Basic Music Theory Concepts That All Beginning Musicians NEED to Know

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foreign the job of a metronome is to set the tempo for music because of this the metronome is the basis of all music the current Tempo you're hearing right now is 120 beats per minute or BPM this means that the metronome will click 120 even times within a minute now not all music is played at 120 BPM music can be played at any Tempo we'll talk about that some more in another video for now we'll stay at the common tempo of 120 BPM now you might be wondering how this actually relates to music I'm sure most everyone has heard of Music having a beat or a Tempo but what does that actually mean this is a quarter note usually when we talk about Tempo each one of the Beats you heard earlier would represent one quarter note this is most oftenly what people feel or move to as the bit of a song before we move on to explain different types of Beats and no values it is important that I state that this video is a very basic explanation of Music Theory a lot of times music doesn't follow a specific set of rules and there are a lot of little differences based on how music is written so for the sake of making this video it's easy to understand as possible it will all be explained in four four time this is called a time signature the number on the top shows how many beats a measure gets and the number on the bottom shows what note gets a Beat a measure is used to help musicians keep track of Rhythm by dividing sheet music into organized sections they also give a sense of pulse to the music measures are indicated by a vertical bar separating them and the length of a measure is determined by the time signature before we continue further it is important to explain the different notes values and beats in music the five most common types of notes seen in music are the whole note the half note quarter note ethano and the 16th note for now we'll use 4 4 time to explain as 4 4 is the most common time signature seen in music in 4-4 time the corner note gets the beat this is because the quarter note has a value of one over four the bottom number of both the time signature and the value of the note are the same so four quarter notes will fill up one measure in four four time based off of the chart from before we can now determine eight eighth notes are required to fill a measure of four four with eighth notes sixteen sixteenth notes are required to fill a 4 4 measure with sixteenth notes two half notes are required to fill a 4 4 measure with half notes one whole note is required to fill a measure of four four with whole notes now if you didn't get that I don't blame you I used a very mathematical explanation of the relationship between those five types of notes I feel that explaining notes this way makes it much easier to understand the relationship between note values as we get more complicated if you didn't understand that previous section it's perfectly fine the main point of what I was saying about no Valley relationships is the following one whole note takes up as much time as two half notes which take up as much time as four quarter notes which take up as much time as eight eighth notes which take up as much time as 16 16th notes if you haven't already noticed there is a relationship between the names of the notes and how they fill up a measure of 4 4. with 4 4 being the most common time signature knowing the names of the different notes will be very helpful in Remembering how notes function within cheat music the final topic we will discuss in this first video is an introduction of clefs it will go more in depth with reading pitch in the next video clefs show musicians the position of notes on the staff and they are required for musicians to be able to read sheet music the most common clefs seen in music the treble clef and the bass clef instruments that sound higher like the violin and the flu will use treble clef while instruments that sound lower like the double bass or the tuba will use bass clef different clefs display a different range of pitches and are required to accommodate the different pitch ranges that each instrument can play now let's pull everything together that we've talked about so far Tempo is determined by a metronome each click of the metronome is one beat in four four time the quarter note gets one beat the four on the top states that four beats fill one measure of four four the four on the bottom states that each of those four beats or quarter notes the most common notes seen in sheet music are the quarter note whole note half note eighth note and sixteenth note and the names of the notes help to understand how many of them fill a measure of 4 4. there are two main clefs in music treble clef for higher pitched instruments and bass clef for lower pitched instruments all clefs display pitch and different ways that make it easier for musicians to understand and read the music in the next video we will discuss pitch and go more in depth with rhythm if you have any questions at all please leave them in the comments and I will do my best to respond to any that you may have I hope this video was a helpful introduction to everyone and I cannot wait to see you all in the next video
Channel: Michael Parchaiski
Views: 36,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music theory, music theory for beginners, learn music theory, music theory for advanced musicians, music education, music theory 101, basic music theory, jazz theory, advanced music theory, music, music theory for producers, how to, Music Theory Basics, Music Fundamentals, Introduction to Music Theory, Orchestra, jazz band, jazz, Rhythm Explained, time signatures, time signatures explained, Music Lessons, bass clef, reading music, Michael Parchaiski, MP, treble clef
Id: AmC_qmSODEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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