Baked Ziti (Meals under $15)

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hey y'all welcome back to my channel i'm rolling with the pasta dishes right so might as well make baked ziti this is something that you can take to your potlucks really simple really easy a meal that costs less than 15 i never understand when people be like y'all give me advice what should i make that's under 15 and everybody say spaghetti they be sweeping on the bake cd bake cd is delicious so we're gonna hop right into this video so first we want to um dice up one third cup of a yellow onion guys you can also dice up a green pepper or a red pepper and add it to your baked cd i don't in mind but you can it's your dish and then also you want to mix up two to three cloves of garlic i use three some people use two so once you mix up two to three cloves of garlic then we're going to saute this in our saute pan with one tablespoon of olive oil and once your um onions start to you know you don't have to wait for them to become fully softened and translucent but after about one or two minutes we can then add our meat guys i'm using all turkey meat today but you can mix your meat you can add just turkey just um beef you can do a mixture of both sausage you can you can have fun with this dish today i just felt like turkey meat also guys i have my my stove on a level six and once you um brown your meat you know get it into small pieces you want to season your meat all i'm going to be using is italian seasoning blend salt pepper ground oregano onion powder garlic powder and i'm also going to throw in the minced garlic that i chopped up earlier and that's it you can add more seasonings if you want to if you want a little spice to it if you're a spicy girl you want to add in some cayenne pepper or some hot sauce you can't it is your dish i'm not going to do it spicy today so those are the seasons that i just stuck to and you can season to taste but of course i'm going to try my best to leave the amounts that i use in my baked ziti in the description box below um but once you season your meat you want to make sure it gets nice and brown and while it's browning we can move on to making our actual ziti noodles i also add in some basil leaves um you don't have to but i do i feel like basil is a good herb to add into any type of pasta dish um so i did add in some basil um but again you don't have two of your choice okay so we got our meat going our noodles i'm using of course z the barilla brand of ziti noodles the whole box and you want to let this go for about six to seven minutes because we are going to bake this into the oven six to seven minutes until they al dente drain them and then we're gonna move back to our meat our meat is brown so i am using the prego brand of marinara sauce and i'm gonna use the whole bottle but i'm gonna save just a little bit of the sauce so i can put that on top on the bottom of my pan so of course i know this don't stick to our baking dish so we're gonna add the sauce to our meat we having fun you know i'm a sausage girl so i'm adding my sauce to my meat i'm going to mix it all around then i'm also going to reseason a yuppie season during this whole process we're going to reseason our meat with the same seasonings we used earlier so i'm talking to baseball i'm talking the oregano salt pepper i'm talking onion powder i'm talking garlic powder everything we seasoned the meat before we added the um prego and we're gonna do after we add the prego in and then we're also going to add in some canned diced tomatoes guys you can add in as much tomatoes as you want to i added in a cup of the diced tomatoes then we're going to mix that all around once that's all nicely incorporated we're gonna add in some i know i'm moving fast but this is really is not too much to talk about because it's really simple um but once we add in our seasonings and our tomatoes we're gonna add in some ricotta cheese guys literally just the ricotta cheese you know how lasagna you got to put the egg in you put parsley in you put the cheese in if you want to do all that you can i don't i literally just take three to four scoops so i guess i don't know how much that would be take your spoon and take three to four scoops of um ricotta cheese in your sauce and mix it all around and at this point your sauce will go from like a reddish color to like i don't know what color it is it's gonna look start to look creamy um so in total i did add four scoops i went back because i tasted it i had to taste my my meat sauce so i went back and i tasted it and i needed some avocado cheese so i added in four scoops of ricotta cheese mix that all around let that go for about four to five four to five minutes and then we are going to incorporate this all together with the noodles in our um dish and it's just gonna look and taste so good guys y'all gonna be tempted to taste it and yes i did taste it i mean i left me a little bit to the side before i even baked it because i couldn't wait it was too good so i am just now adding my meat sauce to my ziti noodles mixing that all around and this at this point you you can look and see do i want to add a little bit more sauce to it i'm a salsa girl so this is when i added the rest of that marinara sauce it was only a little bit but i added in the rest of the marinara sauce and this at this point you can also season if you want to add some more seasoning if you change your mind and say i want to make it spicy add in some spice literally it's so such an easy dish that's why i'd be confused when people be like oh make spaghetti i bet oh y'all must not know how to cook then so because y'all don't want to be making baked ziti but ziti is is where it's at so um you want to mix this around and once you get everything mixed around we can now make our baked ziti into our dish so i'm using my baking dish and i told y'all i had a little bit of sauce left and i'm going to spray that around the bottom and then i'm just going to take half of my noodles my noodle mixture and i'm gonna put that into my dish just half of it and then i'm gonna sprinkle my cheese on and at this point if you really love ricotta cheese you can add ricotta cheese like layer it kind of like a lasagna i i don't i don't like it that much to be layering it in my basili but um just add that onto it and then add in whatever type of cheese you want to i'm using monterey jack and mozzarella do a nice layer on top and then repeat those steps and then add mozzarella monterey jack on top of your top layer and again if you want to avocado on the top some people do you can do that too also have your stove preheated on 375 degrees and we can cook this for about 20 to 25 minutes guys and i'm gonna come back and let y'all see what we working with [Music] okay guys it is time to see what we working with so our big ziti has come out the oven guys and i just like looking at stuff like this because there's nothing that you need to do extra to it by adding some fresh freshly chopped parsley guys it looks so pretty but i gotta dig in there to really see what we working with y'all thought the video was going in like this and i'm gonna show y'all what was inside of my big ziti i'm gonna dig in to let y'all see what's going on okay so we dig it in there and i want a nice scoop i i mean i want all of it i know it's the stain for me since it's the stain for me it's the stain for me and i want all the extraness the ooey gooey cause i'm a sausage girl so look at all that sauce you think it's a lot of sauce but it's really not because them noodles gonna absorb it's the steam for me sis that y'all gotta try this big ziti guys y'all gonna be when y'all see people say spaghetti y'all gonna be like oh they don't know how to cook i'm telling y'all be sure to like comment and subscribe and make sure you wash your hands and i will see you guys at my next video
Channel: Moni Menu
Views: 33,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bizDKe-1oiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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