Jack Daniels BBQ Baked Beans Recipe

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barbecue that is one powerful word in my vocabulary I tell you what my earliest memories of barbecue was being somewhere around the age of four or five the first time I ever tasted it my dad now he never owned a smoker that I know of but every chance he got he was pulled by when his little roadside barbecue shack and he'd buy up some barbecue ribs pulled pork things like that and I'll feed the family with it the first time I ever bit into it I remember like yesterday I'm like what is this man that's good in barbecue that's exactly what it was and I've been in love with it ever since nowadays things a lot different you got a lot more Health Department getting involved you can't really have the road side shaped like you did in that day unless you certify you know having all the proper things that the Health Department requires which there's nothing wrong with that but I'm you spending those days are kind of gone forever today you got more establishment more in the form of a barbecue restaurant and Mississippi has moved a reception there's plenty of them up and down this Coast right here and I don't go to a lot of them I personally prefer doing it myself but uh occasions we will stop in there and check them out there's a few of them that I really do like and I will go in there and stop some times of time now the next few weeks we're not going to really be focusing on barbecue as far as the meat goes we're going to be focusing on barbecue sides I've been requested numerous times by subscribers to do things such as side dishes to go with barbecue barbecue sauce these things of that nature so we're going to get the ball rolling with that in anticipation for new offset smoker that will be in these videos hopefully within a month month and a half until then we're going to start focusing on side dishes and today we're going to be doing a Jack Daniels barbecue basting recipe that is killer it's going to be good I hope you give it a try so let's go ahead and get started at let me show you how it's done [Music] you don't do the wrapping let's go [Music] let me show you how to make some killer beans we make this quite a bit and they are delicious now what I've done is I've taken some dried white northern beans that's what you see right here I soaked them overnight and then first thing this morning in the same pot that they were in with the water I just fired it up I'll let these simmer for around an hour and as you can see they're somewhat tender they're actually al dente we're going to go ahead and pull this in our pan and begin live spread these out a little now while I was simmering these this morning I added like one tablespoon of salt and also added in about a quarter quarter of a cup of the Jack Daniels go ahead and start infusing some of that Jack Daniels flavor into that even at that early early stage all right now into that I'm going to take one 15-ounce can of tomato sauce and I've also taken 2 ounces of tomato paste and I've already blended that into the sauce I've got 1/2 cup of yellow prepared mustard 1 cup of turbinado sugar you can also use brown sugar in this I just happen to like to turbinado a lot I've got one and a half cups of beef broth going in three-quarters of a cup of molasses now we're going to take this Jack Daniels Black Label and we're going to add in around 1/2 of a cup 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce now I'm adding in 1 tablespoon of the Frog bone hot sauce this is a pepper sauce it's not hot it's more of a medium but it's really good in flavor it's going to be excellent in these beans I've got 1 medium size white onion I've got 1 bell pepper and 6 cloves of garlic that I've mint all that is going in alright now we're going to add in this is 1/2 pound of bacon I browned about halfway done you don't want to render it completely out you want some of this they can actually render into these beans going to add a lot of flavor also go ahead in about 1/2 a teaspoon of salt to begin with we'll check this again later on to make sure we're good on the salt and of course some cracked black pepper that bacon is carrying salt within it and the fat that is going to render out so that's why I caution you on starting off a too much salt you do want to add a little because that's not going to be enough for all these beans and vegetables and such as that all right let's give it a final mix here now I want to add in some smoke in these beans so what I'm going with is these Jack Daniel chunks these are actual chunks from the barrels that they aged the Jack Daniels in and I want to thank Chris Lynch with mothers BBQ for sending me those I cannot find those in my area thank you so much Chris I'll tell you what you really need to go check Chris out the man can cook he's got some phenomenal videos I hope you go there and check them out I'll have a link in the description box for Chris's channel mothers BBQ you all right so we're going to set our beans right here in between this for indirect cooking right here in the middle now I'll be checking these periodically giving them a stir checking for doneness I've got my bottom vent and my top vent closed quite a bit we want to cook this somewhere around 300 degrees I'll be putting a thermometer in here and checking my temp all right I just dropped in I'm hanging a little chuck roast here I've got also the same Jack Daniel barrel chunks on this as I do on the beans this is not about the barbecue just like I said earlier this is all about the sides but I did want to show you what we're going to be having with the beans if you like to check out the video where I've done this exact same recipe before please click on the card right above let's take a look at these beans too we're at oh yeah now that's about the thickness you want on these beans problem is they're not completely ready yet they're not completely tender they're getting close now I'll let these go for one hour I checked them and they were about like this and I headed in probably around I don't know three quarters of a cup of beef broth someone do the same thing again these have to go at least another hour we're going to hold that right there we're going to stir this in and about another hour they should look like they did when I pull the lid off of this and they should be that much more tender actually they should be about done I've done a salt check we're good on that beef broth has sodium in it I added that little bit of salt you got the bacon I really waiting on focus much on the meat like I said earlier this is all about the sides but I just pulled this out with a pit barrel cooker I did you just want to say one thing if you go check out that other video if you haven't already it does call for one coca-cola and use basically pour that in the pan pouring it over the meat alright that part hadn't changed on the original video I use maple syrup that I poured over the beef but I'm thinking molasses this time we're going to give that shot that Jack Daniels smoke coming through coke molasses I'm thinking yes get that all over the top it's going to be the perfect blend of sweet is what I'm thinking it's going to go very good with the smoke that's in this meat so we're going to give that a try I'm going to take and cover this real tightly with aluminum foil put it back on the pit barrel cooker and we're going to cook this to hits around 215 degrees internal temp it's going to be pull apart melting your mouth tender alright finally we are done let's take a look at these beans we are still steaming look at that mani smoker I love that consistency wood beans they're not juicy or watery just like that man perfect all right over here we've got some of this pulled beef put this on a bond top this a little store bought barbecue sauce put a cap on it that's all I need I'm going to give me a big helping of these beans and we are getting ready to eat but first we're going to do a taste test got to try this sandwich first I tell you what I think I don't know I like pulled beef almost maybe better than I like pulled pork is so good and like I said earlier coke don't put that down until you try it something about that coke and molasses of sweetness mix or that beef with a rub that went in there is absolutely delicious all right let's go ahead and try the star of this show and that's the baked beans the Jack Daniels baked beans and they are hot perfectly tender now if you kept up with this video you send that roughly I went about three hours and I had to add the chopped beef broth in there twice after each hour I had to add some and at the end of that third hour he got down to the thickness I like which is this right here so at the end of three hours I filled it with aluminum foil and keep in mind on this weber grill that the coals were slowly dying down so my heat had gotten down to like 225 by time I wrapped it and for the most part they just sit there and steamed and it became very tender these are perfectly done awesome flavor Jack Daniels you cannot detect a Jack Daniels flavor per se that's what scares a lot of people off I think they're thinking their beans or their meat or whatever you use it is going to taste like Jack Daniels and it's done it just adds a really good flavor could you just have to experience that to see what I'm talking about hope you give these a try overall great success please stay tuned to the next video it's going to be a smoked potato salad right here on smoked ribs and I'll see you then
Channel: Smoky Ribs BBQ
Views: 489,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jack Daniels Baked Bean recipe, baked beans recipe, Smoked baked beans recipe, How to make baked beans, how to smoke beef, bbq beef sandwich recipe, bbq beef recipe, bbq beef chuckies recipe, bbq baked beans recipe, bbq baked beans from scratch, bbq baked beans on smoker, bbq baked beans with bacon, bbq baked beans recipe from scratch, best baked beans ever, must try baked beans, baked beans from scratch, ultimate baked beans, easy baked beans, homemade baked beans
Id: 3bPBCoRP5Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2017
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