Baldur's Gate 3 Trailers Reaction

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foreign kids in love I love doing some reaction videos together yes thanks for checking out uh balder's gate three so it's a game we've been hearing a lot about a lot of Buzz about and uh yeah we're gonna check out a bunch of trailers from that and see what it's all about okay so you ready to check this out I'm ready all right oh my God oh dude what is wrong with you I think he's wondering the same thing [Music] oh did you make a deal with the devil or something too no [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] this guy you know it went so fast I didn't know what I saw I was asking you just like you see I didn't see what it was it was a giant squid all right the plunger on the head no I'll go I thought it was like one of those little Nerf things when you shoot little Nerf guns okay yeah thank you [Music] how's that same dude this wardrobe got a makeover [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm always getting injected into oh Sun larva oh now I know how it happens [Music] the ear not in the eye oh please not in the eye oh god oh thank you close your eyes [Music] oh we get to see it ah first person oh my God no thank you welcome [Music] riding giant squid I think that was in the sky this thing oh okay oh yeah ring your Bell Dude if you can make it in time [Music] oh transporting them okay that was like like flipping them yeah yeah [Music] I'm gonna come with dragons [Music] all right come on dragons here we go eat the cracking yeah oh who's your land in water oh oh nice save what's that I don't think it would help from that height he's pretty much dead well that was a neat trick yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] damn yeah I'll tell you a story true soul my life was dismantled piece by piece and when I tried to buy it back it cost me everything I must finish what I started death's design will be complete discover Catholic secret find out what it is that makes him invincible so we can strip him of his advantage foreign [Music] [Music] together we will strike down the absolute that bard foreign [Music] [Music] no thanks [Music] I saved you I'm here to save you again okay the parasites are merely a symptom of a greater sickness in faerun the infected hear the voice of the absolute and believe it the absolute more dangerous than you can possibly conceive it threatens all who live if threatens the gods the weave fabric of the universe itself how would you feel about helping me kill some evil bastards [Music] together [Music] will come to pass when the screaming stops and your mind is gone the rest perhaps is [Applause] silence it's party time okay businesses Dungeons and Dragons thing I guess it's more of a that kind of reference than you know it's party time for Wayne's World probably not with referencing okay but the first thing I have to ask is what's with the tiny gerbil and is he okay he just seems oddly placed I worry about him in this world and I need to know that he's okay I don't know why there's a tiny gerbil in here but you need to know that he's okay I do he looks so scared yeah he does but there's a lot to say about the rest of it but like that was the first thing I check on that's the most important thing to check out yeah yeah yeah uh the opening semantic was um amazing um I love the fact that the dragons were on the good side at least like you know it seemed like they were there on the good side you know attacking the uh big squid um flying machine I have to hand it to them on the imagination that went into this like yeah to have this soldier who suddenly turns into something and we don't know what it is going to be right away but probably the furthest thing from my mind was a squid head yeah um and to go from that to the flying squid in the sky where they make other squid people through parasites through the eyeball like there was just there was a lot to this where I I couldn't help but think Bravo to the imagination because I would not have have thought of this readily it was not one of those Maybe more obvious story lines like you know the alien invasion of Little Green Men like the guy who makes a pact with the devil to survive the war and turns into a demon yeah like like you know squid was not where I thought it was going there was some uh definitely some a lot in the first two that we saw the official announcement trailer and then the opening cinematic some cringe Look Away moments um you know when the guys like started to face started to break apart and His Hands started to break apart and then the squid things came out of his mouth which we didn't know there was good things at first What the freaking the hell is that thing yeah that was tough to watch um and then the eye the going in the eye one thing and then like being first person and and seeing the thing come at you that was a nice touch um because I think there are many of us because I don't think I'm alone in this who like when objects or things come near your eye it it freaks you out makes you cringe it makes you move a little bit like the very thought of it so to go from seeing the third person perspective to getting that first person perspective and having to sit there with the sound effect of like the breathing like you're scared you're breathing you can't escape it it's coming at you I mean they did a really good job with putting us in the position of one of the characters yeah I agree so in the launch trailer who is the sort of I I think she was Elven but the Elven chick who's like I saved you oh yeah um because it almost seemed like the environment they were in was very beautiful and almost like I don't know out in space like kind of nebula in the background or something I don't know it had that feel to it and you're floating through space and then Here Comes This Elven chick who's like I saved you and and I was like great but who the hell are you like I have questions now I don't know how I got here I don't know who you are I assume you saved me from squid parasites but like who the hell are they and like what is going on right now um so yeah that was just I I liked the opening to that because it was something very fresh and different compared to the other uh trailers and things that we've seen but it it didn't answer anything for me it just left me with a lot more questions oh yeah no idea what's what's going on here other than there's like a squid Invasion um it's good it's good face people Invasion other than that I have no idea what's going on uh that was interesting like they're trying like they're like husks of other people like by where they were transporting people inside so I don't know if it's gonna end up being like a sad tell where they're trying to just like you know repopulate their that their their race like you know their people are dying and so they're trying to like you know like are they creating those good people or are they like injecting like the soul of like their old squid people and two new people and so um yeah so I'm curious about that because it was just the one squid guy and he was in charge and he's like looking like there was like the bodies of his like people on the other side um I don't know if you have like they have a short lifespan um I don't know where they get the like like larvae um yeah so lots of questions for sure but unless you take that like maybe they're not just killing everybody maybe they're trying to repopulate their Planet okay but maybe they're not trying to do it by like I don't know making us vessels or hosts yeah there but like maybe they're actually trying to implant souls in people like I just like where your head was at in terms of not being um obvious all right well there you go let us know what you think about this uh let us know if you're playing the game and how you're liking it yeah Down Below in the comments and uh thanks so much for checking out our reaction for a bunch of uh Ballers Gate 3 trailers but you keep in mind that our reaction is definitely not definitive
Channel: Definitely Not Definitive - Games
Views: 69,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3 reaction, baldur's gate 3 trailer reaction, baldur's gate 3 launch trailer reaction, baldur's gate 3 launch trailer, definitely not definitive baldur's gate, baldur's gate 3 announcement trailer reaction, baldur's gate 3 announcement reaction, baldur's gate 3 game awards trailer reaction, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 review, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, trailer reaction, video game trailer reaction, video game trailers 2023, all baldur's gate 3 trailers, reaction
Id: cMcoxrOi_tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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