Baldur's Gate 3 - "Evil" Astarion Vampire Lord Romance Ending

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so good good freedom true freedom finally I can feel my strength growing every day that passes I gain new abilities you know that our enemies have fallen I might be the most powerful person in the world and as you're my consort that makes us the most powerful people in the world don't be stupid darling you're mine remember the tadpole is gone which means your future is mine to decide how lucky you are that I chose you as my consort chose you to help me take Boulder's Gate then sit by my side as I rule it there's no backing out now we'll be together forever I can promise you that and as you're my consort that makes us the most powerful people in the world and neither would I together we can do anything The World Is Ours for the taking so what would you like then you shall we'll travel the lands together sting everything faerun has to offer perhaps we'll find somewhere we'd like to stay for a century or two perhaps not we have a beautiful bloody future to look forward to my love I can't be sure what it holds for us but I know one thing this is going to be fun and as you're my consort that makes us the most powerful people in the world true if you have a branches out from fighting The Infernal he'd be a formidable threat the absolute may be gone but others will rise against us maybe even our old allies we may need a purge or two just to secure our position just when I thought I couldn't love you anymore we have a beautiful bloody future to look forward to my love I can't be sure what it holds for us but I know one thing going to be fun and as you're my consort that makes us the most powerful people in the world true have you ever branches out from fighting The Infernal he'd be a formidable threat the absolute may be gone but others will rise against us maybe even our old allies we may need a purge or two just to secure our position it is indeed we can travel the lands together tasting everything faerun has to offer perhaps we'll find somewhere we'd like to stay for a century or two perhaps not we have a beautiful bloody future to look forward to my love I can't be sure what it holds for us but I know one thing this is going to be fun and as you're my consort that makes us the most powerful people in the world true have you ever branches out from fighting The Infernal he'd be a formidable threat the absolute may be gone but others will rise against us maybe even our old allies we may need a purge or two just to secure our position well of course I don't want to but if they get in my way let's hope they have more sense than that anyway taking power in this city will need to be a subtle process we wouldn't want to Spook the cattle after all we can start slowly quietly charming and manipulating key figures building up our network of Puppets before long we'll have our hands on every string in the city and they will dance however we tell them too we have a beautiful bloody future look forward to my love I can't be sure what is for us but I know one thing this is going to be fun and as you're my consort that makes us the most powerful people in the world my love you always know the right thing to say The World Is Ours for the taking so what would you like oh darling I love the way you think we will need to be careful of course there are still powerful forces in the city we can start slowly quietly charming and manipulating key figures building up our network of Puppets before long we'll have our hands on every string in the city and they will dance however we tell them too we have a beautiful bloody future to look forward to my love I can't be sure what it holds for us but I know one thing this is going to be fun and as you're my consort that makes us the most powerful people in the world my love you always know the right thing to say The World Is Ours for the taking so what would you like just when I thought I couldn't love you anymore we have a beautiful bloody future to look forward to my love I can't be sure what it holds for us but I know one thing this is going to be fun
Channel: Loretta Rye
Views: 278,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9Sc0aFeAIag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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