Baldur's Gate 3: Will We Meet The Githzerai?

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there can be no doubt that the githyanki will be playing a very large role in baldur's gate 3. numerous pieces of evidence point to this even in early access the first scene shown as githyanki dragon riders chase and illithid nautiloid the presence of the companion laizelle an artifact of githyanki origin as well as an encounter with the githyanki patrol that already takes place in early access but what about another possibility what of the possibility of the presence of the githsarai whilst there is as yet no firm evidence for this and i must admit that this is confined to the realm of speculation there could be a very good reason as to why the gizerai could have some role or make an appearance in baldur's gate 3. but before going there you must first understand what and who both the githyanki and the githurai are and later why the githsarai might partake in the story of baldur's gate 3. the origins of both the githyanki and gith sarai are shrouded in mystery some sources speculate that they were simply humans untold millennia ago but no one truly knows the one thing that is known is that the githrace were once slaves to the mind flayers or illithids in a time far removed from the present if they had been human the centuries of servitude and possible experimentation permanently changed both their appearance and their abilities to a degree where they could never be mistaken for human or even demi-human leading to a yellow greenish to brownish skin tone and pale stretched over features angular faces flattened noses pointed ears and an overall gnarled appearance evidence against a human origin is the fact that the githrace lays eggs instead of giving birth to live young but this might be the result of illiterate intervention either way their ultimate origin is not known and in many ways one could claim that the mind players have made the gift what they are today regardless what is known however is that after countless generations of slavery and servitude the geth race launched a successful rebellion against their illiterate masters who at the time possessed a multi-world spanning empire this became possible because of psionic resistance that had been developed over time against illiterate powers as well as the development of their own psionic abilities something that likely occurred due to centuries of enslavement and proximity to the mind players during this time a leader came to prominence whose name was geth and she was the first among them to lead the illiterate thralls against their masters it is likely from this name the githrace takes their own name githunited most of her race under her banner and she thus began the overthrow of her former masters although used to minor rebellions and occasional dissidents they were simply not prepared for an upheaval of the scale the psionic resistance as well as abilities the gift had developed proved invaluable in unison and under the guidance of their fanatical leader the git rose up and struck an irreversible blow against the illithids sowing mayhem and chaos in the illithid empire bringing it to its knees but gith the leader wanted more and insisted on the wholesale slaughter of all illithids to the last whereupon the gift themselves could forge a new empire and rule over the multiverse but not all gith wished to follow her plan of war and conquest a dissident gift bearing the name xerthamon rose to the fore voicing strong disagreement in opposition to the plans of geth zirthaman maintained that waging war and forging an empire would lead to the destruction of the gith people he believed that the illithids had already been so thoroughly defeated that continued conflict would only lead to degeneration and a lack of distinction between the gith and their former masters in terms of their character and ethics instead he suggested that it was time for the gift to learn about themselves develop their culture garner wisdom and seek after harmony and unity gith however was not having it and this fundamental philosophical difference between geth and xerthamon led to a brutal civil war amongst their ranks xerthamon was unfortunately killed during the civil war and his faction fled in defeat to the plane of limbo led by one menyar ogg nonetheless gith's wars were devastated as well and her faction fled the austral plane with the intention of regrouping strengthening and preparing themselves for the conquests of the entire multiverse they became known as the get yankee gith herself later ventured into the nine hells and struck a bargain with tiamat the goddess of evil dragons disappearing in the process but giving the githyanki some kind of dominion over red dragons vlockett the first and her descendants were decreed to rule and gith's stead until her return and the current locketth rules over the thianki as a lich the gifts ari as the followers of zirthaman would come to be known trod a very different path indeed often further pursuing their psionics or perhaps more famously pursuing the way of the monk going on to establish monastic orders dedicated to harmony and contemplation the contrast the githsari provide with the thyanki might be summarized by a githsarai monk by the name of adaka felhand under the illithids we in the thyanki fought and died across a thousand worlds for implacable masters under blacketh our kin fight and die across a thousand worlds for an implacable master and they call that liberation this is indicative of the strong pull that the githurai feel towards freedom which one might argue led them to the plane of absolute chaos limbo in the first place yet simultaneously they sought out order harmony and peace which is why when you look out at the landscape of total chaos such as limbo githsari settlements and fortresses appear as anomalies upon the landscape with their well-ordered structure and flow on limbo the gitzerai used their natural psionic abilities to create cities and massive adamantine fortresses out of the chaos of the plane powerful gitzerai called anarchs maintain these structures in this sense githsaria strive to create a balance between personal freedom and order and loyalty among their people harmony peace and discipline are the primary cultural precepts of the gesurai in stark contrast to the ithyanki beyond limbo the giserai also have a foothold in the underdark in the form of outposts in particular in a region called old shanatar which is a region that stretches for hundreds of miles beneath faerun they have established these outposts to observe illithin and githyanki activity respectively and now onto why the gesturai might make an appearance in bg3 the main reason is that githyanki and gith sarai history and profound cultural differences are blood enemies they despise each other and we do not fully yet grasp the role of gethyanki in the context of baldur's gate 3 but it's not unreasonable to assume that they will play a large role due simply to the presence of laizel as a main character or party member and it is consequently entirely possible that the gith sarai will want to oppose any plot that githyanki might be hatching and on top of that the githsari lowed the illithids as much as the githyanki do and is always in their interest to keep tabs on illiterate activity it is for this reason that the gitzerai maintain outposts in the underdark in the first place given that we do not fully understand the machinations of the githyanki or the illithids it would be in the best interest of the gethser eye to maintain vigilance more hypothetically most gift yankee are dogmatic in the extreme and laizelle is a perfect example of this at least initially githyanki are indoctrinated into what is effectively a religion so one could envision an encounter possibly with githurai that could turn her away from her chosen path or perhaps even a githuri intervention that could aid the party against either the mayan players or the githyanki and this seems to me the most likely scenario that entails githsarai involvement finally i would be remiss if i did not mention the most famous crpg githsarai of all time dakon who appeared in planescape torment as a loyal and important companion to the nameless one one who had lost his way although admittedly i don't think dakon will be appearing in baldur's gate 3. as always thanks for tuning in more content to come and please do subscribe comment share and like and i will check you out later take care
Channel: Spell&Shield
Views: 9,017
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Id: jbadvkkqGBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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