Ballistic Tests - 30 Carbine and 32 ACP
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Military Arms Channel
Views: 417,147
Rating: 4.8990612 out of 5
Keywords: military, police, rifle, pistol, camping, fishing, xbox one, ps4, playstation, call of duty, battlefield 4, ghost recon, how to, hickok45, funker530, iraqveteran8888, jeep, chrysler, dodge, mopar, ar15, training, hiking, action movie, hollywood, outdoor, movies, video game, recreation, holiday, entertainment, 30 carbine, m1 carbine, 1934 mauser, wwii, ww2, underwood ammo, critical defense, defensive ammo, modern ammo, ballistic test, fbi gel test
Id: pMKYal5Tles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2016
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