Chicken Piccata

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- If you're looking for an easy weeknight meal that's sure to please, then you've got to try my chicken piccata recipe. And if you like this video, don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe. Hey, you're watching Preppy Kitchen, where I, John Kanell, teach you how to make delicious homemade dishes to share with your family and friends. This piccata will be ready before you know it, so let's get started. Piccata means pounded thinly. So, you can have all kinds of piccata but for chicken piccata, we're going to use chicken breasts, slice them down the middle, then pound them thinly. These cook up so fast, and you're giving them more surface area to absorb flavor. Seems scary to have a knife so close to your hand, but it's actually safer when you know where your hand is. This could be a bit messy, so you might notice that I have a big sheet of plastic out here. I'm just gonna cover the chicken over, so you don't get any like weird stuff flying around. Use the flat end of your poultry hammer or whatever hammer you have, and just (hammer slapping) give it a nice pound. You're not pounding your chicken into oblivion. You want to have maybe about half an inch, a little bit less. If you go too far, it's gonna fall apart, and that's just not, that's too much. Pound within reason. All right, so my chicken breast is nice and thin. Sprinkle a little salt on there, be judicious, and crack some pepper too, flip them over and season the other side as well. I love this pepper mill so much. Wash those hands. (chime) This prep happens so quickly. The next step is to dredge the chicken in some flour. So I have about 1/3 of a cup of flour, you can use a shallow dish or a bowl. And we're just going to coat it in flour. So, shake off the excess and repeat for the other sides. It's like the easiest way of cooking chicken. This is the perfect weeknight meal when you want to make something that's really fast but that no one's going to complain about. Chicken piccata is here to the rescue. The chicken's all prepped. For this recipe, I want about 1/2 a cup of lemon juice. I forgot to use my strainer. Strain those seeds out. Always give your lemons a roll before juicing, makes them juicer. My pan is over medium high heat, I'm adding a generous two tablespoons of butter and two tablespoons of olive oil. So while the butter's melting we're going to open up our wine. The wine can be skipped. You could just use more chicken stock if you want, but hello? This is so nice together. It really adds a nice brightness of flavor and compliments the lemon. (cork pops) Hm. Add those chicken pieces right onto the skillet. You can cook this in batches or you can cook them all together. It kind of depends on the size of your cutlets and the size of your skillet. These are really big cutlets, I'll be doing two batches. After about three minutes, you can flip it over. It should be nice and golden on both sides. If you see any black bits in the pan, that's totally okay. Those are the milk solids from your butter that have just really really caramelized up. Don't worry about it. (sizzle) Setting this chicken aside and doing my next batch. So while this chicken's cooking, we can just complete the sauce in this mixing cup right here. I already have the lemon juice. I'm going to add one cup of white wine and half a cup of chicken stock. There you go. Alright that mixed itself. Okay, it looks like my chicken's done. I'm going to remove it onto a plate. I lowered the heat. I'm adding my stock, wine and lemon juice right now. (sizzle) The alcohol in the wine's going to cook off. It's gonna de-glaze the pan and it's gonna reduce. While your sauce is reducing, go ahead and give a handful of parsley a rough chop using my little baby cutting board (laughs). I drained and rinsed a quarter cup of capers. These are going to give you a ton of like briny, amazing flavor. So go ahead and add those in now. This is just about screaming hot, I should not have touched that, but it's also reduced by half. So we're ready to go on to the next step. Once your sauce is done, give it a taste and then season with salt and pepper accordingly. I think this tastes perfect but you might want a dash of salt or maybe some more pepper. This sauce is a little astringent right now because of all the acids. So we're going to add two tablespoons of butter right into the pan and let that just mellow everything out. Butter fixes everything. Once your butter is melted you're going to add the chicken breasts back into the pan. They shrink after cooking, so now they all fit. Isn't that nice? Spoon the sauce over the chicken. This smells so nice. Okay. Garnish with your beautiful chopped parsley all right over there. It's a lot of parsley, but that's how I like it. If you're serving this straight from the pan you can add some lemon wedges in here to really just make it so beautiful, and serve it right away. But, I love to serve this over a big bed of pasta because everybody likes pasta. If you liked this video check out my quick and easy savory playlist. I'll see you in the next video. (John slurping)
Channel: Preppy Kitchen
Views: 98,607
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Keywords: chicken piccata sauce, how to make chicken piccata, chicken piccata recipe, preppy kitchen, john kanell, chicken piccata, chicken recipes, piccata, lemon chicken, chicken, dinner recipes, easy chicken recipes, piccata sauce, chicken recipe, how to cook, lemon butter chicken, dinner, chicken breast, italian recipes, easy recipes, lemon, how to make, italian, cooking show, capers, recipes, chicken dinner
Id: ArQ567m3oVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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