Barbara O'Neill Part 12. The Laws of the Mind

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this amazing brain in our last lecture we looked at the things that are going into the mouth we looked over here at not only mouth but other areas which are affecting the functioning of our brain we defined what the frontal lobe was where our reason intellect judgment and Willer that they're fully developed at the age of 30 now we're going to have a look at the mental or emotional aspects of the way the brain functions to do that we're going to go over the seven laws that govern the functioning of the brain and the first law must always be Newton's third law of motion to every action there is an equal and an opposite reaction it's the law of cause and effect effect follows cause with unvarying degree or through nature never should we blame the effect as the cause and sadly that often happens I'm going to have a look at a few sadly common things that are happening today in the mental area and we're going to have a look at what they are and what are the possible causes one is panic attacks what is a panic attack a lady told me this she said she woke up in the middle of the night one night she's about 53 and she was in total panic her heart was racing her skin was on edge felt like electricity she was terrified she woke up a husband and said quickly you must take me to hospital something terrible is happening to me he drove very fast you know what was going on got to hospital was a very busy night they brought her in her husband brought her into the nurse and the nurse said yes and she said something terrible's happening with me my heart is racing my skin's on on edge I'm feeling total terror the nurse said fine go and take a seat we'll be with you shortly now the nurse didn't know and the lady didn't know and her husband didn't know that it would actually be hours the nurse never planned that but what happened was 15 minutes later she went and got the doctor they are about to call her in and an ambulance came in with its siren blazing there'd been an accident down the road someone was dead someone else was already on life support so of course the priorities quickly shift the lady heard the sirens she saw the people running and at that point her mind was diverted as you'll see as we go through these laws diversion is one of the laws she was watching what was going on she saw that a crisis was happening and she watched it all happen all took about half an hour before things settled down again the nurse was about to call her in and then another ambulance arrived with the sirens blazing someone had had a cardiac arrest and they were doing mouth-to-mouth at can you see the scenario it was probably about four hours later the lady we're sitting there her husband was asleep it wasn't the nurses fault they had bled to see her it's just that crisis after crisis after crisis came in by this stage in fact within probably half an hour the lady felt all right but she thought she'd better stay around she thought she was going to be seen in the next 10 minutes every 10 minutes now she woke her husband she said we just go home they're very busy here they went home she went to sleep she woke up in the morning she felt a little bit silly but she also knew that what she felt was real so that day she did a google search because she had heard the nurse say to another nurse panic attack and she thought I must have had a panic attack she did a search on the web she came up with one area that ticked every box for her early 50s starting to go through menopause had been on the pill for about ten years when she was younger doctor doctor - she ticked every box and she searched that line and she came a little bit further and she came to the Anna's wild yam cream a hormonal balancing cream she found out that when a woman's on pill it boosts estrogen and depletes progesterone and progesterone is the hormone that keeps you calm that prevents the panic attacks she thought well that's all me she went a little bit further and you could send away for a DVD called the dance of the hormones and in that DVD she learned about the importance of the eight laws of health she learned about the importance of drinking more water of having a more plant-based diet she learned about the importance of exercising of going to bed early she started to go to bed earlier she learnt the dangers of the sugars the alcohols the caffeine so she stopped alcohol she stopped sugars she stopped caffeine she started to use the sunshine a little bit she checked her home had fresh air after two months she felt fantastic after two months her friends were saying to her what's happened to you she'd lost 10 kilos in weight she said well I've just been implementing the things that I've heard on this DVD at the same time she was taking the Anna's wild yam cream which was going to boost her progesterone her happy hormone and little by little get her estrogen under control two and a half months later she woke in the middle of the night panic heart was racing skin felt like it had electricity on it she was experiencing total terror this is what her feeling said you see the back part of the brain is where the feelings are and in the first scenario that had been the boss but when the feeling started to rise up quickly frontal lobe kicked in frontal lobe kicked in and said our hearts one of those panic attacks AHA I know what it is now aha I know how to conquer this what I'm doing eventually I will not get them she slipped out of bed she went in and got a crystal of celtic salt and a glass of water she put the kettle on got a chamomile tea bag went out onto the veranda with her hot cup of tea still a bit hot to drink she breathed in deeply she started to do some stretches then she sat down and drank her tea the whole time this was happening her heart is pumping her skin is on edge her feelings are screaming at her but she's not listening got that she's not listening she's basically saying to herself settle down this will pass this will pass and in 15 minutes it had passed she slipped back into bed and went to sleep same situation but scene at scene up from totally different eyes what have made the difference it was knowledge it was understanding what was happening to her the old proverb knowledge is easy to him that understood she now understood what was causing her panic attack and she knew how to conquer she just had to get over this little hiccup this lady told me that she had about three more panic attacks over the next six months last time I talked to her she said it's three years later and I haven't had another how nice you see the back part of your brain is your feeling part of the brain and it makes a bad boss it doesn't mean feelings are bad feelings are not bad but they're not a good boss because feelings go up and down like the wind her first situation her feelings were the boss no one no that's that's the only guide she had was her feelings but the frontal lobe part of the brain is a very good boss because every decision that this boss makes is made according to reason intellect and judgment basically you could call it cognitive behavioral therapy she just changed the way she saw it and what enabled her to do that was knowledge knowledge on why this was happening on what she could do to overcome it but let me give you another story and this is this also was told me same situation rush to casualty it's a quiet night so the ladies given valium to calm her down and a referral to a psychiatrist she sees the psychiatrist he says I found the cause of all your problems you get panic attacks now the night she got a panic attack it had a profound effect on her that made a strong pathway and when her when her specialist told her you get panic attacks what did that do to that pathway it made it strong yes put a bit of REO in it he said you'll be on panic attack medication for the rest of your life now quickly out here not every doctor says that but this one did she went home her mother said what did the doctor say he said I get panic attacks he said I'll be on medication for the rest of my life can you see what's happening here the more you frequent those pathways the stronger they get science shows that they are physical pathways in our brain two years later this lady came to misty mountain health retreat she's now to the point where she can't drive her car her panic attacks are so strong so I gave her a script a prescription of what to do when the lightning strikes I said the first thing I want you to do when you feel that panic of rising is laugh she said I won't feel like laughing I said you're absolutely right but you will what did I say when I said you will I made a pathway I said just pretend to be a kookaburra almost makes you giggle and while you haha laughing get a crystal of salt glass of water get a chamomile tea bag all the things that this previous lady had done I said your concrete but I said the hardest time will be the first time because we like going down the paths of least resistance don't we and this has got resistance it's not a well-worn pathway this is the path of least resistance well one it's like going on walk and being told you can go anywhere but not on the path it's pretty hard to go through the bush but on the path Art's easy that's actually exactly what's happening in your brain and this lady did it I don't know anyone that likes being on medication I don't like it and I don't know anyone that likes having panic attacks eventually the pathway became stronger and stronger this is the pathway of conquering panic attacks and because she stopped frequenting the panic attack pathway can you see what's happening here the new pathway is stronger how long does it take before the new pathway is stronger than the old pathway let's make that a little bit thinner science shows us it takes 21 days 21 days to create a new habit 21 days before her old pathway the panic attack pathway is replaced by a new pathway the new pathway is stronger than the old pathway and when the new pathway is stronger than the old pathway when something stressful arises guess where she goes down the new pathway isn't that good news this lady rewired her brain and science shows us that we can be rewiring our brain right up until the day we die that's the good news you've heard the old saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks wrong you can where there's a will Maz a way if you say you can you will if you say you can't you're right you won't it's as simple as that you see our feelings are like a wild horse and they go all over the place they need the bridle whoa whoa up your bridle is your frontal lobe that's your board of senses that's your Board of critiques and can you see if someone is taking all of this into their body their board of senses their critiques are not very loud they can hardly hear them what about depression by the way I've seen many people conquer their panic attacks by the things that are described isn't that good news depression is not a cause depression is an effect the medical definition of depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain what's my next question why what has caused this imbalance let's have a look at what causes the highs sugar causes are high which causes a high caffeine causes are high alcohol causes are high tobacco causes are high MSG causes are high all of these hives come with corresponding lows their transit or ease highs they're just crutches oh they just hold you up for a little time but because they are transitory because they are brief because they are really delusive they all come with the corresponding loathes sugar blues that's why the books call sugar blues that's the wheat blues we've got another book called caffeine blues they all cause the blues they give an initial brief high but they come along with this long corresponding low what's a hangover it's not a very real low desparately doing anything to get the next cigarette desperately we've got one we haven't got here which is drugs I can't understand myself a beautiful young girl going into prostitution to feed her drug habit that's the effect that the high of the drug does they're constantly going for it again to try and maintain that high these are all transitory highs coming along with very real lows of themselves and absolutely together they can cause depression depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain a chemical imbalance can be caused by a lack so we've got a lack of oxygen oxygen vitalizes invigorates and electrifies the body lack of oxygen can cause depression lack of exercise can be one of the causes of lack of oxygen lack of sunshine sunshine in the day causes a release of serotonin at night and serotonin is a hormone that makes you feel good lack of sleep can cause depression especially in the hours of powers that we talked about you see when you're sleeping in the proper hours there's a release of serotonin so sunshine and sleep are both affecting the release of the serotonin lack of water our brains a hydroelectric system lack of water lack of hydro lack of electricity negative thought patterns can be developed in a brain that is dehydrated lack of rest lack of rest can be different to lack of sleep if you're a computer programmer your rest might be climbing mountains we've got many monomaniac today have you heard of a monomaniac a monomaniac is someone who only develops one part of their brain my son Williams in Brisbane at the moment and he's getting very busy as a handyman he was brought up on the farm he knows how to do lots of things he said no one knows how to do anything in the home people get him to go and change a tire people get him to go and fix a washer on the tap and the people are doing that are usually computer experts there mano maniacs there's only one part of their brain that's developed and that's the technology part of the brain there are many men today who can't chop wood they can't change a tire that don't know how to do agrees and all change on their car they don't know a lot of basics maintenance around homes and there are a lot of ladies who they're very good on the computer but they can't need they can't so they can't cook they can't clean they can't parent there are so many who don't know the basics today they're mano maniacs just developed one part you see an imbalance is causing depression and when you have monomaniac it creates an imbalance so we'll have to put here lack of balance and lack of balance can be created by a lack of rest often if I've been consulting with people all day lecturing all day I'll go home get on my hands and knees and dig weeds or I'll go and sow or I'll go and net I can cook something totally different to what I've been doing all day we need to have a balance in our brain and to have a balance in our brain we need to rest our brain and one of the best ways to rest the literary part of our brain is to climb a mountain so it's just doing something different can be the best rest that you give other parts of your brain in in Exodus the Bible talks about a special rest that God gave and I read the Bible when I was 25 and I got to Exodus where the Ten Commandments are in the fourth commandment God said six days shalt thou labor and do all their work but on the seventh day rest rest I remember as a young mother I thought how do I do that and then I realized that if I have a visitor coming I've got everything ready if I'm going out I've got everything ready I'm just gonna see that day the seventh day that the Bible talks about and I'm not gonna do any cooking on that day I'm not going to do any vacuuming I'm not going to do any washing Inessa child vomits and I might I might wash so I made prep so that I could do that you see being pregnant or breastfeeding non-stop for 14 years I was a very busy lady and I'm pumping the rainforest and there's no electricity so I'm busy but you know revolutionized my life and it gave me the rest and the balance in other areas I used to go on Bush walks with the kids on I'd sit and chat with the kids usually they'd say mom look at this and I'd say yeah I'll just put the load of washing on the line you know just do this I'll just and this gave me what one with the children and still to this day Michael and I love work we never stop except for one day where we stop we get the rest and we give our brain the balance lack of progesterone can cause depression because progesterone is called the happy hormone I meet many women in menopause age who are suffering from depression and when I do a history on them they are on the pill the pill depleted their progesterone boost their estrogen and basically those levels are still out I've seen many people especially women conquered depression by going on the Anna's wild yam cream boosting progesterone implementing the eight laws of health and then little by little they're able to ease off their antidepressants good news lack of minerals can cause depression there are two minerals that work together one is calcium and the other is magnesium and these two minerals are what gets the messages down that arm calcium constricts magnesium relaxes calcium constricts magnesium relaxes this is happening split-second that's how the messages come down that arm lack of egg calcium and or lack of magnesium can both cause a deficiency in the messages ability to get down there um lack of vitamins especially the B vitamins the B vitamins are probably the most famous vitamins in helping people get proper brain function but probably the most famous of all the B vitamins is nice and nicotinic acid about one percent of psychiatrists today are using nutritional medicine to help mental illness and that would be their most famous some doctors are using up to about 10,000 milligrams of nicotinic acid that's 10 grams not forever it's just initially till we conquer the situation we're looking at the imbalance that can be caused or the imbalance that can cause depression excess excess food can cause depression this is a big one in Australia today Australia is suffering from an over an abundance of food and overeating of food when the stomach is burdened with too much food the nerves are irritated and that can irritate the whole system especially the brain excess stimulation this is the opposite to rest one of the best things parents can do for their children is keep life simple have big expeditions into the bush to get kindling big expeditions into the garden to kill the enemy boys love that pull all the weeds out picking up the pinecones for the fire these are the things that I do with my grandchildren and you know when they visit me they say have you got any work for us grandma we're good workers so good to develop really good work ethics in the children when parents don't teach their children to work they deprive them of the joy of accomplishment which is a lovely thing many kids today don't know how to work but they're pretty proficient on the iPad a lot of a lot of parents are really proud when their two-year-old can handle the iPhone or the iPod it is nothing to be proud of kids are smart the most important thing children should be learning is to obey their parents let them know there's a consequence if they're not and use the will to develop their mind so that their intellects develop the way it's supposed to develop so make sure there are times of quiet access pain can cause depression pain is debilitating one has to look at why the pain is there I'm surprised at how many times we're able to reduce pain by simple hydrotherapy treatments or poultices we're looking at what causes a chemical imbalance in the brain the brain can be poisoned this in itself is causing an imbalance what poisons the brain mercury all your heavy metals poison the brain alcohol poisons the brain MSG poisons the brain chemicals poison the brain mold poisons the brain drugs poison the brain these all have a poisoning effect causing neuro degeneration which of course is is the cause of dementia Alzheimer's something else can poison the brain and that is negative thoughts we have no say over what people say to us but we have total say over what we do with what they say to us you see a negative thought may come into our mind and they say this I think it's well said we have no say over the first thought but we have total say off over every thought after that you see a thought is like a breeze notice that this nerve cell is like a tree and here are all the little branches a breeze comes in and it walks through the dendrites the branches of the tree and it is our choice whether we keep that thought or we let it keep going and if we keep that thought it's basically like we build a little nest in the dendrites and if it's a negative thought dr. Carol and leaf in her book who switched off my brain she shows how little thorns can grow in between the dendrites when we entertain or cherish negativity and those little thorns have the ability to damage the tissues these are your psychosomatic diseases what does cherish mean love what does entertain mean come in stay for a meal actually stay the night do we do that to negative thoughts no they must be allowed to keep going one girl said I get negative thoughts coming in all the time I said join the club we all do it's what we do with them let them keep going don't let them build a nest in your dendrites which causes thorns to develop which can be very damaging one lady said it to me she said I I like it I like to think of it like this we've got our remote control from the television something comes on that we don't want we just change channel we just change channel we just change channel and that's what you can do with negative thoughts just change channel just change channel and remember practice makes perfect and practice makes permanent what this means is what I've shown you this morning is that these things are something we can make a choice on and as you can see they have a dramatic effect on the way we think dr. Neil Nedley stated in his lecture that I tended on depression he said genetics cannot cause depression isn't that good news even if both our parents committed suicide we need never go there remember genetics loads the gun lifestyle pulls the trigger genetics cannot cause depression lifestyle tragedy cannot cause depression and every heart has its own it's not what happens to us it's what we do with it but he said you throw a few of these in he's calls them hits and the scales attempt we have no say over to genetics we have no say over lifestyle tragedy but we have total say over this never would I want anyone to think that I'm implying it is there thought they have depression no no no many are sick through ignorance and most people don't know the power of these simple lifestyle changes that can directly affect the way that we think dr. Neil Nedley stated that there are over a hundred causes of depression I haven't given you a hundred here but I've given you quite a few no depression is not a cause depression is effect and that's why the detective hat has to go on and have a look at all the things that may have brought together so that the effect of depression is happening before we move on there's one last and this is a Bible verse I'm sure we all know it well do unto others as you would have them do to you it's more than a nice saying it's divine law and that law states that whatever you give out you shall receive again now this can be scary and it can be great when is it scary it's scary when what we're giving out is not good because that law states it's coming back again now this can be incredibly helpful when someone has been terribly used abused often people say to me well they need to know what it feels like I say maybe no maybe so but not by your hand because if it is by your hand that law states it will come back no the second law gives the key on how to how we can free ourselves from painful paths through the law of choice forgiveness is the choice that can free us from painful past one writer wrote it like this forgiveness sets the prisoner free the prisoner is me it's the best selfish decision you can make forgiveness does cut the chains that bind you to painful past forgiveness gives you wings it gives you freedom one lady said I don't want to free them I said you can't free them you can only free yourself I have seen many people who are physically sick because they're bitter about a terrible experience where they were badly treated and when I say to them have you forgiven often their responses that undeserved forgiveness and I say absolutely right but it's got nothing to do with it a name we'll probably never know whether you've forgiven them or not in fact if you don't forgive them you keep them changed to you how many people do we meet who have been through a tragic experience and it years later and they're still hanging on to it let it go you can let it go it's a frontal lobe decision it is not a feeling decision because if it was we would never do it I'm about to tell you a scientific fact and it may sound very flippant but it's a scientific fact fake it till you make it fake it means I forgive why do you fake it because you don't feel like doing it but frontal lobe says you just got to do it you just got to do it and you know when you keep doing it I forgive this person I forgive this person I forgive this person it might start like that but remember practice makes perfect and practice makes permanent that's what your fake it till you make it is one lady said to me I couldn't even say their name the first two weeks but she said I pushed on I pushed on she said after two weeks I could say their name after three weeks she said I had no anger when I said the name she said after two months I saw the person in the street and she said the head didn't go up on the back of my head and I didn't feel like running up and ringing their neck I actually had almost a warm feeling incredible incredible the third law explains this you see our words affect our feelings that's why you have to be very careful on your words because what you say affects the way you feel so when this lady forgave her abuser it changed the way she felt about her abuser she said she was proud she was totally prepared for that it was a pleasant surprise a pleasant side effect forgiveness is a choice it's a frontal lobe decision don't listen to your feelings just tell them to settle down because they'll come into line because your words will affect them love is a choice love is a frontal lobe activity it is not dependent on feelings it is a frontal lobe decision you see when we fall in love we fall in love with character and character should get more beautiful with age whereas the gray hair comes and the wrinkles come and the tummy gets a little bit bigger so if that's what you've fallen in love with you'll be very disappointed the movies are wrong you've probably noticed that they must be the movie stars that play the roles what are they onto their third and fourth partners no no no love is not a feeling it is a principle it isn't and it is a choice and when when you make the choice to love then the feelings follow that's how it should be forgiveness is a choice we've done that one happiness is a choice we have no right not to be happy and when I drove past the rubbish tip in Nakuru Kenya we drove slowly past the rubbish tip entrance and we looked in and saw little children running out with the happiest smile job ever seen where do they live in the tip what do they eat rubbish and they're happy Happy's not dependent on things happiness like love like forgiveness is a principle but there is a temptation in the human brain to refer to feelings feelings are not a good guide feelings need to be under the control of frontal lobe we forgive and we love and we are happy because reason into and judgment tells us this is the best thing to do at this point in time it's like a friend of mine she had a difficult birth and this little babies cried all the time and he was a bit of a strange-looking child he had the big thick glasses and the cowlick on the front and by the age of seven she had to get help she couldn't stand this kid couldn't stand a bar of him and did he know that oh yes and it made him worse I remember I used to visit this friend and she'd fuss over my little children because my little James had these beautiful blonde curls and these big red lips and her little boys they're skinny with a cowlick and big thick glasses and I she didn't like the look of it at all so she went to a psychologist she said I just need help he said what you've got a doubt start doing is you've got to start commenting on some great things about your son she said you don't understand there's nothing he met him and he sort of half agreed no one liked this top and the more no one liked him the worse he got he said what I want you to do is I want you to say I like the way you walk down the corridor I like the way you walked up those steps that's where she had to start in the tiniest little thing did you know something happened she started to actually like his son and guess what happened to the son his behavior settled right down because she was starting to say some positive things about him you can start so small remember she had to fake it till she made it and she made it your words affect your feelings her words weren't only affecting the feelings of her son they are affecting her feelings and love began to grow be careful of your words you can't let them all out you see the fourth law states that your words reveal your feelings and you cannot let them all out proverbs 29 11 states that the fool utters all his mind but the wise man keeps it into laughter 1 another proverb 17 verse 27 says even a fool when he holds his peace is counted wise and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding another proverbs proverbs 13 verse 3 says he that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life but he that openeth wide his mouth shall have destruction you would be surprised at how many proverbs talk about this little member here the mouth be careful on that mouth because your words affect your feelings and they affect the feelings of everyone around you some say it's your right to speak your mind it is your obligation not to speak your mind I remember down at our health retreat in Melbourne I came in one day we had 18 guess and I knew that one guess was on slippery elm it's a powder that coats and sues the gut and the guests were there about to have their supplements and there were 18 slippery Elms there now I know I would have been a fool to open my mouth at that point I looked at it went oh dear and there very quickly you see frontal lobes kicking in frontal lobe says settle down Barbara remember frontal lobe is foresight settle down Barbara how are the staff gonna feel if you say anything it's going to imply that they don't know their job and what's that going to do for the guests confidence in the staff so you see very quickly this is split-second stuff I smiled at the guests I smiled at the staff and I went into my office I quickly thought to myself won't hurt the guests to have slippery on this morning it's a very safe home half an hour later two staff member came running and said we're so sorry Bob we're so sorry I smiled I said what can we do to prevent that happening again let's have a look at the charts we have it and they oh did I win their heart because there's not a person on the planet that hasn't made mistakes is it I'm shocked at what parents say to children I think don't you know they're gonna grow up don't you know they're gonna remember and if you've seen that little slogan on the back of the car parents be nice to your children they're going to choose your old folks home it's true it's true life serves back in the coin ooh pain what goes around comes around be very cautious be very cautious on your words because your words affect your feelings and they affect the feelings of everyone around them proverbs 12:18 says there is that that speaketh like the piercings of a sword but the tongue of the wise is health and I think we've all felt the piercings of a sword but you know who'd pieces the most the speaker we had a girl visit us one day and something went wrong and she lost it she lost it with Michael with Howard she came to lose it with me and I said can I just say something and she looked at me and I said you don't realize this but this this this happened and that's why that happened it was you know it was a mistake she'd made a big mistake she jumped to conclusions proverbs 13 18 says he that answereth a matter before a year of it it is folly and it is shame to him we need to keep our mouth shut and get all the pieces of information in place before we speak because notice what the proverb says because it is folly and it is shame to him and it is really what it appears isn't it I found that as a mother it's really what it appears I have to hold my mouth and I have to wait and find out what's happening your words affect your feeling they affect the feeling of everyone around you your words reveal your feelings and you can't let some say it's your right to speak your not your mind it's your obligation not to but I'm upset we'll go and chop some wood we don't have wood go for a run get on the exercise bike have a cold shower have a big glass of water go outside and sing opera for five minutes don't speak until once again frontal lobe is boss because this is a bad boss oh how many words have been said that would have been best left unsaid hmm and how many words haven't been said that should have been said how often at a funeral are these people saying all this stuff about this person and that person through their life never heard those things your words reveal your feelings so be careful with them there are some things that need to be said but the Colossians 4 verse 6 that says let your speech be always with grace seasoned with salt that you may know how you ought to answer every man you see with your feelings if they're in charge you get fight-or-flight but when frontal lobes in charge and a crisis arises instead of fight-or-flight you get pause and plan where do you pause and plan frontal lobe remember that's foresight but when feelings are in charge and a crisis arises as you're fighting your flight oh what a problem this tongue causes and James chapter 5 gives a very good explanation of this tongue or such a little member all but what a fire it can start but if frontal lobe is in control which it will be if all of these are out of the equation and if the body and if the brain is well hydrated it's eating nourishing food it's exercise this had its proper sleep no stimulants going in sunshine fresh air frontal lobe will be working well so you will be able to pause and plan I taught my boys a proverb at a young age I wanted to raise boys that could pause and plan not fight or flight' because I know what a scary thing it is for a woman to bear the hand of an angry man so the proverb is proverbs 16:32 it says he that his slow to anger is better than the mighty and he that rule of his spirit than he that taketh a city number five is the law of adaptation it's only ten years then science has acknowledged we have a changeable brain it's called neuroplasticity neuro meaning nerve cell plasticity when you melt plastic it molds to the shape of whatever you put it on when you have melted it but the proverbs talks about the law of adaptation proverbs 22:24 states that make no friendship with an angry man and with a furious man thou shalt not go unless thou learn his ways and get a snare for thy song because of the law of adaptation and proverbs 13 verse 20 states he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools will be destroyed because of the law of adaptation because of the law of adaptation our brain has the ability to grow and our brain has the ability to shrink so I'm going to give you a terrible growing scenario and then an excellent growing scenario have you heard the story of the fish that got away every time the story is told what happens to the fish gets bigger and bigger every time we relate negative experiences do you know that they grow and who would want them to grow some people are relating them every day and they're getting bigger and bigger enlight he said to me I'm just getting sick of the sound of it I know he suffered I know he suffered in the war but I I can't bear to hear it anymore and with that negativity what's growing all the little thorns and that man was beginning to get physical ailments because of these negativity thorns in his brain well what's the wonderful scenario the wonderful growing scenario is this our brain has the ability to develop once the brain cell dies it's gone it can never regrow no other cell is like that but this one nerve cell has the ability to develop 70,000 dendrites every time you learn something new another dendrite say you're a pianist every time you you learn a new piece I like knitting fine lace every time I need something new a new pattern my husband recently or a few years ago learned to fly a helicopter I think a lot of new dendrites came because he said when you he did the he learnt the bell 47 that's a manual he said you're doing five different things at once one with one right foot left foot left hand to things with the right hand all at once his teacher had never met a 50 year old man who got his solo as quickly as the young men how many fifty year old men aren't doing all that Michael did have some drugs and some marijuana in his youth so he has sustained a bit of damage but he's obviously developed what remains that's the good news 70,000 entrants that's where we should never stop learning never stop learning I Amen the poet said the world is full of so many things we all should be as happy as Kings my husband's not interested in gardening or knitting or sewing or cookie obviously you choose things that that you like but science shows that you're learning a musical instrument is one of the top on the list can you play a musical instrument well it's time to learn please spend the next few hours choosing your instrument triangles out don't need a lot of skill for that some may question that also learning a new language learning a new language also helps to grow a lot of dendrites my music teacher yes I am attempting to and I will learn the recorder she told me that learning to read music is like learning a new language memorizing especially the Bible the King James Version of the Bible I find the most poetic and I love to memorize from the Bible some think that I have a talent but I don't it's just hard work let me relate something to you that will take a few minutes but took me months to memorize there's just strong pathways in there in my brain now it's proverbs 22 verse 17 bow down 9 ear and hear the words of the wise and apply thine heart to my knowledge 4 it is a pleasant thing if they'll keep them within me they sure will be fitted in my lips that they trust might be in the Lord have not I made known unto thee this day have not I written unto thee excellent things in Council and in knowledge that there might know the certainty of the words of truth that there might be able to give an answer to them that are sent unto thee now you can see why I memorize that I think it's so pertinent to what I believe my role is in making you all know what is the certainty of the words of truth I'm not clever and I don't have a talent it's just hard work how long does it take before one verse is solid in my mind maybe about 21 days I'm like a dog at a bone I just keep at it and at it and at it till I have it solid in my mind and then I cannot say that for two months and then I can just say it if I don't say for it yeah I might need to go over it a little bit and get it get it clear well what's a terrible shrinking scenario if you don't use your brain cells you will lose them when these brain cells go into stagnation from yet from lack of they die and once they die they're gone but what can also cause a shrinkage is these thorns which are causing damage well what's your good shrink in scenario when we forgive everyone anyone who's ever hurt us in our life we turn painful posture dust and when you turn painful past to dust there's no bad smell to draw you down to that memory anymore and so the pathway to that memory actually shrinks because of lack of thoroughfare down that pathway isn't that good news I've seen so many people who've struggled with with abuse in past they have made a decision to forgive and they stopped relating the story you see if there's no bad smell anymore it's just a little pile of dust that's the good news and dr. Carolyn leaves she takes it one step further she says when you forgive everyone anyone who's ever misunderstood you ever hurt you in any way you turn painful past to dust and that night let's say you do it right now today then tonight when you go to sleep glial cells are activated and these are the brains vacuum cleaners and there are more glial cells than nerve cells and they come along in the night while you're sleeping and they vacuum clean up those old nests and those old thorns that have been damaging for too long science now shows us that forgiveness has a physiological effect on the brain to spring clean the brain isn't that good news our maze number seven the last and the final law is the law of diversion the law of diversion states that when something is so firmly denied as to refuse any hope for it the brain has the ability to divert to other pursuits don't you love it what are the old sayings for that when God closes a door he opens a window my older son James at the age of 30 and he said mum sometimes the window is bigger than the door good frontal light-up activity for a 13 year old one Italian man said no no no in Italy we say when God closes one door he opens two and I think we can all relate to that in our life that experiences that we have thought would be maybe the worst thing that happened to us have been an open door or stepping stones to greater things that the trials in our life not be rocks to crushers but stepping stones to greater things that's why it's like this if you say it's great it will be and if you say it's bad it's will be in our brain there are two polar opposites there's fear and there's faith and from fear come all the negative emotions and from faith come all the positive emotions and the Bible first for fear is second Timothy 1 verse 7 where it states God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind in other words fear is the opposite to sound mind but over here on the other end of the scale we've got faith and faith is a frontal lobe activity and the verse for faith is Hebrews 11 verse 1 faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen and down in verse 6 of that chapter it says without faith it is impossible to please God because God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him and there's one way to strengthen faith faith grow strong by earnest conflict with fear and doubt so that's how you get rid of fear and strength and faith by going into conflict whether it is a choice factor my daughter Julia found this one she's a lover of beautiful sayings hope and faith are inseparable companions and hope sees the invisible feels the intangible and achieves the impossible the the frontal lobe activities and it is in the frontal lobe part of the brain where God communicates with man in Isaiah 1:18 the Bible says come let us reason together it's a choice factor God is not in every human being you would never say God was in Hitler mangabey Stalin no God gave mankind the choice but all what a gamble it would mean some would choose wrong and when people choose wrong innocent people suffer what a wonderful gift that God has given to us the ability not only to choose him and choose life but the ability to make a decision today that can change our life around choice is a law and choice is a function of the frontal lobe and remember your will is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets these are the laws that govern the mind this is like a toolbox and when law it is is adhered to mental health responds mental health is the result let me finish with one verse it's actually a few sentences that I found in an old book right physical habits promote mental superiority intellectual power physical strength longevity depend upon immutable laws laws of health laws of the mind immutable laws there's no happen so no chance about this matter nature's God will not interfere to preserve men from the consequences of violating nature's law there is much sterling truth in the adage every man and every woman is the architect of their own fortune [Music]
Channel: Self Heal By Design
Views: 9,452
Rating: 4.8805971 out of 5
Keywords: Barbara O'Neill, self heal by design, Mind, Nutrition, NATUROPATH, Nutritionist, Wellness, Health
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 34sec (3454 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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