Baldur’s Gate 3 Build: Enchantment Wizard. Rogue Multiclass. DC Spell Control Mage. DnD Tips & Guide

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Hello, everybody. Welcome to a new video of Baldur’s Gate 3. In this episode, I’m gonna share my enchantment wizard build and some tips for this school of magic and what kind of fun you can have in and out of combat with such a character. In the DnD world, enchantment is the magic of things like compulsion, attraction, and manipulation. It plays with emotions and motives. This school of magic is especially favored by fey creatures. So, if you have a soft spot for the feywild, this is your school. The enchantment school has the best control spells. And it’s especially effective at mass-controlling humanoid creatures. By specializing in this school, you can be the best controller in the game. Outside of combat, it also gives you an upper hand in conversations by charming people. This makes it easier for you to persuade people or something. Persuasion can be a very powerful skill. You can even persuade some bosses to kill themselves before the battle starts. So, this build I made is a multi-class mass controller that controls and attacks from the shadows. It has 10 levels of Enchantment School Wizard and 2 levels of Rogue. You need to reach the 2nd level of Rogue because the control spells of the enchantment school are all concentration spells, which means you need to maintain your concentration on the spell for its effect to last. And if you take damage, you need to make a constitution ability check to maintain concentration. If you fail the check, the concentration breaks and your effect ends. So, by reaching level 2 of Rogue, you get the ability to hide as a bonus action rather than a standard action. Thus, you can cast your control spell, and then hide in the shadows in the same turn and relocate and the enemies can not see you or target you anymore. So, as long as you are still hiding, it’s almost impossible for the enemies to break your concentration. And during the concentration, you can make cantrip attacks with advantage from the shadows and then hide and relocate again. When playing this build it’s a good idea to extinguish the lights while you move because this will give you larger areas to hide. And remember. Don’t cast light on your own weapon. On the Wizard class side by specializing into the Enchantment School you get a failsafe called Instinctive Charm. And that is when you do get attacked under some rare occasions you can charm the attacker as a reaction and possibly stop that attack. At Level 10, you also get Split Enchantment which allows you to target 2 targets with an enchantment spell that can normally target only one. One of these kinds of spells is your ultimate control spell Hold Monster which can hold any one enemy completely still and make attacks against them within close range guaranteed criticals. Now, you can hold 2 enemies with one cast. The only thing immune to this spell is undead creatures. Slipt Enchantment is also useful when you use your lower-level spell slots. Now your lower-level slots become more cost effective when casting enchantment spells. So, given all above, what this build needs the most is to increase the DC of your spells so that you’re more likely to control your targets. All the enchantment control spells are DC spells which means you don’t roll any dice when you cast them. Instead, your spells have a fixed DC, aka Difficulty Class. Your target needs to roll a d20 to overcome your DC. This is called a saving throw. If they fail, your spell succeeds. So, you need to increase your DC as high as possible. The most direct way to increase your DC is to increase your casting ability which is Intelligence for wizards. At 10 Intelligence, you have no bonus. Then, every 2 extra Intelligence gives you a +1 bonus. Eventually, at 20 the cap, you have a +5 bonus. The other way to increase DC is to equip things that increase DC. So, you find any item that can do this, equip it. When originally allocating ability scores, we give the major bonus to Intelligence and bring it all to way up to 17 which is the highest possible for now. We’ll eventually get it to 20. Then, we give the minor bonus to Dexterity and bring it to 16. This is your second most important ability. It increases your AC, making you less likely to be hit. It also increases your initiative roll making you more likely to act before your enemies and control them. Then we forego 2 Strength and 2 Constitution to bring Charisma to 14 making you better in conversations like most enchanters do. Normally, when you need to concentrate on things you need a high Constitution to be better at maintaining concentration when taking damage. But this build is about hiding away from harm so we don’t need constitution that much. We leave Wisdom unchanged at 10 to get as much mental protection we can get as possible. And because we are a wizard, we have proficiency bonus for Wisdom saving throws which is +2 for now and will eventually become +4 at level 9. So, our effective Wisdom is higher than 10 when making saving throws. For the cantrips Friends is a must-have. It gives you advantages on Charisma checks in conversations, making you more powerful at influencing people. And it’s from the Enchantment School, so feels intact for this character. For the other 2, choose 2 ranged damage cantrips that you feel like. They will be how you deal damage throughout the game. There are Fire Bolt, which deals the highest damage and can ignite certain things. Ray of Frost the damage is lower but can reduce enemies’ movement speed. Bone Chill deals the same damage as Ray of Frost and prevents enemies from healing. And finally Acid Splash which deals the lowest damage but is an AoE cantrip. Then, for the starting spells first, we need Mage Armour a must-have for any wizard who doesn’t wear armour. It sets your AC to 13 which is already higher than most light armours. You only need to cast it once each day. And it doesn’t require concentration. It will last until long rest or until you equip an armour or until you remove it from your prepared spells. Then, the second: Shield. Another must-have for any wizard build. It’s a reaction that gives you another 5 AC when you need it making you harder to be hit. Remember to untoggle your opportunity attack in case you waste your reaction on that and can’t cast your protection reactions. Then, your go-to control spell in the early game: Tasha’s Hideous Laughter. It leaves a creature prone on the ground unable to do anything. And your attacks against it within close range have advantages. At best, it can last for 10 turns. But, each turn and every time the target takes damage it can make another saving throw to try to end the effect. So, usually, you can’t control a target for very long with this spell. It’s only a level 1 spell, after all. My strategy is to use it on an enemy of higher threat and focus all attacks to eliminate it ASAP. It’s usually enough in the early game. The 4th spell I chose is Longstrider which I think is a must-have for any party. It increases the target’s moving distance for the whole day without concentration as long as the spell is still prepared. And it’s a ritual spell, which means if you cast it outside of combat it doesn’t consume your spell slot it’s free. So, every morning you can cast it on yourself, on your whole party, and on all the creatures you summoned. And everybody moves faster that day. For the other 2 vacancies, I recommend Enhance Leap and Feather Fall. These 2 combined give your party more freedom when exploring the map. They are ritual spells, too. And they are usually always used outside of combat. So, they are almost always free. And now you’ve learned 6 spells to start the game. But at this point, you can only prepare 4 spells. Usually, I don’t prepare Enchance Leap and Feather Fall. And when I need to use spells like this I take off some spells that are only used in combat then prepare these ones then do the jobs then prepare those combat spells back. This is what’s good about being a wizard. OK, now let’s talk about the leveling strategy. When to level into Rogue. And what you can do in different stages of the game. From level 1 to level 4, we are gonna stick to the Wizard class to get the first feat ASAP in order to most quickly increase our spell DC. At level 2, we get to choose into the Enchantment School and get our 1st special school ability: Hypnotic Gaze. It allows you to completely incapacitate an enemy once you succeed for as long as you want without concentration. It seems a strong control. But it’s more like a failsafe than a weapon, because you can only activate it within close range and only once each long rest. So, I normally don’t proactively use it to control enemies. Instead, I only use it when some enemy somehow got close to me And at level 2, you also get to learn another 2 spells. I highly recommend Find Familiar. This allows you to summon a creature into your party to help with combat and exploring. Once summoned, they’ll be there until their hit points get reduced to 0. It’s a ritual spell. And summon spells don’t need to stay prepared once the creature is summoned. Then, at level 3, you can get your 1st core control spell: Hold Person. It’s like the weaker version of Hold Monster because it only affects humanoids units. But at this stage of the game most of your enemies are humanoids. Later when you unlock spell slots of higher levels you can upcast this spell. For every level increased, you can target 1 more target like many other enchantment spells do. Another spell I highly recommend is See Invisible. This is one of the best abilities of a wizard. It lasts a whole day and doesn’t need concentration. At level 4, you get to choose your 1st feat. Here we choose Resilient (Intelligence) to increase our Intelligence to 18 and thus increase your casting ability by 1. Then, at level 5, we can afford to level into Rogue because we already have enough control to cope for a while. At Rogue level 1 you can get 2 skill proficiencies. Now we can take this chance to bring our stealth right up to the sky. This will make you really good at hiding. Then, at Rogue level 2 you can get the ability to hide as a bonus action rather than a standard action. And now you are officially the controller in the shadows. Then at level 7 we return to the Wizard class. At this level, you get to learn another powerful spell: Hypnotic Pattern which allows you to hypnotize all units in a large area all at once. But remember, this affects your allies and yourself, too. At this level, you also get to learn another powerful spell that every mage should learn: Counterspell This allows you to completely negate an enemy spell as a reaction. Counterspell can negate any spell whose level is not higher than the spell slot you spent. If the spell’s level is higher, you need to make an ability check. But since you have a high Intelligence, it’s rather easy for you to succeed that check. Then, at level 8, you get your major failsafe: Instinctive Charm At level 9, you can learn another powerful AoE control: Confusion. This spell doesn’t affect your allies so it’s much easier to cast than Hypnotic Pattern. It makes enemies do all kinds of weird things even attack each other. But they may still attack you so, it’s better to cast it from a distance. At this level, you can also learn the spell Conjure Minor Elemental to summon another unit for your party, which is recommended for any mage build. At level 10, you can choose your 2nd feat. Here, choose Ability Improvement and finally increase your Intelligence to the 20 cap maximizing your spell DC and spell attacks. At level 11, you get your ultimate control spell: Hold Monster. And you can also learn Conjure Elemental to summon the strongest unit you can summon for your party. Finally, at level 12 you get your ultimate special ability: Split Enchantment. OK, we have talked about how good this build is. Now, let’s talk about its weakness. The major weakness of any enchantment mage is that all the enchantment control spells target the enemies’ Wisdom. So, if your enemies have high Wisdom it will be hard for you to control them. And even if you succeed they are more likely to break free in the coming turns. So, you may want to prepare spells that target other abilities in case you run into enemies with high Wisdom. And that is everything about this build. I had fun building it. Hope you like it, too. And if you like this video, please click the like button and subscribe to my channel. Thank you for watching. I’ll see you in the next video. Bye bye.
Channel: Maxxie Playing
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Keywords: 柏德之門3, バルダーズ ゲート3, 발더의 게이트 3, Балдурз Гейт 3, 博德之门3, 法師, ウィザード, Magicien, Magier, Mago, Mag, Волшебник, Чарівник, 위자드, Büyücü, 惑控學派, 心術, Enchantement, Verzauberung, Encantamiento, Encantamento, Incantesimo, Uroki, Очарование, Зачарування, 매혹술, Efsun, 遊蕩者, ローグ, Roublard, Schurke, Pícaro, Ladino, Ladro, Łotr, Плут, Пройдисвіт, 로그, Düzenbaz, 惑控係, BD, ビルド, 빌드, Билд, Білд, DC, Difficulty Class, Tutorial
Id: g0m2VjwKlkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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