Bar-Hopping Bonanza: Exploring Every Bar on Celebrity Apex & Sea Day

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we are gonna do a bar crawl [Music] good morning time to go to breakfast no oh yeah it is day six okay these croissants are the best they're warm and like freshly baked and delicious every morning caramel macchiato oat milk that is a huge deal this is the only cruise ship I've been on where I can actually get oatmeal the only place is another ones that I have been able to find oat milk has been at the Starbucks and then it's like a lot of money but if you have the premium drink package this is included like everywhere on this ship so definitely worth it if you can't do normal milk or don't like normal milk and prefer a non-dairy option and Lego milk an egg white omelette egg white omelets baked beans sausages whole wheat wrap with spinach eggs and cheese today it's good the salsa it's like daily made like a Pico salsa it's really good it's got a nice cake to it definitely better with goat cheese than no cheese I definitely like the wrap is a little wet like from the spinach but it is very tasty excited to take a little walk outside on Deck five and just found a whole seating area that we didn't even know existed it looks like it's off of the Eden Cafe so just as a heads up if you wanted to sit outside and eat there's obviously nobody here it's pretty secretive and a great spot to sit and watch the waves we are gonna do a bar crawl we're gonna try and do a bar crawl it is we have two CDs so we're gonna try and hit every bar try a drink there and show you what they got we do have the premium drinks package so I will note it if it's something that is either included in the premium drinks package or not included in the premium drinks package and we'll let you guys know well let's go where do we want to go first let's go to eat it enough work let's go to eat it I think Eden is probably my favorite one to check out for a cocktail if you're not a cocktail Drinker then like they still have good drinks but fantastic for cocktails let's go first off Eden [Music] I did this one the other day and it was so good I'm tempted to do it again I think you should okay I'll do this one then because this one's way more fun [Music] [Music] yeah thank you hey what'd you get [Music] okay try it I don't remember there's only drink one Jack that's not a good start it's like alcoholic apple juice I gotta try that one and then the way it's set up you get the aroma of the anus like as you're drinking so it gives you a little like kind of tweaks the flavor of the drink it's actually pretty cool okay so technically I'm cheating because I had this one the other day but it's in a different classroom it is in a different glass today and it was delicious the other day it's just so good it's like refreshing and spicy doesn't taste super strong on the alcohol Smoky I don't know if I said that and the way Jack explained it the other day is actually a pretty good way of explaining it it almost tastes like a green salsa in a sense and put in like the best possible way okay [Music] a bottle of whiskey here that is only particular ly it's like limited edition oh 749 out of 1085. it's a 1994 vintage old-fashioned copper 420 dollars a shot a shot we're not getting rid of this please 420 in my house back when this was distilled O.J Simpson dominates summer headlines with the Ford Bronco I mean I won't get into that the channel is done Forrest Gump The Lion King The Shawshank Redemption Pulp Fiction all debut I didn't know that Pulp Fiction came out the same time it was Forrest Gump interesting I just learned something also that that bottle of whiskey cost 420 a shot I like that it gave you that like a little bit of info though it should I mean yeah for that about it should give you more than that just that but it should be refillable you should get hey we kind of matched today I just realized that you came you saw how good I looked in my color so you had to match look at the one bar bars I know but we're gonna go get some lunch so we can continue on Emma's pace of drinks right now it's one an hour we'll only have like eight to do with the nine so I mean that's doable let's just say this will be a two-part episode no I'll combine it into one if we can't do it all in one day you just and we're gonna do a wardrobe change at least twice so we said we were gonna stop our crawl of drinking but Jack ordered a glass of wine okay I did I'm taking a break how's your wine well we're at stop number two luminae I got wine that's good what'd you get brutal okay good it's actually really good yeah okay I'll try it this is like shimmy it's interesting and I was wanting I wanted to try it but honestly my favorite thing with pets so far oh really wow that's really good and really refreshing I got the turkey gyro or hero depending on how you say it where you're from with some chips salad with butter leaf lettuce buttermilk ranch I think is that these are really good they're homemade your mother would love this chip they have like a seasoning on them they're good lettuce salad it was good salad and this is the turkey gyro hero or whatever that's good season's nice speed is good it's a good one not overly spicy it's just like a good season jacked like my chips so much she asked for some Bowl to go hang cook yeah they're delicious what are we doing oh we're heading up to three actually one third your third we're heading up to the retreat which is like their sweet class so you can only access it if you are in a suite we're gonna go grab a drink up there we'll see you then next stop is the bar in the retreat Lounge [Music] bar three for me bar two for Emma we did Mezcal pal Paloma which is like my favorite drink we both did I got the same thing side note like if you're in the retreat and there's a alcohol you like that are at other bars you can request it to be brought up to the retreat if it's available they will so like Mezcal was not originally up here we had requested since we saw it in Eden and they got it up here for us it's so good they use like fresh squeeze grape juice up here so it's not like super sugary or sweet it's just like perfect tartness with a little bit of smoky delicious so we kind of just got stuck in the lounge not really stuck we were in the lounge for a lot longer than we had expected because we started talking to people had a blast a Welsh mother and daughter yes they were amazing The Exchange contact and everything and it just so happens that they actually booked the exact same cruise that we did that we're not going to share with you guys yet but for next year for next year and so we are super excited that we get to see them again and hang out with them so now we are headed to party because we haven't checked that well he's like watched by it but we haven't gotten a drink from the martini bar yet we were rocking I was gonna say we are really rocking almost just went down um so we will catch you at the martini bar let's go it's got a lot of options pretty lavender lemongrass yep oh that's really good oh we are coming back here like tonight and tomorrow because that's really good what is this what a Woodford Reserve Manhattan it's good yeah yeah we have not tried the martini bar yet and I should have tried this earlier we should have because I'm a big fan but we have I'm a big fan and I really like my drink and if you are on this ship they do a show here every night at I believe it's at eight and ten but it's like a finger that's your favorite beverage I will show a little clip here of the actual show but they did film it the other night and it's really cool it's impressive for sure and it's a lot of fun everybody gets super into it it reminds me of Vegas yeah yeah I can see that and then if there's a lot you've never been to Vegas but I got I know what Vegas feels like okay I got it I got it um if there are open seats we first sat at the high tops and the bartender suggested that we came to the other side to the lower seats because they are way more comfortable yes 100 they're still at the bar though they're still at the bar like we're still sitting at the bar but the seats are just a thousand times more comfortable so just a little all right live a little too whoa that's impressive okay so this is not the show this is just sitting at the martini bar whoa so you can come anytime and get a little show if he does this the ship is moving like in Rocking an excessive amount holy smokes no he's gonna pour it in top no no no language holy smokes that is impressive we are also rocking like oh [Applause] [Music] I walked by and I had to get it it looks so good look at this chocolate coffee cake and then a fruit tart come on how do you walk away from that we just finished up with a martini bar well it was honestly pretty cool it was so not only so they do the show every day twice a day but then while we were sitting there they did a bunch of really cool tricks while they were just making drinks like it was super impressive the drinks were really impressive like classic martinis yeah mine was delicious I was a big fan and yeah I think we may have to go back tomorrow then Emma has free dinner snack now and I really want to try it like really bad yeah it's like chasing a child oh my God that's tasty for sure that's equally as good never mind we have dinner in like an hour and a half an hour is a while now when you sit and do nothing for when you drink all day Emma what's the gym like I think the video Emma what deck is the gym located on what about the spa white thing and we couldn't tell what it was we thought maybe it was a whale maybe it was like sharks attacking a school of fish we're still not 100 sold on what it was but we just stepped out on Civility and happened to look out on our big huge window here and saw a similar thing and I grabbed binoculars that are in our room and it was definitely well I saw like the spout come up and there was two of them and that was pretty cool I don't think I've ever seen a whale in the Caribbean we saw them when we were in Alaska but never in the Caribbean now it's cool it's Chic night it is we thought last night was Chic night but it's actually tonight so we slightly messed up that's okay everyone everyone tell like pretty much wear the same style every day yeah yeah we're gonna head to dinner early I think we're gonna do dinner and possibly try and get another drink somewhere and then we've got like shows on shows on shows it is incredible the amount of shows that happen every night on this ship yeah there's really honestly there's something for everybody and and like time wise that there's something for everybody whether you want to go to bed early or late or what have you and also if you want to see all of them they time it correct they do they do which is awesome yeah so we have three shows tonight yes so we are gonna go head up to dinner what they are I don't know but one is a comedian well the last one is the last one's a comedian the first one is a mix of the magic show and the three Divas and then the middle one is like acrobats again very different shows but I'm excited let's go and light is lobster like a great time so far oh yeah we're having an amazing time I'm not gonna lie we were having a really really good time to go I know well it's sad it's almost done but and everyone is looking good tonight except we dressed up last night yeah we messed up a little bit but luckily I brought dresses for every night so last night's just a little fancier but that's okay but you don't have to dress up like you just have to look nice I just gotta lick the part so I mean I make this good here let's do a jack twirl and then an Emma twirl foreign now the better one [Music] I've lost count four yes four drink four I had well we went to Eden then we went to the tree right yeah and you would do it well and then we got it here we counted here as one two of the four and eggs for lunch was three and then we went to the martini bar before we're doing pretty well yeah so you're doing white wine again yes and then I am doing a spicy fashion for the 9 million times I have this almost every single night it was delicious highly recommended today's little appetizer is a shrimp with some spicy stuff from feta I don't know it looks good Emma what'd you just realized it's nicer last dinner here that's kind of depressing kind of sad food's been so good how's your basic salad so I'm basic it's a garden salad it has cucumber tomatoes lettuce and balsamic it's good it's healthy they don't know what to expect but it's really good it's like a cold octopus salad shoved into a cold pasta shell and it works like you got the vinegar from the octopus salad and the pesto and this is good you're gonna try this this is really good that's weird it's weird but good right it's like Ceviche in a shelf I did the Tuscan kale there is like the light fixture or something is giving you like a weird oh no this is a flower super super creamy but really good that is very frothy yeah um for creamy soup it's missing textures so it's missing and a little bit of pepper it's not salt but it's using pepper it sounds good it's good lobster tail and now we're like it's just lamb of salsa and a lobster tail Lobster good super buttery almost over buttered the lamb is better than last night even better than last night salsa adds like a kick to it okay the herb crusting I don't think adds anything but the it's perfect and the salsa is like it's almost Spanish style it's really good lobster Lobster Super Rich it's very rich it's good it's cooked very nicely it's not overdone it has a little too much sauce it's a little the sauce is a little salty but it's good I think it's safe to say we enjoyed our meal I don't even like baked Alaska unbiased unbiased me it's well it's an ice cream with marshmallow wine so we handed off to the baked Alaska expert here it's good again we're not the biggest scissor people so like that's kind of the Heart of heart but Emma I like it when it goes on fire if it doesn't go on fire it's not as good can we just point out the facts to everybody that Emma had two desserts this afternoon so like it's not like she doesn't like dessert but I I could easily not have dessert there's been a lot of times in her Channel where we just skip dessert totally my mom would love this the chocolate cake with the coffee filling from earlier was way better in my opinion because it wasn't super sweet but it's good um okay stop dancing we just finished up at dinner it was very tasty the lobster was a little salty but it was very cream yeah it was the cream of lobster it wasn't the lobster itself it was cooked fantastic but super super good super tasty the only thing I will say about tonight it is it is lobster night and oh boy that restaurant was packed that was the most packed I've seen it take a bag weight right now look no it didn't look like there was a weight but it was definitely fall I would definitely just keep that in mind if you are doing the dinner that night and now we're gonna go try and go to see three shows let's go and then the casino and then Jack wants to do the casino surprise surprise oh I wish I just got that on film can you do that again do it again we are off to go to see the show Caravan which is the acrobatic one so let's go let's have some fun the lighting is horrible but technically in the club it is one of the places where you can drink so we will be getting a drink here adding it to the beer crawl is what we would call it but technically it's not beer so uh Bar Crawl that's the word [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] using a deck of playing cards and when I passed you the deck of cards I want you to go like this oh Emma [Laughter] I got that so you bought the car just like this I want you to park the cards and peek at one card just one okay peek in a car first card you see memorize it pay attention to if it's a face card or a number card if it's a red card or a black card but whatever you do do not forget it because if you do this trick sucks okay all right all right if you need to share with a friend so you don't forget it I understand you all got your card Perfect all right last but not least okay I think that might happen everybody turn to the audience turn to the audience and close your eyes close your eyes see your card in your mind's eye if I name your card please walk back to your seat two clubs five is Fades Jack of Hearts ten of diamonds what [Applause] Emma [Music] so Caravan what did you think yeah that's kind of my thoughts [Music] I know what he's referring to I'll show a clip here but once again I was not allowed to go to that show ever again no I thought they did a better job in Edith I thought Eden was a little bit more entertaining than the Caravan one I don't think they did yeah hijack [Music] the magician I don't know how she did that trick y pretty good I get on film you'll see it here at the right card mine was the five staves I don't mind that Emma doesn't remember cards I don't know how that actually did that trick that was myself um she did a lot of good stuff and then the girls singing they were they were very talented and entertaining as well so now I'm to comedy comedy the adult comedy so 18 plus comedy [Music] sit there first and only time they saw it though so that's pretty cool [Music] good morning live a little family stay seven it is our last day the Magic Carpet just went by the Magic Carpet did just go by that's the first time we've seen it which is kind of cool there was nobody on it so it was not like weird I mean it was pretty cool to watch it is our last day we are going to try and finish up our bar crawl we got I think three more places to check out I think so I think only three and then just I don't know see what activities are going on and what else we can do today and maybe you didn't take yeah we have eaten tonight so that's exciting and yeah let's just go have some fun coffee so not on the menu but I asked for avocado toast this morning and this is what I received it looks good he is gonna go grab me a little bit more avocado so I will add that on top but I am excited to check it out and Jack you got what some fresh fruit and what's that muesli yeah nice what just happened in the casino oh we hit a straight flush on the three-card poker table the Texas golden book too I don't really know what that means but trip yes yeah you left now we're good now we're good now we're done we're done we'll have to start recording so you're done yeah you're done okay let's go have some lunch Emma where does the money go when we win it at the casino all to me otherwise Jack will just go and spend it all and it would all began the Hamachi tartare wrapped in avocado caviar on top and you do around this may be one of those hair buttons you should get it safe to say that was delicious I did the popper jelly good super creamy it's a little one naughty I added some pepper to it that helped but I think I'm Gonna Save my calories and have some Indian food at the buffet a little later [Music] okay so no I said it's about calories for Indian food but I mean how could I turn this down wow you could say no no ice cream I just got the lava cake so I had to try it oh it's so soft and gooey I don't know is in your vocabulary [Music] oh that is so good oh that's really good we are going to do our first stop of the day drinking we are gonna head over to craft social let's check it out [Music] next up is the Sunset Bar it is I haven't tried this one yet we walked by it the other day we haven't tried it so let's go check it out it has a really nice view off the back of the boat [Music] cheers [Music] we are sitting on the magic carpet with this amazing view behind us I think we're just going to share one drink and then head on it's a little weird on the Magic Carpet I can't decide sometimes I like it sometimes not a huge fan it's fruits excited to get an aperol Spritz so it kind of matched a little okay I decided I'm getting an eyebrow spirits to kind of match the Magic Carpet so cheers [Music] it's not a good one or because you don't like apple last one pool bar let's go now we've done all of them [Music] okay so super loud at the pool bar just because they were having like a competition with staff and there was loud music so yeah yeah it looks like it was a lot of fun you got a Mojito yep that was it this is actually probably the best Mojito we've had at a pool bar outside of like the lounge areas it's really good I mean we were walking by a Cafe El machio and the cake yesterday was so good they had a similar one today's like chocolate raspberry instead of the chocolate coffee so I I mean I had to try it it was the last day it's good it's the same cake but I like the coffee-ness of yesterday more but it's still very very tasty we did not do much since you saw us last weekend it just hung you took a nap um I did and now we are all dressed up for dinner it's a party night and and what are we gonna do you want to go grab a drink surprise surprise and then we have a show tonight and then we are heading to dinner at Eden which I'm super excited about so we'll show you a little bit of that and then we are matching matching tonight yes you decided I should wear sweet a little matchy-matchy we are packed and ready to go which is so sad then in Eden there's another show so we're hoping we can maybe see that we're not 100 sure how that'll go with dinner because we have a late dinner but let's go have some fun that cheese that nap really worked on you I told you I need your nap you're ready to go let's do it okay let's go so there's snacks in the lounge so we came up to get a drink and some snacks because I was hungry and we don't have dinner until nine tonight so we finished up at what was called rockumentary so the performers are very very talented and it got better as it went along I don't think that some of those songs showed the skills of some of the performers for that one but it was it wasn't bad and it definitely got better as the show went on it's probably the worst yeah Karen's van may have been my oh that's true least favorite so probably like our second least favorite so it was still good by normal standard standards we've got dinner at Eden it's a pretty cool sign yeah so let's go and I cannot wait to try it I've heard from so many people that it's like one of the best ones I got a little too much so we will take you along on a journey let's go [Music] thank you what did we just decide to do we have the waitress pick me up it just gave her free reign we like all foods so why not do that she knows what's the best yeah she seemed a little surprised and yeah Justin too much people do that very often but we told her just go with what you suggest she says if we see Services meat what how we like our meat cooked that's it yeah so we'll find out what we get we're gonna try our best to show and explain everything that we're eating but there is live music happening like right next to us so not so sure if we're going to be able to do everything [Music] this is a little taster to start with some vegetarian cucumber mango I don't know what else sorry I just put an olive and a mango in my mouth at the same time which I've never done before it's an interesting combo it's good it's light refreshing you got like some beets and fruit and it's good I like it it's vegetarian with a nice kind of like trained up based on what we ate all every the entire cruise it reminds me and this is very hard to explain it's a veggie Ceviche it's the best way to eat fried rice warm crab cake with spicy aioli and a little salad on the side red snapper ceviche that's good very citrusy you taste the Yuzu in like the best way possible there's like a lime sort of day on the top it's very light and refreshing that's really good that is a crab cake it's just made out of crab like a little bread like a panko right on top of this hot bread and then the spicy aioli is just the right amount of kick to like break up the sweetness of crap it's really good just Spanish shrimp that is not fully cooked because the sweetness that you keep it medium and then the legs are fried on top okay I'm handing Jack mine I ate half now it's his turn this one's different so I want to hear his reaction it's really good yeah it tastes like a high-end Ceviche yeah yeah the only thing I would say is it had a little bit more kick I like the Citrus for your opinion that's good too it's got a kick to it almost tastes like it's charred but there's no no about it it's really good it is creamy risotto with Truffles and mushrooms and Parmesan that's good we're good yeah I don't really like risotto it's good [Music] last day time to go home let's go we had a good time for sure the first name has one more meal before we go [Music] but you just got back from vacation what the hell are you eating chopped beef sandwich from cookies it's good it's an old like it's almost 40 years old you want to try that math again that says 94. it's almost 30 years old
Channel: Live a Little
Views: 7,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apex, Celebrity Apex, Celebrity Retreat, Celebrity Retreat Lounge, Celebrity bar crawl, Celebrity cruise, Celebrity Magic carpet, magic carpet, Celebrity shows, drinking on Celebrity, drinking on Celebrity Apex, Eden, Luminae, bar crawl, celebrity cruise line, cruise, cruise tips, every bar on Celebrity, every bar on Celebrity Apex, live a little
Id: tNsxk6xTCTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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