Barstool Pizza Review - John's of Time Square With Special Guest Scott Van Pelt

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[Music] all right Frankie we are at Jones of Times Square special guest Scott Van Pelt are you doing now oh nice how you're doing it dropping guys how you doing punch pocket square through that I actually thought I was gonna be a star of the show with my suit all right I mean we'll get into the suit rankings after now I got to lay the groundwork for this review Jon's of Bleecker Street longtime Pizza fanatics will know that's one of my highest scores I think was a nine point four I loved I mean I loved it they were specific in John's a Bleecker that they have nothing to do with John's of x squared not only do have nothing to do with it there seemed to be a falling out like it Red Sox Yankees Bruins Canadiens a rivalry so we decide to do this across from Phantom of the Opera this is I believe what they call Broadway in New York um dated district theater district the same thing right six and one half dozen al okay what is this is this no slices you're gonna go the full full take out um they also again I don't want to get into it because I remember John's oblique ER they're like we don't take cash right they're like we only do credit cards because those guys John's in Times Square there was a lot of finger-pointing whatever we don't judge that we'll do what's going on UH one bite ever knows the rules there's gonna be sloppy I can already tell there's gonna be sloppy it looks different not a grease oh wow quick grease grab your slice think you're gonna get it on you come on worried about it oh my god I'm worried about it you have probably a lot of suits I don't what do we call that this is this is an incredible New York flaw yet maybe it's just a Marilyn not knowing how to hold a slice because I'm keeping this thing what are we doing I'm good I'm keeping this thing pretty rough we got this is the the most recent one I had the tip the dangling tip yes this is just maybe dumped Rome doesn't trouble me that much it should ah one bite everybody knows the rules let's go try them all until we try them all Manhattan this is John's of Times Square his delicious pizza joe liske among flights hmm still a strong store always lost his piece um got a little on the side your mouth much because it disagrees but the grease didn't trouble me how's everybody doing um what's the problem with the plop plop just means not crispy that's a real [ __ ] but but you bitched about the one being too well done that you a recently and every piece of well done would alert that was burnt you're talking about you're talking about a lot of people in like that one what was that heat the car pizza park oh all right everybody knows the rules I know I want to do a thing right you that um what the [ __ ] and then I talk with my mouth full are you mimicking what you can guide you I'm a big fan you know this Bennett plans this day one old-school Stoli otro please I mean I got kicked out of the circle I'm kicking our called other circle of trust because I thought he flirted with other bloggers too much like I like to keep my bed nice and clean if we're gonna be honest the [ __ ] is that like you have talent like you like you have ownership of who I get to talk to maybe well I I didn't ownership but that's how you get in and out of the circle of trust all right I'm in right now you are in right now you do the Pete review that goes a long time to try to get you to do stuff you yeah the PMT boys on but now you come to the big leagues so picture of you by the way hair bald what do you think the hair plugs looks pretty good right yeah and I want to be evaluating you I want to know I want to applaud you for getting the head of it because how will you happen to notice he and I missed my window there was a time frame where I could have done it but like now what am I going to do like you know at your to Argos now right I'm all like I'm gonna just show up one day like hey what's up everybody like can't do it that's a Brian Urlacher understood let me see the legal lookout okay all right I'll take one let me ask those juries locks three locks or use let me turn the leg flip the script on you and turn and turn the tables let me ask you a question uh-huh what everybody knows the rules I'm gonna give a rating in a minute this good pizza was the moment that you knew you had that you knew you had to do something the day you were walking in the end yet and that really yeah like a nice trench coat and you were doing the walk to work if somebody got you and look like gathered I don't know yeah no that was bad lighting and camera effects I've known for a while girl on camera the lighting hits me and I know and I've always had you so I don't care what other people think I do not like me [ __ ] bald and you needed to fix it thank you am i right wasn't a good picture Scott Frankie thank you really no it was it let's say there was a picture wasn't a good picture yeah it wasn't a picture what's my head all right he's gonna go bald let's not forget that look I'm not gonna get lectured by a bald guy about just drew my hair is on point right it is did you look you look magnificent you've lost a lot of weight I give you all these credit wake you but I feel so thank you I'm six six and my TV show wasn't one week honey I'm a hobo from the sky huh who says one week this is it see the hair thing is a condo tspn it's like we're looking for the feud are you you wouldn't know what you'll be bald and then I had to hit it but then here's the thing here's what you should know when it when you sell all right when you sell and cash out you are gonna be done done well you're gonna be right after that last line turn making my Butler I mean Alice officious like an we got a rebuke a a score on III may have some money this guy's gonna be wealthy so you win okay you win prize everyone understands at the end of the day well well but we need to school seven point two ch2 family eights of the bit I'd say five to ten really yeah this reminds me DMV people know broto pizzas kind of like a broad upbeat so we're like shoutouts pandering of the Damned miss Ross goes down and then the cheese goes around the sauce first went up for our time I've longed to do slices because this guy won't stop talking get mean I have more pizza yeah Oh easy is for seven point eight eight point four there's really good pizza it really is good is it it's not as good as John's it's not as well done with John's bleaker um but it's good I won't throw arrows there's a still good pizza Oh 8.4 you were seven point eight I'm seven point eight seven point nine thank you guys seven point eight seven point eight I think that's slightly low but still a good review that I didn't I didn't I didn't know like I didn't know what because I haven't seen them any high numbers what the $36 slice gift by the way $36 slices three point eight or something it was bad ago but only like the first light's not the second one is correct that's absolutely true you act like I don't watch you start it act like that and who said I didn't act like that I didn't act like that at all I never act like I know he's watching everyone's watching come on - pizza people come on right everybody knows rule that's a review eight point four seven point eight Scott Van Pelt Oh help it review real quick Zegna butcher that means that's friendship clearly they're giving it you're free I pay for mine so I'm not give a shout-out to it I had some shoreline 9.4 on mine and vent pelts I'm gonna give him a look like a sock more than a pocket square so sockets a proper surprise both 8.1 deduct it for the sock pocket square that's a that's a super view
Channel: One Bite Pizza Reviews
Views: 753,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pres, espn, SVP, scott van pelt, pizza, presidente, johns, time square, nyc, things to do, ny, food, review, italian, ESPN
Id: hdUJIP6-OjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2017
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