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Spaghetti wouldn't be missing on every holiday Filipino occasions. That's why for now, let's cook a more grandeur one, more delicious, ultimately more fantastic version of our favorite Filipino-style Spaghetti. This is Baked Spaghetti. So first, let's saute first. I heated my casserole already, so it needs to be red because it's Christmas season. You put a bit of oil. Okay, and then let's make some saute. So garlic. The garlic. Just until light brown. This one is also simple recipe too. I'm sure that you have treasured Spaghetti recipe that you use. It's just that maybe, you can learn something new with this, right? So watch also. Cooking Spaghetti is one of our favorites especially during holiday season because you know that? It makes us happy, right? Even though everyone sees it as simple, easy to do. When you see it on table, you become excited and the affordability and accessibility is also a big factor for this recipe. Very easy to do and the ingredients, readily available in the supermarket and very affordable too. Okay. So when it becomes light brown, you put your onion. I'm using red onion, why is our onion red now? It's because it's Christmas that's why it is red. You can also use white onions, no problem. Season it with salt generously just on the beginning. Sweat it. And then of course, I'm going to put the grounded meat. This is grounded pork. To the people who are not allowed to eat pork or they have another preference, you can use grounded beef, you can even use grounded chicken and of course, you can also use tuna if you want. No problem. So this is grounded pork. You saute it. And then here, while I am sauteing the grounded pork, I am going to put annatto powder. So this is annatto powder. This will add more color and a nutty flavor to your Spaghetti. This is annatto powder and I'm also going to season it with soy sauce. So that it would really be so tasty. Okay, make sure that you saute it properly. And then I'm going to put hotdogs. So you can use chicken hotdogs, beef hotdogs but me, I like this red so that it would really feel like Christmas, right? And I'm also going to put sliced mushrooms. This is just optional though if you just want grounded meat, there's no problem. Okay, you make some saute and then I'm going to put tomato paste. This is also optional. The reason why I am just putting this tomato paste is for the color of sauce to be more vibrant red and the acidity will remove the feeling of being fed up. And I'm going to put tomato sauce. This is tomato sauce. You can also use sweet-style tomato sauce if you want, this is just plain. You can also put your favorite Spaghetti sauce, no problem and this is banana ketchup. So this banana ketchup would really give that Filipino-style. It's a strong factor on making Spaghetti delicious and I'm putting condensed milk, so this is really the main sweetener and this will also make your Spaghetti to be more creamy. Tasty. If you also don't want to put condensed milk then sugar, no problem. You just put a splash of sugar and then you just mix. There it is, right? It is fantastic, it's really festive. So if you also don't want to use Spaghetti, you want macaroni, penne or any shape of pasta that is going to make you happy then push, you use that one. It's just that the Spaghetti is very festive, right? You know that.... It's part of the tradition that when you can find it on the table, right? All of the family members becomes excited so this dish will surely bring your family together. So that's why we always cook Spaghetti when Christmas or New Year. So there, you bring it to a boil. And then I'm going to put just a splash of white vinegar. Of course, what is taught by my mother, to prolong the life span of food, you put it vinegar. Just a splash and then bring it to a boil so that the vinegar will not taste uncooked. Okay, so you mix, the vinegar boiled already. And then put some cheese, it's optional but me, I like putting cheese to the actual sauce. There it is, right? So that when you forgot to put cheese on top, no problem. And then let's do the final seasoning. If you are not satisfied with the sweetness, you put sugar more. I'm going to put black pepper. I will taste it first before salting it. Go! So it's really like Christmas. It just feel like it only needs a bit of salt. But it's so good. It taste like a happy celebration. Perfect. So I'm going to set this aside and actually, I already boiled a Spaghetti here. This is 1 kg of Spaghetti which I have boiled a while ago. I just decreased it, I just undercook it. If the label says to cook it for 9 minutes, you just cook it for 7 minutes because remember that you are still going to bake it or even you don't bake it. "I don't have oven." No problem. It can be no bake but since, it will be soaked with sauce, you don't want to overcook this because otherwise, it will be soggy or in Tagalog term, it's like 'malabsak' your pasta noodles would be. So now, let's cook our cheese topping that we are gonna put on top of our Spaghetti before we put it in the oven. So I have fresh milk in here, right? You just pour it to your casserole. This is cornstarch. And I have here some easy melting cheese, you use any type of cheese that is going to melt quickly or simply, cheese that you are available with since it will just melt when it is heated. So there, you just mix all the ingredients together and then you dissolve the cornstarch first before you put it on flame. So there. So when the mixture boils, right? It will boil already, as you can see. You just bring it to a light boil. When you see that there's bubbles already, okay? And obviously, your sauce has become gooey already, this is ready. You can turn it off. You can also taste it if you want to season it a bit. So it needs to be gold. You can taste it. I will put it a bit of salt. Okay, it's very important that all of the component of your dish is tasty. A bit more. Well-seasoned. Even our pasta, okay? We put it salt generously when we boil it. And then I'm going to teach you a tip. It's also not required though because you may become stress, right? Not a requirement, just a suggestion only. You may put a pinch of nutmeg here in your cheese sauce. It's taste will enhance more and you know, nutmeg is a holiday spice. So it would really smell more holiday in the kitchen. Or this is the type that your husband or your kid or your customer will ask you "What have you put? Why does it smell good?" Your cheese sauce is tasty. So it's the nutmeg. Just a pinch, a bit only. And now, we are ready to assemble the Spaghetti. Okay, so to assemble it, it's just very easy. You ready your sauce and the Spaghetti. You put Spaghetti first here in the bowl. Put some noodles and then, you just toss the sauce here. And why I am giving myself a hard time with this small ladle when I have a big one here. So there it is, right? And then you just toss it like that. It can also be on the actual baking dish just to make it less messy. For it to be not that messy on the baking dish. So there, you toss it. Remember that if you are baking Pasta dishes, you still need to put additional sauce for it to be not dry easily. Okay, you toss it like that and then you get your baking dish. I'm sure that if your family saw you cooking that, maybe they can't wait for you to bake that. Right? You can also eat it like this, it's not a requirement to bake it. You know that in our kitchen, there is really no requirement. What's the most important is where you are happy, right? So if you want to put it cheese or the sauce of this has cheese already, then you may eat it already, no problem. Even me, I am going to eat now if there's just no camera. You just put a bit of that. Okay. Tray one. So let's make another one. So there, let's make another tray. And then the sauce. So if you have remaining sauce then it's good, you put it on freezer. Right? So it's until New Year already, you're not gonna cook anymore. If you also don't have remaining sauce then it's better because you can cook a lot for New Year. So another batch. This tossing seems to be a torture, it is like I want to get a fork then eat this already. Right? But a bit patience because of course, if this is delicious, this is actually delicious not because I cooked this but just the smell and look, it's already delicious. It will be more delicious if we put it cheese sauce already on the top. That's why let us wait for a bit. Oh my! It might get full. Not that full because the cheese sauce may overflow, just enough. So there. So it's ready. Let's already put our cheese sauce on top. You don't need to bake that, it can just be Spaghetti with love on top, right? You don't need to be stressed anymore if you don't have oven. You just let it set. It's just that when you bake that, there's a bit of effect. That the one who will eat it will more feel you really have tough time making it. Again, do not be stressed. There it is, right? Very perfect. Of course, we are gonna clean that sides of pan. You can just use a spatula, like this. Okay. And then you set it up on the oven already. Actually, it's cooked already so you have two options. You may just broil it for the top to be brown or you set it up on a very hot oven around 400° to 450° F for around 10 to 15 minutes until the top becomes brown and for it's sides to crust. So there. We cooked already. So after baking it in a hot oven for 10 to 15 minutes or until the top is nicely golden brown. It's also good that there's a bit of burnt, right? So you let it cool for a while before slicing it. I am going to ready golden fork because I'm very excited to try this. So let's get some on this part. Look at that. See? Perfect. So what I've said that it really radiates grandiose, right? But it's also not hard to make, right? Just very easy. If you don't have oven then no need to bake. You just pour the cheese topping and of course, let's partner it with our favorite Coca-Cola. Let's add more so we will have a lot of drinks. So there. Let's taste it already. Oh my! I really like this skin on the top. It radiates so much grandiose and this is what I'm saying to you that is very moist. Oh my God! It's really perfect. This Coca-Cola is really perfect with our favorite Spaghetti. I really feel the Christmas already, as in! So what are you still waiting for? Make the perfect combination, make the perfect meal that will surely make your family, friends, and yourself extra happy. So you cook already and happy cooking, happy eating :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 565,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jmRgIBwrQi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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