Barry's Food Hell - Sharks and Fermented Herring

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hello and welcome to sorted food fridge can now in case you're new here you might not know that we've been fighting for brownie points over the last few months we have a loser it's berry and this is welcome to London's Southbank on a a very very cold December day where we have a hell of a day planned for berry the thing about berry is we know is food hell is it's that Swedish fermented herring stuff Tyler we know what his heaven is sticky toffee pudding we also know who hates to be boxed he's not that good a swimmer and he hates cold wet fishing [Music] grape flavored make over that time when you moved house about eight years ago and I called you a photographer and you got really angry why were you angry because I'm not a photographer because you don't like to be put in a box so guess what you do yeah okay you're being put in a box yeah under the water I didn't some sharks he may so firstly I can't stand fish let alone really big fish also I don't like small spaces though being in a box only makes it worse [Music] [Music] [Music] that is proper scary by the way the thing is it's not the shot it's the fish that freaked me out yeah one over in part one not one so two parts so get dried off we've got part 2 coming for you now remember food health food health yeah I've got you something not some privacy part 2 of berries food hell is going to be actually held for all of us I think because it's happening in the same place that we are we have built him a smell chamber and we intend to fill it with stench in the form of Swedish fermented herring if you don't know what they are the reason that Barry knows they're his food hell is because this happened we're going to keep him in there for five minutes but we've got a series of questions ask him and everyone he gets right here about 10 seconds if you manage to actually consume one and keep it down we will have his time he won't mention why Derek gazebo it's an airtight smell chamber y'all air tight my arm you're going to be in there Swedish is most fermented fish finishes this oh this is your food heaven right that's just sticky toffee pudding off you go no I'm going to eat this while you're in the ferry your times not gonna start until one of those touches your lips like this just like that go after eat it oh if you eat it you have your time in the tent it's also prayed for Wow look at these guys peering in a shark tank well don't forget this oh it's nothing back [Music] you made a very smoothie yeah can you name one of the other five ingredients you added to the smoothie excluding berries which me do three things to do with berries raspberries blueberries mangoes real question nope berry okay a dessert week make my n yeah you made a ridiculous ice cream sundae with man it had lots of desserts in it how many desserts to incorporate it's got it right got it right let me run a food truck in Primrose Hill what do we gain understand nacho nacho men form in 30 can you name one of the four different flavors of personalized cupcakes that you made the guys in big my end for cake week there was a peanut butter while I'm sure there was a gin gin one there was a icon there body okay I think that's that's over I'll lick it lick it lick it I want a proper lick yeah come on another level style [Music] recently I create some custom crisps for you or what was your flavor salmon smoked salmon and avocado oil correct that's ten seconds off you're pretty close to the end of the time in three two one yeah that quick someone get me out of here the problem is we'll let the smell out just get me out of here quick get rid of it well that's the end of season 3 of fridge camp thank you so much for all of your help all of your feedback it's been amazing we would love to know what you thought about it please comment down below let us know all of your feedback in season 3 and what you'd like to see come up in season 4 fear not though we're not completely disappearing over Christmas we have an absolutely awesome Christmas bonanza for you it's coming to you in the form of sort it's a Christmas Christmas carol two-part and some other cool stuff leading up to the new year and then we will see you with more fridge can in 2018 assorted christmas carol believe or not I'm not playing Scrooge apparently well well click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 720,413
Rating: 4.9252152 out of 5
Keywords: bens food hell, gordon ramsay kitchen nightmares, gordon ramsay hotel hell, hells kichen, anthony joshua food heaven food hell, what is your food hell, the smelliest food in the world, masterchef worst dishes, americans try surströmming, eating surströmming with pewdiepie, the british food taste test (w/sorted food), rhett and link, good mythical morning, good mythical more
Id: RO7Nfk6RGzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2017
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