Barney and Friends | Imagination | Selena Gomez

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[Music] is [Music] sensations after school [Music] is [Music] oh great my kite stuck whoa it's pretty high up there how are we gonna get it down let me try [Music] i got it i got it i i can't get it thanks for trying ryan i wonder if there's anyone else who could help [Music] oh hi laura hi dracy hi ryan am i glad to see you my kite stuck up in the tree and i can't get it down can you help well i can try i tried to reach it but i couldn't that was a very nice thing to do ryan maybe if i give it an extra big super d duper high jump okay now step back everyone here i go whoa that was amazing thanks thanks barney you're the best well you're very welcome laura can you stay and play with us for a little while i always have time to play with friends what should we play how about a little clapping game here's what i learned from our good friend mr knickerfucker now watch me and do what i [Applause] [Music] do hey mister knickerbocker i like it the way that you love it i like it the way that you buff anybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the way [Music] oh [Music] i like it that way [Music] good job everyone boy barney you sure know some great games well thank you ryan i know some jokes too like a knock knock who's there the cow the cow says who actually the cow says moo the owl says who you sing you dance you make us laugh you do just about everything [Music] oh thanks barney oh you're welcome you can even save roller skaters from crashing you're the greatest see ya bye david be careful barney you're perfect and purple you're perfectly loveliest purple that i ever found is purple perfectly purple i see it everywhere if i look around on a perfectly purple day [Music] purple pants and purple shirts and purple grape [Music] found is juice perfectly purple i see it everywhere on a perfectly purple bed [Music] and of course there's barney and we all know purple is a great big [Music] a perfectly purple a perfectly purple day [Music] well thank you thank you very much come on let's play some more oh that's super deep let's go man i wish i was like barney ryan i think everybody wishes that yeah i could be just like barney what are you talking about [Music] are you ready tracy i'm ready barney okay here he comes thanks here you go laura wait look at ryan [Music] what are you doing and why are you dressed like that i want to be like barney well you look really funny i do does it make you want to laugh yeah i guess it does that's a very nice color purple has always been one of my favorites [Music] okay i feel happy i can smile the biggest smile i know you can see my happy show come on everybody all right come on get silly and laugh with me [Music] i've got the sillies and when you get them you'll be silly like me i can't stop laughing as you can see [Music] [Music] when you've got the silly silly [Music] ryan you think that was good wait till you see this okay what are you doing now ryan if your kite's stuck in the tree i'm the guy to see i sing i dance i tell jokes why did the chicken cross the road i don't know ryan why did the chicken cross the road because his blue ones were in the wash wait a minute that's not right because he wanted to see time fly no because he he wanted to get to the other side oh yeah that's right look at me don't worry i'll save you is everyone all right yeah i saved david [Music] actually ryan i didn't need saving this time oh sorry it's okay see you later see you soon ryan you're acting very different today is everything okay oh yeah fine great [Music] why don't you complete both of us here catch no i think i'll just go home now the ball sorry [Music] can you see it laura yeah i can see it but it's way under there i'm not going under there it's dirty oh well maybe i can get it see now if i just go like maybe if i try this like i'm afraid i can't reach it i'm just a little too big here let me see if i can get it be careful ryan can you see it yeah i almost got it [Music] ryan i didn't do anything special actually you did something very special what i was just trying to help when that was very special friends who helped friends are quite special indeed you are special you're the only one you're the only one like you there isn't another in the whole wide world who can do the things you do because you are special everyone [Music] in his is her own way oh you are special special everyone is special everyone in his or her own way [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] uh i just wanted to help the way barney does you don't have to be barney to be special to be special you just have to be who you are thanks everybody i guess i am pretty special cause i have friends like you that's right ryan there's no one quite like you or you and i'm very happy that you're my friend i'm so happy you're the one that's here today having fun wherever we go whatever we do [Music] everything's better with a friend like you playing whatever we do [Music] time for barney's music box [Music] [Applause] [Music] old oh looks like lots of people are working in the park today [Music] [Applause] [Music] that sign means no riding here till the sidewalk is repaired oh okay then i'll go play on the swings no no they're working on the swings too hey i know let's take a ride around the neighborhood um can i come too no no you're not fast enough to keep up with us big guys oh that makes me so mad oh no riding with them no playing on the swings know this know that this day is no fun [Music] your man will go away [Music] [Applause] [Music] march march march march [Music] she's mad and that's okay [Music] will go away [Music] oh hi baby bop remember no running in the caboose no no no i wish that word would go away and no yelling inside hello [Music] you know that reminds me of something that happened to a little girl long ago [Music] a girl named cinderella lived with her two messy stepbrothers she never got to play because she always had to clean up after them boys she would sing and dance and that made working fun [Music] over here [Music] finished did you hear the big news the prince is throwing a royal ball and everyone's invited oh me too that's a big no you have to wear your best ball clothes and you don't have any so what are we going to wear brother well it's a royal ball so you wear a royal baseball glove come on cinderella help us find our style and so cinderella helped her step brothers get ready for the ball are you sure i can't go too no ball no ball close no way to get there and you need to clean this place [Music] why up everybody tell me no and then something magical happened my mother appeared wow how did she do that i'm here to grant your wish cinderella really well i wish the word no would go away no running in the house no jumping on the bed seems like no is the only word in my head there's so many rules and only just one day seems like no always gets in my way nobody likes to hear no no no when you do you feel so so slow [Music] dirt all over mommy's rugs there's so many rules and only just one day seems like no always gets in my way nobody likes to hear no no no when you do so so slow [Music] sometimes no means don't worry so much it can mean that something's too hot to the touch you can have no problems no waiting in line sometimes milk can be incredibly fine nobody wants to hear [Music] well i can't make a word go away but i can help you go to the ball well i don't know how to play ball my dear a royal ball is a dance really i'd love to dance but i don't have anything to wear with a wave of her magic wand the fairy godmother made cinderella look like a real princess oh look at me the spell will end at midnight so be sure to leave the ball before the clock strikes 12. oh wait you forgot something oh i have no way to get to the bow well let's see if i can help with that [Music] oh [Music] meanwhile at the royal ball okay you're royalist we're ready let's play no no no no i don't want to play ball i want to dance is there anyone here who knows how to [Music] then let's dance the royal dance there's a new dance grace sweeping the country and it's called the dino dance it's a lot of fun and we all hope you'll give it a chance are you ready now because it goes like this watch me now [Music] everybody [Music] so come on [Music] everybody start twisting we'll have a lot of fun [Music] wow [Music] can i stay a little longer [Music] hey look that's not a princess oh it's just cinderella oh i'm sorry prince i'll go no please stay i like you just the way you are can we keep dancing well no problem and so cinderella learned that sometimes the word no can be a very good thing no kidding and cinderella and the prince danced happily ever after the end oh i like that story barney i guess the word no isn't all bad no we've been looking kidding you yeah want to play ball with us well i don't know am i too little oh no no no no i am starting to like this word no thank you so much barney i do love a happy ending just as much as i love you [Applause] i love you you love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too [Music] you love me [Music] won't you say you love me [Music] come on let's play some more [Music] [Applause] is [Music] barney's friends are big and small they come from lots of places after school they need to play and sing with happy faces barney shows us lots of things [Music] okay victor i think all my fishing gear is ready mine too but i'm not gonna wear my hat today here barney you can wear it thank you victor barney oh hi ryan hi victor so what what are you doing we signed up for the big fishing contest in the park and we have our glow minnows see this is the bait for the contest everybody has to use a glow minnow like this oh i see now we're ready to go want to come with us i'd love to go if we fishing one wish we would love to fish with all our fishing gear we would like to go out to catch some trout in a pond or lake that's there with a bowl and some paint and a very special hat we'd love to go fishing like we've been wishing that's all there is to love if we have one wish we would love to fish with all our fish in there we would like to go out to catch some trout [Music] [Music] did you sign up for the fishing contest too yeah and did you see the prize barney yeah whoever catches the biggest fish wins a new fishing pole oh let's go fishing with our glow minnows i wish i could use my pickle green deep diving weed to find scooter bug oh that's a beauty i know i could catch a big fish if i could use this maybe i should use this just for a little while i don't think that's a good idea ryan the rules say we have to use the glow minnow and we should always be honest and follow the rules right oh that's right riff honesty is always the best policy and that reminds me of a story about an emperor what's an emperor barney oh an emperor is like a king victor and long ago this emperor had a very special contest once upon a time there was a wise old emperor who ruled the country of china [Music] as the great emperor entered the palace [Music] hi you guys thanks for coming to my palace why did you want to see a skirt emperor well you see i'm getting really old and i want to choose one of you to become the new emperor [Music] imagine being the emperor of china oh when you use your imagination you can be anyone or do anything just imagine just imagine just imagine all the things that you [Music] imaginations fun for [Music] build a castle by playing pretend we might even [Music] just imagine just imagine just imagining all the things that we could be imagining [Music] imaginations [Music] fun for you and me [Music] the emperor of china wanted to find someone who was brave and honest to take his place okay now here is how i'm going to choose on the pillow before you there is a seed please take it home and plant it then bring it back to the palace in one year no matter how big or small it is bring it back here and show it to me and i will choose who will be china's next emperor i'm going to take good care of my seed so the emperor will be pleased with me [Music] ling was very good at growing plants so he found a good strong pet he filled it with some dirt and carefully planted the seed [Music] he made sure it had water every day but nothing was growing from the emperor's seed and that made lane mad [Music] i'm really really mad [Music] breathe [Music] [Music] i'm really really mad but if you march around the house your man will go away march march march march did marching help a little but [Music] your man [Music] finally a whole year passed but no plant grew from the seed the emperor gave to ling heiling it's time to take our plants back to the emperor wow your plant looks really great thanks where's yours i couldn't get anything to grow why don't you just take one of your other plants the emperor would never find out no that wouldn't be honest i'll just have to tell the truth about what happened [Music] it is truly amazing that these plants grew from the seeds i gave you oh were you not able to make the sea growling well i i tried really hard i don't know what i did wrong i'm sorry great emperor [Music] i have chosen ling because he was brave and honest but great emperor i i don't understand the seeds i gave you a year ago were rotten seeds they couldn't grow anything [Music] i was testing your courage and honesty and it took both for ling to bring back an empty pot the rest of you must have changed the seed i gave you so ling is the only one who was honest that's right he's the only one who passed my test so ling will be china's new emperor [Music] [Music] i'm glad ling was honest he won the emperor's contest fair and square yeah and that's what i want to do like barney said honesty is always the best policy all right it's better to be honest it's better to tell the truth it's better to be honest always tell the truth it's better to be honest it's better to tell the truth it's better to be honest always tell the truth sometimes it's hard sometimes we make mistakes but if you tell the truth then you'll feel really great sometimes things can happen and sometimes things go wrong but if you tell the truth things get better before too [Music] long to tell the truth it's better to be honest always tell the truth don't make something up and never tell a lie just always tell the truth come on give it a try [Music] always tell the truth i will always tell the truth so will i always tell them [Music] okay barney now i'm ready to catch some fish with this glow minnow me too we know a great place to get started yeah i hear the fish are really biting over there okay [Music] we should always be honest and play by the rules and having good friends to help us always makes it more fun i'm so happy you're the one that's here today having fun wherever we go whatever we do it's better with a friend like you [Music] like you [Music] like you [Music] time for barney's music box [Music] the mouse ran down [Music] the mouse ran down [Music] hi barney hi there riv hi tyler hi tracy hi barney have you seen what i brought to the park today oh laughter those chimes play a tiffany top tune oh yes even the wind is helping make music today yeah yeah and so is that bird and that's cicada oh rip you hear music in everything yeah barney cause music is everywhere music's always inside my head yes all day long till i go to bed i hear the wind through the trees the buzzing of the beast the rumble of [Music] it's a sound that fills the air yes i hear music everywhere if you listen you'll hear the sound the sound of music is all around you hear the birds sing a song in the daylight [Music] who's that over there oh that's dana would you like to meet her rip yeah sure he does she babysits for us sometimes she's nice let's go say hi okay [Music] dana oh she can't hear us right now hi barney hi tyler and tracy i was just fixing my hearing aid [Music] dana i'd like you to meet riv hi riff oh hi um why do you wear hearing aids because without them i'm not able to hear very well oh dana can hear a lot better with her hearing aids yeah and i'm so glad because i like to play the piano and i like to sing well i have an idea would you like to sing the song that dana taught you the other day yeah let's sing it okay would you please sing with us barney what might be happy to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] how i wonder what you barney what are you guys doing we're using sign language and that's one way of talking with people who can't hear [Music] thanks barney if i couldn't hear would i still like music well there was once a very famous man who couldn't hear and he loved music oh who was that his name was beethoven oh come on let's go find out more about him [Music] ludwig von beethoven was a composer what's a composer well you know how an author is someone who writes books well a composer is someone who writes music right but instead of using abc's they use notes like this [Music] even though beethoven couldn't hear he wrote beautiful music hey barney how could he write and play music if he couldn't hear it well let's use our imaginations and ask mr beethoven [Music] good afternoon party hi there mr beethoven it's so good to see you can you please write down the names of your friends oh well certainly mr beethoven can speak but he can't hear us so i'll write down your names and he can read them oh okay there you go it's very nice to meet you dana and cliff and tyler and crazy nice to meet you too now i believe you were wondering how it is that i can write music even though i cannot hear it is this true [Music] try this think of your most favorite song can you hear it in your head that is how it is with my music i hear it in my head and feel it in my heart i imagine what the music sounds like oh would you like to hear mr beethoven play the piano [Music] but we don't have a piano i think i can fix that [Music] thank you shall i play for you [Music] here is some music which i wrote laughs yay very nice [Music] oh mr beethoven can't hear us i'll get his attention keep gloving oh thank you thank you i'm so pleased you enjoyed my music do you like the piano child oh yes sir would you like to play a song with me dana oh yes sir i don't want a super duper what shall we play may i look through the sheet music [Music] how about this one one of my favorites [Music] louser [Music] again that was great dana that was magnificent thank you thank you so much for inviting me to blake it's been a great pleasure meeting you all but i must be off okay goodbye everyone bye thanks mr beethoven thank you all i hope you will continue to enjoy my music for many years [Music] bye well riff you were wondering if you'd like music if you couldn't hear what do you think now well you know i think i would barney because even if i couldn't hear it with my ears i know i could feel it in my heart like mr beethoven yeah it's always fun to listen to music and to play it right but the best way to enjoy music is to share it with the people i love a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too [Music] i love you you love me we're best friends like friendship [Music] ah well it was so cool meeting mr beethoven thanks barney all right later skaters [Music] and we'd better go too come on guys bye barney bye [Music] you
Channel: Barney - 9 Story
Views: 29,748,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Childrens TV, Kids Cartoons, Kids Shows, Barney and Friends, Barney I Love You, Barney, Songs, ABCs, Education, Learning, Sharing, Caring, Baby Bop, Riff, BJ, Friends, Barney Episodes, Barney Official Channel, Official Channel, Barney Playlist, Purple, Dinosaur, Purple Dinosaur, Full Episode, Barney Dance, Sing Along, Singing
Id: 8VcHbf8Kz0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 11sec (3131 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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