How To Get Astray Ship Lost Ark Guide (Best Ship)

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hello everyone and welcome back to gamer hex channels so today i will tell you how to get i'm not saying one of the best actually it is the best ship in the game it's called a stray chap it's really hard to get i'm not gonna lie it's really it's really hard to get and it's time consuming it take at least one month from now to get it and they will explain why but the ship is worth it to be fair i tried this chap in russian server and i feel like it is the best chef ghost chef are also good but it's not like a stray as trace milk is way better and you can include the resistance of this chip so it's become also really fast and also uh has high resistance in all types of waters so how to get the ghost ship so firstly guys you will come to this island here it's inside this area it's called black tank then it's really near from uh east material at this area here and once you talk to this npc you will notice that you came by pirate star by its store as trade for 300k pirate coin this is not the hardest part 300k buyer coins you can get them easily by the way i explained that in another video so you can get this uh this is just a quest they give you one part of the ship the the ship need too many pours like if you go to this npc you will notice that two pi that's tray shaped you need one two three four five different parts these are easy you can get them from life i also explained how to get this one in another video so if you want to get this one this one can be getting from the quest that you get from here so once you done this quest you will take you will get this part so the other two parts this is the hardest part especially this one so to get this one you need to go to here and search in uh guide sorry in adventure then own a task and you will go to this tab the server tab and you will search for astray like that as tray and once you press search you will notice that there is actually a quest here you press here then you accept the quest so we already accepted the quest so let me reject the quest first so again if i went to here then here and i click here i can accept the quest and as you can see guys actually to complete this quest i need five days to get the first reward then i need eight days to get the second rewards then 12 days to get the last reward with that straight construction blueprint and this one that's unique and then after that as you can see this one is actually to do a treasure from treasure c or you know this event this type of events that is happening uh from time to time you need to go to do this event like here or the other area at turn here so you just need to go there and do the event from sailing and once you do the event not all the events actually works the event that you get treasure from the sea not any other event so you need to do this event normally i do this quest one time then i ought to complete it by you know like if you try to complete any quest like here like uh but i need a question everything completely like this one i can finish now but i need shorts or there is other type of uh you know things that can auto complete the quest but uh i don't have the scroll now you can buy from the store but the store sadly is not working it's but today anyways that's how to get the first part and as you can see we already know that this part comes from the 300k fire coin this part come from the quest i was talking about and these are easy the last one is certificate of pirate you can also go to here on a tasks but instead of searching for astray you will search for a certificate of pirate and you will accept then you will notice that we have also a quest here that takes three days to get the first reward four days to get the second one and eight days to get the last one and here is the certificate of pirate and you need to accept this one this question this quest is quite easy compared to the other one so for this one as you can see uh where i did which one did they complete i forgot the name of the quest okay let me go again uh it's called best uh it's called thick cleaner or um pest control so this one yeah okay so as you can see it asks me to defeat the red shark pirates or defeat camp captain or whatever else so here actually at this area if you search it around there is some pirate that spawned from time to time and you just need to kill them but there's too many players that normally would kill all the pirates that spawn but you need to stay at the shore this event starts here and there's a pirate and sometimes a captain appears at this area we need just to kill this captain and the the quest will be done so it's also can be done at this and also all you have to do is just completing this one time then you can auto complete it with the um with the either scroll or with 25 of shorts these shores i have a lot by the way of these chores oh what zero this is this is a bug i have at least six thousand but since the store is not opening i have a bug and i even this one i have it and it doesn't it says here that i don't have it because it's completely bad but anyway that's how you get a straight a straight ship stretching is really really fun to play uh i can make a video on uh or in another time on uh testing this uh as tradition because i have it in the russian server i can open the russian server for you guys and test it if you want just let me know in the comments and thanks a lot guys for watching i'll see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Gamer Hex
Views: 451,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Get Astray Ship Lost Ark, astray ship lost ark, lost ark astray ship
Id: YsTcUdUOetw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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