Baldur's Gate 3 Playing As Astarion - PT5

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step quick [Music] it is someone singing it's beautiful [Music] quick [Music] listen [Music] don't you hear it it's so peaceful no no it's just a bit of water I only want to listen just a little closer [Music] yes everything's gonna be fine once I get there [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] numeracy [Music] what is this I will have your head happy [Music] thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's finish this [Music] my injuries need tending [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] for to let up [Music] seems simple enough [Music] I'm Fury foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] stay focused your time has come [Music] [Music] torment [Music] s are they gone [Music] no yes I mean I don't know [Music] that's what the voice said I almost got to the nest but the singing I need to get back mole will be so mad wait um you should meet mole she'll be grateful you helped me find a boy called Donnie Slayer [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] always getting into trouble [Music] and worse one time my parents denied me a kitten so I summoned myself address him dear old Tara beautiful creature benefits of a Wizard's education you see of course my considerable Talent didn't hurt either well that depends on who you ask I suppose I may have summoned things rather more exotic than a winged cat there was that magma method once nice fella we kept in touch of course in walked the housekeeper screaming yelling panic and before you know it fire everywhere anyway I'm glad we got that boy out of his predicament poor lad would have been Harpy feet if it wasn't for you [Music] I wonder what's in here [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you have my attention ah what now blankets will be done I need healing a long way to go still oh that should more than suffice [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] stop it our little Hellion told us what happened thank you don't know what we do without her [Music] likewise Arabella thank you for helping me [Music] how can I help speak [Music] I wasn't expecting it but I'm glad to have some company on this journey what can I say they were eye-catching consider me an art lover [Music] he nods then reaches for a concealed hatch [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] well look who's come to visit my kids say you've been busy since you got here Marcon says you got him out of a tight spot with some harpies gotta say I'm impressed you saved Arabella from The Druids don't know what those bosses would have done and thanks for going easy on selfie not many marks would have done the same we're saving up for a better Hideout when we get to Boulder's Gate why you planning on telling me stealing is wrong it won't turn down free money I've got operating costs you wouldn't believe come see me in the city sometime huh I'll repay this and then some see you around maybe you don't look so tough mold for of a hobgoblin all by herself I get to run the ring scam Sophie got caught to lay low for a while I knew she wasn't ready I had a feeling you'd be back anything else so what should we be panicking like everyone else we have a plan we're the ones who'll end up on top in the gate anything else I do as a matter of fact Revenge you saw what those bastards that run the place were going to Arabella scaring the precious might I want to steal that Big Shiny Idol they're all chanting at that ritual's nothing more than a fancy way to kick us out and leave us for dead figures don't think you've got the stones for the job anyhow anything else you've been a friend to us come back anytime all right [Music] you guys find anything good today no everyone's got Junk worse than junk don't worry kids in Boulder's Gate purses practically grow on trees [Music] let's hope for gold [Music] this tieflings proved fragile I remind to end their misery myself let the Goblins kill them and we still enjoy it and you deny me the pleasure [Music] get out squirrel lunges at your foot and bites it you barged in without an invitation I wouldn't call that friendly see you're in my territory and I want you gone foreign [Music] how about this you can say if you keep those ugly feet on the ground I'll even sweeten the pot found some weird smelling stuff on the ground you can keep it but these trees are mine follow the rules and I won't have to intervene got it [Music] um [Music] let's light them up [Music] Fury I am death [Music] let my name be known [Music] how delicious step lightly I'll just help myself [Music] consistency the corpse has nothing to say [Music] you have good timing never been much of a fighter so wrestling a bug bear would have gone poorly but you're not here for heroics are you avernus's stenches all over your skin let me guess your devil mistress sent you to get her soul coin back but too bad I earned it fair and square foreign [Music] Devils just can't stand to lose here now go back to the pit that made you [Music] why thank you dread Slayer of bug bears you shall live forever in my memory now take my regards back to that pouting iranies and leave me alone [Music] thank you [Music] you peer through the telescope [Music] thank you you see a red dragon tyrannical greedy and vain they hunt Without Pity [Music] the telescope points to the right foreign [Music] the telescope points straight ahead [Music] the telescope points to the left [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ago not now [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you dread rightly yes please Goblin tracks oh you can practically smell the filled [Music] glowing eyes are so really a good sign the best tread carefully laughs [Music] foreign [Music] magnificent whatever it takes [Music] [Music] that way foreign [Music] to keep ourselves entertained he's boring let's find another one [Music] oh this was more fun when he was screaming could wake him up by chopping off a toe and that'd be funny bleeding Arts show up to save the Druid okay little pieces kill him no time to waste no time like the present [Music] foreign [Music] taking position [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] spoon [Music] swiftly now torment time to strike taking position [Music] talk to me got to move [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no what's up [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] well hello thank you [Music] [Music] oh thank you thank you I thought I was gonna die down here it's my fault I thought I'd given them the slipper they followed me through the tunnel back there I must tell the others what happened I stepped careful there were traps in these tunnels and thank you again [Music] just be quick the tingle runs through your head and down to your feet ah there it is that shiver our little brain worms have made Fast Friends it would seem how do you feel surprising is just the word isn't it before the illithids unscheduled surgery I'd felt hundreds of beasts and a fair few fiends the tadpoles weakened me suppressed greater talents but beyond that have showed no signs of turning no nausea no pain not even a hot flash indeed perhaps the worm's vat was poisoned perhaps we're uncommonly fit or perhaps the tadpoles are merely on holiday we could conjecture all night I suppose the why doesn't matter so much as the what next and that answer is plain as the horns on a war Devil's Head we get these things out let's get some rest Dawn comes sooner than we think shall we not this one no this one and this one a less worthy still I riddled thee not I speak only what requires telling Beyond mortal Realms their death exist an amalgamation of spirits akin to thine own ensnared by the treacherous Cult of the absolute failed in its name they bear great discontentment with their destiny for a mere pittance of coin I might summon the worthiest among them to lend Aid to thy undertaking most willingly forsooth their passions doth Run Deep for what hath been rolled upon them ways haunts the guilty mind my services are all that I can properly what thou Wilt do with them is for thee to undertake very well thank you finally some good fortune come morning we know what to do the sooner we find the Druid house in the better I can't wait to get rid of this thing in my head I hadn't thought of that what do you have in mind [Music] perhaps we should wait for more comfortable surrounds besides I can't afford to Tire you out we still have work to do rest well I remember who I was in crush career I was hungry to face my first cake My Sword pined for their blood wood that I were doing battle up there among the tears yes Rocky bodies named after a false goddess next time you're able look to the sky watch the moon cross it tears follow behind it Rocky bodies tumbling through the sea of night one of them is my crush [Music] your curiosity is to be commended youth Yankee are hatched and crushes all throughout realm space clear is one of many it's there I first saw a kithrach mount a red dragon where I slit my cousin's throats at the vaja's command but enough of them we resume our search for a crush what's on your mind how about this foreign if I do foreign foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] the corpse has nothing to say [Music] foreign [Music] a quick rummage thank you assume nothing [Music] what a day there's no time to waste yes let's yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] caution is warranted here [Music] thank you [Music] hmm lovely day this for now [Music] watch your back at the ready one step at a time do you think you can search for you later I know they do not it is my responsibility to cleanse myself they pursued the notoroid perhaps they were trying to free you a vain notion I am one of many and will not be a burden to my Queen people up ahead something's wrong you're a true Soul you can't die please stay with us I don't think he's conscious can you hear us Ed you not a step closer strange marked on their flesh with a new stairs in response [Music] he's hurt badly an oil bear got him deep well if there's anything you can do I'm watching you the injured man locks eyes with you a familiar squirming churns in your head I your minds intertwine siblings and Rick and Brenner new recruits yours to Shepherd protect them he [Music] is a true soul mind him he will he he Ard head please he's with the absolute now you're you're a true Soul Edwin our brother he was chosen like you do you have orders for us we were reporting to Edwin what what are you doing your sword brother now [Music] [Music] I I don't know deep up ahead something's wrong you're a true Soul you can't die please stay with us I don't think he's conscious can you hear us Ed you not a step closer strange marked on their flesh within new stairs in response [Music] it's hurt badly an oil bear caught I'm watched the injured man locks eyes with you of your mind he's your do you have orders for us we were reporting to Edwin what are you are you testing us the absolute is our goddess she's going to rip down the old world order start the new one then we'll be the ones with the power well you will firstly Crystal you don't need me to explain that a true Soul like you has been chosen by the absolute you speak with her voice and when the time comes the true Souls You Will Rule ah I will serve at no rule aside but my Queens I don't know any Druids we know that all too well sir but the absolute sent us here we're looking for fugitives survivors from that ship that crashed farther west of here [Music] we don't know what they look like but anyone who survived that crash is bound to be injured that's enough to get us started the absolute wants them found at any cost [Music] well and just leave it suppose I suppose it want us to go on find a way to honor his sacrifice May the absolute guide us the loot they follow the same Goddess that wretched Goblin says strange power resonates within the corpse it calls to you your limbs move Accord ing to craves why let it host's memories go to waste tadpole has absorbed it all its experience could nourish here strengthen you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign again [Music] [Music] watch your back [Music] thank you [Music] why let its host's memories go to waste the tadpole has absorbed it all it's wrong not that I expected loyalty from a weapon [Music] almost Pleasant traveling with company if you ignore all the Less Pleasant aspects foreign speak [Music] go ahead I'm listening this way a little souvenir [Music] ing Shadow Heart by all means leave if I am so distasteful I'd rather not turn my back on me if it's all the same fly a vessel if its occupant survived then they were to be seen [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] must be nearby [Music] I'll just help myself fine keep moving stranger quietly I told you to go [Music] there's death in your scent but not in your words still you should go my friend is injured he needs rest of course he will and then we'll return home we were attacked we're cackling furry things on two legs and their smell it was strange rotten evil you know the creatures he describes Knowles he calls me scratch you can do the same no I won't leave him if it comes to that I may thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] the corpse regards you lifelessly Fleet foot career company [Music] from Trail gum Wick back off North close teeth the Spells power you can ask no more questions [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] that safest you mentioned intrigues me care to tell me a bit more our most gifted Artisans I am sworn to say no [Music] that might be worth it though [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] that thing is small and I am not [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] that stench dead Albert pray No Doubt quit [Music] a wizard sailed this chest wasn't an amateur either [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] something over there the same symbol as the chest a prayer to open it I prefer blood offering but all right [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign could be useful I I've started years ago you should leave it or even destroy it if possible this rubbish is an offering to saluna at best it's worthless at worst who knows could be cursed do not trifle with that Moon witch or her trinkets only trouble will follow [Music] what happened [Music] [Music] fine perhaps you can sell them for a couple of coins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right worthless [Music] foreign you feel the Quake of its heavy footsteps before you see it an owl bear its beaked face looming out of the darkness what's this something weak something tender won't even have to chew you before I feed you to my son soft meat okay it's a splinter well I've got a bigger threats than you is worse [Music] a fight you'd be a plaything not worth the trouble you can go but you make one wrong step and I'll rip you to shreds foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you torment [Music] my part my path [Music] [Music] I speak they burn [Music] torment no what did you do [Music] in my best on the move that nearly ended me [Music] thank you [Music] unleash me out flank outsmart [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] cup looks from you to his dead mother wake hungry single strike will end his suffering [Music] cuts hungry food you watch speechless as the Cub begins to eat his mother the Cub has a fighting chance now you just put a dead mother [Music] certainly [Music] [Music] [Music] cool [Music] action not reaction Trust [Music] over here I wonder [Music] it's mine now an Albert eck these are supposed to be worth a fortune [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign if I do very well then tell me Gail what is your interest in the astral plane time or rather the absence of it in the astral plane everything is [Music] will it [Applause] [Music] dead goblins dead Travelers were they heading to The Druids Grove [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Moon Haven [Music] thank you there they are [Music] oh my you startled me I uh miles away no special reason really I was just practicing an incantation [Music] what can I say cheese she's mistra I can't quite describe it the need I sometimes feel to see her to draw the filaments of fantasy into existence no sculptural painting could ever do her justice only the fabric that she herself is that embodies The Weave Mr is all magic as far as I'm concerned she is all creation [Music] magic is my life I've been in touch with the weave for as long as I can remember as nothing like it it's like music poetry physical Beauty all rolled into one and give an expression through the senses is it the same for you [Music] share the experience by reaching into the weave together then follow my lead [Music] thank you [Music] now you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] like a kind word and a kind touch at the same time it's warm and comfortable act now repeat after me Al [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] suddenly the scent of rose water and a sense of well-being a sliver of weave that tastes sweet on the tongue very good now I want you to picture in your mind the concept of Harmony as true as you can thank you [Music] [Music] you see oh is it sense the presence of a woman the woman who hovered over Gail's Palm there's something like the anticipation of a kiss then the pleasure of being cloaked in peace you are safe you are nestled in the cup of mysterious hand look at that we're channeling the weave how does it feel you're hard to please aren't you The Weave connects you the moment feels intimate The Weave evaporates and as it does so you realize the night feels suddenly cold and lonesome [Music] there it goes how easily things slip away from us no matter how hard they were in the obtaining good night I enjoyed sharing a moment of magic with you [Music] thank you the blade of Frontiers at your calling [Music] my father once said one does not pursue a Champion's life one merely answers its call so it was for me I was hunting near the cloak could when I heard it child crying out from a lone Farmstead I found him in the fields flanked by goblins his mother's corpse bled into the soil next to him I don't remember much of the battle but I remember drying the boy's tears after [Music] [Applause] I left him with his uncles Five Years on and he's flourishing if only every child was so lucky I'd mourned the ones I could never save whose cries I never heard in the boy's tears I finally saw the suffering wrought by the villains of the Wild the Frontiers demanded a blade and so I heeded [Music] carlux fires raged in Baldur's Gate before she escaped to avernus as my source told it she was planning to return one of the archdevils zariel's own chaos incarnate a devil with pure fire for a heart I made my way to avernus to stop her she fled from my reach even climbed aboard the Mind flayer ship as it screeched through the hells I followed in close Pursuit I can't bear to imagine the lives khalac might be taking damage she might be doing a powerful friend with a keen interest in privacy I'm sworn to say no more all right what else is on your mind [Music] our most vicious one in fact it's made from Pure Bloodstone carved from the Gallina mountains just north of the Moon sea a reminder that sometimes blood must be shed and sacrifices must be made but that story is reserved for Lifetime friends and Karma days tiny grooves spider across the ice surface it resembles ascending Stone used to confer with distant contacts and sending Stone nothing so special I assure you it's breathing quickens his jaw tenses will is keeping something from you a strange sensation courses through you and your companions mind unfolds Secrets half revealed [Music] oh [Music] [Music] what are you something stirs deep within you hungry it's taking something you'll never get back your right eye vibrates and a woman's voice echoes in your head tooth and Devils on the menu Beyond The Voice you find only Shadow a piece of Will's mind locked away from Intruders out of my mind I told you the eyes are rock nothing more and that's the end of it [Music] thank you a strange sensation courses through you and your companion's mind unfolds Secrets half revealed gladly what else is on your mind [Music] oh hello how can I help I've had a pupil or two but never for very long they're ineptitudes tend to irk me you do seem to be a precocious Talent though I can always tell when I meet a keen mind receptive to mistra keep it up and she might just take a personal interest in you one of these days [Music] of that decision but so be it I'll be here in the meantime idling away the hours [Music] well met that's the spirit defender of the people [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] what now go here we go speak [Music] [Music] I wasn't expecting it but I'm glad to have some company on this journey [Music] I think I know what you mean there's an undeniable Rapport and yet we haven't made time for each other time alone easily remedied if you like I know a place [Music] not just yet let's choose our moment some quiet night when the others are asleep and there's no distractions I'll come for you [Music] I don't know what you mean it's nothing really [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign you might wish you had I worship Shah the Mistress of the night it is my holy mission to oppose saluna her teachings and her followers hurt now that you have the truth please don't make a big fuss about it forever ideally and you assume too much about what I can and cannot tell secrecy is everything for Shell's children it is our code our Creed our Shield I even keep secrets from myself I had my memories suppressed so that nothing I know could be used against the dark lady once I prove myself my memories will be restored I'm not sorry I kept this from you not one bit though perhaps that might change if you can show an open mind [Music] all right as I said Shah is my Patron my mistress goddess of darkness and loss I assume you've heard of her [Music] curious most are afraid of my lady I think I did well by joining you most agreeable company the wound on my hand it never quite heals and sometimes it causes terrible pain to rip through me it's my burden though from Lady Shaw I can feel her influence somehow [Music] difficult to say sometimes I wonder if it's supposed to be guiding me punishing me testing me but perhaps it's none of those perhaps it's completely random I'd like to hope there's more to it than that some meaning that lady Shah will reveal to me when the time is right until then all I can do is endure [Music] I cannot say not with what I can recall but even then it would not be for me to question her will lady Shah has her reasons I don't think so but you're sweet to ask maybe just be patient the next time you see me wince or cry out it'll pass quickly enough it always does pain is sacred to followers of Lady show pain will give way to loss and then to the Peace of her internal Darkness you can tolerate a great deal of suffering so long as it has meaning I'll try my best but secrecy is ingrained in me lady shark considers it Greater protection than any Shield or armor you already know my biggest secrets what more can you ask what besides my life's calling and the greatest problem I've ever faced well I like night orchids and can't swim is that the sort of thing you meant it's nothing to laugh at save your questions if that's how you're going to react [Music] I can't quite literally I mean with my memory suppressed I can't betray Char's secrets and I can't remember much of myself either if I managed to return to Baldur's Gate and fulfill Shah's mission then my memories will be restored of course it is an act of face not to be undertaken lightly shall will reward me when I succeed fine what's on your mind it even need to be asked we're Beyond me merely liking you I think I'm a different person owing to you [Music] thank you [Music] tread carefully [Music] [Music] all right [Music] speak thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Blazer have you ever done a good deed just for the sake of it I have performed Deeds well and efficiently there's something I want to talk to you about something important I could have died in that pod back on the North Lloyd you could have died spending Precious Moments trying to free me but you did it anyway I owe you my life I'm trying to say that you've earned my trust in a way very few ever have I want that to mean something I want you to know more about me at least from what I can remember as long as I prayed to Lady Shah I wish to serve her as a dark Justice here there is scarcely a greater way to fully dedicate yourself to Lady Shaw safe perhaps if you become the head of her church to become a duck just this year is to become the night singer's Sword Art her Implement with which she will cast down the unbelievers and win the final battle to restore her perfect endless Darkness it's all I ever wanted prayed it was my calling but mother forbid me from seeking to prove myself worthy of the rank he said I was not ready [Music] not my mother mother I should add the Mother Superior head of Lady Shaw's Enclave in Boulders gate sometimes I wonder if she would ever deem me ready I owe her everything and I only wish to serve yet she can prove inscrutable [Music] [Music] I don't know perhaps if I succeed in my mission and reach Boulder's Gate hope has little place amongst lady Shah's children an illusion a destruction for this I hope my time will yet come [Music] dark justiceiers are hated by many judged to be ruthless Fanatics even the few who would accept a follower of Lady Shah would likely bulk at a Justice here in their midst but there's a simpler answer to your question simply forgot about the desire I had until I saw some things that reminded me now can't get it out of my mind let's be quick laser well well boys looks like we got ourselves a trespasser don't bother running my Archie's got decent aim and plenty of arrows as the thimble glows power courses through you Authority [Music] [Music] oh [Music] suppose it's best to save our strength for a real threat go on then just keep your nose clean [Music] never met anyone like you Lisa I've been told I'm quite scintillating have you really no shows blessings upon you [Music] Blazer do you believe in love at first still nothing thank you [Music] ah Shadow part how blessed I am to be so near I heard you with laser don't think I'll play second fiddle to the likes of her go try your charms on someone who's out of earshot foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] let's have it [Music] sense there's a Cellar here somewhere but make some useful potions how delicious reefs of mug water tastes terrible but um make some useful potions [Music] [Music] the blade of May the darkness protect you all right foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign foreign that's curious [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign a magic mirror you've read all about them but never seen one or close before [Music] magic is old and wavering but you recognize it the mirror is a thinking lock hiding some Secret the face is crafted to be pleasing but the personality is just a reflection of the wizard that created it speak your name I do not know this name if you are known to my to my step forward and declare yourself an ally only a true Ally of England May pass what thank you of the zonkey known as last time he recognized the name of course anyone that knows of the red Wizards would zastam is a powerful Zedge that rules the land of say he drove many red Wizards out of their ancestral home oh choice you will be punched [Music] [Music] foreign you've read all about them but never seen one up close before [Music] the magic hit the face speak your name [Music] step forward what you recognize that term as a powerful ledge that rules the land of but are you wise tell me why Mount wonders awesome ointment acceptable finally if you could see anything in me what would it be do you seek to survive welcome [Music] let's move an impressive set of Bones PC to see it abandoned [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] worth a try I'll take this way on my way watch yourself I spy a trap [Music] [Music] there are traps about thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this [Music] foreign with no visible Keyhole only an oval recess in the cover's mouth you try to examine the book but the longer you stare the more those piercing amethyst eyes draw you in you can sense something dark about this term something profane a cursed book how obvious whoever opens it deserves the Fate that befalls them curious why don't you take a closer look I'll observe from back here we surely shouldn't leave such a threat out where anyone could stumble across it thank you foreign yes please [Music] sometimes foreign [Music] [Music] I must keep going you better get to it so will what was the blade of frontier's toughest Kill ah it was a great scrap human flesh bearing Mountain there she was gave me a nasty scarf I hope you don't mind if I don't ask to see it [Music] foreign subtle steps [Music] what's in here if you want to keep your insides on the inside don't cause any trouble pleasure [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's see here [Music] vacant as an Orcs skull [Music] [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] one way look what we go here another little birdie wanting to fly stop this thing flap those wings some more and I'll feed you a worm and you hope you got a stomach for rights must it bloody look like we're teaching this here pipsqueak to fly cause it makes me laugh you want this little cave lurking what's it find your own Hazel's as the thimble glows power courses through you Authority [Music] all right [Music] I reckon we could do better than this run hey we're leaving warper The Gnome ain't we supposed to bring into I said we're leaving there's plenty of sport and Rich Pickins out there for us all right then fresh meat scared Meats yes thank you Shadow heart's attention is fixed on a damaged old statue we we should keep moving I I don't know exactly Maybe felt oddly familiar I don't know why or something that reminded me of my faith my mission I felt something rise within me like my blood was on fire then it passed that's all I know it's stopped now whatever it is let's just carry on [Music] thank you find me foreign there's pustulant thugs well get on with it you saved me now you'll extort me that's how this works yes my own fault really I should have dropped my pack and outrun those bastards alas take my pack if you can find it the only reason those goblins caught me was its weight I'll travel lightly from now on ignorance is alive and well it seems deep gnomes aren't restricted to the underdark you know I've lived in Boulder's Gate for years I'm in search of a friend I fear he's in trouble see this I gave it to him years ago before I left home I found it around the neck of a thug in the lower City it was speckled with blood my friend nowhere to be found but I still have hope I have reason to believe he's in the underdark hopefully I'll pick up his trail from there I always help my friend on that note I did this farewell if we should meet again well we will have met again [Music] [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gameplay Hotspot
Views: 1,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3 astarion, baldur's gate 3 astarion build, baldur's gate 3 astarion romance, baldur's gate 3 astarion approval, baldur's gate 3 astarion bite, baldur's gate 3 astarion vampire, baldur's gate 3 astarion best subclass, baldur's gate 3 astarion blood, baldur's gate 3 astarion romance reddit, baldurs gate 3, larian studios
Id: zqY4131LaT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 50sec (9170 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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