Barney | Part 2/2: Adventures with Friends (1.5 Hours!)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] we were hoping that you would be here today have you and barney been playing in the park we were playing on the swings what are you doing we were just putting away some books and decided it was time for a game can i play two sure we're going to play on and off on and off how do you play that well we take turns finding different kinds of on and off like the book is on the shelf the book is off the shelf now you try okay oh i've got one i'm on the stool i'm off the stool i know the pillow is on the chair the pillow is off the chair here's one the jacket is on the hook jack this off the hook your turn again sarah uh barney's on the chair now barney's off the chair oh hi everybody having some on and off fun yeah we sure that's right my hat is on my hat is off but silly hats are much more fun when they're on oh a silly hat a silly hat i wear it on my head because that's where it's at and i know it looks as funny as can be [Music] it feels like [Music] they think it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're right barney silly hats are more fun when they're on this tiny hat is too cool i like pick-outs best but hats with feathers are my favorite giddy up horsey gear here we go [Music] what are you doing baby bop well i'm playing dress-up with my teddy bear she's a cowgirl and we were pretending to ride a horse what's the suitcase for baby bop oh there are lots of dress-up clothes for teddy in here and she's going to wear all of them today she's my very best teddy bear me and my best teddy bear sitting in my favorite chair we are going out to play just like every day i got lots of friends out there and [Music] she's my favorite one [Music] yeah me and my teddy getting all ready getting all ready to play you know i got a lot of friends that i play with you know i got a lot of friends that are fun like you but then they can't do everything like my teddy cause my [Music] me and my daddy getting already [Music] right here alongside me i'm not even scared of a shark much me and my teddy getting already getting all ready to play oh yeah me and my teddy getting all ready getting all ready to play i got to take her back home till the next time we roam oh well and that's very cool that's cool i love you teddy i like your teddy's hat baby bop thank you sarah she really likes her cowgirl costume if i had boots like those i'd feel like a real cowboy oh just like my ballet slippers make me feel like a real ballerina i like my basketball shoes because they make me feel like a basketball star whoa well there are lots of different shoes let's see what kinds we can find [Music] we've got [Music] we wear shoes in the sun muck looks keep our feet toasty when we nap shoes [Music] when we put them on our feet [Music] shoes for dressing up for a special holiday black shoes white shoes of shiny brown and really big shoes when you dress up like a clown [Music] [Music] shoes look at all the shoes he got out he better put them back ratio okay one two three go i don't want to take my tattoos off yet barney i'd like to pretend that you and i are on a big stage putting on a show for lots of people we'd be dancing in the spotlight but we don't have any tap shoes here that'll fit your feet well they are kind of big oh but i'll bet we can find a pair to fit me if we use our imagination [Music] are you ready for a little dancing nick yes boy [Music] happy dancing in my shoes me chase away the blues makes me feel just like i'm a go happy dancing all day [Music] happy dancing all day [Music] barney has happy feet [Music] happy dancing in my shoes helps me chase me feel just like i may go happy dancing all day [Music] happy dancing all day [Music] let's dress up some more well teddy i have a dress-up idea for all of us how are you dirty really what is it come here and i'll show you [Music] i really like our costume sarah but and what are we can you guess are we bumblebees no we're not bees um butterfly no mario would you please turn the lights off [Music] off they go thank you oh it's dark but not for long baby bop okay everyone make your flashlights blink by turning them on and off oh look at the pretty lights now can you guess what we're pretending to be baby bop oh yes we're lightning bugs all right lightning bugs have little lights that blink on and off on and off [Music] your twinkles are so special [Music] your sparkles are so special to me [Music] your twinkles are so [Music] i think teddy looked so cute in her lightning bug costume oh i think you were all teariffic lightning bugs [Music] oh oh now i'm going to take teddy outside so she can put on a new costume why do you need to go outside for that baby bop because her costume is a surprise [Music] while baby bop is making a surprise for us let's make a surprise for her oh that's really nice but what can we do i can show you how to make a funny mask i've even got one in my backpack let's see i love funny masks see it's a smiley face mask it's simple to make first i cut a paper plate in half then i painted a funny smile on one side then i taped the handle on the back and now i have a silly smile let's get started [Music] first we cut the paper plates in half be careful with the scissors then we color in the smiles oh that's nice [Music] that's gonna have lots of teeth teeth are very important that's why we brush them baby bubble is going to be so surprised and she's going to love these smiles oh they all look so happy mine has a big glitch my smile is going to be missing some teeth that'll make it silly tape the handle to the back so you can hold the mask and you're done [Music] i see four silly smiles to surprise baby bob early in the morning when i get dressed because i always want to look my best the first thing i do so everyone will see is put a great big smile on me [Music] yes they are a smile is pretty a smile is free a smile is a gift to you from me a smile is a present in the special way cause you still get to keep it when you give it away [Music] here we go surprise surprise make way for princess teddy what a surprise daddy looks so pretty baby bob thank you beth yes in fact your surprise makes us smile don't they look funny daddy what do you think princess teddy would like to hear a story about another princess yes i would well i mean yes she will okay would you help me tell the story everyone every princess story should have a castle so we should probably we can make the let's make a wall and put it here okay hey and this could be our tower let's get started good job everyone [Music] you're welcome [Music] okay [Music] you know what i like best about painting making a picture of something no all the pretty colors no well then what i like to [Music] it's the best don't you know try both hands and let it go [Music] do you like to finger paint it's a fun way to get icky squishy and gooey [Music] look what we can do [Music] this is the story of the princess and the pea once upon a time a handsome prince met a beautiful princess and wanted to marry her but the king and queen were worried i want our son to marry a real princess what if she's only pretending is there a way we can find out if lady sarah is a real princess i have heard that real princesses cannot sleep in a lumpy bed but the beds in our castle are not lumpy this is how we will test lady sarah i will put this p under her mattress and you put two more mattresses on top okay [Music] one extra mattress on another extra mattress on that makes one two three mattresses on the bed on top of the pee now we shall see if lady sarah is a true princess the queen knew that if lady sarah was a real princess she wouldn't be able to sleep on a mattress that had any lumps even a teeny tiny bump made by a teeny tiny pea under three mattresses [Music] during the night lady sarah was very uncomfortable she tossed and turned oh she got off the bed [Music] and she got back on the bed [Music] oh she was on and off the bed all night are you sleeping are you sleeping all night [Music] the next morning the king queen and prince hurried to lady sarah's bedroom how did you sleep my dear i didn't sleep all night i was on the bed and off the bed on the bed and off the bed this mattress has a terrible lump that kept me awake so the king the queen and especially the prince were happy because lady sarah could feel even a teeny tiny pea under three mattresses and that proved she was a real princess [Music] oh so the prince married lady sarah and they all lived happily ever after the end [Music] oh thank you friends for telling that nice story to teddy and me but i think it's time for her nap so i better go put her to bed [Music] well maybe i'll take a nap too thank you for bringing teddy today baby bop we liked playing with her oh you're welcome and thank you sarah teddy liked playing with you too [Music] what a great day and every bit of it was fun oh it's easy to have fun with super deep duper friends like you i love you you love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too [Music] i love you you love me we're best friends like friendship [Music] won't you say you love me [Music] i guess we better be going home now [Music] i can't wait to do the show tomorrow nick me too mario it's gonna be fun i've really been practicing i think everyone's gonna like your magic tricks thanks you're welcome now let's finish putting these boxes together okay i think this box goes right here that one gets turned around like that cool this is kind of like building with blocks yeah this could be our castle sarah and whitney are really going to like it yeah i think so too what do you think barney oh my nick hello mario sorry about your box i kind of squashed it that's okay what are you doing we're doing a show tomorrow and we're gonna use these boxes oh well what kind of show it shows lots of singing dancing and magic boy oh boy oh that sounds like great fun do you want to help us might be happy to what do we do next we need to finish decorating these boxes okay should we use red yellow or green or maybe orange blue or purple which color do you like best barney oh i like all different colors [Music] [Music] makes me smile at how colorful the world can be from a snowflake to a butterfly colors are beautiful to me [Music] the world is [Music] sometimes i'm feeling red some days i'm feeling yellowish [Music] everywhere i go the world is [Music] hello whitney it's good to see you what's in the baskets the rest of the costumes and things that we need for our show see here's my princess dress oh how lovely your majesty thank you sir barney this could be my sword just the thing for a brave prince to carry these flowers will make the stage look pretty oh flowers make everything look nice oh i've been looking for a hat for my magic bags hey you turned out the lies i guess this one won't work [Music] here try this one that might work now that's better dressing up is so much fun when you put on a costume you can become anyone [Music] in my imagination i can be anyone [Music] a jacket or hat or something like that to fun change can be anyone hey what will i be today i can be a cowboy i can be a king or i can be a rock star listen to me sing that's because [Music] we want okay does everyone know what they're going to do in the show is there anything else we need to do we still need a hose someone to welcome the audience and tell them about the show you're right well yeah so who do you think it should be [Music] me would you like to be the host for our show why i thought you'd never ask oh i'd be delighted well let's go practice [Music] let's get dressed up and play pretend we'll sing and dance for all our friends let's get started i can hardly wait doing a show [Music] we can hardly wait doing the show is gonna be great it's gonna be fun you know let's put on a show come on everybody let's go okay everyone let's get ready to practice happened are you okay b.j yeah i'm fine sorry i messed everything up [Music] bj maybe you'd better slow down on your scooter next time oh yeah you're right barney i'll be more careful okay oh yeah am i too late to be in the show what would you like to do bj well i could oh but then again maybe i'll oh i can't think of anything to do maybe we can help you think of something thanks guys okay what if you could be in the spotlight what would you want to do pick any job in the spotlight anything that looks fun to you maybe this will help you bj if i could be an actor a superhero i would be i would rescue people in trouble [Music] i think i like to play the drums [Music] voila are there any tricks that you [Music] know very surprised [Music] but those are all neat ideas guys but they're not exactly right maybe you could tell a joke or read something funny hey that's a good idea i like to be funny oh listen to this um peter piper pepped a pickle wait a minute i'll start over peter piper peppa pig [Music] does it go like this peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers a peck of pickled peppers peter piper picks that is a real tongue twister bj i'll say i think my tongue is twisted into a knot well i'm gonna go inside to see if i can think of something else to do okay let's rehearse barney would you please welcome the audience to our show okay ladies and gentlemen boys and girls step this way well hello alexandra hi donny [Music] welcome to our show there's gonna be singing dancing magic and fun for everyone and now we present the story of the sleeping princess there was a pretty princess a princess a princess there was a pretty princess long ago a spell was cast upon her upon her upon her a spell was cast upon her long [Music] a hundred years she slept there she slept there she slept there a hundred years she slept there long ago she looks tired a handsome prince came running came riding came riding a handsome prince came riding long ago the princess the princess he woke up [Music] they had a royal wedding a wedding a wedding they had a royal wedding long ago [Music] [Music] i wonder what he's doing in there i don't know [Music] what are you doing i'm getting ready for the show wow you found a lot of musical instruments yeah and i play all of them by myself i'm a one dino band [Music] well bj maybe you should try something else yeah i'll look around in here some more okay see you later [Music] oh hi barney oh hi what was bj doing oh uh he was um practicing for the show but i think he's going to try something else well we're ready to rehearse our puppet show could you please introduce us barney i'd be glad to and now for something completely different oh it's funny it's silly it's crazy [Music] crazy [Music] the elephant cried with tears in his eyes why don't you pick on someone on your side to be crazy and foolish the whole day through made it great to be crazy [Music] his name was joe he got so tired of black and white [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen please welcome nick the magnificent magician here to perform amazing magic tricks for you thank you barney and for my first trick these scarves will change color right before your very eyes from pink and green too purple and yellow [Music] wow thank you and now i'll change the scars back thank you you have my magic box please sarah [Music] here you are now please look closely there's nothing in here right right i don't see anything nick the magnificent magician but with the top of my magic wand a cute bunny appears [Music] something didn't work um try the magic word oh yeah the magic word [Music] please it's always nice to say please thank you thank you now for this next trick i will need some help barney would you be my helper oh well i'd be happy to thank you there's nothing in the hat is there no there's nothing in the hat that's right but with the top of my magic wand [Music] one two three [Applause] four that's amazing [Music] [Music] it feels [Music] red or blue or green [Music] a silly hat i'll wear it on my head [Music] part [Music] red or blue or green [Music] they think it was the funniest thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i wonder if bj's ready to rehearse and if he's decided what to do oh there's only one way to find out oh hi guys have you decided what you're gonna do in the show yet oh yeah i'm gonna juggle just watch this let me try again i'm pretty sure i can do it okay [Music] juggling takes lots of practice but i'm sure there's something special that only you can do because you're the one and only bj hey i've got it there is something i am pretty good at and it would be way cool if you guys would help me absolutely [Music] are you ready now all over the place [Music] [Music] come on all over the place [Music] we'll have a lot of fun while we're learning [Music] we're learning [Music] [Music] thanks guys for doing the dino dance with me oh i think your show is going to be super oh it's gonna be so cool i've gotta go tell all about it dance was really cool yeah he'll be the star of the show right now oh you were all great when i had fun being the host but then i always have fun with the friends i love i love you you love me we're a happy family with [Music] won't you say you love me too [Music] i love you you love me we're best friends like friendship with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you [Music] thanks for all your help today barney you're welcome i'm happy to help my friends anytime come on guys let's rehearse some more yeah i need to practice my magic axe [Music] [Music] hi did you like the ride barney [Music] i know you can sit over here on the shelf hi oh hi gianna hi scott wow look at all the cool stuff mr boyd's gonna be surprised when he sees how many toys we've brought there's a bunch here already yeah it looks like lots of people brought toys to give away i think it's nice to share with other kids who don't have any me too this is my favorite hat it's nice of you to give away your favorite hat i see something that goes with that hat hey i used to have one of those we'll check this out maybe we can play with our toys one more time before we give them away good idea yeah let's pretend to be in the wild west i'll be the sheriff of this year town we can be the deputies yeah partners [Music] is [Music] is [Music] all day oh give me a home where the buffalo road where the deer and the antelope [Music] is [Music] hey barney didn't get a chance to pretend [Music] i look fancier than a cow hand at a barn dance what does that mean barney oh um well that's just cowboy talk meaning i like my hat and badge oh thank you where did these western toys come from they brought them here today for mr boyd's toy drive he's collecting toys to give to kids who don't have any oh it's very nice of you to share your toys like that i guess we should put them back oh excuse me partner can you help me with my hat please [Music] how about this that's only one toy we need one two three four for the four of us that's okay this is the kind of toy we can all share by taking turns oh we take turns [Music] when we play with toys okay yeah that was fun [Music] oh we take turns cause that's a rule that stays the same [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so we'll all have fun oh there you go i think you've got it [Music] okay my turn whoops sorry bear oh goody you like what i found [Music] hey where did you get that i found it well i don't think that's your but i found it did you ask if it belongs to anyone no i forgot um this isn't anybody's is it well actually it's mine okay but i'm going to give it away give it away sure mr boyd's collecting toys from everyone why well um some boys and girls don't have any toys of their own baby bop so we're giving them some of ours oh that's a really nice thing to do yeah everyone needs toys that's right gianna come see how many there are [Music] and this one baby bop these toys are for children who don't have any oh oh i wish i had brought a toy to give away hey what about your balls oh my ball no no i play with it all the time i can see why you wouldn't want to give that away oh just think of all the fun things you can do with the ball well you can throw them you can catch them pass them bad em get [Music] [Music] oh there are all kinds of balls what kind do you like to play with there are big ones there are small ones hard ones soft ones bounce against the wall ones when you have a ball when you have the world's greatest toy [Music] well you can throw them you can catch them pass them bad em catch your dog a fetcher when you have a ball you have the world's greatest toy [Music] when you have a ball when you have a ball [Music] hey let's see if i can make it in from here okay oh good shot my turn okay [Music] [Music] [Laughter] wow [Music] hey guys now let me show you my world famous basketball move bj drives a ball down the center [Applause] oh way to go bj okay i want to try now okay baby bop goes over to this way and then over to this way and then around in a circle and i'm gonna bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy bounce bouncy bouncy and then over here and bounce around in a circle um i don't want to give my ball away well the only other thing you have to give away is your yellow blinky oh no oh i could never give away my yellow blankie no no no no no no no no no no no way oh i love my blankie i like my blankie it's very very yellow i like it even better than a bowl of jello when she holds it close it feels just right she likes her yellow blankie in the day and night i like my yellow blankie in the day and night [Music] my blankie is so special and very very yellow i like to keep it with me when i say hello when she holds it close it feels just right she likes her yellow blankie in the day [Music] like a big marshmallow but i like it most because it's so so yellow when she holds it close it feels just right she likes her yellow blankie in the day and night i like my yellow blankie and the day and [Music] it's all right baby bop you don't have to give away your blankie oh thank you barney i could never give away my blankie or my ball um gianna are you giving away your lunch box too no i just bought a snack oh i could use a snack about now um you brought snacks too we sure did we'll share them with you you will oh that's very nice of you yeah thanks a lot let's go inside for a snack okay wait a minute don't want to lose that [Music] oh boy i can't wait to have a tasty snack oh look at all the yummy food it all looks so good oh everyone brought all kinds of healthy snacks it's a regular smorgasbord yeah um what's a smorgasbord that thing is like a smorgasbord is a meal made up of different kinds of food do you think there's going to be enough for all of us i think so because i brought some snacks to share too [Music] share some celery or carrots yeah broccoli is great when you want something crunchy when you want something sweet fruits and vegetables are always fun to eat oh and they're so good for yourself [Music] have a snack when you want something crunchy when you want something sweet and vegetables are always fun to eat have a snack have a snack have [Music] when you want something sweet and vegetables are always [Music] oh i really like sharing your snacks sharing isn't just about getting something it's about giving too i know well thank you for sharing your food thanks i'd like to share something but if i give my ball away i'll feel sad well i know a story that will help you understand how sharing makes people feel good will it begin with once upon a time oh absolutely some of the best stories begin with once upon a time come on i'll show you [Music] when you say the words once upon a time then you know a story will be told [Music] when you hear me say once upon a time then a wondrous adventure will unfold once upon a time means it's time to pretend let your imagination go [Music] long ago once upon a [Music] once upon a time [Music] you hear the words once upon a time [Music] um what story do you have barney um it's called the sharing hen um but i may need a little help telling this one would you like to help me everyone okay then here we go [Music] once upon a time the kindly old woman walked down a road on her way to market and she had 10 eggs tucked away in her basket she lays eggs for gentlemen one two three four five six seven eight nine ten people the woman soon met a traveler on the road and he didn't look very happy [Music] the lady was happy to share some of her eggs with the traveler hey [Music] oh thank you you're welcome the kindly old woman felt very good after sharing some of her eggs but as she walked down the road she soon came upon two more travelers [Music] we have no eggs to see us through our hand got out and ran away so we have no eggs today again the woman was happy to share her eggs with someone who didn't have any hickety pickity here's what i'll do i'll give x to each of you one two three one two three now you both have x you see thank you thank you you're welcome [Music] she likes eggs for gentlemen i give all her eggs away but she'll lay plenty more someday but many days later the same woman traveled down the same road and this time she didn't have any eggs [Music] for gentlemen she got out and ran away so i have no eggs today soon she saw all three of the same travelers she had given her eggs to long ago their eggs had hatched and now they all had fine hands when they saw the woman who had shared with them they repaid her with a gift of their own here's what we'll do we'll give some of our eggs to you one two three and four now you have some eggs once more thank you kindly woman discovered that when she shared she made others happy and making others happy made her feel good too and when the travelers shared their eggs they realized the same thing sharing makes everyone feel great [Music] the end [Music] oh i like the lady in that story she was a good friend she certainly was baby bop she must have been a really good friend to give all her eggs away absolutely and she made those other people happy didn't she she made them very happy barney hmm i think i'm ready to share now you don't have to if you don't want to baby bop but you know what i do want to okay here i go [Music] [Applause] that was a very nice thing to do baby buff wait a minute i don't feel sad at all and i don't even want my ball back i think someone else should get a chance to play with it oh i'm sure it's going to make someone very happy you're right barney sharing does make you feel good inside you see it's not so tough to share your stuff it's not so tough [Music] to share your stuff it's not so tough to share your stuff there you go it's not so tough to share your stuff with a friend it's nice to do it's great to learn to wait your turn oh yeah it's great to learn to wait your turn [Music] when a friend comes over to play it's not so nice to say that's mine that's mine that's mine mine put it back put it back put it back back back oh i was just kidding sharing makes everyone happy can you show me some ways you share and when you share you show [Music] if you want to do what's right don't hold your stuff too tight it's fun it's fun and much more fair so share share share it's not so tough to share your stuff to share your stuff it's not so tough it's not so tough to share my stuff to share your stuff it's not so tough to share your stuff it's not [Music] oh i think lots of kids are really going to like the toys you've given them yeah oh i just thought of something bj we have even more toys at home we can share we do yes i'm going to go and get them right now [Music] oh i'm so proud of you for sharing your toys like this and i think we should share one more thing right now you do a great big hug i love you you love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too [Music] i love you you love me we're [Music] won't you say you love me do you want to come over to my house i think we're having pizza that sounds good i'll ask my mom me too i love pizza [Music] hey [Music] [Music] i'm looking for a piece with just a little bit of blue on here beth try this one it fits thanks tony you're welcome barney did you know neil armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon that's very cool here's a drink of water for you and you and you get the very last drop [Music] the mail's here i'll go check it out okay [Music] all the letters are for barney hear that you've got mail a green and yellow basket i wrote a letter to my friend and on the way i lost [Music] these are for barney too so are these [Music] and [Music] here you go barney i'm glad we didn't lose any letters [Music] hi guys barney what are all those letters well maybe i'd better read this and find out would you open it for me please sure okay here you go barney oh well thank you what does it say let's see um here's just a little card to say best wishes on your special day happy birthday isn't that nice is today your birthday barney uh-huh are all of those birthday cards well could be i've got lots of friends i didn't know it was your birthday barney i didn't even know you had a birthday neither did he die oh everyone has a birthday it comes once every year on the same day that you were born a birthday means you've gotten one year older and had another year of learning and growing i think you've been growing this year barney well my tummy has but for boys and girls a birthday usually means you've been growing bigger and taller from the top of your head to the tips of your toes your body grows and grows and [Music] a grows size of shoes a bigger size of clothes all because your body grows and grows [Music] from the top of my head to the tips of my toes my body grows and grows and grows i need bigger shoes [Music] all because my body crossed and grows [Music] rowing [Music] when my baby sister was born she was really little but at her first birthday party she was big enough to walk birthday party i think barney should have a birthday party oh well you don't need to do anything special for me decorations well i do like decorations and we could play games oh games are always fun and we could have good things to eat well maybe just a bite or two and he has to have presents well i don't have to we could give barney the best birthday party ever yeah a birthday party for me well okay this is going to be super deep i love birthdays i do [Music] i'd love to celebrate with you with lots of friends and family together we'll have fun laughing telling stories give a hug to someone i love birthdays i do [Music] i can't help but smile from ear to ear oh i love birthdays wish they could be every day i'd love to spend my birthday with you this year oh nothing will make me happier [Music] love birthdays i do i'd love to celebrate with you [Music] let's gather all together play games we all know [Music] when the special friends i love are near i'm glad i have a birthday and in a very special way i'd love to share my birthday with you this [Music] what's that well whatever it is it sounds like it's coming this way [Music] hi everybody hi barney happy birthday barney oh thank you you knew that it was barney's birthday that's why bj and i brought party things see [Music] [Music] yeah thanks you're welcome we can help you with those bj thanks guys we have lots of decorations and stuff for a really awesome party and i think we can make some nice presents oh but you shouldn't look funny your presents should be a surprise well i do like surprises i know i know barney and i can go outside and put up decorations okay um hand me some boxes please and we'll get started give him all the big ones all right oh there are a lot of decorations oh baby papa would you like to carry something yes i'll carry the horns [Music] there everything is all wrapped up and we each made a present for barney and that's not all i think we also made a big mess oh man we just did well the sooner we clean it up the sooner we can start the party then let's do it okay clean up clean up everybody everywhere clean up clean up everybody do your shares oh is everyone doing okay in here when i'm picking up some more decorations [Music] [Music] you know that didn't take very long everything is all cleaned up hi bj hi jackson thank you what are you doing today is barney's birthday and we've been making presents for his party yeah i want to give barney a present too but it should be something special i know what i'll give barney i'll be back in a little bit okay bye bye later i wonder what a special present will be and i wonder how the decorations are coming outside yeah [Music] wow [Music] everything looks wonderful barney i sure do that's because i had such a good helper oh me i'm a very good helper [Music] there are only a few decorations left let's help put them up oh come on oh that sounds great oh here you go we like colors we like them a lot we've got colors colors we've got red [Music] makes me think of an apple or a cherry the sun when it sets or a ripe strawberry blue is the sky blue is the same blue is the color of a blueberry [Music] orange is a pumpkin orange is a carrot orange is an orange we can share it and if you haven't seen what is [Music] we like them a lot we like them a lot we've [Music] red blue and yellow red blue and yellow purple orange green purple black white brown every color in between every colors all around all around the world for every boy and girls all around all around the world [Music] that's all the decorations i think it's time to start the party oh but jackson isn't back yet oh jackson's coming oh great the more the merrier why don't we play some party games until he gets here good idea step right this way for games to play [Music] all right last one here [Music] look at that next is the fishing game how do we play well you step right up here lower your line into the make-believe water and try to catch something like fishies like prizes and surprises oh that sounds like fun it is on your marks get sets [Music] why did you let all right tony okay [Music] eight nine pjs then i let him go again why did you let him go because he bit my finger which finger did he bite this little finger on the right [Music] oh well it's a whale of a fish boy oh boy oh i'm having lots of fun at my birthday party so are we yeah i wonder what's keeping jackson i can't wait to see him maybe he's still working on that special present for barney oh yeah i'm sure he'll be here soon it's kind of a long walk from his house well but it's not nearly as far as some people have had to go to get to a party just to get to a party one woman had to go around a mountain right on a train and drive a wagon pulled by six big white horses oh that sounds like fun can we do that too [Music] she'll be coming from she'll be driving six wide horses she'll be 12 and six wide horses she'll be driving six white horses when she comes [Music] after all that running around oh i'm kind of tired maybe you should do something more relaxing like opening presents well maybe just a few until jackson gets here here barney this one's from me i can't wait to see what's inside it's a bookmark i made it myself oh thank you mario now i'll always be able to find my place when reading a book it's very nice here's something i made for you barney oh okay oh come out come out whatever you are oh a painting with a big green tree and a bright yellow sun do you like it oh my certainly do now i can see the sun even on rainy days thank you okay who's got the next present um um me me [Music] i think we get the idea i'm getting my voice ready i'm going to sing barney one of my favorite songs okay i'm ready oh and i want everybody to sing along hey mr knickerbocker i like it the way that you boppity-bop i like it the way that you pop with your hands [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] this is so much fun [Music] hey mr knickerbocker [Music] oh that song was a wonderful birthday present thank you baby buff you're welcome barney come on barney you still got more presents to open oh i just love opening presents here barney you can open mine next okay let's see what we have here oh it's a birthday card let me read what it says i want to give you a nice surprise a birthday hug i hope it's your size look at this oh it's just my size thank you you're welcome here's something i made for you barney i hope you like it i'm sure i will wow isn't that nice it's a pencil holder i made it out of a can some paint and some dry macaroni oh well use this every day oh thank you you're welcome check this out barney okay oh it's your baseball but that's just part of your present i'll also play catch whenever you want oh i'll look forward to that oh thank you bj you're welcome i guess that's everything wait wait for me barney i brought you a very special present here oh a special present oh i can't wait to take a look it's a whistle oh an absolutely wonderful whistle oh thank you jackson the whistle isn't your present barney this is [Music] [Music] thank you all for coming this is so nice happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear barney happy birthday to you [Music] oh jackson thank you for a wonderful birthday surprise oh and thank all of you for making my birthdays we'll fund and now it's time for you to make a wish and blow out your candles okay mr boyne let me think here um oh oh all right i've got one all right everybody ready one two [Music] i hope your wish comes true barney it already has because i can't think of a better wish than sharing my birthday with people i love i love you you love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too i love you you love me [Music] oh [Music] cake sounds delicious [Music] this is the best birthday ever [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Barney - 9 Story
Views: 2,195,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Childrens TV, Kids Cartoons, Kids Shows, Barney and Friends, Barney I Love You, Barney, Songs, ABCs, Education, Learning, Sharing, Caring, Baby Bop, Riff, BJ, Friends, Barney Episodes, Barney Official Channel, Official Channel, Barney Playlist, Purple, Dinosaur, Purple Dinosaur, Full Episode, Barney Dance, Sing Along, Singing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 31sec (5851 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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