Ina Garten's Chicken Piccata | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

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[Music] for years and years and years every time Jeffrey came home on Friday night I would make Earth's chicken and then one day I thought I've got to be a little more creative from this I want the house to smell great and of course I want to make chicken so each time I challenge myself to make something new I'm making chicken piccata which is wonderful I'm gonna start with two chicken breasts I'm gonna do a coating for them so they're sauteed and a lemon and butter sauce are so good so the first thing I need is 1/2 a cup of flour just all-purpose flour Pepa teaspoon of salt 1/4 of a teaspoon of pepper just gonna mix that all together so that's the first part of the coating I'm just gonna be dipped into one egg just mixed with a little touch of water just beat it all together the next part of the coating is bread crumbs I use seasoned bread crumbs that's 3/4 of a cup okay just the heat a little oil in the pan just a few tablespoons and while that gets hot I'm gonna take the chicken breast on the mat so they get really thick chicken breast there's sort of thicker parts and the senator and other parts and this way they cook more evenly and they cook really quickly Rowan comes a good basher some people have need pounding thinks but everybody has a rolling pin I like them between a quarter and a half inch thick and just doing two directions so it ends up smooth doesn't end up and ridges okay so the first one goes into the flour I just make sure it's coated all over shake off the excess into the eggs and the flour dries it out and then the eggs make it so that the breadcrumbs will adhere and then the breadcrumbs season dry bread crumbs right into the camp just two minutes on each side until it's golden-brown [Music] okay that guy's done perfect another next one little oil [Music] right into the pan two minutes on each side place Geoffrey's favorite roast chicken for Friday night chicken dinner [Music] nope perfectly done okay go put this on a sheet pan keep it warm in the oven 400 degrees for about 10 minutes right alongside the bread onions and then I'm gonna make a nice lemon butter sauce to go with it Oh perfect timing think I just heard Jeffrey the weekend starts now [Music] Jeffrey's upstairs changing the red onions are roasting in the oven but erm of mashed potatoes are done and now I just have to make the sauce of the chicken piccata so first I'm going to do is just wipe out the pan that I cook the chicken in and I'm just gonna heat up a tablespoon of butter so the chicken is warm in the oven just keeping warm in the oven well I just make a nice sauce for okay now I need third a cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice probably two lemons [Music] let's go pour it right into this butter okay now have a cup of white wine a really nice dry white wine something I drink for dinner okay half a teaspoon of salt quarter of a teaspoon of pepper and this is what I'm gonna do with a lemon shell so put them right in the sauce to get the flavor of the zest it just cooks together so I'm just going to reduce this by half a bit take about two minutes while I chop up some parsley and some sliced lemons to put on a chain [Music] so the onions a little bit of vinaigrette left over from the marinating which I always loved to put on at the end toss them all together is so good it's gonna be wonderful ok limit chicken piccata sauce that looks pretty good some slices of lemon so Jeffrey knows it's lemon piccata a little bit of parsley just roasted onion smells so good I love the way they look [Music] who doesn't love mashed potatoes buttermilk mashed potatoes now your timing is perfect as always guess what's for dinner well let's see it's fried a chicken but what kind of chicken its chicken piccata mmm right [Music] good physic is it up there with the roast chicken you know I used to think that roast chicken was the only thing I could have on Friday night but this chicken piccata this is just as good you
Channel: Food Network
Views: 2,511,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barefoot contessa, breadcrumbs, breaded chicken, butter, chef, chicken, chicken breast, chicken dinners, chicken piccata recipe, cook, cooking, cooking show, dinner party, dinner recipes, directions, easy recipe, easy recipes, eat, fn, food, food network, garlic, how to make, how to make chicken piccata, how-to, ina, ina garten, ina garten recipes, ina recipes, ingredients, italian, lemon, onions, parsely, piccata, potatoes, recipe, recipes, sauce, series, tutorial, Chicken Piccata
Id: 63j12X_8tNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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