BIG FISH Trapped In RAGING Spillway!!! (Unexpected)

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ah drainage what's going on dirty old stash stains with me again the king of the stash there's something that was stupid anyway we're going fishing today we're gonna climb over this big-ass dam and we're gonna go down and fish the one of the locals shitty spillin ways and the good thing about this one is this lake has everything as fly head says walleyes as wipers bass crappie everything drum you name it I've a fish down there one time before I haven't done very good but I've heard there's good fish down there and there's only one way to find out if there is or not and that's go Bengals some stuff down there so we got night crawlers lipless crankbait believe a jerkbait see if we can't get bit let's do this throw it again I can't wait to be on the road again I'm off the road again can't wait till I'm on the road again I can't make up my damn mind I don't know where I want to be besides right there water is definitely flowing I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing but she's flowing I'm tripping it's gonna try to read that sign there doesn't say anything anymore so must be good to go get all rigged up all righty just got all rigged up got the classic old dirty worm and bobber and then a red eye chef so we'll see what we can't get into it's a little little rapid E little flowy but who knows maybe there's something in it that's up take two big like real big real big real big real big come on a walleye nice badass hell yes I'm here but yes SiC I was like second cast second cast well that's it wasn't second cast but I haven't been here very long and that's a nice wall I wear a - a doesn't get pull them up here talk about it for a second first couple minutes of being down by the old spillin way - got ourselves dirty old wall I Wow giant but it is big for a spillway I mean size is relative so out of the little puddle like that that will all I I'll take that teeny day all right let's get this big old Walter head back back in the water back into our little spill spilling way she wants to hang out in come on bud you're fine there we go kicked off like a charm puh-pow let's do that again right there on the fall letting it float down well that time it got tangled chucking her out there let it flow down popping it that time it was a snack last time I was a fish sorry about the horrible audio I'm sure you can't hear but not much I can do about it got another something white perch dirty old white perch probably should kill it but I'm not gonna just bill way anyway try to jerk me Oh God oh that was a giant that thing smoked it damnit I think that was another wall or let's try a little worm and bobber even though I think this currents ripping too hard how did that happen damn worm and bobber broke off just sitting on the ground what are the odds all right we're back in business what is that Oh bluegill they're brought my flathead stuff down here Oh kind of little jig that in a worm well that was an eventful five minutes let's try down the creek little ways see if we can't get something out let's do this stuff and things looking pretty juicy see if it actually is juicy I don't know where the hell that water is coming from but we got water coming from there got water coming from here let's give it a dangle almost feels like a damn trout stream Merman bobber - the bobber just a worm just try to float this little Billy down that way expecting there to be this much current or brought a little bit heavier jig head Oh God so I'm just slammed it lost part of my part my wormy well there's something swimming farther down dirty old white perch that bastard stole my worm I'm like a catfish or drum or something or another walleye wouldn't hurt either got local community men joining in coming down at the net they're serious maybe I should go talk to the locals to see how they catch up all right the community men did not have much info so we're gonna keep doing what we're doing the terrain gets a little bit rougher up there so I'm not sure how far we'll be able to make it down but we're gonna keep tracking for a little bit at least want to keep their own the night crawler but that seems to just get smaller bites I just got hit twice that wasn't perched neither maybe I should go farther down see if we can get one more big but let's try the old crawler of the night again or a night crawler that's what most people call it really need to use one of these as bait maybe that's an idea and I'll come back bring some catfish bowls some bigger live bait see if we can't get some predators look at this majestic Creek so Purdy walk down a little ways see if there's anything worth of up here one more good fish and I'd be stoked isn't a big waterway by any means so anything decent it's kind of a surprise a little bit farther down the creek that way there's some log jams and such so is it pretty good here first though we'll just switch it up here we got a mr. plain hook because I lost my jig head so I literally got the rustiest hook in North America on right now it is beyond beyond dull beyond rusty we're gonna try to catch fish on it cuz that's all I got here we go dirty old night crawlers check it out right there let's try right here oh my god see that jump well it's not another walleye but it is large hole Nightcrawler can you split shots rustiest damn hook in existence did still work now we're just a figure I'm gonna get this home up here a little slide does an instant I literally just flipped it in here a small one either well I said I just wanted one more big fish spillways just right right down there it's not the most desirable fish but anytime you can get the drag screaming it's a good time for never coming down here and trying or at least not for a very long time I'd say one big wall and a big carp is not bad thing shout it a second hit the water surprise that hook actually worked out here in this Creek all by myself not a bunch of people around not at the local city for once with 8,000 people feels good it's no secret on my channel that I actually did not mind carp any bigger sized fish I can get even if it's a ugly face bastard like this gorgeous fat sow [Applause] well there it is say that's a pretty big fish especially for a little creek like this I'm gonna have to keep exploring this Creek I think I don't know if I'll have time today but just pop old rusty hook out and send her on her way she just slapped the out of me oh you jerk I will give them credit they are powerful powerful little buggers I kind of pretty too I mean gold silver orange fat Creek tiny ultra light not the most graceful release ever but nobody's around to see no wait this is on you guys could see sorry about the release how was that up view my stash was a glorious seriously though not even being dramatic I couldn't even hook myself with this hook if I tried but work for the dirty old carpet all right well one big walleye one big carp a little spillway Creek fishing for an afternoon didn't too bad I'll take it got some drag peeling out with a fairy wand and got a decent walleye on a red eye shadow right next to a spillway so I can't really complain kind of a surprise I wasn't really sure what to expect I figured I'd get some white perch and I was about it some other guys came down and they didn't really catch much either so I feel like I did pretty good and that's all you can ask is for any given day any given spot that you need the best you can and it's getting cheesy but it's true you can't expect too much out of certain places and out of yourself if there's a no fish there to be caught and today there's some fish but not a ton and I don't know it was all right that's fine but if you like the spillway Creek exploration Explorer exploration videos comment down below let me know leave give this video a thumbs up so I know what you guys like and if you have any suggestions as always let me know cuz I always read them and ya have a hard time thinking sometimes so you guys could let me know what you want to see that'd be great you could also subscribe a lot more to come I'm actually this video is ending but I'm actually gonna go farther down the creek and see if I can't catch me more carp and walleye so that'll probably be the next video so stay tuned definitely appreciate you guys watching I'm out of here by [Music]
Channel: PigPatrolTV
Views: 163,009
Rating: 4.7800078 out of 5
Keywords: unexpected fish catch, spillway fishing challenge, fishing drains, sewage water fishing, spring walleye fishing, carp fishing, fishing a hidden creek, mysterious fish caught, monster fish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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