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that time feel good [Music] I decide [Music] [Music] how's the West it was absolutely terrible oh that's the worst joke of every time alone is it cold well if that came back in the main Bay of Fires area this morning you're out doing some exploring further north and a bit of a four-wheel drive access part of the Bay of Fires and I found this little gem of a gem of a spot or two ourselves out here just absolutely beautiful Bay of Fires area is known for its white sand like just this crystal-clear blue water and then all of the rocks are red as well the weather's a little bit all over the place I think we've got the good weather on the first half of this trip over the West Coasters hot sunny warm days of no wind whereas now it's kinda windy in and out of clouds and rain sun's back out now and they'll be back in the clouds but we're hoping to get sort of a couple of hours of Sun and just chill at the beach so it's very about 16 degrees maybe 50 come back outside [Music] after spending a couple of hours swimming and relaxing in that beautiful spot we headed further north into the national park towards Eddystone Point Lighthouse Eddystone point lighthouse in the Mount William National Park but it's very windy out here after checking out the lighthouse 2 came out at Mount William National Park and then we'll come back inland through to Little Blue Lake was the next destination we came to check out we found a spot either camp on the edge of the lake for the night just off the main road there's the lake just there and there's our camp the weather is still pretty bad in and out of wind and rain that's kind of why I wanted to get off the coast but just bunker down for the night here try and get a bit of protection get a little fire going to stay warm it's absolutely freezing there's problem with our weather in Tasmania summer weather it's just so unpredictable it can be like really hot or absolutely freezing cold then in the morning we'll go for a walk and have a look around the lake and check it all out [Music] backed-up Cavanaugh for a bit of a walk around the edge of the lake it is so blue what it is is it's an old mining area and they mined to be coal in the ground here and that's just rained and filled up with water and because of all the minerals in the ground it's created this blue color so they do say not to swim and it could set us high levels of aluminium it's so cool to come check out say you won't believe like the color to actually see it in real life [Music] that's lu blue like ticked off the list of things to see I don't actually know if you're meant to camp here like where we came in we just sort of saw respond that you liked and pulled up there and talked em there for the night when you come up to the main areas there's a sign saying no camping in the main area so I don't know there's so many rules of everything you can and can't do these days are trying my best to follow them but it's it's hard sometimes now we're going to head out of here we're going to make our way back through a town of Derby I think it is over to come remember the name of a town where's 11 to farm the Kayla wants to see 11 to farm and now I think we're gonna head out lucky when your lemon juice yeah I'll be matching and then this afternoon we gotta head out there bridge Bridgeport Bridgeport Bridgeport Bridport to Bellingham be trunk of the other coast up there hopefully the weather's nice it's still pretty windy David is reasonably warm and sunny at the moment [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Jericho vlog up that would stay and what K and what what's he a canola go made up to low in the farm so it's ten dollars per adult and kids are free it's pretty much nothing but photo she's dead here everyone's just walking around getting photos working out prime photo shoot location it's actually really cool here there's also a bazillion bees and there's a lot of spiders as well making webs down all the arms trying to catch all the bees for food thoughts on the lavender farm : yeah do be honest is also a lot of flies yeah well flies and bees there's a lot more 11 die than I anticipated how long my expectations in lemon done have been exceeded after that with Stowe Britt stole Evan to farm yesterday we went back into the town of Scottsdale and camped there the night I met a little reserve on the edge of town free camp and they got hot showers there you can put in three bucks and get a hot shower and yep then this morning we're heading yeah we came out to Bridport and you've got twenty kilometers away for the Bridport to Belling and beach run this is the long week strata day long weekend and looks like there's a lot of people out here today just full drives and motorbikes and quad bikes everywhere I've never been out here before so we head out into the beach and dunes and see what it's like the way there's still not great today so main training this morning it's not too windy but every we have a nice protected spot here at the beach somewhere I've learnt the tires down to 13 just because I think it does get pretty soft out here having a bit of rain so it won't be too bad if I was a few big gins you can climb I think so give me you know give me every chance to trying to get up there but I didn't want to go too much lower because I'm not sure if you know what it's like out here making a little bit more of me baby yeah going down to 13 which is which is pretty low to start with [Music] [Music] kind of that main under the main st. album albums Bay st. Alvin's Beach then you drive up along the beach the scent is very soft out here I would max out about 14 you do on low pressures cuz that whole Beach run was off camber as well like you're kind of sliding towards the water nearly the whole way off so you want low pressures and then once you company the end you a car come up onto a bit of a journey and then you come down this massive open air where it's people like kill climbs and dunes all around you so they'll explore around here [Music] [Music] we continue to have a bit of an explore around the area before finding a spot to pull up and have some lunch who've driven over into the back of the June area open to the campgrounds here's heaps the campgrounds like kind of you come along the beach you got like the sand track ending on then you got big st. albums albums bay then you come up into the dunes you got all these dunes around the drive up and then there's a massive spread of campgrounds around and around the area to kind of like grass and sand the sun's actually come out which is nice pretty warm here but there's a few flies around which kala really likes flies where's Mae Olivia lunch there's the dunes up there so you can like try and drive up in front of them anywhere you want or you can come around the back and get up to the top of them there yeah so many people out here for a lead a long weekend [Music] it was quite busy out there being Australia Day long weekend meaning we didn't hang around too long the main June area and campground is about the halfway point and from there we continued west towards Bellingham to come out at the other end [Applause] [Music] made off the other end right up here at Bellingham okay on a Bridport come off Bellingham you can come right through it on my bike map and book it said saying about a saltwater crossing along the way it can be tired or without nothing there we came through right on high tide meaning you can get right through between both towns on high tide at the moment anyway Aaron up ties here down then we're gonna head off don't even know where we're going yet tonight's our last night in today we're heading home tomorrow night catching a knife ferry tomorrow we're gonna head down towards Launceston way and then we want to go to Cradle Mountain tomorrow on our last day awesome fun a little bit run through there though the Sun did come out which is nice still very windy day be better in non windy conditions and then there's pretty fun in those June's out in the middle there we didn't try and tackle the massive one there cuz by the time we had lunch and go back out there there was about 30 full drives all lined up there I didn't want to try and take it on in front of all them watchin but I watched about 15 try and get up and none of them made it or weren't even really that close to home the closest one was probably about 2/3 of the way up that June so I don't think I was getting up anyway there's heaps of campsites scattered like all through that system out there everywhere it seems people sort of camp everywhere we father this is Lily Dale Falls we came to check out between Bellingham and Launceston on the way in there's 10 minute walk to the Upper Falls here and then I was a little bit less 7 8 minutes down to the lower one down the bottom there I kind of wish I brought my swimmers up it looks really nice and I'm keen Kirsten from there we headed towards Launceston we're on the outskirts of town is the cataract gorge it's just a beautiful place to stop check out and enjoy the afternoon they've got plenty of walks there things to see and do there is a pool to swim in or you can swim out in the big open gorge - we have a bit of a walk around how to swim and then caught the chairlift over the gorge so Chandler Fannie fits two people so I'm by myself and kala and car back there awesome little ride over the gorge last night in Tazi absolutely left that cataract gorge launceston where just typed in the GPS cradle mountain run away had to Cradle Mountain only about 25 30 minutes away home about now 45 Drive 7 o'clock with Simon looking for camp spots found this pretty amazing little spot on the edge of this lake in the end on the edge of Lake Gardner holding its called once again no plans just get out exploring and then I spotted this damn Lake on the map and I thought all this right down I'll go down there here's a nice campsite because my higher up here we're heading up towards Cradle Mountain where I kind of up in the mountains and there's pretty cold up here yeah I'm sooo the shirt but I'm getting cold quick Kai hasn't worn a jumper pretty much the whole trip just shivers every night to cool for a jump but as far I go and then we'll start piling steep something there's a bit of a breeze whipping off this Lake here keep keeping it cool because there last night we can burn all our woods they should stay warm that's how we did the Bridport to Bellingham Beach run this morning and then we came down and we saw that Lily Dale falls in there just popped out Lily Dale came into that cataract gorge in Launceston and then as I said we just start ahead of the cradle mountain from Launceston up in here the way I came just over here tonight over in this Lake Gardner just in here then having toasted sandwiches on the fire quite a few nights this trip this is the fire pit the Snow Peak one from drifters we've been using for the whole trip now three weeks and at the start if I kind of debated whether I should put it in the car or not whether it's just a bit of a waste of space having a fire pit when you can have a fire on the ground but very happy I bought it and after using it for a while I can highly recommend it they are a bit of money but I think they're worth it unreal quality and the things I like about it I you can just kind of have your fire wherever you want you don't damage the ground there's a fire but some of someone's made a fire pit over there we can have right here where we want and I'll just tip the coals in there later no like marks or mess left on the ground because that's one of the things that ruins campsites when you just got fires everywhere the people are made and then when you put the grill on top I think that just makes cooking so much easier on the fire like when you put your grill weight on top I just think that just makes the fire a lot safer and nicer and easier even up up off the ground there it's nice and warm in front of you and you can keep it like keep it little the would last longer you're not having big fires and I just think it burns nicely in there I changed my mind get out my wife into cradle mountain now looks pretty huh could be pretty busy up in here today given that's Monday public holidays favorite traffic now we thought last night was our last night in Tasmania but turns out tonight is our last night as someone may have got the ferry dates wrong so yeah you used to be able to drive into cradle mountain and the lake but you can't anymore it seems you gotta catch a bus in there well yeah we thought well I thought we catching the ferry tonight I got I got the dates wrong anyways we're catching we were meant to catch it last night so I had to call up this morning but managed to get on the ferry tomorrow night yeah a little bit of stress there this morning when I realized that we missed our ferry and I wasn't sure when we're gonna be able to get on to our next one but I only cost me an extra hundred dollars to change and now we get another two days holiday yeah yeah made it through to Cradle Mountain and of like this dove like they're in cradle mountains up there in focus absolutely beautiful here and it's so peaceful as well as hardly any wind Danny there's the world-famous bike shed next to dove like everyone gets a picture it's also absolutely freezing up here what do you reckon a man don't like in cradle mountain pretty gorgeous those colors I thought do you know that this feels like deja vu you know I feels like those are the mountain moss because I just feel like this constant like non-stop talking I'm just just talk talk talk talk talk talk is anyone else notice that the sun's time to come out we're all gonna be boiling their views and scenery around here just absolutely spectacular the Sun starting to come in there to the skies are clearing and we're all wearing about 30 layers of clothing so we're gonna start burning over there's a massive amount of walk seen during the airing short ones the all-day ones too you can do like big few day walks from here as well I don't even know what this one is we're doing now that's stuff like over in the background there and then you got some other like there and we're heading up the top here we did the dove lake circuit last time which is like 6 point something kilometers 2 to 3 hours just around the edge of the lake you got the cradle mountain summit walk which is six to eight hours it's like 13 kilometers returned at the top of crater Mountain we're just going out now to some Marion lookout and one batpoles to get a look out over the area that's just beautiful up here that's Marion's lookout up there half-day continues up and that's crater lake in there which you can see in secret like that Tomatoes look at which is if you had over the whole thing but I got a pretty good view where we are here now overall and I think ours had enough how nice does it all look now the Sun on it you're just some clothing yeah doing this a shirt a long-sleeve a jumper hem this sorry cold at the bottom and just think if we had to call it the ferry last night like we're supposed to when I missed out on all this I'm literally sweating by the bottom alright and that's cradle man and dove lake all done now catch the bus back to the car here's some time lapses I did worry out this [Music] I can see why that camp some cars going in there now last time I came here three years ago it used to be able to like they let a certain amount of cars in and out at any given time so you kind of wait at the gate when a car came out can you get back in but there's just chaos is like cause it's such a big tourist attraction from people all over the world and trying to get cars in and out of that six eleven six seven kilometer roam the into the mountain that Finn wrote thin Road with buses never going everywhere just absolute nightmare so you come in you park in the main car buck and then you catch the shuttle bus in and back out cost us so in the end of turn down not too bad that we missed our ferry and we're gonna shoot in two days and now we are heading towards Waratah we're thinking of possibly heading in towards the wombat perhaps tonight which is at the end of the thousand dollar track on the river there nice campsite hard to move our body I wouldn't be doing with our skillet rack in there but she can't you got the thousand dollar check you got the cold cold stream mind track into the heart be also got a third way which is like still a full drive but relatively easy track I think in we're down near the town of Waratah sort of back out towards the west coast a little bit I'm heading down into the Wambach I want back heart to cam for tonight which is at the end of the thousand dollar and cold stream track but we won't be doing either of those we're taking the easy one him there is a third easy way into the heart nothing so Tim who join us Erin his troop he's giving me maps the air and he's told me all about it so it's all pretty easy going to get down to the river then he says it's a little bit a little bit more proper full driving to get up to the actual part the last few hundred meters but we're just coming in this easy Forrest she rode at the moment and then yeah it's a bit of like a bit of a drive in there I think maybe about in the air or so but the squeeze and say are already coming along and pretty we're $4,000 and Coldstream track that I asked the other two ways in and that would just like I'm always keen to give things to go by myself as we all know and get out the winch and that but doing either of those two tracks would just be absolute sourcing they were two of the gnarly tracks going and you're just talking monster bog holes like third and fourth gear low range flat in the bonnet deep mud holes like gnarly hill clients and river crossing you're going in there my car would just be so sad plus it is six o'clock and we catch the ferry at six o'clock tomorrow we already missed one ferry we don't need to miss to Goku you chopped up some water on the way and it came because I'm not sure if there'll be any down there there's a couple days big black but Spears here and they go all the way down the bush to escape fading a man chopping up a little bit to them that'll get us through the night [Music] [Applause] [Music] after getting some wood for the night we continued along the easy track in we did have a couple of little challenges but nothing too hard as you made your way down into the mountains and the river we're now on the last few under meters down onto the river and then up the other side to the heart this is part of thousand or cold stream track this part of one of the tracks and look at these ruts coming down this hill here under the river [Applause] walking the camera across the river rapids in the freezing cold has got to take the cake for painful things to walk the camera across after you come through that last rocky rapid Creek Crossing there you just swing around come up the bank and then you arrive at this absolutely I'm awesome Hut out here in the middle of the forest so cool got a fireplace in there it's got bunk bed it's got chairs it's got everything how cool is this hot someone that caping they're doing a good job of keeping this claim someone swept the floor both a thousand dollar track logbook appreciate what others have provided and leave area cleaner than you found it two nights on the track before making it thousand-dollar a cheap challenge people have had some fun times coming in here 14-hour trip in a long cold stream tracks slept on track overnight runs no way we should have done it so gonna windy down in here tonight we have had some pretty windy nights in the last week and one little trick alone to stop the awning banging up and down in the wind all night is to set it up and then pick it in tie your rope up but then once you tie your rope up this still bangs up and down in the wind and drives you mad in the night so if you then jam it up that bit further can't move and we had a windy night doing that compared to not doing that and you're hardly here your awning oh yeah real good we're getting very low on food we're kind of scraping through and our last scraps for dinner and breakfast tonight there's not like you can not heaps of shops depending on where you are in tazzie like from where we came last night between cradle mounts and Waratah ran here and we never really passed any shops to restock cause it's all gonna get the ferry tonight so we shouldn't need it like the pars of shop to get a bit more food for a couple more days I was hoping there been IgA and Waratah but there wasn't it was just like a little petrol station slash take away convenience store so kind of put together a few scrubs to get a bit of a meal for the night that's yeah but that means you can always make a meal out of like initially to bare essentials what are we making tonight we had half an onion in the fridge one capsicum some peas and then we also had it's like good to keep stuff like this always on hand like stir-fry sauce curry sauce all that stuff because you can just put whatever in it and it just tastes good and then I found this coconut milk so it is having like a curry and then we just bought from the convenience store this is like they're only veggies they heard one bikini and this just frozen veg and like that's fine chuck it all in and we've got rice to it just keep staples like rice and pasta and like you'll always be I'd make something Joe and do a quick dinner update um so I've done it wrong it's Facebook curry paste in at the start with the onion and the garlic and everything but daddy this is can't cooking let's do whatever just it's all about it's all about the flavors just marrying each other absorbing one another vibing they do need to like each other if they was doing like each other and so I just put all my veggies in and then I put the chickpeas in and then I made a little well and I put the curry paste in like half a jar and then I just put the frozen veggies in and probably seen at the Coco and then just let it simmer for a while and let all the bugs fly into it second second time being the boss not [Music] right you all these lost close my eyes well I can't take my hand and reach you to remember how I found you when you're here I'm stronger than [Music] how's it feel to be eight years old it's mellow cars birthday today we're meant to be back on the mainland so and to have things better organized but the best way to come up with the last minute from Waratah was a packet of banana cake premade mix and we're trying to make that into pancakes Rebecca welcome to the world as being 8 years old [Applause] [Music] twenty-eight to the first twenty melikhaya birthday took the easy way in to spend their last night in tezi in this beautiful hut after three weeks camping full driving all over to Zee loved it thanks for making our last night one we will never forget Tyler Thompson Kayla's daughter Malachi Thompson McRae New South Wales he's kiss love ha all packed up left place nice and clean came in that way down along the river we're gonna head back out that way which'll lupus background and then we head up out the track that we came out of so you go back that way we got to get up those nasty rut service if we go this way we got a short before I walk down there like a vertical rock wall to get down into the river but other than that it's not too bad that way so head out that way and then ferry to catch tonight we haven't have to do much tree clearing this trip the only times of an idyllic 2 or 3 times I just use the handsaw there are any times you use chainsaw maybe 4 times and that's just for chopping up wood but we haven't really had any big tree is stuff by this year it's just easier the handsaw you're gonna go down that yeah how's it look how do you know if you can even do that let's find her and hope for the best it was pretty bad Hey oh no he's fine what do you thinks gonna happen what back over front that's not gonna happen if it does then we know just like a vertical rock wall famous last words will say yeah when you're upside down in the river they've made see Bacon's in the glove box okay this is pretty gnarly this is the vertical Bank down in to that okay everything's coming forward down into the river here yes just like a vertical vertical rock wall Kyler's yeah said no thanks I'm not sitting in the car we're in the river flu didn't break a lot oh that was XP laser didn't break a lot yeah Oh down on the rebar I'm having an anxiety attack just sitting here watching that did that look pretty hectic the front if the front is went straight into the river into the rocks well I just kind of let it go because it was starting to like fall and wheels to gone up in the air so I just let it go with it rather than like trying to break and making a tip further that's why you have a bull bar and rear bar so you don't break it how you're gonna get a cuss I can reverse back and then you can like jump in the tray that was hippy hectic now gonna reverse back across and get Kayla because she's stuck over the other side they coming back to pick me up I stop hello thank you all right right you go like it's like a music trip yeah I gotcha well after that one insane obstacle we continue out along the Easter track back out to Waratah and then headed towards Devonport to catch the ferry home okay so yeah honestly came off the end of that track I didn't really film anything else they were just calling to go down there actually started pouring down rain on the way out of there we saw our four-wheel drive action just starting the thousand dollar checkbook talking to Carter there because he was kind of the tail end of them without just heading in there cold stream track or thousand dollar track I don't know like five or six four drives and started pouring down rain so definitely there was lunch time and Carter said they're gonna be camping halfway along the track tonight so they are going to be in for a fun 24 hours or so trying to get through that track yeah that B's trying to smash their way through the thousand dollar track now actually a pretty fun cuz the only other time I've ever seen full drive action was only came to Tazi three years ago not too far from there at mutters EMA Falls which isn't far at all and then we saw him again this time three years later that's the end of our tazzie travailing we were in touch about twenty two days when I checked all my film records I got lined up there I got up to day 22 into Z got one point two nine terabytes of footage to edit edit so that should be interesting this is a little fairy bedroom we got bunk bed for bunk beds yeah car fell down smashed himself on his birthday I got a birthday cake and then we're gonna go have dinner on the ferry soon as well what is your favorite pilot Rip Curl I really mmm quite a man was good so nicer my favorite campsite was the one near Columbus what is it Columbus Falls yeah st. Columba Falls I started the Jeep truck yeah that was my favorite campsite I liked the whole trip now probably do after the end of this trip so the next video I'll probably do like run through I don't like I don't have itineraries big boys asked for itineraries coordinates I don't have any of them I'll just make it all up as I go I don't I don't I don't have anything like that but when after this video I'll do like a run-through of our whole tree and kind of draw it on the mat 'we went and all the stuffs it all the place we went and if you've got any questions let me know I'll answer questions for the trip in the next video I have a question I want on two armed downloads you have a thing called Tyler's coordinates oh yeah yeah yeah that's what Tim made for me for this trip but I don't um there Tim's coordinates just for a few places in tazzy but I don't make them myself and I don't want to give away or Tim's coordinates that's up to him such an awesome trip and probably worked out perfect that we missed the ferry two days ago because we got to go to Cradle Mountain and now to that beautiful campsite and part of the thousand dollar truck last night no I missed two days of school and then I have one day and then that's a weekend then it's my birthday party perfect ladies I found a spot here to camp on the edge of the lake for the night seems to be kind of just [Laughter] what Makani packed up my left place nice and clean right I named it okay you know they're bashing they've hauled down in the back down show us your leg silky buoy and by yeah
Channel: Tyler Thompson
Views: 33,305
Rating: 4.9615793 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, 4x4, tasmania
Id: guwn0bY4QyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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