Barbara is Genshin’s Strongest Character: How I Learned to Ignore the Meta & Have Fun Again

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this might be a bit of a hot take out of every character in genin impact the most useful one you get right out of the gate that gives you the most bang for your buck is Barbara I'll take care of it now hear me out as a fan of Idols Barbara is the kind of character that I'm the least normal about and I don't think I've ever explicitly said how much I love her on this channel there were signs though in genin Barbara's the Deaconess of the Church of favonius she's loved by monat citizens because of her ability to heal through song quickly becoming their Idol maybe a bit too loved though let's just get rid of Albert Barbara's AR ray of sunshine she's a bit of a weirdo and is the kind of character that makes me genuinely happy just by seeing and hearing her I especially like how they Incorporated the idle bit of her character into her kit Barb is an invaluable support character because she is the party cheerleader keeping them healthy with her performance she's got great outof thebox utility with very little investment too because of this Barbara's been with me throughout every leg of my journey so far so why is it that from the moment she joined my party I was told she's bad and not worth using over everyone else this is for a ton of reasons but the largest one is that character viability is largely gauged by how useful they are in genin's endgame content spiral Abyss which in turn forms its metag game and for those who don't know what that means the metag game refers to strategies or characters or even mechanics that the community decides are the most dominant in order to clear the game's hardest content it just so happens that there isn't really that much endgame content in gen unless you like children's card games while I do think genin's metag game is great for the game's longevity and Community discussion playing the game strictly for The Meta has sucked the fun out of it for me big Twitter numbers optimal rotations and strong characters with finely tuned artifacts aren't the end all for me and placing characters into good or bad boxes discourages new and old players from using characters they want or are excited for I think the real fun from this game comes from the freedom to play and enjoy it however you want my aim with this video is not to discourage players who enjoy this part of the game I like some bits of the meta as well but I mainly want to discuss why some characters get put into the dumpster over others and how that perception tends to paint them in a negative light also hi I'm Joey I like making videos on topics that interest me much like this one so if you like this Dragon hustle Channel and want to see more consider engaging with this video if you liked it so without further Ado let's get right into today's topic a lot of time in gench and impact will be spent exploring the Overworld solving puzzles and getting into skirmish es during this exploration phase players have the choice to slot in any characters they want into a party of four each character is assigned a specific element as well as having tools tailored to a specific role because elements and how they react with each other is the name of the game your team of chemists will consist of characters that will help you achieve the best results generally you want to cycle through your party passing the Baton to each character to make sure that the team deals as much damage as possible with this in mind a team with good Synergy will bring out the best in each other so what does that look like for the sake of this example let's go with a normal carry setup you have a main carry and three support characters that help bring out the best in them teams usually focus on a specific kind of Elemental reaction with your point man enabling that reaction and your teammates helping apply and amplify the reaction's potency your main damage dealer or your main DPS is your character on point or the person who spends the most time on the field dealing damage a sub DPS usually has tools that allow them to take up less Field Time supporting the main carry from the sidelines but still contributing big damage shielder type characters help mitigate damage by creating barriers that protect your party and they can also be refreshed when their cooldown is up lastly healers are your white Mages they trade damage for sustain patching up all your party damage these are all very broad definitions for these roles and they don't fit for every character in this game these terms are also defined by the community character roles aren't as clearcut from the get-go compared to traditional turn-based RPGs especially in genin's case your sub DPS can become your main DPS and vice versa your shielder can heal or your healer can Shield some characters have abilities that are great for traversal despite being suited for big damage why yes I will use this Elemental skill to Skyrim climb up this hill some elements are also suited to a specific role and tend to get typ casted pyro and cryo deal cartoonish damage especially when you pair them together for the Melt reactions hydro and ano are great support elements but are no slouch when it comes to bringing the pain and so on flexible characters that Grant you more utility tend to be a bit more favored because they can contribute much more to your party quote unquote meta characters contribute a lot to a party and can slot into most teams pretty easily for example Bennett can heal with his burst and increase your party attack 10-fold shincho can get real motivated and use summon swords for some off field action and also help generate a ton of energy for the team shling can use her Beyblade to let it rip and constantly apply pyro and enable some big Elemental reaction these early game units are so overpowered and still so widely used that they help form the supportive backbone of pretty much any team this goes doubly so for genin and game content which requires a well-oiled machine of all types of units supporting each other equally to clear it as efficiently as possible because genin is relatively easy and adopts the it can't kill me if I kill it first mindset some healers are considered to be the black sheep of a team comp bringing them along usually means sacrificing another party member who usually has more utility meaning a loss in overall team damage shielders are actually considered much more valuable because most of them have tools that let them do more than just Shields now that we've explored just how important team Synergy is I want to give sustained characters their flowers their job is much more valuable than people give them credit for and to do this let's talk more in depth about the different kinds of options that genin gives you when it comes to dealing with Boo Boos from the GetGo the player is given a starting lineup of characters that lack healing or shielding skills this is so that the player can get a solid grip on the game mechanics especially when it comes to patching up their party at least until they roll the gacha the most important thing to keep in mind is that genin doesn't discourage enage the player from picking one option over the other the player quickly learns that dashing is going to be the easiest way to avoid incoming damage while it does consume stamina you have invincibility at the start of the animation and it's going to be something you're going to be using for the whole game next are these big Ubisoft Towers called the statues of the seven the player can work to them at almost any time to heal the whole party and even revive Fallen characters cooking is one of the main ways players will be patching up damage on the goat players can hunt wild animals and gather other kinds of mats to make meals as long as they've got a pot and a fire going cooking also comes with other stat bonuses and the game does encourage players to learn as many recipes as they can to offset how potentially strong this could be it does come with a set of drawbacks a fullness meter prevents characters from eating too much and doesn't let you heal once it's full just like real life I personally don't like the fullness mechanic because there's no reliable way to tell how full a character is on the field and it's very easy to accidentally eat a fatal hit in this game this might be a bit of a skill issue but I personally have trouble keeping track of myself when there's so many effects on the screen at once so I find it very easy to accidentally lose a character when a character's down they can be revived with a food item but once you do use that it's on a pretty lengthy cool down so you get slapped on the wrist pretty hard for making mistakes that being said though cooking is still a fun option that people can use and collecting recipes is kind of a miname in and of itself outside of these options the player has a few more Tools in their kit this is where sustained characters come in namely shielders and healers the first character that players will have access to that can do both is Noel you can get her from The Beginner's wish banner and it does feel like she was put here to give players that extra option Noel teaches the player the importance of bringing a sustained character on your team and having a unit like that from the ge-o is extremely helpful beginners also get access to Barbara like I said before you can get her completely for free and her use in the early game cannot be overstated because you'll be exploring a bunch and getting into all sorts of trouble barara can quickly become the team anchor she won't block out damage with the shield but she can heal the fielded character with her skill and the entire party with her burst this is especially helpful in early game domains in which the player can only heal with food or a sustained character this is the kind of comfort that I naturally gravitated to and I personally went with the Healer route when it came to sustaining my party as if it were written in the stars Jean would be my first five star because I ended up losing the 50/50 on the Yia Banner she's a standard Banner character that can heal and flex into a sub DPS I also personally think she is the best five-star starter character a new player can get in the early game together with these two and whoever the heck I wanted in my party I ended up steamrolling most of the in-game content I didn't feel like I was having a hard time because I had invested into healers so early on in fact I didn't really use any other kinds of support characters and I was still fine eventually I did invest into shielders and other popular options but I never once regretted picking Barbara even when people told me that I would this is because any character can be useful in the Overworld especially ones that are specifically designed to keep you alive even though I've given healers their flowers why is it that they're the role that tends to be the most neglected truthfully I think their use does tend to fall off from mid to late game when the player gets access to more characters with interesting functions and more Tools in their kit it gets a little harder to justify running a solo healer especially when those premium options tend to come with kits that make dedicated healers a little more redundant on top of this there are characters that are much more worthwhile to build in the early game that don't ever fall off characters like Bennett fishell shling shincho and sucros are versatile and cheap to build these characters are smart and vests and they can even be used in the hardest content that genin has to offer healers with some exceptions can't especially if that's all they can do that's why I feel like they get bad mouth but nobody had it harder than lady kooko me but I also think she's the greatest success story a character has ever seen when kokami first came out she received a ton of backlash duter kit which we'll take a closer look at she's a hydro five star that specializes in healing and does it extremely well kooki can summon a jellyfish that heals the active party member and applies Hydro to whatever enemies are near it kook's burst doubles down on that healing as long as she's fielded and attacking what makes her really unique however is her Ascension passive with this skill kokami trades away all of her critical hit rate in exchange for a healing bonus which means that she's really only meant to heal at least that's what her kit is suggesting because of this there there was some confusion into what her purpose on the team was because her burst suggested that she might have wanted to be on field I was playing the game at the time and can personally vouch that the common consensus that kokumi was not really worth rolling for players were upset that a character with a role this restricted was released and were especially hung up on the fact that she couldn't crit at most she was seen as a very expensive upgrade to Barbara I'm going to get on a bit of a tangent here but when kookomi came out I was kind of in that bandwagon of ah I don't want to roll for this character especially if she's power creeping Barbara like I turned my nose up and I was like ew Coco me uh I play a lot of games that deal with power creep pretty poorly especially Fire Emblem Heroes characters get power CP like every couple weeks or so so to me I felt like I was being personally insulted when they released a character that does what my favorite character does but better now that I'm way further into the game and kind of understand how hooe tends to power scale their characters I think I appreciate kookomi a lot more even if characters have the same kind of weapon and the role they do different things and have their own strengths over each other and when the time finally came where I felt like it was a good time to roll for kokami I got her and I still use her she's great it didn't helped kook's case that she was released to a very numbers heavy meta and came out right after Ryden shogun's Banner which was the bestselling Banner in the game at that point so it did feel like kookomi was pretty much doomed for the start seemingly sent out to die but it wouldn't stay that way Forever After kok's run ended more and more players began to discover just how potent she really was because kokami was gifted in applying Hydro she was a Lynch pin to a ton of powerful team comps you could park her jellyfish swap off and watch it apply Hydro over massive radius if you want to use kooki as an on Fielder she can patch your party up with her burst and also Drive Elemental reactions like electrocharge and freeze once players found out just how useful she was in those team comps they quickly changed their tune shortly after her release an artifact set called ocean hued clam was also released it's an artifact set that actually ended up indirectly buffing her and also other Healers basically what it does is that when a character is healed it charges this little bubble that pops and Deals some extra damage this made healers much more valuable in a team and with the addition of enemies that also ignore Shields to do bleed damage directly to your character healer stonks were on the rise baby this wasn't the only indirect buff that kooki would get and she'd only continue to Blossom as time went on when dendro dropped in 3.0 all hydro and Electro units saw New Life Hydro units especially because they were the key to the potent Bloom and Bloom reactions it can't be overstated just how strong those reactions are too with this kook's popularity skyrocketed she was the premier Hydro driver in a lot of dendro teams and even got a new artifact side grade in gilded dreams koki saw the biggest glow up of any genin character in my opinion but what does kokami tell us about genin's character design because characters are never directly buffed with the exception of just one so far we can expect characters to be released in a quote unquote complete State even if it seems like their use won't be clear from the get-go it's entirely possible that they might come into their own much later or maybe they were always good and we didn't realize it at the time kokami isn't the only character to get this treatment and is the shining example of a late bloomer a common thing I've noticed in genin is that characters are all released with its future in mind new characters are built to bring out the best in certain roles and play Styles and in turn age like a fine oine whatever Hoover verse is cooking with certain characters isn't super clear sometimes and it might look like we need to kick them the hell out of the kitchen but I say let them cook characters do not get directly buffed in this game what I mean by this is that there are no balance updates to gench in to upgrade or change character kits in response to community feedback at most new artifacts released that work well with new and old characters indirectly buffing them there could also be some support characters that increase the value of specific characters Jang Le is the only exception to this scenario because he's the only character who is directly buffed in response to a perceived power level but since then nothing like that has really happened but I feel like ever since kokumi came out there have been more new characters that have been released in a quote unquote future proof state for example let's look at yaiko she's an electro unit that summons turrets that constantly Target enemies she's also very pretty while she was a great Electro character and super super popular in the fan base players at the time felt that she had a lot of weird quirks that kind of held her back from being truly great the biggest one being her Ascension passive that increased her turret damage based on her Elemental Mastery stat yeah I didn't really use em so this particular bit of her kit confused players but Yi was released with dendro in mind because dendro loves em y's wonky passive now became really useful because she could now use artifacts with DPS and EM stats pair that with a new artifact side grade again in gilded dreams and yai became a premium Electro slot in dendro teams you know what they say about hindsight and this is going to start to sound very very tired by the end of this video on that topic too I specifically remember cookie shinobu being being thrown in the dumpster when she was released poor girl kuki is a four-star healer first and foremost that scales off her HP stat to increase her healing potency so why was it that she had an Ascension passive that increased her yada yada yada dendro it's dendro by now you can kind of guess how people feel about her and this just continues to happen finina defontaine made her debut and single-handedly increased the value of the Healer slot with just her burst alone I have never been more validated as a Barbara man in my life finally I can heal myself the existence of future proofed characters means that we can't judge a character's power in a vacuum it's very clear that every new unit especially five stars will continue to bring out the value of your existing lineup and even if they don't right now they will in the future but I can't understand why people wouldn't want to buy into a promise like this I talked at length about ginin gotcha in my Ula video and you can watch that one when you're done with this one but rolling is really expensive a new character alone can cost you in the triple digits if you're unlucky maybe if you have no pity or if you just keep losing that 50/50 truthfully no one wants to invest their time and money into a character that isn't worth those efforts there's still some really Niche characters that don't necessarily fit into any kind of roles but the bright side is that there are no useless characters in this game and their time will come with this in mind I'd like to discuss what kind of value a character can bring to the table and the kind of conversations a player might be having with themselves or maybe even their wallets up to B is cloud retainer this section was going to be about Risley originally but the nature of this topic is so flexible that you can slot in any character and still have it apply I want to examine character worth through the lens of the newest five star shenyun not only because I'm madly in love with her but I would also like to explore why she is such an interesting character this is my own opinion as well as others that I gathered from friends so I might have some lukewarm or even hot takes here when deciding to roll for a character I have a mental rubric I fill out what is it that this character can add to my account in terms of of utility and function is the role they bring something that I'm lacking in I'm currently the max Adventure Rank and I have a healthy amount of characters I can use for nearly every situation next do I like this character's Aesthetics is their drip Immaculate do I love their voice and their quips if I pull for this character I'll be playing them for a long while so naturally I have to enjoy what they look and sound like do I even like this character from a personality standpoint most importantly how far am I willing to go for this character if I lose the 50/50 and the gacha would I be willing to use my guarantee on them do I wait for a rerun do I pull for their weapon do I spend money most characters function without constellations or their signature weapons just fine but their power seal increases dramatically with both in the case of say huta and even Risley I personally don't ever roll for cons and weapons tend to be on the lower priority for me if I like the character enough I'll roll for it but weapons are always Flex pieces to me those pulls tend to happen on reruns if I can help it lastly if I pull for this character now am I okay with potentially not getting a new one in the next patch Murphy's Law and gotcha go hand in hand so I need to be okay with potentially sacrificing a new unit in the near future usually if I like a character's design Kit voice and personality I'm more than willing to pull that trigger I'm super easy to please I try not to spend money as much as I can and can get away with not buying packs most of the time weapons come on reruns like I said and constellations are not worth it to me I am uh popping my collar a little bit here the proud owner of my Ena Zuma national decks so I have every Ena Zuma character currently uh so every time a new Ena Zuma character comes out I feel the need burning need if you will to roll for them uh so usually if I see an Ino Zuma character all of this kind of uh scoring system kind of goes right out of the window and I'm just like all right time to roll so I asked around in my circles to get a pulse check on this topic the friends I asked usually feel the same they'd be willing to pull for a character if they likeed their design and personality and honestly that's all they need some of my friends with more disposable income just like to collect in this game and some of the criteria I list it just doesn't apply to them an interesting response I got was that if they like the character enough they'd be willing to try a new play style even if it's not their cup of tea some of my friends won't roll for weapons and some of my friends don't even spend money on this game which means that they have to be extra careful with their Primos I know people with C6 five stars who do it just to do it what I'm getting that is that every player will value a character differently you're trash maybe another man's treasure and vice versa finally coming back to shanyan let's see how many boxes she ticked for me oh you know what give me an old hag who looks like Bayonetta is super prideful and is very pretty and I'll be at her beck and call shenan occupies a very interesting spot in genin Impact right now when she was initially revealed I thought she'd be a niche support maybe she'd be a character that people would roll for to test out her weird play style and then forget about afterwards I was so glad to be wrong because shenyun opens up so many possibilities for team compositions because of this I kind of struggle to call her an N character if anything shenyun commits the only sin a limited five star can commit she's expensive let's take a closer look at her shenyun is an animal healer that Buffs and enables plunging attacks there are very few units in genin that rely exclusively on plunge attacks for their damage output but every character comes with the ability to do it the gench and devs felt that this play style was largely neglected for a long time so they wanted to design a unit that works well with it the result is a Swiss army knife support character shenyun can lower enemy resistance with viridescent vener use thrilling tails to buff your main carry heal and also beef up your plunge numbers and boy she is a blast to play in the Overworld too setups that were theorized to be good turned out to be great and you can get really silly with the other ones there will also be even more teams and characters in the future that will love shenyun support ability her drawbacks are that she requires some expensive supports to truly shine and she has big energy needs additionally rolling for a support character like this may not be worth it if you're lacking Firepower elsewhere she also lacks the crowd control that animal units are known for but with that much utility out of the box it's hard to be pressed about it she's definitely a unit that will stand a test of time and I'm really happy that I invested in her my wallet however feels differently that being said though there are players who are disappointed with shenyun and I think that's fair we were teased with her character design in last year's Lantern right and I think this sparked a lot of excitement once that spark turned into a blaze players built expectations and shared ideas for what she could play like so naturally if she falls short of these expectations players are upset a lack of crowd control in an animal unit is a huge drawback especially in spiral Abyss on top of that if you don't care for the plunge play style then the biggest part of her gimmick and her kit is useless to you being upset that a character that you were excited for isn't what you wanted is a fair thing to feel and players were sharing their discontent with this once we saw her kit properly if this is not how you enjoy playing genin impact then that's not something I can take away from you what's hard to ignore is the notion that shanan is useless or not worth rolling for given how she turned out there are no useless characters in genin Impact she has proven herself more than useful now that her Banner is over and even more so with how she's breathed life into older units I'm going to point at the stands when I make this call but I strongly think shanyan will continue to be relevant especially as we get more units who love doing big plunges if I turn out to be wrong you guys are all free to point and laugh at me in the comment section below anyway enough about Mother Let's finally talk about spiral Abyss spiral Abyss is a domain that opens up once the player hits ar20 it's a series of challenge rooms with 12 floors that really throws everything and the kitchen sink at the player to fully clear it the player must defeat waves of enemies within a strict time limit getting three stars on a floor means that the player completed it and can reap all the rewards this means that spiral Abyss truly tests the players's understanding of genin's finer mechanics there are also specific effects on different floors which means that certain characters should be used over others the player can also pick blessings to give them the upper hand because this is a challenge domain you're not allowed to eat or revive characters it's encouraged to bring a sustain unit because the player again will be engaged in longer battles as the player ascends the spiral Abyss genin begins to divide floors into two halves this means that the player now needs two well-built teams in order to fully clear both sides of the floor this does require that the player roll the gacha to get new characters to fill out support roles they might be lacking in building characters for this game mode is very timeconsuming but once your support backbone is done it does pay off clearing the first eight floors of spiral Abyss unlocks the Abyssal Moon Spire the hardest content the game has to offer I think this is the true test of the player's understanding of genin impact this includes things like expert stamina management knowledge of a party's optimal rotation to deal out the most damage and great finely tuned artifacts to name a few a quote unquote good Abyss team will feature a well-oiled machine of characters that are built to bring out the best in another and a Race Against Time this is extremely important you'll be constantly applying pressure funneling energy to your party buffing your units and rotating between all of your characters Abyss can be really fun when all of your units are working in concert like this it feels very rewarding to see all of your hard work pay off too the rewards for floor 9 through 12 reset twice a month and the effects of some floors change depending on what the patch calls for this means that the player is encouraged to to roll and build new characters to help them clear spiral Abyss but it's not super necessary existing characters will help a ton but because the enemies also change in these floors strategies won't stay the same forever but there are a lot of strategies and characters that will remain dominant which is what forms the metag game shielders like Jong Le bring a lot to the table because they allow for more leeway in combat his shield can hold up to most things so you don't have to worry about taking many hits or dodging and consuming stamina hyper carry comps are still the Old Reliable and can be used to clear abysses pretty efficient as possible freeze teams and taser teams still work too do 36 star spiralis means to prove that you're him it's doable but it's not easy especially when the later floors keep throwing bosses and enemies with so much HP in the original cut of the script I had described my indifference towards 36 starring spiral Abyss as something that I was just not excited or interested about despite the fact that I have these characters with these like super highly tweaked builds uh and I kind of handwaved it and I was a little dismissive about it so I actually went ahead and tried to 36 star spal Abyss today I spent half the day that I should have been doing uh editing work for this video trying to 36 star spy abyss and I had made it to as far as 35 stars I could not pass the DPS check for the petral mechanical array and it was driving me up the wall I spent like maybe 4 hours trying to clear that one specific star and I had ultimately gave up leaving the 35 stars on the table I had felt like really frustrated because I had felt that all the time that I put into this game or uh tweaking these builds and building these characters just wasn't reflecting on uh my performance in spiral abyss and truthfully I had to make this video eventually so I ended up just leaving that on the table but my hats are eternally off to the people who do this regularly because I feel like I just don't have the patience for it but generally bringing a Healer means that you have to sacrifice a valuable party slot in spiral Abyss so they tend to get a little neglected in terms of forming that metag game strategy you have to do more than just heal and most scenarios I feel like having a shielder is much more important and again since this game mode is the main reason why you finally optimize your characters addressing their energy needs and their crit ratios it would make sense that you try to optimize your teams as much as possible but man the artifact system in genin Impact is a blessing and a curse I like Min maxing because I'm insane so being able to decide on How I build these characters is pretty fun for me there are commonly decided quote unquote best builds for characters but the real fun in the artifact system is the DIY nature of it it may be a bit hard to gauge what's a good artifact from the get-go but once you get a feel for it it's a ton of fun you can equip any of these accessories on whatever unit and as long as you've got two or four pieces for the effect the build will work so for example even if a character is a DPS you can Flex them into a support role if you want to get real funky with it Yen has a kit that's completely oriented towards dealing damage but but her fourth constellation lets her take up a new rooll what it does is that it creates a shield based on her HP stat you can completely forgo her DPS if you want and and build her as a support shielder and have that work out for you tank Fay isn't optimal but I think it's a ton of fun this build opens up a lot of Team options that she didn't have before speaking of Team options this is where the DPS Barbara memes come into play if built with a Loadout that complements it Barbara the sweetheart healer of your party can become your main DPS will she outdps characters with kits and numbers made for it no absolutely not but is it funny yes it's it's hilarious that's the real fun for genin I did Rock a DPS Barber kit for a really long time I still do but I'm currently in between two sets I'm struggling to get anything usable for the set I want her to run this is what I really don't like about kin's artifact system trying to optimize anything feels like throwing a dart at a board that's always spinning and is also on fire artifact drops are completely random farming an artifact domain means it's a complete crap shoe as to whether or not you get the artifact that you want because the drops are split between two sets if you do get the set that you want the piece of the set that drops is also random Additionally the main stat of the artifact is also random but wait there's more each artifact also drops with a completely random set of sub stats depending on who you're building and what you need the piece for a lot of these will just have completely useless stats also guess what when you level that artifact it's going to randomly increase one of the four stats you can either get extreme extremely lucky and have the artifact roll into your desired stats or you can get put in the dumpster that means you have to fight at least five levels of RNG just to build your character you can Farm forever trying to optimize your sets for spiral Abyss or even for funsies and never get your golden drop you want to know something funny I farmed the pale flame domain trying to get the best possible artifacts from my Ula I couldn't get a crit damage cirer to drop for the life of me and once it finally did this happened you want to know know how much I farm this domain according to genin's web anniversary event it was like 400 times it's it's so tragic I can't help but laugh eventually you just reach a point where you just give up and accept that your characters fine as is and they're perfectly usable despite any kind of energy imbalances or crit ratios I'm myself am extremely picky with my artifacts so I just kind of throw out whatever I think that could be bad if I see that de substat more often than not I'm [ __ ] tossing it the probability of it rolling into your undesired stats is actually pretty high there's there's a an equation that you can use to calculate it or you can just look at it and think this is going to be trash and throw it away but there was a point where I did nothing but log on Farm artifacts and refused to use some of my characters that were unbuilt until I was satisfied with how they came out there was still a lot of content that I have to do in the game but I felt like I wasn't enjoying it because I had put this weird restriction on myself and because of that I felt like I was unhappy with a game that I truly love that is until YULA finally came back around I don't think my enjoyment of this game is strictly tied to the characters I pull but getting a new character you waited ages for and finally getting to use them goes a long way if I had listened to everyone who told me not to rule for YULA I would have missed out on some of the most fun I had with genin in a long time YULA swings her Claymore with the determination of a baseball player that needs to secure that game-winning home run her Bur has the destructive force of a freight train and completely annihilates anything it collides with her numbers are so silly and it helps that I have a lot of support characters that pair nicely with her I have a ton of fun just seeing how quickly I can dumpster bosses or how high I can get her burst to go YULA is a bit of a divisive pick because her physical damage oriented kit demands that she run specific supports and physical damage is in a bit of a tough spot right now there's not really a whole lot of support or love for it she also has the issue of killing enemies way too quickly missing on Stacks from the burst or even whiffing the burst entirely while I won't deny that she has these issues I still think that she's a ton of fun to play I found myself just logging in and enjoying the game again not for any kind of farming goal but to explore and Vibe with it again I started to build and use characters I haven't used in a while kaching is another one of my favorite characters in this game and I've heavily invested for her I even rolled for Mis blitter for her but I don't get to use her all that often she hasn't aged as gracefully compared to some of the other characters but guess who got a second win with dendro I found myself using kaching a lot more in dendo teams and her damage surprised me heck Dia's widely regarded to be one of the worst characters in this game but I still built and used her I'm a bit biased cuz she has beautiful Joe's Red Hot 100 but honestly she's so fun her numbers might not be very high and her energy issues are kind of terrible but if you like her use her [ __ ] it C6 your Bennett build a Chichi you keep getting cons for use your shinan for that silly gimmick build rip those inauma kicks with hazo whatever you do in genin do it because you love it for me playing my favorites is a big part of why I love this game and how I learn to love it again fontaine's content update sealed a deal for me and it rekindled my love for genin impact my old flame which is crazy because I play this game every day and I've seen so much of it already it never fails to surprise me just how much the genin devs can keep a 4-year-old game feeling fresh by adding new ways to explore it may seem like we lost the plot a little bit here when talking about Barbara but I assure you that this video is still about her I just wanted to examine all of these topics through the lens of my favorite character and by that notion this video isn't just about Barbara it's about everyone honestly I dedicate this one to everyone who enjoys playing a character who is quote unquote low tier or not considered as good as certain characters or seen in a certain way that kind of holds them back in the eyes of other people I think having a favorite in this game is more than valid and dedicating All Your Love time and effort into these characters investing in them triple crowning them is what makes genin so special to so many people and hell it's what makes the game special to me it is a character-driven game first and foremost in my opinion and I love seeing and exploring and learning more about these characters stopping to smell the roses and enjoy the game in this manner helped me love it so much more so why not let's take Barbara on another adventure there's still so many dazzling places to see puzzles to solve and battles to Brave we're going to need a Healer and who better than genin's best girl and that's going to bring us to the end of today's video guys if you made it to the end of this one and really enjoyed it let me know in the comments down below I really appreciate all of your time and patience today I would also like to hear from you who is your favorite genin blo I feel like everyone has their own unique answer for their own very specific reasons and I would just like to hear from you guys more so let me know in the comments down below who's your favorite genjin character obviously you guys know how I feel about Barbara by now also you may have noticed the uh audio quality sounds pretty good for the videos too got myself a fancy new setup uh got myself the uh big boy streaming microphone so uh hopefully the audio quality does reflect that as well I'll be using this microphone from now on for every video so uh very excited about that one speaking about things I'm also very excited about I would like to extend my special thanks today to to the artists who had helped make this possible of course the additional artwork done by some dear friends of the channel thank you sua Studios thank you to Belle thank you to Zadora as well for all the little blor bow that you have seen on the screen big appreciate everything that they do for me I would like to extend my special thanks as well to fire Esa for uh providing all of the memes that you have seen uh first and foremost in the video so the stons one and then the uh Barbara Unchained as I call it uh but also she provided the thumbnail composition and also the thumbnail art for this video I think she really captured Barbara's uh healing uh pure-hearted Idol energy in the uh key art for the video and also she portrayed the channel mascot himawari as this sniveling Idol otaku based off the uh riamu Idol Master Card so I think she did an absolute bang-up job so please be sure to send some love her away and with that I'll be signing off so be sure to take care of yourselves Stay Gold and I'll catch you next time
Channel: Dragon Hustle
Views: 54,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin Impact, Barbara
Id: B5yBEUr8pSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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