Barbecue Baked Beans on the Smoker | Smoked Baked Beans Malcom Reed HowToBBQRight

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hey welcome back to how to barbecue right we're talking more barbecue sides today I've got another that I want to share with you this is kind of my go-to recipe for barbecue baked beans you know I'm going to do them out of the smoker get some smoke out and this is a really easy recipe that I just like to take a a store-bought beans you can find in any store and kick it up add some flavors some fresh vegetables some of our barbecue sauce and rub we're going to able to Worcestershire sauce get it out of the smoker and let it cook it's that simple this is something that you know you can prep ahead take to wherever you're having a barbecue get it in a pan put it on a smoker and just leave it forget about it go to cooking the meat when you come back two or three hours later those beans will be done it's how we do it all the time even when I'm at the house we're doing beans this way it's quick and it's easy let's get started and show you how to put these together now since I'm cooking it out on my barbecue pit I want to use a you know container that can go on a grill a lot of times if we're in a contest I may be using just a aluminum pan but you can get exams or anywhere but sit at home or if I'm going to a party or something I like to use my cast-iron pot it's just real easy has a lid that goes on it makes cooking it easy and cleanup simple on them rulers start with some Bush's original beans I mean I've tried all kinds of beans and hey if you like to put different beans in there that's fine go ahead but I found this original recipe Bush's beans hard to beat and you can get them just about everywhere there's all different flavors I'll just stick with the original rest secret recipe but I'm just using two cans of these Bush's beans they'll feed about a dozen people but if you noticed I've drained off all that liquid off those beans because we're going to be adding some salts to it a little hot sauce or shower mustard things that have liquid we don't want them to turn into bean soup I want it to be nice and thick and really you know that being cook out some of that moisture that's inning and thicken up a little so you don't want running we've got our beans in we're going to talk about our vegetables we're going to put a lot of red onion diced pretty fine 1/2 a large add that to the pot then I've got a bell pepper diced fine you can use green yellow whatever you like I just like the red and the beans and I've got one clove of garlic you're the quick mix to get these vegetables incorporated with your beans I'm going to add some sweetness we've got three-quarters of a cup packed firm a brown sugar and when I add a cup of my barbecue sauce the thing that beans is you know we've given you the recipe here but you can just kind of eyeball it I always like to taste them right before I put them on the smoker Oh enough enough I have the flavors right I mean everything's pretty much cooked except the vegetables they're not going to hurt you I'm going to add a tablespoon of Worcestershire start getting mixed up lemon need about a tablespoon of hot sauce use your favorite kind I'm a French man tablespoon just regular yellow mustard mix and as we go now we're going to season I'm just adding my barbecue rub you want about a tablespoon you're stuck on measuring then I'm gonna get with just a little bit of salt pepper garlic that AP the last but not least I have some leftover barbecue from the last time I cooked vacuum-sealed frozen and thaw it out goes great in beans you're looking for the way I repurpose some leftover pulled pork beans makes an excellent choice you don't mind if it's in big chunks it's going to cook down you talk about the flavor of pot of beans it's going to add that smokiness all the time you spent slow cooking that pork but it's going to pay off when you add it into these beans and get them out there on the smoker and bring them up to temp let's incorporate it pretty good all we have to do is go outside get the smoker fired up and get these beans on it I know that it's not doesn't look very soupy that's exactly the way I want it because all this vegetables the beans it's going to make a lot of moisture in there and it's going to be really juicy so if we have to strain those beans it would have been like soup now and then it just builds way too much juice you want it to be thick when you first put it on let the heat get on it let some that smoking on it it's going to make some more juice we're going to cook it for about three hours so hour-and-a-half uncovered then we're going to put a lid on it really let it finish off and then they'll be ready to eat beans are super simple go outside get the cooker fired up I'll show you how we do all right we got the beans on the pit the smokers up to about 250 degrees you know there's nothing through this we're just going to close the lid we wanted to cook about three hours at this temperature if you're cooking at a higher temp they'll be done a little bit faster so if you know beans are perfect to cook lot right along with other meats you can just put them over in the back side of a smoker where you've got extra room just let them sit there and cook for two or three hours nothing to it simple but they're going to be delicious because we've added that meat I get barbecue sauce and rub be done hearing a little bit we'll let these cook about an hour and a half that we're going to cover them up another hour and a half to be ready to eat stick around alright it's about hour and a half into these beans I just want to come out here and give them a stir you see it's loosened up a lot and get a little juice going on smokes getting in there I'm going to go ahead and get the lid on at this point so we can really get these vegetables tender we don't lose any of that liquid looking good nothing to these beans just get them on here little cook lid on another hour and a half we'll be ready to eat all right these beans have been on for just a little over three hours I know they're done so the bubbling held all that moisture in there once we put that lid on it that's what you want to see then you just want some people nice and simmering the pork started to break up and that's the best part right there but this is it this is all there is to baked beans and you saw how simple it was to put together right to get them a trout you know that notes going to be hot mmm beans are tender those vegetables gotten soft with great barbecue flavor you get that smokiness from the grill and from that pulled pork that we added in there's another layer flavors in them can't get any easier in this doing beans let's get them on the pit leave them uncovered for about a hour and a half cover them up let them sit there and simmer you can go on do other things cook whatever else you got going on come back to the beans later you're ready to go to the table and serve just like that it's another easy side that you can add to your barbecues we're gonna do a few more of these this year so just keep an eye on the youtube channel subscribe we're going to put some more videos out all year long so get us up on Facebook and Twitter as always thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 385,334
Rating: 4.9351897 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, bbq baked beans recipe, barbecue baked beans recipe, smoked baked beans recipe, baked beans recipe, the best baked beans, how to make baked beans, Baked Beans (Food)
Id: XQsn5kcdmPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2015
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