Barstool Pizza Review - Regina Pizzeria (Foxwoods) With Special Guest Guy Fieri (Bonus Burgerthots)

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[Music] okay good here we go so I'm going to explain how this works for you guer special guest Pizza review we're at his place we're at Foxwoods we're at guys and they I I got to get the exact pronunciation gu Bears Foxwoods Kitchen and Bar you guys don't have pizza here you're from the East Coast you can't get F Yeti right Fier Fier is how you going do here put your pizza away go get go study go study how wait how what did you say I said it the way it suppos as you said which is your name Fetti fiti are no fee there's a guy named Eddie Eddie he's got to pay a fee Fetti well there you go I've never had that lesson we learned we've learned that an East Coast that's an East Coast that I should aren't you from the East Coast yeah I am how many Italians you got out here good decent amount exactly where you from I'm from uh Northshore outside turn this whole thing on you real fast turn on me we're going to do pizza the real way all right so Pizza you guys don't serve it here here we're going to do a a special Burger review after but I'm a pizza guy and by the way do you ever get jealous because you know all the places you're going the diners drivers generally don't have pizza right oh no a lot of pizza oh really yeah really oh bro you're not watching enough shows you're telling me that a diner has great pizza I'm not saying that it's not just diners no it's not we do a lot of pizza man there's been Pizza matter of fact I've been to Pizza driving but uh no pizza is a lot we we love pizza on Triple D okay so well then this will be goodest with me right here and do this or do you have your own chair I generally stand you stand with me would you like me to stand with you sure would it be better okay yeah you can sit or stand we're pretty laidback on however you want to do I'll get my lunch handed to me her in this pizza review all right so here's what we do is Regina I you don't you have not even told me what we're doing I'm going to tell you right now we take one bite of this pizza okay and then we give a score 0 through 10 now this is Regina which is Renown as one of the two best places this is santarpio in Boston that's kind of you say santarpio you can't get Yeti down and you can I've been I I've been in Santos a million times I have that a hard time so it's one bite score 0 through 10 one bite everybody knows the rules that's how we do it all right okay got Fier no that's right Fieri oh you ripped it it's not a Savage move one bite score Regina from foxw also do you think it counts if this is they have restaurants everywhere does the scores matter if you're in different places is this is this an all-encompassing Regina score in your mic well how many reginas are there probably at least 10 of 15 main one in the North End one by score you going first no the guest always goes first the guest always goes first and it's 1 through three No 1 through 10 1 through 10 oh I think no that would be wild I'd give it a um being that it's not right out of the oven huge Factor the food guy point that yeah spit on you yeah it's okay it's this is a really interesting event I've never I've never we're in my restaurant eating somebody else's food we're standing in the interview where we're standing we're going Burgers next we're it's all right we don't have to I I don't know if I can um I love pizza um I got to say I think it's got good crust I think it's got um it's got a lot of crust it's it's light on the sauce but it's also light on the cheese cheese you think T I where I'm getting it I'm not getting a lot of cheese maybe up here in the maybe up here in the North End I didn't get a lot of cheese I'd have to give it a and are we in this style of pizza or are we in my spectrum of the world of pizza cuz I'm a neapolitan pizza guy spectrum of the world spectrum of the world yeah but I mean you do it there's obviously different kinds of pizza right you take I'm just taking this as this type of pizza I call we we're on I call this football Pizza Pizza West Coast we call this New York City Pizza okay okay no well I live in New York I don't think that's New York style it's not what it's it's thin you fold it the paper plate the whole GID up we don't I mean I don't I got football Pizza eat it on football I'd say I would give this to I'd give this to I'd give it a five and a half 5.5 that's a super low score for Regino we just SP F Regino which I which I don't again you're you're asking a guy that has a wood fired up in his backyard makes his own pizza PR and that's that's it's a lot of you know so it's it just but when I eat it I'd eat the whole thing all right it's a professional score your professional food guy I'm going to go I'm not going to take into account it it it wasn't straight out of the oven that always hurts a pizza I still thought it was pretty good for for the it sat also by the way for like 7 minutes so I am going to I had to be longer than seven 7 and N how'd they get here they walked it over the place is in Fox withs Okay so 7 to9 yeah 79 minutes um and what I'm going to do is I'm going to subtract two decimal points I'm going to give it a 6.4 again I think that's kind of a strong score considering the circumstances but when you have a star you make it work for the star you come here we didn't go to the direct out of the oven so that's a review I see you today that's a one bite SC that's a one bite score I'm not listen Act frust is dynamite a little no couldn't do language have to switch at michig went to Michigan I had to switch out of my school because I couldn't pass it so let's not get too stuck on don't I don't get too stuck trust me everybody butchers it so I don't have any problem with that I I just thought'd be a fun way to start you get right my grill Mi try to put me on my back feet and get me get it going still easy that's a no no I'm 5.5 6.4 I think it's uh here's the great thing about it how much was it the pizza yeah I'm going to guess the pizza's like a full pie is probably 20 bucks that's a while how much was it $15 15 bucks you know I think I mean this is your show and you and you definitely got it going and people are definitely paying attention in a casino a big Casino yep to be able to get a pizza like this scratch made homemade and made quick with this type of uh Integrity to the crust I think when you put your criteria in there it might rate it a little bit higher because you're not tou talking about somebody just randomly spinning out frozen pie crust right you guys are doing something so I would have to say that it might get a little bit higher than that but again it's really difficult cuz my mindset is I go right off to neapolitan pizza where I'm going with you know dble zero flour and Balo mozzarella and Sano tomatoes and all that kind ofo yeah trying to Big Time me there well it's I don't ask me don't ask me how to spell it okay cuz I will spell it wrong every time what did you think Frank Frankie is in s Guy family has a pizza plate what do you how would you pronounce his last name do you have it right by the way little guy you at our Super Bowl party humble BR his Twitter profile before he knew was YouTube like kissing on the cheek that's a fact it was me kissing him on the cheek I exaggerated a little bit but it's a nice little purple hair of the whole works this guy is on fire huh that's don't give him any coffee 5.5 by the way you can't change the score once you do it so it's 5.5 6.4 that's her viie Frankie all right so bonus my name is Dave pory and you are at Burger thoughts guy Fier now we're getting into your I still not get that right can you do it when you do Burger thoughts can you give it something like this I mean maybe give it a moment you can rest it you can say and you give yourself a little pause do it again yeah my name is Dave pite and we are doing Burger [Music] thoughts defense be backing y collecting them Min world the guy Fe how is that how did that one work better all right so what is this the Kobe bird dude you are out of control it's true that you gave me that suggestion so we're going to do the same thing a one bite burger riew and now you can get this here so again we're at your spot how how do you get here where do you come from by the way to get here were you doing a whole East Coast Swing I was in I was just in Philly and I uh and I flew in to come uh get to hang out and then I got to bounce down to Boston tomorrow where I'm doing a gig with uh with Julian and Brady for best buddies oh nice so we got a couple things going on all right so uh Kobe beef burger sharp cheddar um Ros bun brush with a little bit of garlic butter little donkey sauce on there let's see it all right one bite same thing by the way I once wrote A Blog on how to hold a burger neither of us it's like a claw grip that's supposed to be doing wow really solid Burger so the same thing one bite got to give it a review I got everything in there I got the pickles the looks like I took a little mouse bite in there but I will I agree with you it is a I don't this is a big Napkin Burger that's a big uh thank you thank you oh wow it's a bed sheet also awesome I um you want me to go first oh yeah so I really think that the um I really think that the bun is on point I do think that the and I love the co bab of course you like the uh the Wu beef it's got to um it's got a great fat content to it cook medium rare I dig all that F prob good amount of cheese nice amount of donkey sauce I do think it's a little wet and that kind of detracts from it a bit and I think it's lacking a little bit of salt so in my opinion of my own burger at my own restaurant your own burger at your own restaurant that that I did make I would have to give it a uh I think i' have to give the burger I'd have to give her the burger an 82 an 82 I have a question what's going on with the you get back I'm going to give the burger don't put the part in there me cleaning him up definitely put it in there I'm going to give this burger a 9.8 it's my first Burger review you know what that is pretty I'm telling you what we got to have more burger reviews with him the burger is cooked perfectly I am questioning what's going on with the fries is it just a mishmash of every fries okay great question I'm glad you see this what happened these are called the side winders little more of a steak house fry got your traditional these aren't quite Sho string but in that idea you've got the waffle cut fry and you should have a grinkle cup but they must not like us but the idea is this you don't get to eat as many fries as you want anymore right they're not the healthiest thing for you I mean you're pretty lean and me and you got the Edelman shirt on and all and so I know that you're you know you're working out for this I'm on a special if well evidently I mean you're a trained professional and you could I can see that um but the reality of it is if you're going to eat fries you might as well have a little variet in a little variety to kind of spice it up a bit all right this is a good burger I really do like what we did and there's just a couple things and again I'm a I I work with this burger all the time do you ever come in and whip ass if it's like your restaurant you eat it it's like this wasn't very good believe it or not I don't have to do it very often but every once in a while we got to do like I'll do a little before I saw you I've but I'm going to go and do a little line walk through but these guys here at Foxwoods are sharp I mean these guys are this big night entertainment's a really great operator they're great partner to have so we're in uh we're in good shape with them but uh oh every once in a while got to got to open up got to open up the jar of water all right so that's a what how did you guys get into doing this crazy ass so I started I grew up in uh Northshore in bar pizza that's a big I don't know if they have it anywhere but like us you go in there's a little flat red on not flat red they're tiny little personal siiz pizza and there was just a big debate in my area what live what places were the best so I just started doing them people liked it we moved to Manhattan like 14 months ago they said I'm going to try every place in Manhattan so I go different pizza place every single day we do this every day and it start going popularity so people start get guests like you and it's uh not taking off a life his own I think what would be helpful for me is and I'm going to be a viewer now now that I'm learning about this I think what would be helpful is when you have the bar of measurement yep so when you have in in hot ones for instance I think you aware of that you have the skull unit to judge by I think that in this situation like when you did the pizza if you were to say if you went to Don Antonio's in Naples and you had it made by Don Antonio himself it would be a 10 right if you sat at home in your college D if you sat in your college dorm room and you have a bad microwave that only can fit half of the of the microwavable tray of the tostino pizza rolls that would be a zero but Totino's pizza roll is always a 10 always a 10 okay sorry sorry yeah well then scratch that but I'm saying in most people's mind like a spectrum different and there's different categories like what you were saying exactly and don't get me wrong you don't think that we all survive freshman year of college without Pizza totally and there's also my point is if you gave some more if you gave a little bit of a a ladder of spectrum of what it is I think easier for people to judge because but you're a food expert a lot of our guyss are just schok so it's food expert or not I think that that pie right there to me when you give it a 55 when I give it a 55 you give it a 64 I still think that should be understood that anything above a 35 is great in the world of pizza 35 to to seven is really that's really good pizza oh yeah well we have very different Spectrum 3.5 stinks in our world really stinks How We Do It Z it's like uh it's like a bigger skating score for us like a 10 perfect routine a three and a five years yeah but see here's the thing Peach is kind of like Peach is kind of like that one thing when it's good it's really good and when it's bad it's still good it's still good I agree with that I agree with that but it's all right which by the way that should be a t-shirt for your show we have a we all about those t-shirts all about those t-t but that's fine no I didn't wasn't expecting any at all I matter of fact just to see you rolling it is what I want does Jules know you're wearing a shirt I'm we going to surprise him with it that's pretty that's pretty gangster I got to jam I got work I appreciate it thanks hanging out with you man you sure Frankie daps Frankie all right that's a review thanks man
Channel: One Bite Pizza Reviews
Views: 1,999,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guy fieri, DDD, diners dive ins and dives, guy, el pres, pizza, review, italian, food, flavortown, usa, diners drive ins and dives, pres, dave portnoy, Celebrity
Id: 8J7ae8I6SZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2017
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