How to Count Basic Rhythms

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[Music] let's talk about rhythm specifically these things this is a quarter note it's worth one beat this is a quarter rest it's also worth one beat but of nothing this is a measure in it you put notes and rests it's like their house this note hired an interior designer it's century modern nice finally this is a time signature this tells us how many notes and rests can fit in the house i mean measure this time signature is called four four the top number tells us how many beats can fit in each measure kind of because the top number is four there are four beats per measure the bottom number tells us what kind of note gets one beat kind of if the bottom number is four the four represents a quarter note this means that a time signature that says 4 4 is actually saying four quarter notes 4 4 tells us that there are four quarter notes in each measure time signatures are definitely not at all confusing and most people understand them right away here's a measure of four quarter notes i'm gonna count them first one two three four now i want you to try it ready get set go nice job now here's a measure of four quarter rests when you count these you can either leave it silent or say i recommend because it'll teach your brain to recognize rests actively which in turn will lead you to developing a better sense of rhythm four quarter rests sound like this now it's your turn ready get set go awesome job you can create all kinds of different rhythms simply by switching out the rests and notes however the number is always going to be in the same place for example this last note is always going to be counted as 4 because it's the fourth beat in the measure it's not three because the third beat is right here you just say because it's covered by a rest oh hey would you look at the time it's drill time first i count then you repeat ready let's begin one two three four [Music] one [Music] three great job moving on this is a half note it's worth two beats this is a whole note it's worth four beats this is a half rest it's worth two beats of rest and this is a whole breast it's worth four beats of rest now how do we count these let's start with the rests these are pretty simple you just say on every beat so your half rests are counted and your whole rests are counted the notes are a bit more challenging and there are lots of different ways to count them i think the best method is you start on the number and then you bounce your voice for every following beat the note is held to for example the whole note would be counted like this one like saying shh on the rest bouncing your voice helps you think about health notes actively and helps you develop your internal pulse which is extremely important to have in music two half notes would be counted like this one three notice that beats two and four are contained within these two half notes this is why we're skipping over them and hey would you look at the time again it's another drill time same as before first i go then you repeat [Music] one three [Music] three one two three one three four one two four one three one four two four three four two shh four okay one measure of call and response is easy but what's actually more difficult is counting the rhythms correctly with multiple measures of music here are four measures of rhythm look at it figure it out in your brain you're gonna try it first then we do it together so you can tell if you did it right prepare yourself one two ready go okay let's do it together one two ready go one two three one three four one two four one did you do it correctly if so let's move on next example pause the video if you need to take a look at it and when you're ready give it your best shot one two ready go all right now together with me one two ready go one three four one two three two three four two four next example when you think you got it give it a shot one two ready go and now with me one two ready go one she next example take a look one two ready go all right now together with me one two ready go one sh three one [Music] did you do all that correctly if so congratulations you now know the basics if you found this video helpful then let us know in the comment section down below as always remember to leave a like and subscribe i'm mr mento and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: The Mento Zone
Views: 1,217,395
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Id: YfT0irsgB3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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