Baldur’s Gate 3 is WAY Too Good Apparently...

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what's up everybody this is the dark urges man here and today I want to take you down by the river larion Studios has lit the internet on fire with their latest dating simulator one that gives super Seducer a run for its money by all accounts Baldur's Gate 3 is a slam dunk success and it's now the highest rated PC game on Metacritic ever there's a lot of games on PC it has taken one of the top 10 spots for most concurrent players on Steam on August 6th apparently the game accounted for 28 of total player time on Steam pardon my French but that's [ __ ] crazy as far as I've played Baldur's Gate 3 has been an incredible game and it is very refreshing squirrel might be the same you can record oh you could be so twee if it were climbing a tree Twee always take on such terrifying foes no studio is more deserving of this kind of Praise than larion who has toiled in the mines for far too long but we're not reviewing the game today instead I want to focus on this small pocket of contrarians still holding out at Helms Deep I want to talk about this IGN video Walters Gate 3 is causing some developers to panic and the video is it's pretty good it is this IGN are you are you sure it's filled with great takes and actual insight and commentary into the game industry and not just giving away 9 out of 10 scores to every new release developers should be looking at what Baldur's Gate 3 did and trying to replicate where they can not jumping up to defend games that are cramming in practices that fans are getting fed up with he's right but there's the sentiment going around that Baldur's Gate 3 is it's just an unreasonable standard for AAA Studios to meet so we're gonna talk about that because ladies and gentlemen the companions in Baldur's Gate 3 are an irresistible thirst trap thank you luckily for me I can resist their Temptations and quench my thirst with air up the sponsor of today's video have you ever wanted to drink plain water but have it taste like flavored well now you can Arab has a specially designed water bottle that flavors water through scent alone if you're someone who doesn't drink a lot of water during the day you get a bit dehydrated or you're worried about artificial sweeteners and extra sugar this is the perfect solution for you the pods are also super easy to activate you can just pull up when you want flavor and push down if you want normal water it's also great if you want to cut back on soda we all crave sugar and this is one of those really cool science tricks that can help you lessen your sugar intake so go order your special air up water bottle today using the link in the description and pin comment and don't forget to use the code act man to get 15 off your entire purchase and thank you air up for sponsoring this video and Now for Something Completely Different ever since the days of horse armor in Oblivion parts of the video game industry have gotten progressively greedier as time goes on it's something that a lot of gamers are getting increasingly tired of so naturally as Baldur's Gate 3 was about to come out we all wondered what the catch would be are there gonna be any dumb microtransactions no there are no in-game purchases in our game we believe in providing a complete and immersive gaming experience without the need for additional purchases enjoy the game to its fullest without any additional costs or micro transactions I don't believe it this can't be right is this is this the prince who was promised well the game's got to be [ __ ] terrible then what we've gotten to a point where it feels like in the AAA gaming space like outside of Nintendo the idea of video games being complete at release and just a one-time purchase that idea is almost extinct even games that are just supposed to be single player can be completely broken at release well with ethics like this larion it's no wonder some game devs don't want it to become the new standard nah just just keep pounding those microtransactions in just keep just keep shoveling that crap in there you know my first reaction is when a new game comes out where are the slot machines how can I gamble more money I I think the industry deserves a game like Baldur's Gate 3 and we deserve a developer like larion the biggest problem with microtransactions and in-game purchases is that it always affects the core gameplay usually in a negative way sometimes companies end up implementing anti-player design to then charge the players to make the game better less tedious or more customizable think about how Halo infinite took away your ability to choose your own colors in order to sell that back to you like like try to imagine Baldur's Gate 3 as a live service game with a battle pass Jesus Christ okay well now larion has to figure out ways to provide continuous content so they likely come up with easily copy and pasted content and Quests for New Seasons you know how do players unlock tears in the battle past how do you incentivize them to spend more money what do you put in the battle pass to make it worth completing on and on the questions go you see without a live service or a battle pass larion doesn't have to mold and shape the game to fit that puzzle all they had to do was focus on making the best video game possible and I think they've done a bang-up job and then the other thing with in-game purchases is you now have to take content out of the game that could have been unlocked by simply playing it and you now have to resell it right another thing that really makes larian's game Stand Out is our RPGs is that they don't really make filler or fluff quests aren't handled like a checklist of chores and activities to just keep you busy for no other reason but let's go into this topic of uh Baldur's Gate 3 being so unbelievably good that that nobody else can make a game this good ever please please please put some thought into it before you Proclaim this is what AAA gaming should be moving forward six years and 400 plus people with insane funding due to the IP having given bg3 a big boost it's truly unrealistic to expect this on a regular basis and then some guy from larion came out of the woodwork and was like what funding just to be clear larion didn't receive funding from Wizards of the Coast to use the Dungeons and Dragons IP quite the opposite they paid a licensing fee to use it there are like standards and practices they have to follow with this IP so it's even more encumbering than just making a new game based on an IP they already own which makes it even more impressive then he goes on to double down after being called out clearly funding wasn't the right choice of words here replace that with budget knowing that an IP with the legacy of this one is going to sell what this just perplexes me are you talking about the dungeons in Dragon's IP because most people associate that with the tabletop board games are you talking about the Baldur's Gate IP because the last game I heard about Baldur's Gate was dark Alliance 2 in 2004. I reckon most people prior to this hadn't heard ellarian Studios and had never heard of Baldur's Gate before what's also funny about this tweet in the situation in general is that people are proclaiming this isn't what Triple A game gaming should be yet another game recently came out that also had six years of development a team 22 times bigger than larion with funding from a company that made seven and a half billion dollars last year and yet nobody is saying that game is creating an unrealistic standard why is that why is that if you have the tools the people the means and the funding then you should strive for greatness I don't understand why people think otherwise you know what are they actually thinking don't let this become the new standard because because we can't make games that good I think it's pretty clear what the difference in priorities is between like larion and blizzard blizzard is like trying to make money and larian knows they're gonna make money if they just make a good video game when you're at that level you don't have to try to make money just make a good product like a lot of people I'm deeply excited about what the lovely Folks at larion accomplished but I want to preemptively push back against players taking that excitement and using it to apply criticism or a raised standard to RPGs going forward word wouldn't it be great if Bethesda held this standard to Fallout 76 wouldn't that have been great what are you trying to say stop complaining about AAA game developers to get away with releasing half-baked shitty games just accept bad Trends and shitty practices amongst the industry why wouldn't the best rated PC game of all time not raise the standards this is not a new Baseline for RPGs this is an anomaly trying to do the same thing the same way especially without the same advantages could kill an entire group of Studios what advantages the advantage of talent hard work foresight uncorrupted morals these are things larion has and all these other Studios can easily attain while just Gate 3 is not an anomaly it didn't just spring out of the ground Larry this isn't larion's first game they've been making top-down RPGs for over 20 years Baldur's Gate 3 is simply the culmination of all that work of all they have learned on an engine they've been working on for many many years Aldersgate 3 is the the culmination of a series or genre in the same way that Elden ring and Smash Bros ultimate were these aren't anomalies these are really good games made by competent Studios with a Clear Vision that have worked tirelessly to perfect their craft they are efficient and smart with their work constantly building upon what they did last larian is super familiar with the engine used to make this game the controls are the same as original sin 2 so much of the base work was already done years prior but unlike Divinity original sin 2 one of the like craziest advances is that apparently all of the scenes are have been mo-capped whereas in original sin 2 you just had to imagine what characters were doing again it's a pretty funny comparison because that's the same type of Storytelling Diablo 4 is doing and then you look at Baldur's Gate 3 and it's just like wow but if you think about it conceptually speaking the older Smash Bros characters move sets are pretty solid and most of them didn't need any massive overhauls when it came time to make ultimate but you get get what I'm saying these Studios work smarter they don't settle for re-releasing the same game every year or tearing down the foundation and rebuilding it every three years so that's why these games seem so impressive because to a lot of people they haven't played larion games they haven't experienced these mechanics before so it so it feels like it comes out of nowhere I can't disagree with this one more whenever a game disrupts the industry and delights players Beyond expectations it absolutely raises industry and genre standards regardless of the why and how well said we should celebrate Landmark titles like this greed often breeds complacency and once the profits start rolling in you really see people's true nature do they want to do as little work as possible for the maximum amount of money do they still have the same passion does a guy with a million Subs still have the same passion for his craft as a guy with a thousand you know what I mean larion serves as a very good example to other developers I would say this is a great threat about why using a singular game to set expectations for everyone developing titles in a genre isn't useful and is instead foolhardy this is one of those statements that like five years from now is gonna be looked back on as really [ __ ] stupid it's gonna be look back on as those people when cars were first coming out they were like cars aren't going to replace horses that's that's foolhardy people that cling to the old ways when something objectively better comes along right you could you could probably say the same thing about Mario 64 when that came out and revolutionized 3D games and Platformers I'm sure there was a bunch of people back then saying well Mario 64 is an anomaly you can't you can't expect other Studios to be able to accomplish this you can't apply this standard to other Platformers it's not fair that's not fair at all here's the thing right wouldn't a company or or a person genuinely passionate about their craft want to compete with Baldur's Gate competition breeds Improvement it creates better products and we all win in the end complacency seems to be with some of these devs are advocating for or at the very least admitting they work for a studio that doesn't prioritize making good products as much as they should I get I get what they're trying to say though right don't expect every quarterback to be as good as Tom Brady but every quarterback should try to be as good as Tom Brady I don't know a single Game Dev who has conveyed this sentiment about bg3 instead I've heard devs ask folks not to use the great things achieved by this team as a weapon to use against other devs now this is the actual argument I think some of them are trying to present right remember how obnoxious the PlayStation Fanboys would get when they compared every video game ever made to the last of us too yeah nobody should be doing that with Baldur's Gate 3. the one or two devs they were quoting were talking about how you shouldn't be expecting every RPG Studio to be making games on the scale of bg3 because not every Studio has the time effort or Manpower yes but some studios do have the time and Manpower they just don't put in the effort nobody is saying Johnny game developer and his two college dorm roommates should make 100 our Masterpiece RPG is their first game nobody's saying that I don't think people are saying that bg3 is the new standard but rather it should raise everybody else's standards because a lot of other developers really [ __ ] down in the ground man CD projekt Red cyberpunk Fallout 76 Bethesda this is why Starfield has such high expectations behind it and why it will be such a disappointment if that game turns out to be a glitchy bug ridden disaster so many of these other companies have the exact same tools and resources at their disposal at larion they just make terrible products so yeah this is what AAA Studios should strive to achieve and it's fine if they don't but if they try then they'll probably make a good RPG cyberpunk is a prime example of why everyone's standards should be higher it's a wake-up call for a lot of these other developers I hope larion has had such an Underdog Story that like it's it's so cathartic to see them succeed because 10 years ago they were raising funds for Divinity original sin through a Kickstarter program this is a studio that risked bankruptcy in the name of quality so at the end of the day I think a lot of Gamers have also woken up when they see what we've been missing for a long time or at least what has become so rare in the industry a game released by a studio that has no intentions of selling you something beyond that initial purchase a game that works and is complete at launch Baldur's Gate 3 is just an amazing game and we should all be celebrating it it is the prince who was promised and hopefully it sends shock waves across the industry should we compare every new RPG that comes out to Baldur's Gate 3 probably not let's hope every new RPG in the Triple A space tries to be as good and that those companies try to be as pro-consumer as larion but thank you all for watching hope you enjoyed the video leave a like if you did and subscribe to the act man for more awesome content don't forget to order your air up water bottle using my link in the description and pin comment use code X-Men for 15 off all right everyone that's all I got for today this is the act man signing out peace
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 1,657,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate iii, baldurs gate, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, act man, actman, the act man, act man balders gate, baldurs gate 3 review, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 romance, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, IGN, balders gate 3 panic, raised standard baldurs gate 3, ign baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 ign, bg3, bg3 review, act man review, larian, larian studios baldurs gate 3
Id: wLhiejYdo0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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