Barney 🎉 Sing, Dance and Imagine with Barney! (Full Episodes) | Videos for Kids

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[Music] hello there i'm so glad to see you oh i've got something special to show you it's a number puzzle i put it together myself it's fun to play with numbers let's go see if our friends like to play with numbers it's your turn rachel okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten hello rachel oh hi nick hi cammy what have you got there nick these are number cards that my mom gave me each one has a number on it and a picture but they're not very fun oh my like your cards nick you do you can have lots of fun with numbers we can't really how well we could go on a number hunt there are pictures on every card and we can try to find all the things in the pictures wow that sounds like a fun game barney let's do it let's go on another hunt how about you will you come on our number hunt with us oh it's going to be a big adventure we've got a lot of things to find barney oh yes we do and when you're searching for all kinds of things it really helps to use your eyes your nose your ears your fingers and your mouth all five of your senses with our eyes we see with our ears we here with our fingers we can touch with our nose we snap with our mouth we taste all right [Music] is [Music] please don't put things inside me i'd like to make that clear [Music] thank you very much i am a mouth i'm the one that lets you taste with me you enjoy your dinner so it won't go to waste [Music] oh are we ready to start our number game okay here's the first card barney well thank you nick it looks like we're hunting for one bell right we know where there's a bell like that first one there gets to ring [Music] good job everyone what's next well what comes after one two oh it looks like we need to find two purple flowers i see some yellow ones oh i see some pink ones i don't see any purple ones my mom has some purple flowers like that at home and they smell really good oh so which one of your five senses could help you find these flowers our noses oh that's right and maybe you should follow your noses to the toolshed [Music] look here they are two purple flowers one two and they smell wonderful [Music] oh they sure do bless you barney oh thank you i really like flowers but sometimes they make me sneeze what's next barney well we're looking for something with feathers that waddles when it locks and it quacks do you know what it is i don't yes you guessed it but we're looking for three ducks [Music] look one two three ducks oh it's fun to watch them swim and splash oh it sure is they're so cute where did they go let's go see okay we found three ducks just like the ones on this card oh i know someone whose favorite number is three she likes to dance and she wears a pink bow in her hair can you guess who it is oh hi everybody i'm playing with blocks let's count them together we have one block we have two blocks and we have three blocks this block has a number one on it this block has a number two on it and this block has a three on it three is my favorite number because that's how old i am i'm three years old [Music] can you tell can you see i'm a very very very happy [Music] look at me [Music] can you tell can you see i'm a very very very happy me i'm learning colors yes i am like red and green and purple and i love to draw on paper i can even draw a circle [Music] i'm 3 3 3 i'm as happy as can be bp can you tell can you see i'm a very very very happy me i'm a very very very happy [Music] do you know what this is it's a telephone it has lots of numbers on it can you count them with me one two three four five six seven eight and nine do you have a telephone in your house how about a clock or a radio oh numbers are everywhere do you see any numbers in your house [Music] all the numbers in your house what's that on the wall that makes this sound tick-tock it has two hands and twelve numbers play a little game it's so much fun to see how many numbers find the numbers in your house [Music] all the numbers [Music] it's so much fun to see how many numbers you can make find the numbers in your house all the numbers in your house [Music] so we found one bell two flowers and three ducks oh are you ready to get back to our number game oh yes that's right let's see what number comes after three five yes and it looks like we're trying to find four four wheels we can find four wheels well her tricycle has three wheels hi anna but we need four rails and i know where we can find them follow me okay see this truck has one two three four wheels oh great work rachel thanks barney now what are we looking for well um it looks like five butterflies i like butterflies too maybe we should look for them outside well i spy some butterflies right here inside the caboose inside where can you please give us a hint barney oh i sure can these butterflies are near some pretty flowers oh look here they are they're pretty how many butterflies did you find one two three four five oh great job you found them all five little butterflies [Music] five little butterflies resting at the door one flew away and then there were four butterfly butterfly happy all day butterfly butterfly [Music] four little butterflies sitting in a tree one flew away and then there were three butterfly butterfly happy all [Music] three little butterflies looking at you one flew away [Music] two little butterflies sitting in the sun one flew away and then there was one butterfly butterfly happy all day butterfly butterfly fly fly [Music] little away left all alone one flew away and then there was none butterfly butterfly happy all day butterfly fly away where did all the butterflies go [Music] okay what number is next it's a number six and those look like six jars of paint one two three four five six uh-huh do you know where to find paints like these [Music] here they are one two three four five six we did it barney here are six jars of paint oh that's tea-ripping hey let's finger paint oh good idea do you like finger painting oh it's lots of fun to get [Music] one little messy little three little fingers four little five and six little fingers seven little eight little nine little fingers two little fingers [Music] little fingers four little three little two little fingers [Music] oh making handprints is a fun way to practice counting all the way to 10. it's also fun to practice counting when you play games bj and baby bop are playing a game let's find out if they're using numbers [Music] hey do you wanna play hide and seek with me oh goody yes that'll be fun okay you like first okay i'll count one two three four five six seven [Music] oh hello bj hi baby bob what game are you playing oh we're trying to play hide and seek but sissy's doing it wrong well why don't you hide and show her how it's done yeah bj let me find you okay start counting okay one two three [Music] one two three oh i forgot what comes next oh that's okay baby bop i'll help you remember me too [Music] baby bop there are all kinds of fun ways to learn to count to ten like this [Music] three four shut the door five six pick up sticks seven eight lay them straight nine ten begin again now you try it [Applause] one two three [Music] shut the door [Music] oh it looks like you found a perfect place to hang up your artwork i'm ready to find more numbers well let's see you just found six jars of paint so the next number must be seven very good and it looks like you're hunting for seven [Music] oh nick you can pretend to be a fireman in that hat that's right i'm fireman nick look i'm a tap dancer watch my feet oh wow very good thanks howdy folks i'm a cowgirl it's a lot of fun to play with the silly hats [Music] oh silly hat the silly hat i wear it on my head because that's where it's at and i know it looks as funny as can be [Music] oh a silly hat a silly hat i wear it on my head because that's where it's at and i like it cause it feels like part of me [Music] my silly hat that i had on my head because that's where it's at they think it was the funniest thing they've seen and i like it cause it feels like part of me [Music] okay how many hats did you find one two three four five six seven and what number comes after seven eight that's right after seven comes eight eight apples that's an easy one yeah oh look there's some apples over there one two three four five six seven eight eight apples well done everybody what's next barney well it looks like you're searching for nine books to the library look one [Music] two three books four five six books seven eight nine books barney we found nine books but we've lost nick here i am wow oh great job everybody you found nine books are you ready for the very last card okay the hunt is on for ten balloons but barney we haven't seen any balloons around today hmm no balloons well oh maybe i can help [Music] let's count them one two three four five [Music] six seven eight nine ten we did it barney you sure did that's super deed you finished the number hunt oh and this calls for a celebration yeah we could have a parade okay yeah how about a big parade of numbers a big parade of numbers is coming today it's so much fun it kind of makes me want to say one two three four five six seven eight [Music] places and they're so much fun the big parade of numbers is for everyone a big parade of numbers is coming today it's so much fun it kind of [Music] you can have somebody measure you to see how much you've grown you can't count how many letters there are in your name you could think of a number for a guessing [Music] of game is coming today it's so much fun it kind of makes me want to sing one two three four five six seven eight nine ten yes numbers can be fun no matter where or when oh congratulations you found everything on the number cards wow barney those cards are more fun than i thought numbers are fun oh i'm so glad you think so let's take the balloons outside and decorate the park with them that sounds great did you enjoy the number hunt today we had such a good time counting together and you can always count on having a fun day when you spend it with the people you love i love you love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say [Music] we're best friends like friends [Music] man what a cool book you already finished another one jackie yep what are you reading marcos it's about the first astronauts that went to the moon it's awesome hey let's trade when you're done okay sure jackie i wonder if there are any other books about astronauts this one tells everything about the first trip did you know that they brought back some moon rocks man wouldn't it be great to visit the moon someday yeah it'll be so cool what'll i read next [Music] books are fun books are great let's sit down with a book today books are fun books are great is it book time yet oh i just can't wait to read a book do you know why i love to read a book why i get so happy every time i take a look cause books can take me anywhere that i want to go books help my imagination grow [Music] folks are fun books are great let's sit down with a book to dance books are fun books are great is it book time yet oh i just can't wait to read a book those are fun to read i love the pictures too i love to snuggle up and meet with somebody like you all my favorite stories and many more to learn good things [Music] books are [Music] read wow did you know what turned dark outside no reading all those books just made time fly by yeah but we better put them all away my mom will be here to walk home with us any minute we don't have to pick up yet we we have time for one more book a short one hold on i'll find one what'll it be barney what do you think our last boat should be hi everyone oh looks like you're up to your ears and books we are barney we've been reading all day oh what fun every time you open a book you open up a whole new adventure let's go let's go on an adventure today let's go let's go we can hardly wait let's go it's gonna be so great let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go and explore the world each day we'll bring something new anything is possible make it wish and it might come true let's go on an adventure today let's go let's go we can hardly waste let's go it's gonna be so great let's go let's go let's go let's go on an adventure today let's go it's gonna be so great let's go let's go we can hardly wait let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go [Music] it's been fun but it's getting sort of late i think we're gonna have to go before too long i'm sure we have time for one last book maybe you could read a story to us oh please barney well uh okay thank you now let's see i've got a special one in mind but i'm not sure where it is let's clean up the mess we made so that you can find the book you're looking for this is going to take forever or maybe longer if we work together we'll be done in no time do you help clean up where you live [Music] clean up everybody everywhere clean up clean up everybody do your share [Music] clean up clean up everybody everywhere clean up [Music] oh that's the last one you were right barney it didn't take so long when we work together we can do a lot of things in a little time he's right hi everybody hi baby bob what are you doing we're just getting ready to head home but barney's going to read a story to us first right barney well that's right oh goody i love stories and since it's getting dark outside i thought we should read this one it's called once upon a moon we're ready a long time ago there was a kind old man one day the man said to himself oh i'm hot and tired i wish i was cold as a snowflake a magician heard the wish and decided to grant it so we turned the old man into a snowflake but soon the old man said now i'm too cold i wish i was warm as the sun so the magician decided to grant his wish he turned the old man into the sun but now he was too hot and he said i wish i was the moon i imagine it isn't too hot or too cold so the magician turned him into the moon at last the man was very happy he's still there today and we call him the man in the moon the end awesome that was a great story barney the man in the moon may be make-believe but we can all pretend to see him with a little imagination [Music] just imagine just imagine just imagine all the things that we could be imagine all the places we could go and see imagination's fun you [Music] explore with a big dinosaur or make rainbows that never ends [Music] just imagine just imagine just imagine all the things that we could be the imagined we could go and see imagination's fun for you and we fun for you and me [Music] i've seen the man in the moon lots of times yeah he has a nice friendly face have you ever seen a baby bop oh yes all the time i talked to the man in the moon almost every night what do you say to him oh lots of things i tell him what i had for lunch i found what i did that day oh and what does he tell you baby bob that he likes it when i look up in the sky and say hello you must know the man in the moon pretty well baby ball oh yes so is it true that the moon's made out of cheese no silly it's made of macaroni and cheese i'm gonna go say good night to the man in the moon i'll be right [Music] man in back moon where are you oh oh there you are oh no what happened there's only part of it where's the rest of the moon oh it must have broken and it must have fallen from the sky and where could it be it has to be around here somewhere oh dear oh i have to look really hard and see if i can oh well there it is oh i found the rest of it oh poor moon it fell into water oh i better do something i have to think of something oh well maybe i can use this to get it hold on mr moon i'm coming in [Music] and it's all wiggly oh well that didn't work what should i do [Music] what should i do what should i do what should i do when i don't know what i should do oh should i make a brave face should i cross my arms and wait should i count the tick tocks on my club when i haven't got a clue what should i do what should i do what should i do when i don't know what i should do should i tap my toes should i shout a big oh no oh no should i bring my mom or sing a song i'm feeling so confused what should i do what should i do what should i do when i don't know what i should do what should i do what should i do what should i do when i don't know what i should do oh well what's the matter baby bop what the moon is the matter what do you mean well it broke and part of it fell in the water i've been trying to get it out but i can't what should i do baby bop the moon didn't fall into the pond uh but there it is right there well that's not really it the water's like a mirror and you're seeing the moon's reflection in it really the moon is still in the sky we just can't see all of it all of the time oh i see the rest of the moon is not in the water that's right so that means it's somewhere else the moon is broken and the man in the moon has no place to live oh oh i know i know he can stay with me until it's fixed where are you going oh i'm going to get jackie and marcos to help me okay [Music] what's this for baby bop i'm going to bounce to the moon so i can tell the man in the moon to come stay with me almost just about it's just about a little oh i can't bounce high enough here by me you try i don't think i could jump to the moon baby papa oh barney please well all right i'll try see here uh all right okay one more time i'm afraid i can't make it baby bop oh oh i know what to do what baby bop i'll call him on the telephone and ask him to come stay with me oh well that won't work i don't even know his phone number i'll have to think of something else to do she still thinks the moon's broken oh i know what to do what's that we'll get a rocket ship a rocket ship yes and we'll fly right up there and help the man in the moon i don't think we could do that baby bop can we barney well we can if we use our imaginations [Music] five four three two one flying high in the sky we'll look back and say goodbye just flying away [Music] lots of fun for you and me [Music] is [Music] [Music] our spaceship is flying away lots of fun [Music] as our spaceship is flying away [Music] oh it's just like i imagined it we're walking on the moon like real astronauts oh and it's so pretty hey who's that i believe it's the man in the moon hello barney welcome friends oh hi mr man in the mood oh mr man in the moon i'm so glad you're okay hello there baby bop i'm just fine well i was so worried when i saw the moon was broken but it's not it's okay well it looked broken when i was in the park it's all here you just couldn't see it from where you were because of a shadow oh oh you mean like it was playing hide and seek that's right but don't you worry baby bop even if you can't see me i'll always be up here shining down on you oh goody i'm glad you're okay mr man in the moon thank you baby bop it's nice to have a friend who cares and remember the next time you look up in the night sky the moon may look different to you oh some nights you'll see a big and round moon that's called a full moon and sometimes you'll only see part of a moon that's called a half moon some nights you only see a sliver and that's called a crescent moon and when you look at it sideways it sort of looks like a smile whoa it really does but no matter what shape you see i'll always be up here oh that makes me feel so happy [Music] wherever i go i always know you'll be shining on me i guess you're a big bright light that shines in the night for the whole wide world to see mr moon shine bright light until [Music] after i go to sleep i know mr moon is still smiling at me and even though his shape might change he'll always remain the same friend for all to see mr until you have to fade away when we start a new day you're such a beautiful sight so keep on shining real bright mr moon you're such a beautiful side so keep on shining the bride mr wood yes you're a beautiful son so keep our shiny don't worry my friends i'll be here every night i'm glad we came to see you and learned about your different shapes i'm glad too it's always nice to have visitors maybe we can come again sometime i'll look forward to it and don't forget i'll be here each and every night as you lay down and go to bed oh and i'm very glad about that thank you mr man in the moon you're welcome are you ready to start back baby bop yes i'm ready [Music] bye bye mr man [Music] thanks barney that was a lot of fun it sure was i can't believe we got to ride in a real rocket ship well i'm glad you had a good time hi guys hello barney and baby bop and tomorrow morning what have you been doing mom you are not going to believe it we had so much fun we want to come back to the park tomorrow and stay till it's dark again oh barney did you take them on an adventure oh yes and they can tell you all about it okay come on guys [Music] thank you for taking me to see the man in the moon i think he's dreamy i just know he's going to be one of my best friends well why don't you go look at him through the telescope oh that's a really good idea okay barney look i have some moon dust on my shoe oh oh isn't it pretty it certainly is maybe it's a gift from your new friend the man in the moon maybe it is i think i'll save it and share it with some of my old friends well that's a great idea but right now i'm gonna go look through the telescope okay it's great to have old friends and new friends do you have some special friends [Music] [Music] i like you and you like me it's as easy as abc near or far wherever you are best of friends is what we'll be shooting best of friends is what we'll be you'll see shoot best of friends is what will be agreed [Music] [Applause] [Music] a friend will share a friend will care a friend is someone who's always there [Music] you'll see [Music] oh i'm glad the man in the moon is okay he's lucky to have a friend like you baby bop a friend who cares so much i wish i could go see him every night but now you know the moon will always be in the night sky even if you can't see all of it and the man in the moon will always be there looking over me that's right [Music] oh i better go now barney i'm sleepy it is getting late oh night night barney good night baby bob and night night mr man in the moon [Music] bop wanted to help the man in the moon because she cared about her friend the way i care about you and caring is a wonderful way to say i love you i love you you love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a from me to you won't you say you love me too [Music] i love you you love me we're best friends like friends should be with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too [Music] thank you [Music] are you ready for the big dance party barney i certainly am [Music] check out this step okay well very good alison my brother's friends are going to dance at the party too let's go see if they're here yet are you coming jamal yeah you guys going will we see you at the dance party i don't think so barney why not jamal the thing is i can't dance like the rest of them oh you don't need to jamal you can dance like you dance i can't dance at all i don't know how well it's easy to learn here trying a little step like this give a little spin i'd look silly well then that's a silly dance move your body i i can't barney no that's all right jamal you don't have to what's going on in there well let's find out [Music] okay guys let's take it from the top ready oh well hi bj oh hi barney hi jamal come on in our friends are doing some really cool hip-hopping oh all right ready bj ready five six seven eight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] hey would you guys like to try out some new moves sounds fun so what do you say jamal where'd he go i better check okay see you later see [Music] um jamal are you all right oh barney i couldn't dance as good as them in a million years i think you'd be surprised what you can do if you try hi barney hi jamal hi oh check out the dancing belt john gave me hi barney oh hi john it's good to see you again this is jamal hello this is my wife esther my daughters marie and rose and our friend mike hi cool clothes thank you these are our traditional dance clothes yeah they're going to perform a native american dance i'm from the sioux nation and our dances tell stories would you like to see one jamal that'd be cool i'll perform a very old dance called the grass dance and it was done to flatten down the tall prairie grass so that our people would have a nice place to dance at their powwows [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh that was amazing i'm glad you liked it oh well thanks for sharing it with us oh come on i want you to meet some of the other dancers [Music] [Music] do you like my pretty pink it's from my ballet class ballet is another kind of dance oh and barney it is my favorite i know you know i've been taking ballet for ever let's watch baby bop's class oh and see what she's learning watch for me i'm the little green one [Music] is everybody ready to get started [Music] stretch very high [Music] oh [Music] out [Music] maybe baby bop can teach you some steps jamal oh yes and let me show you now first you put your arms up like this and then you spin around and spin around and spin around and spin around and spin around too much spinning there's no way i could dance like that baby bob well why don't you try i couldn't sometimes it can be scary to try new things but if you don't try you'll never know if you can i know maybe i'll try someday but for now i'm just gonna go home bye guys well i don't know why i didn't see it in the first place what are you talking about barney now i know what the problem is it's the shoes what's wrong with them nothing but they're not dancing shoes you need a pair like this anybody can dance in shoes like those come on give it a try just do a little move and have a little fun like this [Music] hey i did it did you see i certainly did this is kind of fun look at me i'm dancing i can feel the dancing beat get shoes [Music] music [Music] look at me i'm dancing [Music] look at me look at me i'm dancing [Music] it was easy with my what happened to my dancing shoes i think those work just as well hey you're right what are we standing here for we ought to be dancing you're right come on guys [Music] [Music] i never didn't eat those dancing shoes did i barney a tea rific dancer like you you could dance in any old shoes thanks barney it's good to have a friend like you you're very welcome and thank you for being my friend whatever we do whatever we try it's always easier when we have a little help from a friend i'm so happy you're the one that's here today having fun wherever we go whatever we do it's better with a friend like you everything's better with a friend [Music] everything's better with a friend like you pretending whatever we do it's time for a barney tune [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hello there it's so nice to see you today i'm trying to do something new i'm going to try to juggle these three beanbags i think it'll be fun oh here goes one two three [Music] well looks like i need to keep practicing oh that's okay i'll do better next time but it's always fun to try something new let's go see what our friends are doing go go go you're really good at jumping rope yeah cammy thank you jackson thanks rachel oh hi everyone oh you are quite a jumper cammy thank you barney so what's everybody doing today we're playing a game what kind of game we call it i can do we take turns showing each other something special that we can do and then we all try to do it too oh that sounds very interesting whose turn is it to lead the i can do game may i go next okay here's what i can do i can run fast catch me if you can't [Music] rachel you can run fast sure yeah thanks well now whose turn is it now jackson here's what i can do i can barney do you wanna hop with us oh well i would love to jackson would you like to hop with us too come on [Music] now pretend that you're a bunny bouncing by [Music] it's so [Music] a much green frog on a bright blue day doesn't need fancy toys to play he bends down low then jumps up high now pretend that you're a froggy bouncing by [Music] it's so much fun everybody [Music] [Applause] oh that was great you can really hop and jump and run i can do is a fun game it's nice to share things you can do with your friends let's go think of other things for our i can do games okay follow me [Music] oh you can do some things like hopping the first time you try other things take a little practice like juggling i'm going to try juggling again okay here i go [Music] oh i think i did better than last time when you try to do something new you get a little better each time you practice oh i know there are all kinds of things that you can do like brush your teeth or put on your shoes oh can you show me some of the things you can do [Music] these are just a few things [Music] that won't is let me show you what i can do [Music] bouncing a ball catching it too that is [Music] i [Music] hi friends we're doing the baby bop hop would you like to do it with us it's a lot of fun you can do it too first we hop on two feet come on barney let's okay baby [Music] sometimes i like to do it really big you're welcome now friends here's the tricky part i hop on one foot hop hop see and then the other one foot yeah that's it that's great baby bob now we're all ready try it with me friends hop on two feet [Music] oh that was fun now on one foot hop hop hop and then the other hops hopping is a lot of fun [Music] here we go i know someone who is lots of fun with a happy kind of dancing look at me all of her friends say baby bop do the baby bop [Music] oh i love this i love someone who's lots of fun with a happy kind of [Music] oh sing this song you can hop along whenever you feel like jumping cause when you hop you feel tip top doing up [Music] oh hi everyone still playing i can do yeah i can do a cartwheel watch this barney i can't do a spin oh look barney i can go across the monkey bars oh great job everybody you can do lots of [Music] hey things are you doing we're playing i can do how do you play that well um you think of something you can do and then show us how to do it oh goody i have something to show that i can do what's that baby bop i can do i dance like a ballerina [Music] thank you rache and i have something else that we can do what's that we can say our abc's you've never done it like this before a b c d e f g h i j k l m [Music] this time won't you sing with me okay oh and you can do it with us too [Music] abc's tell me what you think of me [Music] how are you doing bj oh great barney i was just practicing a cool new baseball pitch [Applause] it's called pj's loop-de-loop picture would you like to see it yeah sure all right well wait a minute bj um who are you going to throw the ball to to myself barney watch okay [Music] [Music] there you have it bj's loop the loop here that was great bj thanks i've been practicing we're playing a game bj it's called i can do oh cool oh and it's lots of fun let's keep playing i have an idea why don't we think of brand new things to do then show everyone in an i can do show oh that sounds pandas would you like to be in the show too barney oh sure i have been practicing my juggling brand new things to do come [Music] are you on i don't know what to do for the show bj i already did my ballerina dance well what else can you do i don't know i i can't think of anything i can see that you're a little worried baby bop but thinking up new things to do can be lots of fun really well sure [Music] [Music] would you like to skate give it a try don't hesitate me oh my give it a try and when you're done you might find out you had some fun when you tried to do something new you might be [Music] give surprised a try give it a try [Music] [Applause] you might like something new you just might yeah [Music] oh i'm going to do a fancy new trick on my bike [Music] how about you bj what new thing are you going to do for the show let's see i don't know yet barney well uh what would captain pickles do oh captain pickles he can do anything oh that's it pickles away [Music] pretend that you are [Music] come on stay with me guys people say i'm a real deal [Music] [Music] it's time to fly [Music] it's a bird it's a plane it's a flying pickle guys [Music] i'm a [Music] how is everything going for the i can do show right we've been practicing wait till you see what i can do barney oh i can't wait hi everybody good job baby bop you knocked over all the flags oh i wanted to ride around them barney not over them oh i'll never be able to do it right well sure you will baby bop it can be hard to do something right the very first time that's why it's important to give it another try if you can't do it the first time try and try again if you can't do it the second time don't give up [Music] he didn't [Music] if [Music] try and try again [Music] try [Music] i'm gonna go try my bicycle trick again barney oh that's great oh and baby bop yes barney have fun [Music] let's get ready for the show okay there's so much to do [Music] oh boys and girls and dinosaurs of all ages the i can do show is about to begin is everyone ready [Music] all right rachel show us what you can do oh it's a big [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now cammy show us what you can do [Music] and next is jackson show us what you can do [Music] [Music] okay pj it's your turn to show us what you can do here comes bj with a big slam dunk [Music] oh is it my turn my turn can i go next barney well of course baby bop show us what you can do okay oh i hope i can do this right just try your best [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh good job baby bop you rode your bike through all those flags and didn't knock any over thank you barney it's your turn now yeah all right here i go [Music] oh well thank you oh and now i'm going to try juggling a little faster this time [Music] oh thanks everybody barney i've never seen juggler do that before oh well i guess i have my own way of juggling jackson like you have your own way of dancing and like i have my own way of slam dunking the basketball that's right bj we all have our own ways of doing things there's nobody quite like you oh you've got to be you i've got to be me it's as simple as one two three nobody else can do [Music] i can do it [Music] oh [Music] nobody else can do what you do oh the i can do show was super [Music] you all can do so many things yeah and now that i can ride my bike better i can beat bj home [Music] thanks for a great day barney yeah you're very welcome who wants to hop some more [Music] oh we had lots of fun today showing each other things we can do it's fun to try something new and it's even more fun when you do it with the people you love i love [Music] you love me too [Music] i love you you love me we're best friends [Music] won't you say [Music] oh hello isn't the park beautiful today the sun is bright and the air is full of happy bird songs and what kind of bird could that be hey barney it's not a bird it's me hello ethan that's a very pretty tune what's it called uh i don't know just a happy song gotta run barney see you let's see hi barney well hello baby bop and teddy too what are you up to today well teddy wants me to sing to her but i don't know what song to sing i think i know a story that might help you decide i can tell it if you'd like oh yes please teddy and i would like that very much okay this story is called the princess without a song to sing and it all begins with once upon a time [Music] there was a sad little princess who lived in the big beautiful kingdom of a very wise king why are you so sad little princess you have everything you could want oh i have lots of things wise king but i don't have a song of my own to see i think there's a song for you you just haven't found it yet well maybe i can help see here i know what to do what's that wise king i'll send a message there oh royal messenger yes your majesty well please take this around the kingdom until you meet someone who can help this sad little princess find her song yes your majesty very good bye hurry back bring somebody with you huh oh will i ever find my song i'm sure you will princess look someone's coming it's riff the farmer welcome farmer riv good day wise king and greetings sad little princess i have walked a long way to help you find your song oh well do you have your own song farmer riff i certainly do i found it in the wonderful sounds of the kingdom [Music] of the birds and the breeze flowing through the trees just to listen and you'll hear their songs [Music] i hear [Music] everywhere if you listen you'll hear the sound the sound of music is all around [Music] everybody [Music] oh those sounds make a wonderful song thank you farmer you're welcome wise king um but the birds and and the breeze and the trees make your song not mine don't worry sad little princess i know you'll find your song oh what was that [Music] well hello wise king and sad little princess i'm prince bj from the far away kingdom of rock and roll [Music] welcome prince bj i've come many many miles to help you find your song oh what do you have your own song prince bj well i sure do little lady and my song has a rocking and rolling beat kingdom of rock and roll we sing all day long cause singing is just plain fun everybody ready ready [Music] cause [Music] for is [Applause] [Music] well your song really was fun but well it wasn't my song i think i know one more way to find your song [Music] listen well i did listen to the farmer's song and prince bj's song but i didn't hear my song now try listening to your heart some songs are about feelings you have deep inside really sure be very still and very quiet and you'll hear the song in your heart okay i'll give it a try okay do you hear it uh not yet oh songs are everywhere and singing is fun especially when the song comes from your heart oh oh wait hold on i think i hear something oh i do i do i do hear a song it's about something that means a lot to me something that makes me feel very good inside what's that princess well you my friends friends are special so important they make the world go we like helping one another in school or on the playground friends are there to help each other when one is [Music] friends are special so important they round we like helping one another in school or on the playground [Music] is oh thank you friends if it wasn't for you i never would have found myself hey you're welcome glad we could help maybe we helped a little princess but you found your song because you listened to your hearts and now i can sing and i'll never be sad again ever and if you sing your song the whole world might just sing along the whole world might just sing [Music] or your dad if you're not sure what to do because [Music] it's gonna be okay because we are going to sing those blues away [Music] [Music] she sang her song for everyone in the kingdom and the sad little princess was never sad again the end oh we like that story barney thank you you're welcome [Music] well i don't know i'll ask teddy wants to know uh-huh do you have a song in your heart you surely do it's a song about friends i love friends like you and you i love you you love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you [Music] i love you you love me we're best friends like friends [Music] oh i better get teddy home for her nap bye bye bye i'll see you later [Music] i'm looking for a piece with just a little bit of blue on it here beth try this one it fits thanks tony you're welcome barney did you know neil armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon that's very cool here's a drink of water for you and you and you get the very last drop [Music] the meal's here i'll go check it out okay [Music] all the letters are for barney hear that you've got mail a tip a green and yellow basket i wrote a letter to my friend and on the way i lost it i lost it i lost it and on the way i lost it i wrote a letter to my friend and on the way [Music] [Music] these are for barney too so are these a tisket a casket a green and yellow basket i wrote a letter to my friend and [Music] i lost it [Music] here you go barney i'm glad we didn't lose any letters oh hi guys barney what are all those letters well maybe i'd better read this and find out would you open it for me please sure okay there you go barney oh well thank you what does it say let's see um here's just a little card to say best wishes on your special day happy birthday home isn't that nice [Music] is today your birthday barney uh-huh are all of those birthday cards well could be i've got lots of friends i didn't know it was your birthday barney i i didn't even know you had a birthday neither did he die oh everyone has a birthday it comes once every year on the same day that you were born a birthday means you've gotten one year older and had another year of learning and growing i think you've been growing this year barney well my tummy has but for boys and girls a birthday usually means you've been growing bigger and taller from the top of your head to the tips of your toes your body grows and grows and grows [Music] a bigger size of shoes a bigger size of clothes all because your body grows and grows crawling growing you're getting big and it is showing rowing [Music] my body and grows and grows i need bigger shoes [Music] all because my body grows [Music] growing [Music] when my baby sister was born she was really little but at her first birthday party she was big enough to walk birthday party i think barney should have a birthday party oh well you don't need to do anything special for me decorations well i do like decorations and we could play games oh games are always fun and we could have good things to eat well maybe just a bite or two and he has to have presents well i don't have to we can give barney the best birthday party ever yeah a birthday party for me well i love birthdays i do [Music] i'd love to celebrate with you [Music] with lots of friends and family together we'll have fun laughing telling stories give a hug to someone i love birthdays i do i can't help but smile from ear to ear oh i love birthdays wish they could be every day i'd love to spend my birthday with you this year oh nothing will make me happier [Music] let's gather all together play games we all know then have a cake with candles make a wish and then blow wow i love birthdays i do when the special friends i love are near i'm glad i have a birthday and in a very special way i'd love to share my birthday with you this year [Music] what's that well whatever it is it sounds like it's coming this way [Music] hi everybody hi barney happy birthday barney oh thank you you knew that it was barney's birthday uh-huh that's why bj and i brought party things see and i helped i carried the horn yeah thanks you're welcome we can help you with those bj thanks guys we have lots of decorations and stuff for a really awesome party great and i think we can make some nice presents oh but you shouldn't look funny your presents should be a surprise well i do like surprises i know i know barney and i can go outside and put up decorations okay um hand me some boxes please and we'll get started oh there are a lot of decorations oh baby papa would you like to carry something yes i'll carry the horns [Music] there everything is all wrapped up and we each made a present for barney and that's not all i think we also made a big mess oh man we just did well the sooner we clean it up the sooner we can start the party then let's do it okay clean up clean up everybody everywhere clean up clean up everybody do your share oh is everyone doing okay in here we're just cleaning up when i'm picking up some more decorations everywhere clean up clean up everybody do you share their that's terrific clean up clean up everybody everywhere [Music] you know that didn't take very long everything is all cleaned up hi vijay what are you doing today is barney's birthday and we've been making presents for his party yeah i want to give barney a present too but it should be something special i know what i'll give barney i'll be back in a little bit okay bye later i wonder what a special present will be and i wonder how the decorations are coming outside yeah [Music] [Music] everything looks wonderful barney i sure do that's because i had such a good helper oh me i'm a very good helper here let me give you a hand there are only a few decorations left let's help put them up come on oh that sounds great [Music] oh here you we like go we like them a lot we've got colors colors we've got red blue and yellow purple orange green white white from every color in between colors all around all around the world for every boy and girl makes me think of an apple or a cherry the sun when it sets or a ripe strawberry blue is the sky blue is the same [Music] orange is an orange [Music] red blue and yellow red blue and yellow purple orange green purple black white brown black white brown every color in between every color in between colors all around all around the world [Music] that's all the decorations i think it's time to start the party oh but jackson isn't back yet oh jackson's coming oh great the more the merrier why don't we play some party games until he gets here step right this way for games to play all right last one here [Music] [Music] next is the fishing game how do we play well you step right up here lower your line into the make-believe water and try to catch something like fishies like prizes and are surprises ready on your marks get set fish i love the fish one two three [Music] why did you let him go because he bit my finger so which finger did he bite this little finger [Music] oh [Music] why did you let him go because he bit my fingers though which finger did he bite this little finger on the right okay let's see if i can get something here whoa whoa oh oh oh a toy fish oh well well it's a whale of a fish oh boy oh boy oh i'm having lots of fun at my birthday party so are we yeah i wonder what's keeping jackson i can't wait to see him maybe he's still working on that special present for barney oh yeah oh i'm sure he'll be here soon it's kind of a long walk from his house well but it's not nearly as far as some people have had to go to get to a party it isn't just to get to a party one woman had to go around a mountain right on a train and drive a wagon pulled by six big white horses oh that sounds like fun can we do that too we can if we use our imaginations [Music] [Music] she'll be driving six wide horses she'll be 12 and six wide horses she'll be driving six white horses when she comes [Music] and we'll have a great big party when she comes yeah [Music] [Music] oh boy after all that running around oh i'm kind of tired maybe you should do something more relaxing like opening presents well maybe just a few until jackson gets here here barney this one's from me i can't wait to see what's inside it's a bookmark made it myself oh thank you mario now i'll always be able to find my place when reading a book it's very nice here's something i made for you barney oh okay oh come out come out whatever you are oh a painting with a big green tree and a bright yellow sun do you like it oh i certainly do now i can see the sun even on rainy days thank you okay who's got the next present um [Music] i think we get the idea i'm getting my voice ready i'm going to sing barney one of my favorite songs okay i'm ready oh and i want everybody to sing along we can do that [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] with your mom [Music] this is so much fun hey mr knickerbocker i like the way that you probably [Music] oh that song was a wonderful birthday present thank you baby buff you're welcome barney come on barney you still got more presents to open okay oh i just love opening presents here barney you can open mine next okay let's see what we have here oh it's a birthday card let me read what it says i want to give you a nice surprise a birthday hug i hope it's your size look at this oh it's just my size thank you you're welcome here's something i made for you barney i hope you like it i'm sure i will wow isn't that nice it's a pencil holder i made it out of a can some paint and some dry macaroni oh well use this every day oh thank you you're welcome check this out barney okay oh it's your baseball hello that's just part of your present i'll also play catch whenever you want oh i'll look forward to that oh thank you bj you're welcome i guess that's everything wait wait for me barney i brought you a very special present here oh a special present oh i can't wait to take a look it's a whistle oh an absolutely wonderful whistle oh thank you jackson the whistle isn't your present barney this is [Music] [Music] [Music] happy birthday to you happy birthday [Music] oh jackson thank you for a wonderful birthday surprise oh and thank all of you for making my birthdays and now it's time for you to make a wish and blow out your candles okay mr boina let me think here um oh all right i've got one all right everybody ready [Music] i hope your wish comes true barney oh it already has because i can't think of a better wish than sharing my birthday with people i love i love you you love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too [Music] i love you you love me we're best friends like friendship with a great big [Music] hey who's ready for some cake cake sounds delicious [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey everybody it's time for bernie says [Applause] hello again to all my friends i'm glad you came to play our fun and learning never end here's what we did today everyone has a birthday and today was mine my friends made nice presents for me and then cleaned everything up at my party we played games open presents and i got a nice surprise visit from all my friends we even had birthday cake but i think i may have blown out the candle too hard birthdays are always best when you spend them with the people you love and remember i love you
Channel: Barney - 9 Story
Views: 2,229,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Childrens TV, Kids Cartoons, Kids Shows, Barney and Friends, Barney I Love You, Barney, Songs, ABCs, Education, Learning, Sharing, Caring, Baby Bop, Riff, BJ, Friends, Barney Episodes, Barney Official Channel, Official Channel, Barney Playlist, Purple, Dinosaur, Purple Dinosaur, Full Episode, Barney Dance, Sing Along, Singing
Id: L8nYPuyk6HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 58sec (7438 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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