Basic Color Correct | Color Grade | Premiere Pro

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hello [Music] [Music] all right so today i'm going to show you how to color correct and color grade for starters let's bring in our footage raw footage and uh make sure that your raw footage is selected you want your time cursor over top you don't want it in the beginning or at the end because you want to get an accurate color correct and color grade so now you go to your color panel then you have your lumetri scope you want to make sure you have it up here and you want your ire to be roughly 80 and just barely touching zero now we don't want it to clip so what we're going to do now is go over to our lumetri color bring up the saturation i was always talk talk i was always taught to be around 150. uh if you notice as i'm moving it on the left hand side of my lumetri scope my color panel is vaguely moving but this is where you're really going to see the difference well first let's do a white balance check it should be fine it should be off just a little bit but yeah so that's our white balance selector then we go to our black and i like to bring it down quite a bit till one of the colors is just barely touching which would be blue so it may be different in your case depending on the colors that you have in your footage but now i'm gonna go ahead and work my ways with the whites and bring it up just a tad um my shadows i'm gonna bring down quite a negative 30 27 looks fine i'm gonna bring up my highlights because i really want this to pop um the contrast probably gonna bring down con i'm gonna bring it up just a hair for right now and see where exposure takes us so now that exposure is where we're really gonna see the difference so this wasn't a really sunny day um this was shot overcast and i'm what i'm trying to do here is to just get the color correct under control and then in color grading is where i'm going to have it look more like it was a sunnier day so if you notice right here we have very little touching the line um what we'll do is bring up our blacks just a bit maybe our contrast down just a tad and i think that looks fine um [Music] so now to the next part if you're color grading the whole scene this is typically the process and what you would do this isn't a scene this is just a clip but go over to your project panel and do a new item and you want to bring in an adjustment layer i'm going to go to that adjustment layer and bring it right over top of the footage that you're working with and make sure it is the same length all the way through and then click on your adjustment layer and now that we are underway we close our basic color correction because we don't want that anymore we want to go to our hsl secondary and we want to pick a color to work with uh i really want to work with the ground here this ground should emulate what's going on in the sky and some of the brighter tones on sosa's body so now we want to click color gray now everything in white is everything that's going to be affected so we want to minimize that as much as possible [Music] this is your hue now we're going to mess with the saturation probably bring that over as much as we can and then your lumetri so now you notice starting to lose the ground um i'm going to invert this there we go so this is the look that i'm going for it may be different with yours but now that i have everything working the way that i want it to let's go back and keep messing with different things to get it the way that you need it to be for the color correction that you're trying to go with all right i'm gonna select another color back here um but this is what i'm trying to go with right here because this is where the sun's gonna be hidden hopefully with his face here i might be able to get it off his face let me just mess around with a couple things hey there we go all right so that looks pretty good to me right now so now i'm gonna go down to my mid-tones i'm going to make them a little bit orange to go with a brighter sunnier day and warmer tunes same thing with the highlights and i'm just moving everything ever so slightly all right so now the shadows don't look too good when i do that so i'm gonna keep it right where i had it and then bring down this color correct bring this guy up see what we get see how much brighter and sunnier it looks out there i'm gonna bring this guy down [Music] quite a bit mid-tones right there should be good because now we're getting a really nice red and everything's starting to really really match mess with the highlights again i think that looks pretty good so now what we can do is just go ahead and play it looks like it's a sunnier day nice and warm his skin's glowing looks pretty good so now you see the difference between the color correct this is the color correct now the color grade see a huge difference now we'll turn that off actually we don't need to turn that off and just boom and then go here that's the flat footage b-roll color corrected color graded so that's that thank you for watching and be back with another one
Channel: Just Focus Crew
Views: 8
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Color correct, color grade, adobe, adobe Premiere pro, premiere pro, premiere, basic color correction
Id: 8xx-RwT2RDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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