Cajun chicken Lasagna roll-ups | Valentine’s Day Dinner Ideas

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hey everybody welcome back to my channel so here's the fourth video for the 2022 valentine's day series and we have cajun chicken lasagna roll-ups let's just hop right into the video so first you want to start boiling your lasagna noodles until they become al dente so about seven minutes and then we can move on to making our chicken so i'm using the chicken breast that i cut up into fairly small pieces um and then i'm just gonna oil my pan using grapeseed oil i have my stove on a medium high heat and then i'm gonna add in my vegetables i'm adding in some green pepper and some red pepper and then as far as seasonings i'm using black pepper paprika cajun seasoning onion powder garlic powder and i'm just going to mix that all together and pour some of that seasoning into my chicken and vegetable medley i'm not going to pour all of it because i'm going to save some later for our sauce um so i'm just going to let our chicken cook until it's completely done which took about um 8 to 10 minutes um and then i'm going to also if you want to add some more vegetables if you want to add mushrooms to it you can i was thinking i was going to add tomatoes but i was like nah i'm gonna do the tomatoes but at this point you can add in whatever type of vegetables that you want to and just cook it until it's done and of course taste it and if you need to add more seasoning i didn't i thought it was very well seasoned and i'm just going to remove um the chicken and the vegetables away from our um on a plate and out of our pan because all of the drippings and the seasonings that are stuck to the pan we are going to use that to make our sauce alfredo sauce so i put in a half a stick of butter one um tablespoon of flour and i'm gonna mix that until the you know you want to get rid of that flour taste so about two to three minutes and then i'm gonna pour in some heavy whipping cream or guys you can use milk or you can use half a half whatever you have handy um i just i personally like to use heavy whipping cream but i have also used milk it works just the same um so i'm gonna pour in about one and a half cups of heavy whipping cream and then remember guys we saved that seasoning that we used on our chicken we didn't use all of it i'm gonna pour the rest of that into the sauce so our sauce can be really really really seasoned um and then i'm also gonna sprinkle some parmesan cheese in our sauce and some parsley you can use whatever type of cheese you want to um i'm actually gonna be using different types of cheeses but in my sauce i'm just using parmesan cheese but then you just want to whisk that all together and then you can cut your stove down actually to a medium low heat and just let your sauce thicken up and if it and guys if it gets too thick um you can add some of that pasta water that you boiled your lasagna noodles in just add a couple of scoops to that to thin it out i i did add about two scoops of pasta water just to thin it out and it just i don't know i don't know i just like to add it so i just added it in the pasta water and um mixed it all around and it should get it should be looking like this you see that consistency beautiful at this point cut your stove off and then we can move on to making our lasagna filling so here i'm starting off with a scoop of ricotta cheese one egg and then i'm gonna sprinkle in some parmesan cheese and i'm gonna whisk that all together at this point you can add in whatever type of cheese you want to as well and then i thought let me add some spinach because typically with cajun chicken pasta i like to add broccoli but i didn't think the broccoli would like it would go well in the lasagna roll-ups so i did spinach instead but that's optional um and then i'm just gonna mix that all together once that's all mixed together that chicken that we cooked earlier we're gonna add that to our cream cheese filling mix that all around and this is what we're going to use guys to put in our lasagna um our lasagna noodles to roll them up it is at this point y'all it's me it smells so good but it should look something like this and then at this point we should be ready to make our lasagna roll-ups so i am starting off with one lasagna noodle and i'm just gonna add the filling in between just like i did actually for my first video ever on youtube i did lasagna roll ups like regular lasagna roll ups it is the exact same method put the filling in don't put too too much in because you don't want it to be like just gushing out chicken popping out left and right um so just put a little bit in and then sprinkle some parmesan cheese on top or whatever type of cheese you want to use and then um just carefully roll it up i did mine kind of tight kind of loose um because i i just wanted it to like be perfectly in for presentation purposes so i just made sure everything was like tucked in and it should look something like that this um mixture the filling it makes six lasagna roll up so if you need to make more um then you can just double the recipe but i'm thinking if you're making this for valentine's day it should be just you or her and her or you know you and him so three a piece i think is more than enough so um six it makes six lasagna roll ups and again you just want to carefully put it rope put in the filling and then roll it up if you need more add more if you need to take some out take some out it's okay if you have to re-roll it also boil extra lasagna noodles so that way if you mess up you have extra noodles and you can like redo them if you need to um but after you finish rolling everything up it should look something like this and then we're gonna put this in our casserole dish i have uh oven preheated to 400 degrees and i'm just going to start off layering that sauce that we made that's been sitting on the stove that tastes absolutely delicious and creamy and i'm just going to add one layer of that sauce on the bottom of our pan and then i'm just going to put our lasagna roll ups and there's no specific way to do this i'm just going to put all six in there and then i'm gonna take it a step further and add some more of that sauce on top of our lasagna roll ups guys you can use however much sauce that you want to but i'm gonna pour some sauce on top and then i'm gonna sprinkle some provolone and some mozzarella cheese on top and then add some more parsley you can use whatever type of cheese you want to but i just think the provolone mozzarella mix just gives a good pull away y'all going to see what i'm talking about later but again we're going to put this in our oven for about 20 minutes or until your cheese is nicely brown and after that it should come out looking something like this absolutely beautiful you could serve it just like this actually and just pour some parsley on top or you can take it a step further and do presentation time because i wouldn't be money if i didn't give your presentation so i'm going to start off with my square plate guys y'all see me use this plate plenty of times and i'm just going to add some more of that sauce on the bottom of my plate i like my stuff saucy and then i'm just going to add three lasagna roll-ups to my plate this is the pull-away part i'm talking about y'all see the cheese y'all gonna impress her or y'all gonna impress him when you do this it's it's oh and it smells good it smells absolutely delicious but you just want to add i'm adding three because remember we made three for us three for him or vice versa and you just want to line them up on your plate and you can serve this with some um a salad some garlic bread sprinkle a little bit of freshly chopped parsley on top and there you have your meal we got the fourth video for the 2022 valentine's day series down and i can't wait to drop video number five i think you guys are gonna really enjoy it but that's pretty much it also i might y'all be going live the day before valentine's day to um just make a dish any dish that you guys want me to make so i can answer your questions in real time so let me know what you think in the comments but that's pretty much it guys be sure to like comment and subscribe make sure you guys are washing your hands and i will see you guys at my next video
Channel: Moni Menu
Views: 13,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iV4KtgudSqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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