bro you a legend on Italian bro some listen you got to sing with Erica my [ __ ] Eric where have you doing crazy things listen that did she hate I drew 3000 that their fur papal right g-guys hundred okay a comment will stop wearing your pants they a [ __ ] war warhead in the summer that's how I knew that puzzles whoa I know she felt like our way of life is right you ever hit that you could hear your ancestors just humming behind baby call me right now shop I pack your bags I what we going you know who else Jennifer Martin man Gina just thank you for this thank you for just being that well Pam - I was about to get the Pam cuz Pam was but just y'all - a general general for which I did for young black men we were sitting in the in the living room just watching you just be beautiful I'm gonna tell you when she was defining when well she was on school days and she licked that [ __ ] part Oh cuz you can't pretend to do that that's a good point what [ __ ] she had a sex scene in a spike Lee movie like she had no nudity but she was in Gina from Martin on school days she licked the [ __ ] part what was a [ __ ] night head Big Brother Big Brother Big Brother Dean Almighty and lick this [ __ ] down the middle yeah okay you can't pretend to do that you have to actually do that if learning a new language is on your to-do list Babel makes it fun and easy to start having conversations in espanol or whatever your preferred length if you say like no bubble Tina look Babel is designed to get you speaking your new language quickly 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this that way every so angry you can't get home well [ __ ] happy late come over workbook you know what I need you know what I need real man if it had you know one thing is she don't look like a buddy song he look like she was a little round buddy but she like she was burner you know what she was shaped like Florida heaven was shaped like you know that little thing that you hit and it bounced right back salute all the ladies out there it got there from Asti the braid is dope we gotta give a shout out my key to all the ladies who like [ __ ] and bad built to they be looking over all that goddamn flows CI quiet again don't nobody want on their Yoshi [ __ ] that's the thing about being a video you got it you gotta have something you gave you got confidence and you can make a woman laugh and all that [ __ ] get past you built like you're saying but it wasn't what he ain't black but buddy with the neck the big neck Pamela this is exactly what I be trying to get [ __ ] understand whatever [ __ ] wrong with you somebody still gonna like that [ __ ] you just gotta play to yo [ __ ] even if your neck [ __ ] them you think it means he [ __ ] wit was like it's some about them [ __ ] with their neck right yeah why not ABH that's that's what we always get y'all that advice man build your confidence up in yourself man learn to live what it is that you got and don't be tryin to be no other [ __ ] because if you try to trigger woman she don't go find a [ __ ] you pretending to be it's some oh my god then you get insurance the [ __ ] you just said some cold [ __ ] you're gonna go find the [ __ ] you pretending to be so be who you are and then you'll find a women that really [ __ ] with you cuz if you out here pretending to be another negative entity your [ __ ] gonna run into the [ __ ] that you pretending to be right that's over for you talk your [ __ ] you dig and she gonna get [ __ ] see see the holidays match they are you thinking like a woman do they put yes [ __ ] it do is no [ __ ] like dick you got to think like that it do hurt yes you hurt don't think it can't happen to you cuz it can it can she call him daddy bro she said she of Langton they don't call any phone but one thing about a woman don't be seen then we're gonna run out of [ __ ] it'll get dry she will never run out to plus me I don't know that they got there lifetime warranty didn't expire on their [ __ ] the receiver lost the some of them women in lost a receipt on that [ __ ] he takes it it's over with yeah is overweight you roll bottom and take that [ __ ] back go get [ __ ] three hop in tasted a stamp put it on lab a thirty-day that dang what really 20 she put it on put it on in Legba 28 days they get a new one ever 20 every 28 days every day every 20s it's called a cycle for a reason the puss that she had on 16th if not it's not the puss on the 17th that puts the reset every night no see that's that what you call the flush Fuji that puts it for really you're not gonna like an ugly man update light in the dog man it'll update like iPhone you think about what's the update the old phone do get slow if you use Apple this might be our phone 5c push some of them pusses this jailbroke hey you can take that back to the Apple store they go be like man we can't do nothing with that you got this green you got the stream replaced all this [ __ ] in the mall we could tell chick and a plus the one good the first time but you kept [ __ ] on it you like this I'll make it as a gift it must be given to you in levels it depends on what kind of puss is she giving her to know some of that was is like what she give you - [ __ ] [ __ ] that's the [ __ ] that make you be like all right just be giving you some social [ __ ] like this is my party [ __ ] I get any much just ain't he come on yeah who ain't nobody with you is cool yeah you ever got some sympathy puss yeah I love it but I hate Holly how you have to get right your real should be a real tragedy I get sympathy pusses a B there was real regular foot what oh good I'm telling it yeah man you know did she have any like you [Music] don't wanna smoke sad as a [ __ ] she brags bro dad my beer - suck my titty right I'm gonna do this [ __ ] down you guys we as [ __ ] hey make at this point if 2020 was amazing what would it be in 2020 was a moon right now if it was a movie what movie would it be Total Recall oh look go back to that nineteen this definitely Total Recall / Total Recall yeah you need a different skill set to survive I did oh yeah that's a good Total Recall damn I'm in between 2012 and goddamn call a purple negative like this this [ __ ] color purple our life I taste a little bit close it reminds me of Jumanji you know every day it be some new [ __ ] every corner is the [ __ ] somebody roll the dice right this [ __ ] crazy bro you never thought you would see no [ __ ] like this in real life letter my [ __ ] in real life my real [ __ ] fighting over weighing mass a real [ __ ] now bro a white one that burned down a wind is because the black man got killed write that down on some people don't even read write I can't up it David a quarter they did take it a [ __ ] man this [ __ ] is the craze this is there you might let me go through some Mon news so you can see how crazy the world is me talking she porn star ron jeremy charged with three counts of rape how when you get paid the photo wait a minute this night I mean he paid the foot for at least 30 years 30 40 years for the rest and the rest is the rest you know what's crazy he had to find another rush she the trip they going those gonna go because there's actually a clip of him just being in scenes then he ain't supposed to be in doing what [ __ ] like if they shooting a porno Snickers just coming up in its third [ __ ] oh no I if I'm the ovid [ __ ] I'm not a mother cut hey bro what the [ __ ] bro he waits another dude finish that's what I'm saying oh yeah damn then they got you mean to tell me you don't think some [ __ ] I don't know what the hell I don't know I don't want you to think this has anything to do with this but I did I saw that somebody made him anything like they tried to link the two together but it ain't I don't think it's dead oh you're actually right oh my god honey 20 me bro do you know the type of [ __ ] you go mad where people send me [ __ ] the lady who is on the table I don't know how this go but some just was say is full of rage I assumed it was that one lady housing three at the bar three at the bottom ball so you ready women in public that's what is will you wait is rape I mean but in the but not around other people life is way better with oh my gosh oh [ __ ] what's up we talk my point clips halos I was downstairs in the Batcave you realize ron jeremy is just popping up with a lot of e cat5 stuff show but you get paid to [ __ ] hole hey you'll never understand this [ __ ] it's a lot of it's a lot of whole whole lot of sexual violence going on and people be as sending me requests I despise anything I'll [ __ ] to take some [ __ ] man users right Scalzi make it use a dirty [ __ ] protects fun being a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] you's a [ __ ] we need to get rid of [ __ ] like that my youth [ __ ] is in the wait because first of all you're having our women walk around and you know in fear bro you feel me I should walk around choose it would they wanna like a [ __ ] like old man like me disrespect when grabbing on these women they're scared to turn the [ __ ] down scared to turn you down [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] you're you ain't pretty there [ __ ] [ __ ] all that [ __ ] ain't necessary my name like who like you can eat hoes like you [ __ ] don't win no [ __ ] brah right I don't but you know why cuz a lot of [ __ ] get [ __ ] that they don't deserve and then move forward thinking that they deserve that [ __ ] that they got and get that energy of a [ __ ] who deserved it you understands these ladies doesn't you got a philosopher man you got to stop giving out [ __ ] to [ __ ] who don't deserve it because you're giving these [ __ ] a level of confidence that it's causing them to walk around thinking that they not thinking that they are they nuts now giving you good [ __ ] baby broomie [Applause] don't get any get over this [Music] [Music] gimme a little but I was a real sweet dumb man if you see your partner's out here tripping and slipping man say something man yeah I mention I'll protect the black that's somebody's sister there's somebody lunchy that somebody's loved ones man we got to protect all about women means believe that should be the black women man they out of nature and the nurseries of the earth man without them we wouldn't be here how many of y'all [ __ ] out there was raised by a black woman you were born black woman yes - [ __ ] in the world all life on the planet come from a black woman so [ __ ] breathe while we speaking on the subject man black man we've taken accountability responsibility in our community to try to correct some right you know correct or wrong and make some of this [ __ ] right man do you mind if we use our platform it's black men you know to speak on homophobia in the black community sure cream cheese this job yeah right now to me that's not even that's what I'm saying it we're not talking to them or about them we talk it you know to the best [ __ ] who on the other side of all it doesn't matter who somebody changed the [ __ ] that state business that's your business freedom I ain't going judge you can't just go buddy you choose because that's show business that's show biz yeah that's okay hey that show baby I ain't mad at you man who you do cuz that's okay good - yo [ __ ] I'm a [ __ ] I'm a my [ __ ] and that's okay and that's your [ __ ] I'm a [ __ ] I'm a my [ __ ] you man you been you my my my I'm a my been B is that simple [ __ ] no problem you know I do watch people like you know I'm saying Jamie Bauer you know oh it's one of my favorite [ __ ] about what you do is about what you say you know I'm saying so you know and I think it's so cold away he was talking to the white people do the interviews and be like see I and the black man living life that you could never live at the white man yeah he's you're white and you benefit so America works for you I as a black man work for America who was that he was happy come pray go crazy the black woman that he was having that conversation with and he was like you know I mean it she was like well why can't you lie to me she was like you got to respect me enough to lie to me don't don't think that I'm not strong enough to be able to take the reality of what you are don't don't lie to the white man and come home and think I'm not worthy have you given me the same respect that you give that man what [ __ ] gia by hey [ __ ] he used to say some cold [ __ ] bill by racing see racism it's like it's like a system it's like an idea to you it's just a dream to me it's my worst nice man I live my worst nightmares every day in America is a black man I'm terrified the police they come to my neighborhood they don't know my struggles my powers as a black man it's very limited see you as a white man can be mediocre but me I could be a great black man and still not be good enough for your society channeled James ball you know you had to give credit to summer i pol I historical black leaders that is there and it's one that's still here that I gotta give a shout-out to the Honorable food Minister Louis Farrakhan yes sir the way I got a scene there isn't much time for us to pretend my brother see what the white man doesn't understand is we are under a level of pressure that he could never be under and you have to understand as a white man in America we are not looking to infiltrate your world we are just looking to perfect the world that you have given us and make it better for the people who look as we look and they're here to stop born so if you don't understand what it means to be a black man in America then what you need to understand is you need to get out the way cuz we come right yeah whenever when we come in Minister I was all the way he start so calm a key but he can get violent reality Oh mr. policeman I'm not gonna bother you I'm not gonna come in your neighborhood and teach your children to hate blacks but if you stop killing us we gonna start killing job too because nobody knew Punk of nothing everybody right to get to the puppet load all of the still go that's a black man has been through an American you think we are afraid to fight we've never been afraid of the fight you taught us how to fight you've taught us how to be dishonest and disloyal what I'm attempting to do is instill the greatness into my brothers and sisters god bless you I've a salute to you brother you are one of our greatest and I write which oh gee yeah I mean that we salute you man and salute to all the black men that have done see the thing is in my opinion a lot of [ __ ] think the only way you can take you know lessons and things and appreciate black minutes if they give you something that's monitoring [ __ ] a hand out it's information and [ __ ] you could draw from salute to jay printz you understand and [ __ ] that gave us all of this different type of music but showed us how to build a Empire right and then run a whole state [ __ ] Texas biggest state in America and that [ __ ] got his foot implanted in a state as a black man and therefore everything that you can fight master Luke they're all of the black man's masterpiece all the old G&G be I'm saying that did it for us and showed us as young black men then it's possible to get out to get OU and make some wear yourself oh man yeah and you ain't never had to give us no money but you the game is most valued $90 man for real start telling me young [ __ ] man really y'all y'all [ __ ] need to start listening man Niecy man you don't know she got you mama out for Eagle yeah stop putting your hand on your girl for need take care you keep fall mega for Widow you understand go get a girl [ __ ] for real cuz we got a responsibility to us then ain't nobody gonna be [ __ ] for us but us so if you a [ __ ] you want to be lazy and sit around and blame everybody else for your problem nice ass up you'll beat your ass off the [ __ ] couch and go do stuff and stop doing [ __ ] and [ __ ] right pitarrio song this is the perfect time to say this to happy Father's Day where you taught me I really got to be as a father but you got to be okay with not getting [ __ ] and what credit [ __ ] sacrifice but you know how to give a [ __ ] credit [ __ ] enjoy them socks that's what that's what it is be happy you alive for real you dig what I'm saying let's give a Father's Day what you mean what I do you exactly what you give a month worth are you like what you want see how sharp this big see there's another thing about being the briefie we don't want to be giving [ __ ] or you know winning the dude [ __ ] right all weekend I want me a kid back we know that you we know that you do nice I know right now my girls go do something but sometimes [ __ ] don't know why you think you're good about it hey you a message are you are you good at receiving gifts because they always criticize black minutes and we don't know how to receive yeah also use the game I'm good but I'm like appreciate in fact right yeah like what you want to be like they may me I like them I like I like them them guess that them guess the [ __ ] people is the ones that wear my [ __ ] listening to who you are and do something that you would have done for yourself like some [ __ ] that you would have really genuinely went out and been happy to do for yourself when somebody do that for you it's like [ __ ] with you because you took the time out to really listen to a [ __ ] enough to go there that's what I'm gonna do this you know I'm saying and it's like my criticism is always but I can't get you done because you always get [ __ ] first and get it for yourself right well that's cool but if you paid attention that you were understand it's not about to me it's not about what you actually get is that you know they say the thought that counts right it's really the thought that counts with [ __ ] not us we got to get out here in the world and get it no matter if you do it or not we see you gotta do it y'all know how to finesse it make a [ __ ] do it for you right we got you know how hard the need to do something I was not realize I couldn't get no - I said I'm trippin you know what that's looking like a big way to do realize what was the situation what was the situation that made you realize this ain't the right to go right [Music] to gluten Amy and I was like yeah I'm a nurse at the 20 she let me knew our break this is he Cooper we are with no money we're like we can tell you how about cup man hey my mama confirmed him for meeting she was loud like mom what did Jordan she was like okay they a hundred and ninety dollars got a hundred and ninety dollars well you better figure it out I responsible for which you need I can give a [ __ ] about what you want what you want is on you what you need is on me [ __ ] stop working at the barbershop Bluebirds George I have a new black on businessman salute they are crazy you know I'm a guy I helped save my life man Russian people offer $4 on Georgia Avenue at nine years old starting my own money thing and I've been doing it ever since then you know my mom used to tell me all the time and stick with me high every day way soon as I get up like I just read this [ __ ] my mommy's dog just like you said make you go get it yourself ha ha famous phrase to me was alway it will put your hands on some weight figured out yeah it's so much [ __ ] around here you could be doing something gotta check it out like ship you like why why son why you don't have why you don't you got everything you need to have everything you want and then it's like like you said 9/10 let me you know yeah you have the black okay I see what you saying so if I give up and I do this I say make my own place so you telling me that I got the freedom to go get some money that's what you allow them see that's the difference that's the lesson that a lot of black parents try to teach black boys in man that go over [ __ ] head like you can sit around and ask for what you want all the time but you ain't putting nothing together you could be cutting some grass Reyes it's so much money being true but if you show up [ __ ] that you have the initiative to go get any kind of bread by yourself trust me somebody gonna notice your initiative that point you made was so cold fireworks blew up that's my words they be real they'll let you know this [ __ ] still long [ __ ] that should make it say some [ __ ] so cold blew some [ __ ] up but that's real dope right in this as black men that's what you got to understand man the world ain't got nothing for you you don't man but but like work that's all it is and that's the thing this country is for sale it's always been for sale so go get you a piece of it all you got to do is get out here and stop being afraid to fail and giving a [ __ ] about what [ __ ] gonna say about what you doing right what you need to do stupid and boy talk somebody this your professional life you're looking at it wrong right you did that's real [ __ ] that's real [ __ ] it's like you ain't got you got a certain amount of time on this on this plane man you got to get it and the more you care about what people gonna say about how you move or what you look like and willing to get out of here when I was walking to the Safeway as a little boy and [ __ ] outside riding bikes and throwing footballs that's cool y'all [ __ ] to be here when I get back or you won't I can't shot next time but I got responsibilities and because I embraced that it helped me at an early age realize that that's all that's out here for you my [ __ ] is some responsibility better stop Donkin either they come with a lot of it so you better stop ducking it don't duck the responsibility because that's all the world will have for you in the ground more you duck it the more you won't be up under some black woman who accepted her responsibility annuals you know where it goes black man say right now shuttle be real which I say I remember when I had been going on right now how you doing a pain your phone being right I said blast all the things you got going on pain your phobia there's gonna be a time when now you're gonna be out here on your own as a man you gonna need you my mouth you had your own [ __ ] hey you might have a child y'all take any child now you got mo beers what I mean you know is prepare yourself because it's real thing you ain't running to be running from bills or responsibility right see you like bro you got to do that right without question that's the Builder parte young [ __ ] the ones named I'm such a hurry captain duty to be a [ __ ] adult but once you've grown then you just grow you know me all the days of happy no [ __ ] responsive good come on 420 wait tonight 30 you were like what the [ __ ] damn it all you've been doing with that hair now right somebody asked me a question I was question like you said like [ __ ] rush to be a adult somebody asked me if I could talk to myself at 16 what would I say to myself and I would be like [ __ ] stop trying to be a grown man you're not a grown man that's they can learn listen you know I don't think they know everything my native thing I wouldn't even waste my time telling myself [ __ ] because I wouldn't listen right you be like yeah right and now how does mi said to be aggressive more aggressive here you I wouldn't even be a comedian playing basketball there is thing when maybe tell me I do an angle question would you no no no oh you tennis you know and a [ __ ] here there and you know what make that real dope because you don't understand what it takes to tap into the energy to make something with yourself right right so if you can go back to that time and get yourself there Jim I had to tap into the energy to make something of yourself you could have got an earlier start on it so young [ __ ] if you're out there you're watching us and you look up to us and you [ __ ] with us man tap into who you are stop going to this [ __ ] all day stop looking at the news stop thinking whatever is going on around you is what you got to subscribe to and figure out who you are and stop beating them up [ __ ] pavement ASAP don't ten don't let nobody tell you that you don't write you up you told me cuz you save me a lot of time and money and maybe that's the thing but like people will have an idea your life and get mad that your life don't match what they idea is that it's like wouldn't you why do you care about what a person got to say about what you doing first of all to do most people that want to sit around and tell you what to do is tell you about [ __ ] dang done and they never accomplished and I've even tried to accomplish but you [ __ ] you ain't gonna be no goddamn basketball player you you don't need that your shoes right but see that's the thing that was building that to demoralize each other perception or what he think he is that's why I never tell a [ __ ] he ain't good if a [ __ ] can play me a song and I know that [ __ ] some [ __ ] I'm like please get this ass let me do this might be a [ __ ] but you can't tell him a stop check this right I used to host rap [ __ ] right mm-hmm the open mic rap night when I was first start doing comedy right like 15 years ago and it's like all kind of [ __ ] to come through that some [ __ ] had big as hit you know eventually there's something like you said with Jake garbage every week their comeback and every garbage and because keep performing that [ __ ] harder than a [ __ ] nobody even [ __ ] with it to the point West like they didn't perform this [ __ ] so much it's a running joke where everybody laughing like all this [ __ ] ain't gonna quit okay we focal button it right now everybody know the little stupid-ass song where it become like a little who like cuz you letting them know this all over [ __ ] this [ __ ] ended up booking mo shows then everybody who used to come there then [ __ ] went all the way around the world with this [ __ ] all way to Japan Asia [ __ ] stayed over there for six seven months doing show we agreed [ __ ] was still in there talkin [ __ ] about him doing this it's all about your perception if you gotta find somewhere where yo [ __ ] ain't garbage you're right like where you've got yo [ __ ] might be garbage and yo sin in your neighborhood but we limited the way you keep pushing don't ever stop pushing because I'm telling you man it's possible yeah but you just want to do it's possible but it's not it's only possible if you doing what you want to do stop chasing another my father's dream find out what your dream is alright we're comedians right right this is a true aspect right no matter what circuit you work at if you have local some of them [ __ ] ain't never gonna leave and it ain't just going you don't have to get good on your local circuit before you can leave the thing that separated a lot of comedians just like you said [ __ ] give me garbage but they're going to Road and be garbage right and they're big obvious somewhere else right you see they don't know you gotta jet you might because they like you you got a you got a better success rate in front of a whole bunch of [ __ ] he was I what right and they came over there cuz [ __ ] know some way somebody everywhere [ __ ] had hey how was but it would he had to show oh you mean Debbie wasn't garbage so you mean a Jim it isn't he going on the road working and decent but he got okay hey young [ __ ] I got the world different than we ever had when hey this [ __ ] right here bruh you can get in contact with so many people right not right now what am i right now like what you see all the type of [ __ ] be no the [ __ ] hold up Stan why don't even sound like a [ __ ] huh why you all sound like a mini it's a [ __ ] I mean there wasn't Syria that was Stan hello Stan I'm sorry yes Stan we [ __ ] it cerebro is there anything else you want to talk about no no I didn't know you was listening my name is God bang they always yeah you shouldn't have brought that phone I don't trust this episode you said he won 25 states we gotta the black titties big black titties big big city because some of those up Stanley Stan you have to do that to make black titties yeah leave it black titties it went off he got swear to God I just opened my phone what was on there yeah that's your element right that's crazy I don't know his fandom man he said I got some [ __ ] guys excess max doesn't the old one that ain't even no black didn't black Diddy y'all got the new phones got that t-mobile service I attended the finger prick never go away ain't bought a new phone in a long time because I was reading this book about getting rich and they say about 80% of millionaires phoned about three four years old so I just mean they phone would be about three four years know what I'm saying this ain't the new one but just the last one before the new one whatever that one is they'd be like yours is six hours ago yeah yeah but but but look at this this hype hold the game is there's six different iPhones but it's the same goddamn what's the screening Craig this this screen 49 to only this six iPhones ago this one and a half I phones ago and then my father still look the same right we had I want to perform yeah I know we had now does it talk about yet the seat phones ago wait you say mate well hey you ready disappear team yeah I just made a cold point like they give us my [ __ ] like this biggest an outsider stole my brother don't fall for the trap trap see you're talking about the same I thought you knew what it was hot brother don't fall for it Brooke Siri quit on my phone and working on a new iPhone well [ __ ] quit she was like this phone is old takes me said Google anything you need good look Oh Danny I see you're on the fire scene today Bob oh no no I think that's way back oh [ __ ] look like iPad iPod make it up the fire if I see you know the game baby Emily your iPhone the ESC you like it yeah I want to flip this movie coming out with the flip with razor yeah there dude but for the flip up and turn into one of them and you can flip it down to miss baby he'd be like raised for real memory buddy had blackbirds you do not do no business [ __ ] you know that's their Blackbird everybody's on that [ __ ] baby you got a spacebar Alt Delete all that [ __ ] on your screen you don't know how to use none of that [ __ ] me we'd be bad phones just cuz they popular [ __ ] we need a blackberry for [ __ ] you ain't never said the email [ __ ] wrong with you pigs had blackbirds brush it was dumb as a mom [ __ ] 22 knees and still got prepaid policy I had a sidekick I used to use that as a ball [ __ ] when I had my blackberry but I really thought I was handling business bro nah imma get you how I'm doing Carmen today was emailing the contracts I was standing there beating right there how did just do it on the phone sir very quick Nene the perfect father ever came at would they started out as you t-mobile - I don't even know what that in a [ __ ] who know they gonna be like t-mobile that was the fastest phone for Internet I'm gonna eat that right now no you know right now that was the first phone dude you got right now nah see that makes it that's cold right there no that's an old one right t-mobile - that's the cold one but for my energetic like a couple of years before you negative one I did it for us with that [ __ ] next Eldo shirt bro hey bro well yeah well numbers y'all right Yahoo so good at stealing so walkie-talkie and the phone but you loud it foot in everybody I hope but that was clean way I'm over here bro that was cooled in but even before Minister the time it was the [ __ ] Nokia you're calling Nokia the one with the sink with snake on it yeah they look Nokia with the Lube children ah coming out with one of them then [ __ ] was bricks right I was their [ __ ] but like every three days the market [ __ ] 11 boss t9 [ __ ] [ __ ] be like baby oh you know another one that was cold when they came out with the camera phone remember the first camera phone picture this was this was like eglee 96 my thing this was some of the worst pillow like this right you could see what it would look like LeBron on NBA 2k 1 they are my pretty little fire here I used taking motive closing ugly can I pose a net I had to know cue ball to the keyboard there you go ladies go down wait our paintball Papa where you play your pitcher gotta be found a lot of y'all soon new ad oh man I'm old [ __ ] man old pictures be funding animo everybody you got some funny use a little squirrel you all do you know that go home that's what all the [ __ ] real stupid amp is unless you know how long I been on there what I should go to my baby picture well you fell in a big ass suit I grew up in the area she me and my friends got a pension from my middle school prom maker we dress like we in after 7:00 they got talking about the big head R&B singer Susan thing I had to Chinese call it like rush hour and then we were the slides [ __ ] in the world but I thought he's my [ __ ] man you could tell me I wouldn't get there Prince Tucker all rush out we're at the middle school problem on the spirit of watching a [ __ ] [ __ ] with the buttons down the middle they're hooked [ __ ] that was the flash suit the world also might have Photoshop jus here when I seen your baby oh yeah my head been this big bro yeah you ain't never seen my baby picture bro get it hell yeah amen brace yourself I know it ain't my mother would but she's dealt with it she straight I gotta go get go home and get some pictures for my child I hated all them cuz I was real shining on my picture ethylene [ __ ] shot and a beer Shannon hi use the whole bottle of grease what kind of real was it Morris nope it was a condition look at Abaza happiness I've never read he's a container that's great uh once am i watching i washing my hair with what yeah one time wash your hair with some summer [Laughter] oh yeah you would hate growing up is everybody to real project [ __ ] you ever took a bath with some larger detergent in their natures gritty oh that's your price thing nice that declawed Oh [ __ ] I thought you told my liquid detergent I know you was going that huh you you to put some comment in the [ __ ] with you you talk about me [Laughter] okay I forgot what the [ __ ] I was looking for there you go preciate you y'all [ __ ] had a better life to me I grew up worth over $2 for lunch meat and clothes my momma was bad 13 shoes in middle school they got War Abraham [ __ ] you talk about you know you seen that video that [ __ ] on that basketball court with the big-ass shoes but it was like he must've been lutely one and last got the last that's how much it used to look every day [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] shoes [ __ ] I'm talking my big star once she bought the timberlands it was over with okay buy my shoes no more your big-ass timberlands dog I look like man for real Bob the Builder hi that's crazy monday again everybody had new shoes and updated shoes and I will fake Apple watch that [ __ ] traumatize you did it yes it did you two mentioned it I don't heard you speak on it damn right I used to try to love these little Benari I how you try to convert other people to go for it with the preservation by my shoes why you spending all hung up but you can go get to pepper 80 hey you look like like bull [ __ ] think I'm not on the air how old people used to see him when he was little like that was gonna be somebody real Megamind your playful man face see the JIT big into wicked [ __ ] big show you the close-up without would they be here to show you something that's the one man I need y'all on this mixtape dead I'm working on what's working on Oh goddamn I don't know yet I need a title I'll know what I want to call the dough which when I count Li it oh no that could have been it right there it's called I don't know goddamn when I call the a I have how about chocolate coochie and communism hmm chocolate coochie and comedy i forward it at work our life's gonna chakra coochie and comedy yes I'm saying like that god damn boy you have an alert the reagents up cheese battle mold well you got that a doll my [ __ ] on my home screen don't like a regular kid me Albert you were too young to be taking pictures at that point your Nick wouldn't you stay are you [ __ ] on there this is the 85 cell show you know always will be you don't matter if you're ugly baby all that means is you're gonna grow up to be ugly human being people think is the end of the world cuz you ugly [ __ ] that [ __ ] you just gotta hang around people who ugly and you like to be the pretty friend you're the cute one out the ugly Bunch yep gotta embrace you're ugly enough in break a leg Linda is til tree I'll shut out dog ugh the [ __ ] that be pulling fine with me cuz fine with me love a little bit [ __ ] in Burgundy ya head [ __ ] with a finance she go make sure you tell them to watch the show shut out the MTV man oh yeah what's my secret this shoe that [ __ ] is funny man you mtv my yah go to the MTV website and well I mean you usually whatever and watch them shows me [ __ ] what's my secret is speaking of show - that we shot we had to see this for now little 85 oh yeah if you see or maybe oh stop and speaking of deep this is the perfect segue out of time is imagine you put happy this shirt right all right yeah drop those yeah okay show 24 hours this very important to black business you do the same you see it superstar I appreciate you look like the one your uh the crackhead uncle your family use the web once it got old if you like [ __ ] stop wearing that we got a new nails a man you get them and pass it down through the family like these shirts be your mama still got one with easy you want it look like this so [ __ ] would they got a Russell shirt like that come on man hey hey I paid you to order me respect I appreciate it my book to use home you did yeah right yeah yeah we out here man make sure you go today before I nut though I would like this is John play it while we plug it but I need a few minutes of class I can focus I don't need this thing here with me like that I know [Laughter] how does their but they sure you go to 85 a pearl calm and get you some of this good merchandise everybody is supporting black businesses so support some black businesses and definitely support the black businesses that support you know fellas figure out how to make you later have an orgasm or I will I need one that's a : that's a t-shirt right there cold that's a t-shirt you gotta figure out how to have orgasm or I will well I will and that is a cold FIFO threat [ __ ] your life it got it said that's a cold back that's a cold all things you get would you take that [ __ ] Oh in the back you need to have a picture of a [ __ ] give it a negative that's cold come years ago they had their songs like the ladies like money make me come she's been off by wouldn't that be cold if you actually buy they just make a calm right there like if you give her a gift she just busting that right there wouldn't it be hard what oh she's just like what if a woman really could come just off some [ __ ] you borrow some money you gave like imagine games you know I so did you handle the $40 I mean anyway but you say Carl you [ __ ] up the game sir 20 you don't go over the 40 it's in five perfect and for the game think about it and you think about it most other said a woman back it's cheap devil [ __ ] fashionable they'll get a whole outfit for seven dollars and don't man what they most say they're even more money because they don't wear no bra with it just be all they had to do it put some pants and some shoes oh no pants no man clover but Nando I'm in Linux mall today this lady walked up CB was like let me take a picture she on the phone with some my she was like yes [ __ ] they got jeans in there for 63 cent went sighs you win I think god yeah she was I don't know somebody got a sale board or they were selling jeans for 63 sleep my [ __ ] I think I let you bet get as many there as you can see two three six ladies if you were like me when she set out if you wear jeans they've got 63 cents you could go stink that's a good point yeah could that a real material dip ever gonna throw that pH balance - oh you know what - have to taste it I can't call i'ma start apologizing for some of this [ __ ] I say put a taste on it like people get mad at those when you saying [ __ ] all the time really I know [ __ ] is a figure of speech [ __ ] shut up I know and those probably just people who really [ __ ] in real life I hear that you know where businesses get worse stop slipping off words unless you're gonna put some action behind them don't be mad you only need the word only words that offend you of the ones you allowed to offend you it's a lot of words my that's what it is you know what we're defends me what broke yep yes you hurt my field mm-hmm broke broke you you gotten real no then we're like a cargo boat is yeah are you like a muffin to speak broke on to you right yeah we argue now but don't just say no [ __ ] like that hey brush Duncan somebody start every time you see this certain words that going to trigger me broke police did you see that why wait that like that's a [ __ ] that word man boy i I just say I I won't fake broke I did black shot ain't trying to do [ __ ] you know they're that mean same thing but in a little category I mean I can't say that word it broke worse than pool yeah broke mean your boy their condition broke is how you live in it right oh one more time broke is the condition no one more time broke you say poor easy broke is the condition poor is how you living with in that condition me [ __ ] up hmm see how quite a gun no nobody want that broke [ __ ] to be spoke on that [ __ ] like a curse yeah money wealth wealth over here [ __ ] just in some wealth around the room go a little wealth around wealth around see that makes you want to turn to your Bibles and read about two brothers from oh I've made well yeah there were two brothers see a lot of people who are misinterpret the word think when you say two brothers that you mean actually two people but I want to speak about two brothers Cain and Abel see if you think about the words these are not people at all it's about your wants in your ability sees he can speak soon your ability but are you able seek and can kill it ability seekers able is short for ability meaning is are you able to but see when you ask in can you're seeking permission mm-hmm you see how doing and ask him kills each other he's more about doing [ __ ] ask did you know that short for availability you have to be available before you can be able go now you heard when I see it you want to say what I said Yu when listening to what she is you you had your man sitting you hate me so I I love the video up leave me alone get back to doing what you were doing going to rule one touch me because you can that was beautiful and thank you DC I want to thank you because you just tried to help me say that [ __ ] I was saying the right way and I still say the wrong it's the condition and brokeness how you living in it I [ __ ] it up in my [ __ ] tribe that's a Breville right know what it is he helped you tried to help me I unless you like well I guess he want to change then you gotta go they were whining you said hey I feel like one of you had to say this [ __ ] at this point but make sure you continue to watch and support Wilding out little damp during the pandemic they got a lot of marathons they've been running on vh1 I don't give a [ __ ] if you don't watch it turn your [ __ ] TV on there and walk off go back just let it run him let it run in the background and then when they go off if you get tired of watching that click back over and then just go to a random episode of 85 sound skip for 35 minutes and just watch that cuz you don't remember what the [ __ ] you think mm-hm anyway run odd numbers up just a little bit [ __ ] we be talking about I wanna go back and look at them should I be like Larry everything my [ __ ] every time that happened we didn't talked about it bro we got so no time to talk about we didn't did how two ponies treat us on the show mmm of course it's been going on and it's so much more to talk about understand yep the world will continue to rotate as the earth gets bigger when is about anybody who know the rest of that knows that that ends with a make sure you keep shopping 85 in peril we got all this on dick restock hit the quit touch it itch dot-com grab you some of these good touch of [ __ ] you know what I'm saying [ __ ] with us a long way I just wrong way yeah Chico bean bout the drop zone for you to Chico being fall collection it's coming real soon he gonna be selling a lot of merchandise a lot of items and [ __ ] the Chico being kept all that [ __ ] come you know you got a wave cap coming out Chico being like starting this size extra large enough yeah ain't no small selling yes much love all the couples that broke up a couple months ago but you stayed together cuz you know it's a pandemic and [ __ ] but soon as the world open back up y'all still boca got to give some love okay spit up can they both with a name on house right they got two more months on them Eileen what you told my poncho boy yeah got to get some love to the ladies with the good coochie cuz y'all really keeping a lot of people from going crazy take a bad even though you got a good coochie steer take a bath I did that baby sometime oh the ones this baby nothing once he talks back the ones with good cool jam basement Luther jail went over there he wasn't coochie - yeah we tell somebody they played me leave me don't leave me alone if you're good you want some oh no all right so get to tan Dan going so well oh that's what we give have a song called chocolate coochie and cush in a bit we song to actually put that on the mixtape burn and be smoking while we singing myself oh so much Cucina out right I'll smoke of course [ __ ] with us on social media keep doing what you've been doing black lives matter that light always matter black life always matters always will always like lives minute d yeah yeah all races all races kid die and go to hell pull down all the Confederate flags say all races can die and go to hell they did really can't even if they don't go to hell they could just be off put him in a cage what they can do that she anybody said what do you like we're gonna be on here alright going these cage I'm tired of 7000 white people making other decisions any guy all time just really disrupt the system corruption 629 any 70 to be the change you want to see right and then all the people that's out here [ __ ] with [ __ ] thank you for revealing yourself right open lovely party and before we leave in a little while before we leave I gotta go I know we gotta wrap this up but I don't know what you got going on in life but always remember that Marvin Gaye is looking at you just like that I mean like notif ugh I hate that's the thing about their face you don't even know if he's agreeing or disagreeing you gotta know something about that face to let you know some kinda change some got to change some got to give everything you got going on you want to drop out here man ain't [ __ ] going on but the rent most of it out here DC go up bein a 24-hour yeah all day every day you know what they need to do nain it but that's what I be saying mainly internet porn I change it to hoes cuz you'd be like oh oh but I'll be like oh baby yeah you know that and then I'll be trying to do to have no I can't go get that [ __ ] Oh [Music] oldest mr. kotas DC you don't fly song then [ __ ] your pretty lady I'll be riding around like I'm in another country with the windows now hey it's my table I will make scream it beat it beat go you did with your screen name or photo girl beats my [ __ ] your side beat to that beat what I'm sorry Philip I'll have full oh we going back on the Rope July 30 firm up a bit Oh baby man Myrtle Beach you need no say in July 31st so trying to party be make up oh I got a lot of [ __ ] emotional and I wrote a couple movies a TV show right Zoe boom well there you have it folks this has been another rendition of the 85 self show we are here live in your [ __ ] face asking you had taste suck my dick and leave me alone I'm at work
Channel: The 85 South Comedy Show
Views: 1,981,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigerian, comedy, dcyoungfly, karlousmiller, mtv2, wildnout, podcast, chicobean, kevinhart
Id: AuH9hiqv7HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 6sec (7386 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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