Bard vs ChatGPT: Which is better for Coding and Automation?

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this video is sponsored by brilliant Google recently released part to compete with chat GPT like cat DPT with where you can create posts get your questions answer and solve math and coding problems but our parts responses as good as chat dbts that's what we'll see in this video we'll see how good both kgbt and Bart are reasoning creativity instruction understanding and speed so let's get started okay for this test I'm going to use gbd4 to compare with Bart and from some particular tests I'm going to use DPT 3.5 okay first I gave both Bart and Chad DBT as simple coding questions and both were able to solve this question but in every bar of response it seems that you're reading a blog post because it has too much text and sometimes it doesn't give you the answer you're looking for right away both are also good at generating scripts from scratch for example I ask both Chad DVT and Bart to generate a script send a message message on WhatsApp using Python and the piwotkit library and both were able to generate this script without any errors however Barton times refuses to generate the script that you asked for for example I asked BART to generate a python script to send an email and it refused to do it and this is a problem I almost never have with cat GPT you may have also noticed that Bart is faster than gpt4 this is something good but if you think of the quality of the responses and also the fact that Bart sometimes refuses to give your response then speed isn't that relevant I mean I would prefer to wait some extra seconds to get a very good response than getting a quick response that doesn't solve my problem so we can say that bar is faster than gbd4 but the quality of the responses of Bart isn't as good as gpt4 now when it comes to instructional understanding Bart had some difficulties for example Bart isn't good with roles roles allow us to customize the behavior of chatbot it works wonders with 10gbt but not with Bart I asked both Chad DBT and bar to act as an interviewer so that I can practice an interview for the software engineer position chat DBT changed its default behavior and started an interview with me while Bart only gave the script of a job interview and things got worse with Bart when I asked it to act as a language partner in order to have a conversation in Spanish it refused to do it because it seems that it doesn't support other languages than English okay now to test creativity with both chatbots I asked bot Bart and Chad DBT to create articles emails and blog posts for example here I'm asking to write a video 500 blog post on why AI will not replace humans and I also asked to use fan examples and both Chad gbt and Bart are able to create these blog post but I found that blog post created by chat DBT more creative than Bart the one that bar created is very standard am it didn't use fan examples and also it's not waiting but chargpt did a better job at using some analogies for example it used a Lego block as an analogy for one of the examples and then it gave some fine examples I would say and it's not that bad compared to the article that Barr created I also had taji pity and Barb answered this email that you can see here basically I want to answer this email politely and say that we can talk next Friday at 8pm but only for 15 minutes and well as I said before Chad DBT and bar did a very good job they put some placeholders and they answered the email very politely okay finally we're gonna test the reasoning capabilities of both chatbots and to do this we're gonna give both chatbots some math problems and we'll see if they're able to give the right answer to both math problems okay the first exercise is this one Roger has five tennis balls he buys two more cans of tennis balls each can has three tennis balls so how many tennis balls does he have now this is an exercise I extracted from that from engineering video where we saw that sometimes chatbots are not good at reasoning and we have to help them using Trump engineering techniques like Chain of Thought prompting and in this case both were able to give the right answer well in this case the answer is 11. however when I raise the bar a bit higher and give a more challenging exercise Barr gave the wrong answer the first time I gave the exercise that you can see now while gbt4 didn't have any problem so we could say that gpd4 is better reasoning that bar and you can see this clearly if you give a more challenging math problem to both Bard and gbt4 alright today we've seen how good chat DBT is at solving coding and math problems and if you're wondering how to safeguard your career against artificial intelligence like child gbt I think you should invest in human intelligence and that's where our sponsor comes in billion is the best way to learn math in computer science interactively brilliant has thousands of lessons from foundational and advanced math to AI that is science and more with new lessons added monthly with brilliant you'll learn how to think for example in the computer science course you will learn the fundamentals interactively this will help you develop your analytical thinking which is better than just memorizing formulas or equations and it's necessary if you want to survive in the age of AI where tools like chat DBT will get better and better at writing code to try everything brilliant has to offer free for a full 30 days visit the pi coach the first 200 of you will get 20 of brilliant annual premium subscription okay now if I have to choose a winner I will choose tag EBT I've been charged with this a clear winner in these tests compared to chat DBT bar seems a very inferior chatbed bar doesn't support roles it's not so good creative as captivity and sometimes refuses to generate code that said it's way faster than gpd4 and its reasoning capabilities seem decent however it seems to me that Bart wasn't supposed to be released that soon but after open AI released chat DBT and Microsoft Incorporated dpt4 in the new Bing probably there was pressure on Google to have a tool to compete with tatibility well time will tell if Google did the right thing to release this version of bar that soon if you ask me I would say that it wasn't a very good move and that's it for this video let me know in the comment section who do you think is the winner of this test and I'll see you on next video
Channel: The PyCoach
Views: 3,481
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Id: tZbUnh4sX3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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