Houseplant Home Tour with Mama Botanica — Ep 177

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this episode of the house plant home tour on plant one on me is brought to you by fourth-generation family-owned and operated s Poma organic which produces superior organic gardening products for both the indoor and outdoor gardener you can look out for a spell new products like their potting medium amendments and organic fertilizers at your local garden center and Attis Poma comm am used to walk up this is a little bit of a steeper walk [Music] [Music] this is so cute no you really don't get a sense of people's scale of things we're not hanging it on Instagram yeah channel or anything like this and yes it's like yeah it's a cute little postage stamp yeah I think it looks a lot bigger on Instagram and on the photos yeah actually is yeah but you have a veritable amount of plants that are here yeah I touch a few days as many as I can well when did you actually start bringing plants into your life and in your home here um well here I lived for two years but before that I always had things in my house actually yeah I used to move around a lot so it was very exciting plans would survive every year so now that I have like more settled home I'm having a lot of fun to my house so you see yourself in this place for a little while then yeah definitely yeah yeah that's great it's always nice to have a little bit more like stable ground and yes you always feel that it's more comfortable to be able to bring plants into your life then definitely and then I know it's a little bit of a great day today but you have some pretty nice windows and what what direction do these windows face actually so here I have morning lights for a few hours not too long and then in the afternoon it comes in from there so that's very nice we have the sunset and the sunrise oh that's nice okay so then you're getting like probably a nice Eastern exposure yes very gentle light yeah are there plants in here and you have a wide range of them but are there plants in here that you always wanted to grow but you know that just don't work well in your house oh there's so many that actually need more like getting right now yeah so here in the Eastern window I have a lot of cacti and they need a bit more light yeah they're getting but they're doing okay oh yeah figures birthday will they're not growing very fast but they survive well do you want to take me through some of the stuff that you have yeah sure sure so actually this is always the first one because it's right next it's one of my favorite ones and I don't know the English pronunciation but yeah the ho Milo Maina yes those are those are a beautiful area Roy plans yeah we don't have this type of home alone Mina in the United States so I haven't seen it you have something called the green gem which doesn't have as many kind of like striations on the leaf but this one's nice with the red petiole and everything it's and it's super strong yeah yeah and well it gives the yellow leaf maybe once a year and it's not very like sensitive yes can be almost everywhere so this is quite a dark corner but it's still growing yeah yeah I'm super happy with that one well of course the yeah the rapid off or a tetris super class yes and is this a cutting because I just notice the larger one in there no I have a very big one over there oh so actually I got the both of them at the same time oh you did okay oh they were playing about the same size and this one just I cut it down a few times because it got too big yeah and the before it was in a different spot so it couldn't climb yeah it does no well I like how you have it in this like chain-link kind of thing yes yeah it's very nice I'm hoping it will reach the ceiling yeah oh I'm sure in no time that's I have one that I ended up got and that was already quite large to begin with but now it's completely surpassed the poll that it was on and I just have it like growing all over the place and I think that once they get established they always feel like very giving they grow so fast yeah amazing yeah they're really really nice blends this is actually maybe nice is one of my very first plans I got that's great the euphorbia mill yeah I was like one of my not my first plant but like one of the the few that was like readily available and I didn't actually know much about it when I first got it but I found that it's grown in in all sites of Lord lighting conditions yes for me it's been very dark and now it has a little bit more lights over here but I grew it from cuttings I got from my dad so it was like this big yeah and then it's I think maybe 10 years old already yeah and then I thought it didn't grow so much but I saw a picture of I would look like when I just got the man this big and it's like well whatever you like about it is that even though these Brax are always there's always some type of color on the plant you know it's never not in like a bloom or down have its colorful Brax even though it loses some of the bloom like yeah yeah it just is it's always kind of colorful yeah yeah I see you could be a little bit happier right now yes and next year I have to give it maybe a bigger pot yeah and grow some more yes so that's a very nice one the very old plants I have I love these hanging yeah is this something that you made or is this something that I know I got them from it's a company in Paris they make them by hand oh wow yeah I really like them as well terracotta and there's like holes yeah so this is the whole this see the water the water goes down here and that's the drainage yeah yeah yeah super nice and these will start to hang when they get bigger and I have these climbing up so yeah it's just a nice thunder I really like hanging plants because they finish the room yeah they really do because if you take a look back in the room and then you just see how they're taking up some of the debate yeah yeah definitely yeah it looks so weird here if I don't have any money so maybe away some nice buns over here I mean everywhere yeah like the black cz plans which I know is so much more readily available here and that I'm just starting to see this in the United States and I think a lot of people would drool over this yeah the first plants whaaa the last plant swap that we had in the New York someone had five cuttings of a black levy so everyone was like when you people are bringing it to plant swaps that's starting to get a little less precious yes which is it which is a good thing because can people could share it yeah yes oh nice yeah we have a grower in Holland that grows these blends so yeah we're lucky who you are you're lucky to have some of it and I know I actually love this one I got this one not too long ago is this estrella do you know uh yeah yeah yeah that's right yeah yeah yeah that's yeah that's and that's really nice I think it's a bit hard to for me to keep it healthy yeah because you see the top leaves already dropped right yeah but it's probably saying oh I have more light right here yeah I might as well just be bald on top and you know put my put my like leaves here that's right you know if it had maybe a top down light it would be a little bit bushy still but then I think I feel like the plant is healthy in the sense that it's putting putting its efforts to where it needs to and it has new growth and it has new growth yeah yes and they always really liked the muhammd ah yes it's so nice so I love how they hang - yes yeah I always tell people like when they get them it's like it's growing upwards and then after a while it starts to hang yes and then people get really confused I think something is wrong with the plan right and I had a lot of flowers this year so super Goods yes and here's your window so this is where the plants that have carte blanche okay yeah they get like a most like movements through and this was a huge serious for really ice Morales yeah yeah didn't grow it myself to speak yeah I really loved it it's so cool and then yesterday I changed the outside pops and I saw I had a lot of fruits growing out of the pods so it's more space yeah where do you do most of your potting do you have to like roll up your carpets or how do you so we have a little balcony out there too yeah well actually I just do it on the floor and then I vacuum clean okay what I do I think it's easiest yeah as else you have like a tarp it's oil in it yeah I have to clean that yeah make one big mess and then clean it up and you're up elevated so throwing the soil out the window probably wouldn't make anybody happy down below a little bit more like jungle cactus and yes like that yeah yeah yeah I've got two of these I think I have some more in the in the bedroom yeah they're always nice and easy and is that a philodendron hesitate um yes but it's like the wider leaf version it's uh it's like it seems it seems wider there's some narrow leaf ones and this one seems I'm gonna be a wider and wider leaf righty but looks great yeah yeah I only know this variety yeah and it is super cool it only has like one small bamboo stick yeah you to get like a new mouse pole for this one so I can grow a little bit more maybe this is nice I went to purchase yeah a lot like last week yeah I got this cutting oh wow and it is an until um-- it's an in thorium yes oh wow that's when I was like really yeah I think that until um scandens yeah if I remember correctly and then he gave me some cuttings well skin and supposed to mean that I just go scanned in yeah yeah it's like is that yeah flower starting yeah Wow cuz that's a small spadix in space like it's a Nicole just a tiny little yeah there yeah it's so fun right so I'm trying to grow it and oh maybe so maybe this is nice also just show because I got this really nice sense of area but then certainly we burn back to its normal yeah so that's a bit said yeah I really hope so these were some of the new ones that were coming out yeah yeah you would think that it would actually still have its own yeah so I repotted its last year also to take some of the leaves out yeah give away yeah and then I saw it was only rooted leaves and no actual roots so yeah it's a bit sad though yeah maybe you know maybe it's for the better for the plan so probably probably I have a project here yeah you're routing yes I have many of these projects because I just came back with a bunch of cuttings and I'm like and I'm here now and I'm like oh I wonder what cuttings are gonna actually make it yeah so actually I got this also it's a botanical garden and you come see its really well right yeah but this is like a huge fit Sonia oh wow look at the size of those leaves are actually like this but yeah and did they cut them so they don't like transpire so much yeah and I saw them and I was like wow wow and so is that one a different form or variant or what were they saying yeah they didn't really know yeah so maybe it was from like a certain Island yeah they grow bigger yeah other kinds but it's just like oh it's huge and I got these cuttings as well it just seems like it was given growth hormone or so especially because we think of Patania we think of it as like a nice little terrarium yeah yeah like very you know diminutive and spread it Reds and but is tiny yeah and these are huge I hope they will take I can mentally imagine too that the flowers are probably gonna be much larger than they were yeah like yeah I think about this big yeah I think they were in flower oh so I grew these also from a cutting oh nice so these are actually the variegated monstera yeah they're I don't think they get enough light over here yeah it's quite a dark corner when is why you don't see any of the holes in there did you ever think about actually adding some girl eh yeah I actually have a girl light here in wintertime Oh I'm about to set it up again and then I use it for this corner and I add some more plants yeah yes so and then it grows a bit better but yeah yeah it's a bit hard with the lights in this and your ficus elastica yes this one right now it's not so high it has to be like three times as high it got too big and I cut it down yeah I see I see worry this is exactly what I did with my ficus I rata but you'll probably get new growth in that yeah there's only a little bit here so yeah it's actually very very happy plant but sometimes I just got it find that it still grows over the winter months or does it really pick up the during the spring yeah more during the spring yeah yeah yeah definitely maybe with the grow lights the bits but hmm more during spring yeah add in Sonia yes two different ones actually these are this one is going on on the muscle in there myself and it's really grew in there so I'm very happy and it looks very nice on the top and on the bottom it's kind of yeah if I said like the plant will put where it needs to be you know it knows it probably knows more about where it needs to be than we do so tired yes probably yeah but I'm sure like when you put the grow light up it'll be like very thankful yeah so a little shelf space set up ssin plan but it's nice here to show maybe it said oh it's about to bloom the oil in here is so nice very excited I just got a really well rooted one a few months back and because I tried one without a root and it was very hard to root um and so now it's like I'm looking at this it's so nice so how long have you had this I think this one is about a year old since I've got it yeah and it's like in a very tiny pot so I'm surprised it grew so much yeah it starts to flower now and it's a little bit further away from the window have you always had it here yes okay yeah then what's your you what's your kind of like care strategy for this because we don't mind Elaine three months older so I can I could use some time yeah I think I I worried about once a week yeah and yeah well it's quite dark here in the corner where it is but still it's happy and I fertilize it once a month okay but only during groans yes and the do you spray it at all do you do any Mustang or not no but what's the humidity is quite high here oh is it so especially now since it's raining outside so much and in the winter times I have humidifier on okay so yeah overall it's score yeah do you have a humidifier that sprays out mist or okay how do you protect your floors like um oh it doesn't really wet the floor okay no okay do you have it up higher or not really okay maybe on the table that's on the floor okay I have one that's like a really prolific blower so I have it a little elevated up because if it it goes it'll go on my painted wood floors which are fine because it's painted and it's it's not like going directly on the wood but I know it's a question that a lot of folks have who want to keep a little bit more subtropical truffula varieties and they're like hey how do you do this without like yeah wood ruining yeah I think if I would turn it up more in wootz yeah make the floor wets right and right so you're not like like jacking it up to so high that it would be but without humidifier the humidity is already I think about 50 or 60 percent oh that's ready yes it's pretty yes behind so dear does your heat ever kicked on kick on in the winter so dries it out a little bit a so that's why I have it in the winter yeah yeah that makes a lot of sense I'll be turning mine on before you know it too so yeah it's about that time yeah maybe this is a nice oh yes the philodendron tort tort um yeah I love how they unroll oh it's so beautiful it looks like so creepy yeah amazing and this one can handle some direct lights and mmm more than other philodendron oh I have to say I just might calathea mosaic ax and I have a little but I don't want to say a house Mouse cuz I have house mice that I found in my house aha and just when I was about to leave I noticed that my moranto my blue star fern and my calathea mosaic had been eaten by I mean I look luckily I don't think it eats the roots so I'm hoping it'll kind of bounce back but I'm looking at yours I'm like have a little tear shedding right because like the house mice came in and literally like not on all the leaves I know yeah so and it's the same plants that like my chicken likes to eat I think like third foul and fauna actually know what maybe what they could eat what I can't yeah so I'm looking at it I'm like yours looks nice and bushy yeah actually might also need some cutting by dividing the plant and I made quite a few actually and a lot of them have leaves on them already and then these two all the leaf sides like that's I know it will grow back yeah so I kept giving it a bit of water and the hair you are yes that's good yeah that's why I'm hopeful that if even if it yes dies back there the root system is strong enough yeah to grow back yeah yeah I'm sure and is this a singhania Mersey yes okay yeah yeah yeah so I have like a smaller one over there like the younger release and then this one is also grown from a cutting I love that three shapeless beautiful right and I love how the leaves look different in all the different stages hmm and then this side here's your wrap it up for I like going crazy and over here this is the crazy plans they gave it like arced with the light you know yeah it's so at first it was leaning against the wall yeah but then it got too big and it reached the ceiling and I was like should I cut it or what should I do and then I thought oh I can let it grow on my lamp ya know what you do after that you have no idea but well is it's going we'll see what happens and your asparagus fern looks yes I love how these trail yeah it's so beautiful and it's also really beautiful with the place where it is hmm it's hanging down the table very nice yes oh that's nice and it's in flower as well yes yeah it's super nice and very I don't have this for a long time so it's quite new yeah well actually a few years ago I had one that dies yeah I'm hoping for the best but yeah it's such a beautiful plan yeah well I think that's like part of the journey right like I I try certain plants and I'm and I'm a little stubborn with it I'm like I think I could probably figure this out I don't need to tweak it a little bit sometimes it's a little too late and then you try it again and that time and you see how it works so hopefully this one will do well for you yes we'll see yeah and then this is your other monster and Zillah Coss yeah so this is it's a constellation and it actually it's got a little bit of trips you can see yeah but still it's growing so beautiful yeah that's a new leaf coming so yes so I really love this plant so beautiful and you have a little collection of clay diems over here yes so it is they're already getting ready for outdoor winter yeah for dormancy so there are knots in their own time yeah so what do you do do you because a lot of my plants actually go dormant no do you like put the pots aside or how do you kind of manage it yeah so I keep the bulbs in the soil and I put the puffs in my whole way so I don't see them yeah fear I also took a few of the books out yeah and if you like apt in the soil - yeah what works better yeah and I've noticed that if you keep them in the soil they will regrow quicker in spring - very good tests yeah very good experience or tips yeah I really love these they're so amazing yeah and they also love the fact that they go dormant yeah I didn't have to be awesome all the time I know like you do you when you want to do you yeah yes definitely and is this a trivia palmata yes oh yeah that's nice sizable I've seen some really big trees in Botanic Gardens and I have a deeper appreciation for them because when I see them they're you know small or bushy or just a cutting and when you see them and you know full yes and all their glory I'm just like wow it's a veritable tree yes amazing yeah I actually also just got this one so I'm curious to see how it will adjust to this space no it will grow but it's so beautiful those leaves in the forms really great yes and I also have a rot it's a bit smaller than yours they get large though yeah charge yeah but this one is a bit stubborn because I've caught it like multiple times yeah have it branch out yeah but it always grows with one no but sometimes you know I did not end up cutting mine for ages and so now it's just kind of like really spindly yeah you know I don't mind that look but you know some people like to keep it very well manicured which I can appreciate it as well yeah yeah hopefully like spring summer it'll start to like get the message that I want it to branch yeah yeah yeah maybe you knows yeah and then you have a giant strelitzia right here yes but I love these yeah leaves growing like little I don't know umbrellas I had a stir let's yeah growing in my house very early on found that no matter how much light I gave it it's still like would just kind of collapse onto itself and would kind of block anywhere also eventually had to unfortunately get rid of it but but it just you know within a certain size it was always manageable but then after a gun like massive yeah yeah and it's so funny how you described like it got lazy today yes my Vegas could be like that too is this where you do some more of your cuttings yeah I have my usually my cuttings projects over here yeah right now I'm not propagating so much yeah well it's getting approaching winters yeah that's right but more challenging and also some more year by doing though yeah the most be are also cutting I see that you've optimized shelf space yes this is like the prime light yeah well yeah yeah Mike Exide cuttings are over here and yeah it's quick it's quite cool how you have this like a little cubby hole of light right here you could just have a wall right but yeah it's a you know it's light looking out into your not your balcony so it's nice because it actually like maximizes about the amount of light that you have yeah so actually it's the door to the balcony is it really no I mean the plants the plants yeah it's been here this is a door to the mill you you know it's not gonna really inconvenient really so and this is nice that's opposed to purely odd yeah so actually different our justices I don't know because I got it as a at a plants what yeah and the flower just finished okay but it still looks very nice yeah I have mine it's a hernia and it was blooming and it's bloomed five times this year already yeah I thought like maybe it would bloom once and then it would be over huh but I've just known it before I left it was blooming again yet again and I was like okay crazy it stays open for you know maybe a week or so and then it closes and then another blue one will come up yeah I was very pleased with how it was was blooming cuz I've never seen it bloom before yeah who knows maybe others yeah as well so this one's actually quite dark and then in the middle it was like really dark black color history things like very inside yeah maybe you could look up the flower to see you really kind of potentially could have been yeah I have like a smaller I was serious yeah yeah her hair which was on the east window where I didn't get enough life yeah I put it here as you can see the top is a little tinier yeah but it's interesting how it's starting to spiral almost like the other way yeah you noticed that it's like I lean one way and then also the other it's just kind of fascinating yeah so it's a bit crazy yeah but nice which one is this do you know is this a boxer paradox that yourselves paradox yeah okay so and I also have some cuttings here nice so do you cut them do you put them in water then oh yeah you can have put them in soil yes do you suck putting water yeah they look like they haven't put them in water yet to propagate it they propagate extremely well yeah yeah definitely yeah well both ways to go very Aussie so yeah but these need to be put in soil as well yeah haven't gotten around to deaths and this one is also nice is actually a pence my boyfriend brought back from Greece he brought like three cuttings yeah and two survives and it's just a bit crazy yeah oh yeah yeah yeah it's fun is it it looks like more serrated was it cut this way or no no is train yeah not like the angeleka so this was like in the full Sun in yes yeah and this is at home fascinating okay so that's how it looks like under pretty intense Sun yeah yeah passing again yeah and then you're taking a little oil in ers cutting up yeah oh great I have some cuttings here and I root decent water actually and then put them in soil and they're doing well I'll see you later good to know one mix of one leaves yeah what else of course I have a few of these yeah well people will always appreciate it they always appreciate it on a plant like for plant swaps where I am there's still like an appreciation for a fedora yeah Pittsburgh even though I feel like they've become much more prolific in the market yes sure but yeah that means it's better together that's a cutting yeah yeah yeah are there anything that you're seeing in the market that you're excited about that you're like oh that's interesting and maybe you don't want to bring it into your house but you're at least like say oh that's interesting well I know that the tour time yes ready to be grown yeah very excited about that oh yeah here and yes it it's a constellation yeah so I know a grower here in the Netherlands that is growing both of them yeah that's very exciting okay cool yeah and some different kinds of L okay yes and plants like that I don't have a lot of locations actually yeah they're a bit hard yeah keep mine mine is very when I have certain allocation it's very prone to spider mite my mouse yeah so I try to stick stay away from I notice you have a stingray on your nose so yeah mine always gets spider lights spider mites and thrips they usually come in combination I think all my blends get through yeah I never knew that they were so like you know evolution well I just initially when I first got thrips when you're kind of like looking in the houseplant market nobody ever really mentions them and I think they've become a much more prolific pest in the home then I think that they made have typically had been or maybe they just weren't mentioned as much I don't know that's my experience of just kind of like reading through and hearing what people saying but yeah I find them to be like really you know they they mark up the plants a lot and they're very challenging yeah get rid of I use integrated pest management because I feel like I have enough plants to be able to do that but it doesn't necessarily always like share with people I'm like you're never gonna get rid of them you're just always gonna keep them a babe is like the best way to get about it yeah yeah yeah I think that's the first best I had mm-hmm and I still have it on some plans yeah then I also try to keep it down yeah usually sometimes it's even gone for a year in the Arabic yeah okay there are they are they as bad in the winter months do you find or they get a little bit worse in the spring yeah definitely okay that's good that's why I get the sense of as well yeah yeah do you have any other room so you'd like to show yeah my bedroom is so huge you had to pack it up there yeah crazy yeah so first it was growing on the wall and then they'd reach the ceiling and yeah I'm very happy with this it's it feels really nice and cozy in here which is appropriate for a bedroom yeah yeah and when we look up at the plan yeah that's really nice and I almost looks like hip growing in a hamper in like a laundry basket yeah so actually this is the plans that I found on the Internet's oh wow so I wanted to get rid of it great and was growing on bamboo stay yeah yeah and then I moved it around a lot yeah and when I got here I find you was like oh now I can attach it to the wall yes it's gonna grow here yes great yeah I'm so happy with it yeah yes yeah and this is what what is this I don't mean yes yes yes oh yes Oh Jade Rafa okay okay jatropha okay and so usually they don't grow with the two kind of stems coming Kotik yeah usually it's only one yeah but this one I don't know if things like double-headed or so yeah beheaded and then it just like put out two years yeah yeah and actually it's supposed to go dormant they think is yeah but it never went dormant so it just keeps on growing well you've given it some good stuff then it's like it's it's pleased enough it's like I can cozy in here always some flowers yeah and there and yeah so super nice yeah and another ficus which I grew from a cutting oh nice and they also chopped the head yeah well this was working because it's starting to like branch out yeah yeah yeah this one got the message yes that one got the message that you needed it to grow a certain way and I also really love this oh is this a temporal cactus yeah like articulator like the paper the paper is yeah yeah yeah yeah yours is so funny I love these they're so weird it's very whimsical yeah super nice yeah although they look very non-threatening they already sharpest yes I've noticed that with my own yours um looks almost a little bit more hairier than mine mine might have like um and they could be like maybe different forms but mine mine are like a little bit thicker looking you know the spines yeah so don't have another one as well yeah like cuttings from another one and it's a little bit more like strong yeah yeah yeah it could just be like a different form and then you have that pelargonium like yeah I said I grew a lot of these indoors I took my pilgrims up up on my roof because they got so big sue me yeah it's crazy and I don't have any more space here and I cut it down yeah in spring and then it just grows grows right back I hate to bake and also it needs a bigger pot but it doesn't yeah it's yeah windowsill so yeah I repotted mine I brought one out to my community garden and I brought one up into that because I was like but I always used to love like walking by it because it would give off like little scent and this is very nice actually it's a bit of a messy because of growth everywhere it's like a shaggy dog yeah yeah and but it just grows so long and nice I like I like the texture of it because you have some of these like really thick foliage plans like these right here and your philodendron even your spathiphyllum it seems a little bit more robust compared to yea something as delicate as yeah yeah yeah this one is also very nice yeah is it a whale fin it's the wheel for ya and I love how these two are embracing one another a little bit and those like oh how all the other leaves are like this hi yeah I was like yeah yeah I was so happy when I found this one because it was quite a few years ago yeah find them anywhere yeah and I saw them in like a very tiny garden centre in some corner yeah and they didn't have a price I was like what is this and then it was really over growing the pod and he was like for you 7 euros so yeah it's very very nice very cool plants I love it and also a moonshine yeah which is very nice which I think could be a bit brighter if I get more light but it doesn't look like it's reverting back it just looks like it's a little bit darker shade yeah yeah yeah that's true and yours easy the trustees easy fantomworks yeah in the darkest corner of the house that's what I share with everybody I'm like there's only certain plants of mine that I like subject to like the interior of my space is easy plans so reliable yeah it's doing well over a year yeah yeah well have you seen like the enthusiasm for plants really take shape here over the last number of years and another one yeah definitely yeah so I give a lot of workshops yeah in plant care and also in propagation and people just get so enthusiastic about it and want to know more and more about their plans that's very nice yeah I always find that there's always new people coming into the scene yeah yeah yeah for the first time yeah and then sometimes it's like older people to go like I used to have a lot of plants but I just forgot how to take care of them and now we will do learn again Wow so that's very nice but also a lot of young people just they got a few plans and they are like oh no they're dying to do something well this is really marvelous I mean thank you so much for taking us through your wonderful charming little home yeah like all of your plant your your plant friends I guess their plant roomies yes yeah yes so nice yeah we'll take nice to be able to show you blends oh they're gonna love this people are gonna love it how did you enjoy irises home share your thoughts in the comments below and I'd love for you to help support the channel you can do this through a number of ways including subscribing and hitting the notifications valve or even becoming a sustaining member to support independent creator content like this and if you haven't yet pick up or borrow a copy of how to make a plant love you which is available in seven languages including 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Channel: Summer Rayne Oakes
Views: 443,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Summer Rayne Oakes, Homestead Brooklyn, Plant One On Me, plants, houseplants, indoor plants, garden, gardening, house plants, houseplant care, houseplant home tour, houseplant tour, houseplants for apartments, Netherlands houseplant home tour, Mama Botanica home tour, Mama Botanica houseplant home tour, plants for small apartments, houseplants for small apartment, houseplants for low light areas, easy to care for houseplants, rare houseplants
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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