[Solo Leveling Arise] WHEN you should STOP SUMMONING?!

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all right guys forag here and welcome back to the brand new video here we are Solo 11 arise will be the topic first of all thank you for all support the support been insane and ab I absolutely love every single one of you and I really appreciate your support trust me it means a lot to me I really put an effort and I'm really passionate about what I'm doing before we start I always I always forget to do this and promote it so please guys let me just do this really quickly please I will put in my description below and as a pin comment uh check out my Creator uh home from the soul leveling arise I mean I I am in content creator program for soul leveling arise so I will put the link and then make sure to click here support currently I have four supporters and I'm Creator ranking 52 so please I want to get as much as possible supporters because at the end of the day what do you need to do you need to use my code rag here okay here rag when you buy something in the game I believe that's how it works and more supporters I have more people using my code then in future I will get some exclusive codes that I will share with you guys and then we're going to see what everything you're going to get so in other words make sure to support me if you can use my code rag I'm not sure how does it work exactly you're going to see when you want to buy something in the game and more supporters I I will have more people that use my name while buying stuff than in future you will benefit from that I'm pretty much not getting anything from this as far as I know so it will be uh for you at the end of the day so please in my description below go go here and click support and when you buy something use code roag it would mean a lot to me okay now let me go back to the to the game itself one second uh on today's video the topic will be when you should stop summoning many of you ask me roag what should I do if I manage to get cha should I go for a one more copy if I'm free to play rag I managed to get my cha uh should I go now for the silver main should I save and many other questions so on today's video I will try to answer all those questions and I try to be as clear as possible so let we start leave a like subscribe we're on a road to 50K so let's get it as soon as soon as possible so when you should stop summoning first of all a cha is a must have this is something you need to know even as a free topl or pay to win this is the type of the character that you really need to have in your box she will carry you in so many ways that you cannot even imagine okay uh so char is a must and you should definitely summon until you get her now I said roll for her because like that you will have a great Advantage but I understand some of you didn't manage to get her but you managed to get like uh two SSR weapons or two SSR hunters or hunters and weapons you know so if you if you got that while rrolling guys don't worry you can just like keep on playing the game and just go for cha you know at the end of the day because I understand you manage to pull a really broken SSR weapon a really broken SSR Hunter and you don't want to reset your account so that's 100% understandable just make sure when you're done with rrolling if you're satisfied if you don't have yet cha go for her and summon for her at the end of the day everyone who started playing the game you will have you will you will be able to grind enough of essence materials to exchange them for the limited tickets plus you're going to grind limited tickets additionally uh from other resources right from other ways in game like dice event Etc so you're going to be able to reach the pity and hopefully you will get lucky and on that 50/50 first um first SSR you get is 50/50 50% chance you get cha or someone else hopefully you will get lucky um now okay uh you manage to get cha is she enough without dupes is she enough without dupes DS yes and no I'll explain what I mean by that so she's extremely broken character even without any dupes so at the end of the day she's so much more worth to summon for than silver main back and I'll explain why in a moment but have that in mind this part you will have to decide for yourself because the dancer effect can now stack up to five times this is what makes her super broken okay super super broken this is the dancer and if you know everyone who tried to play with her you can literally spam this attack and with the first dupe the dancer effect will be able to stack up to five times now and that's a big big big deal because at the same time when the dancer hits hits you have 66 66% chance to get that brand at the Target where you will have critical hit rate and critical hit damage increased by 12% which is extremely huge so getting that A1 for her is really really extremely uh broken for her have that in mind so this is what you can do again I cannot tell you precisely I don't see your account I I don't see how many gems you spent I mean how many Essence how many limited tickets and many other things but I can assure you if you pull cha be happy she's worth getting A1 by the way she's worth getting A1 for 100% but it just depends how much Gems and how much essence you have already spent did you manage to get her on the first 50/50 did you did you got her only on the second rotation so then you you need to be a little bit careful and manage your tickets why because after cha we're going to get Alicia in 19 days and 12 hours we're going to get Alicia I hope that Alicia won't drop after 5 days and 12 hours after silver main back leaves hopefully that's not the case I am pretty much sure that won't be the case it would be too much so you have now 19 days and 12 hours to get at least one CH preferably um I would say it is recommended that you try to get her to the A1 that you try to get that first copy because there is that because at that point she will be the best unit in the game let me say like that so that first copy even without first uh first copy she will work just fine but that first copy is all what you need to do and for for a freet to-play that's actually a really really useful unit so if I was a freeo play I would honestly risk it to get to the A1 uh and do my best to get that first copy because then she will be so much even more usable in any type of content and she'll be just busted and you're going to be able to use her wherever wherever wherever have that in mind for the DPS just insanely insanely broken so conclusion uh getting cha is a must getting one dup for cha is recommended but at the same time be careful because a Lea also based on the leaks and everything else will be extremely good so be careful because you want to save more Essence and more tickets for Alicia which will most likely drop in 19 days and 12 12 hours so have that in mind okay the rest it's on you I believe here I gave you all information you need I believe so now about silver main back please free to play since chai is here don't summon uh don't get me wrong he is one of the craziest units in the game like oh I always said that from the GetGo one of the craziest if not the craziest DPS character in the game but only but only when you max him out and by Max by maxing out I mean legally getting all the copies for him I believe I have first two copies or maybe even just one copy for him that one copy will make him shine but the rest of it will will make him Godly so that's why I say at the end of the day as a freet to play you cannot go for A5 so you cannot use his full potential that he actually needs in my opinion to be the best DPS unit in the game I need to say I have him with let me show you I use him I have him as A1 and he's pretty usable but I know for a fact that he didn't reach not close to the potential he can have have that in mind and overall you're going to need a lot of investment like his weapon is a must a few copies of the weapon is a must using basic skill artifacts like basic attack artifacts boot boosters it's really important and yeah he works around the the attack at the end of the day attack HP and critical hit damage uh so that's why overall you can skip him right now as a free to play pay to win players you do as you please all of those characters right here are definitely worth it but for the freeo play going for cha and at least recommended one copy but at the same time be careful save tickets for Alicia so much more worth it for free to play and she'll be doing she's like so much um more fun to use I would say and more safer character to use be you really need to play you really need to use a lot of extreme evasion uh when you don't have that second copy where he boost his HP trust me he might die really really soon but when you know how to play with him when you learn how to play with him insane but currently right now at this moment for the freet to plays it's not worth it have that in mind uh so that's the conclusion guys when you pulled cha and hopefully you also manage to get her first copy you can stop it's it is just on you will you stop already after getting one cha or you're going to you're going to go for the second which is recommended at the end of the day even for freet to play but you're going to have to decide for yourself uh because I I don't want to be the blamer I'm just putting all the facts here um and then stop silver main not worth it for now okay currently not worth it with everything what we have too much dupes needed and freeto plays cannot afford this uh so it's better that you stop on Alicia and you save then you that you stop on cha and then you save the rest for next Banner which will be Alicia so even though silver man is so cool yeah skippable um in that sense in that sense you you understand what I'm talking about about right and then you have this Banner we already discussed about the wish list what you should do how this Banner works and everything else I can assure you be completely free here and summon as much as you would like do the challenges missions do the story you're going to be able to grind bunch of Black tickets and just have fun here correct the make correct wish list and just keep on summoning like no worries here just please don't use your essence stones for Black tickets it's not needed you're going to use your essence stones for The Limited tickets okay guys with this I'm going to end the video here hope you did enjoy it just wanted to make a clear summoning guide giving you all the facts necessary so you know what you should do even as a freeo play even as a pay to win at the end of the day okay guys love you hope you did enjoy it and yeah make sure to support me in the Creator Center I will put the link in my description below and as a P comment and then when you're buying stuff use code roag and as well uh in future as I stack up the supporters and everything else I I I will hopefully have some great presents for you based on everything I read have that in mind you're going to get like special codes or something like that okay love you hope you did enjoy it leave a like subscribe and yeah see you next one bye
Channel: RoKage
Views: 14,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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