Skull & Bones is commercially tanking worse than Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League

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when you're in a situation where your life service is doing worse than Suicide Squad killed the Justice League oh yeah that's real bad uh it's looking like a pretty clear picture as far as long-term is concerned um this game will likely not survive for long I'm referring to Skull and Bones which launched not too far off from Suicide Squad a game that's been in development hell for many many years and one that once it was sort of fully unveiled it didn't Garner a whole lot of interest because there games like it out there that are just better now before we get deeper into the state of Skull and Bones let's look at where Suicide Squad kill the Justice League is at right now critical reception is pretty meager we're looking at an open critic rating of 18% of critics who would recommend this game and on Steam charts you can see right now that the number of players are engaging with this game remains at the triple digits which is really not a great sign of aive service that has long legs it keeps dipping between sort of low to high triple digits it usually tends to sit in the mid triple digits and the reason it's even at higher triple digits right now is because the game recently went on sale looking at steam right now you can see that the game is 40% off so that Drew in some folks to check this game out at a cheaper price point which was the smart thing to do and so that is the cause of why we're seeing an uptick in players but even that sale wasn't enough to really Revitalize the current player base the fact that even at 40% sale the game can't break past the triple digits is not a good sign at all and some aspects of the game are so broken as to make the experience unplayable to some that some people have even managed to successfully get a refund from PlayStation support which is rather rare once you make a digital purchase the fact that this even possible might suggest that the game may be in a technically shoty enough state for some where PlayStation is justifying giving money back and uh actually engaging in something that they usually don't do and so yeah pretty bad situation unfortunately I would have loved Rock City to knock this one out of the park and remind us of the good old days of the Arkham Series games but Suicide Squad it's just a far cry from what made Rock Steady really special when it comes to you know their particular speciality of game launches and now with skull and bones the critical reception is similar to Suicide Squad kill the Justice League on open critic though if you look at the number of critics who'd recommend this game only 12% versus suicide squads 18 and it seem as though many heated the words of critics as Skull and Bones if you look at its performance metrics the ones that can be gleaned at publicly uh it is definitely performing worse than Skull and Bones particularly on consoles as reported here by new salad Forbes who noticed that Skull and Bones was very briefly inside play PlayStation's top 10 most played games at launch but then it just quickly fell out of that list entirely whereas with Suicide Squad at launch it did debut at number one and it did eventually fall out of that list but that happened a lot more slowly over time rather than an immediate Fallout off that list and it's important to note that this is including the fact that the game offers a free trial across all platforms and it's not an insubstantial free trial we're talking about being able to play up to 8 hours for free and carry progression over upon purchase of the game the fact that the game is free for 8 hours was likely one of the only reasons that this game ended up at number one briefly at all and the fact that it fell out so quickly likely suggests that a lot of people didn't proceed to purchase the game after their free trial was over which means that Ubisoft likely didn't make any money at all from a significant portion of players who tuned into this game through that free trial it also doesn't help matters that Skull and Bones was sold at the full $70 price point and a lot of people don't feel like Skull and Bones has the substance to justify that price point although ye gimo will tell you that this is a quadruple a game and that's why we're leading towards a $70 price point for this massive life service when Skull and Bones feels like anything but it doesn't do anything that makes it scale far beyond what your AAA games already accomplish and the game also hasn't gone on sale yet uh it's currently sitting at $70 for the base version of the game though the deluxe edition or the more expensive like premium editions did go on sale so for some reason right now Skull and Bones Premium Edition is a little bit cheaper at $67 than the base $70 price point so I don't know what is going on here I don't know why they wouldn't reduce the base games price point as well so that they can take the floor of skull and Bone's price point and lower it because clearly people aren't receptive to the fact that this game is $70 I mean hell even with a free trial people aren't all that receptive to it so maybe it's time to lower the price point across the board and you know make it significantly less than $70 or even $67 to play this game also worth looking at is PlayStation's official stats for the top downloaded games of February 2024 as published here on the Playstation blog scrolling down you'll find a list that details that on February 2024 the number one top most downloaded game was held divers 2 below that is Final Fantasy 7 rebirth Suicide Squad kill the Justice League is at number three and I imagine that's a relatively tepid number three if you know PC numbers are any indication I imagine that Suicide Squad killed the Justice League on PlayStation 5 did not achieve any substantial numbers by Warner Brothers own admission Suicide Squad killed the Justice League's commercial performance was overall a disappointment and came below Wonder Brothers expectations and so the fact that skull and bones is so much lower than Suicide Squad kill the Justice League on this list further goes to highlight how much worse skull and bones is performing even compared to Suicide Squad killed the Justice League which already kind of set a pretty low bar commercially speaking on this list when it comes to download of games in the US and Canada Skull and Bones came in eighth place even below games like Grand Theft Auto 5 which are many years old specifically Grand theft. online still pushes copies of the game but scull and Bones being you know like a shiny brand new live service it not being able to break top five it not being able to come close to the commercially failing Suicide Squad kill the Justice League I mean that is a significant indicator for how poorly this game is performing and once again there's a free trial for this game and still the download numbers are seemingly not ideal now in Europe you can see that's skull and bones is actually beating out Suicide Squad kill the Justice League but not by much Suicide Squad is in eighth place in Europe and skull and bones is in seventh still not a particularly High bar to meet commercially speaking and going back to Suicide squats player numbers on PC if this is what it looks like for this game I can only imagine what those numbers look like for skull and bones we don't know because Skull and Bones isn't on Steam Ubisoft has relegated that game strictly to the Ubisoft store and epic gam store so there's no you know like steam charts equivalent for those launchers and storefronts so we don't have exact figures there but looking at the way the game is performed on consoles and seeing its place on you know top charts when it comes to sales and downloads on PlayStation and Xbox it's pretty apparent what the story is here it's also worth noting that following the launch of Skull and Bones Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag which was the introduction of ubisoft's Naval Combat system and which many would argue is the better game compared to Skull and Bones because it actually lets you be a pirate instead of just you know controlling a ship and it lets you have boots on the grounds experience as well is currently performing better than Suicide Squad kill the Justice League and if skull and bones is performing worse than Suicide Squad then I imagine that those numbers are significantly lower than what Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag is pulling here it's not even a huge uptick from what it addtion Al draws in but an uptick nonetheless the 24-hour Peak as of the recording of this video is over 1300 players almost 1400 players and over the last hour almost 1,000 people are playing this game and then further beyond that a game of this genre that's thriving is none other than c thieves which you can see right here is seeing 24-hour peaks of over 10,000 players just over the last hour over 7,000 players are engaging with this game and it's also worth mentioning that this game game is going to be launching on Playstation this is a game that is owned by Microsoft and Xbox but they've decided to release this game on PlayStation because it's going to drive sales and it's going to make them a lot of money and it seem as though that strategy is going well judging by the fact that sea of Thieves is currently the number one best selling pre-order on PlayStation Network in the United States as of March 9th 2024 ahead of the likes of Dragon Dogma 2 and the Elden ring DL shadow of the earth tree and we're looking at two editions of sea of Thieves who are taking up two of the top five slots the premium $60 Edition is at number one and the $40 base Edition is in fifth place now it's worth noting that in the following days placements did change a little bit SE of Thieves the Premium Edition is now in third place and the base Edition is in four F sixth seventh place but still a really solid results this goes to highlight that the interest surrounding sea of Thieves as a long-term life service is still pretty strong that Microsoft has done a good job in maintaining it and generating Buzz surrounding it to draw the PlayStation crowd into wanting to check this game out and you know this means that more people can play sea of Thieves and Microsoft can make more money off of this game and they can spread the uh the game to a wider audience space and uh make the IP just bigger in general now CF thieves has been out for longer and initially it did struggle and so who knows if if Ubisoft will somehow be able to pull off a major comeback with skull and bones but the thing about C of Thieves is I find the concept of that game to be far more compelling and I think a lot of people would agree because in SE of Thieves you play as pirates who are pirating around and also managing a ship whereas in Skull and Bones you play Just essentially the ship and the pirating aspect kind of takes the back seat and so SE of Thieves just feels like a much more fleshed out pirate experience so you know why would you want to play Skull and Bones when you've got something that you know I think many would argue is a substantially more fleshed out uh experience when it comes to this particular genre that's not to say Skull and Bones doesn't do its own thing with its Naval Combat system but generally I think that people who prefer a game like sea of Thieves where you are the actual Pirates far outweighs the crowd who would prefer something like Skull and Bones yeah it's going to be a struggle for for skull and bones to come back unless they introduce so many new features and elements like you know more boots on the ground situations and game playay that can maybe allow this game to uh compete against C of Thieves unless something like that happens I it's hard for me to imagine Skull and Bones making a comeback or being able to compete with the likes of cfds or even ubisoft's own Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag so we'll see how long Ubisoft sticks with skull and bones and what their plans are for this long-term live service uh one thing about Ubisoft is they are stubborn you know with uh live services that launch in a rough State they tend to stick with it and every once in a while you get a comeback like Rainbow 6 Siege which went from the biggest du to one of ubisoft's most successful games and now one of the most successful franchises and life services that generates a lot of money they stuck with it they flesh it out and uh they allow this game to Garner a mass audience over time can they do something like that with skull and bones it's hard to say at this point but right now its performance is so abysmal that it's hard to be optimistic about such prospects for now at least but in the meantime let me know in the comments below what your thoughts and opinions are on the current situation with scull and bones and what you think this game needs to do to come back to recapture interest from uh gaming audiences and to be further updated on all things gaming news reviews and discussions stay tuned right here on y yeah I'll see you guys next time y out
Channel: YongYea
Views: 185,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4SgGj9_OBmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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