(BANNED VIDEO) Trapped Inside the Most Haunted Swamp In The World | America's Bermuda Triangle

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located in the area known as the Bridgewater Triangle in Massachusetts the hakamak swamp is a 200 square mile murky Wetland with a bloody pass and a mysterious present for decades paranormal experts and just locals have documented bizarre UFO sightings monster-like encounters and hauntings in this area [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've been doing and you guys know this if you watch my previous Hawk mock swamp video I've been doing Hawk mock swamp now for the last eight years but I've only been here about 15 times which is still a lot I've never been down here and there's a lot of ways into the hakama swamp that I still don't know about the word Hawk mop means spirits that dwell here now right now we're meeting up with a guy named Aaron who actually made a documentary on the Bridgewater Triangle and he calls it the Bridgewater Triangle came out in 2013 and it was a big hit around here so we're gonna get some uh information with Aaron we're gonna have a little word with him kind of like you know pick his brain a bit see you know give us advice what he thinks about the puck wedgies and the creatures here and the spirits so let's go do that oh whoa dude that's sick you used to look bad it doesn't hold up well it's kind of a cheapo no that looks cool though the Bridgewater Triangle sits within the Southeastern portion of Massachusetts and includes a number of locations known for unexplained occurrences the most prominent of which include the legendary hakamak swamp and the infamous Freetown Fall River State Forest the triangle's traditional borders are revealed by connecting the dots between the town of Abington to the north the town of Freetown to the southeast the town of Rehoboth to the Southwest so so Aaron can you explain like why did you do a documentary here I did the Bridgewater Triangle documentary for a selfish reason I try to pick local topics that I know would draw a national audience and I had heard about the Bridgewater Triangle back when I was in college and had done a short student film on that back then this was back in like 2000 to 2003 and then I I realized that there was like this massive International interest in the Bridgewater Triangle especially for people that are into the Paranormal right and so I thought you know if I'm ever more established in the video production filmmaking industry I could produce a real feature-length documentary on the Bridgewater Triangle because you dropped this in 2013 2013. yeah because when I I don't know how old I was but I remember I was young and I would always come in this forest with my friends and I was like kind of lurking around and like dude how it all began we're like I was like what is this in the forest I said there was like this floating orb and back then I didn't know what it was was but it would like float around and kind of like chase us out of the forest we would keep coming back for the entertainment of it because we liked it so much and then but more when I watched documentary that's when I learned about Pock wedgies yeah now what is your take on Puck wedgies like I just so I am a major skeptic when it comes to the Paranormal and The Unexplained I'm not a spiritual spiritual person I'm not a religious person I don't really believe in any of that stuff so I tell people when I walked into the project I was a 99 skeptic but when I walked out of the project I was like a 96. okay so you had like a little there was a few things in the documentary that kind of even made me as a skeptic kind of scratch my head and one of them was Bill Russo's creature encounter which is in our documentary he's the the older man with the Fedora and the glasses and he talks about out walking his dog near the hawkey mock swamp and Raynham and this creature came out of the woods and started to communicate with him and his dog got nervous and the creature uh said ewon chu iwan chu and started making these weird sounds and trying to beckon him to come closer and that was this that that had happened back in 1990 and when I got in contact and I was like is this a real thing because it almost read like a fictional story and he said oh no this is an absolute real thing that happened to me and up to that point the only existence of this story was on this obscure blog that nobody had really heard about and this guy just tells a story comes across as completely believable incredible and I believe that he thinks that he saw something now whether what he saw can be explained or not is a whole separate thing but he absolutely believes that he saw this creature he said it was about three to four feet tall covered with long brown hair had a pot belly a face which looked like a chipmunk I mean he describes it to a team we even had a guy draw a sketch of the creature based on his description almost like a composite sketch that a police police SketchUp can do that makes me think pakwajis are legit too because they're saying right they they're saying like pakwajis are what you're saying and they also say that they can morph into a ball of enter energy or light yeah and like they're there to protect the force but they were they were like nicer back then but now they became more evil and I think that's because of the war that happened I'm I'm far from an expert on publicize but the lore I believe is that they initially were more mischievous tricksters right and now they have more of a Sinister purpose and they may you know beckon you to your death that's the story but that's the thing so so we have footage I know if you've seen it but we we have a ball of light footage that was kind of floating in front of us shot around here shot around here can you tell us the history about the swamp and how it even became to be like this creature sighting evil kind of cursed land because it has something to do with like a war do you know like anything so so the one of the running theories on why there's this alleged negative activity in the Bridgewater Triangle stems back to a major conflict between the Native Americans and the European setos back in the late 1600s back in 1675 the local Wampanoag tribe essentially rebelled against the repression they were receiving at the hand of the English settlers at the time this the chief of the Wampanoag tribe was a guy named metacomet who was actually the son of massasoi who was the chief of the Wampanoag when the pilgrims had landed back at Plymouth Rock wow so this was his son and over that uh that period of time between 1620 and 1675 more and more restrictions and more and more uh unfair practices were placed on the Native Americans and King Philip saw was essentially the breaking point and on a per capita basis it's the bloodiest war in American history right here on these grounds um you know you throw the numbers up against like the Civil War they don't seem like much but in in terms of the percentage of the number of people that actually lived here it's still considered the bloodiest war in American history wow so the running Theory amongst the Paranormal Community is that the the ferocity of that war and the negative aspects of it and the the the the Savage fighting that took place during that war is what sparked this negative energy in the region and that some people believe the Native Americans may have cursed this land correct uh of the Bridgewater Triangle now there's no proof of that that's just a running Theory but um I think that's the predominant Theory as to why there's this negative energy and all these mysterious things happening in the Bridgewater Triangle I've had my own experiences happen but people are claiming they have they seem Bigfoot Mothman the pockwudgies UFO sightings like there's more than just even ghosts here it's everything there are things that happen here are reported here anyway that aren't necessarily thought of as being related to one another like what relationship does Bigfoot have with the UFO or exactly you know uh ritualistic cult activity in the Freetown State Force what would that have to do with uh you know a Bigfoot setting it's all these things that I when when you look at them are independent things but they all like congregate here in this this Bridgewater Triangle region the hakamak swamp I think is viewed as the Beating Heart of the Bridgewater Triangle and that's where we are right now it's one of the largest if not the largest swamps in New England it's a major aquifer Zone um there's a lot of wild Hut life here there's a lot of parts of this this swamp that have probably never seen man the language spoken by the Native American tribes in this region was Algonquin and I've been told that hakamak is Algonquin Force place where spirits will it's weird because like there it feels like calm here but then at night I've had so much weird things happen that's why I keep coming back here this is that's why I'm glad like I called you up because I wanted to know your take on things well yeah as a skeptic you have to ask the question is there something weird really happening here or is it because the region has developed a reputation for being weird that people just assume that but because we're in the bridge swamp your mind automatically goes to oh that's a Bigfoot or that's a Thunderbird or that's you know so it a lot of it I think could be explained by you know people's mind the mind is a very powerful thing yeah and sometimes people may not realize that they're attributing something to being paranoid just because they're in this area that already has this reputation there was more than just Bigfoot reports in the Mothman there was UFO sightings as well here do you know any of that yeah the 1975 UFO story that we featured in the documentary there were two radio reporters that were coming off of Route 24 off to the 106 exit to head to the random Taunton dog track to do some betting on dog racing and as they were taking the exit they saw this gigantic home plate shaped craft come right over the exit flying very low very slow with like a Sparks coming off the back of it making this like low humming noise it was like nothing they had ever seen before now you're talking about two radio news reports orders yeah they could not believe what they saw it flew over the car made all this commotion and sound and then just took off what ended up happening was they didn't realize but hundreds of people across this region had been seeing a similar craft in the sky and the Brockton Enterprise newspaper actually ran an article back then about what people were seeing in the composite drawing in the newspaper article was an exact match for what these two news reporters had seen off the 106 exit wow all right so what do you think of that radic if you had a what do you think of that well I mean if a lot of people saw it maybe it might be real the whole UFO thing it people you've got to remember it doesn't always necessarily mean extraterrestrial it could be a craft some sort of top secret government aircraft exactly you know what I mean yeah that's great you brought that up because that's actually what I believe in I'm not sure if I believe in aliens like everyone else I'm more of the same way I think it's just some you I think the UFO is just some top secret military thing that they made that's exactly that's literally what I do believe in so we have Tyler here with us now so dude you know about document swamp you read about it now what's your thoughts on tonight you've never been here yet I've never been to this spot and the craziest thing is is that yes we have these Puck wedgies but there's so much more here in this one spot like a buffet so it's it's exactly it's like a buffet of creatures monsters Paranormal Activity everything with to aliens going to Bigfoot I know it's it's insane now if we capture some ghost stuff because we are going to do a certain two ghost kind of rituals to try to like bring them to come out one thing is what they say the puck wedgies actually did communicate way back in the day knowing how long it was I don't know but way way back in the day these Puck wedgies actually communicated with humans they did but they don't now I there wasn't anything really saying on why they don't but if there is any type of way that we can try and communicate with these things we're gonna try and just show it our best interests let them know that we're not there for any harm and I mean if there is some type of opportunity we might be able to you know who knows you could talk to one of these things I know you know all right so we're about to be here right now there's a parking spot we got the ghost gear we also got the camera with a new night vision thing on top it's gonna be able to detect from far away and that's just in case if we did come across the puckwaji or any other creature it's gonna detect it like we have the best night vision on the best night vision camera [Applause] all right well it all starts here we gotta go inside here and cut through these like power lines here so let's just see how it goes you can hear the zapping noises maybe from all the electricity so I'll have some kind of rules if we see the orb of light just you know someone kind of like you know I'm sure we're all going to see it but just I'll shut my light right away or use his or I'll shut this light off so I can still capture on both cams if you guys hear anything same thing just like oh God you know what I mean because anything right no I don't want to be loud because here's the other thing let's say there is someone in this for us at night what we want to do is also be kind of quiet just because we don't want to alert them either my camera light is gonna alert them before anything so I rather we see them before we they see us so I want to use the night vision a lot more just because of that reason too [Applause] this is like a horrible yeah I don't even know I think those are all bats oh no yeah they're Birds oh dude [Music] as soon as we get deeper in this will all be gone these birds won't be here it's just we're gonna keep going through remember to always look in the sky because apparently there's Mothman uh freaking everything's in here and look down on the floor too oh someone got took it out here oh my God yeah someone got tooken out I know why is their head chopped off all right so one thing it's creepy as anything yeah of course I mean this is a start we're about five minutes in it's not even bro and the anything on this road on I've seen this I've seen the orb but I've been chased out in the Bridgewater Triangle there's been already reports and actual murders here from like Satanic rituals in the Bridgewater Triangle that was that Freetown still connected Within These lands it almost sound like talking I heard talking or something yeah it was that way it was oh Birds I bet you if we did this whistle all of the burns would fly should we do it like if you blow the whistle right now it's dating back to like War times it could maybe even potentially wake up some of that residual energy what's that it's the dude you can hear the lines yeah see how it's getting quiet now as we get more deeper into it there was no reaction none oh to now to now that's it now we are I hear that I hear the owl but when you hear an owl it means these are skinwalkers or it's just an owl in the forest yes take it how you want it but we're in Native American tribes it goes along with skinwalkers we know there's some creatures in here I always keep an open mind now because anything goes in this dang Forest now I'm starting to actually feel like they know we're here almost like it sounds weird but I don't know we came in with a whistle pie I know I know you're right we're gonna keep going deeper this is I know we are now is that a sign let's go up to it but I know where we are yeah this is the section we're like we turn into the forest all right like yeah why this bush all right so I've never been down there in my life just so you guys know I've never been over there in my life the only place I've ever went in single orbs was on this road and in here which we're about to go into let's go deeper inside this tunnel and then we're gonna totally Wing what happens so the Moon is pretty full tonight by the way it's so bright once we're in here anything goes like I've like I said I've Seen It All I've heard it the puck wedgies have been chased out it all for me happens here now there's way more obviously entrances and places to be where you can see them but my experience has always happened right in there you haven't gone further like I've been all the way down this path sometimes I've seen no Puck wedgies no orbs of light and sometimes I I've seen it so it's always random we're gonna go in we're gonna do some stuff if nothing happens we can even check that side which I've never done in my whole life I'm gonna shut the lights off now because if there is anyone in here and they see us that's not good so we're going to be doing IR in the whole time from now on so we're switching over to that camera here we go if we see any light I swear to God bro it is 9 00 p.m or 10 p.m at night there should be no one in this for us roaming it they're probably up to no good I don't want to run into anyone I'll literally run from them or hide so we're at the middle by the way as the wind picked up hang on I captured it I think for a second I don't know cheers yeah yeah I picked it up on camera right where things happen the wind picked up oh I heard it again the scenaro it's very faintly maybe shut the light and see if we can see it is there any park wedgies or Skin Walkers in this Forest I know you like to turn into an orb a ball of light and roam through here one thing I'll say is we heard that you're used to once communicate with humans we apologized for whatever happened in the past thing is we mean no harm we're here just learning and if you can understand us and you are giving us a warning I ask for you to give that to us again please if you're okay with us being here can you give us a sign if you don't care can you give us a sign like anything around here can anything can happen what is that oh just boards people shooting here he says I'll uh gun bullets hey look at that dang they cut like half that tree down literally that's messed up that tree can like probably soon trust me when you see it you're gonna see it visible are you here hello we think we heard you can you say something again please want to try um randomly ask them an EVP yeah and actually asking like hey is like you know like is there do a puck which is real like yeah because the people if there is people here by now they'll know they'll tell us maybe we can get some idea from the spirit world whether or not this monster situation and ask where it is yeah it's quiet I mean I don't expect to always capture stuff don't get me wrong but how many people are here with us right now are puck wedgies real is there anything strange in these part of the woods I swear guys head pop out yep straight in front of me I heard it I heard it you hold it every voices I'm not real fast that's a duck okay can I shine my life are you home I mean I'm looking right now but what did you see I didn't see it I wasn't in the right angle dead ass Bros about four feet high I seen this thing oh I heard it though so like we heard it I think I seen you you don't need to be you don't need to be afraid as soon as four feet tall about four feet dude and all I see is from the side of the tree right Santa trees right here I just see this no I've seen the shadow of it though yeah yeah dude that's the first time I've ever ever seen anything like that whether or not it's something out here or if it's paranormal well never seen that if you sell that now that means Maybe you can orb any second now that's what I'm hoping remember they shape-shifted the orbs like I've seen the show like okay am I playing tricks with myself I mean if you both thought It's gotta be like weird though I heard something moving yeah I heard it moving but I didn't see it [Music] right now [Music] is it recording the whole time don't know [Music] what is part of the one yes there is play that again watch it watch it it's gonna say yes there is yes there yes you heard that yeah yes there yeah is and right after they said that that is when you guys saw the shadow correct pop out from behind the trees all right the thing is we're looking for an orb the orb can appear anywhere we can go deeper down there come back here a lot of walking I'm not here for ghosts per se I'm just here to find that creature and I want it so it is about 11 at night or so now no signs of orbs and the only thing really caught was maybe some shadow figures that could have been with her playing with her eyes some sounds you know nothing too crazy thank you [Music] oh nothing Jesus Christ what'd you guys see it's not there anymore it was up in like the tree line yeah yeah it was a quick little flash it was a big flash yeah and I'm recording now [Music] see I wasn't recording it but you guys just seen flashes so yeah it was not above the tree line but in the tree line and I just seen this flash yep could have been maybe electricity and you've seen that too no dude there's no electricity it was in a star and it was too bright for that to be a plane yeah no it was but it was in the tree line if it was a plane would be seeing it actually like yeah or across there by now and it's not and it wasn't like a little dot it was a little dot it was maybe the size of a baseball from where we are yeah yep all right so you guys both seen it so that's something now remember they say up in the trees they'll you'll see orbs just so you guys I don't know any of the story yeah yeah that's the whole thing so that's something I wish I captured it but I mean I'm just gonna record the whole time yeah okay so one thing I do want to bring up really quick is the fact that remember when we heard the big bang and you jumped well because we thought you seen like someone in the English the first time remember when you thought oh if it was a deer we would have heard it jump around yeah right we didn't that there was someone in there we heard it I mean Tyler was like whoa that could have been anything but the thing is if it was a deer like you said you would have heard a Gallop away it would have been running away yeah so that is one thing I just want to bring up I don't know that could be anything but I want to say like that's something we're now walk like I said we're walking back now towards the main Foley intersection we're gonna go deeper I've never been that deep in there before the only thing I can get freaked out about is that if you do see an Ord behind us like I'm watching my back whatever it is it's getting closer holy if it's a deer though it should smell us and go away I can hear it pictures [Music] [Music] [Music] I know [Music] [Music] I wonder if it's looking at us because I can't see it [Music] yep it was that we heard you moving thanks I don't know I don't know I was confused I couldn't tell him it sounded like a branch but I only did hear almost two sets yeah me too should we go in what I thought I saw see where this tree break is I thought I saw something in the middle of it so right now as you guys heard Claire's day footsteps could have been a dare could be Bigfoot could be Mothman it could be the puck wedgies we have no idea but I mean you can't make that up I mean that was clear as day what we heard oh no Claire's day I mean it has to be on the camera over here [Music] I think we should try the light and see if we can see [Music] I'm gonna go in a little bit [Music] whatever it is it's not leaving is it in the trees that is the weirdest I think if they're tricksters maybe they're playing kicks off right now making this thing once they want us to go in there there you go no that's like Skinwalker [ __ ] I'll go in go down there there's no way I'd go in there that's dude that is kind of unexplainable it the sounds came from right where radic was so how do we not hear anything anymore the thing is I keep wanting to say it's a deer but we would hear them run that's the second time that is the second time to where we've had anything like that to wear we should have heard it run I agree I actually do freaking agree I do what it sounds like yeah no two guys there's nothing here I know bro nothing I know that is very unexplainable I don't know I'm gonna need people [Music] oh you're getting into the swamps don't go too far yeah you're gonna sink in how soft is it right there like do you have to so if you need to walk any further sinking in if we hurt a deer it cannot be passed for erratic is for it to make that sound which it would have been right here which we would have seen because it's right where erratic is yes yeah so guys comment below do you think it was a deer or not and if it was a dare why don't we see it go away anymore run away Gap away I mean you heard it clear as day with the camera I was pointing right at it and now it's gone Radix deep in the woods now right can you walk yeah keep walking actually it's not there's like patches of dry land all right but walk I want to hear your sound okay so again that's literally the same distance we heard this and whatever it was it sounded smaller it doesn't sound like me or smaller it sounded just like just like you same sound matching that's the same sound we heard same distance they were right up to us now they're gone bro I think those are puck wedgies playing tricks but I don't know I can't prove that and it sounds stupid laughs why does part of me wants to go back into the Forest right now back where we just were not all the way in but like a three minute walk in I kind of do I something's telling me to go in again now I know like I said the force is weird this Forest plays tricks I'm gonna go down just a little bit five minute walk over and we're gonna turn around and never come to this area again because we have more to look at we'll put if we go down and we turn back and it takes it somewhere else like bear witch oh my God I doubt it but that'd be insane I'll kill myself before they kill me so right now my theory is is like you know we went inside we had a few movements a few things chuckled trick us a little bit we came out here right at the entrance before we would even go in to leave or whatever we heard it again but full-on movement the crazy whatever radicals checks it out there's nothing there all of a sudden we're about to leave you here a little bit footsteps again over there they're tricking us if that's what it is so now I feel like because they didn't show themselves fully or an orb of light down there now they wouldn't expect us to go back in there we're gonna go back in there first try to trick them nothing happens we're gonna leave and move on it's gonna get super late so I don't want to stay out here super late but all right it is spooky looking for creatures though I never thought you know instead of looking for ghosts we're looking for creatures monsters so we walked our distance we're now turning around for good and walking out going to different areas but again we heard we thought we heard Whispers or something I kept it on recording maybe we didn't hear anything but yeah maybe there is nothing going on right now we are now out of the forest but we did not see any orbs or here anything at that moment so has there been reports of bodies found in Freetown at all absolutely yeah yeah and and we don't know what they're tied to just could just be murder victims foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] as you guys can see right now we are getting into the Bridgewater trying again but this time at Freetown State Forest now Freetown State Forest is really dark and evil it's like the evil side to the good side of hakamak Slum think of Bridgewater Triangle as a state and think of cities within that so we did the city which is hakumak swamp and now we're in the next city over within the state and that's called Freetown State Forest and pretty much what this place is known for is the dark and Satanic rituals that happened here and you can look this up anywhere it's all online crazy dark stuff has happened here I have a bunker that we're trying to find right now as we speak that had literally a child sacrifices child molestation people were doing rituals inside this bunker now this bunker has already been collapsed like the City or something collapsed after what happened but in the 1980s so much satanic Cults and stuff was happening here and to this day right now the one thing we should be worried about is not Puck wedgies not Bigfoot not Mothman but in fact people lurking in the forest here because they found bodies dumped here they've been to this day even The Conjuring house owner Corey had found a goat that's been sacrificed here some of my people we've interviewed you can you know they found like satanic statues Idols they're still and there's still a group here doing rituals and Forest stuff I don't know what kind of forests say tank Richard stuff they're doing here but it is still happening so we're gonna go meet Aaron again but we're also gonna be another guy who is Jeff Belanger and they're both or him that's going to tell us more about the forest so we can get an idea of it and they're going to show us the hot spots and the places that we need to go to tonight foreign I have something in the back seat that is dark and you guys might judge me for it and it is definitely strange I'm not telling you what it is yet until we're filming with it [Music] all right we are here now I don't know this is it like this is it I don't know where to go like look at this thing it's just like entrances and entrances inside which one you think they're in yeah I don't know man I like I like the look of this side just you know there's more to it yeah it looks more like swoopier I mean we are oh oh someone's coming off this road right now down here oh maybe this is the people I didn't even tell them we were here yet but I did they have an idea I'm gonna tell them right now we're here we are here so they're in the forest right now Bridgewater Triangle guys right here if you remember from the last one he's already in there so we're just kind of like waiting for him to come out to meet us because like I don't know where I'm going but hey I mean we're back the Freetown Fall River State Forest could very possibly be the most feared commonly referred to as simply the Freetown State Forest the area is a 10 000 Acre state preserve located within the lower right hand portion of the Bridgewater Triangle the forest has a long history of reported paranormal activity including a series of ghostly hauntings and unexplained creature sightings but unlike other locations within the Bridgewater Triangle the Freetown State Forest has seen a disproportionate amount of criminal activity I swear man this is something about these Woods like you know no no it is because like we're driving up here and it just feels darker than even hakamog and then knowing the history and everything about them like dude it's kind of weird out here for sure you're in Boston this is where you dump a body seriously right yeah seriously yeah yeah we're just trying to find this bunker so unless we can all hop back in your car and we're gonna search for it we just went an hour through the woods and it's hunting season now we have kind of a better idea I think I mean I have a lot of a lot of lights in case but it's up I mean it's up to you guys we want to wind up like in this vicinity that's what we want okay it's somewhere in the back corner of that guy's yeah so we're here right we're standing here it's somewhere near that stream up here that's on this property right all right so this is going good so far we're looking for the bunker and we also don't know uh where the free rock is or this other place and it's gonna be dark by the time we even get to those and so we don't know what we're investigating we're just going with it and you heard you heard Jeff he said this is a place where you dump the bodies and it's really true this place you've seen by the Drone shots it goes Super I don't know how much acres is here but it is enough to get completely lost all right so we're here with Jeff Aaron's with us as well but we're gonna talk to Jeff and hear his point of view on Freetown State Forest and when he knows on it as we're walking to try to find this bunker because Sun's gonna drop soon and we don't know what's out there but yeah can you tell me how many acres and and you know the history and everything about this place so it's 5 000 Acres it's right it's absolutely massive and it's been a preserve for more than a century now but like this is it's been forever wild and there's a call to the woods if you think about it right yeah there's um I love the woods I hike I'm I'm I climb mountains and so to me it's it's a very natural place but it's also a place to go when you don't want to be seen and so people have come in here for years and they've dumped bodies there's been cult rituals in here uh all kinds of terrible stuff and the thing about that is that once something bad happens uh there's an energy to that other stuff gets drawn to it an example I like to give is um you know the number one place in the United States to take your own life no Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco all right more suicides there than anywhere else and the reason is someone did it and then someone else did it and suddenly it became a thing like you don't have to believe in anything paranormal or otherwise but like it became a thing and so as soon as like one body's found here and then another body's found here uh suddenly this is the place where you do it during the 1970s 80s and 90s rumors of a satanic cult operating within the forest spread fear throughout the local community evidence of gruesome animal sacrifices substantiated the rumors and prompted local law enforcement officials to launch investigations into the strange activity retired Freetown Police Lieutenant detective Alan Alves spent much of his career researching the activity of satanic Cults in the region and was responsible for the investigations concerning the slaughtered animals during his many years of investigating cult activity Alves has seen many strange and disturbing things the bunker we're going to back in the 1980s there's been like a lot of like Cults and rituals and things that was happening can you tell me like more about that it was like 1989. um this this Hunter found this this like bunker that was carved into a hill and uh and there was a tarp on it and the only reason he found it is because I mean you'd walk right by it you had to be looking just the right way and inside they found uh dolls with like the eyes cut out they found um you know a cult a paraphernalia right all kinds of weird things little chairs restraints and uh children's clothes yeah so Alan Alves was brought in who's a police officer who specializes in Cults and they found all this weird stuff but couldn't connect it to anything so it's one thing to find all this bad stuff and know that something horrible probably happened here right but without a witness without a complaint without a body what can you do with it nothing nothing so it's just one of those things that those of us that pay attention to the Bridgewater Triangle think about Carl Drew who was a self-proclaimed Satanist referred to himself as Satan had a shack out here in these woods and that's where they definitely performed some kind of Satanic rituals now he was also a pimp right I mean a literal pimp and he had prostitutes and and so was he using Satanism to control them the other thing too that's so hard for us to understand today is that we're so used to the internet every weird idea you have someone else out there has it too and you can find them online back then people who didn't belong like they just sort of found each other organically and that's how Cults were formed right I mean it's just people got together and so poor broken people prostitutes pimps drug addicts got together in Fall River and then he had this Shack out in the woods where who knows what took place right yeah just scary stuff so has there been reports of bodies found in free town at all absolutely yeah yeah and and we don't know what they're tied to just could just be murder victims I mean there's one plenty of uh and some of them I heard are even unreported you could find one out there today I know like who knows right yeah but yeah I mean there's been bodies found wrapped in carpets yeah so here's the thing if if you were up to no good in Providence or Fall River or you know Bedford anywhere down that this way uh you need a place to get rid of the body and you know if you can drive out here you can walk a couple hundred yards in the woods and what are the chances someone's gonna find exactly the other aspect is the Paranormal aspect and the history on that so do you think there's Puck wedgies here or Bigfoot or anything like what's your thought on that so this land has been untouched forever right I mean this was this is Native American was the king Phillips war also done in here too part of it sure right this was all King Philip River area so that's still doing yeah so all the Native American lower pakwegi's Bigfoot sightings whatever I mean it's all done here too it's all in here it's all in the Bridgewater Triangle there is definitely some stuff going on here one thousand percent so here's something else to consider right so in the 80s there was this satanic Panic right right the satanic Panic was um everybody got crazy like people playing dungeons of dragons there's heavy metal music and so some some people for some people is just sort of an identity it wasn't necessarily like a belief system but for others like they really believed in it and once you believe in it it's a thing right like tell someone who sacrificed to Satan that there's no Satan it doesn't matter they were still killed right true and so people think they're doing this for power um the the burial grounds nearby here right some kids this was 1991 right they they broke into a crypt they cut the head off a corpse and took it out of there two two teenagers a 15 and a 16 year old that's odd like that that just happened in 1991 and so they found the skull uh in the nearby Woods eventually the two kids were arrested for it um Alan Alves the cult expert you know we can't say that that was cult activity right but who cuts the head off a corpse at that age too I'm not doing that at 15. we were talking like you know 15 16 I did some weird stuff we would sneak through cemeteries it wouldn't even occur to me so they could crack open a crypt and like desecrate your body like that's a whole other level yeah we're at the Freetown Cemetery um right off of South Main Street here in Assonet where this Mausoleum behind me was broken into and juveniles actually stole the head out of here they broke into the mausoleum and broke into the Crypt They removed the body from the [ __ ] the body of a female and they cut the head off they removed it and put it in the car but as they were driving away the smell was so bad that they ended up hiding in the bushes we ended up arresting three juveniles that were involved in that break-in and they told them they were using it to get into a Titanic cult when they were caught the story that one of them told was that they believed that they could gain power by drinking from the skull so one thing I was hoping maybe you can help me with is like trying to find some hot spots that I can kind of look and go to and investigate so one of them would be maybe this one I would come back at night for or maybe like there's like a ledge that people like to sit on a rock I don't know if you know where that is yeah okay or it just kind of show me like some ideas that you think you could take me to Sure uh Bell Rock off of Bell Rock Road okay this is also where they found a homeless Drifter shot to death back in 2002 I think wow all right well maybe okay we can attempt to find this and then maybe if we're also here we can drive to that little trailblazing but yeah and what's what's good is like if we found it at least I can pin it on my map in GPS so I can come back later dark or not I'll know where it is with Google satellite yeah we're looking for one thing that could be you know miles and miles of forest we might not find it but it's a try I mean it looks like we're on some old path can't believe right now we're literally looking for a satanic bunker in the forest that's what we're doing that's our life right now you can see it was a path many locations in and around the Freetown State Forest have long been associated with alleged satanic activity two sites in particular have captured the imaginations of local residents swirling with rumors of child rape animal sacrifice and even ritualistic murder were a hidden underground bunker and a remote makeshift Hut a hunter who is walking through the woods discovered an underground bunker and what this was was basically built into a hill there was an underground lair it was then covered with a blue tarp and then of course all the stuff that you would naturally find in the forest so unless you approached it from the right angle you wouldn't be able to tell that there was anything there at all one side it was dropped down and you could go inside and they had some disturbing things in it there's some dolls with heads cut off and then a little tiny tiny chair that a two-year-old would sit in and look like they chopped it out of a tree had some bindings there and so forth it was very clear that whatever was working there was kind of connecting some kind of child abuse and perhaps child abduction with some kind of occult twist to it it wasn't anything of any evidentiary material there where we could trace back to any individual group it's very dense here wow if we came here during like summer it'd be so overgrown it's got to be a way enough that it's hidden but it also has to be accessible enough correct but you can get to it so what Jeff said is like it's like it has to be somewhat accessible so and he what he brought up I didn't get it I wasn't recording it but saying like probably or maybe wherever the bunker was that secret bunker it was next to a property line or a road someone accessible so maybe the owner of the property or land had something to also do with it or knew about it that's what we're you know he was thinking it makes great sense too we out here [Music] I mean Jesus Christ there's pine trees everywhere they're one bird quiet it's pretty quiet for being in the middle of the forest Satanism just calls to some people because it's it's a it's a dark calling and so whether they started listening to certain music or getting involved in drugs or or reading certain books it just kind of took them down a dark path and then that dark path LED them hear [Music] foreign [Music] yes we did I remember being right here because I remember seeing this they're real close to the that guy's uh Farm property no dude I remember no we did because right down there's the stream we just were to go this is pointing the wrong way we need to go behind us oh like whatever we need to go we need to go this way yeah as you can see the sun is coming down we had no luck finding it right now we're going to continue this investigation and keep going to some spots whether we're roaming the forest completely along with just me and Tyler at night or not but we're going to keep going I don't care what happens we're going all in so what can you tell me about the cemetery part and more about the like there's a ledge I want to go to it's like people sit on it yeah if you can tell me more about those two that would be great so the cemetery is the Assonet burying ground and back in I think it was 1991 two teenagers 15 and 16 broke into a crypt pulled a body down decapitated it and stole the head and the skull was eventually found in the nearby woods and the two kids were arrested for it okay the sonnet ledge there's a there's a story about the ledge about um uh you know it's one of these like Star-Crossed lover stories where and you're right there on the Wampanoag reservation is right at the it's right at the edge and so the story is that there was a maiden who fell in love with an Englishman and you know they couldn't be together and so she leaped to her death from this ledge yeah the only problem with that story is that the ledge wasn't really there until the 1800s when it was built as a stone quarry and they pulled Granite out of there and you know things like that right so it's more of a debunked kind of well well that doesn't mean there's not something to it right because this is a hot spot for all kinds of weird activity and when you go to the top there's all kinds of graffiti I mean I've seen I don't know if it's still there but I mean years ago someone spray painted like jump here your kids have jumped from this you can find YouTube videos where in the summer they'll jump totally dangerous if you jump too shallow you're dead you know but yeah but it's a long way down it's this this Legend and people have come up there to hang out to dangle their feet off of I mean who knows how they're feeling I think sometimes like the emotions you bring to a place almost get infused in it you know right almost like manifesting well or it's just like it it gets this air of whatever you bring to it so if it's a happy place true there's that then it's you know you go to an amusement park and it's generally a happy Vibe right you go to a place where people are sad and drinking and contemplating things that sort of hangs over it too and so that that ledge has got you know even though you can sort of debunk the backstory um that doesn't mean that those stories didn't play out where there were people that were in love with each other that weren't supposed to because they're from completely different cultures and that they did sometimes then in suicide but that ledge is there it's it's pretty it's photogenic it's like off on its own that pond right below it and then there's there's often people hanging out up there I talked to a buddy of mine once who used to hang out up there when he was in high school and he said one time he was going up there and they were just gonna like drink some beer or whatever yeah and he's like he's a woman standing right at the edge and he's just like oh hey guys we're not alone which is not unusual and then he turns around and she's gone all right and then he goes to the edge and he's like there's no splash there was but there was someone standing right there and then they weren't there so that story persists whether she was Native American or whether someone in the 1960s overdosed or something I don't know what is the story about the lady story Well the lady of the ledge is like it's it's a it's just yeah it's a legend well a Native American Girl in the 1700s that wasn't supposed to be in love with a an Englishman okay and so she jumped to her death but that Cliff wouldn't have been there in the 1700s or 1600s right okay so that's the part we can debunk but that doesn't mean there was something else going on right there about that story right and we just sort of put that right that that mask interesting yeah so I you know the backstory doesn't hold up but uh that doesn't mean people have had ghost sightings there and oh oh my God it's a Bridgewater Triangle stuff right and there's that yeah exactly that the big one all right guys so a big thanks to Jeff and Aaron but before we go uh Jeff where can they see your social media and what you do yeah that's my name Jeff belanger.com is my website uh exploring Legends on Facebook and Instagram or the Jeff Belanger on you on uh Twitter and you have a podcast yeah the podcast is New England Legends and you can get it wherever you listen to podcasts you know this is it I mean Aaron just left I didn't get him because I was finishing up the interview with Jeff but yeah it's literally gonna be just us here I mean [ __ ] dude it's gonna be interesting I mean look we didn't find the bunker yet who knows but there's just so much here we have to still see we have the we have the the pins to these places that we're gonna go to now that Justice gave us and now we're just gonna go into the investigation like this is it it's like a Freetown scavenger hunt exactly all right so we just got into the cemetery with the two kids decapitated the the guy um I got the pin luckily from Jeff on the exact point where the Crypt is I mean I'm sure we can just find it regardless driving but just gonna do some stuff here some ghost investigations some some light investigations I'm going to say the Estus method and everything like that till we get to the last point which is the Pledge where all the rumors and stories of the lady this and that goes in sightings of everything aliens UFOs Bigfoot ghosts all are over there wow dude there's no one here it makes this place pretty spooky and so straight ahead that looks like a hunt yeah that's it yeah that's it right there oh dude I think I should keep my lights on like the car why not we were gonna do a little Ghost Hunt here but because the Highway's right there you can hear it there's too much noise around us it's not gonna work but this wasn't a spot where I wanted a ghost hunt anyways but I did want to just kind of show this off for video purposes and the documentary that we're filming is this is the Crypt right here where the two teenagers came in here and took out what we think was well Robert it could have been Robert or Benjamin and they were buried here in 18 pretty much 40s and 50s so they came in here broken took the heads out they had kids got arrested the skull was found later in the woods it's so weird because there's so much satanic stuff going around here that where they kind of possessed did someone tell them to do it were they taking the skull and drinking out of it like no one knows but I think it's really crazy because the history is there it's documented and it's real and it really creeps us out [Music] what we're gonna do is we're gonna go back into the forest and we're gonna look for the bunker but as we're looking for the bunker because we already failed once it's not the main thing we're doing which remember this is the Bridgewater Triangle we are looking for bigfoot Puck wedgies Mothman creatures orbs of light anything you can name ghosts is in this Forest so while we're gonna go back and attempt to find this bunker we're gonna get deep into the woods and as we're looking for this bunker we're also looking for everything else I might take out what's in this bag here if not we are saving it for the very last end of the video when we do an SDS method trying to contact that lady that is near the cliffs but also again we are in woods anything could be out there so enough talking we're going back in the wood is now Pitch Black Anything could happen all right here bro um I want you to stay in charge of what's in here so you know what's in here I know what's in this bag do you think the audience would ever guess what's in that bag if they tried they're might be a 10 to 15 chance that some people might know what's in this bag all right now comment below no cheating yeah no cheating let's get on with this video guys let's go we have two cameras back and forth Rowan one is night vision but it goes really far so if I can't see that camera we'll see someone just was walking was freaking me out actually all right they're gone so one thing I want to say before we continue I want to remind everyone if we hear any noises don't assume it's I wouldn't assume it's an animal yet now this Forest is a little also Native American and we're and from the last video we we filmed we were hearing stuff that could have been actual Skin Walkers because of the Native American grounds that were here the war that happened and the tribes and everything kind of connect with the whole skin walker stuff even in the west coast it makes sense that it could be but it could also be Bigfoot it could be uh any other creature like the puck wedgie so if we say any orbs of light everyone study this footage keep in mind because we don't know what we're gonna see or what's gonna happen but what we do know is there are satanic people around here cult devil worshipers so we have to keep an eye out for that and yeah there's a lot to look out for but we have a bag of a secret item we want to do we're ghost hunting we're searching for anything let's do it yeah so just so everyone is aware was that had to have been someone's dog okay yeah we just heard a howl but I was like okay yeah so right now we're just going into the forest so we're gonna hear some dogs go off way down there we need to get deeper in here so so far we're about 10 plus minutes in now and we find this don't know if it means anything but I figured I'd at least show you maybe it's just a reflector reflector right for like a target practice or something maybe I don't know right it's my only guess yeah [Music] something's over there could be just old furniture [Music] we're keeping an eye out for everything and anything that's weird just because of the idols Satanic rituals we found what heard something okay we've been a reflection though yeah what's this I don't know if I could guess anything having an idea that there are Hunters out here yeah this could be to where they take a deer and skin it okay I can see that and they're just ready for whenever that happens I can see that yeah that's a cool idea all right we'll keep moving keep looking out we kind of just I mean we can't get lost essentially only because as long as my satellite works in the GPS we're technically okay bro my thing and I know it sounds crazy guys as we're trooping through these Woods was like I worry if there are satanic people still here from the 1980s which I know there are but they're out right now and they see us I just feel like they're gonna kill us I can't even say that dude I know but it just I just feel like that's what they would want to do to us I had a tweet the other day and someone's like yeah you gotta watch out for the wolves that out here I'm like there's no wolves here at all there's no wolves but they said coyotes but if they did see a wolf my guess Pro skinwalker literally if there's anything type of wolf that is completely Supernatural there's no Wolves Out Here exactly if coyotes Bobcats Fisher Cats raccoons even go possums you can do any of that I mean there are now a chance they've been migrating over and they've been staying over we have that very small chance at one percent oh bear dude we'll see you just gotta be super careful yeah I can't believe we decided to be like Monster Hunters now yeah should we just stuck with the ghost hunting like everyone else on YouTube Monster Hunters during the winter I know what are we doing I know hey really quick guys for everyone who's watching can you please thumbs up and like And subscribe we're working with people that's that's knowledgeable that knows this field and we're just putting a lot of effort in these videos so it really means a lot if you could thumbs up like And subscribe it check out check out Tyler's Channel as well thanks guys we're all out here doing a lot and like I said like beyond the dark goes hard we do a lot of things first on this channel and I just feel like we don't get the credit we deserve so really does mean a lot so one thing that's good is when you see signs of this these rocks these formations still here in the forest like this it means there was some sort of civilization or something that happened here at one point where there's 50 years ago to 100 200 years ago 10 000 years ago something was going on here so it's also a good sign so give you guys an idea this is kind of the bunker we're looking for this is what the bunker would look like now like you'll see holes down here maybe some pieces of wood and that's it this is essentially what we're looking for in the forest here while looking for anything else we hear or see out here you hear that or no [Music] over there or maybe not I thought I heard something I didn't hear the whistle but then I heard something in front of us well either way we're gonna go towards it no matter what so I'm on GPS looking around for where Aaron and Jeff thought the bunker could be at the same time so we're doing two and one right now why are there gunshots why are there gunshots right now even if it was people hunting why are they hunting at night it's illegal foreign that's more than just hunting that's a lot it's a lot of bullets guys has to be 10 or over and it just keeps going I know that's really creepy holy like a shootout out here I don't know hopefully I don't even have a gun is that a whisper it literally sounds like an old person coughing did you not hear that or did you make dude no that was behind you I don't know where it came from you heard that though right yeah it sounded like a cop so now we know that there are people shooting guns right now while we're out here so if we see the bunker it's gonna be so invisible almost impossible to see so who knows if we're gonna find it the whole video is almost about searching for a bunker but to be honest we don't really have an end goal while we're looking for it we're just kind of searching the woods and hearing noises and seeing if we do find any orbs of light from the puck wedgies too you know our mind's gonna start playing tricks on us out here just so you guys know how deep we are out here I mean it's ridiculous just so we decide that we're going to stop the search for the bunker because we've already been searching for it for about three and a half four hours a little bit we heard a few things though that were yeah so I mean nothing like what we heard the last time no there was nothing like that yeah we didn't hear any footsteps we didn't hear Too Much there could have been one possible yell out into the distance yeah it's a beep I heard like a beep that could have came from anything but I heard a tapping uh screams that could have been animals something I'm not gonna just jump to conclusions here um we have about literally an hour walk to get out of here before we now are gonna I'm gonna see I'm gonna keep recording if something happens but if nothing happens we're gonna just jump cut from here and start the mile walk into the ledge and sit up on it where the rocks are and that's where the whole lady blah blah blah thing is going on so I dude it's some crazy stuff everyone's everyone says it so I mean everyone says it's crazy stuff at night when they go over there in something dark and evil so so as you may know we know that right through here is the start of a one mile walk to get to that ledge but as we were walking we already seen lights inside there people could be anybody could be nothing but it's right at this entrance so we might encounter them but we'll just see how it goes I mean why does this place seem scarier than the other [ __ ] place where there's other people do just doing the same thing we're doing we're now seeing water so we know we're definitely getting closer to that Lake where the ledge would be there it is down there you heard that right yep was that like a girl that was like a girl yelling yep which fits the freaking story let's just keep going this is what we're here for maybe yeah I'll just keep your light on for a little closer we get bro is that a beep someone's here someone just said yo they're screaming [ __ ] that what do we do dude there's no that's way too much you just shut your light off [ __ ] this I'll just turn around you wanna just go that's definitely people right there dude I don't want to play with anything if that like we gotta look at a safety thing there's way too much stuff that happens in this Forest I know it's your final call dude what if we kind of like spy on them no light yeah dude it's gonna be too hard when we turn the lights off no yelling yeah I just might I'm just curious you your light could see it too let's just see what what's going on what do we do we're at the road [Music] foreign be careful Bud you're like right there at the edge of those other people's lights there's two at least they see us I don't know I mean I hope the [ __ ] the lights are off lights are off another girl let's just go yeah let's just go let's go [Music] we definitely see our lights now oh 100 there's no way after hearing all those stories and now we've heard people shouting and banging up there I don't want to be near it no all right we'll tell what's up let's just get the [ __ ] out here we'll talk [Music] that's coming from this way no it's not what's behind us oh [ __ ] [Music] okay I think they're [Music] [Music] let's go come on I'm just uh that's not to you [Music] so what's happening right now because they shine their lights more High and they shouted that's when we heard it yeah and we ran just so the viewers know and I seen all the lights going so they could be coming down now but I don't know we ran ahead we ran ahead so I don't know what's going on yeah no I think it's a good call now [Music] okay we have about a half a mile walk or so to the ledge we wanted to use it on the ledge [Music] I could have sworn I heard voices or something I think Freetown State Forest is known as one in the U.S yeah you see us I just said I heard something here yeah here I'm hearing it dude can you stand in front of the Altar for me I know that you're here oh are you saying it would help you if I was dead yup am I stepping away from that for a second so we know that you're there it'll turn up is there anything that you want to tell us [Music] is there something or someone we need to worry about in these Woods Evil you me well I felt touched on my thumb I thought it was you no this is the part three the grand finale the last video of the whole Bridgewater documentary we have Tyler again with us and we got radic back from episode one holding the camera we are now approaching upper ledge Road this is the road pretty much where you would have to go through in Freetown Forest to get the ledge where we were trying to go in part two where we left because obviously dude we don't know dude we didn't have no idea what was up there and the thing is it's like when it comes down to stuff like that we have to be careful and we have to you know take into what could possibly happen you guys know what goes on in these Woods we just got here so we're getting out the car hopefully there's no cars out here I don't see any cars so I think we're we're in good you know but yeah you can suck this is this road that freetown's on to get to the ledge there's really no one here just dead quiet it's always like this um but we're gonna head up in a minute we're gonna Gear Up get our stuff on I'm I'm again I'm nervous but I just I also am excited to finally finish up this Trilogy you guys really have been I've been in the comments have been good the the whole opportunity of doing this has been fun and exciting and to work with Aaron and people that did the Bridgewater Triangle documentary and we're making our own version from it I'm just happy to be able to get the footage from him to even collab and do this together so it's going it's going really well in my opinion as long as we don't die tonight in the last episodes all right so so you're recording right yeah all right so we're gonna keep this legit all right guys we are now back here this is where it starts no cars can go in here we have about a half a mile walk or so to the ledge now just to give you guys a re-update on the ledge and the Bridgewater Triangle this is what this is all in we're in pretty much right under Taunton Massachusetts so there's a Bridgewater Triangle it's literally a triangle that's within and all right so there's a triangle right yeah yeah and within that triangle there's a bunch of different like forces and swamps where like a battle happened with the Wampanoag tribe uh the Native Americans and pretty much the English that came over and tried to take the land all right so we're back on the right path the boys are in front of me I'm recording from the back we got a headlamp radic it's us three so far no like creepy signs that there's people here besides the gunshots we heard but that could have been anywhere we're ready finally get to show you what's on the ledge and complete this video here we go moving in boys [Music] foreign distance meant some type of sound but it could be anything it could be the wind what does that say there's a sign over it attention uh just like our graffiti sign oh there's a sticker that says [ __ ] those satanic hoes look yo that's crazy someone literally made a sticker for those satanic Cults and slapped it on the sign hey there is legit Cults out here no joke so right now guys we are here with Cody and Satori and they collect a lot of haunted objects and they have one from Freetown Forest yeah so this object uh is definitely interesting uh so it came from a private case so we can't give too much information confidential case but we can tell you what we can yeah so this came from a house uh in the property uh borders the Freetown State Forest and uh what happened was uh it was a father mother and two young children and the children would bond with their father by riding ATVs so they would ride through Trails uh and um one day the kids get split off from their father and they start riding by themselves and they come across the statue looking thing and they thought it looked cool being kids they pick it up and they brought it back to their house without the parents knowing and um so they put in their garage and that night they were a very religious family they were sitting around the dinner table uh getting ready to eat dinner and the father sitting at the head of the table about his head to say a prayer and um what happened next scared the heck out of them they said it sounded like a horse ran across the roof they could hear the Galloping sounds and of course they all sprung up from the table and the father wanted to see what was on the roof so he opens up the garage door to go outside and he comes face to face with this thing looking back at him and he claimed that he ran into a wall of energy and he knew that whatever was happening in the house was due to this thing because they had never had Paranormal Activity before so they slammed the door and he started asking questions the kids told them that they found it in the woods and brought it home and um they called us right away because they wanted this thing out of the house uh but when we picked it up uh we brought it back to the museum put it in quarantine period and then that's when we started digging in to see what this thing actually could be yeah now they thought that this Idol had something to do with the devil um which looking at it is it is a bit intimidating so that's kind of your first well there's some like stuff leaking out like yes almost like a blood or red yes so we think it's some form of wax um also the symbols on it we had to do some research and we contacted a couple friends of different Fates and a couple of pagan friends of mine were able to kind of tell us that these symbols mean different things depending on what you believe in for example the bottom symbol is believed to be an upside down symbol of Dumas um which upside down kind of is invoking not very good things in their belief system especially Baltic witchcraft um side of um you know paganism that it would kind of be invoking not very good things upon the sender or the land um if you look at it from Baltic witchcraft also it can mean you know War confusion but I was also contacted by a few uh people of different faiths like you know Native American culture they said that some of these things could mean good kind of taking that land back kind of meaning Harvest and Bounty and things like that um we believe that the bones crossed could be you know deer or some form of small horse type um Jawbone and we were told that the top feather is some form of pheasant feather um and that is wax that is dripped out so do we believe that this thing was built to you know cause you know harm or bad intentions on the family we don't think so we think that the kids just came across this and because they brought it into their house that energy all that intention that was put into it kind of started seeping out into their environment and they were feeling some of the residual effects from that right after we got this this statue we went around in the forest and we felt like we were being watched so we left I remember that yeah um I definitely think uh because of all the people that are practicing different things out there I think that's also feeding the land itself it's like manifesting the land to be more darker and evil right I think Freetown State Forest is known as one of the most haunted forests in the in the U.S yeah oh yeah so many things is you know ghost trucks and Elementals and creatures oh yeah yeah there's so many things reported out there so yeah it is it's like it's a wild Place well we're actually going into the forest now all right we're coming right up to the fork right now and this is when we Bear right dude all right so we're getting there but look at this whole Branch this was not here last time whoa it must have been from a windy day like because last time we were here this was there was not a whole ash tree down here that's not a cut though that's a breakoff of impact all right yeah all right so at this point we are getting very close to the ledge that y'all been waiting to see I'm trying to get to so oh God oh God that's a huge puddle oh all right yeah it's getting muddy so all right we'll see what happens and yeah what's in the bag what's in that bag what's in the bag guys the thing is about this bag think about I've been carrying it all the last video working out carrying it here this like once you guys see what's in this bag I don't know I would personally think like he carried that the entire time no we're good we made it the ledge is up there I can't see it yet for my own eyes either but we're here we made it to this point right here and we just seen what I saw two lights but then they kept like switching off from different sides so we don't know how many people were up there at the time yeah we don't even know what it looks like up there either no we're gonna find out so this way I guess this way it looks like it'll lead up to the top yes whoa wow whoa put the night vision on that but dude yeah yeah no this is way bigger we gotta figure out how to get up there the legend is that you can see a woman in white I believe at the top of these rocks whether or not there is that's what I guess we'll find out today but I mean that is a high high drop yeah [Music] foreign [Music] because we gotta climb to get up [Music] literally it's the only way [Music] all right we're pretty much at the top be on the lookout for anything weird clean the entrance yes we're at the top bro wow thank you hey you made it up yeah I couldn't see where I was going though well we're on the ledge be careful though do we want to hear how far the drop is yes guys be super careful yeah seriously wow look at this view so I wonder what it looks like during the day dude I kind of want to come back during the day oh God holy in May of 2008 a bizarre incident was caught on camera while filming a segment for Chris balzano's book in DVD picture yourself ghost hunting the following clip features a woman named Maureen struggling with what some investigators claim was possession at the hands of a pakwaji chlorine connected here Ron watch her going back too far Maureen come on Marine fighting oh come on Mario wait oh according to camera operator Andrew Lake a strange light was later seen in the distance as Maureen recovered from the alleged attack well we're on top I have one thing to start before we start this investigation on the ledge taking out the death whistle yep uh-huh and once we do that my friends can finally show you what Tyler has been transporting this whole time on his bag and for those who guessed the death whistle you guys did guess the death whistle that's not it you guys ready I'm gonna blow it to kind of initiate it on the ledge [Music] foreign ER this is your turn let's take out what you've been holding for the last two episodes in the bag all right guys Josh do you want to say anything about actually before or do you want to yeah I should I have a whole story behind it actually all right I do have a whole story behind it all right a lot of you gonna think this is some weird stuff and it is it could be used as trigger objects people and witches actually own this and have it and they use it in certain spells and a lot of colleges actually have one in their college because I think this is where this came from taking it out I gotta take I gotta be very delicate with this I'm kind of scared to even pull this out [Music] it's not a champion shirt okay dude what do you got in there ready oh God thank you are you serious I have a human skull everyone and Tyler's been holding this human skull for the last two episodes because we wanted to use it on the ledge we kind of wanted to get answers of who this person was we also wanted to kind of see if it was a trigger object here and if it's not we might use it in another video but I bought this skull from Salem Massachusetts from a Bone Collector that sells haunted objects yeah um we're gonna set it down and we're gonna start an investigation [Music] so we just dropped the skull on the center of the ledge I am lighting up the candles if we hear anything besides the cars in the back because there is some sort of traffic and road next to us this looks crazy it looks like if people came in here and seen us they would think we're we're satanic people I think that's what they would think we'll introduce ourselves right now putting on spiritalker now I guess we can introduce ourselves starting now um I am here to speak to the lady on the ledge but also any other Spirits here whether you're from the Wampanoag tribe or an Englishman my name is Josh I'm just looking for some answers my name is Tyler civil civil civil war Civil War the civilness between the Native Americans and the uh English that could be something and just to go off that if you guys are asking if we're civil we come in a civil manner yes we mean absolutely no harm even though some of this stuff does look a little bit on the odd side but we come to communicate we come to learn from you we all we do is bring respect my name is Tyler my name is radic and I just want to hear your story so if you're out here please speak to us thanks I'm waiting for the spirit talking to keep moving agreed the grave oh no the grave he's talking about this the grave technically I mean technically I mean it's well when you I don't know maybe not it's a it's a sight though I mean what are they going to think it is back in the day went out energy the grave and civil dude someone's definitely oh my god wow try try and make noise I low-key almost feel like I heard footsteps right before that yes yeah right right yeah I'm hearing it from both sides had enough I had enough of walking around we don't mean to scare you but if there's any evil spirits out here as well we brought you a skull and we're trying to communicate we know there's a lot of bad things that happened here do you feed off of that do you want it agree oh wow oh my God all right dude Wanna Hold be in charge of that orb orb no or Puck wedgies [ __ ] wedgies bro dude no hang I'm showing off my light only you're all lights on yeah I want to look over a little bit be careful I know yep turn the light on okay I'm stopping right here I'm just looking for an orb all right whistling down that way was it whistling foreign guys they have the whole river flow they hear us we hear you that's what it said yeah we hear you I don't like this man we have a skull here we're on a Ledge and they hear us okay I wonder if we tried two of these apps have you ever done that I have whistle I just whistle over the left bro what's the odds of that what's the odds of that come on dude that is that is that is weird seriously right yeah that's really weird man that's so weird I don't know if I like this anymore I know erratic doesn't really ex like do that ghost hunting I know yes dude I didn't even think anything was gonna happen yeah he's pretty much skeptic so it's really cool to have someone that skeptic come with us because we can kind of sometimes really blow their minds all right so can you tell us how many candles are out Anna and could that be is that the lady in ledge is that your name Anna that could be it could be it no one's watching oh someone's watching we're getting these answers I gotta at least take a rem pot out do you see your voices I could have sworn I heard voices or something but I could have been the car and okay let's while you're hiding what does that say we're hiding are you guys hiding over there we just heard voices and it said that yeah yeah I'm gonna come up I'm getting chills throughout my body right now I'm just watching this maybe we should go with him me yeah all right [Music] I gotta make sure if that goes off I'm gonna lose my mind you don't need to hide my name is Tyler friend but it did almost Sean Sean nice to meet you we heard it sounds like a guy's voice too yeah it did is there a Sean here can you give us another noise or a sound if you want us to go back over there we can we don't want to interrupt your space but we are just curious on who you are and the story about this ledge yeah I heard that it sucks because they have a lot of cars making noise so remember that it's a busy busy road kind of next to this area so I have to keep that in mind did you hear that sound like a woman yeah although it could have been that oh my God take picture I heard it should I take a picture just in case we see something on the screen yeah yeah also just letting you know we can communicate and talk another way over there there's a red altar altar yes that's an altar oh my God it's a gravesite and alter yes take picture of alter maybe oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my God are you by the altar that we made negative Okay negative that was fast though there's a what I was saying there's another way we can communicate there's a light down there Knox Knox you can knock it so if you can knock or use your energy and come up to this device we have placed let's be friends after it said the Altar and knocks and take picture what's your can you give us your name are you Anna if you want to be my friend I have a device on the ground that's red with the red blinking light with an antenna can you touch it for me we'll know that you're here and we could talk to you you can use our energy or the water energy or even the skull energy if you need to I'm hearing stuff here they never found me the lady and the lady on the ledge they never found me are you you see us I just said I heard something here yeah are you are you in front of me can you give us another knock or a sound or a noise many died here of course that's true [Music] this is insane this is insane hello there there's multiple of course bro we gotta hold this and keep it going this is way too insane okay again we're we already introduced ourselves but can you please so we know that you're here come up to the ledge and touch the antenna for us the red blinking light so we know that you're here put all your energy into it I'm putting this device right next to the altar so if someone goes in front of it [Music] should like go crazy okay can you stand in front of the Altar for me in the skull [Music] so I know that you're here oh no I'm sorry I'm sorry it just stood in front of it as soon as I said it for a second so we know that you're there it'll turn up oh now it goes again are you walking through a channel okay let's do something oh can we leave it off for a second please and I just want to see if you're able to do this back back away from it thank you so if you can can you go in front of it turn it on turn it off turn it on turn it off so just turn it on twice and turn it off two times please just so we know you were fully here one now back away yup and then please go back to it now go in front of it again wow I mean I'm holy [ __ ] now guys just to let you know it is facing this way no this is real nothing yeah steps this is all Motion in front of it what is that what I thought I heard something right what did that say they said day but I thought I heard something right there everything that came out of that device has been pretty much on point with everything we're doing everything we're doing tonight that thing has been going off this is working like crazy I'm gonna put the REM pot over here this is insane if we put that device over here can you touch it [Music] wow they are really here they are maybe it's something with this altar type of deal I mean definitely dude look at that thing yes please just get closer to this red thing that's the red antenna for me please so we know you're here maybe we can talk were you did you die into the war are you what they call the lady in white the lady that died on this ledge or are you part of the native tribe it went off for the lady and white if you're the lady in white can you move away from that box please [Music] same question because I it seems seems like they're very responsive to you if you are the lady from the ledge can you step away dude very responsive to you yeah they really are oh my God they are and now wants to move now it's going back on now it's going off okay okay so we can definitely ask a lot of questions this is pretty nuts yeah this is crazy this is crazy so just so you guys know too radic is also the editor for beyond the dark um so he's here joining us on this one by the way and you joined us on the first one um I don't know what do you think should we go into music music music of course this is playing the melody oh what yes it likes the music that's why it's playing it and it keeps stopping oh I think it might be a kid or something I don't know are you a child I'm just taking out the triangle again I'm putting the triangle next to the ledge because you just never know putting it on this triangle will detect from pretty much five feet distance of each side so it's calibrating and then I'm going to stand on this side of the ledge and see if I if I can get it to trigger like come next to me okay all right we have a triangle device you've seen this on multiple channels uh we're placing it here so it can trigger the whole ledge from both sides um I'm gonna step away yup okay now we're gonna go completely lights out and just stick with the ghost cam and I'm going to turn on this device again and see if we can get anything car I just turned it on it says car as if it's continuing yeah we hear the cars in the background this whole time okay plus cars used to like jump off the ledge actually I think back in like years ago people would like run their cars off the ledge that's what I heard all right we're gonna shut this one off now okay Jones Jones is your last name Jones okay it's a really classic uh nurse getting a bunch of people are you nurse Jones struggle what was your struggle nurse Jones so after this I'm upset why are you upset Miss Jones are you upset because of the skull because you're trapped here I have a device that goes red for no and yes for green in front of me it's a triangle device that's blue if you can stand on either or side we can get your answer red for no and green for yes but you gotta stand close to the edge though is there actually someone down there don't tell people don't tell people remember the Native Americans weren't supposed to see their lover yeah and if you're going with see your lover and they demand you see your lover this makes sense what could have been the wind I don't know oh green no fur was it would I say no for uh red for no green for yes seeing something do I disagree with what you're saying though yeah yeah so we're so we're definitely talking to the lady in red it's Ben the event's kind of confirming it do you want us to get rid of the skull and put it back into the bag green for yes red for no hold on to this one hide from who I could hold this should we be scared of something is it because we know your story and talked about it are we in danger please say something through this or hit our device to let us know if we are in danger or hit the triangle device again green for yes no for red do you know you're dead I'm gonna I'm angry hide I'm angry are you angry that you're dead why are you angry part of me wants to like start trooping around the forest over here but because I was hearing so much but then again it's so hard because of how the cars are oh yes I'll show you yes green for what though was it to troop there because we're hearing so much footsteps and stuff down there this whole time wrong wrong now wrong about what should all of us go down there or just one after we all stay up here give us a better sign I need more tell us are we going down there or not I'm pointing at the direction I want to go [Music] stop talking and it's up making the devices go off too so far is the music box on or no yeah is it whoa that just proves that everything was be fearful be fearful of what though like be cautious be fearful no I think scared of something like be afraid oh right now it's saying like you know but that just shows the music box was on point don't tell people I'm angry be fearful something almost wants us like out of here is what it sounds like and that it just it did like a whole 180. I think we liked us now they don't like us we're coming down oh interpreting me you're misinterpreting me no we don't look at you as anything bad unless is that what we're wrong about you know what I mean yeah no [Music] dude yeah so just to give you an idea of the ledge look yeah that's where you can see the drop that's the candle where the altar is and we're here now more water [Music] I wonder if this is where the people were with their lights lesson I don't remember bro honestly I just know they were near here so it's weird though because bro so when you're talking it's coming through on my end yeah like it said it's scared of Hannah that's what it was saying I know um I mean we already know we had clear as day evidence so far here I really think we were talking to the lady on the ledge but I don't know just justifying by what evidence we did have yeah there's a symbol on here yeah look at that just like graffiti most likely though but wait yeah yo guys what if we try Spirit Box like right here all the things more flat oh God not even really necessarily on here yeah we should because we're a lot of the movement activity we're getting is somewhere here so locked I don't know what that means but most of the evidence we had up there was legit with the with the movement the devices everything but we move everything here try like a spirit Spirit kind of box session here and see how that goes so we're gonna go do an Estes method down by the other ledge where we hear a bunch of stuff going on because we don't know what could be there someone it just said crying um and we're gonna hold the skull in my lap and we're gonna oh I just want to see some weird corner of my eye all right yeah we're gonna see what happens that's the method down there all our equipment next to each other we heard a lot of stuff down there we came back up here we really do think there's something going on down there and they want to talk to us so let's see what happens I'm filming already Tyler no you please recording now yeah it's recording the box it just said I like the toys as I'm setting up the music box and it just says they've upset me just now oh my God it goes off wait it's just been going off on its own right yeah that's nuts let's at least show this yeah here hang on so they would see it I like the toy second one they've upset me they're really right there yeah I like the toys and it goes off we're setting up right now I just want to talk about the SD's message so you guys will understand what it is so what you do is I mean again only if you're new here if you watch ghost videos you already know what it is from everyone else's Channel including mine you put headphones on they're loud as hell you can only really hear the headphones that's it so whatever's coming through the radio that's switching stations it's switch switch it's always constantly changing stations and I'm only hearing the switches so I'll hear some voices I'll hear the radio I'll hear whatever the Channel's playing but it's very like now what comes through is like a word or two or sometimes sentence like hey you there hey when you hear that you know it's the spirit talking to you for the most part so I'm bringing up what the spirits are saying and only I can hear what the spirits are saying when you guys are asking questions or talking to me I can't hear you guys all noise is now gone for me it's all out and then I close my eyes so now I can only focus on what I'm hearing so I'm yelling out what I know is a ghost and what I'm hearing so it's the the idea of this method is is like a a thing so you guys can talk to me and I'm pretty much talking to the dead as if we had a medium that's what it is hope I explained it right it's all gibberish hope you guys understand thanks I'm about to go under we have the music box that's on and working um rempods behind me if there's any Spirits that's going to want to talk to me or play with our devices that you've been touching this whole night Now's the Time because after this we are leaving anyone or even give me information on what I'm holding on my lap here I go you guys can hear it yeah I can hear something I'm just gonna keep my eyes closed I don't even care I'm just gonna close them I don't even need a blindfold all right help me how long have you been here on this ledge they're back who's back him do we need to be scared of him me me dead what does Josh have on his lap dead we know you're dead dead how many alive people do you see over there how many living there right here woman I kid you not guys what's your name can't why can't you tell me dead I know you're dead can you not talk about your story give me dead can we help you with anything power down there guess are you down there by the water the water did you jump you got it the water over there okay is there any way we can help you dead are you saying it would help you if I was dead yep that's not good we can't do that violence vile no is that what happened in these Woods We're not gonna get threatened friend or threatened threatened would make sense alive yeah we're alive yeah we are alive unknown my name is Tyler can you say Tyler you there me or me radic longer who's longer real yeah we are real what a grave site grave grave something it's been great all night this was a grave they kept saying it here is this a grave is this your grave perfect is it okay that we're here don't do you want they're coming you want us to leave why well I'm just asking you jump no no I'm jumping no no why we don't want to die no I feel like there's two people talking knock can you knock for us you're not close to the ledge right no I'm pretty over yeah I'm close but I'm not that close [Music] is there anything that you want to tell us right there oh it's right there [Music] is there something or someone we need to worry about in these Woods evil evil what's evil no what kind of evil is the evil here with us now do you like that this skull is here is it okay relate me the left the left portal really that left maybe his left wow the water my left that's weird this way is that where the portal is year because you're right back there portal that's where we hear all those noises there and if you think about it there were so many names that were coming through yeah come on we're gonna I gotta pull Josh out because it's footsteps oh dude wait wait yeah wait give it a moment what footsteps where are they threatening oh that is looking at you oh Jesus God did you just come through the left the left your left then right here yeah we're being watched are we being watched between what be cautious there between there bro this is adding up way too much right now yeah let's keep it let's keep it going it just you can't be understood way it is the way it is could the evil just come through Journey you see anyone there his I just almost look like someone's standing up there hello right [Music] across almost standing right there by like where the bags are dude me and a girl's voice and me oh my God the lady on the ledge the lady on the ledge is that you whoa Are you standing on the ledge right now whoops are you at the portal did you fall Heaven Oh Heaven it's Heaven and Hell real you me well I felt touched on my thumb I thought it was you what I said Scottish dude this is getting really good dude hyper what do you say hyper oh no Genevieve Genevieve I mean that's an old-time name that's an old-time name what do you want what do I want I want to talk to you I want to learn from you how I could I don't know what it said hey dude this might be one of the crazier Essie's methods I've seen yeah for sure and everything's adding up with both devices and that's the crazy part and where we were just at how do you do this how do we do what one down talk one over there oh so I wasn't pushed or anything I slipped yeah it could have been the one down that was corpse the one on your lap or somewhere else myself should we pull them out yeah yeah let's pull them out this is not good around oh [ __ ] hell bro all right dude dude wait they said corpse and you said myself there was a guy that said that corpse myself bro that was the craziest method I think I've ever heard dude I bro I people a lot of people are like Essie's are fake I can't hear you bro I'm telling you I can't hear [ __ ] those things are loud you can't and it's a beast just so everyone knows you can hear it you can hear it bro bro someone touched bro I thought it was you wake me up it was like a Grace but it was like a gentle like Grace freezing freezing dude it's cold you the box everything was matching up everything to what wait that was going good did anything else no no but everything those two devices were like communicating with each other and they're telling us things about the ledge and the lady on the ledge okay she's there it was it a good session because like I was saying some [ __ ] that even I'm like oh [ __ ] that was one of the best sessions I've seen dudes they wanted us to jump they wanted us to die and then I set the radic I'm like does it not look like something was by our bags and then you say or I forget which one something was it's me okay and then it just everything just kept going dude honestly it felt like a good session like I'm picking up [ __ ] that I knew wasn't radio so there was some stuff I would I was like okay that that can't be it and I just wouldn't say I said it I don't think there was anything that really didn't make sense dude no dude when I got when I I got touched it was just a little Grace it was like a gentle and I thought it was kind of you like wake up a little bit and then I got freaked out when you touched me because I was like oh I already got touched the first time oh my God holy [ __ ] that was crazy I don't think I can imagine honestly that that was my one of my my best session was in a castle in uh UK but this was my second best session because usually I'm not good with this until you watch this dude I'm ants everything is freaking real I just I I I just love doing this because it's just so good he left it on the whole time over there when we were still doing other sessions with other devices yeah and it stopped as if the person and we weren't really getting many answers so they probably just walked away so exactly yeah we know there's more Spirits than one here but I swear on everything I really do believe we were talking to the woman if it was the lady that the lady over there because everything kind of went together here I I mean at least by voice it was getting so much different stuff but it could have been I don't you know you never know how the how the SDS method works like we don't no one knows it's all you know it could have been a girl or guy but then it came out on the radio as a girl or guy I don't know it could have been a girl talking and then it came out as a guy's voice in the radio yeah you never know so so we're taking a skull we're putting it back in here to kind of protect it and then we're going to roll it up we're going to put it back inside the bag okay I think we'll definitely use the skull again but maybe not here the reason why I wanted to use the skull here is because uh when the teenagers stole the head from the other place and plus this is such a satanic crazy crazy area I just generally thought the spirits would have like wanted to use the energy or the craziness out of here like the demons or whatever's here but that was my theory that's what ghost videos are about is about experimenting which is how the Estes method even came and how all these other people do things so that's why I brought the skull and I actually wanted it for a video um now at this point we didn't get any answers I don't think of who this person actually is yet and I want to know who it is I think it's over 100 years old um but I don't know so we're gonna use it in another place probably down the road um it would have been nice to use in The Conjuring house if I had in the beginning I think a lot of they could really talk to the past and see past those Spirits are really smart in the comments below where do we take the skull what haunted place should we go to or what's the idea what should we do with it a lot of people like to bring these ghost tools as ghost tools and Trigger objects this is my at the moment kind of trigger objects to get the ghosts speak and talk let me know in comments down below let's get out of here we're gonna get off this ledge I'm rolling now all right I'm rolling so as we're leaving now guys there's a car behind us that's going so freaking slow and this other car comes up without lights on turns into the parking lot where we were after we were done and then turns back out and goes back down the same road I'm turning around I'm doing a 360 dude that car passed us too and I saw it coming to us yeah but it was going so slow I want to see what they're doing oh my God were there two of them hang on oh there's one oh what is going on wait are they turning in oh they just passed by quick no but what about this guy now what's he doing why are they turning imagine that yeah no let's go see what happened where's this person's lights yeah where'd he go I think he pulled into the did he pull back in I think no no he's coming over the hill let's see no that I think that's another car you think so if it was if it's like an old sedan with like a beat up trunk then yeah because that's what that's what we saw and like why is it yeah let's see if you know dude it might be another car because that one had like more washout headlights oh they're flashing you yeah the high beam in us it's because I'm is it because we're filming oh it's them was it them no I think it was a I don't know I don't even remember no I mean we left now so I don't know what what goes on now but that's insane at least we're out before I wish I got to record that first part yeah that was weird radic you literally grabbed the camera from the back yeah but yeah we were done oh man ah dude yeah well we're getting out of here just in case out of double Bridgewater we did our experience the portal did you fall heaven heaven is heaven and hell all right all right so I paused it here so hopefully it's gonna work but really quick guys remember when I said I got touched and my thumb watch my hand jolts it got pushed my thumb goes this way like it got moved and it's no joke because at that moment I thought Tyler tapped me and moved me like to to like get me out of the session and dude now that I watched the footage over it's actually kind of crazy they were really trying to talk to me and I think there was a lot of people talking and they were getting confused but watch watch my thumb close you me there oh I felt touched on my thumb I thought it was you no and I'm shocked and I'm just like okay and I go back under because I'm still going but that that's kind of crazy because that's almost almost like when my shirt was flowing if you watched one of my other videos when the ghost of the orphanage kid was like touching my shirt and moving it so anyways guys thank you so much I right before we end this video I'm just gonna say it please check out all the merch all the merch you help uh the you know the stuff you buy really supports me and goes back into the content and videos we did a good one guys I'm ending it here thanks guys thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 600,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R5_FNkUXqzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 36sec (7716 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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