Lafayette Coney Island vs. American Coney Island | *DETROIT CONEY DOG BATTLE with MY DAD!!* 🌭🏙️

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] today on the vlog you guys tuned in for a legendary one the food battle of all food battles in downtown detroit since the mid 1930s these two joints have claimed their recipe for a coney island hot dog is the best on planet earth the makeup is simple an all beef natural casing hot dog on a steamed bun with iconic chili sauce raw onion and tangy yellow mustard it's american coney island versus lafayette coney island simply which one tastes better me personally i've done this challenge dozens of times but for today's video donation i've recruited my detroit born father ron to partake in his first ever coney dog challenge today's episode made possible by a duo a power couple give it up for smith pines and murph malays lafayette vs american coney dogs detroit settle this battle on who's the best coney dog smith pines and murph molly's so i have done this challenge it's one of my favorite things to take people and do when ali and i first started dating i i took her we did this it was fun my dad has never done the challenge have you ever had either of these dogs i've had them but now i don't think the consecutive no yeah not this way to pick the one so i think what we should do snag one from each spot come back to the car and then i'll give you each one without you knowing which one it is think and maybe there'll be no difference maybe it'll be very different and we'll see if you actually have a winner does that sound good that sounds good glad you guys are here beautiful day to be in detroit every day is a good day in detroit [Music] [Music] all right american got it time for lafayette [Music] thank you all right i'm gonna let you use the dining room table what a treat right i gotta get one for guests and for me yeah all right so what did you think of that experience we were in the each restaurant for less than 60 seconds oh it was very wild it took longer to walk in than it did to get the food after we ordered yeah plus i like their beer selection in there too i know usually put it in different bags too yeah in case you get white versus brown right yeah yeah they're soft they're warm all right so we opened the lid we got beautiful soft bun just been steamed you got your classic hot dog skin on lots of onions lots of chili and mustard to top it off and they're not too sloppy that you cannot pick it up all right close your eyes but i want you to know which one you're having first his eyes are closed all right you can open them snag that dog don't look at it too much and just start feasting oh boy i think to the naked eye you'd never know that there was a difference like visually you know like looking at the two of them if you lined up five lafayettes and five american dogs and they mixed them up i don't think you could pick the five american and then the five lafayette and like spread them out you know i don't think so unless they get the meat from a different place then how would it be different maybe the chili recipe but it looks very similar there's just such subtle differences price is just about exactly the same too these have gone up in price though the last couple years these are 350 each now they used to be like a dollar ninety nine for like most of my life because it's really good a little bit of uh bite to the chili like a hint of heat just enough to be it's that it's there yeah there we go it's a professional look at that that's what we're talking about that's classic bite it's so good there's just something so refreshing even though it's like chili and mustard and onion there's still a refreshing factor of like it all goes together so well the mustard accents the chili really well it tangs it up and everything they look sloppy but they really do like stay together like if there's a way to eat them and be manageable it's not making a mess at all all right you ready for your second one here's the other spot so this is hot dog number two their neighbor do you notice a difference i don't know this one just looks a tad different the hot dog itself there's a little bit different look to it yes a little longer maybe a little more snap for the dog as a visitor to detroit the fact that you can go into each of those places and try these and they make them in 90 seconds like less than that you're out the door they both take credit card now they didn't for the longest amount of time it's just such a fun experience to pop in here have a detroit style coney and have from the places that were like really like they put this on the map like detroit stop pizza coney dogs honeys like chicken finger pitas and lemon rice soup like detroit's very greek forward food is so fantastic a lot of great food for good i don't know i think there is a difference starting to see it now every time i come here i try to read i try to go from scratch and i think to myself all right try them both we do a lot of food content online go in blind and every time i realize one does have more flavor pop and more of a texture to me yes i like that more than the other one they're both so good i'd never be mad if you gave me a bunch of hot dogs from the one i like second place you know what i mean like they're so good look at this tell me you're gonna somebody could just determine you really hardly can't without looking at them even when looking at them i know i didn't know what bag you took them out of i wouldn't had any idea i still don't they look identical they do except for the hot dog the hot dog is different they are one's a little like leaner and like more snap the other one's heftier but a little like not chewier but just not as much of that texture do they grill them or are they steaming them i'm not sure how they were doing it i didn't even they're on the flat top and they constantly move them around yeah so the ones could be cooked a little more this second one seems it's got a little more pop to it yeah that's a great way to describe it there's more pop to the second one yeah what a great lunch overall though huh oh yeah so good did you grow up eating these like was this something that was in your culture of like really never damn well i'm sure we did because my grandpa and my dad worked downtown for many many many years right over at the penobscot building penobscot what a name it's still there great big building you can see it from in your seats at uh comerica yeah and you're sitting there and it was a building you know that people rent an office there okay so that's where my grandpa's office was from that sign that you have now yeah the ely sign that hangs above my above editing bay sean that was from down here i think it was on howard street so i'm sure they came down here yeah for lunch or whatever so we grew up eating like leo's coney island senate coney island national coney island and now there's a drive through coney island and royal oak that blew my mind like stuff like that but coming down here and doing this there's nothing like it to me like this is like a reason to come to detroit if you're a food person is to try this they were not shy about me having the camera either they were like the one the lady from american was actually way nicer and was like i put some history i put a little history you're amazing thank you thank you of the of the restaurant in the bag for you like she was you know what i mean like i love people like that yeah and this place was established in the 1880s insane it's just amazing in the same location all these years can you tell where i get my love of history from i mean we'll do the same thing it's just incredible to me it's so fun like there's no one else i'd rather be with right now and there's no other food i'd rather be eating with that person right now like this is the dream scenario it is it is get to be here on on your program with you eat some of the best food in detroit plus you're my son wow we're hitting it all the only thing we got going bad is the rain but we're not letting it stop no screw that we're used to bad weather in michigan so wait a minute it'll be sunny i gotta start my own youtube channel oh please do i'll do all the florida hot dog spots all right we gotta pick a winner hot dog one which was this hot dog two which was this we'll snap that off all right ron uh dad ron ron ron ron i like ron which hot dog was better i'm going to say i can't really say which one was better i'm just trying to determine yeah and if your answer is there's not one better they're just different that's also totally fine i've had a lot of people have taken they're like i don't really i kind of prefer them both for different reasons you know what i mean yeah i'm gonna say the first one was or the yeah hot dog one hot dog one was uh american and the second one was lafayette that's correct how did you know that holy mackerel i was gonna do it the other way around but just because but i thought that'd be too obvious that i'd flip it so i did it how we went in why how did you know that with not even not even knowing how they taste i didn't i mean it's a 50 50 grab i mean yeah so which one was better kind of like the lafayette one better i mean not a lot better it was just good that's coach let's scooch on by you there hello scotch pasta the hot dog had a little bit more of a pop i don't know if it was because it was on the grill longer i mean we're in here at like 1 30 in the afternoon on a monday so they've already had their lunch rush probably yeah they did i think i don't know if it was the mustard had a little spice to it yeah it was the chili but it was a little bit of a kick hardly any but just enough to notice to make it really good and the buns were identical they were steamed perfectly and no mess to eat it didn't even need a napkin really it's kind of nice still yeah so yeah i would go with the lafayette and then the american or if you had a couple beers you probably wouldn't matter either way you have a couple molsons just give me four coneys and a giant molson and i'm ready everything that you said i mirror it's all the reasons i like lafayette more i still love america i think some people are so harsh they're like no screw america no like literally no it's amazing i love both so much lafayette you i'm so glad you said it exactly how i think it it's gotta pop the snap is obvious a little bit more but the pop of the flavor the mustard to me too is there's something just a subtly different wonder if they put like a little chili powder in there something yeah cause it looks normal like it came out of a out of the squirter but right so a giant tub of it like this big right yeah so let us know if you guys are watching this video and you're familiar with both which one do you lean toward uh smith pines and murph males i'm so glad that i could confirm that lafayette is the alpha dog in the fight but very barely like they got like a bad day like little brother beating big brother we love that analogy in michigan apparently mike hart i hate you um overall just such a good launch and i'm so glad we got to do this excellent very good thank you for suggesting it too absolutely uh this one will go down in the history books on my channel for one of my favorites so thanks to uh smith and murph if you guys want to donate to the show the venmo to catch up to paypal it's all right here you can send what you want me to do i'll go do it new video for every single donation that comes into the channel we're coming up on four months straight 120 videos in 120 days which is bananas i'm starting to get burned out but we're gonna keep pushing fast i wish i could join you for a few more yeah hopefully you can before you leave so uh guys thank you and uh happy hot dogging you really gotta work on the outros yeah it's not that good [Music] you
Channel: HeySeanEly
Views: 14,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: social media pessimist, sean ely, best vloggers, daily vlogger, chicago vlog
Id: AAzChtL2OBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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