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[Music] [Music] Friday afternoon and Kaler and I just arriving at mountaintops National Park / state forest for the weekend now something a little bit different this time we have a trailer behind us I think that one of the drifter dog trailers behind us we just picked it up back in Gloucester you can hire them for the weekend so they got a couple different chose even higher and I've never taken a trailer a camping before so I wanted to give it a go and see what it's like going to tops of one of our favorite places to go not too far from home and we got a look I should be a pretty nice weekend so came to get up here firstly log down there I'm definitely a little bit nervous I've never told a trailer off-road before in fact I've never told a trailer in my life so this is my first ever day tying a trail I am taking off right so pretty got pretty much got no idea what I'm doing we're just started off we're on taking turn off off the main back to the forest road onto dill grease circuit now just taking a little track off dill recirc I've done quite a few times before I start them too hard it's only shots I figured I'd give it a bit of a go to you know see how I go with a trailer on a small little track I may have forgot to mention to Luke that I've never taught a trailer in my life so he may or may not have get his trailer back in one piece this is the first time I've been camping since I got back from Ozzy about six weeks ago six seven weeks ago and it's so nice to be back out the bush she's absolutely beautiful up here in the bactin it's kind of like New South Wales version of the high country this is stop number one that's not far off deal gree circuit uniquely shaped rock out in the middle of the bush what do you reckon yes big yeah as I said I've never tried told any other tables this is my first ever one so I'm not gonna be able to compare it to any other trailer but I can definitely get feedback on the first time tying a trailer off-road now so far it's doing better than I thought I was definitely worried about turning down any full drive tracks of how I was going to go but doesn't the car it doesn't struggle like I thought it would you're still seem to be able to crawl things and cruise alright you can feel it definitely notice it a bit on obstacles through the mud and up little pills and that yeah we're getting one yeah are you gonna buy us one I've only ever slept in swags my whole camping life either way as a kid maybe tents on the last several years of camping it's been swag only so definitely be an experience to have a try out with a better and everything else and however probably never ever sleep in a swag again after this weekend it's already coming up five o'clock so the plan is to sort of had the camera didn't get too much in this afternoon we saw uniquely shaped rock and hit up that little Ford Drive track and now we're on Barrington trail heading to little camp spot I know of out the back of Barrington it's such a beautiful area out here and it's really still and peaceful afternoon generally the trucks out Barrington it nothing too hard that's why I saw to pry the trail up here because you know I don't want to be tearing up tracks that are hard with a big trailer you know I just wanted to take it easy and cruise this weekend little bit a full driving and a bit of exploring and camping the hardest track I know I've been Barrington and I've explored this area pretty well I did not pretty well is bull Ridge Road that's the hardest track I know that's one way done Louise deep up on that's the one that is a true serious track but other than that most trials out here on Vanda awesome spud to ourselves here in the middle of the bush Luke actually told us about this spot but this heaps of spots earlier everywhere so the thing is a banked and tops is there is all the like main campgrounds through the National Park but then if you go explore or the side tracks and trails there's just heaps of camp spots out to yourself as well such a spectacular area now we're gonna try and sell this chair for the first time I think he's still pretty straightforward but never done it before that's all you're in they do pop it up but you just got to put this up with three poles this one and then this somehow and then it does also have poles inside it to prop it up if you need to but they said it's pretty good like it no it doesn't fall down but if you want to feel a bit safe you can prop it up inside with the poles there is it in there way better than the swag is the matches comfy Hague is it like it sounds like a home bed you want to give us a quick tour yeah which have got fly screens or open right lights for reading then I live behind the fan this light which is orange or you can have white and orange or just what another window up there amazing so you're off to bed okay get the fire gun okay in this middle bit here you just kind of got two storage sides got some tables and chairs and stuff in there forty years such an awesome spot here settling for night not a barely a puff of wind beautiful skies haven't seen anyone else in this whole vicinity got the whole place to ourselves four kilometers this is kind of a full kitchen set out at the back here you got like a fridge cooker drawers table more drawers here for more or your kitchen gear looks like whole things run by red our gear then pretty much you've got a whole variety of lights throughout the whole thing you can turn lights on and off you got your 12-volt system you got some outlets you turn your water on and off it's got air bags in the back so you can turn the airbags on and off and level the trailer out of you onto then the 12-volt system is obviously charged by the solar panels on the roof and then it's also got a DC DC charger in it which charges the whole set up as you drive it sunset is so nice this afternoon this guy is just really lighting up with colors [Music] we got to camp pretty late we're just gonna do toasted sandwiches on the Jeff Lyons and just like Edie toasted sandwiches so just cheese avocado in baked beans I think that's it on Thomas having an egg on his egg get down first definitely work shut up egg avocado baked beans and cheese on top oh I wanted it then [Music] is it ready yeah you're gonna say Becky's ready he's ready you tell me that B no flood okay you end up there working out absolutely perfect weather today not a cloud in the sky there's a slight little breeze but not much at all they were saying it's meant to possibly come in with showers later this afternoon but it's definitely not looking anything like that yet just had a bit of brekkie awesome night's sleep in the trailer in the in the rooftop tent up there so comfy just going to pack everything up now and then head out on the tracks and go do some exploring today and see what we can find how did you enjoy the first night in the trailer that's it it's like how can you have instant coffee again after you've had burst a caponata and coffee you don't need to it's like a nice example you'd already do it in like absolutely desperate times when there's no other option here another reflection so now we have to get camp a trailer or a rooftop tent oh I just find a new boyfriend with one you know what the funny thing is they packed up quicker than the swag [Music] [Applause] they're on this track on the way out of camp now Vanilli back out of it at the main road it's a bit of a obstacle course here of trees now someone's already chopped it all up but hasn't got it off someone made a bit of a track around but I don't think I'd fit around the trailer plus you're better off clearing things along the main track if you can and sticking to the main track because going around to making new tracks ever is what gets these one of the reasons places end up getting close you know more and more the bush gets destroyed I don't know why someone's chopped all this up [Music] did I do it yeah yeah yeah yeah the trailers knocked off its had to take a track around a tree then cuz there was a monster tree and no way was that going to be how to clear it it's pretty well used track around it but definitely becomes more interesting interesting on those tire tracks where you got to squeeze in between trees of the trailer because the trail will follow kind of your trucks with a bit of turning and that but when you got that sharp turning that's when it starts to like cut in a bit and so you go try and hold with that bit wider which I'm learning how to do and it's definitely a little bit challenging but you're on Carter's trail now kind of still out the back of bearing turnout in the western end of it quite a nice drive out through here nothing too hard but good little go to challenge I guess with the trailer navigating through the track that's a bit tight in places last time we came through here there was just flowers everywhere so Carroll was keen to come see all the flowers but there's none here this time I think it's might be slightly different Tommy I think we're a bit light for them plus I don't have that big drought affected them and then all the rain I don't know the weather's kind of being all over the place the last few months [Music] [Music] pay off that Carter's trial and just on our way down to the water gauge camping spot I'm pretty sure it's cause the water gates try out with Nelly down on the bottom now I'm at a bit of a mud hole here now this tracks around it both sides but they both look like a good way to jam the trailer somewhere somebody's have to plan my way through the middle one this bit sticky in there I have to give it a little bit Matt down to this water gauge campground pretty sure it's called snoring like a mocked campground but ya got heaps a nice spots down here along the edge you ever no one else down here to relax here and take it in for a while and they're not sure what we'll do after yet the clouds are starting to move in so I'd say will will rain a little bit later on beside the rain while having lunch then we get packed up get out of here it's about 1:30 no this not too bad it's raining the slight red clay out here it's not that steep but I don't know if the trailer is gonna slip and slide around a bit shouldn't be too much [Applause] come to check here what I probably thinks the best waterfall in the barrington clearly out behind me there now kepada heap of rain recently so it's really flowing this rains coming down so China stay dry and warm here in our coats and rain jackets we're going to make a walk out the work for now it's really flowing today I'm never staying like this before I've never been up here when it's been so much riding racing time this rivers raging and up waterfalls coming down hard getting pretty wet out here we made our way from the waterfall back to Barrington trail now is like multiple banks and trails in Barrington Tufts National Park well it will kind of all follow each other by cut across different sections of the park so the main Barrington tops Forest Road sort of runs one way through the park and then Barrington trail pretty much comes straight across the other way we're on the eastern side of the main road now and Barrington trail heading out to Murray little Murray campground I think it's called this track goes all the way through the junction pulls where meets a dead end but it's to me it's not worth it heading all the way out there cuz it's a nice spot on the river but it's just so slow such a long rocky rough drive out there but you just do the first probably one third of it to this campground that we love big big open paddock then there's normally horses when you're there as well which is cool the CEO is kind of cruise along there so you get to camp monster day like today around 4 o'clock or so yeah yeah it's a bit rough so if you go all the way to Junction pools it's like this the whole way it's like 10 12 kilometers each way whereas just to get to the Murray can be on 17 3 or maybe 4 3 or 4 each way we have arrived at Luna Mari campground I got the whole place to ourselves here no one else with unknown people may come in there is horses as well Kayla's just going over there to have a look at them now they're next to us and we drove in now this is a paid national parks can't ground there's a sign up on the thing saying it's out of order looks like the box is missing so I guess we got a free camp tonight it's very cold at the moment and it's kind of fine misty rain you're up very high here set this trailer up get the fire gun it insert I've lost my way that was good we didn't need to Claire's got a big one of those big 270 degree wraparound awnings on and that is raining so better set it up now the trailer does have an iPad in there with instructional videos on how to do things with it has a video on how to set up the awning but I think I'll just make it up so yeah if I get stuck though I might need a look at the video on the iPad I'm stuck that's it god this awning all set up I think we kind of did it right pretty close to one need a bit of practice on that one got a kitchen here also found in the trail is a little extra bench top here so you got even more bench space I was kind of up waiting for this rain to stop to light the fire the sun's kind of been an hour but it's still raining it's just like light mist constant rain we set up a couple of these side walls as well because the rain would've blown in the side you got side walls for the whole thing all the way around we just put two up couldn t bother doing more but we've got a nice little shelter in here under now in here under there under here in here in here now under under here you know how I was gonna start cooking I would carry for dinner in a minute we're gonna film that as a different videos a little cooking with Kayla video rather than in this main barrington video because I know not everyone likes cooking so that way I can do it in a separate little video [Music] [Music] wake up to a very wet cold and rainy day today well very thankful we had that camper Jo last night with a roof top 10 that big awning in the side walls now we're just doing horse swamp trial attorneys short little track I've done a couple of times before and he may be a kilometer kilometer half through through to the waterfall up here which is whole blue falls I think it is there my thoughts on towing a trailer for the first time off right you definitely get used to it kind of mixes things up a bit gives you a little bit of an you know a little bit of a challenge bit more interesting it's not it's not too bad it's not too hard I think the biggest thing you got to be careful of is just sticking a bit wider when you're doing like hard turns and reversing is a nightmare I'm gonna have to practice how to reverse because I don't have to do that very well save me like coming to an obstacle or something where you have to turn around or reverse back there's two mud holes I've chosen the one that's a bit longer but easy I think the other ones a bit deeper and just kind of falls in a hole there there is a track around but it looks pretty painful with the trailer so BAFF just going through a little bit sticky and slushy and there shouldn't be too bad I'll go relocker in second gear to give it a bit of powder make sure I give myself every chance I'm sure we'll get through a farm but models you just never quite sure okay that didn't go very well [Applause] okay well you have to pull it Sarah I think it's sitting just below our door isn't it no no no I said don't open it I better be a bit quicker yeah let's go straight through the middle Gazi I didn't think it'd be that bad as I said you never know if my fault that didn't exactly go to plan and I'm quite muddy now but that's good thing about of Tyler we got a hot water shower on board sometimes we use mud off me the gas on cold water in and then hot water out lucky we didn't take the trap around my car yeah you didn't East I hate that if there's a tract around the Mun how it's usually for a reason yeah well I didn't say that bad made at our last little stop of the day pol blue falls so many nice waterfall is our Barrington there's just heaps out of every rep makes some making the drive out of here now how to have a better lunch somewhere along the way and then head back to Gloucester to drop this trailer [Music] we got to what I cannot know we're working up to absolutely perfect weather here today not a cloud in the sky but they do they were saying possibly but my feet actually hurt that's such a weird feeling oh the Craig's in Barrington never seem to get warm maybe in the middle of summer they're like mice mmm like cooking [Applause] the Renzi's yes what's people like lots people wanna watch I get camping and for driving show they don't want to watch like a 10 minute cooking thing but they don't eat I don't need to eat when they're camping well pillows very cute well what you want to put in the main one no I'm just saying like who doesn't like cooking like what well I don't know I've had food but I've had plenty people comment before even when I've done little cooling segments and they like what's your thoughts on having the trailer yeah we got stuck in between two trees and actually children on a tight rack we got jammed in between two trees where basically the car and trailer slipped in and the tree was sort of right where the drawbar is or whatever you call it and the trailer was on one side and the car was on the other and I couldn't really go backwards or forwards I thought we're gonna have to unhitch the trailer but I managed to do about a 30 point turn and slowly inch the car and the trailer away from the tree and get ourselves out of there that was a little bit stressful there we go we got there in the end of those gonna unhitch the trailer and on the middle of this track and try and winch it out away and then rehook it up we got there and also arrested cause of the named yeah Kayla got an aunt on earth that's what she owes nice concerned event and you might consider that house well consent that the copper channel there he went there just like of--steak antal me Steve
Channel: Tyler Thompson
Views: 66,777
Rating: 4.958941 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, 4x4, barringontoptops, offroad
Id: i8Ueto5Or8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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