Barstool Coney Island Rivalry - Lafayette vs American (Detroit, MI)

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[Music] yes [Music] well you know it's funny because separate to this i actually think i'm going after this call because you there there's a rivalry you you are next door to another place right there ain't no rivalry we're better no rivalry we actually clean the bathroom off the floor just saying but hey so everyone said i have to go to those two and decide which one is best now i'm not gonna let it sway me that we're having this call but i have i'm literally going to do it after like we're done how's it going how are you doing my odds being here oh yeah you're the number one all right we've been waiting for you yeah yeah how long have you guys been here for since 1914 1914. we've been waiting for you all day we told you i was coming my son godfather godfather you've gotta laugh at godfather yeah making sure you got a picture involved yeah you'll put me on the wall oh yeah you gotta be right there all right i'm down with that i'm not gonna tell so what do we got on this thing what's on the hot dog that's the only way to get it right that's your way to get it yet another one no well i mean i'll be sitting for the next two weeks no no no i have multiple of these yeah but two is just right one's just one it's just right one's just where i've been eating pizza all day i didn't know this was a thing well this is that icon yeah well i didn't know coney island i like that this was such a big thing in detroit oh yeah big thing yeah 40 years everybody copied try to copy this one but nobody make it not yet what about this place next door no never that's what everyone told me to do they said i had to try these two places and you have to try but you you're gonna say which one was the best back in lafayette she said she was better no no never happened lafayette is better number one in the country oh yes yeah this is like the red sox yankees i love this rivalry yeah yeah i like it too but this is the spot for cones right here so who was here first lafayette my house since 1914 and when was that one 1917 yeah onions everything mustard i don't even like mustard well you're not saying no mustard because you're intimidating me you're like you gotta eat it this way so i'm just eating it the way you gave it to me hey doing one more mustang i know i wanted exactly you're trying to fill me with hot dogs but i wanted it the way that everyone else eats it yeah thank you very much thank you for choosing lafayette you're welcome i am gonna go try this next i gotta try them both i got a million text dm's they go you gotta go to lafayette you're gonna do american you're gonna settle the debate who has the better hot dogs lafayette the best i love it this is great now let me i appreciate you letting me in and giving me the true uh coney island experience thank you very much 1914 1914 yeah no no no no let me no no no no no i feel bad i mean it's a dynamic here that's all right don't worry about it i'm not put down anywhere no no no yeah you know no no no no people are gonna say i'm cheap they're gonna be like no you alright you're good you're good put that down i'm trying to pay won't let me pay i appreciate it thank you thank you very much all right is this still going yeah right next door it's wild so this is lafayette which we just did and i'm not gonna put a score on it because i'm gonna order the hot dog just say watch out for the car i'm gonna order the hot dog the same exact way here lafayette i don't like hot dogs that way at all but i'll eat it because i want the true experience this is a rivalry there's fake rivalries in this real rivalries this [ __ ] is real like i already talked to grace because we're helping her with the fun and she's like they suck they're like they suck they're three years apart 1914 1917 i was like oh i'm gonna definitely pick american i [ __ ] like that guy how can you not like that guy now i'm gonna go into american that was lafayette i this is the hatfield in the mccoys and i love it this is like crazy can i just get a coney island dog okay so here we go this is this is now we're in the american coney so we did lafayette now american kind of a cleaner looking one right off the bat like the last one of the mess to go carton the fun seems softer i'm glad grace isn't here yet to like intimidate me here we go see what we got wow this is tough to call how do you how do you pick one versus the other how do you pick one versus the other um well we even hear them longer so you know wait a minute they said they were there the longest they said 1914 for them 1917 for you also we uh we have sanitizer everywhere so why do they say 194. so he's saying they opened 1924 1914 why do they say and he and as grace said they wear gloves clean the bathroom floors sanitize and they just run and ramp it over there is what he said why do they say 1940s [Music] because they lie why they say 1940. i don't know man this rivalry is awesome this robbery is [ __ ] awesome oh all right i don't know how it's possible i think the bun is the difference this one has this one's like i can eat this one easier like the last one was stronger to me and i don't know it may have been more stuff on it same stuff but like more this one i can eat the other one a little more rubbery but still good i mean i like that one he's saying that liars they're probably telling this place is the liars they're saying they don't clean this and we don't clean here literally the hatfield and mccoy's i love this rivalry the nog goes to america i like the american more than lafayette i can eat it easier i don't know it helps describe it the other one felt thicker and more like you don't love the ingredients you're gonna struggle with it more neither of them to be honest would be the first thing i'd ever eat they're both heavy they're both strong they're both like i'm gonna bet on sports tonight i'm just gonna be sitting like [ __ ] but what a rivalry this is the greatest rivalry in all sports all the hot dogs unbelievable love it little brother yeah what's up man how's it going nice meeting you thanks for everything man that's awesome dude i'm glad we could help awesome we appreciated that yes we went into lafayette they gave us their story we came here he's just like that lion yeah no and they are because the funny thing is you know my grandpa right up there he started everything back in 1917. you know uh he came from greece at 19 and then like everything else my everyday's family came he brought his brother over in 1920 and his brother got an argument in 1924 lafayette wait say that last part again so like every immigrant family he brought his brother over from greece in about 1920 1921 and uh working the business doing all this stuff him and his brother got an argument and his brother opened up lafayette coney how has that not been mentioned till you just said i keep asking i didn't know they were related yeah well hold on that's a kicker though so that was in 1924 lafayette my uncle george sold laffy at coney island in the 90s to a group of investors so it's no longer family owned or operated it's not you know all this stuff it's a rivalry because it's like you know the hatfields yeah what they've been saying happy holidays all day yeah that guy said he's worked there over 40 years yeah he has but different owners now yeah he used to work for my uncle george and now he works for someone else so but that's the best but that's why you know everything like we're still family owned and operated from you know my sister runs the hell out of everything now so but yeah i [Laughter] thank you you're welcome i'm glad we could help thank you i'm glad and we had just like left i mean because honestly it's me and two employees my manager and we've been doing morning noon and night we have certain hours then we ship out coney kits so we have a warehouse and this is it and it's been like you know we always have anxiety and we're always crazy but but now it's been like you want to exhale and for like 11 months so what yeah what's next you know and it's crazy too i was saying because when we talked i didn't realize i was coming like i knew i was going to two hot dog places yeah but i hadn't like put it together right that i was calling this so we just did lafayette i love this rivalry it's isn't it great like but we really do clean the floors in the back i know it's for real like i didn't know that so i didn't know the family aspects of it and i did the whole thing over there yeah until he said it was like but then you got to see what happened that do you want to go home yeah they sold it so now it's like george sold lafayette well they're not the the employees have been there for 40 years but those are the guys that bought it those employees right now that you see there they own that they own it they bought it from my uncle god you sold it to them so it's like a group of 20 guys that are all sitting there that they bought i got it yeah and then i came in here and it's like they said they were 19 14 united they're foolish no it's like it's a lot they fake it they print this [ __ ] out it's so it's so big on a menu look i'm gonna print out something that i'm the queen of england right the city of detroit gave us a proclamation for 100th anniversary with the dates and all this yeah i can print out anything you want you can i could print out i i you know i'm a supermodel i mean the city's never written anything 1924 yeah yeah that's what he told me it's 1924. and when people go oh i see what they showed you on a printed thing yeah it's on the bottom i go and i tell them that or whatever stupid thing goes on we actually have documents showing when are you ready everybody can find it it's like but then there's few and then there's people that go well i wouldn't know i believe them like that well of course because they're these little guys you think they're [ __ ] though the one guy took a two by four after me and because i'm like the queen of the street here you know if we which god did the little short one the godfather guy yeah great godfather he's a he's a dude no but it's real we had a problem i'm gonna say quick i know you we had a problem with the phones the whole street right so i call att i'm like you guys better get your asses down here you got restaurants here i need to do that so they t i was taking atd guy over there because their phone was broken too they thought i was bringing them in there to tap their phone or do something i started getting a fight with them out the sidewalk [ __ ] each other that i was asked no this is this is no there's a police report he comes out he had a 2x4 under the thing and he comes out with a 2x4 to me and i'm like what are you going to do i'm like this much taller i'm like looking out how much do people actually know how much you guys don't like each other it's not well-known it's pretty well it's well-known like we've got things you got to try it but i've had plenty of emails in different cities be like rivalry pizza places but they don't we don't hate them but i i don't like the [ __ ] and i don't like the lies we hate personalities yes and the lies semantics okay yes i hate you it's like a mission rivalry kind of no it is not because those people actually sort of party together a lot yeah yeah you're right that's a good example because we're michigan state yeah right so we have my dad today i'm michelle and my dad's in michigan right i don't hate my thoughts you don't like that no i don't like that because no they suck i have people yeah i love it yeah so it is what it is they're very nice to me and your chili is not homemade come out walk with me and they see how nice they're gonna be well i told them i was coming here good what'd he say first of all he didn't say much he's like we're better did they tell you it's homemade chili no the only thing they said is they were 1914 he was 97 because they lie about that too and then you see the truck pull up but i also and it's on camera i'm like i was almost glad you weren't here i did because i want to give a fair right absolutely i liked yours more theirs overpowered me a little bit and i've never had it i'm not like a mustard and it's all right right that's an acquired taste it is it is it's a detroit aquarium so i've never had it so it's kind of stunned there yours yours i like more yours is more like i don't want to say it's lighter because it's it doesn't feel as heavy once you eat it yes right you know when you leave yes yours yours i could get through a lot easier than that you're not gonna have to run to the bathroom after eating ours that's even a hundred percent but i'll walk faster with it this rivalry is it's fun though isn't it awesome isn't it awesome crazy he's mr business nice seriously yeah very eloquent i'm the [ __ ] one all day long what's the most detailed like thing that has been done on this ride i've been like this is like made for one network's done some well they did they came to me but then they came to me and they wanted to fake some [ __ ] and that's when i told them we've been approached numerous times you're like there was they wanted to do like what do you have to fake the animals that's what i don't know you know you can't make this [ __ ] even forget even the not the animosity let's say just stuff that happens with crazies or customers or you guys are straight-up central casting with everything oh my god we would be huge everything i was pitched to us they wanted her in the love triangle they wanted they wanted a fan i'm like you're not coming into my house dude you're not coming to our nieces and nephews you want his kids with my like wife being pregnant my son we're like no it draws and then they're throwing these numbers out i said i haven't sold my soul yet i'm not about to sell it to you why got it all right that makes more sense i guess that makes more sense i wouldn't do that right yeah so we just do our thing you know it's wild i love it that people at the edges the other day would tell me you need to start you need to run for something in this town i said if i run i'm going to get into a lot of trouble i've i've been trying to push her to run for mayor for a longest time because they're all crooks in this place yeah tell me we have the same now oh yeah you guys are doing pretty good too everyone's like run run run it's like i'd rather die than ronnie no i don't know god no nothing should we can we take a photo yeah of course because i think i really want to this is the best i you i it takes a lot to impress me and get me excited and kind of like yeah you did it i appreciate it you did it what a what a story this is people are going to love this so if you can see here's us back in the day yep no lafayette i mean there's come on dude you know like right here where is nowhere you know and for them to continue saying oh yeah you know i mean i think i gotta i think i gotta show him this picture be like how do you explain this picture i'd love to hear that excuse this could be hilarious but yeah this is the original part you know back in 1990 when we demolished the wall we still had customers that would never step foot on this side yeah you know because they didn't want to ever like you know a lot of you medium for you thank you so much i appreciate it it's great meeting you guys oh my god as well so great meeting i think i gotta go do this last part to do this i showed him the picture showing you like where are you guys oh yes all right and we'll be in touch with you anyway soon yes oh my thank you all right cool are you ready thank you for you thank you again thank you thanks so much for everything good luck with everything thank you guys thank you i gotta ask they're saying hawaiian about about who's first no don't listen to them whatever they say don't listen but here they show the picture they never mind their picture where are you numb they're there and you're not there no we are there we are here where is it what is the ask everybody this is this is the one but it's right there there right there we are right here but you're not no yeah yes beyond don't listen to pictures oh maybe what this picture is maybe photoshop yeah photoshop they can't make it everything but they now can't do the true story through life so you're saying that's photoshop photoshop yeah i don't know i don't know i don't know in photoshop yeah of course they are thanks guys that's unbelievable that is unbelievable that's one of the favorite things i've ever done i [ __ ] love this city
Channel: One Bite Pizza Reviews
Views: 565,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pizza, Things to do, Italy, Pizza Review, Review, Food, Food Review, Dave Portnoy, Barstool Sports, El Presidente, Pres, El Pres, Italian Food, One Bite Barstool, One Bite, Barstool Pizza Review, El Pres Barstool, Dave Portnoy Barstool, humor, entertainment, comedy, celebrity, funny, yummy, hungry, rating, New York, new york pizza, one bite, el pres reviews, one bite pizza, pizza scores
Id: xG2nTFA_joE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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