How I’d Use ChatGPT to Learn to Code (If I Could Start Over)

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there's never been a better time to learn to code now we don't need to waste time searching for coding answers on Google just to find a bunch of ads or posting questions on stack Overflow only to receive no replies negative votes or have our question closed now we can simply ask cat GPT any question we have 24 7 and get answers quickly child gbt isn't a Flawless tool but if used wisely it can boost your learning and in this video I'm going to show you how to use tab DPT to learn to code if I could start over so let's get started okay first I will start with an easy programming language and use chat DBT to clear up my doubts if I could choose my first programming language I will start with a programming language that gently gets me into the world of coding this is very important because you don't want to feel frustrated so often when learning to code instead your first programming language should easily help you learn core coding Concepts that will be essential regardless of what you're learning coding for now as beginners we always have questions that we feel empower hours to ask well now you can ask Tia DPT even the dumbest clothing question you have because Abbot will never judge how dumb or repetitive your question is you can also ask chat DVT what's the difference between some coding concepts for example what's the difference between a function and a method or what's the difference between an attribute and a method or whatever you want and you can even ask chat GPT to provide examples so you can have a better understanding of the topic by using chat gbt you can clear up all your doubts but as open AR says chat DPT can generate incorrect information so if you suspect something isn't right that will check the answer by asking the same question to somebody else now in regard to the programming language I will start with I will choose python because of its Simplicity and versatility as a beginner you may have a big idea of what you want to specialize in in the future but that might change throughout your journey now you might want to become a machine learning engineer for example but then you could make up your mind and go for web development that happens to many of us but if you learn a multi-purpose language like python you can still apply what you learned in the areas you're interested in and remember once you have a strong foundation in one programming language you can move on to learning another language and popular Frameworks in your field to Learn Python I will watch free tutorials and buy python courses that help me master that core coding Concepts in fact I'm going to leave some free and paid python courses in the description of this video those are the courses that I will take if I could start over and believe it or not chat DBT can assist you after watching an online lecture that you didn't understand say you're watching a lecture from an online course and something isn't working as shown in the video or you don't understand explanation given now you can make chat GPT analyze the entire script provided in your course and explain something that isn't clear you no longer have to leave a question and wait days to get a reply you won't be stuck on a coding problem for hours like in the past and yes you could post a question and stack Overflow but you won't get responses as fast as with cat GPT besides with chat DBT we can go beyond asking the typical question that you will post on a stack Overflow we could start a long conversation with child gbt just like with our private teacher and just stop when our curiosity is satisfied in this conversation we will ask for a detailed explanation of a particular line of code we didn't understand we could ask for alternative Solutions and how a specific library or function works if you start seeing chat GPT less is a tool that can do your homework and more as a tool that can enhance your learning you'll be able to make the most of it just don't hold back and let your curiosity Run free okay another thing I will do to learn to code fast is learn to automate tasks when we learn something like coding there is always that first excitement that keeps us going no matter what but that exciting stage is short and then we don't know what to do next this is bad because we need to keep practicing in order to master our first programming language otherwise we end up forgetting things and what most people do here is to solve projects and that's not a bad idea but some people get too excited and they start solving very complex things such as machine learning artificial intelligence or a project that involves both the back end and the front end that's to match if you're a beginner or even at the intermediate level as a result you slow down your learning and end up frustrated a better idea is to apply our knowledge to something easy yet useful for our lives this help us get a sense of achievement that keep us going even when we reach a plateau automating our everyday tasks can provide that sense of achievement everyone has some repetitive and boring tasks that we need to do on a daily basis instead of wasting time doing it manually we could let our computer take care of those tasks with the help of some lines of code python has hundreds of libraries that we can use to automate our life you only need to come up with a fun project to keep you motivated and you can even use chat DBT to give you the steps on how to automate any boring task that you can come up with in that way you'll know the libraries you need to learn and the steps you need to follow for example you can tell chat DBT that you want to automate Tinder with python and you can ask the steps you need to follow in case you're trying to solve the project on your own you can use chat DBT to review your code and check readability in your code efficiency ask for alternative Solutions and even ask tag EBT to debug your code you can also watch YouTube tutorials that teach you how to automate common tasks and in case the script provided in the tutorial isn't working instead of leaving a comment hoping someone in the comment section will give your hand you only need to copy with the code and ask chat GPT what's the issue as a last resort you can always make chat DPT write an entire script to offer me a test you have in mind chat DBT will build the screen from scratch of course you shouldn't blindly copy paste the code but try to understand it and ask all the questions you have Okay the third thing I'll do to learn to code if I could start over is solving projects solving products is key to learn the code products provide an opportunity for you to practice all the concepts and skill you have learned it's not enough just to memorize a bunch of code and functions but you should apply them in a project you're going to start with well-known products that already have a solution on a YouTube video and then move on to Unique projects that are about topics you like here's how we'll use chat DBT to guide me towards the solution of a project first I will choose a project and break it down into small pieces and if I'm not able to do it I will ask child Deputy to do it for me same my project consists in using python to predict the winner of football matches to break down this project I'll ask car DPT I want to predict the winner of voodoo matches using python what steps should I follow now you can start a conversation to understand things much better in my case about to split the project in six tanks first is telling me to collect data so I can ask where can I find this data if you're not happy with the answer given you can ask again for example here is telling me the places where I can find this data but that's not enough if I want to scrape those websites I need a link so I can ask can you provide the links of such websites and chat DBT will give me the links this helps you come up with an approach to solve this project on your own and once you start writing code to solve the project you might get stuck here's when you can Google a question check stack Overflow ask people on Discord or of course ask chat jbt if you use the ladder you only need to copy and paste your code and then just described your probing using as many details as possible and then start a conversation with chatgpt once you solve your doubts you can continue with your project and repeat this process until you successfully finish your project alright the last thing I'll do to learn to code is solving coding problems an important step to learning to code is solving exercises there are many websites where you can find coding programs like lead code and code Wars on both websites you'll find exercises available in many programming language and levels from beginner to Advanced you can try to solve them on your own and then check out the solution and if something isn't cleared you can make chat DBT solve the exercise and explain in detail anything you want I will also start solving calling interview problems no matter how good you are coding if you want to get a job you need to start solving interview problems on YouTube there are many videos that solve common coding interview problems you may even come across questions that were asked by big tech companies like Google and Facebook and that's it that's how we'll use child DBT to learn to code if I could start over let me know in the comment section below how to use 10 DBT to learn to code and I'll see you in the next video hey thanks for watching this video don't forget to give it a like And subscribe to this channel for more content like this that's it for this video I'll see you on the next one
Channel: The PyCoach
Views: 44,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Eh_KovOmQRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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